irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030323

00:12.48*** join/#openembedded SuKo|Japan (
00:37.06*** join/#openembedded Cutt (
00:50.11elron¡ olà !
00:50.32elronI have heard busybox is suid root by default
00:50.52elronis that true ?
00:53.55tzangerelron: ls -l /bin/busybox
00:57.37elronI do not have it ready yet
01:08.19treke|homeelron: no it isnt
01:08.34treke|homeat least non on oz any more
01:08.38treke|homeit is on some systems
01:08.59treke|home(needs to be for some things)
01:09.57treke|homeolder versions of oz did use it suid
01:12.22Cuttanyone can tell me how to add an icon to destop of opie?
01:12.43yeiazelinstall the tab manager
01:12.45*** join/#openembedded minipanda (~minipanda@
01:13.33Cuttyeiazel: i have launcher
01:13.37Cuttis it?
01:13.41treke|homeCutt: no shit
01:13.48treke|homeTab Manager
01:13.57yeiazelCutt: t.a.b. m.a.n.a.g.e.r.
01:14.14Cuttok, ok excuse
01:14.17yeiazelgimme your phone number so I can spell it
01:14.33yeiazel... not sure you can read
01:14.48tzangerI'm trying to create a java .jar for evm but I keep getting java.lang.ClassFormatError on the class files -- I am using jikes 1.18 to create it and I'm specifying to create v1.1 files which should work, shouldn't they?
01:17.28*** join/#openembedded minipanda (~minipanda@
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01:29.01Cuttyeiazel: ipkg install opie-tabmanager.ecc ecc tell me that ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for opie-tabmanager:
01:29.13CuttBut i have installed it
01:29.24kergoth`bblsomebody forgot a comma in the Depends field of that package, i'd say.
01:29.28Cuttor better they are already installed
01:31.52Cuttkergoth: how can i install then?
01:32.01kergotheh? check the -force-depends box
01:32.57Cuttbut via command line becouse AQPkg does not run fine with local packages
01:33.14Cuttthen ipkg -force-depends install bla bla
01:33.23kergothaqpkg installs local packages just fine
01:33.25kergothbut suit yourself
01:33.31kergothi really dont give a shit by what method you install it
01:34.35Cutti'm using 0.7 pre 6 . with opie 0.92 ; with 0.6 and 0.91 works fine
01:34.44Cuttnow it does not work so fine
01:34.59kergoth'does not work so fine' doesnt tell me a fucking thing, for 1
01:35.14kergothfor 2, #opie or is the more appropriate place, givne you're running familiar
01:35.35kergothyo ken, whats goin on?
01:35.44kergothbeautiful out here today, was nice to actually have the windows open for once this year
01:35.45Cuttok see you, thanks
01:36.44tzangerwhat else is evm missing for classes
01:36.54tzangerno BufferedImage, no java.lang.Double.parseDouble
01:37.16kergothheh, you'd probably want to talk to twiun, the resident java expert
01:37.25tzangertwiun?  ok
01:38.04kergothyep, he's the guy that maintains the Z java faq, among other things
01:38.28tzangerI have been hunting through the z java faq for a clear answer of what is and isn't in evm but without much success
01:38.43treke|homekergoth: what did you want to use for the frontend to bootmenu?
01:38.53tzangerI did manage to download and install Blackdown's arm j2re but the damned thing wants libXm and X ain't installed
01:39.06yeiazelkergoth: have you planned to include xmms in the next release ? the zsi xmms page tells to download it on the testing or unstable oz feed... then I can't even try to download it somewhere...
01:39.21kergoththe plan was to put in place a sane format for the files configuring the gui spawn process, so that we can provide any number of frontends
01:39.27kergothbut the first and easiest would be curses/dialog
01:39.38kergothyeiazel: talk to bipolar, he maintains our unstable feed
01:40.00yeiazelyeah, right, you've already said that :) sorry
01:40.05*** join/#openembedded scanline (~micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
01:40.12deptzanger: it is basically java 1.1
01:40.27tzangerdep: so I hear, but BufferedImage is supposed to be in 1.1
01:40.41tzangerjre1.1, I don't know if jvm1.1 is any different
01:40.56depif you want to know the classes, unzip a copy of the jar files in the can see all the classes then
01:41.11tzangeryeah that'd work too I think
01:43.06tzangergiving wonka a shot
01:43.11tzangerwtf is up with these names
01:43.18tzangerif they're trying to be cute it ain't workin  :-)
02:07.14*** part/#openembedded Cutt (
02:13.06ljptime for coffee
02:13.24*** join/#openembedded decaff (
02:14.55tzangerif I restart opie the keyboard doesn't work worth a shit anymore
02:18.49huhhhhwhat is the function of the task-opie-* packages?
02:27.25treke|homesomeone motivate me
02:28.16tzangertreke|home: get to work you lazy bastard!
02:28.22kenb~lart treke
02:28.34treke|homeneither of those worked
02:30.08kenbtreke: go fix some shit already.  
02:30.45tzangerjava seems 'orribly broken on zaurus
02:31.08kenbnot surprising...
02:31.10tzangerevm's not really 1.1 complete, blackdown wants X11 and Wonka's wonky
02:31.56ljptreke: stop watching tv
02:46.19*** join/#openembedded ljp (
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03:38.03TrekCyclingkergoth: are you there?
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04:06.18*** join/#openembedded DocWhat (docwhat@
04:06.37DocWhatHowdy. :-)
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04:58.53DocWhatchouimat|away: You don't say.
05:01.43*** join/#openembedded minipanda (~minipanda@
05:09.59chouimatkergoth: P
05:10.01chouimatkergoth: PING
05:19.03*** join/#openembedded dep (
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05:23.39chouimattreke|home: <--- need 21 to see that :)
05:24.05chouimattreke|home: just found out that my landlord came today when I was away ....
05:25.42chouimattreke|home: local tv :)
05:39.49ccampthats messed,
06:24.37*** join/#openembedded kennyj (
06:25.11kennyjanyone know what would keep Konq from installing on RC3.1?
06:25.41kennyjit claims to have a missing dependency... even though ignore dependencies is enabled >.<
06:29.06kennyjoh yeah, it also gives a permission denied error in /tmp then says a file doesn't exist.
06:29.25kennyjeven though /tmp had normal permissions and everything else works just fine...
06:37.17kennyjgah....  I really gotta stop working on this stuff late at night.
06:37.19kennyjpeace out.
07:08.16*** join/#openembedded Davv (
08:47.28*** join/#openembedded schurig (
08:48.12schurigkergoth: hi!   OE's "oebuild" would actually compile something if we had proper *.oe files
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09:55.48schurigmickeyl: moin!
09:56.04schurigyous seem to be equally computer addicted as I
09:58.03mickeylmorning Schurig...
09:58.08mickeylyeah, I'm afraid so  :)
09:58.31schurighehe, I at least have an excuse: my wife is still sleeping and I like to play some rounds of Mahjongg ...
09:58.36mickeylmy wife is still sleeping and so I have the chance to do some things before I must go to work on repairing my car
09:59.21schurigso we have evidence: sleeping wifes make their husbands kill time at their computers ...  :-)
09:59.33mickeyldamn true that, yeah :-)
10:02.15*** join/#openembedded ukozfan_ (
10:09.36mickeylschurig: RSA1 key sent.
10:10.13*** join/#openembedded carsten (
10:11.51schurigmickeyl: key received, now I have to ssh into that thingy and add it (I have to look into their webpage how to do that ...)
10:15.02schurigmickeyl: you have been added, try the clone
10:16.57mickeylah she's waking up... bbl in a few hours...
10:17.10mickeyl|bblthanks, btw.
10:19.36schurigmickeyl|bbl: you can try to login as admin, too. See
10:29.08*** join/#openembedded ukozfan_ (
10:31.53*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
10:48.08*** join/#openembedded Baldrick (
10:50.13BaldrickHi, im having problems with usb conectivity from my linux box to my zaurus-5500 runing OZ3.1-rc3.1 an i correct in thinking that having Oz on my zaurus means i can use the standard unpatched version of usbnet in kernel 2.4.20?
10:53.42carstenyou are wrong
10:53.52carstenthat patch has been included in 2.4.21-pre1 oder pre2
10:55.55Baldrickah, sorry i was under the impression that the patch was only to solve a problem with the stock rom, i have been reading , thanks, do you know if it has been backported to 2.4.20 at all?
10:56.17carstenBaldrick: you can use the patch against vanilla 2.4.20
10:56.32carstenand mandrake and so on have it in their 2.4.20 AFAIK
10:56.42*** join/#openembedded Cutt (
10:56.55carstenBaldrick: and while patching you kernel: add the ptrace-patch ;)
10:57.10Baldrick:) cheers
10:58.37Baldricki had the zaurus since last july and have failed to get it connection to linux over usb reliably, thanks for the help, might be able to test kitchensync today yet.
11:05.45carstenBaldrick: that is cool! Also report any problem with our howto
11:05.55carstenI try to keep that uptodate
11:09.02Baldrickcarsten: i presume this is the correct patch?
11:10.46carstenbut I already fixed that usbnet.c in 2.4.21-pre5 (typos)
11:11.26Baldrickhmm, i'd rather not go to a pre kernel
11:13.45Baldrickcarstem: is this: the faq you mentioned?
11:14.01carstennow, look at:
11:15.25Baldrickalready got that compiled with the new kde3.1.1 i compile overnight, but usb was bugging out on me
11:15.42Baldrickso i thought id start again from the begining
11:20.37schurigTwiun: moin
11:28.30Baldrickcarsten: you seen these two messages before: kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 3, frame# 645
11:28.32Baldrickkernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: usb0: transmit timed out
11:28.50carstennever seen, sorry
11:31.35*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
11:33.26Baldrickunfortunatley thats what i get & it seems to kill that usb port. strangely i can scp files to the Z but as soon as i try to use kitchensync i get that.
11:40.02carstenok, so ssh to the Z works?
11:44.08carstenmmh, no idea. Perhaps you ask the opie-lsit?`
11:44.15Cutti'm back
11:44.54Baldrickk, thanks for your help anway
11:52.16*** join/#openembedded Horwitz (
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12:24.20*** join/#openembedded Bowser (~knoppix@
12:24.24BowserHi pp
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13:00.52*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
13:01.32Pietehey guys
13:01.42schurigHi to korea
13:02.19Pieteanyone have this problem? OZ 3.1rc3.1 does not recognize any of my CF devices at all..
13:02.22Pieteyo schurig
13:03.06schurigpcmcia_cs and hotplug installed?
13:03.29schurigwhat does "cardctl ident" say?
13:04.11Pieteno product info available
13:05.25schurigno clue on how to help you further, I don't have a Zaurus at home...
13:06.17Pietethats ok.. I see there is ton of updated packages in the feeds.. I'll update them and see if it fixes anything..
13:06.34PieteI hope it doesnt messes anything up :)
13:06.40Pieteargh, grammar
13:08.54schurigPiete: when cardctl ident doesn't work then usually some hardware or low-level kernel driver problem is involved
13:09.41Pietehumm... I doubt all of my cf hardware (2 cf cards, on wifi card) would fail at the same time.. unless, of course it means my cf slot is b0rked
13:10.07Pietein which case I'd be seriously pissed, and go and buy a pocketpc... hmm,, no, maybe not that..
13:11.57Pietesomething is messed up in the packages in the feeds..
13:12.20Pietesome apps do not behave the way they show..
13:12.23Pieteshould even
13:13.03Pietelike opie-clock.. the stopwatch function is crazy.. when you tap on 'start', it jumps to the current time.. it does not start ticking..
13:13.56schurigPiete: I meant the kernel driver that is responsible for the SA1111 which does the PCMCIA/CF thingy
13:14.02schurigmaybe this kernel driver isn't loaded
13:14.06schurigwhat does lsmod say?
13:14.38Pietedoes it have a specific name?
13:14.50Pietethere is too many to justify a paste.
13:15.02schurigI don't know, on my ramses is something like pxa_cs or so
13:15.59Pietesa1100_bi   sa1100_ir    sharp_mmcsd_m     collie_tc35143af    collie_ssp    devinfo    net_fd    usbdcore      usbdmonitor
13:18.47schurigLook with something ending in _cs.o in /lib/modules and beyond
13:20.28Pietethere is lots of stuff in /lib/modules/2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix/pcmcia/
13:20.51schurigPiete: so just "modprobe" the correct one :-)
13:21.42Pieteschurig: I just want to use my cf memory card...
13:22.05Pieteand I don't see anything that looks suitable..
13:32.42*** join/#openembedded minipanda (~minipanda@
13:35.08Pieteis there any open-source games that can be played online? (not cube, ggz, or atlantik)
13:37.44Pietemaybe I should flash the normal sharp-rom again.. I have to be able to actualy use the zaurus..
13:39.51Pietenite guys...
13:39.52*** part/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
14:04.37HClhas irda been fixed in 3.1rc3 yet
14:05.09HClit inits the infrared port as a serial device, breaking standard irda tools... you can get it to work by manually irattaching to the device then setting discovery on..
14:09.25HClguess it hasnt o.o
14:12.35*** join/#openembedded caffeine (
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14:38.48effyanyone know of the C700 support in OZ?
14:40.30ljpbeing worked on last I heard
14:40.40ljpkergoth has a c700
14:40.44effyso trying to install it would be stupid?
14:40.51effyit isnt in 3.1?
14:41.01ljpno opie on it yet
14:41.18effyopie was what again? heh
14:41.28effywhat happened o the OE page?
14:42.54ljpopie is a bad boy that throw temper tantrums
14:43.17effyheh ok
14:44.46ljpor, if you are german, opie means grandfather, or something
14:44.49effyknow of any place to buy spare stylus for the C700?
14:45.20ljpI got replacement stylus for 5000d at office depot
14:45.52effywe'll see if they have them a the ODs here
14:47.02*** join/#openembedded Harlekin (
14:47.08Harlekinhi *
14:51.47*** join/#openembedded carsten (
15:00.13effydamned SuSE wont find my keyboard now.
15:01.07effyhmmm, but neither does windows LOL
15:02.38carstenhow do you type?
15:03.04ljpwith telepathy
15:03.27effyit's a different computer ;)
15:04.47*** join/#openembedded tzanger (
15:06.19effymust be something with the hardware
15:06.26effyfails to get two different keyboards
15:06.44ljphmm.. bios time
15:07.06effyit finds it in the bios no prob. can navigate and everything
15:09.31ljpmaybe try cold boot
15:09.46ljphmm .. nm.
15:09.47effyI'm clearing the bios
15:10.04ljpsend the box to me, I can fix it. ;)
15:11.09effyit's not that impressive of a box, really
15:19.41effydammit, just doesnt wanna work
15:20.29tzangerI think my favourite of all spam is the spam that says "Are you sick of deleting junk email?"
15:20.29*** join/#openembedded Bowser (Andreas@
15:27.58Twiuntzanger: saw your wonka comment higher up...
15:28.07tzangerTwiun: hey there
15:28.21tzangerit just gives me null pointer exception after null pointer exception
15:28.27Twiundid anyone actually say the AWT was functional? (it's not supposed to be yet)
15:28.53tzangerTwiun: not that I'm aware of (I was having a hell of a time finding documentation on the specific jvm/jres)
15:29.24tzangerTwiun: do you know what definately is and is not in evm's implementation?  so far I know that BufferedImage and Double something are both missing
15:29.52tzangerI believe I saw an X server for zaurus...  that would mean i have a pretty good shot at getting blackdown's jre to work
15:29.59Twiuntzanger: Jeode appears to follow the PersonalJava 1.2 spec to the letter
15:30.24Twiuntzanger: blackdown+x+gtk libs+...+... gets quite heavyweight :)
15:30.33tzangerhmm ok so it's not Jeode's fault, it's PersonalJava's  :-)
15:30.38tzangerTwiun: I agree that will get quite heavy
15:30.53tzangerI'm not sure if I need gtk at all...  but I don't know what all blackdown's going to be looking for
15:31.05Twiuntzanger: lemme see if wonka actually has a (obviously incomplete) BufferedImage class
15:31.24Twiunblackdown uses gtk bindings afaik... or it could even be motif
15:31.24*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
15:31.30Twiunhey tmm
15:32.08Twiuntzanger: nope, no BufferedImage in wonka... let's see when it was introduced
15:32.37tzangerYeah I see that BufferedImage isn't there from looking at the javasrc documentation...  where are you looking to see when it was introduced?
15:32.47tzangerafaik XWT is supposed to play nice with any java 1.1 implementation
15:34.06Twiuntzanger: well, I'm checking the 1.1.8 docs, but also the java api compatibility tool reports at
15:35.01Twiuntzanger: what's the XWT webpage?
15:35.09tzangerI was hoping I could just hack on the necessary classes to evm but I need to get a better idea of what all XWT's using
15:35.37Twiuntzanger: you may find that BufferedImage has native implementations on most platforms though
15:35.44tzangerI did find that
15:36.01tzangerwith the help of a friend I did some nasty hacking to get BufferedImage converted to just Image and that worked
15:36.13tzangerTwiun: I'm not so much interested in speed as just a proof of concept atm
15:36.40tzangerwonka vs jdk1.1 claims 97.62% good on awt
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15:37.31Twiuntzanger: yeah, but that never covers the native peers
15:37.41tzangerwhat's that mean?
15:38.12Twiuntzanger: 97% good on the package java.awt - java.awt is backed by sun.awt.* stuff in Sun's JVM
15:38.42tzangerTwiun: if you join #flood I can show you what's crashing exactly
15:38.49Twiuntzanger: non java* packages aren't part of the public interface, aren't documented and so can't be tested... sure, one sec
15:40.32tzangerhmm ok so I was wrong right off the bat?
15:40.44Twiuntzanger: the default wonka stuff from acunia only has a framebuffer AWT implementation
15:40.57tzangeryeah it takes over the screen pretty well :-)
15:41.00Twiunthat's why I'm working on getting it a Qt/Embedded one
15:41.34tzangerTwiun: ok...  but having it just fb would just mean it fights with QT/E right?
15:41.50Twiuntzanger: yeah, but also, there's no support for the touchscreen
15:41.59tzangerok I just read what you wrote on your homepage
15:42.19Twiunthat's just a project page... main site has the faq too
15:42.27tzangerok I'll try this out and see what it does
15:42.45tzangerwhat's the difference between 0.9.4 and 0.9.4-smw?
15:43.29Twiunhmmm, might have left debug info in there... one sec, lemme upload my current working version
15:43.34tzangergeneric question now -- if I restart opie, the keyboard doesn't seem to work right anymore..  this is 3.1rc3.1
15:43.50tzangeris there a way to restart the keyboard handler?
15:44.01TwiunI get the same problem... no idea though
15:44.15Twiuntzanger: give me a few mins :) I've broken my package...
15:44.28tzangerheh ok np
15:44.36tzangerrm -rf open-wonka is still going
15:44.51tzangerI have to admit that the zaurus is a neat little machine
15:45.12tzangerwill the 5600 be that significantly different?  I mean besides the core processor change and huge battery
15:45.22Twiunyeah, the default tarball from acunia has loads of files
15:45.41Twiundunno about the 5600, I'm still using a 5000d
15:45.58tzangerI am borrowing an 5500 from a guy at my local LUG to see if I want to buy one or not
15:46.25Twiunwell, with regards to java support, it could be better :)
15:46.57tzangerI would be hoping to write a specific platform file for the zaurus for xwt if it works well enogh
15:47.21tzangerbasically a QTE wrapper, as the default linux binary is for X11
15:47.55tzangerTwiun: heh well I have a .jar that hacks around the BufferedImage requirement
15:48.07tzangerlet me see what that Double function was that I ran against next
15:48.37Twiundoh!... the wonka package is already there :)
15:48.47tzangerjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java/lang/Double.parseDouble(Ljava/lang/String;)D
15:49.25Twiunyup... javadocs says "since 1.2"
15:49.34tzangerAdam's full of shit  :-(
15:50.18tzangerTwiun: that was for Double.parseDouble?
15:50.23TwiunI should write an app to test compatibility with 1.
15:50.29Twiuntzanger: yup, in the 1.4.1 javadocs
15:51.03Twiuntzanger: might be able to use the constructor Double(String s)...
15:51.05tzangerhmm I should grab wre.jar too I think :-)
15:51.11Twiuntzanger: no need
15:51.15Twiuntzanger: it's in the package
15:51.17tzangerhmm I get a segfault
15:51.26tzangerwonka -cp xwt.jar org.xwt.Main
15:51.31tzangerABORT Wonka: startLoading  569: Could not find boot class library`opt/QtPalmtop/lib/wonka/wre.jar'.
15:51.32tzangerSegmentation fault
15:51.46Twiundo a find for wre.jar
15:51.49Twiunshould be in there
15:52.15tzangerit's in /mnt/card where I put it heheh
15:52.32Twiunsymlink the lib/wonka subdir
15:53.41Twiunhow did you install it? my oz package stuff makes the right symlinks by default
15:53.55tzangeripkg install -d sd filename.ipk
15:54.12Twiundo ipkg-link mount /mnt/card
15:54.51tzangerwhat's that do just find anything that's in the sd and symlink it into /opt?
15:55.21tzangerhmm got something different now :-)
15:55.23Twiunwell, not everything - it only does installed packages' installed files
15:55.42Twiuntzanger: lol, no applet support yet
15:55.47tzangerheh ok
15:56.05Twiunit's already on the todo though
15:56.06tzangerI might try the whole X11/motif/blackdown just to see if it works
15:56.10tzangerI appreciate your help
15:56.16Twiunno problem :)
15:56.39tzangeris there anything I need to do for X11 support?  just install the package?  There are no config files to edit or?
15:57.02Twiunthat I don't know. I installed X11 once when I got my 5000d :)
15:57.59TheMasterMind1tzanger: ya just install tinyx from oz feed
15:58.08TheMasterMind1and either fluxbox or icewm
16:02.51carstenfb :)
16:03.48tzangercarsten: :-)
16:04.54tzangerok so tinyx _replaces_ qte?
16:05.15carstentzanger: I just love fluxbox
16:06.30tzangerhmm maybe tinyx was already installed
16:06.40tzangerI need motif then :-)
16:15.17tzangerhmm is there a javadoc/javasrc for evm?
16:15.20tzangerinsignia's website blows
16:16.13tzangerand esmertec's is worse (unbelievable but true)
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17:04.19Twiuntzanger: no javadocs that I know of, and certainly no sources
17:19.01tzangerso do I just shut down opie and start tinyx then?
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17:20.36kennyjAnyone know of a good external battery pack?  Preferrably one that can be purchased via Paypal? ;)
17:23.07tzangerhmm gtk deosn't appear to have a package
17:29.11TheMasterMind1there is no gtk
17:29.13TheMasterMind1in oz
17:29.29TheMasterMind1tinyx is really limited
17:30.32tzangerI see now that XWT is Java1.2+
17:30.55tzangerin xwt/src/org/xwt/plat/
17:31.10tzangerhowever I bet it could be brought down to 1.1
17:31.22Twiundepends on what features it needs
17:31.34tzangerI am _positive_ it was Java1.1 at one point
17:32.45Twiundoesn't it have a cvs repo?
17:33.03tzangerI do some hacking on XWT
17:36.25tzangerwhoa that got significantly farther
17:43.34Twiunhow much farther?
17:43.52tzangerTwiun: well my errors are now outside of the Java2 platform code :-)
17:43.59tzangernow it's barfing in the PNG handler
17:44.25Twiunblackdown's png handler?
17:44.33tzangerno no this is evm still
17:44.58Twiuncould be it's buggy... any way of using another format?
17:45.05tzangerwell hang on
17:45.12tzangerinstead of using DoubleBuffer I'm doing this nasty
17:46.13tzangerinstead of i = BufferedImage(cm, ...) I am saying
17:46.28tzangerLabel l = new Label ("AWT sucks");
17:46.43tzangerFrame f = new Frame(); f.add(l);;
17:46.50tzangeri = l.createImage(w,h);
17:47.31Twiunhmmm, why would it use png with that
17:47.47tzangerit's not, but that's XWT's generic BufferedImage now :-)
17:47.51tzangerand it'd be loading pngs into there
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17:49.07tzangerbasically XWT can run on a number of different platforms so there are stubs for each platform
17:49.25tzangerI'm just trying to avoid the use of several 1.2 classes it seems to want
17:50.05tzangerthe three it took was BufferedImage, Double.fromString or sommat and javax.swing.FocusManager.setCurrentManager
17:50.18bipolar_notheredoes anyone know if there is a fb vncserver for the ipaq? All I see is one for the zaurus.
17:50.51bipolarheh... always forget that...
17:55.15kergothyeah there is, its in the sources
17:55.18lsmithi am using xmms from rc2 on rc3.1 and I have an odd issue
17:55.26kergothmorning all
17:55.37lsmithevery now and then xmms stops to register input from the navigation button
17:55.58Twiunhey kergoth
17:56.02lsmiththen it outputs sme cryptic letters in the bottom of the screen whenever i press a button
17:56.08lsmitha reboot fixes the problem
17:59.49ljp1 q.... spit or swallow
18:01.43ljpthey always neglect to answer that question in their profiles
18:01.53schurigchouimat: I like this " I am charming and very sexy". Women don't say this about themselves. So it's clearly brushed up by some agency
18:02.35chouimatschurig: I know but I think my brother will order her soon ...
18:02.37tzangerit's sad that I have to look in the second-to-last age category
18:03.15tzangertha's more my style
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18:03.38schurigkergoth: we need to decide on how to continue with OE
18:03.59tzanger  or that
18:04.00kergothyes, another discussion/meeting is in order.
18:04.08kergothbrb, booting onto 2.5.65-mm1
18:04.41tzangershe sure don't look 30
18:05.11chouimattzanger: the second you posted is my age ...
18:05.30tzangershe's pretty, and my age
18:05.46tzangerI wonder what my wife would think if I ordered a russian bride :-)
18:06.23schurigtzanger: maybe she likes it, then she would say "spassibo"
18:06.31tzanger"spassibo" ??
18:06.35chouimattzanger:depend on how you tell her :) you can say: look honey you will have someone to speak with after ... :)
18:06.48schurigsomething like that, it's russian for "thank you" AFAIK
18:07.58schurigtzanger: you could also order
18:08.01schurig(for her) :-)
18:08.32schurigbut maybe is more her style
18:09.55*** join/#openembedded kergoth (
18:10.58TheMasterMind1chouimat: eh
18:11.04chouimatok I think my brother had too much free time his spaming me with ratenude
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18:12.56tee-zee2.5.65 is still a little unstable
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18:20.48chouimatschurig: now my brother is on
18:24.58chouimat|awaytzanger: i think he got way too much free times
18:28.22Twiuntzanger: just added the java.applet* stuff to wonka
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18:33.47chouimat|awayweatherbot: weather cyqb
18:33.49weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is 3 C (39 F), windspeed is 0.00 km/h, and visibility is 32.19 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.23 1800 UTC).
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18:44.48mickeyltronical: got a chance to test an image today?
18:45.20tronicalmickeyl: yes, I got it booting, but ran into the same ts problem as you (it not working at all)
18:45.42mickeyltronical: ok. while I don't like this I'm glad its not my environment.
18:45.55mickeyltronical: thanks for confirming.
18:46.36tronicalmickeyl: (tried with and without tslib)
18:47.58mickeyltronical: hmm... i see two potential sources. Either we b0rke something with the Q_WS_SL5XXX stuff or the we b0rke it while going from qte-2.3.4-beta4 to final.
18:48.15mickeyli suspect the latter - somehow.
18:48.25chouimat|away <--- I want 3 like her
18:49.00mickeylibot: seen kergoth
18:49.05kergoth is currently on #opie (39m 10s) #uclibc (39m 10s) #picogui (39m 10s) #tuxscreen (39m 10s) #zaurus (39m 10s) #elinux (39m 10s) #openembedded (39m 10s) (39m 10s) #openzaurus (39m 10s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 34m 15s
18:50.14Twiunchouimat|away: nothing about her personality though
18:51.37chouimat|awayTwiun: my brother is browsing bride by mail site today ....
18:52.15Twiunchouimat|away: he's only going for looks?
18:52.33chouimat|awayTwiun: I hope ... :)
18:54.08chouimat|awayok I'm off
18:58.54tzangerTwiun: wow you're fast
18:59.37Twiuntzanger: just adapting Wonka's sources for this :)
18:59.48Twiuntzanger: it gets slower writing original code
18:59.56tzangerI would imagine so :-)
19:00.09tzangeris it still the 0.9.5-smw3_arm.ipk?
19:01.23Twiunno drastic enough changes to warrant a version change yet
19:01.42Twiunmight go to smw4 if I get the appletviewer working
19:02.10tzangerwhat'st he smw stuff?
19:02.42Twiunchanges to wonka by smw, those being my initials :)
19:02.58tzangerahh ok
19:11.13Twiunwell... that was the first applet Wonka ran on the Z... nice black screen
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19:14.12tzangerI get a null pointer exception but I'm not sure where to go from there
19:16.41Twiunwant to paste it in #flood?
19:16.46tzangeryeah ok
19:17.37Twiunsimple enough :)
19:18.06tzangerwhat is it...  I can't even make that one out
19:18.10Twiunreturn null;
19:18.16Twiunthat's the implementation...
19:18.25Twiun... so it's hardly surprising it returns null
19:18.33Twiunbad, bad xwt for not checking return values
19:18.34tzangerwhere did you get that from in there?
19:18.51Twiunmy sources
19:19.41tzangerright but from that exception what told you it was in the font loader?
19:19.56Twiunactually... I misread that
19:20.16Twiunsorry :) I need to standardise wonka's traces with Sun's
19:20.24tzangerline 419 of org.xwt.plat.AWT is fontlist = new String[awtfonts.length * 4];
19:21.22TwiunI'd say awtfonts is null... and if you go higher I bet you'll get something like String[] awtfonts = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontList();
19:21.45tzangerI see where you got it now
19:21.51tzangerToolkit.getFontList() duh
19:22.12tzangerI was looking in the stack trace itself
19:22.32Twiunyeah, that line was debug from the toolkit impl
19:22.58Twiunso we can: (a) handle null in your code, or (b) make me implement that properly
19:23.08TwiunI'd say b is probably better
19:23.44tzangerhmm the damn thing should have checked and said something to the effect of "no fonts found"
19:24.21Twiunyeah, but I'm not sure if there's a contract to the effect that null won't be returned...
19:24.37Twiunlet's try with return new String[0];
19:25.40Twiunok, new ipk is on the site
19:27.40Twiuncool, found the Qt calls to get the proper info
19:30.01tzangerok it's sitting in Toolkit.getColorModel(0
19:30.03tzangerer ()
19:30.44tzangerthis is really exciting for me :-)
19:30.49Twiunthat returns null too :)
19:31.07Twiunok... lets see what would be a sensible default
19:32.06Twiuntzanger: it's fun trying to get something to work :)
19:33.39kennyjI have a problem trying to install konq-embedded...  it gets a permission denied error on it's preinst file under the /tmp tree.  Any ideas?
19:33.51kennyjIs ipkg from the command line safe now, perhaps?  Maybe that'll work?
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19:35.21tz-zaurusI'm running 2.5.65 on my computer and it hangs at times
19:35.25Twiunkennyj: you can install konq/E if you remove (temporarily) the nouser entry in fstab for the installation media I believe
19:35.30Twiuntz-zaurus: hehe
19:35.42Twiun<tzanger> this is really exciting for me :-)
19:35.42Twiun<Twiun> that returns null too :)
19:35.42Twiun* Twiun grumbles
19:35.42Twiun<Twiun> ok... lets see what would be a sensible default
19:35.42Twiun<Twiun> tzanger: it's fun trying to get something to work :)
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19:36.47tzangernow where was I
19:37.55Twiunsaying how exciting this was :)
19:38.10kergothgod i love ccache.
19:38.35kennyjhmm...  on a related note, how do you backspace/delete in vi on the Z?  Neither the backspace key nor the Del function on the thumb keyboard actually work...
19:38.37Twiunkergoth: useful when you've got such a big project eh?
19:38.48Twiunkennyj: use x
19:38.51kergothneed to rebuild qt/e? no biggie, couple minutes
19:38.56Twiunthe key
19:38.56yeiazelkennyj: learn vi :)
19:39.00kergothforget an opt in your kernel? rebuild, done in 20-30 seconds
19:39.09kennyjyeiazel:  my memory sucks. :p
19:39.26yeiazelkennyj: buy "vi pocket reference" from o'reilly
19:39.46ljppoor guy
19:39.47kennyjI'm broke.  :(
19:40.19kennyjabout all I can ever remember in vi is dd, :w, :q, and /
19:40.50tzangerwhen I started out I used to have to switch to another VT and kill vi
19:40.59Twiunkennyj: :%s/search/replace/g is good too
19:41.08Twiuntzanger: hahaha
19:41.19yeiazelthe r, c, y, p, and all other commands are useful
19:41.26Twiuntzanger: ok, new ipk on the site
19:41.43Twiuntzanger: returns a DirectColorModel instead of null
19:41.46ljpthats why emacs is better. no arcane keyboard crud
19:41.53kennyjyet, sadly enough, I use gvim almost religiously on the desktop...  stupid easy GUI keeping me from learning anything....
19:42.09tzangerlip yeah but I need a cluster just to start up emacs
19:42.13kergothgvim? bleh
19:42.31tzangergvim is very groovy on win32
19:42.32kergothcept in windows, gvim is nicer than notepad ;)
19:43.06kennyjespecially if you get stuck on a win9x box, where Notepad refuses to open anything larger than a post-it note
19:43.17tzangernotepad+ is nice
19:43.27kergothI used to use ultraedit religiously
19:43.30kergothgood tool
19:43.31kennyjI thought it was ok...  gvim is better IMO however.
19:43.33kergothuse gvim now tho
19:43.50kennyjI'm waiting for a Z port of gvim.  ^_^
19:43.52ljpI just use emacs everywhere
19:45.03kennyjif I could program worth beans, I'd write one myself...  haven't done anything worth mention since high school though, and then it was only Java.  Hell, I have a Sam's C++ book that hasn't moved on my shelf for two years now.
19:45.36yeiazelkennyj: kvim portage would be easier than gvim... :)
19:45.40kergothkennyj: someone started porting kvim already
19:45.43kergothkennyj: kvim/e
19:45.44ljpwhen I was in high school, java was 1) a country, and 2) slang for coffee
19:45.52yeiazelljp: you got 50 fingers ?
19:45.55kennyjreally?  sweet
19:46.02kennyjI didn't even know there was a kvim :)
19:46.04kergothkennyj: it still relies on some qt3 classes.. its waiting for someone to finish it
19:46.07tzangerjava was a country?
19:46.09yeiazelkergoth: :))
19:46.30ljpkvim has been around for a long time, just no development for a while
19:46.33kennyjhuh?  java country?
19:46.40kennyjisn't that like, Columbia or something?
19:46.57kennyjoh, right.  It's a language too. ;)
19:47.50ljpyes, java is a country
19:48.26kennyjheh...  Sun just can't avoid infringing on *something* huh?  :)
19:48.52tzangerok now your version of wonka does exactly what evm's doing so far
19:49.15Twiuntzanger: good, good, lets fix wonka to be better than evm then :)
19:49.24kennyjman...  I just remembered a strange problem I've been having.  If I terminate Opie, within 30 seconds or so, the Z freezes up at the console.  No matter what I'm doing there.
19:49.29tzangerand I think that is because of my stupid BufferedImage hack
19:49.44tzangerif I run the original xwt jar I just get a BufferedImage class not found error
19:51.13tzangerI am 100% sure my crazy hack doesn't work right :-)
19:51.31Twiunlet's see if gnu ClassPath has a BufferedImage imp
19:54.15TwiunBufferedImage depends on a few other classes
19:54.25tzangerthat sucks
19:54.33Twiundownloading them even
19:55.08Twiunthen again
19:55.18Twiunthat looks like quite a chunk of work :(
19:55.38tzangeryou've been awesome, I don't want to push my luck here
19:55.47Twiunno problem
19:55.53Twiunit was fun :)
19:56.10TwiunI will get to BufferedImage eventually though
19:56.42tzangerI am sure that I can screw around with the platform code I can get around it
19:56.56kennyjit turns out it was the nosuid,nodev,noexec flags for /var.  Or one of them, anyways.
19:57.28tzangerI need corey's help though (he's helped me with it too)
19:57.37tzangerkenb: it's the user flag -- that's what got it working for me anyway
19:57.40tzangerer kennyj rather
19:57.48kennyjthere's a user flag?
19:57.53kennyjI didn't see one in there.
19:58.03*** join/#openembedded nz (
19:58.06tzangerramfs           /var    ramfs   defaults,user   0  0
19:58.13nzhi guys
19:58.19Twiuntzanger: I'm sure we can work together to get it working eventually
19:58.37tzangerTwiun: agreed :-)
19:58.46nzhow cani get my zaurus to use my winxp internet connection 15?14¿14?
19:58.46tzangerI have to give this back in a few days though, I'll have to get one ordered
20:00.07nzi cant seem to get it to work
20:01.24Twiuntzanger: hooked on the Z then?
20:01.45tzangerTwiun: I wouldn't say hooked exactly, but it definately looks like it'll work for what I want to do with it
20:01.53tzangerI want to do some comparisons with the 5600, most notably battery life
20:02.11kennyjset up ICS on your connection, it'll change the IP address of the Zethernet card.  Change the Z's IP to one within the same subnet and set up the
20:02.13tzangeras a PDA, it's a failure...  but as an ultraportable linux machine, it's great
20:02.19kennyjlet me try that again
20:02.42Twiuntzanger: agreed - If I ever get hold of a c700 with good battery life it'd be interesting
20:02.43gaurdianhow is it a failure as a PDA / I use it all the time as a PDA
20:02.49tzangerTwiun: :-)
20:02.58Twiungaurdian: battery life sucks :)
20:03.08tzangergaurdian: a PDA with a 2-3h battery life?  My Palm Vx gets 2 weeks of everyday use
20:03.12gaurdianuh.......I have never had battery issues
20:03.27gaurdianI use it all day at work
20:03.30tzangerhaving to charge every day or two seems problematic
20:03.32gaurdianno probs
20:03.46tzangeras I said though, as an ultraportable, it's incredible
20:03.52gaurdianwhats problematic about it / just put on the that real tough for you
20:03.56kennyjset up ICS on your connection, it'll change the IP address of the Z's ethernet adapter from XP's perspective.  Change the Z's internal IP to one within the same subnet and use the IP that XP assigned as the gateway and DNS server.
20:04.08gaurdianIs it to much to remember to out on its dock ?
20:04.18tzangergaurdian: it ties me to AC power every few hours -- that is problematic
20:04.23Twiungaurdian: if you've got wireless setup on it, the cradle may well still be in the box
20:04.50tzangerTwiun: I don't have the cradle for it at all -- I just borrowed the AC adaptor, wireless card and it
20:04.55gaurdianNot at all, I use wireless
20:05.12tzangeroops I thought that was aimed at me :-)
20:05.24Twiuntzanger: :)
20:05.30gaurdianI mean its NOT that hard to plug in is it ?
20:05.42gaurdianI have taken it cross country and NEVER had a issue
20:05.52nz07-[14 gaurdian 07]- 15tnx alot
20:05.54TwiunI think it's too much to ask from people who are used to not having to charge it every day
20:05.56tzangergaurdian: no of course not... what I am saying is that if I have to constantly (i.e. every few hours or even days) remember to plug it in, it's a nuisance
20:06.04gaurdianwhen I am not useing it I plkug it ion....real tough
20:06.17kennyjhey, be nice :)
20:06.19tzangerI'm not dissing the machine itself, just its utility as a straight PDA
20:06.20gaurdianyou cant remember to plug it in at night ?
20:06.34gaurdianand I am saying it works fine as a PDA
20:06.55gaurdianI use it on a daily basis, I dropped my Kyocera 6035 for it
20:06.58kennyjactually I'm considering an external battery pack for my 5500.  I'll need to use wifi functionality all day for my new job, so ~900mAh just ain't gonna cut it.
20:06.59Twiungaurdian: it shouldn't be like a pet that you have to feed it every night. But there's no point arguing - we've got differing points of view
20:07.06tzangermind you the battery is small enough to carry a spare around without much issue
20:07.09kennyj      this looks quite interesting.
20:07.17gaurdianI guess....
20:07.42Twiuntzanger: at £30 per battery, with no way to charge it save inside the Z (talking about the 5000d here)
20:07.43kennyj$30, should work just fine with the Z, 3600 mAh.
20:08.05tzangerTwiun: yeah
20:08.11kennyj4-5 times the standard battery capacity.  You just have a small piece of plastic about half the size of a cellphone on your belt.
20:08.19tzangermind you it's Li-ion, so it doesn't just "go dead" like NiCD
20:08.21tzangerer NiCD
20:08.24tzangerer dammit NiCd
20:09.15kennyjor you could build a battery pack with a bare minimum of electronic skill and four NiCd batteries.  When it dies, the Z still has a full charge.
20:10.07tz-zauruskennyj: sure...  IIAE
20:10.27kennyjumm... IIAE?  wha?
20:10.30tz-zaurusdammit something keeps killing my laptop
20:10.34kennyjnever heard *that* before...
20:10.58tz-zaurusI Am An (electrical) Engineer
20:11.24kennyjThat'd be IAAE though
20:11.30kennyjor IAEE
20:11.37tz-zaurusTwiun: :-)
20:11.38kennyjIAAEE.  There.
20:12.22nz07-[14 gaurdian 07]- 15will that trick still work if i only have one nice 15?14¿14?
20:13.16Harlekinarg, kick mit anlauf
20:13.22tz-zaurusnz turn off those gay-ass colour codes
20:14.14*** join/#openembedded tzanger (
20:15.07nzk the colours are gone
20:15.14tzangermany thanks
20:15.19tzangerthis isn't talkcity
20:15.49nzi have 1 nic in this machine, ip, its connected to a router
20:16.01tzangernz you still need ICS
20:16.01nzand i have the usb cradel plugged into this machin
20:16.17nzcan i get the pda to use the internet connection ??
20:16.28tzangerIIRC you set up ICS on your USB interface (not 100% sure but the last time I set it up it seemed ass-backward)
20:16.29nz07-[14 tzanger 07]- 15i setup the ics thing
20:16.42kennyjnz, like I said before: set up ICS on your connection, it'll change the IP address of the Z's ethernet adapter from XP's perspective.  Change the Z's internal IP to one within the same subnet and use the IP that XP assigned as the gateway and DNS server.
20:16.51tzangerso now your USB interface on the XP side MUST be
20:17.42tzangerat least it must be in win2k
20:18.41nz07-[14 tzanger 07]- 15should i change the ip on the pda to 2 ??
20:18.53tzangerthink about it
20:19.03tzangerthe PDA canot have the same IP as teh XP machine
20:20.06nzok i told xp to use,
20:20.17nzand now tell the sharp to use as the gateway
20:20.21nzand its should work
20:20.59tzanger192.168.0.1/24 is not on the same network as
20:21.04tzangeryour XP machine is right
20:21.17tzangeryoru sharp needs to be on the same network... so or something, and its gateway is the XP machine
20:21.29tzangergateway = where the machine goes when it can't get there directly
20:23.30nzthe interface is disconnected
20:23.48tzangerI don't know enough abotu it to help much
20:23.54tzangermake sure the zaurus' usb interface is up
20:24.12nzits not
20:24.17nzthats wat i mean
20:24.36tzangerwell run ifdown [whatever the usb interface is called[
20:24.42tzangerfollowed by ifup
20:25.54nznot sure what it is called
20:26.08tzangerwell use the network applet just like everyone else would.  :-)  
20:26.09nzis the config file in /etc/network/interfaces ??
20:26.42nzfound it cheers
20:27.50kennyjthe network applet's actually working properly now?  :)
20:28.51kennyjkudos to whoever fixed it. ;)
20:41.22kennyjis there any way to get the cardmon applet to ignore the presence of the SD card / not include the option to eject it?
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20:56.18TheMasterMind1ibot messages
20:56.18TheMasterMind1: have you tried ?
20:56.27TheMasterMind1ibot help
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21:38.05*** join/#openembedded _SATO_ (bofh@
21:38.20_SATO_helloo to all from Bulgaria :)
21:39.32_SATO_the first time in Bulgaria wer have SL-55000 ZAURUS :) and we install Open Zaurus :) who response here for development ?/
21:43.23*** join/#openembedded caffeine (
21:51.55numatrix_SATO_: a lot of people are, but it looks like they're not here right now.
21:52.03numatrix_SATO_: do you have questions?
21:57.20kennyjgah...  need ncurses4.  Anybody know where I can find ncurses4 for the Z?
21:58.07numatrixkennyj: for what app?  Sometimes you can just symlink the ncurses5 to ncurses4.
21:58.36kennyjkismet_client and vim 6.1 both won't work with the symlink to ncurses5.  I tried. :)
21:58.55numatrixkennyj: really?  Hmm, kismet uesd to work with ncurses5.  That's odd.
21:59.04numatrixkennyj: I'll dig up the ncurses4 link. One sec.
21:59.13kennyjMaybe it's just me.  I have a funny knack for breaking things. ;)
21:59.18tzangerkismet-qt can't connect to the server on my box
21:59.22tzangerworked once then quit  :-(
21:59.37kennyjoddly enough I got kismet-qt to work just fine once everything was configured.
21:59.38tzangerI installed kismet and kismet-qt again (from testing) but same results
21:59.57kennyjyou made sure that kismet was working fine from the console first?
22:00.05tzangerkennyj: nope not yet :-)
22:00.28kennyjtry that.  You might need to edit kismet's config file a bit.  It's self-documented.
22:00.41tzangerit's weird thought hat it worked once
22:01.42numatrixtzanger: It'st he client that's quitting and not the server?  Sometimes the server has issues if the interface is down.  Bringing it up might help.
22:01.49tzangerit is up
22:02.04tzangerthe client just says 'can't contact server' and offers to let me try again
22:02.10kennyjyeah.. one thing you have to double-check is that kismet is going after wlan0 and not eth0
22:02.15tzangerI am using the wireless interface before I do that :-)
22:02.24kennyjeth0 is not the wifi card :)
22:02.26tzangerkennyj: hmm yeah it might have flipped over for one reason or another
22:02.39numatrixyeah, kismet does require a fair amount of config file editing, unfortunately.
22:03.08kennyjI'm having lotsa fun with my wifi card.  If I want to eject it, I can just use cardmon... but if I try that after running kismet, even after bringing it down, doing that will crash my Z.
22:03.24kennyjBut, if I just bring it down with ifconfig, I can pull it out without a problem.
22:03.37kennyjUnless I haven't run Kismet, in which case doing so will make the CF slot unusable.
22:03.40kennyjIt's fun. :)
22:10.31kennyjI did notice something interesting about wifi on the Z.  Seems the only Kismet driver that works on prism2 wifi cards is prism2_legacy - the hostap and the normal prism2 driver just don't work yet.  I think it's an issue with the uber-outdated kernel in OZ.
22:11.45yeiazelI've used kismet with the "normal" prism2 driver with no pb
22:11.57kennyjlucky dog.  Which card?
22:12.10kennyjI have the Linksys WCF12.
22:12.14yeiazelthe same
22:12.56kennyjI tried prism2 and prism2_hostap, neither worked.  prism2_legacy did, however.  I tried the versions of kismet both with and without pcap support, too.
22:13.31kennyjIs there anything non-obvious that I missed?  Is there a wlan-ng package that I didn't see or something?
22:14.11kennyjI *did* update hostap-modules...
22:14.52yeiazelI haven't done anything special
22:14.58kennyjheh, maybe it's just me.  If there's a way to break something purely by random chance, I'm going to find it one way or another.
22:15.03yeiazelplugged the wcf12, it was recognized
22:15.09yeiazelthen installed and started kismet
22:15.18kennyjwhich version of OZ?  3.1RC3.1?
22:15.34kennyjahh.  Something might've been borked since.
22:15.37yeiazelhaven't tried wardriving with 3.1rc3.1
22:15.42kennyjI'm using OZ 3.1RC3.1
22:15.52yeiazel3.1rc2 didn't recognize the card
22:16.25kennyjthere've been some changes since, I think.  In rc2 you had to install hostap-modules I think, or edit a configuration file manually.
22:16.28kennyjI think.
22:16.33yeiazeledit a conf file
22:16.44yeiazelbut I didn't know what to put in the file
22:16.52yeiazeland then waited for the next release
22:16.59yeiazelkismet doesn't seem to be in the 3.1rc3.1 feed
22:17.23tzangeryeiazel: no it's not'
22:17.23kennyjI got it from it's own site.  Had the newest version compiled for the Z.
22:17.25tzangerit's in testing
22:17.29kergothkismet works fine in rc3.1.
22:17.52kergothYou must use the pcap kismet driver, as the 'prism2' kismet driver is actually wlan-ng, not wireless-extensions
22:18.24kennyjhow exactly do you go about doing that?
22:18.33kergothvi /etc/kismet.conf
22:18.35kergothchange it
22:18.35kennyjI installed kismet with pcap support and installed libpcap...
22:18.38kergothta da
22:18.39tzangerhmm that might be why mine doesn't work
22:18.59tzangerthe pcap driver isn't an option in the qt client...  orinoco, prism2 or cisco
22:19.17kergothtzanger: select prism2, OZ, in kismet-qte
22:19.26tzangerkergoth: yes I have that
22:19.31kergoththe console kismet does _not_ start either monitor or hopper on its own.
22:19.36kergothyou _must_ start the hopper yourself
22:19.42kergoththe hopper will put the card in monitor mode implicitly
22:19.55kergothword is, the GUI isnt doing that properly
22:20.07kergothtry firing up kismet_monitor or kismet_hopper, then use the gui
22:20.15tzangerit did it right the first time 'round
22:21.03kennyjwhat exactly am i looking for in kismet.conf?
22:21.33_SATO_before i ask here :) ! i wanna ask what can i ask here ?:)
22:21.50kennyjI don't see any mention of a pcap driver other than prism2 using pcap through wlan-ng...
22:22.09_SATO_evrithing for Zaurus for all software ?
22:22.51kergoth_SATO_: most things are fine, but dont discuss the sharp rom specifically. use #zaurus for that.
22:23.23_SATO_no i wanna discuss only open zaurus :)
22:23.45tzangerhmm my source is set to prism2,wlan0,Kismet
22:23.54kergothmickeyl|tv, tronical: hehe. i found the touchscreen prob.  I have a OZ rom here that works.. i'm going to fix the tc35143af audio driver to only allocate dma on open, then call it released
22:24.22_SATO_okei i am to the right place :) now i introduce my self  ... CO OWNER in FIRM Unix Solutions LTD. we work only with open sorce stuff :)
22:24.45tzangerkismet_monitor says wlanctl-ng: no such file or directory
22:24.48tronicalkergoth: excellent! what was the prob?
22:24.59kergothnice to meet you, i'm chris larson, aka kergoth, the resident BOFH and openzaurus maintainer
22:25.13kergothtronical: QT_QWS_CUSTOM wasnt defined, so it was using the wrong TS_EVENT struct
22:25.16kergothtronical: hehe
22:25.23tronicald'oh :)
22:25.59kergothtzanger: sounds like your kismet.conf is set to prism2, not pcap
22:26.00kennyjyeah, I get the same error as tzanger...
22:26.07kennyjI'm still using prism_legacy
22:26.18kennyjI never had *any* success with prism2...
22:26.25kergothwhat part of 'use pcap' dont you get?
22:26.25kennyjprism_legacy at least seems to work normally
22:26.28tzangerkergoth: 'pcap' isn't listed as a valid card type
22:26.29kennyjI'm doing this all at the console, btw.
22:26.52kergothAh, they must've changed the syntax on me.
22:27.00kergothit was pcap previously
22:27.29kennyjoh, this and kismet_client won't work without libncurses4 and a symlink to ncurses5 gets an unresolved symbol error. >.<
22:27.35kennyjI had the same problem with vim 6.1 as well.
22:27.40kergoththats because you're using the packages from the kismet site
22:27.45kergothyou should be using ours
22:27.51kergothbut yes i know, they got left out of the last feed update
22:27.54kergothbipolar: you around?
22:28.02HClkergoth: in 3.1rc3.1, irda port was inited as serial device, which broke normal irda... had to irattach to make it work... should that be like that or..?
22:28.08kergothwe have vim as well, built for ncurses5
22:28.12kergothHCl: that didnt break normal irda
22:28.22HClthen something else did o.o
22:28.22kergothHCl: they're completely independent problems that happened to show up in the same release
22:28.26kergothHCl: it threw me off as well
22:28.27_SATO_cool :) i buy from thinkgeek zaurus and off corse i put imidietly open sorce OZ :) now i am on OZ 3.1-rc3.1 and teeeeeesting :) now i install every package in UNSTABLE feed and testing to see what can we help to all guys here ..if i have something to ask i aks..later :)
22:28.33kergothHCl: read the mailing list archives, i've explained it already
22:28.45HClthen im glad i managed to get it to work with irattach ^^ could otherwise not internet in train
22:28.45kennyjwhere's vim?  unstable?
22:28.58kergothkennyj: will be in unstable soon if it isnt already
22:29.04kennyjit's not :(
22:29.09kergothbipolar does our unstable feed updates
22:29.13kergoth~pester bipolar
22:29.14bipolar: Are we there yet?  .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
22:29.27kennyjah well, one less file on my HD for the time being.  Always a silver lining. :)
22:29.55kergothwell, the next rc is coming along nicely
22:30.14kergothcouple minor bugs i want to iron out before the release though
22:30.34kennyjforgive me for asking, but is there an ETA?
22:30.43kergothfraid not
22:30.50BaldrickHi, is anyone else experiencing long pauses during entering the Passcode (OZ3.1rc3.1)?
22:30.52kergothwhen i give an eta it always ends up double that, or more
22:30.53kergothor less
22:31.07kergothtoo many things going on to have a reliable release schedule
22:31.12kennyjyou must do my bidding, open-source developer worm!  get to work! ;)
22:31.19tronicalkergoth: yeah, reminds me of the .19 plans :)
22:32.12kennyjyou're still not going to release OZ on 2.4.19 until you get a working SD though, right?  Sorry, I know you must get this question 10 times a day...
22:32.17kergothtronical: hey now, I _did_ get everything done within 2 weeks flat. other than that evasive ts bug and sd prob :)
22:32.40kergothwell, once the ts flakiness is gone i'll make it available, but not the one we use out of the box.
22:32.47tronicalkergoth: sure, you did an impressive job, no doubt. just shows that release plans aren't worth much :)
22:32.53kergothtronical: indeed :)
22:33.05TheMasterMind1we never had release plans
22:33.25kergothTheMasterMind1: i have what will be the next rc here, you want to flash it and fuck around?
22:33.37kergothTheMasterMind1: we should pound out some bugs
22:33.49kergothI'll take care of the DMA issue
22:34.01kergothbut i'm sure there are some small opie issues we can iron out
22:34.36scanlineI thought OZ had python packages, but I don't see them in the unstable feed
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22:34.51kergothit does
22:35.06kergothunstable needs an update
22:35.17scanlineah. I was just curious how big they are
22:35.28kergothvim, screen, python, kismet, xmms, mplayer, all need to get into the feed
22:35.48scanlinealso wondering what version of python
22:35.50kennyjanyone find Discoverer to be of any use, or is Kismet the way to go?
22:36.57TheMasterMind1kergoth: sure hook me up
22:37.00yeiazelkergoth: seems there are some different python arm packages (made by different people), which ones are included in oz ?
22:37.25kergothwhich ones?
22:37.42kergothwe're using packages built by our buildsystem.
22:37.48kergothwe dont include anyone elses packages in OZ, period
22:38.06kergothscanline: python 2.2.2 afaict
22:38.15kergothTheMasterMind1: k, let me upload it
22:38.27yeiazelI though you based them on someone's else packages...
22:39.11TheMasterMind1whats there to base..
22:39.18TheMasterMind1you take sources, you compile
22:39.39kergoththen ya stuff some files into a package and set a couple fields and maintainer scripts
22:40.22yeiazelbut there are different ways to package python; separate libs, or make one big package, or one 'core' package and other 'external' packages...
22:40.39TheMasterMind1we follow debian standards
22:41.08kergoth1) we follow debian packaging as a base
22:41.13TheMasterMind1kergoth: where're you uploading to
22:41.21kergoth2) we add further granularity to make it more appropriate for embedded use
22:42.11TheMasterMind1can we fix kpacman? its stupid configuration issue
22:42.14kergothyeiazel: so whenever its a question of do we do one big package or 4 small ones, we go small. granularity is good.
22:52.13kergothTheMasterMind1: feel free to flash that image
22:52.19kergothTheMasterMind1: if you havent yet ;)
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23:27.30kergothibot: seen andyq
23:27.30andyq <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 5d 23h 39m 25s ago, saying: 'night all'.
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