irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030319

00:13.57*** join/#openembedded badalex (
00:17.32TheMasterMind1kergoth: done yet?
00:17.52kergothno, something weird is going on
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00:18.51kergothhmm, we aplied that simpad patch
00:18.55kergothwonder if thats interfering
00:19.03chouimatTheMasterMind1: he just saw his boss dancing naked in his office :)
00:19.39chouimatTheMasterMind1: the patch or the boss?
00:19.46TheMasterMind1the boss
00:19.53kergothyou know
00:19.56kergoththat god for ccache
00:19.59kergothnot that
00:20.05*** join/#openembedded DavvOnZ (
00:20.05dmallochell oh
00:21.09chouimatwhat is worst than a program that stop compiling?
00:21.52chouimatfind out that the nice chick you date for a month like a little too much girls ...
00:22.46TheMasterMind1what's your native tounge?
00:22.48dmallocchouimat:  are you sure that is not heaven you are describing ;)
00:23.12TheMasterMind1chouimat: so tell her to bring some of her girl friends with her
00:23.49chouimatTheMasterMind1: FRENCH
00:25.23chouimatTheMasterMind1: it's that I told the friend that told me that about 30 minutes ago ....
00:25.26dmallocmmm 2 Gbit hard disk access.. yummy
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00:36.06TheMasterMind1kergoth: are we there yet? are we there yet?
00:36.44billytwowillykergoth: is TheMasterMind1 kick/banned yet? is TheMasterMind1 kick/banned yet?;)
00:37.02*** kick/#openembedded [billytwowilly!] by kergoth (no)
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00:37.17billytwowillyno sense of humour I swear..
00:37.40kergothbad timing
00:37.51billytwowillyahh, why? what's going on?
00:38.04kergothlong day, and i'm fighting qt/e and its winning
00:38.21billytwowillyyou need to take of the gloves and put on the shit kickers;)
00:44.14TheMasterMind1billytwowilly: eh..
00:44.20*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
00:44.27TheMasterMind1what were you saying?
00:44.48billytwowillyTheMasterMind1: I slept with your sister.
00:44.54billytwowillyTheMasterMind1: heeheehee. jk
00:45.08*** kick/#openembedded [billytwowilly!] by TheMasterMind1 (heh)
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00:45.26TheMasterMind1billytwowilly: :)
00:45.29billytwowillyTheMasterMind1: do you get some sort of prize for getting kicked from the chan the most?
00:45.39*** kick/#openembedded [billytwowilly!] by kergoth (you win!)
00:45.40treketime to try doing a new build :)
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00:46.05billytwowillywhat's the prize? another kick?;)
00:46.08*** mode/#openembedded [+v billytwowilly] by TheMasterMind1
00:46.12TheMasterMind1lucky you
00:46.34kergothTheMasterMind1, dood
00:46.41kergoththis database for my company's knowledge base/faq system
00:46.45kergothfor categories..
00:46.53kergoththey have a single 255 text field in the article table
00:46.58kergothSPACE seperated categories
00:47.14kergothanyone teach these people how to use a seperate table and an inner join on queries?
00:47.25TheMasterMind1i wouldn't want to try
00:47.35kergothand i have to get a new frontend for this piece of shit
00:47.39trekekergoth: ick
00:47.44billytwowillykergoth: isn't that your job?
00:47.57billytwowillyteaching them I mean.
00:48.02TheMasterMind1need to find someone rich to hire kergoth to work on OE all day long
00:48.06TheMasterMind1if i become rich, i'll do that
00:48.10billytwowillyI thought you were tech help or something. I can't quite remember.
00:48.17kergothyeah i'm unix support
00:48.28kergothaka the dept where every other dept kicks shit at
00:49.01TheMasterMind1kergoth: if you don't mind me asking, how much do you make
00:49.04kergothheh, OE would kick some serious ass if someone paid me to spend time on it
00:49.11billytwowillyheh. so how hard would it be to fix their knowledge base system?
00:49.22kergothi'm making ~$39,000 here
00:49.23Neo|WorkHSN sold out
00:49.38kenb19:38|<Neo|Work> HSN sold out
00:49.39kergothbillytwowilly: it just needs to be redone from the gruond up
00:49.40TheMasterMind1Neo|Work: already?!
00:49.52Neo|WorkTheMasterMind1: so it seem
00:49.59billytwowillykergoth: heh. so leave it for the next poor bastard to grace the presence of the unix help dept;)
00:49.59Neo|Workwonder how many they had
00:50.03kergothwell, what did you expect, it was on slashdot after all
00:50.16Neo|Workat the price I am not surprised really
00:50.19kergothbillytwowilly: I'd like to, cept its on my goals
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00:50.23Neo|Work$170 for such a powerful PDA is quite a damn good price
00:50.42billytwowillykergoth: that stinks.
00:50.56trekeI really think they've have sold a lot more zauruses if they started them at 250
00:51.10TheMasterMind1kergoth: heh, is that that list of goals that you lost and your boss wanted to see?
00:51.26kergothTheMasterMind1: heh, i wish. we have a fucking web based goal tracking system
00:51.44kergoththat they blew immense amounts of money on
00:51.46Neo|Worktreke: well, original pricing in the 300s instead of 500 would have been good..
00:51.50billytwowillyis sharp still making the sl-5500 or has it stopped now that it's making the 5600?
00:51.54Neo|Workbut who knows how much they cost to manufacture
00:52.10Neo|Workbillytwowilly: not being made more afaik
00:52.21Neo|Workwonder what the cost is for each product
00:52.26kergothTheMasterMind1: ok, this build has a chance of being happy
00:52.32kergothTheMasterMind1: threw an assload of qWarning()s in
00:52.36billytwowillyI was under the impression that PDA's where a high profit margin field to be in, so they were probably relatively cheap.
00:52.37kergothso i can see wtf is going on
00:52.43Neo|Workin all honesty they probably should have sold more or less at cost or barely over, perhaps even UNDER, to get market share
00:52.48TheMasterMind1good good
00:53.01kergothNeo|Work: they shouldve fscking _advertised_
00:53.07kergothand offered spiffs to salespeople
00:53.32trekeyeah. when sales man actually try talking you out of buying one, it's a bad thing :)
00:54.02ljpthey needed to put more time and energy into the apps
00:54.12ljpthats the thing thats killing it
00:54.15billytwowillyI'm still much more impressed with the ipaq 5400 series over the 5600 zaurus..
00:54.20kergoththey needed to put more time and energy into the whoel fucking thing
00:54.33trekeyeah the 5400 has some good things going for it
00:54.50trekeI think they dropped the sleeves, but made up for it with a better internal bundle
00:54.54Neo|Workwell, in all honesty, it felt more like a trial than a fullblown effort
00:54.55kergothsharp really needs to sell a unit like the c700
00:54.57kergothin the US
00:55.02kergothpeople would be all over it
00:55.02Neo|Workand the bad software quality really made it a bad trial I think
00:55.23billytwowillytreke: the 5400 series doesn't allow you to use sleeves anymore?
00:55.29trekebillytwowilly: I dont think so
00:55.43Neo|Workkergoth: software still is bad though
00:55.49Neo|Workand it seriously needs more memory
00:55.52trekeoh yes it does
00:55.58billytwowillyI hope not. that would make me change my mind about buying one in the future second hand..
00:56.00Neo|Workmy axim is damned nice
00:56.05trekei thought it was built in SD/CF/wireless
00:56.11treketurns out its just built in SD/CF
00:56.17trekeer built in SD/wireless
00:56.19Neo|Workand the price is so right for the dell's
00:56.38billytwowillytrke: the 5400 series has built in 802.11b and bluetooth...
00:56.41TheMasterMind1need OE on axim
00:56.50billytwowillyyah, that would be really nice.
00:57.03Neo|Workbtw, some of the pocketpc software, such as internet exploder, sucks bigtime
00:57.10Neo|WorkI mean, I can't even (afaik) enter a URL to got
00:57.27Neo|Workwell, as a metter of fact I haven't been able to create a bookmark either
00:57.34trekeNeo|Work: actually you can
00:57.36Neo|Workit doesn't allow me to set the url field
00:57.39trekeNeo|Work: its really confusing
00:57.48Neo|Worktreke: how?
00:57.56trekeNeo|Work: you have to tell it to enable a toolbar iirc
00:58.01trekeit just hides it by default
00:58.24Neo|Workview addressbar...
00:58.26Neo|Workhow lame. :P
00:58.35Neo|Workok, so the ui scuks. :P
00:58.39Neo|Workthere should be an "open url" button
00:58.56billytwowillyor a "replace withe OE" button;)
00:58.57Neo|Workcalendar, for example, is on the other hand quite good
00:59.10Neo|Worklike it does all the things qtopia's calendar fucked up on
00:59.22Neo|Workwell, one thing at least - it remembers previously entered locations
00:59.47kergothif i run calibrate from serial
00:59.55kergothit hoses the output, i get garbage instead of my qWarnings
01:00.52Neo|Workspeaking of "famous usability fuckups in the Zaurus", lets talk about the hardware buttons
01:00.57Neo|Worksuch as CANCEL also meaning TURN OFF
01:01.05Neo|WorkI mean who the fuck thought that one up?
01:01.07kergoththat was pretty stupid
01:01.20Neo|Workand - boggle this - the 5600 doesn't fix it afaik
01:01.26Neo|Workalso menu == backlight is stupid
01:01.37Neo|Workthe A300 does this right (what about b500/c700?)
01:01.43Neo|Workit has a, on the side, powerbutton
01:01.48Neo|Workpress fast to off/on
01:01.56Neo|Workpress+hold = toggle backlight
01:02.33Neo|Worknot only does it have the benefit of not loosing unsaved data if you make a mistake, it also doesn't BREAK the usability of two buttons for games. :P
01:02.35kergothc700 .. on the side, power, OK, cancel, jog dial
01:02.58Neo|WorkI wonder why Sharp US models are on crack?
01:03.09kergothopenzaurus login: Ŗü˜Īš€x~€€€€r˜Īš€x~€€€€
01:03.13Neo|Workoh and lack of speaker (and to some degree builtin microphone) is also just insane
01:03.16Neo|WorkI mean, wtf?
01:03.20kergothwhy oh why would calling calibrate hose my serial port?
01:04.06Neo|Workcalibrate ts? doesn't try to open serial mice does it?
01:04.14kergothhmm good point
01:04.22kergoththat would do it, and also explain why my TS isnt working
01:04.39Neo|Workjust a guess, /me doesn't know. :)
01:04.47Neo|Workstrace is your friend here
01:04.57kergothyeah, check for an open() of /dev/ts
01:05.16Neo|Workstrace is mostly useless, but for stuff like that it rocks. :P
01:05.33kergothi use strace surprisingly often
01:05.38kergothgood for seeing wtf is goin gon
01:05.43Neo|Workto a degree
01:05.48kergothltrace is more useful
01:05.52kergothyou used that?
01:05.56Neo|Workit has limited usability if you don't do system calls
01:06.01Neo|Workyes even
01:06.05Neo|Workthen you get libc calls too
01:06.15Neo|WorkI still want a ptrace based tool that does the same on program level. :P
01:06.20Neo|Workso you get all your own method calls too
01:06.23kergoththat would rock.
01:06.30*** join/#openembedded jimhill (
01:06.39Neo|Workthere was one such project but i never got it ro actually run (keeps faultsegving)
01:06.56kergothit'd be like running gdb and hitting step repeatedly
01:07.26Neo|Workwell no
01:07.29Neo|Workor something
01:07.31Neo|Worknot step. :P
01:07.42Neo|WorkI wouldn't want to see each LINE executed, just each METHOD
01:07.53Neo|Workeach line would be too damn verbose. :P
01:08.11Neo|Workimagine a loop for each pixel on the screen for example
01:08.21*** join/#openembedded caffeine (
01:09.54kergothfound it
01:10.08kergothNeo|Work: thatd still b ea lot better than an strace of the same thing :)
01:12.15kergothNeo|Work: you called it man.  it was defaulting the mouse type to Auto instead of TPanel
01:13.47kergothcouldve overridden it
01:13.54kergothbut i didnt even know there was a env var for it
01:15.16TheMasterMind1found it?
01:15.22kergothyep, rebuilding now
01:16.15kergothneed to adapt the Faq class from the oz faq to this shit category system at digi
01:20.28kergothTheMasterMind1: works again :D
01:20.31kergothTheMasterMind1: even on the c700
01:22.01chouimatok bbl jag on tv ...
01:23.27Neo|Workkergoth: :))
01:23.37Neo|Workglad I could be of assistance in a small way
01:23.44kergothand man, do i love ccache
01:23.55kergothwatching a qt build flyyyyyy by is just beautiful
01:24.39Neo|WorkI just set up distcc the other day
01:24.54Neo|Workcuts almost in half
01:25.02kergothgreat tool
01:25.05Neo|Workinsert compilation after cuts. :P
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01:27.29TheMasterMind1kergoth: works yet?
01:27.40kergothit does on my c700
01:27.49kergothI need to tweak a couple things in buildroot, then i'll push
01:27.54TheMasterMind1sounds good
01:27.59TheMasterMind1finally, .19 is usable
01:28.32kergothin theory
01:28.40kergothyou'll be doing the final test
01:28.46TheMasterMind1push it
01:29.02TheMasterMind1need the keyboard stuff too..
01:29.05*** join/#openembedded DaJoker (
01:29.54TheMasterMind1xterm beep = you've got mail
01:31.53kergothTheMasterMind1: ran opie calibrate, then ts_test, works flawlessly :)
01:31.56kergothokay pushing
01:33.09Neo|Workkergoth: hey, test ts performance for me will you? :)
01:33.45kergothhow? got something that shows a FPS?
01:35.23Neo|Workhmm. what do you have? :P
01:35.38Neo|Workrocketelite is a good one
01:35.47Neo|Worksince it has a visible option you can toggle
01:37.33kergothI own candy cruncher and bust'em.  Dont even have time to use my PDA in such a way that i have  time to play them, otherwise i'd buy more
01:38.05chouimat|tvmy cat attacked the tv when he saw Bush ...
01:38.06Neo|Workdemos work fine
01:38.12ljpyou need another pda
01:38.13Neo|Workchouimat|tv: smart cat
01:38.20Neo|Workflip it works too btw.
01:38.31kergothwell let install opie first
01:38.34chouimat|tvNeo|Work: yup
01:38.38kergothI split out the opie calibrator for testing, been using that
01:38.41Neo|Workrocketelite demo is probably the best one though
01:39.38trekeljp: give him one
01:39.42trekeljp: you've got too many
01:41.12treke<ljp> they belong to my cat. not me.
01:41.27ljphaha ya thats it
01:42.06kergothTheMasterMind1: bk pull :D
01:42.19kergothTheMasterMind1: rebuild both qt/e and tslib
01:44.02*** join/#openembedded SuKo|Japan (
01:52.33chouimat|tv4 US president are on a plane that a storm took to Oz. they were brink to the magician: "Who dare came in front of the Great OZ?". Jimmy Carter spoke the first: I want to have more courage. The great oz replied Done. Reagan followed asking to have a brain. The magician give him a brain. George W. Bush asked to have a heart to feels compassion. The Magician said that was a little harder but
01:52.38chouimat|tvmanageable. Only Clinton didn't spoke ... he seemed to wait for some one. Oz asked him : What do you want?. Clinton: Dorothea is she here?
01:54.50chouimat|tvtreke: that a french joke ...
01:55.31trekechouimat|tv: an englishman, a frenchman and an american are walking along a beach
01:56.22trekethey notice a lamp half buried in the sand, and the american kneels down, digs it up, and tries to dust off the dirt
01:56.45chouimat|tvtreke: I think I know it ...
01:57.03trekethe lamp suddenly starts shaking violently, and out of it pops a power genie who says he will grant them three wishes.
01:57.56trekeThe american tells the genie, "i wish for eternal fertility for the land of america." The genie without hesitation says, "your wish is granted, never again will a crop fail."
01:58.52trekethe frenchman says to the genie, " I wish for a strong wall to surround France and protect it and its people from attack." Once again, the genie doesnt even blink, " your wish is granted"
01:59.10trekethe english man asks the genie, " tell me about that wall."
01:59.39trekehe genie replies, " it's a sturdy wall, 100 feed think and a mile high. Nothing can get in or out"
01:59.53trekeThe englishman thinks about it for a second and says, "fill it up with water"
02:00.03chouimat|tvtreke: hehe
02:05.58TheMasterMind1Package oz-base wants to install file /home/agupta/buildroot/output/rootfs/etc/host.conf
02:05.59TheMasterMind1Package oz-base wants to install file /home/agupta/buildroot/output/rootfs/etc/hosts
02:07.02kergothyou're trying to install an old oz-base.
02:07.04kergothvery old
02:07.09kergothwipe it
02:09.01kergothI'm fixing the 'opie crashes and i cant login!' bug
02:09.10kergothso that when it crashes the keyboard isnt hosed
02:09.18kergothgot on my nerves enough finally
02:10.30TheMasterMind1look ma, i built a kernel and initrd
02:10.44kergothman, if that works, i'll be so happy
02:10.54kergoththat ts thing bugged us for so long
02:11.57TheMasterMind1we can party
02:12.12kergothand we can put in the battery switch handling and start distributing it
02:12.15TheMasterMind1he we should like an annual OE conference
02:13.12TheMasterMind1meet up somewhere and party
02:13.20kergothyea, thatd be cool
02:13.21TheMasterMind1and by party i mean work on buildroot
02:13.28TheMasterMind1mass coding party
02:14.02ljpcriminy, itd have to be in Mn
02:14.15kergothmn? fuck that
02:15.17ljpya, then we could at least get laid
02:17.07JasonNJwe could do the OE conference in concert with Ottawa Linux Symposium
02:17.18TheMasterMind1heh do it in MN and we could all crash at kergoth's new house
02:17.38TheMasterMind1notsonewanymore house
02:17.40JasonNJyeah, but Ottawa has better strip clubs.
02:17.49JasonNJand cheap beer.
02:17.58TheMasterMind1damn, too bad i'm underage
02:17.58kergothyes, and those are always the priorities
02:18.03chouimat|tvQuebec City too and you can touch ....
02:18.11JasonNJtheres a thought.
02:18.19TheMasterMind1whats the age limit in canada?
02:18.28JasonNJdo they even have one?
02:18.30TheMasterMind1for beer strip clubs and consent
02:18.32chouimat|tvQuebec 18, Ontarion and the rest 19
02:18.33kergothheh, never had any problems touching in vegas either..
02:18.42kergothbut canada works for me
02:19.06JasonNJOLS in june would be a good time to do it, they have good rates on hotels
02:19.23chouimat|tvJasonNJ: june or july?
02:19.24JasonNJI can rent an SUV or a van and we can make a day trip to quebec
02:19.30JasonNJlemme double check
02:19.46JasonNJJuly 23-26
02:19.50chouimat|tvJasonNJ: ottawa - quebec is 5 hour
02:19.59JasonNJwe could come in a day or two before
02:20.14TheMasterMind1kergoth: no inittab found
02:20.19JasonNJI thought Ottawa was on the quebec border
02:20.20kergothTheMasterMind1: sysvinit.
02:20.25kergothTheMasterMind1: eithe ryou dont have it, or its old
02:20.32TheMasterMind1i told it to install it
02:20.41TheMasterMind1i cleaned and built ozbase
02:20.41kergothrebuild it
02:20.43chouimat|tvJasonNJ: I though you were speaking of Quebec City
02:20.44kergothrebuild sysvinit
02:20.46kergothand modutils
02:21.21TheMasterMind1jeez, really need to support the switch on the back in .19
02:21.22kergothgoing to have to start pushing our opie patches into cvs again
02:21.35JasonNJthe Les Suites hotels have broadband internet for 10 bucks canadian a night
02:21.40JasonNJthats like 6 bucks US
02:21.58JasonNJexecutive suite is only 189 CAD
02:22.01JasonNJthats fucking cheap
02:22.03kergotheh, damn
02:22.14JasonNJROAD TRIP!
02:22.18chouimat|tvtoo expensive for me yet ...
02:22.33JasonNJI'll let a few people crash in my room if you want
02:22.47JasonNJlong as we dont trash the place, the executive suites are huge in that hotel
02:22.59JasonNJthey have full size couches and stuff
02:23.00chouimat|tvJasonNJ: which hotel?
02:23.09JasonNJLes Suites
02:23.18JasonNJin Ottawa
02:23.27JasonNJI used that during the last OLS
02:23.47JasonNJtwo bedroom units for 209
02:23.50Neo|Workyou are a bunch of sad, sad people. :P
02:23.56JasonNJthats like 70 bucks a person a night
02:24.04Neo|Workfeels like it's a bunch of teenage guys drooling around here. :P
02:24.27TheMasterMind1Warning: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for sysvinit:
02:24.35kergothTheMasterMind1: tinylogin.
02:24.39chouimat|tvJasonNJ: and if you are lucky weed will be legal by then :)
02:24.40kergothTheMasterMind1: rebuild and install tinylogin into the image
02:24.48TheMasterMind1heh k
02:24.48kergothTheMasterMind1: you'll need util-linux-mount too
02:24.54JasonNJthey are legalizing pot in canada?
02:25.22chouimat|tvJasonNJ: they're talking about it, maybe they will decriminilize it
02:25.41TheMasterMind1kergoth: any other crap i probably have old versions of and need to rebuitd?
02:25.44kergothi used to be that way neo
02:26.13kergothTheMasterMind1: hmmm oz-base, sysvinit, modutils, util-linux, tinylogin, ipkg should be sufficient
02:26.20TheMasterMind1got all those
02:26.23chouimat|tvljp: hehe
02:26.52TheMasterMind1no drugs drinking smoking here.. but strip club sounds good
02:27.52Neo|WorkI could be single and desperate and still would turn down even the hottest chick if she did drugs or smoked
02:28.10Neo|Worknow, if she had tons of cash and was willing to spend it on me, that's a whole other ballpart. ;-)
02:28.26chouimat|tvNeo|Work: hehe
02:28.27JasonNJneo: aw, whats a little pot
02:28.49Neo|Workstupid, to be with.
02:28.58Neo|Workillegal, wasteful.. uhm. stinky?
02:29.02kergothheh, i dont mind a chick who does pot once in a while
02:29.02Neo|Workwhat else? did I mention stupid?
02:29.08kergothbut cigarette smokers, nope
02:29.18JasonNJI've done plenty of pot and I turned out OK!
02:29.29ljpya cigs are out
02:29.31Neo|WorkJasonNJ: well, that's up for discussion. ;-)
02:29.35JasonNJreally, casual pot smoking is nothing to be worried about
02:29.47JasonNJa habitual pot smoker I may have a problem with
02:29.47chouimat|tvJasonNJ: they legalized pot for "sick people" and they want to decriminilize it for the rest (small amount) but the senate did a report where the conclusion was " Legalize it man"
02:29.48Neo|Workwtf is the deal here? Can't stand cigarettes but thing pot is ok? where's the world going...
02:29.54ljpsure... ever seen Refer Madness?!
02:30.03Neo|Workthe problem is that pot does affect your senses
02:30.20JasonNJhell yes it does
02:30.20kergoththats a problem?
02:30.20Neo|Workbut people don't "feel" it and believe it doesn't
02:30.41Neo|Workyeah because people smoke pot, get high and feel like driving is smart.
02:30.50JasonNJwell, that is stupid.
02:30.51chouimat|tvNeo|Work: pot calm me down ... or is it the "chicha"
02:30.54kergoththats stupid.
02:30.57kergothjust as stupid as driving drunk
02:31.01kergothboth affect the senses
02:31.06Neo|Workbut if you're drunk you usually notice more
02:31.10JasonNJthe last thing I wanna do when I light up a joint is go drive...
02:31.20JasonNJI usually order a pizza, chinese food, then I go to sleep.
02:31.25kergothI notice the affects on me from pot more so than alcohol
02:31.29Neo|Workbut again, in the US, people don't get it that a single drink can severely affect your driving abilities even though you "feel" fine
02:31.29kergothJasonNJ: aha damn right
02:31.31JasonNJhell I want people to BRING me stuff
02:31.48kergothljp: hippie
02:31.54ljpyou dont lose complete control like alcohol
02:32.02JasonNJ"hello, yo man, dominos? bring me a pepperoni pizza, no, make it 3, and be quick about it!"
02:32.03Neo|Workit affects you, trust me
02:32.08kergothJasonNJ: lol
02:32.14kergothNeo|Work: of course it affects you, but ljp has a point
02:32.40ljpsure it does effect you, but not like alcohol. you dont pass out, you dont completely lose your ability to do things
02:32.46chouimat|tvNeo|Work: true pot affect people and can be dangerous ... just imagine your girlfriend getting the munchies while ...
02:32.46TheMasterMind1mkfs.jffs2: Skipping '/home/agupta/buildroot/output/rootfs/bin/tinylogin': does not exist!
02:32.54kergothchouimat|tv: haha
02:33.03kergothTheMasterMind1: heh, install tinylogin :)
02:33.04TheMasterMind1/home/agupta/buildroot/output/staging/i386-linux/bin/update-alternatives: line 104: [: /home/agupta/buildroot/output/rootfs//boot/zImage-*: binary operator expected
02:33.07TheMasterMind1kergoth:  i did!
02:33.08kergothTheMasterMind1: harmless
02:33.13kergothno, you didnt :)
02:33.15TheMasterMind1tinylogin (INSTALL_TINYLOGIN) [N/y] (NEW) y
02:33.17kergothotherwise you'd have a tinylogin binary
02:33.38chouimat|tvkergoth: and I know it first hand ....
02:33.51kergothchouimat|tv: ack
02:34.08JasonNJI have also never seen a person VIOLENT on pot
02:34.15kergothtrue that
02:34.23Neo|Workljp: the fact is that alcohol affects your driving abilities long before you notice
02:34.23chouimat|tvJasonNJ: yup ...
02:34.32JasonNJ"What, did you call me a dick? I LOVE you man!"
02:34.37kergothNeo|Work: yeah, but ljp was talking about weed
02:34.38kergothJasonNJ: aha
02:34.49JasonNJ"I just want a hug!"
02:34.52ljpNeoTron: true that
02:34.55Neo|Workkergoth: I know, I'm just saying that because you don't "feel" it much, doesn't mean it's not there
02:34.59chouimat|tvthe problem with people driving drunk is they never learn driving drunk
02:35.12JasonNJNeo: have you ever smoked pot?
02:35.23kergoththe affect is quite different from that of alcohol
02:35.24ljpummm, most people dont learn driving drunk..
02:35.25Neo|WorkJasonNJ: no and I never plan to.
02:35.32kergothof course it affects your senses, but differently
02:35.38chouimat|tvljp: :)
02:36.00JasonNJok, well, its very hrd to describe the effect unless you've done it. I can state from experience, alcohol is a much more dangerous drug
02:36.03ljpI have never gotten so stumblinh high on pot to do stupid things and heh, well.. stumble
02:36.25JasonNJactually, I'll probably be drinking lots of cuban rum
02:36.31kergothI used to be against drugs..
02:36.38kergothbut then i started dating a bad girl
02:36.43JasonNJand then kergoth started coding OZ...
02:36.43kergothwho started dealing it
02:37.22ljpliving with dealers can be bad
02:37.31chouimat|tvkergoth: I stopped something ago sleeping pills ... feeled a little bit too lonely
02:37.40kergothljp: its a little too convenient :)
02:37.57JasonNJwhat was she selling, just pot?
02:38.00_Psychodrugs are bad !
02:38.04kergothyeah just pot, no biggie
02:38.08kergothnothing major, thankfully
02:38.11JasonNJthats nothing
02:38.24ljpdrugs arent bad.. you ever had a headache? or a broken bone?
02:38.25chouimat|tv_Psycho: but they're fun too
02:38.34JasonNJI was actually thinking of growing some pot for personal consumption
02:38.37_Psychoalcohol all the way !
02:38.38kergothheh, lots of bad things are fun..
02:38.38JasonNJusing phototron units
02:38.42Neo|Workso the moral of the story is, DEFINITELY don't drive when stoned and drunk. :P
02:38.48ljpalcohol is a drug
02:39.37JasonNJlol I just remembered a funny story
02:39.49chouimat|tvgrrrr ... I'm out of pot ...
02:39.50JasonNJmy grandfather once put a decal of a cannabis leaf on his car window
02:39.55JasonNJhe thought it was a maple leaf
02:40.10JasonNJhe was driving around with it for a few weeks, I had to explain to him what it was
02:40.16JasonNJit was one of those cool reflective decals
02:40.20kergoththat had to be an interesting conversation
02:41.04chouimat|tvJasonNJ: one of my ex-wife uncle once get caught with two huge pot plants in the windows of his living room ... he told the police that he though that was nice green plant ....
02:41.37kergothrealll nice
02:41.53chouimat|tvkergoth: the problem is the size of his record :)
02:42.12JasonNJthe OZ mascot should be pingi with bloodshot eyes
02:42.32chouimat|tvJasonNJ: yah! latenight coding ....
02:42.36JasonNJstoned pinizaurus
02:42.37ljpabout 20 years ago, someone planted pot in the window flowser boxes at the Boulder police station
02:43.08JasonNJhow long did it take them to figure out what it was?
02:43.09ljpfunny thing is, they got really big before anyone noticed what they were
02:44.51JasonNJwhy do you hang out so late at work
02:45.30JasonNJthese days I smoke once or twice a year
02:45.41JasonNJonly in the company of others
02:45.50chouimat|tvljp: my mother neighbourg once find about 2 lbs of pot in one of his son room and the twit burned it that night ... don't know why but every body at my mother BBQ was having fun
02:46.01JasonNJits hard to find decent stuff, let alone a safe source
02:46.31chouimat|tvJasonNJ: I know some here
02:47.11ljpi havent smoked in years
02:47.12JasonNJI got really messed up the last time I went to jamaica, about 2 years ago
02:47.19JasonNJI got messed up EVERY night
02:48.07chouimat|tvljp: I did last week ... really stuff mixed with egyptian tabac
02:48.07JasonNJand then as soon as I got back from vacation, the wall street firm I was working for started doing random drug checks and asked me to come in like 2 weeks after I came back from vacation
02:48.22chouimat|tvJasonNJ: ouchj
02:48.33JasonNJI had to buy those drug flushing kits
02:48.52JasonNJI passed, but I ended up getting laid off a few months later
02:48.58JasonNJwith about 40 others
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02:57.37chouimat|tv~lart American Idol
02:57.48chouimat|tv~lart American Idol
03:02.55TheMasterMind1flashing again..
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03:21.02*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less! (tm) | | | OpenZaurus 3.1-rc3 released!
03:21.22chouimat|tvibot: wb
03:21.23It's great to be back!
03:21.58ljpibot schmibot
03:21.59parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, ljp
03:22.10ljpibot die
03:22.11ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
03:22.26ljpibot go away
03:22.54chouimat|tvibot go away
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03:26.06TheMasterMind1kergoth`bbl: it isn't working! and it starts spewing crap to my screen after i start opie
03:26.09TheMasterMind1irda0 not loaded and stuff
03:28.41kergoth`bblTheMasterMind1: well, does ts_calibrate work?
03:29.09TheMasterMind1klemme try
03:29.56TheMasterMind1no such file or direcotry
03:30.04kergoth`bblvi /etc/profile.d/
03:30.12kergoth`bblis export at hte bottom?
03:30.17kergoth`bblto export the two variables?
03:30.32kergoth`bblhm, maybe dev detection isnt working for collie on 2.4.19
03:30.34kergoth`bblyeah, that must be it
03:30.50TheMasterMind1they're set though
03:30.51TheMasterMind1in my ash
03:30.54TheMasterMind1to /dev/ts
03:30.54kergoth`bblto what?
03:30.56TheMasterMind1and cOLLIE
03:31.00kergoth`bblthats the prob
03:31.04kergoth`bblthat event type only works for 2.4.6
03:31.13TheMasterMind1so what change to
03:31.16kergoth`bblchange the event type to .. hold up
03:32.08kergoth`bblexactly like that
03:33.19TheMasterMind1same error
03:33.21kergoth`bblconfirm ts_calibrate works, then try opie
03:33.30TheMasterMind1/dev/ts is right?
03:33.34kergoth`bblno, its not
03:33.36kergoth`bblhold on
03:33.48TheMasterMind1eh no
03:33.50TheMasterMind1its a symlink
03:33.53TheMasterMind1to /dev/touchscreen/0
03:33.55TheMasterMind1which doesn't exist
03:34.02TheMasterMind1its /dev/touchscreen/ucb1x00
03:34.13kergoth`bbljust set TSLIB_TSDEVICE to /dev/touchscreen/ucb1x00
03:34.16kergoth`bblfuck the link
03:34.54TheMasterMind1eh wtf
03:34.56TheMasterMind1i did
03:35.00TheMasterMind1my screen is flooding
03:35.05TheMasterMind1when i run calibrate
03:35.31kergoth`bblhm, ts_calibrate >/dev/null 2>&1 maybe?
03:35.39TheMasterMind1heh ok
03:36.12kergoth`bblwhats it doing?
03:36.17TheMasterMind1how do i ctrlc
03:36.20kergoth`bbl'flooding' doesnt mean anything to me
03:36.20TheMasterMind1flooding my screen with some text
03:36.23TheMasterMind1i can't read it
03:36.23kergoth`bblcalander +c
03:36.24TheMasterMind1scrolling too fast
03:36.33kergoth`bbler 2.4.19
03:36.34TheMasterMind1not working
03:36.35kergoth`bblits just fn+c
03:36.35TheMasterMind1tried it
03:36.38TheMasterMind1tried that too
03:36.56kergoth`bblwell fn is control..
03:37.08kergoth`bbli havent looked at the keymap in ages
03:37.08TheMasterMind1maybe ash changed to not get ctrl_c
03:37.16TheMasterMind1that might be why itsnot working in console
03:37.31kergoth`bblnah, ljp thinks he pushed the fix for that one
03:37.49TheMasterMind1i think its kernel errors
03:37.55TheMasterMind1when it tries to access that device
03:38.00kergoth`bbleh, thats odd
03:38.00TheMasterMind1something in kernel going boom
03:38.05kergoth`bbldood, i havent touched that shit in so long
03:38.07TheMasterMind1but i can't read it
03:38.10kergoth`bbli'll fuck with it
03:38.12TheMasterMind1its too fast
03:38.45kergoth`bblTheMasterMind1: cat you cat < /dev/touchscreen/ucb1x00?
03:38.48kergoth`bblthen tap
03:39.27TheMasterMind1i smart
03:39.38TheMasterMind1(ts_print &); sleep 5; killall ts_print
03:39.47TheMasterMind1page faults
03:39.52kergoth`bblpage faults?
03:39.53TheMasterMind1"unable to find magic value"
03:40.02kergoth`bblits the collie module
03:40.07kergoth`bbltrying to do its mmap() fun
03:40.19kergoth`bblbut remember, we had the collie module _working_!
03:40.24kergoth`bblremember, we could use tslib to calibrate
03:40.24TheMasterMind1hm thats only ts_print though
03:40.27kergoth`bbljust not opie
03:40.27TheMasterMind1ts_calibrate is different
03:40.35TheMasterMind1and its not workign with that kill thing
03:40.51kergoth`bbl( ts_calibrate 2>&1 | tee log ) &
03:40.59kergoth`bbloh, it writes to fb directly..
03:41.00TheMasterMind1itsnot output of ts_calibrate
03:41.20TheMasterMind1the cat < thing worked
03:41.22TheMasterMind1nothing happen
03:41.23TheMasterMind1it didn't die
03:41.31kergoth`bblsee any chars when you tap?
03:41.37kergoth`bblweird stuff
03:41.53kergoth`bblhere, just to make sure the kernel is happy
03:41.57kergoth`bblcomment out the collie module in ts.conf
03:42.30TheMasterMind1module_raw collie xysmap
03:42.32TheMasterMind1comment it out
03:42.35TheMasterMind1with # ?
03:43.24TheMasterMind1ok now what
03:43.29kergoth`bbltry a tslib app
03:43.39kergoth`bblts_print or ts_calibrate
03:43.44TheMasterMind1it works
03:43.50kergoth`bblokay, whew
03:43.55kergoth`bblso its just the collie module being a bitch
03:43.56kergoth`bbli'll fuck with it
03:44.24TheMasterMind1so close
03:44.25TheMasterMind1and yet so far
03:44.40kergoth`bblwe're just as close as we used to be
03:52.45*** join/#openembedded Bala (
04:01.48chouimat|tvkergoth`bbl: someone is flooding #openzaurus
04:13.36kergothchouimat|tv: i was cooking ramen..
04:13.39kergothdidnt notice :)
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04:19.43chouimat|tvkergoth: I'm on hot stuff this week ...
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04:42.04billytwowillykergoth: things going better now?
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04:43.27kergotha bit
04:43.54billytwowillykergoth: that's good. I hope you figure out that qt problem that was bugging you.
04:44.13billytwowillykergoth: I just did some spring cleaning. I took a whole garbage bag of crap out of my room...
04:44.14kergothits much happier now
04:45.00kergothTheMasterMind1: yo
04:45.02billytwowillydidn't beat last years spring cleaning though. I took 4 garbage bags out that time;) This is all in a ten by about 15 foot room too, with a small closet.
04:47.53kergothTheMasterMind1: an ipkg change just broke our packages script :)
04:48.18kergothTheMasterMind1: for some weird ass reason ipkg now says 'install prefer installed' instead of 'install ok installed' in status.. altering packages to be less picky
04:50.26*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
04:53.45gaurdiannew nmap out, going to compile for the arm and see if it stops the bus errors
04:53.59kergothwhats the version? i'll update the OZ buildsystem
04:54.20gaurdianlet me see if it compiles and runs without bus errors first
04:54.31gaurdianno use going to that trouble if it doesnt
05:01.24kergothmy opie started in a little 320x240 window in the center of hte 640x480 display :)
05:01.38kergothstupid thing
05:01.46kergothcalibrate didnt do that, only opie itself
05:09.25NeoTronkergoth: gotten opie to work yet then?
05:09.35NeoTronactuall, I should just flash my zaurus with it
05:12.06gaurdiankergoth , what is libstdc in ?
05:12.22kergothwe dont have a libstdc++ package handy
05:12.25kergothgrab one from familiar
05:12.49gaurdianok...nmap compiled but missing this library
05:13.34gaurdianI would get that lib where ?
05:19.28*** join/#openembedded fishy (
05:19.39gaurdianok, the new nmap works but you need the packager from the familiar feed
05:19.47kergothI'll update our buildsystem
05:19.57kergothwtf, the opie launcher cant start calibrate..
05:20.07kergothcalibrate gets compiled into the binary of the launcher!
05:20.25gaurdianand no bus error
05:21.13gaurdianheh contributed to my first OS project :) see, I aint all that bad :)
05:21.49kergothhm, and something is hardcoding our resolution to 320x240
05:22.26kergothits acting like QT_QWS_EBX didnt get defined
05:23.14gaurdianlibstdc++2.10-glibc2.2_2.95.4-100407-fam1_arm.ipk <<-- is the package with that library
05:23.39kergothah ha!
05:23.53gaurdianworks like a charm, just ran the same scans that would crash the other one
05:23.57kergothi was worried it was something tough
05:25.46gaurdianalso, fwiw, I compiled that on that ipaq site you mentioned a few days ago
05:26.11gaurdianyea, been useing that a bit lately....its a nice service
05:26.35kergothcompiles are too slow for my tastes though, i get impatient
05:26.53chouimatkergoth: buy more cpu
05:27.05kergothchouimat: talking about the skiffcluster
05:27.07gaurdianyea works for me
05:27.08kergothchouimat: native
05:27.12kergothchouimat: slowww
05:27.14kergothchouimat: ;)
05:27.37gaurdianwell, considering I dont always have access to my X-Compiler
05:28.15gaurdianI compiled up ncftp also....
05:29.01kergothah nice
05:29.06kergoththatd be a good one to add to the feeds
05:29.10kergothi'll add it to our todo
05:29.19gaurdianYea.....compiled with no probs ythere and runs great
05:29.24kergothwe need sudo too
05:29.25chouimatkergoth: skiffcluster?
05:29.32kergothibot: skiffcluster
05:29.33hmm... skiffcluster is at
05:29.34kergothchouimat: ^^
05:29.42gaurdianlet me give sudo a shot now....
05:31.15chouimatkergoth: ok
05:35.04gaurdiancompiles and runs fine far as I can see
05:39.53gaurdiankergoth , is there a VNC client for the Z ?
05:40.01fishyyes there is
05:40.01gaurdianI know there is a vnc server
05:40.08fishytheres both
05:40.09gaurdianwhere fishy
05:40.14fishy!explain killefiz
05:40.23gaurdianI have been there
05:40.24fishy!ibot: killefiz
05:40.31kergothgaurdian: its in the oz feeds also
05:40.35kergothgaurdian: opie as a vnc client
05:40.35gaurdianI know what and where that is
05:40.45kergothibot: tell fishy about help
05:42.27gaurdianok, hmm.....
05:46.20gaurdianwonder if irssi would compile
05:46.50kergothwe have that in our buildroot
05:46.54kergothjust isnt in the feeds yet
05:47.00gaurdianahh ok
05:48.05gaurdianwell, I am a BitchX fan mostly
05:48.19kergothah, i used to be too
05:55.15gaurdianheh, a nmap scan with the -O option tends to suck mem :)
06:00.04*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
06:00.52kergothhey treke|home
06:03.46treke|homehow goes it?
06:04.02kergothnot bad, hacking on the c700
06:04.13kergothmerging some of our local opie patches into cvs
06:04.31treke|homedoing well
06:04.38treke|homethinks are starting to shape up
06:06.14treke|hometrying a game of ut2k3 while installing in vmware to test performance :)
06:14.41redfenixkergoth: what do I need to do to get a zImage and initrd.bin out of buildroot?
06:14.56kergothmake image_menuconfig
06:14.59kergoth*pick stuff*
06:15.00kergothmake image
06:15.13redfenixkergoth: ah, make image... thanks.
06:15.22kergothredfenix: read docs/*
06:16.00kergothman the opie cvs checkout is flying get more bandwidth or something?
06:16.42redfenixkergoth: ah... in docs/BUILD ... didn't look there, just looked at INSTALL and stuff.
06:17.08kergothnight chouimat|Zzzz
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09:06.28kergothi wiped and rebuilt opie _4_ times
09:06.34kergothbefore i realized i hadnt updated the cvsdate
09:06.39kergothso it was pulling an old tree over and over
09:08.05kergothi wonder if thats a sign i should go to bed
09:14.00kergothaman tried it earlier
09:14.07kergothand my collie module freaked and page faulted
09:14.13tronicaloh :}
09:14.16kergoththe same module that you and i tested and confirmed _worked_ back then
09:14.18kergothso i dunno what changed
09:14.24kergothI'll look into it
09:14.39tronicalyeah, /me remembers (it worked)
09:14.57kergothyea, even ts_calibrate + ts_test worked, just not opie
09:15.03kergothi'll dig tomorrow
09:15.05kergother, today
09:22.18kergothwell, the qt/e tslib patch is behaving perfectly in general
09:22.23kergothworks good on the c700
09:36.05*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
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11:01.31Pieteheya kergoth
11:02.27Pieteargh.. I just spilled water all over myself..
11:03.04yeiazelyeah ! wet t-shirt time ?
11:03.42Pietehahah, beleive me, you don't want to see *that* :P
11:04.40pb_kergoth: crumbs, bit early for you isn't it?
11:05.33kergother late
11:05.42pb_ah.  heh.
11:06.23kergothdamnit I really want to get this working
11:06.32kergothI hate leaving something in a half completed state, you know?
11:06.43Pietehehe, we just thought with the "kergoth is now known as kergoth`zzz" and all that you went to sleep :P
11:06.53kergothwell, i was..
11:07.04pb_kergoth: what ya working on?
11:07.07kergoththen i thought of something to try
11:07.13kergoththe c700 opie support
11:07.23kergothkeyboard is mostly done, and ts works, but there are quirks
11:07.32kergothliek the right side of the screen, theres a silkscreened buttonbar
11:08.28kergothso the ts digitizer goes outside the visable lcd
11:08.35kergothand qt/e is freaking out on me
11:09.08kergothtaps on the far right of the visable lcd are registering as taps about 40 pixels to the left
11:09.11kergothfor no apparent reason
11:09.22kergothquite annoying.
11:11.21kergothNow I'm assuming mallum didnt run into this when he started hacking with tinyx, so it must be something qt/e is doing to fuck with the values
11:11.34kergothalso, tslib's test apps work flawlessly.
11:11.37kergothmust be in qt/e somewhere
11:15.18Pietegood luck kergoth :)
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11:45.47TheMasterMind1you just went to sleep
11:45.52TheMasterMind1i just fucking woke up
11:46.39schurigTheMasterMind1: Hi!  There is one more bug in ipkg
11:46.48pb_ah, the last bug!
11:46.50schurigTheMasterMind1: spelling error, offline_root became ofline_root
11:46.59Pietepb_: you will *never* find the last bug :P
11:47.55schurigTheMasterMind1: also, "ipkg -o /tftpboot/ramses2 install xxx ; echo $?" returns 0 when package xxx does not exist, it should return some error value
11:48.47schurigTheMasterMind1: hmm, I just saw that the ipkg-x86/Makefile for OE has a CVSdate of 20030318, so that might already be fixed ...
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14:37.47numatrixanybody around?  Someone I work with has a pretec card and I built him the ipk from the buildroot that was supposed to fix the problem, and he says he still can't get it to work.
14:38.47schurigI'm around
14:40.52numatrixSourceofge search sucks.
14:41.13numatrixschurig: Here's a question then; any idea how to get the manfid from a card?
14:41.23pb_cardctl ident, usually
14:41.28numatrixschurig: I'm thinking maybe my friend's pretec card has a different manfid.
14:41.32numatrixpb_: muchas gracias
14:45.27TheMasterMind1pretec wifi/
14:48.57TheMasterMind1who's bflong
14:49.36TheMasterMind1bipolar_nothere: hello?
14:54.02schurigTheMasterMind1: did you read my 2 cents on ipkg?
14:54.23TheMasterMind1yea its fixed
14:54.25TheMasterMind1mrproper ipkg
14:54.39schurigTheMasterMind1: thanks
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15:02.25schurigTheMasterMind1: sure?  I did a CVS co without a date and "build/ipkg-x86/C/ipkg list 2>&1 | head -1" gives "ipkg_conf_set_option: Unrecognized option: offline_root=/tftpboot"
15:03.37schurigmy /etc/ipkg.conf on my x86 has "option offline_root /tftpboot" at the end
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15:17.10treke|ho1emorning schurig
15:17.26schurig(4:17pm here)
15:17.34treke|ho1ehehe :)
15:17.41chouimathi treke|ho1e
15:18.32treke|ho1eschurig: just curious, is moin a reall word, or is it just slang?
15:19.33schurigtreke|ho1e: it's slang. Northern german slang for "good morning". Originally, that is. But they say it at every time.
15:23.32ljp_workthey will probably outlaw slang here in the us
15:24.25chouimatljp_work: and pass a law like the one they want to pass here: The law that tell people when they're allowed to go to pee
15:24.51bipolar_nothereTheMasterMind1: I'm just now leaving for work. need something?
15:25.00ljp_work"sir, can I see your permit fopr that thing?"
15:25.23treke|ho1e"I'm going to have to confiscate it"
15:26.13TheMasterMind1bipolar_nothere: ipkg in unstable needs to be updated
15:26.17chouimat" according to your permit you're allowed to do that between 4h14am and 4h17am"
15:27.11bipolar_nothereTheMasterMind1: I'll do that as soon as I get to the office.
15:29.26TheMasterMind1sounds good
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16:01.43ljp_worktime for some van 'ungettin stuck in more than a foot snow and slush' bbl
16:02.27*** join/#openembedded bipolar (~bflong@
16:06.06bipolarTheMasterMind1: I just uploaded ipkg built yesterday. If you need a newer one let me know. I'll be doing a completly fresh build today.
16:06.37yeiazelI need a suggestion
16:07.29yeiazelI've got a 256 MB SD card, want to install packages on it. Is it better to keep it as is, and select 'sd' when installing, or to make links as explained in the FAQ, to install packages in 'root' ?
16:07.50bipolaryeiazel: use ipkg to install to SD.
16:08.23yeiazeland the fatal question : why ? because it's cleaner ?
16:09.14bipolaryeiazel: yes. and if you reflash your Z, you only need to run ipkg-link mount /mnt/card and all your apps are back.
16:10.19lsmithbipolar: i am getting some odd errors when running ipkg upgrade from unstable
16:10.30yeiazelbipolar: ok
16:10.33lsmithkonquorer cant upgrade because of permission problems
16:10.39XavierXeonif you have /opt /home and /root moved to the sd card you need to make youtr own initrd.bin when reflashing
16:10.46lsmithfbvncserver says it has been replaced by fbvncserver
16:11.10lsmithand another module has a failed dependecy on some kernel version
16:11.25lsmithdo you need a detailed report or is this known?
16:11.32bipolarlsmith: there is some sillyness going on there. I'll look into it.
16:11.49lsmithi could send you one tonight (dont have my cradle at work)
16:11.54yeiazelwhere is xmms !? I need xmms !!! ;)
16:11.58bipolarlsmith: If you could email me the details, that would be great.
16:12.11lsmithyeiazel: have you tried the version from zsi?
16:12.22bipolaryeiazel: I did not build it. I was told it required X...
16:12.41bipolaryeiazel: or is this a diffrent version?
16:13.34yeiazelX ? I don't think it's the version for X
16:13.57yeiazellsmith: I will, but it would be cool to have it in the official feeds
16:14.07lsmithof course
16:14.14lsmithi am pretty sure i saw it on the todo list
16:14.45yeiazelit was just to let you know that one more person needs it ;)
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16:15.28lsmithyou do know that kergoth is a violent man? :-)
16:16.00yeiazelI know
16:16.02kergothaww shucks
16:16.04kergoth~kill lsmith
16:16.06ACTION slits lsmith's throat
16:16.16lsmithcorrection ibot is :-)
16:16.54kergothokay, time to figure out why opie+qt/e is being a bitch
16:17.19icefoxPepsi CEO's Wife Buys Coke When She's Mad At Him
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17:27.29bipolarkergoth: are there any reasons why I should wait to build a new feed? any changes coming shortly?
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17:37.35bipolartreke_: hiya
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17:40.01bipolarTheMasterMind1: were you able to upgrade ipkg?
17:40.31TheMasterMind1bipolar: hmm?
17:40.33TheMasterMind1bipolar: the packages file doesn't have permissions
17:40.35TheMasterMind1so i didn't
17:40.37TheMasterMind1if you can chmod it
17:40.39TheMasterMind1i will
17:40.48bipolarhuh? thats strange...
17:41.05TheMasterMind1its 611
17:41.44bipolarTheMasterMind1: thats readable by everyone though... right?
17:42.28bipolarTheMasterMind1: I can open it via web browser here.
17:42.35bipolarTheMasterMind1: what error are you getting?
17:42.37TheMasterMind1i need to write to it
17:42.58TheMasterMind1did you update ipkg in unstable?
17:42.59bipolarTheMasterMind1: oh... Are you uploading something?
17:43.08bipolarTheMasterMind1: yes, I updated the ipkg
17:43.11TheMasterMind1ah ok
17:43.13TheMasterMind1i thought you wanted me to do it
17:43.16TheMasterMind1thats fine then
17:43.17kergoth~lart bipolar for not setting his umask properly
17:43.32bipolarI uploaded the ipkg I built yesterday.
17:43.45bipolar~lart kergoth for doing the same thing
17:45.06ljp_workjust dont strip kernel modules, ok?
17:45.16TheMasterMind1why not
17:45.27ljp_workask kergoth
17:45.57bipolardoes buildroot strip kernel modules by default?
17:46.07kergothfuck no
17:46.15kergothuh, kernel modules are useless when stripped
17:46.18kergoththat'd be pretty stupid
17:46.38kergothtechnically buildroot is pretty stupid about stripping. it does what rpm does
17:46.44kergothstrips anything thats executable *g*
17:46.44ljp_workhmm, I wonder if anyone has ever stripped kernel modules, eh?
17:46.53kergothsomeone should update it to obey file type magic
17:46.59kergothwhat version was that?
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17:47.06kergoth1.x or 2.x
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17:47.44*** mode/#openembedded [+o chouimat] by ChanServ
17:48.46bipolarok... file permissons are now 664 on the unstable feed :)
17:49.43*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
17:51.03TheMasterMind1this stupid guy the other day way saying linux sucks "because its going away from unix standards"
17:51.10TheMasterMind1with color ls and stuff
17:51.19TheMasterMind1and i'm like wtf, do you have any clue what GNU stands for
17:52.37troffaskyTheMasterMind1: can you furnish with an exact quote? I'd love to have that kind of genius in my .sig
17:52.38chouimatkergoth: can you send a email to, just for testing purpose
17:54.17ljp_workya, I hate color ls, it makes it too easy to distinguish files and stuff
17:54.51kergothchouimat: k
17:55.14chouimatljp_work: turn it off then :)
17:55.34TheMasterMind1troffasky: nope, no logs.. sorry
17:55.51TheMasterMind1kergoth: any luck with that tslib stuff?
17:56.28kergothTheMasterMind1: was playing on my c700, didnt try 2.4.19
17:56.43kergothTheMasterMind1: found a really annooying bug with the tS handling in qt/e on my c700, its driving me nuts
17:57.43chouimatok isp mail server is down
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18:02.38TheMasterMind1kergoth: yea i read aboutthat
18:02.56kergothso I'm determined to find this bug
18:02.59kergoththen i'll hack on my 5500 some
18:03.50treke_kergoth: how goes the opie port?
18:04.06kergothwell, it runs
18:04.15kergothfound like 42 different bugs related to the larger display
18:04.48treke_all of the opie apps probably need the 640x480 flagg added to their .desktops
18:04.51kergothstuck on this TS quirk atmm
18:04.55kergothnah, they run in 640x480 fine
18:05.03kergothbut some use hardcoded bits instead of layouts
18:05.11kergothso they dont scale properly
18:05.21kergothand our icons are too low rez, they look like shit scaled up in 640
18:05.21ljp_worklike mediaplayer
18:05.32kergothbasically opie looks crappy
18:05.35kergothqtopia looked worse
18:05.37kergothso its all good
18:05.48treke_and opie will eventually get fixed
18:05.51ljp_workyou can try this all out with qvfb
18:06.15kergothfirst thing i want
18:06.25kergothis a launcher settings option to disable background tiling
18:06.35ljp_workI reckon I might be persuaded to get my apps looking better for larger displays
18:06.50kergothmickeyl: you like my fix the broken keyboard hack eh? ;)
18:06.52ljp_worksomeone needs to shoot me with iunspiration
18:06.59treke_~shoot ljp_work
18:07.01ACTION shoots his ionized meson gun at ljp_work
18:07.16kergothibot: no, shoot $nick is <action> shoots $nick in the head.
18:07.17kergoth: okay
18:07.23treke_~shoot ljp_work
18:07.25ACTION shoots ljp_work in the head.
18:07.25kergothI like the deaths simple, to the point
18:07.29treke_much better
18:07.29kergothnone of this fancy meson gun crap
18:07.31mickeylkergoth: hehe, yep... however, that was before I read you 2nd commit :-D
18:07.37kergothmickeyl: hehe
18:07.49treke_yup. nothing like the good ole fashion lead allergy
18:08.08ljp_workvercel has some patches related to the landscape mode screen
18:08.18kergothljp_work: we should get OE on the vercel
18:08.33treke_kergoth: for all two of them that exist? :)
18:08.41kergothi added the tuxscreen kernel last night, so we can fold in all the patches and nifty bits from the tux and uclibc buildroots
18:09.12ljp_workI need to get my vercel fired back up and the keyboard driver reverted
18:09.47ljp_workI emailed Brett at lineo a week ago about vercel. no reply
18:09.59kergothdoes he still work there? :)
18:10.09ljp_workI assumed so
18:10.23kergothhey! i havent larted lineo yet today
18:10.24kergoth~lart lineo
18:10.29kergothnow i feel better
18:10.34ljp_worklast I talked to him was after Tim got laid off
18:10.53ljp_workbest to make that a cron job
18:11.10kergothno, that wouldnt make me feel better
18:11.19kergothI need to have the personal touch of issuing the larting myself, you know?
18:11.20icefoxhmmm still works
18:11.26kergothnot that cold, impersonal cron'd lart
18:12.11chouimatkergoth: that sound sexy
18:12.21kergothdecent industrial band
18:12.32icefoxYou can listen to thunder after lightening and tell how close you came to
18:12.32icefoxgetting hit. If you don't hear it you got hit, so never mind.
18:12.32kergothhm, warmi's zsurface class is pretty damn cool
18:12.36ljp_workonly thing asbout dev for the vercel, I have to boot up redhat for the lineo bsp thingy
18:12.53chouimatljp_work: crap
18:13.07kergothheh, is lineo's bsp as much of mess as i think it is?
18:13.09chouimatljp_work: install redhat in vmware :)
18:13.35ljp_workactually, their dev thing is quite nice
18:13.55ljp_workexcept you need redhat
18:14.02kergoththats a big negative
18:14.17ljp_workits a bit like the oe build, except with a gui, and more options and such
18:14.20chouimatguys one word: VMWARE
18:14.30ljp_workTim had to working with debian I heard
18:14.57ljp_workbut it wont install on gentoo (although it works once installed) or mandrake at all
18:15.01kergothcool. I'm betting the new OE infrastructure will kick its ass, and be GPL
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18:15.21chouimatkergoth: any work on that front?
18:15.30kergothchouimat: not much. schurig has been busy and so have I
18:15.45kergothI need to find some time to hash out some more of the implementation details
18:16.05ljp_workmaybe I will go home early and dust off my vercel, and find that old keyboard driver
18:16.18chouimatkergoth: ok ... my gui stuff for my bsd projects are getting a good shape ...
18:16.48ljp_workbastards refused to send me the new keyboard
18:17.05chouimatkergoth: If I have time I will do a gideon <--> buildroot bridge
18:17.35ljp_workI'll take some screenies of the Lineo bsp wizard thingy
18:17.53chouimatljp_work: they use which widget?
18:18.22ljp_workhmmm, cant remember off ahnd,
18:18.31ljp_workgtk or qt :)
18:19.09chouimatljp_work: ok ... ecos use wxwindows :(
18:19.26ljp_workI let you know once I get back home
18:21.53ljp_workkergoth is that 32 bit display?
18:22.06kergothis what 32bit display?
18:22.50ljp_work32bit color that is
18:23.04kergothdunno off the top of my head
18:23.08mickeyl16 bit IIRC
18:23.50ljp_workdoes your background tile on the c700?
18:24.05kergothyes, it tiles
18:24.09mickeyld'oh! someone fscked up packages/fbvncserver/fbvncserver-0.3.patch
18:24.12kergothwe need a launcher settings option to disable the tiling
18:24.18kergothmickeyl: er?
18:24.38ljp_workeeegad, the opie menu icon looks like crappo
18:24.39kergothwhats wrongw ith the patch?
18:24.41mickeylhmm.... it's no longer a patch file but a depends file
18:24.43kergothljp_work: yes, ikt does
18:24.54kergothmickeyl: ahah wtf?
18:25.31kergothmickeyl: oops :)
18:25.39ljp_workmaybe we need different iconsets
18:26.51kergothmickeyl: lol.. i cant figure out how that happened
18:27.06mickeylkergoth: hehe... strange things happen...
18:27.07ljp_workwow, there's enough realestate for advancedfm to have side by side lists
18:27.43mewynstealin' stealin', stealin' a car for moe.  da dah da da dah da dah da da dah, insurance fraud today!
18:29.18kergothhey, nice to see schurig doing ramses updates to adapt to all the shit i keep changing
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18:32.19mewyn  this is gonna be an easy war
18:37.08treke_hmmm. wonder how safe 03 is on glibc :)
18:37.16treke_er -O3
18:37.29kergothheh, dont do that
18:37.31kergothuse -O2
18:37.44treke_hehe. bad mojo?
18:37.50kergoth-O3 it'll make its own decisions on inlining instead of following your inline keywords
18:37.51mickeylif you want initrd respawning too fast, then use -O3 ...
18:37.57kergothI trust the devel more than I trust gcc
18:38.01mickeylinit even
18:39.10treke_thinking of rebuild my glibc and xfree86 packages with some athlon tuning
18:39.25kergothtreke_: use apt-build
18:39.30treke_kergoth: yup :)
18:39.31kergothyour handy dandy pakage rebuilder w/ opts
18:39.37kergothgotta love debian's tools
18:39.39treke_I like apt-build
18:39.50treke_looking up all the nifty flags to use
18:40.27kergoththeres a good gentoo site on opts i usually hit up when i need em
18:45.19treke_found it
18:45.36treke_they recommend o3, but I trust you a bit more than them :)
18:47.20treke_bipolar: be careful opening it
18:47.29treke_bipolar: things are a bit delicatly placed in there
18:47.40bipolartreke_: so I've noticed.... :)
18:53.41mickeylhmm... qte234-for-opie091-sigsegv.patch doesn't apply here
18:53.55mickeyl"no file to patch"... maybe wrong pnum
18:55.19mickeylah yes, it has to be pnum 1.
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19:38.12mickeylremove the ipks from output/ipk
19:38.19mickeyland remove stamps/.opie.ipk
19:39.13bipolarmickeyl|tv: thanks
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19:47.28bipolarkergoth_: wb
19:56.27*** join/#openembedded Dessimat0r (
19:56.28Dessimat0rlo all
19:57.12Dessimat0ribot seen AndyQ
19:57.14andyq <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 1d 20h 9m 9s ago, saying: 'night all'.
19:57.22Dessimat0ribot seen Onyx4
19:57.22onyx4 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 42d 22h 57m 7s ago, saying: 'lol'.
19:58.47bipolarDessimat0r: hiya
19:59.08Dessimat0ryo ;)
19:59.47bipolarwell... my ipaq is completely dissassembled and on my desk here, and it still boot's. Touchscreen and all work. :)
20:01.43kergothbipolar: .. why?
20:02.08bipolarkergoth: I'm going to make an in dash computer + mp3 player for my Fiero. :)
20:02.14kergothoh nie
20:02.20kergothdocument it, will you? :P
20:02.29bipolarkergoth: you bet. :)
20:03.28bipolarIf you do, and if you can, get an '88
20:03.28icefoxin apache how do you set it up so that someoen can browse a dir?  is that Options MultiViews?
20:03.43bipolaricefox: Indexing?
20:04.56bipolarkergoth: is 'make ipk' what you use to generate ipks for the target?
20:05.03kergothor 'make'
20:05.12kergothdefault target is 'package' if you've enabled a package output form
20:05.19kergothwhich then calls ipk assuming thats the selected output form
20:05.28bipolarkergoth: 'make' is not working for some reason after a make clean.
20:05.40kergoththen you dont have ipkg building enabled
20:05.59kergoththe name of the package changed
20:06.07kergothipkg-build is now in ipkg-utils in cvs
20:06.10kergothso its a seperate build now
20:06.16kergothso your .config doesnt have it enabled
20:06.18bipolarkergoth: 'make ipk' works until it gets to building konq, then it bombs looking for ipkg-build in the wrong spot.
20:06.21kergothmake menuconfig and go eanble it
20:06.26bipolarok.. let me check that.
20:06.39kergothmake ipk is forcing it to try building ipks even if it cant
20:06.49kergothconfiguration affects defaults, not what targets you _can_ call
20:06.51bipolarkergoth: ahh... IC
20:07.26kergothmmm peppered beef jerky
20:07.29kergothand amp energy drinks
20:07.33kergothwhat a healthy lunch
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20:08.15bipolarkergoth: cool. I think I get it now. ;)
20:09.24bipolarkergoth: ok... I've got a packaging error. Does this make sense:
20:09.25bipolar*** package size: 2298948
20:09.25bipolarinstalling preinst
20:09.25bipolar*** building package (ipkg-build)
20:09.26bipolar../../../konq-embed/ipkg/mkipkg: /mnt/smb_home/bflong/arm/buildroot-oz/build/ipkg-x86/util/ipkg-build: No such file or directory
20:10.33kergothfix the path :)
20:11.09*** join/#openembedded Harlekin (
20:11.12Harlekinhi *
20:11.25bipolarHarlekin: hello
20:11.32bipolarkergoth: ok. Where? :)
20:11.53Harlekinhey bipolar
20:12.17bipolarkergoth: packages/konqe/Makefile? heh
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20:13.08Dessimat0rkergoth: some stuff is missing from the 3.1 rc3 feed ;) eXMMS, mplayer, SFCave SDL version, etc
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20:14.17kergothit should be just calling 'ipkg-build'
20:14.18kergothwhich ends up in the PATH implicitly
20:14.26kergothDessimat0r: and?
20:14.37Dessimat0rkergoth: well, these are popular packages ;)
20:14.43kergothno shit
20:14.59kergoththey'll be added when we have a chance to do so
20:14.59Dessimat0rkergoth: they were in the RC2 feed..?
20:15.04Dessimat0rthanks ;)
20:17.23bipolarkergoth: cool! it built them all now. :)
20:17.34kergothbipolar: good good
20:17.58kergothbipolar: remember to enable those packages Dessimat0r mentioned :)
20:18.34bipolarkergoth: I'll build them as soon as I update the feed.
20:19.01bipolarkergoth: BTW... make feedupdate still does not work. It keeps thinking the packages are old and moving them.
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20:19.47kergothbipolar: not surprising.  I havent touched feedupdate in a very very long time
20:19.51kergothI'll look into it
20:20.10carstenmoin moin
20:20.20bipolarcarsten: hello
20:20.27kergothhey carsten
20:25.17kergothwoo! there isnt too much blood in my caffeinestream anymore
20:27.05kergothman am i glad i dont get jitters or anything when on caffine
20:31.02Dessimat0rw00t :D
20:32.26Dessimat0rAnyone here using the new 2.5.65 kernel on Linux?
20:33.13bipolarok, the unstable feed is updated... now for the missing packages
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20:41.07bipolarmake[1]: Entering directory `/mnt/smb_home/bflong/arm/buildroot-oz/packages/libavcodec'
20:41.07bipolarcvs -z4 co ffmpeg/libavcodec
20:41.07bipolarcvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
20:41.07bipolarCVS returned an error
20:41.25kergoththat would be SF being a bitch.
20:41.47TheMasterMind1bitchy sf
20:42.15bipolarkergoth: and now it's working.... bitchy sf
20:43.06bipolarand now for something completely diffrent....
20:43.26bipolarthe ipaq can run completely detached from it's battery... :)
20:43.39bipolarwith a/c pluged in, of course....
20:44.19bipolarshit again.... build error in libavcodec... pos
20:49.20TheMasterMind1probably didn't cvs co propelry
20:54.00bipolarhmmm... I just manualy cvs up'ed the source. It's got the same error. Perhaps the code is busted in their cvs?
20:54.13kergotharent we using a cvsdate?
20:57.09bipolarcan anyone else build it?
20:57.35bipolarIt's giving me a parse error in mpegvideo.c and then it snowballs from there.
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21:18.27kergothhey treke
21:24.06treke|homemaybe using gcc 2.95 will help
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21:26.57nagROMhow come i can't get a changelog for oz3.1 rc3.1
21:27.49nagROManyone home?
21:28.10nagROMthere you are.
21:28.27kergothnoda attempted to fix the changelog, but i never tested it
21:28.34kergothif its still broken, drop him an email
21:28.40nagROMoh. can do.
21:28.43kergothremember that most changes occured in the rc3 release, not 3.1
21:28.51kergoth3.1 only contained the mtdram mount fix
21:29.02nagROMoh really.
21:29.07kergothyes, i released 3.1-rc3
21:29.13kergoththen quickly released a 3.1-rc3.1
21:29.34kergothchangelog contains entries between this release and the last one, so it wont show much
21:29.35nagROMoh i thought i had rc3. mabey i don'
21:29.46kergothdoes changelog let you see previous releases on a givne branch?
21:29.51nagROMlast time i updated was about a month ago.
21:29.57nagROMyeh.  my fault.
21:30.11kergotha month ago? i released -rc3 about a week ago
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21:30.21kergothyou'll want to flash, most likely
21:30.29kergothour upgrade path is currently fairly borked
21:30.48kergothgod will this day never end?
21:31.01nagROMi'm feelin it wont
21:31.15nagROMi'm stuck in middle michigan with no car and a dialup
21:31.59treke|homepoor nagrom
21:32.02nagROMwent to see a friend of mine in michigan and she ended up having to work every day that i'm here.
21:32.09treke|homenothing worse than being stuck in the midwest
21:32.10nagROMand she has no car.
21:32.15nagROMi agree.
21:32.56nagROMi'm going to start drinking. it seems to be all that everybody my age does out her.
21:33.11treke|homethats about all there is to do in the midwest
21:33.17treke|homedrink. and molest farm animals
21:33.36nagROMoh and everybody keeps calling me gay because i dress in nice clothing.
21:34.11nagROMand i wondered why i moved from here.
21:35.30nagROMhey. if i need a new battery do i need to buy that stupid 50 dollar sharp one?
21:36.01nagROMor does someone make a compatable one.
21:37.11nagROMhah. i'm running 3.1rc1  guess i should pay more attention
21:37.22treke|home~lart linux
21:37.33icefox~lart self
21:37.50icefox~lart my parents son
21:37.51treke|homeactually no
21:37.57treke|home~lart aterm
21:38.28nagROMhave fun guys.
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21:46.24Harlekinkergoth: ?
21:46.28Harlekinhey treke|home
21:49.35kergothHarlekin: I'm operating on 2 hours of sleep, zero food, and extremely large amounts of caffeine, and am dealing with gross stupidity both inside my company and outside.
21:49.57kergothnot a good day
21:50.24treke|homeok. so its definitly ide activitiy thats grinding this machine to its knees
21:53.02Harlekindipidolor rectal
21:58.42NetNut404_workkergoth: you mean that's not how everybody lives every day?
21:58.55kergothtoday is worse than the usual shitty days
21:59.04kergothtoday is the proverbial MONDAY
21:59.21chouimat|readingkenb: k
22:00.45kergothibot: mondays
22:00.45Sounds like _somebody_'s got a case of the Muhhndays!
22:10.14*** join/#openembedded nagROM (
22:10.21nagROMwee i'm back.
22:10.33nagROMis there any way to download oz via ftp
22:10.43kergothsf doesnt have ftp access
22:11.19nagROMmac ie doesn't seem to be sending something to make the download page work.
22:11.26nagROMit keeps saying file not found.
22:14.57nagROMany ideas on how i could get this to work?
22:17.38TheMasterMind1kergoth: sup
22:17.52kergothshitty day
22:22.13nagROMis there any way i can access the sourceforge type releases page?
22:22.25nagROMor is there only the one?
22:22.32kergothh/win 13
22:22.34kergother damn h
22:22.41kergothwe dont use sf's files area
22:23.11nagROMhrmm. do any of the mirrors have ftp?
22:23.59kergothtry referencing them directly
22:24.03kergothrather than via our downloads wrapper
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22:26.50nagROMbuhh 4 minutes to download 900k
22:28.03treke_doh. no wonder ide works fine at work, but not at home. Different chipset :)
22:31.10tux_mikeUSB 8051-based MCU
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22:38.02treke_kergoth: so i go poking about lkml in hopes of seing a fix for my IDE-DMA hangs. The solution is to use a PS2 mouse :)
22:38.17kergothaha, wtf?
22:38.56treke_kergoth: looks like errata that happens to be triggered by not using the ps2 mouse port
22:39.47treke_found a few other postings saying that using ps2 mice fixed the hang
22:40.12kergoththats pretty fscking weird
22:40.20kergothwhats the hang behavior? box hangs completely/
22:40.28treke_kergoth: yup
22:40.38treke_although in some cases I've seen it recover
22:40.42kergothmy system pauses
22:40.48kergothhangs solid for 5-30 seconds
22:40.50kergoththen returns
22:40.57kergothi'm not using ide!
22:41.01treke_it does that and sometimes it just hangs completly
22:41.08kergothyeah, i've see that too
22:41.08treke_kergoth: you have a 768>
22:42.14kergothhm, i think i have that via chipset
22:42.15treke_tempted to return the board and get one of the tyans that use the 766 south bridge
22:42.20kergothvia8233 and the other
22:42.28kergothwhose model i cant recall off the top of my head
22:44.52treke_kergoth: kinda surprising though. They were aiming for the server market
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22:58.46kergoth`bblwhere, oh where, did my motivation go
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22:59.28chouimat|readingkergoth`bbl: iraq ?
22:59.56treke_kergoth`bbl: to unmotivated to go outside? :)
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23:02.21kergoth`bbltreke_: no i went outside, and didnt want to come back in
23:03.18kergoth`bbland i really dont want to do this fucking php kbase
23:03.23kergoth`bbli hate this shit
23:03.34treke_I went to lunch and didnt want to come back :)
23:05.02TheMasterMind1great idea
23:05.17kergoth`bblthing is, its on my goals, so i wouldnt have completed it
23:05.25kergoth`bbli doubt itd be an excuse to can me, but i'm already walking on thin ice
23:05.29kergoth`bblboss has it in for me
23:05.30TheMasterMind1hack the goals db
23:05.47kergoth`bblfor that one time when I explained exactly why he was an inept manager in front of the rest of the dept
23:06.06kergoth`bblit was fun though
23:11.56treke_particularly since your roommate just move out :)
23:20.04kergoth`bblyes yes i know, its not like i'm going to get canned intentionally
23:20.13kergoth`bblbut i need to get out of this php shit
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23:22.24treke_bah tdprime@inreach needs to step the fuck back
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23:34.32treke_kergoth`bbl: hmmm, good news is alan cox seems to be doing an asslode of work on the 760mpx/768
23:55.52treke_"No, I am still not happy.
23:57.50treke_I'm trying to resist the urge to respond sarcastically
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