irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030313

00:05.04*** join/#openembedded bisho (
00:08.23kergothokay, finally fixed the buildroot's ability to checkout bk sources for a build
00:08.42kergothso can finally do a 2.4.19 on collie build again, and confirm my tslib patch fixes the TS misbehavior
00:10.11trekekergoth: did you end up going back to fluxbox or are you still hanging with ion?
00:10.12TheMasterMind1Need to get 128MB of archives. After unpacking 1894kB will be used.
00:10.23TheMasterMind1128mb becomes 1.8mb
00:10.25trekeTheMasterMind1: its an upgrade
00:10.27kergothtreke: went back to fluxbox until I can figure out ion's keybindings
00:10.32trekeTheMasterMind1: the old stuff will dissappear
00:10.40TheMasterMind1treke: heh
00:10.49trekekergoth: its amazing how much cleaner my desktop is :)
00:10.53trekeno mor window clutter
00:11.00kergothhehe. my X is always just a pile of terminals everywhere
00:11.04TheMasterMind1fluxdesk thing is cool
00:11.10kergothwhats fluxdesk?
00:12.01treketabs :)
00:12.23TheMasterMind1fbdesk that is
00:12.36TheMasterMind1it lets you put icons on your "desktop"
00:12.44trekewhat good are they
00:12.45kergothtreke: that url is a good ref on the emacs and vim options to manipulate them
00:12.58trekedont you have to be able to see your desktop to use them?
00:13.03kergothtreke: i've taken to adding modelines to nearly all the code i edit but dont own, so that i dont fuck with the existing formatting
00:13.23TheMasterMind1looks cool
00:13.27trekeI think  my vim is set up to use spaces (the standard at work)
00:13.47kergothI've taken a liking to using 4 space indentation with tab compression (i.e. two indents becomes a tab, not 8 spaces)
00:13.49TheMasterMind1whats a modeline
00:13.59kergothbut for kernel code, i have to follow standard. hard tabs or 8 space indent
00:14.09trekekergoth: there was a a vim bug with that I think ;
00:14.13kergothTheMasterMind1: special C comment at the top of the file that sets vim options
00:14.21trekekergoth: you were able to run arbitrary code on some versions of vim
00:14.26kergothtreke: hah
00:15.24kergoth43556542 bytes uncompressed to 67845416, 1.56X expansion
00:15.29kergothcheckout of linux-arm-2.4-collie
00:15.33kergoth42 fucking megs
00:15.43kergothi wish bk export could export a remote repository
00:15.55kergothcause i cant put a bk dir w/ SCCS dirs into our buildroot
00:16.03kergothbk will think its part of _this_ repos :)
00:16.11*** join/#openembedded caffeine^ (
00:17.20*** join/#openembedded ljp (~ljp@
00:18.23ljpibot: kill me
00:18.28ACTION slits ljp's throat
00:18.54ljpdamn it, you used that last time
00:21.43TheMasterMind1ibot kill ljp
00:21.45ACTION slits ljp's throat
00:21.51TheMasterMind1ibot kill is kjdf
00:21.53ACTION slits is kjdf's throat
00:21.59TheMasterMind1ibot die
00:21.59ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
00:23.36ljpibot: kill picobot
00:23.41ACTION slits picobot's throat
00:26.16*** join/#openembedded SirPsycho-home (
00:29.59ljpibot: kill dumb bitches
00:30.04ACTION slits dumb bitches's throat
00:32.04kergothibot: kill?
00:32.04ACTION kills all the morons
00:32.30chouimatibot: lart GW Bush
00:40.48trekeibot kill treke
00:40.54ACTION slits treke's throat
00:45.05ljpibot: kill treke
00:45.10ACTION slits treke's throat
00:45.16trekeibot assrape ljp
00:45.19wish i knew, treke
00:45.28trekeI bet you do
00:54.10ljphow come I am still alive?
00:54.22ljpibot: you suck
01:03.06trekeancient chinese proverb say "f*k this shit"
01:06.00chouimattreke: that a chinese proverb?
01:07.21trekechouimat: yes
01:07.48*** join/#openembedded Bala (
01:08.04chouimathmm must compile 2 1.5.0, 2 1.6.0 and 2 opie SDK ....
01:08.15ljpancient chinese proverb
01:08.56chouimatljp: 2.95.3 and 3.2.2
01:09.15chouimatljp arm and sh4
01:10.05ljpwell? what are you waiting for?
01:10.11ljpget crackin!
01:10.19chouimatancinet chinese proverb: One who pee against the wind will wet his cloathes
01:11.17chouimatljp: I will go sleep very soon so ...
01:11.34ljpancient chinese proverb: don't eat dog poo
01:12.28chouimatancient american proverb: 15 will get you 20
01:12.28ljpeehhh ... who needs sleep. sleep is for wussies
01:13.52chouimatljp: after 36 hours ...
01:15.18ljpancient chinese proverb: woman who swallows is a keeper
01:15.40chouimatljp: roftl
01:16.36chouimata woman who share everything with his twin sister is good to wed
01:18.12ljphhehehe...  _his_ twin sister...
01:18.29chouimatljp: I made the correction
01:19.19chouimat|showerbb soon
01:46.39ljpbilly idol should be a judge on American Idol
01:47.36ljphey, you guys have your vercel build working yet? :)
01:54.26treke|homeyou still have a vercel?
01:58.20ljpyes, I will always have that prototype thing
01:58.38treke|homeget oz running
01:58.46ljpI just emailed lineo about that asking them whats up
01:58.57treke|homeI figured tim would have wanted it back
01:59.17ljpwell, I have to use their old keyboard driver as they wont send me the updated hardware
01:59.29ljpthat was part of the deal
01:59.36ljpI get a vercel
01:59.56ljptoo bad its mounted on a piece of plywoode and doesnt have a back
02:00.24ljpI dunno, I just assumed it was mine
02:00.31treke|homeno one else is gonna be getting better :0
02:00.44chouimat|tvwhat a vercel?
02:00.49treke|homea pda thingy
02:00.51treke|homeruns qtopia
02:00.57ljpmultimedia pda
02:01.08ljpwon some awards
02:01.16treke|homeand its mostly likely vapor ware :)
02:01.26ljpbut is mostly vaporware due to no funding
02:01.41chouimat|tvthat sucks ...
02:02.03ljpya, its nice. the screen is movie ways... like the c700
02:02.14ljphas fold out keyboard
02:02.24treke|homebut nothing like the c700
02:02.26ljpand gamers style controls
02:02.39ljpthere's some photos somewhere
02:02.53ljpvercels site sux tho
02:03.00chouimat|tvljp: put people would rather buy Palm or PocketPC
02:03.33ljpthey can put their palm in their pocket and play pocket pull!
02:04.40ljphey! it still works
02:04.52treke|homesomeone needs to write a qtopia pool game
02:04.55treke|homethat doesnt suck
02:05.23ljphmmm, last vercel bsp dated dec 04
02:10.21*** join/#openembedded bflong (
02:10.45kergothhmm, go to grocery store for soda, come back with $90 in groceries
02:10.46*** join/#openembedded dep (
02:11.01kergothnote to self: stop grocery shopping when hungry
02:11.16ljpyou didnt know that?
02:11.24kergothyeah i did, but i went anyway :)
02:11.50ljpmy vercel has loads of dust on it
02:13.36ljpfirst I need to find the old keyboard driver
02:14.34_Psychohey ker, someone posted that on web today
02:14.47_Psychoya thing the raw command and stuff could be useufll for drivers ?
02:14.54_Psychoor you saw it already ?
02:15.02kergothits in my mailbox, i'll look when i have time.
02:15.08_Psychoyeah ok
02:15.09kergothwhich isnt now
02:15.20kergoth~lart ljp
02:15.23_Psychoof course, i want opie on my c700 working someday !
02:15.33kergoth_Psycho: what do you think i'm working on? ;)
02:15.48ljpworking on putting groceries away
02:15.57kergothwell actually i got distracted by adding a new feature to tslib so I could get 2.4.19 working on the 5500 w/ TS
02:16.03_Psychoi heard rumor =p
02:16.04kergothnah im done with taht :)
02:16.12_Psychohehe i know ;)
02:16.22_Psychoso ts work now , sound good
02:16.48_Psychoyou on the keymap thingie ?
02:16.52kergothts works on 5500/5000d (2.4.6 and 2.4.19 both), c700, and b500/5600, all using tslib
02:16.59kergoththe keyboard stuff is half done in qt/e
02:17.14*** join/#openembedded noda (
02:17.15kergothI'm going to have to hack some stupid shit because of the shitty keyboard driver
02:17.18kergothwhich is unfortuante
02:17.20kergothhey noda
02:17.24nodakergoth: Is it just me, or is not working? :)
02:17.35nodaOh, n/m, it's sourceforge.
02:17.42*** join/#openembedded Bala (
02:17.59ljpboink is down
02:18.30nodaSo, what's new?
02:18.49chouimat|tvkergoth: <--- some years ago
02:19.03nodachouimat|tv: That's YOU?
02:19.11chouimat|tvnoda: 10 years ago
02:19.20kergothhey, you had hair. wow.
02:19.41ljpI had hair also
02:19.47nodaWell, who'm I to talk. I used to have mad hair. There's this one picture of me playing a piano, kinda leaning over the keys. Reminds me of Beethoven, the MAD PIANIST WACKO :)
02:19.50treke|homeand you were just as ugly back then
02:19.53kergoth <-2 years ago
02:20.07nodahttp:// ... wait a tic!
02:20.22kergothwait a tic?
02:20.29nodaI've gotta put a pic or two up :P
02:20.31ljpConnection to host is broken
02:20.56noda (and mypic2.jpg)
02:20.58treke|homeme two years ago
02:21.04nodaMe two years ago
02:21.49chouimat|tvtreke|home: wow!
02:22.13ljpyou guys are freaks!
02:22.14kergothnoda: hah
02:22.24kergothljp: cmon, wheres your pic then huh?
02:22.30nodaHehehe, he's too ashamed :)
02:22.31kergothdont just mutter freak in the corner
02:22.44treke|homehe has pictures of his hippy self
02:22.48ljphang on..
02:22.59nodaHost not found
02:23.08chouimat|tvme search a photo of me two years ago
02:24.10kergothyour page is like a trip into the ancient web past
02:24.13_Psycho - me this summer
02:24.16kergothits like.. 1994
02:24.25kergothadn i feel like i should see angelfire or geocities popups
02:24.46nodalol, I was just thinking an angelfire popup would come up. Then I remembered I don't get popups :)
02:24.50kergothhey, ljp _is_ a hippy!
02:24.55nodaHehehe :)
02:25.11treke|homeyou thought I was making that up?
02:25.40kergothI just figured you called him a hippy
02:25.42kergothdidnt figure he actually was
02:26.13kergothljp: freak!
02:26.23_Psychogod im the only one that look normal here =p
02:26.36noda_Psycho: I've got normal pictures. But I figure they're not worth putting up :)
02:26.38kergoth_Psycho: alright, wheres your pic eh? you have no right to comment until then
02:26.38ljpyou are freaks! I am a normal, Boulderite
02:26.44_Psycho - me this summer
02:26.50kergothljp: hm, good point. i have relatives out there.
02:26.52kergothljp: hehe
02:27.00nodaActually, that's not true, I just need a pic taken from a digital camera, I have no scanner :P
02:27.02chouimat|tvkergoth: <--- 2 years ago
02:27.37_Psychowithout hair ;) hehe
02:27.56kergothI should develop the pics from my trip to vegas. more recent
02:28.18ljpme a couple years ago
02:28.45_Psychoif you look in the same directory there is 3-4 pictures of womens at the beach i took too but well =p
02:28.51chouimat|tv_Psycho: my graduating photo
02:30.14ljpwow, my site is really active! 4750 hits since 1998
02:30.28kergothheh, looking at pictures of us is amusing. I mean, stark differences in age, background, etc
02:30.40_Psychoindeed is getting 'connection refused'
02:30.56kergothyep, it is.
02:31.01kergothbitch at SF
02:31.06nodaljp: I've got 400 hits since... 6 hours ago...
02:31.23nodaOh, no, wait, 400/day for 6 days
02:31.28deplol, right, i bet they are really responsive
02:31.28nodaWow, I'm bad at reading graphs :)
02:31.38_Psychowhat web site noda ?
02:32.02_Psychoyou live in quebec too ?
02:32.07nodaMy first PHP coding project was for this MUD Discworld. I've pretty much stopped playing, but everyone loves the site :P
02:32.09nodaYep, Montreal
02:32.12_Psychoah me too
02:32.13nodachouimat's from Quebec too :)
02:32.16noda_Psycho: Montreal?
02:32.25treke|homeI plan to do the chouimat|tv thing and keep my head shaved once baldness sets in :)
02:32.33noda_Psycho: I'm downtown -- you?
02:32.39chouimat|tvtreke|home: hehe
02:32.49_Psychorosemont, beaubien / sur louis-hebert
02:33.01noda_Psycho: What school/work do you do? :)
02:33.02ljpI wanna look like David Crosby, long hair and bald
02:33.11kergothtreke|home: thats my plan as well if i start balding
02:33.21kergothtreke|home: I hate those fucks doing the combover. like we cant fucking tell
02:33.30treke|homeI like being bald, it's just too much work to maintain
02:33.33_Psychoworking as a programmer / network admin for a medium company, rive-sud,
02:33.36_Psychofor the moment
02:33.38treke|homeI cant wait til nature does the job for me :)
02:33.52noda_Psycho: Heh, I used to do that :)
02:34.08_Psychoprogramming in progress = sux0r
02:34.23_Psychowhat are you doing now ?
02:34.25noda_Psycho: Heh, my contract is going great. I've done all the heavy thinking :)
02:34.41_Psychoi just got mine extended to december
02:34.48_Psychoim looking to buy a car today - this week etc
02:35.02noda_Psycho: I've done an authentication framework in PHP and am working on a frontend to edit users and stuff. Multiple apps, multiple companies... pretty fun :)
02:35.11kergothI've never had my hair long. tempted to try it, just for a change. or go bald or something. i get bored easy.
02:35.15nodaHeh, I have to choose between getting a car or going to school next year :P
02:35.20_Psychoah nice, consultant ?
02:35.37treke|homekergoth: problem with being bald is needing to shave every fucking day
02:35.48noda_Psycho: Um... I don't really know the technical term. But I make up my own hours, have no deadline, don't have to GO anywhere and get $20/hour. And I'm 19 :P
02:35.58nodaSo whatever it is, it's sweet :)
02:36.08_Psychono bad i get around the same too
02:36.10nodaAnd I pretty much define my job :)
02:36.18_Psychoworked 3 years for the gov too was nice
02:36.34kergothtreke|home: yeah, the maintainance would get annoying
02:36.41_Psychonoda where do you go out usually ?
02:37.08kergothnoda: bastard
02:37.11noda_Psycho: You mean in my free time? I don't have any :P
02:37.25noda_Psycho: Totally random places, last Friday I ended up in the west island somehow :)
02:37.29_Psychobah like i go out every week ! geesh hehe
02:37.33_Psychoah ok
02:37.49_Psychogoing often to the Baloos, cool to play billard and i know everyone there
02:37.52chouimat|tvso now you people know why I sahve my head
02:37.57nodaWhere's baloos?
02:37.58_Psychost-denis / ontario
02:38.01nodaOh :)
02:38.09nodaHeh, 2 streets I actually know ;)
02:38.17_Psychoi hope
02:38.23treke|homechouimat|tv: you know what they say, god only made so many perfect heads
02:38.28_Psychobefore the videotron bulding
02:38.28treke|homechouimat|tv: the rest he covered with hair
02:38.42_Psychoif you see a freak playing day of the tentacle on a c700 its probably me
02:38.49_Psychoanyway check my picture haha
02:38.55nodaHeh, yeah
02:39.06chouimat|tvtreke|home:  yup and a sahved head is more attractive to women
02:39.08nodaWell, I'm off. I meant to do homework tonight, but I guess I won't :)
02:39.13nodaInstead I'll sleep.
02:39.17_Psychohehe later
02:39.22nodaOoh ooh ooh! I'll actually start up that OE stylesheet :)
02:40.46kergothnoda: oh, we need a device selection for the downloads page badly.  If you dont have time, myself or tmm1 should do it.  Say the word. delegate. it needs doing.
02:40.59_Psychoi play everquest everynight that stupid addicitve game sux all my time :/
02:41.01kergothgiven I'm just about done with the c700 support :)
02:41.03nodakergoth: Okay, will do now
02:41.33nodakergoth: What's the filenaming convention?
02:43.01kergothnoda: we're talking another level in directory structure here, not a filenaming change
02:43.06nodaOkay, sure, where?
02:43.26kergothhold on, let me ssh over there
02:44.38kergothjust put another level. official/collie/3.1rc2 being 3.1rc2 for collie
02:44.47kergothnote that not all devices will have been a part of a given release
02:44.58nodaShite :P
02:45.12nodaAnything else icky?
02:45.14nodaWhat is 'collie'?
02:45.31kergothcollie is sharp's name for the 5000d/5500 sa1110 implementation / machine type
02:45.35kergothpoodle is b500/5600
02:45.39kergothcorgi is c700
02:45.51kergothh3600 is .. ipaq h3600
02:45.51_Psychooh good to know
02:45.55_Psychoput that in a faq !
02:46.04nodaOkay. Would it be very confusing if for 'device selection' I gave the choice between 'sl-5000' and 'sl-5500' and made them point to the same thing?
02:46.08noda_Psycho: You got the idea, you make the faq :)
02:46.24treke|homeh3600 is ipaq 3600, 3700, and 3800
02:46.30kergothnoda: nah, we can do that
02:46.42_Psychosure i can if ker doesnt
02:46.48kergoth_Psycho: no time, feel free
02:47.00nodakergoth: Um. If you're going to be doing this, why not separate the kernels while we're at it?
02:47.05_PsychoOE faq or ? what exactly hehe
02:47.07nodakergoth: Will all the collie kernels be in the same dir?
02:47.07kergothnoda: um, seperate them how?
02:47.14kergothnoda: oh, by version?
02:47.17nodakergoth: By model
02:47.26nodakergoth: SL-5000 and Sl-5500 are bunched together, the zImages
02:47.31kergothoh, i see
02:48.03_Psychothere i started the OE FaQ :0
02:48.06kergothleave it as is for now. I'm restructuring everything anyway
02:48.16kergothi.e. i'm moving initrd.bin and zImages into a seperate structure from the feeds
02:48.35nodaWaitwaitwait, what's 'b500'? It's not c500?
02:48.57treke|homeits like the 5600
02:49.03treke|homebut japanese
02:49.04nodaOh fun.
02:49.04kergothb500 is the japanese 5600
02:49.10nodaSmall B or capital?
02:49.21kergothnoda: basically we have.. device class, machine type, and model
02:49.30kergothipaq -> h3600 -> 3800
02:49.38kergothzaurus -> collie -> 5500
02:49.59kergothin fact, the Ipkg Architecture field, and our device identification routines will be operating in this way
02:50.01JasonNJfuck man the net is getting hammered over here
02:50.07_Psychoi thought OE was universal ?
02:50.15JasonNJmy traceroutes thru cablevison are fuckin nasty
02:50.18nodaso 'device' table will be 'ipaq'/'zaurus', 'machine' table will be 'collie','h3600', and 'model' will be the models :)
02:50.18kergothOE runs on whatever you want it on
02:50.25kergothnoda: that works.
02:50.32chouimat|tvJasonNJ: hey
02:50.37nodaJasonNJ: Moo
02:50.40kergothnoda: course the user may or may not need to see anything but model, the interface is your call
02:50.49kergothhey JasonNJ
02:50.52chouimat|tvJasonNJ: just finished jihad ...
02:52.23nodaWhat letters are capitalized in 'ipaq'?
02:52.25chouimat|tvJasonNJ: huh?
02:52.50treke|homenoda: you pick :)
02:53.07_PsychoiPAQ !
02:53.20treke|homei usualyl use iPaq
02:53.25_Psychome neither, just look better ;)
02:55.34nodaIt's iPAQ though :)
02:55.39_Psychonoda where is the web site btw ?
02:55.53_Psychooh ok i thought it was something else
02:56.46nodaHrm, I oughta put a 'manufacturer' table too. Well, that can wait.
02:57.35treke|homea 1910 is an h3900 I think
02:57.49nodaDoes anything actually WORK for that yet? :)
02:58.06treke|homenope :)
02:58.18nodaI'll make that the test model for the admin frontends when I code 'em :)
02:59.17*** join/#openembedded caffeine^ (~caffeine^
03:00.44nodaOkay, the DOWNLOAD page needs a 'filter' system now :)
03:00.51nodaThis is getting way out of hand :)
03:11.13*** join/#openembedded nikkiz (~nikkiz@
03:13.03nodakergoth: When do you plan RC3?
03:13.29kenbwhen it's ready.
03:14.48kergothits pretty much ready now
03:14.50nodaWell, all I can say is, hope it doesn't have an ipaq build :P
03:14.52kergothjust flashing and testing
03:14.55kergothit wont, not yet
03:15.51nodaBut the new directory structure will be in place?
03:16.29kergothyou mean structuring by device?
03:16.53kergothwe wont be structuring to model level for this release, do the zImages the way they are now for now
03:17.58nodaOh, okay... in that case I just won't push my changes.
03:18.09*** join/#openembedded mehuman (~mehuman@
03:18.43kergothso for rc3, just official/collie/[ver#]
03:19.19nodaOh, you ARE putting the new model level...?
03:19.23kergothmodel != device
03:19.25kergothmodel = model
03:19.32kergothnah fuck it, i'll wait till final for that
03:19.32nodaDammit, MACHINE :)
03:19.35kergothso go ahead adn hold off
03:19.36nodaPlease :)
03:19.37*** join/#openembedded mrwoody (
03:19.53nodaI think it'd be much harder to implement this if it's only "halfway there"
03:20.12kergoththen we may as well do the complete restructure i have planned
03:20.17kergothlet me lay it out and i'll get back to you
03:20.27nodaAwesome, sounds great. Please put it on Wiki? :)
03:20.41nodaIRC is much harder to search :P
03:20.57nodaI'll do a proper rewrite of the entire download code. The page is one big hack.
03:21.07nodalol, there's SO much work to do on this site!
03:21.13nodaWell, I want to at least put in cool colours :)
03:24.55bipolarkergoth: are you still here?
03:24.56_Psychogot a call for a job to check tomorow
03:24.58_Psychonot bad
03:25.37noda -- ugly?
03:25.53nodalol, thank you :)
03:26.00nodaWhat should I do to incorporate both colours?
03:26.06kergothfuck man
03:26.07nodaOr should I just stick to one...
03:26.09kergoththats really fucking ugly
03:26.15kergoth'yes' just wasnt sufficient
03:26.17kergothi had to comment
03:26.21_Psychohaha the logo ?
03:26.29nodaThe ugly colours of course :)
03:26.31_Psychoi agree
03:26.44nodaHow 'bout that?
03:26.47treke|homewe should lart the pig fucker who chose it
03:26.54noda~lart me
03:26.57kergothstill ugly
03:26.59treke|homestill ugly
03:27.00nodaNo thank you, I'll lart myself :)
03:27.03chouimat|tvnoda: yup ugly but not as bad as goatse.?? :)
03:27.08treke|homeits the only thing that color on the page
03:27.10kergothnoda: we should make the OpenZaurus at the top the script. same script as used on our boot logo
03:27.20kergoththe purplish on the navbars has gotta go
03:27.30nodakergoth: Script... well, that'd take an image but it'd be possible.
03:27.36bipolarkergoth: remeber the problem with not being able to get into 'packages' in make image_menuconfig? I can reproduce it.
03:27.36nodaYeah, purplish is easy to get rid of
03:27.38kergothnoda: right
03:27.43kergothbipolar: how?
03:27.57nodakergoth: Get me an image of the logo -- send to
03:28.07_Psychoi think we should go for pink, neon green and light blue !
03:28.13treke|homeyou see ugly is ok as long as something else is uglier
03:28.16noda_Psycho: These colours have specific meaning :P
03:28.25bipolarkergoth: every time a make_image fails it breaks it. It also overwrites the .config file.
03:28.30kergothbipolar: huh?
03:28.39bipolarkergoth: I've still not found a way to reverse it though.
03:28.39kergothmenuconfig is supposed to overwrite .config
03:28.43kergoththats its entire purpose in life.
03:28.52kergothgenerating a .config from user selection
03:28.55bipolarkergoth: I know.
03:29.04treke|homeand it does a fine job of it
03:29.32bipolarkergoth: something is overwriting it. Perhaps it's make_menuconfig thats overwiting it after not being able to get into 'packages'?
03:30.01kergothmenuconfig ALWAYS fucking writes .config when you save and exit
03:30.02kergothno fuck shit
03:30.05kergothfucking shit rather
03:30.19kergoth*config write .config
03:30.22kergoththats WHAT THEY DO
03:30.56bipolarkergoth: but how does *config lose the package information?
03:31.44kergothit doesnt lose it.
03:31.49kergothsomething is screwing your
03:31.50nodakergoth: ROFL! Check it out now :P
03:31.54kergothPackages config is _GENERATED_
03:31.59noda :P
03:32.01kergothbased on the contents of output/ipks/
03:32.02bipolarman... I'm just pissing *everyone* off today. I probbly should just go to bed. :p
03:32.06nodaThat was a kind of accident, but it looks sorta neat...
03:32.17kergotheh, no
03:32.24nodakergoth: Ooh ooh ooh! Idea! I could make the background... a watermark...
03:32.26bipolarkergoth: where does *config get it's info from to write the .config file?
03:32.28kergothgreen openzaurus on orange overlap hurts my eyes
03:32.32nodakergoth: Was just a joke :)
03:32.32kergothbipolar: output/
03:32.43kergothbipolar: which includes output/
03:32.45nodaBut the watermark I'm serious about. I'll show an example
03:32.48kergothbipolar: which is generated by output/Makefile
03:33.09chouimat|tvme thinks to try /kick command at random
03:33.23treke|homenoda: that to is pretty ugly
03:34.05nodatreke|home: The effect is neat though :0
03:34.25bipolarkergoth: ok... and now is blank. 0 bytes.
03:34.42bipolarkergoth: thanks. Now I understand that part.
03:35.25bipolarkergoth: is there a way to regenerate that file with make <something>?
03:35.42chouimat|tvnoda: I was thinking of a new reality show: Gang-banged by America
03:36.28chouimat|tvnoda: don't know if I will watch it ....
03:36.34kergothbipolar: rm output/
03:36.39kergothbipolar: it generates it if it doesnt exist.
03:37.26nodakergoth: Ooh, the LOGO looks really cool on a web page though:
03:37.55bipolarkergoth: ok. I rm'ed it, and it generated another empty one when I ran make image_menuconfig.
03:38.00kergothnoda: nice
03:38.13kergothbipolar: and what about image_config?
03:38.31nodaHow about this: I make all the BORDERS one colour, say, orange, and the text that's BLUE in this stylesheet... green
03:38.46bipolarkergoth: it does the same thing.
03:39.05bipolarthat logo looks really good.
03:41.25bipolarI like the color.... :p
03:41.33bipolarbut I'm an insane moron anyway
03:43.36nodaCheck out the site now, is it going in the right DIRECTION?
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03:44.25_Psychogod orange and green are like hmmm
03:44.36chouimat|tvnoda: better
03:44.36noda_Psycho: Like what? ...the logo? :P
03:44.54_Psychoyeah well i never liked the orange and green logo =p
03:44.57nodaMaybe black borders in most places and orange ones only as "trim"?
03:45.03kergothI'm not sure about the colors anymore, they look crappy on a webpage
03:45.06nodai.e., underneath the <h1>'s in the divs
03:45.13nodaI'll try something... one sec
03:45.55nodaLike... refresh.
03:46.05nodaI dunno, I could take out more colour and put in something subtler. Maybe gray...
03:46.40_Psycholook a bit bright like tooo hmm
03:46.42kergothnoda: seen ken's version for the opie background?
03:46.43nodaOne thing I personally like is the INPUT's -- check out the admin login section, click on stuff
03:46.45chouimat|tvnoda: that better but imho the logo color SUCKS
03:46.58nodakergoth: Oh, we're allowed to change colour?
03:47.07nodachouimat|tv: I'd agree, they're not exactly made for web design :P
03:47.16_Psychotaht blue green look great kergoth (the OE logo)
03:47.43nodaMan, if we had an SVG logo I could make the logo's colour part of the stylesheet...
03:47.51nodaDamn, that would be sweet :)
03:48.31nodaSheesh, seems like changing colours is all the rage here...
03:48.37kergothnoda: right now we decided on green/orange, but we _had_ to change it for the opie background
03:48.47nodakergoth: Why?
03:48.47kergothnoda: orange/green is too in your face for something intended to be _background_
03:48.56nodakergoth: I guess the same applies for a webpage...
03:49.23_Psychoi suggest to take ken color :)
03:49.31nodaThe only thing I like on my new stylesheet now is the logo and the creative use of orange/green in the <input>'s :)
03:49.34_Psychoi like them =p
03:49.38kergothnoda: well you dont want a background to distract from your use of the launcher
03:49.39nodakergoth: Focus on an input in the login div :)
03:49.51nodaactually, I should reverse the colours there :)
03:51.09nodaHrm. My roomates prefer the way the page looks on to the one.
03:51.32nodaI think it's the logo :P
03:51.41treke|homewell your roommate is obviously color blind
03:51.47nodatreke|home: 2 roomates :P
03:52.34kergoththat green on white isnt enough contrast
03:52.38kergothhow can they prefer it?
03:52.39kergothi mean
03:52.44nodakergoth: Agreed :)
03:52.47kenbthe green text looks fugly, but I like the adamhooper one
03:52.48_Psychoits plain very ugly
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03:53.01kergothhey effy
03:53.19treke|homeits almost as ugly as kergoth
03:53.27kergothi mean..
03:53.29chouimat|tvhey effy
03:53.44kenbdarken then green text and it would work...
03:54.19nodaI'm gonna try an outline. Just for the hell of it.
03:54.55effysup chouimat
03:55.03chouimat|tveffy: nothing
03:55.17effyheard of any job opportunities within Japan? :D
03:55.32kergothfraid not. nobody keeps me in the loop on such things :\
03:55.38chouimat|tveffy: not
03:55.50kergothThinking I may hack on the MMC stuff soon
03:55.58kergothI feel like delving back into kernel space for a while
03:56.03chouimat|tvand I don't want to lear japanese so
03:56.27kenbnoda: do my blue/cyan color scheme ;)
03:56.39effykergoth: if I can find stable employment, I may buy an SD card and try your hacks
03:56.46kergothkenb: i showed that toa  friend of mine, he loved it
03:56.59kenbkergoth: the stuff I did last night?  cool
03:57.04Balaso the OE logo is a fish?
03:57.07kergothkenb: yeah
03:57.08nodakenb: Will try it out...
03:57.18nodakenb: I lost the url already, could you please send?
03:57.20kergothBala: eh? no
03:57.31Balalooks kinda fishy to me :)
03:57.32nodaHow's it look now btw? Just about finished the ugly colours.
03:57.47_Psychoblue cyan = win
03:58.24nodaShould the text be blue or green?
03:58.30noda(i.e., one's the text, one's the trim)
03:58.31kenbkergoth: so we gonna change the color scheme to the blue/cyan instead? ;)
03:58.35kenbBlue I think.
03:58.42kenbnoda: txt=blue
03:58.48kenbcyan text is fugly.
03:58.50_Psychoblue more readable on white
03:59.10_Psychowell its not reall cyan its more greenishj
03:59.41nodaI'll put blue text, green trim
03:59.47nodaBoth are very readable though
03:59.56_Psychofrom the logo yes indeed
04:02.02kenbI we're sticking with my color scheme, I'll convert the text + stuff logo variants as well
04:02.05nodaWhoa. I think maybe the blue is too... shocking.
04:02.13bipolarkergoth: looks like 'make image' deleted all the built ipk's. And I see that is built from the list of ipks in output/ipks. I guess thats why I can't get into 'packages', right?
04:02.15nodaBut I think there should be blue trim, green text.
04:02.17kenbI like it.
04:02.23kergothbipolar: bingo
04:02.34kergothbipolar: make image only runs ipkg and mkfs.jffs2
04:02.38kergothbipolar: read the makefile yourself
04:02.40kenbnoda: I like the blue text.  very readable.
04:03.02nodakenb: Maybe it's just in contrast with the other logo and the old site, but I find it too... bold.
04:03.06kenbnoda: but try it backwards.  we'll test.
04:03.14bipolarkergoth: so why would it delete the ipks? Do I have to run 'make' all over again?
04:03.36kergothbipolar: making the ipks doesnt take long.
04:03.41kergothbipolar: it doesnt recompile,, just reipks
04:03.46kergothbipolar: yes, just run make
04:03.55bipolark... here it goes...
04:04.52nodaAck, what on earth did I do... :P
04:05.07kenbnoda: made it grey... ?
04:05.23nodaThere -- NOW look :)
04:05.39nodaChristmas green! :)
04:06.01nodaActually... lemme try something out with the nav headings...
04:06.03kergothi dont like the green text myself
04:06.09nodaYeah, I agree :)
04:06.11_Psychogreen was nice
04:06.14_Psychoblue i mean
04:06.18kergothi think with this color scheme, we may want to darken the background .. thats behind the boxes
04:06.23_Psychoblue with green border ?
04:06.26kenbgo back to the blue text
04:07.03nodaBlue text back
04:07.14bipolarkergoth: I have an error. can I /msg it to you?
04:07.36kergothnoda: cool. that is .. more bold than it was.. but i like it
04:07.50nodakergoth: Same as it was
04:07.52_Psychogetting nice
04:07.55bipolaroh... I think I know whats happening.
04:07.57nodaThe borders are green now, I think that's cool
04:08.13nodaI think there's too much contrast. Lemme see what happens if I shade in the background a teeny bit...
04:08.34kenbI don't like the orange lines
04:08.35kergothnoda: i mean, in comparison to its bolder
04:08.43kergothyeah, me neither
04:08.44_Psychoput the lines green too ?
04:08.45nodaWhoops! Orange lines weren't meant to be there. They should be green!
04:09.02bipolarkergoth: for some reason, make image is thinking all the ipks are old and moving them to output/ipkg/old. Then when it goes to make the initrd.bin it can't find any files.
04:09.28kenbnoda: yea.
04:09.32kergothbipolar: it runs scripts/dupecheck to check for duplicates to see what to move into old
04:09.38kergothbipolar: perl script. do you have perl installed? heh
04:10.26bipolarkergoth: yes, it's installed. v5.6.1
04:10.46_Psychoyeah i think that gray background look a bit better not sure if you made it all gray thought
04:10.51nodaHow 'bout THAT?
04:11.04nodaHrm, needs a tint. But do you think a very slight colour might be nice?
04:11.08kenbI dunno.
04:11.11bipolarkergoth: does this make any sense?
04:11.12bipolarMoved old file: /mnt/smb_home/bflong/arm/buildroot-oz/output/ipks/ssh-server_3.5p1-4_arm.ipk (/mnt/smb_home/bflong/arm/buildroot-oz/output/ipks/./ssh-server_3.5p1-4_arm.ipk is newer)
04:11.29kenbtinting the headers (naviations, admin, latest OZ) only might look better.
04:11.42bipolarit's exactly the same version, but it thinks it's old... hmmm
04:12.10nodaWell, IMO (and I'm no web designer -- no sarcasm, I really am not) there's too much contrast and a VERY slight tint is needed
04:12.59kenbnoda: currently did you tint the main panel?
04:13.19kenbit's not the same as the rest..
04:13.59nodakenb: Yes
04:14.13kenbthat tint's good.
04:14.18nodaHrm, that tint's too much (the new one)
04:14.23kenbuse that on the bottoms of the nav/latest/admin
04:14.24nodaI want a tint that kinda has something to do with the logo.
04:14.32kenband use the darker tint on the headers for those.
04:14.34nodaJust gonna try one more :)
04:14.42kenband make the header w/logo white
04:15.08kergothbipolar: no, that definately makes no sense
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04:15.29kergothbipolar: its just doing a string comparison.. you can read dupecheck..
04:15.30kenbnoda: ug.  the green tint is ugly.
04:15.34nodakenb: Try now
04:15.37kergothbipolar: its just to move the old shit out of the way
04:15.50nodaI could even try with the blue tint in the background
04:16.11kenbnoda: swap the header/content on the left side boxen
04:16.24nodakenb: Oh, I'm not touching those yet :)
04:16.31nodakenb: Do you like the current main tint though?
04:16.34bipolarkergoth: ok then. It looks like we found the problem. I wish I knew perl.... :p
04:16.44_Psychonoda i liked the one before better
04:16.45kenbnoda: the green?  not really.  I prefer the blue
04:17.02kergothbipolar: feel free to remove the check or make it a simple shell script check like in the ipkg-make-index script
04:17.13_Psychonothing look contrasting here anyway hehe ;)
04:17.26noda...this one?
04:17.42kenbnoda: that's better.  you could even go a little darker on the tint and get away with it
04:18.13nodaI wouldn't feel comfortable going darker...
04:18.18nodaOkay, how about now? With the whole page tinted green
04:18.21nodaNo? Okay.
04:18.22kergothi dont like the look of that for some reason
04:18.33kenbthe background works.
04:18.39_Psychoi dont like green tint at all ;)
04:18.40nodaHehehe, we have disagreement here
04:18.45kenbthe tints don't work with that BG
04:18.51nodaWhat about paler?
04:18.53kenbYea, kill the green tint
04:18.56kenbit makes me feel ill.
04:19.07kenbno green tint.  it's known to make people feel ill
04:19.12nodaOkay :)
04:19.42nodaHow about this... very faintly off-white (grey)
04:19.58kergoththat page hurts my head
04:20.00kergothi dunno why
04:20.10kenbI still see it as green
04:20.19nodakenb: Refresh
04:20.27nodaThere's no green beyond the line under "News"
04:20.56chouimat|tvnoda: something is not quite correct in there
04:21.02kenbI guess it just looks that way to my eyes
04:21.02kergoththe edges of OpenZaurus look odd on my box
04:21.12kergothedges of the fonts i mean
04:21.16kergothof the dark blue on the tint
04:21.19nodaOf the words? I think the dark font makes for easy pixellation
04:21.20kergothagainst the tint rather
04:21.23kenbYes, they aren't anti-aliased
04:21.26nodaWell, that tint's gotta change anyway
04:21.38nodaHey strange, I don't think mine antialiases either!
04:22.04kenbI'd go back to blue tint.
04:22.07nodaNah, it's antialiased, but antialiasing doesn't do as much for big fonts
04:22.10nodakenb: It still has it...
04:22.15nodaThe title and left never did, I'll put it there too
04:22.19kenbie: what's under OpenZaurus
04:22.53kergothi cant describe what i hate about the way it looks right now
04:22.58kergothbut i strongly dislike it overall
04:23.01kergothnot just one thing
04:23.06_Psychome too
04:23.12nodakergoth: Don't worry, so do I :P
04:23.24sheenmasteris there a pop3 email dealy for the zaurus?
04:23.36kergothhehe, make the background black behind the boxes just for shits :P
04:23.37sheenmasterso that I can grab my newslists and run
04:23.55kenbthe main boxes sitll look green to me
04:23.58nodakergoth: Like that?
04:24.07nodakenb: There's no green ANYWHERE. There IS a blue tint...
04:24.22kergothjust when i thought it couldnt get any uglier..
04:24.25nodaJust changed the navigation, should I use a more subtle colour?
04:24.37_Psychobetter a bit :)
04:24.39nodakergoth: You don't know me well enough yet :)
04:24.39kenbnoda: the grey looks like green :)
04:24.46bipolarkergoth: I replaced dupecheck with a script that just does 'echo $1' It worked then.
04:24.48nodakenb: Which grey?
04:24.52nodaThe background?
04:24.56kenbnoda: the main panel grey
04:24.56_Psychoborder still green isnt ?
04:25.12nodaThe main panel grey is very blue...
04:25.17nodaYes, green borders are still there.
04:25.30kenbhave the bg on the headers the same green.
04:25.36kenbwith the white text.
04:25.52_Psychooh yeah could look good
04:26.15kenbyea.  and change all the tints.
04:26.15nodaIn my opinion, the ideas are there but that blue tint is just awful :)
04:26.21_Psychonah blue was better ;)
04:26.31kenbI like the green BG for headers
04:26.32_Psychofor BG + white text imo
04:26.34nodaHehehe, someone come up with a tint. Just take the gimp colour chooser and choose me a colour, give me the hex
04:26.40kenbnoda: sec.
04:26.43_Psychoit snot bad thought
04:26.59nodaI like blue too, since all other headers are blue, and it slightly brings out the green borders
04:28.06nodac'mon, everybody feed me some hex colours!
04:28.36nodaAck. WAY too dark :)
04:28.52nodaI'll just bump up all the numbers by 3 and see what happens
04:29.00bipolarnoda: #ffff00
04:29.16nodabipolar: YOU BASTARD!
04:29.26_Psychoi like dark anyway
04:29.30_Psycho;) well going bed
04:29.34_Psychogood luck ! :)
04:29.35nodaROFL, refresh
04:29.44kergothno more refreshing for me
04:29.50kergothgetting a headache
04:29.51nodalol, c'mon people, give me decent colours!
04:30.07nodakenb: You're kidding, right?
04:30.19kenbi tried to get the worst color
04:30.21nodaHey, if I change the 0 to an f we're back at some place kinda nice
04:30.27nodakergoth: What do you think?
04:30.42nodaFrom now on I'm gonna plug into the colour chooser before trying on the browser ;)
04:30.44_Psychoi hate that colo rhehe
04:31.33nodaRefresh. d3d08d
04:31.35ShdwdrgnI hate to repeat what has probably already been said... but have any of the developers had a chance to look over the Toshiba SD card specs that was linked to on the Sharp developer's forum?
04:31.55_Psychoker said he didnt had time
04:32.02kergothShdwdrgn: its in my mailbox, and will be reviewed when i have a chance
04:32.11Shdwdrgnis it REALLY a full spec that could be useful in developing a driver, or is it just a general knowledge doc?
04:32.12kenbnoda: I think we need to pick a color for the tint, and then a shade
04:32.16Shdwdrgnkergoth: cool :-)
04:32.32_Psychoits rather detailed ;)
04:32.34nodakenb: Go right ahead. My initial shot was the blue or green from the logo
04:32.34_Psychofor spec
04:32.39_Psychowith all the RAW command and stuff
04:32.42kenbI prefer the blue
04:32.50nodaBut the TEXT is blue
04:34.03nodaToo dark... 9f9fa0
04:34.18_Psychoi like that gray
04:34.42kenbI started with the blue from the logo, so I'm on the same Gimp color chart.
04:34.45nodaTry that, cbccd3
04:34.59_Psychoput the same color at left ?
04:35.01kenbstill too blue.
04:35.25nodaThat's grey
04:35.50nodaDone. Not that I dislike the colour, but this is pretty much what I was suggesting at the VERY beginning :)
04:36.06nodaSo, do people like?
04:36.10kenbthis didn't have the green hue of earlier.
04:36.18_Psychou prefer darker but its just me
04:36.20kenbnoda: change the other panels...
04:36.27nodakenb: It still doesn't. It's GRAY
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04:37.24nodakergoth: Heh
04:37.31nodaI'll try another colour :)
04:37.45kenbI wonder if changed the borders to black work work
04:38.00nodakergoth: Try now
04:38.08nodaErm, f8f8f0
04:38.10kenbI still like it with white BG's
04:38.15kenblike now
04:38.27nodaI'm gonna try blue in the left headers again
04:38.58nodaHrm. Now I prefer the green on the left...
04:39.15nodakergoth: What, is it THAT bad now? I find it browseable though not nice
04:39.16kenbgreen headers looked decent
04:39.32nodaThey just seem out-of-place to me. Back to grene.
04:39.40kenbgreen is hard to use.
04:39.44kergothi dislike the entirety
04:39.56kergothand dont know where to start
04:40.03nodakergoth: You sound like TheMasterMind1 :P
04:40.10kergothI'm not good with specifics
04:40.12kergothnever have been
04:40.15nodaIt's simple. We've been shifting 3 frickin' colours around :P
04:40.18kergothI rely on impressions and intuition
04:40.21kergothand i feel that this sucks
04:40.42kenbkergoth: do you like the design/colors of ?
04:40.43mewynkergoth: you running a 2.5 on your desktop yet?
04:40.47bipolarshit... something deleted all my opie-* ipks now....sigh...
04:40.50nodaI personally like the background I'm using right now :)
04:41.36kergothkenb: I dont much like the text color of hte navbar on the navbar bg for some reason, but everything else i like
04:41.41kenbnoda: keep it as is right now.. just change the OpenZaurus text to a graphic.
04:41.44kergothkenb: clean design, easily navigated
04:41.50nodaBah. I'm going to bed now, no matter what.
04:42.35nodakergoth: Refresh, changed back just for you :)
04:42.39kergothnight noda
04:43.02kenbnoda: that works.  g'night!
04:43.14nodaBah, the colours just don't work :(... but it's better than it was before. I can sleep at night :)
04:43.22nodakergoth: Don't worry, I won't commit this :P
04:43.52kenbPoor guy.  We're a buncha contrasting picky bastards.
04:44.08_Psychohe like bright stuff, i like dark stuff =p
04:44.10kergothyep, disagreeing with each other hafl the time
04:44.13_Psychoanyway going bed hehe night :)
04:44.22kergothI dont midn either way, as long as its clean, navigable, and doesnt give me a headache
04:44.28kenbI go for clean.
04:44.34kenbI do much UI design @ work
04:44.59kenbSo it's always clean, solid colors, and no stupid flash crap :)
04:45.03kergothyeah, clean is good
04:45.06kergothsimplicity is often best
04:45.28kenbbefore I appeared, ever webapp in the place was in a grey BG, grey text, and dark blue headers.
04:45.37kenbit was freaking depressing to stare at 8 hrs a day
04:46.27kenbI still love my navbar on - it's the only place I've used a solid green in the webworld.
04:47.44kergothyeah i was looking at your site earlier
04:47.49kergothnice and simple
04:48.10kenbAll my designes are...
04:48.24kenbbut there's a reason for that site to look evil ;)
04:48.27Shdwdrgnhey kergoth... looking at this Toshiba doc... I don't suppose you'd be interested in the SPI command code?  Or maybe the step-by-step process of initializing the card?  Nawww... doesn;t sound useful...
04:48.49kergothShdwdrgn: dont waste my time. again, i said i'd look at it when i can.
04:48.53kergothShdwdrgn: when i can != now
04:49.22Shdwdrgnok then
04:49.24kergothhey i forgot my sd wrapper module dealy is in the 2.4.19 collie sources
04:49.30kergothmay as well remove that, since it didnt work ayway
04:51.15bipolarShdwdrgn: where is that doc, anyway?
04:51.21mewynSetup is 4731 bytes.
04:51.21mewynSystem is 1198 kB
04:53.22*** join/#openembedded redfenix (
04:55.07redfenixso, what should I name the package?  bluez-devices?
04:55.30kergothtreke, treke|home: ping
04:55.41kergothtalk to treke there if he's around, he did the bluez user space tools packages
04:56.24redfenixibot: seen treke
04:56.24treke is currently on #opie (7h 24m 56s) #zaurus (7h 24m 56s) #openembedded (7h 24m 56s) (7h 24m 56s) #openzaurus (7h 24m 56s).  Has said a total of 115 messages.  Is idling for 3h 49m 3s
04:56.39redfenixibot: seen treke|home
04:56.39treke|home is currently on #opie (1d 4h 39m 51s) #zaurus (1d 4h 39m 51s) #openembedded (1d 4h 39m 51s).  Has said a total of 141 messages.  Is idling for 1h 3m 20s
04:57.16kergothour kernel modules are named [item]-modules
04:57.25kergothso per our naming, it should be bluez-modules for the kernel modules
05:01.25redfenixthis is what we've got right now:
05:01.27redfenixfind packages -type d -name "*bluez*"
05:02.57kergothand now you want bluez-modules
05:03.34*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
05:33.43kergothtakepatch: 703 new revisions, 0 conflicts in 187 files
05:34.09Pietesup kergoth
05:34.25kergothnada, doing buildsystem cleanups
05:35.19Pietejust chilling a bit before work...
05:35.36Pieteruining my kde desktop my turning it green ;)
05:43.14scanlineeep, someone actually uses that OSnews wallpaper?
05:43.27Pietescanline: I was bored, ok?
05:43.32scanlinesure, sure :)
05:43.40Pietescanline: currently its grey :
05:44.00scanlineinformative :)
05:44.08redfenixPiete: looks like a pea-pod exploded on your desktop.
05:44.16Pieteredfenix: hahaha
05:55.25TheMasterMind1whats was that make your own debian package thing
05:55.32TheMasterMind1created a basic debian/ dir
05:55.34TheMasterMind1in the src
05:56.04kergothTheMasterMind1: testing my fix for the TS in 2.4.19 on collie
05:56.06kergothTheMasterMind1: :)
05:56.25kergothwe can at least make it available for those w/o mmc/sd if it worked
05:56.48TheMasterMind1maybe i can use my Z with .19 after all
05:58.03kergothi'm 90% sure this is going to work. if it does, I'll push my tslib patch upstream, along with teh collie module
06:01.04redfenixhmph... having problems compiling bluez stuff...
06:01.12redfenixchecking for bluetooth/sdp.h... no
06:01.13redfenixconfigure: error: SDP headers not found.
06:01.16redfenixit is installed...
06:01.26redfenixor at least selected from menuconfig
06:01.53redfenixany ideas?
06:02.38treke|homebuild bluez-sdp
06:02.55kergotharent dependencies fun?
06:03.09treke|homekergoth: I cant figure out why it isnt being built. It depends on BLUEZ-SDP
06:03.19kergothand BLUEZ-SDP is in pkg.conf?
06:03.33redfenixCONFIG_BLUEZ-SDP        packages/bluez-sdp      packages/bluez-sdp/
06:03.33mewynhrm hrm hrm
06:03.36mewyni think
06:03.42redfenixthat's from pkg.conf
06:03.50kergothpkg.conf is the glue by which config system dependencies translate to makefile target prerequisites
06:03.52mewynthat ACPI S3 has been implemented in the latest 2.5
06:03.54kergothredfenix: check .depends
06:04.25kergothspeaking of 2.5, i should reboot onto it
06:04.51redfenixgeez. what am I looking for?
06:04.54treke|homekergoth: packages/bluez-pan : packages/bluez-pan/Makefile
06:04.54treke|home.PHONY : packages/bluez-sdp
06:04.54treke|homesubdir-$(CONFIG_BLUEZ-SDP) += packages/bluez-sdp
06:05.11treke|homethe problem packages is bluez-pan
06:05.17treke|homeit needs bluez-libs and bluez-sdp
06:05.24redfenixsubdir-$(CONFIG_BLUEZ-SDP) += packages/bluez-sdp
06:05.34redfenixsubdir-$(CONFIG_BLUEZ-SDP) += packages/bluez-pan
06:05.46*** join/#openembedded nikki (nikki@
06:06.03redfenixtreke|home: what is pan for?
06:06.49redfenixtreke|home: I thought you were involved with the bluez stuff...?
06:06.50treke|homeI know nothing about bluetooth
06:07.02treke|homeredfenix: I just packaged it. I dont have a clue how it works
06:09.10redfenixibot: make me a scotch on the rocks.
06:09.12make: *** No rule to make target `me a scotch on the rocks.'.  Stop.
06:09.35*** join/#openembedded TMM1 (
06:09.39redfenixheh... can't remember what kergoth told him last time.
06:09.48treke|homesugar make me a scotch
06:09.48SugarYou have to tell me which one. I can make 14 different, for instance Scotch Old-Fashioned, Scotch Bishop Cocktail, Scotch Highball, Scotch Holiday Sour, Scotch Bounty and Scotch on the Rocks.
06:10.17treke|homeSugar: give me whichever one is just scotch and a glass
06:10.41*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
06:13.06redfenixtreke|home: hmm... i specified the bluez-libs only first... and it built fine... then I added sdp to the config and it gave me the same error.
06:13.23treke|homeyou have to build sdp by hand
06:13.32redfenixtreke|home: how?
06:14.13nikkiis it relatively safe to ipkg upgrade oz3.1rc2? i'm using the command line (no opie running)
06:14.15treke|homemake SUBDIRS=packages/bluez-sdp
06:14.56redfenixok.. thanks
06:15.28redfenixinstall: cannot stat `/home/kevin/src/oz/buildroot-oz/packages/bluez-sdp/postinst': No such file or directory
06:15.50treke|homejust disable bluez for now
06:15.54treke|homeI'll look tomorrow
06:16.22redfenixtreke|home: the reason I'm interested in it is because I'm wanting to add a driver module to it for a specific cf card.
06:17.29treke|homethen poke in the makefile, and take out the postinst reference
06:17.37treke|homeit will get fixed tomorrow
06:19.01treke|homeits a simple fix
06:19.25redfenixbluez-pan/postint too
06:19.44treke|homeas I said. I'll fix it tomorrow
06:19.59redfenixokay..I just wanted you to know that there are two of them.
06:20.10redfenixdude, I'm just trying to help.
06:20.26kergothi dont think he claimed otherwise.
06:20.54redfenixwell, I just don't want you to think that I'm on your case or breathing down your neck or something.
06:21.10treke|homeI dont. I'm just tired, pissed, and not inclided to give a shit
06:21.30treke|homeI know what the problem is, and it explains something else
06:21.35redfenixtreke|home: you _do_ need a drink...  =)
06:21.55treke|homeyes I do
06:22.13treke|homeI just got back from a 100 mile round trip drive. The wrong day
06:22.22redfenixoh... sheesh.
06:24.09treke|homeparticularly with gas at 2.30 a gallon :)
06:24.26redfenixdang... and I'm complaining about 1.65
06:24.51treke|homehehehe. 1.65 is normal :)
06:25.22redfenixoh... sdpd-init and pand-init... and I think that's all.
06:26.05treke|homesomehow those files didnt get pushed
06:26.45redfenixpackages/bluez-utils/bluez-utils-configure.patch does not exist...  ?? that too?
06:26.59treke|homethat most definitly should exist
06:27.12redfenixcame up right after the dl.
06:27.58kergothredfenix: bk co packages/bluez-utils
06:28.12treke|homeibot oz buildroot?
06:28.17i heard oz bk is bk clone buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
06:28.19redfenixah.  got it.
06:28.49treke|homeoz snapshot?
06:29.40treke|homeI was gonna say. I did the build running on my ipaq from a clean bk tree :)
06:29.45treke|homeso I know this stuff builds
06:29.58redfenixokay... build's done.
06:30.20redfenixcheck it out:
06:30.22redfenixbk co packages/bluez-pan/
06:30.22redfenixpackages/bluez-pan/Makefile 1.2: 47 lines
06:30.22redfenixpackages/bluez-pan/ 1.4: 4 lines
06:30.22redfenixWritable packages/bluez-pan/pand-init exists
06:30.22redfenixWritable packages/bluez-pan/postinst exists
06:30.41redfenixhm... so why weren't they there after the original clone yesterday?
06:31.17treke|homecant say. I put them in on sunday
06:32.21treke|homeonly change I've made this week was to build a more corrent OPIE and test a new kernel
06:32.27treke|homeneither of which were pushed
06:32.46redfenixtreke|home: I believe you... I just don't know why those files come over on a co, but not a clone.
06:33.02treke|homea clone doesnt check out the files
06:33.09treke|homeyou have to check them out after cloning
06:33.22redfenixso is it the's then?
06:35.41redfenixand where is the bluez.o module?  I've got it running already on my c700, but shouldn't it also be in the packages?
06:35.59treke|homethe kernel modules havent packaged yet
06:36.00redfenixor is that something I need to add when I make the bluez-modules package?
06:36.29treke|homeits part of the bluez kernel modules package
06:36.48redfenixtreke|home: ok... so do you want me to help/do that?
06:37.37redfenixtreke|home: if you get a chance, maybe you could just create the package and framework and I can fill it in?
06:37.39treke|homeI havent done it yet since it isnt something I have need of :)
06:37.53redfenixtreke|home: how can you use bluez without it?
06:38.15treke|homethe affix/orinoco/hostap packages are probably a good example
06:38.30treke|homeredfenix: a) It's part of  the ipaq kernel tree b) I dont use bluetooth
06:39.02redfenixtreke|home: okay, I will work on that tomorrow night.
06:39.33treke|homeand since I dont have the peripherals for it, I dont know if the stock bluez-kernel package would even work
06:40.45treke|homehrm, looks like it wouldnt since the bluetooth driver was written by andrew christianson :)
06:41.28redfenixtreke|home: well, I've got a bt card and it does try to come up, but I don't have the right driver module running to use it.
06:42.06redfenixtreke|home: it gripes about not having the bt950 module, so I found the bt950.c file and I just need to get it compiled.
06:42.37treke|homehrm, I guess you need to find the bt950 driver :)
06:42.50treke|homeyou can try the bluez-modules package
06:44.37redfenixtreke|home: I've already got the bt950.c file... two versions of it actually.
06:45.08redfenixtreke|home: I just need to compile it... so if I put the bluez-modules into oz, I can add it in... right?
06:45.40treke|homeI dont know
06:46.24redfenixwell, that's my goal
06:47.38redfenixwell... good night.
06:47.43redfenixit's going on 1am here.
06:49.39*** join/#openembedded billytwowilly (
06:54.44treke|homeoh well. I'm gonna go juggle a bit and head to sleep
06:55.44kergothcool, night
07:17.36*** join/#openembedded NetNut404_PDA (
07:19.09TheMasterMind1kergoth: did it work?
07:19.34kergothI dunno, got distracted by other things
07:19.45kergothjugglin too much shit
07:26.48TheMasterMind1oh well
07:27.11kergothyeah, if i dont get it tested tonight I will tomorrow
07:27.22kergothright now i'm doing a fresh collie build to flash and test to get rc3 out
07:27.30TheMasterMind1sounds good
07:27.37TheMasterMind1we're not doing samba then i guess
07:27.44kergothnah, thatll wait till final
07:27.48kergothibot: seen docwhat
07:27.49docwhat <docwhat@> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 8d 9h 49m 26s ago, saying: 'Gotta get back to work.'.
07:32.24*** join/#openembedded nikki (nikki@
07:39.11kergothibot: screen
07:39.12somebody said screen was, or
07:48.51*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
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08:32.57HClcan someone help me setting up a cross compile/dev environment for the zaurus?
08:34.18TheMasterMind1ibot oz toolchain
08:34.19i guess oz toolchain is, or mkdir /usr/local/arm and extract them in there.
08:38.33HCli have that
08:38.42HClbut i need more to compile for opie dont i
08:40.54TheMasterMind1aptitude is nice
08:41.00TheMasterMind1HCl: get the buildroot
08:41.04TheMasterMind1ibot oz buildroot
08:41.04well, oz bk is bk clone buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
08:41.15TheMasterMind1ibot oz snapshot
08:41.16i guess oz snapshot is or updated every 4 hours by Navi or this is a snapshot of the bk oz buildroot tree use it to compile your own OZ if you don't want to use BK
08:44.24HClthat doesnt look what i want to do though
08:44.38HCli dont want to compile oz, i want to develop an app for it
09:00.45*** join/#openembedded stwizard (
09:07.22kergothHCl: buildroot is handy in that it builds any component of OZ, including opie and every opie needs, including qt/e.
09:07.36kergothHCl: saves time and energy, so you can work on more important things
09:07.45HClhmm k
09:07.59kergothhmm, 2.5.64 is nice..
09:07.59HClwell.. i've been looking about cross compiling for zaurus but...
09:08.03HClhaving little luck so it seems
09:08.05kergoththey've really gotten things stabilized
09:08.09HCltheres one doc but..
09:08.10kergothHCl: just get a toolchain.
09:08.17kergothHCl: thats all you need. everything else comes from that.
09:08.23kergothibot: oz toolchain
09:08.27oz toolchain is probably, or mkdir /usr/local/arm and extract them in there.
09:08.27HClkergoth: i still need more... cross compiled opie etc right
09:08.28HCli have the toolchain
09:08.35kergothonce again, buidlroot does all that part for you
09:08.41kergothor you can start building them manually
09:08.46kergothread the SourceCode page in the opie wiki
09:09.26HCltheres only one doc about cross compiling for the zaurus
09:09.27kergothuse the buildroot, type a couple make commands, and sit on your ass while it builds. too difficult for you i guess
09:09.33kergothread the opie wiki
09:09.35HCland it requires you to modify your entire linux thing
09:09.40kergothwhich outlines _exactly_ how to build opie
09:09.58kergoththe crosscompiler howto does not require you to make major changes to your box
09:10.03kergothi ought to know, I helped ben write it
09:10.09HCllets see, lemme get the url
09:10.10kergothand those are my cross shell scripts in it
09:10.27kergothread the crosscompiler howto wont work in opera x.x
09:10.44HClat least not the dev site
09:10.52HClwell it doesnt work in lynx either so that screws me over O.o
09:10.57kergothso install another fucking browser
09:11.02HClno? o.o
09:11.07kergoththen dont fucking beg for help
09:11.18kergotheither use the buildroot, which automates it all
09:11.24kergothor figure out how to get the howto
09:11.29HClit automates oz compilation right
09:11.33HClnot setting up a cross dev env
09:11.36kergothyes, which includes opie
09:11.40kergoth'cross dev env'?
09:11.49HClcompiling and developing zaurus apps on x86
09:11.50kergoththere's no such thing.
09:11.54HClwhat part did you not understand
09:12.00kergothyou said you wanted to build zaurus apps for ARM
09:12.07kergothas you said you wanted to compile on the Z itself
09:12.12HCland develop them on the x86, yes
09:12.20HClif i cant get cross dev to work
09:12.23kergothx86 is completely differnet, and doesnt require a cross dev env
09:12.24HCli'll have to resort to that
09:12.31kergothare you unable to read a wiki?
09:12.38kergoththe opie documentation completely outlines how to build it
09:12.41kergothboth for x86 and ARM
09:12.43kergothwith or without cross
09:12.46HClyou're not helping at all, you know that?
09:12.54HClnever mind
09:12.55kergothwell I help those who are willing to read.
09:12.59HClill ask the author of sketches of q
09:13.01HClhe's bound to know
09:13.19kergothsure, maybe he's your little puppy who wont force to do. *shudder* read
09:13.28kergoths/to do/you to/
09:13.39HClim not a cluebie =]
09:13.44HCli just like to read stuff that'll help
09:13.47HClnot unrelated stuff
09:13.49HClthat might help
09:13.54HClbut isnt really relevant
09:13.58kergothwhich outlines _everything_ about building qt/e and opie
09:14.00kergothfor either x86 or ARM
09:14.05kergoththats too difficult for you?
09:14.18kergothuh, you said you wanted zaurus apps
09:14.20HCli want to compile opie apps
09:14.24HClthat'll work on the zaurus
09:14.25HCland thats all
09:14.32kergothyes, which you cant do without building the opiee and qt libts
09:14.41kergothwhich you cant do without following those instructions.
09:14.44kergothgood fucking luck.
09:14.44HClim semi aware of that
09:14.46NetNut404_PDAer wanyed
09:14.53kergoththe 'semi' is obvious
09:15.08kergothif you want to build Z apps, read the documentation on building qt/e and opie.
09:15.15kergothor go beg in another channel
09:15.56HClill ask the author of sketches of q =]
09:15.59kergothI wrote the original opie+qt/e build docs for a reason, to avoid having to handhold folks like yourself.
09:16.00HClthanks anyways
09:16.52kergothtronical: hey simon, how goes it?
09:17.08tronicalkergoth: hey. tried of studying for exams ;(
09:17.14kergothtronical: ahh
09:17.20kergoththat time of year again eh
09:17.37tronicalit feels like it's that time the whole year :)
09:18.03kergothI finally went back and finished our tslib stuff the other day :D
09:18.15kergothhad put it off for far too long
09:18.16tronicaloh, great!
09:18.29tronicalso... it works with .19?
09:18.41kergothbout to test, but I believe I isolated the problem
09:18.58tronicalwhat was it?
09:19.14kergothmy collie module for the Z specific transforms based on magic numbers in flash..
09:19.23kergothit was only affecting data from a ts_read, not ts_read_raw
09:19.42kergothso typical calibrations (ts_read_raw users), were getting untransformed values
09:19.48tronicald'oh :)
09:19.49kergothbut in 2.4.6 those transforms were in kernel space
09:19.52kergothit wasnt possible to bypass
09:19.54kergothhehe, yeah
09:20.24kergothso I added a new function in tslib, you can now stuff a module in the linked list between the ts_read_raw and the actual hardware read
09:20.44kergothecho module_raw collie xyswap >> /etc/ts.conf
09:20.50kergoth_should_ solv eit
09:20.54tronicalHCl: I wouldn't be surprise if 2.4.6 opens up a rootshell if you telnet to port 1042 ;)
09:20.55kergothwill find out shortly
09:21.07HCltronical: o.o
09:21.21tronicalok, studies call ;( bbl
09:21.26kergothhave fun!
09:21.37HClthats not really secure... O.o
09:22.21kergothheh, there are currently two outstanding vulnerabilities against the Z _specifially_, much less the ones that will affect other aspects of things it uses
09:22.35kergoththankfully only one of those two was ever announced to bugtraq and friends
09:23.35kergothblock the sync ports, and set a root password, that'll take care of most of the problem(s)
09:24.18HClwhat about the memory leaks in 2.4.6..
09:24.28kergoth2.4.6 has worse problems than leaks
09:24.56kergothif this TS problem is fixed in our 2.4.19 here, the only thing it wont have is sd/mmc
09:25.06kergothanyone who doesnt mind that, will then be free to test it out
09:25.14kergothI'll porrt an open source MMC driver when I hvae time
09:25.42kergothNetNut404_PDA: somehow i doubt it
09:26.30kergothand it'll be in the unstable feed when i update it
09:27.29kergothwow, i just made busybox ash Page Fault on my Z
09:27.34kergothand can reproduce it reliably
09:27.36kergothfun fun
09:33.49NetNut404_PDAhmmm that's not good
09:35.59kergothrpm? no comment
09:36.15HClyea, the file link in the doc is in rpm
09:36.18kergothalien is spiffy
09:42.20kergothshit, usb-storage doesnt want to load in 2.5.64
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10:04.18HClnite kergoth
10:13.41*** join/#openembedded pb_ (
10:22.52HClhorrible.!! horrible!!! *stares at ALL the undefined references* *twitches and types rm -rf /opt/Qtopia
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10:54.43octavewhats this channel for?
10:56.50pb_see the topic
10:57.18octaveis it like embedded software channel?
10:59.40yeiazelit's about the 'openembedded' project
10:59.52octavewhat is it?
11:00.09yeiazeljust see the website...
11:00.33yeiazelit's the successor of openzaurus
11:01.16*** part/#openembedded octave (
11:01.27pb_obviously not impressed.
11:02.24yeiazelhe doesn't own a decent pda
11:02.33yeiazelprobably got a palm :)
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13:35.31mallumanyone remember the make target for ipkg selection before you do a make image ?
13:35.57icefoxAnyone else see that?
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14:20.26JasonNJinteresting post on SD stats on the zaurus-general list this morning
14:21.02kenbgot link to webview?
14:22.07JasonNJsomebody posted this info on the sharp dev BBS
14:22.16JasonNJI think this document is not supposed to be circulated
14:22.41JasonNJdoesnt matter, the fact that it is circulated is the important thing
14:22.46JasonNJwe can create a driver from it
14:23.01kenbno.. fsck for other reasons.  my mom just got laid off an hour ago.
14:23.17kenband she bought a new car yesterday.
14:23.26JasonNJaw shit
14:23.31kenbuh huh.
14:23.50JasonNJhow long did she have her job
14:23.56kenb5 years.
14:24.23JasonNJwhat does your mom do?
14:24.37kenbgeneral admin/project management
14:25.11kenbfor a large engineering company
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15:10.26treke|homeabnyone looked at the supposed SD spec toshiba posted?
15:10.32kenbnot yet
15:10.35kenbI downloaded it
15:10.41kenbbut that's it so far.
15:10.47treke|homeI suspect its worthless :)
15:12.18treke|home"No parts of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form"
15:13.23kergothwonder who's ass is on the line now
15:13.51treke|homeCal Poly's :)
15:14.10treke|homeso I reckon it isn't going to be of any use :)
15:14.12kenbit gives the command set...
15:14.28kenbthe SPi command set, but otherwise nothing new.
15:14.38kergothanything about card init?
15:14.48kenbhow to do it
15:14.58treke|homepage 12 :)
15:15.17kenbie: drive this pin to "low level" etc..
15:15.22kergothwonder what legal reproducions one could suffer by using it
15:15.25kenbsend this command, do this, etc...
15:15.49kenbunknown.  it was placed in the public domain
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15:16.09kergoththe fact that its in public domain really makes their attempt to use hiding of card init information as an access control moot
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15:16.14kenbfrom dealings with my lawyers on stuff like this...
15:16.25kenbonce it's in the open, it's no longer a "trade secret"
15:16.35kenband you can go after whoever broke the NDA, but no-one else.
15:16.54kergothheh, and a shitload of OZ users have now mirrored it, its out there
15:16.55kenbyour only recourse its to kill whoever released it.
15:17.25kergothwell, I'll start on the MMC only open source driver, and add SD per this document later
15:18.08treke|homehehe this thing is spreading like a wildfire
15:18.21kenbI'll get it hosted in .nl where it can't be touched.
15:19.12mallumkergoth: hey there mr
15:19.20kergothhey mallum, how goes it
15:19.29kergothI was testing my devdetect script last night
15:19.44kergothand realized i had problems when using it made busybox ash Page Fault
15:20.38mallumkergoth: hehe, I just checking for kernel version | existance of /proc/hal/model at the mo for the x scripts ( rather crap )
15:20.55kergothmallum: check /proc/cpuinfo
15:21.00mallumkergoth: I have to send you this mondo patch sopon
15:21.01kergothmallum: the machine type
15:21.32mallumkergoth: I'll just let my current build finsh, take the dogs out nd then would you speak me through it
15:22.24mallumkergoth: apart from adding the xfree86 stuff ( which is big ), I fixed tslib ( cvs updated with z patches ? ) and made small changes o /etc/profile in the base
15:22.31treke|homekergoth: actualyl now that I think about it, this might have been out for a while
15:22.50kergothmallum: bk pull and look at it now. tslib includes which drops into /etc/profile.d/, now
15:23.24treke|homekergoth: "SD/MMC: Uses Toshiba SDIO core. Rumor has it specs and Linux drivers are available for this."
15:23.32treke|homefrom hh.o
15:23.35kergothtreke|home: hmm
15:24.06mallumkergoth: ah cool and that sets the env vars ?
15:24.21kergothbased on the device identification
15:24.36kergothI figured it was about time we needed profile.d
15:24.48mallumkergoth: Im currently trying to get a 3.2 based X image togeather
15:24.53kergothah, cool
15:24.58kergothhows the performance overall atm?
15:25.19mallumkergoth: but I've fsked busybox somewhere along the lines and Im not getting a mount/umount in the image :(
15:25.29kergothits not a fscked busybox
15:25.37kergothyou need tinylogin and util-linux-mount
15:25.42mallumkergoth: seems pretty good. I've only really run remote apps
15:25.43kergothI pulled them out to avoid SUID busybox
15:25.51kenbI got it hosted in .nl
15:26.11kenbguy who runs the ISP that hosts xenu (scientology) stuff
15:26.18kenbHe loves ceast + desist letters.
15:26.35treke|homeif the scientologists cant get him the SD association doesnt have a chance :)
15:27.17mallumkergoth: yeah I thought I had util-linux-mount ...
15:27.47kenbso do we take bets on how long before the letters appear?
15:28.21treke|homekenb: fedex doesnt start delivering till 10 tomorrow
15:28.33treke|homeso I guess... 10 tomorrow
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15:32.15chouimattoshiba_m1283bx.pdf that document?
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15:56.33kergothhey ||ugh
15:57.31||ughHey, there.  I am busy as HELL with IETF.  My Z can't get on the net due to some bitrot, so I am thinking of going to -rc3 rather then finding the time to fix it, any idea when?
15:58.33||ughMostly I am looking for # of years/months/weeks or more hopefully days!
15:58.49kergothdays. definately days.
15:58.54kergothmost probably today, in fact
15:59.15kergothdoing a full rebuild atm, then need to work out a couple minor remaining kinks
15:59.45mallumkergoth: if I do a bk pull what will happen to the changes I've made locally ?
15:59.45||ughVery cool!  
15:59.53kergothmallum: nothing
16:00.03kergothmallum: if you've bk ci'd them, it'll intelligently resolve
16:00.09kergothmallum: if you didnt, it'll abort and yell at you
16:00.41kergothit doesnt do conflict resolution on changes which arent yet -in- the repository
16:01.04mallumkergoth: ok I havn't bk ci'd them as yet
16:01.11kergothdo that
16:01.15kergothyou can run bk citool to make it easier
16:01.25bipolarkergoth: the ipks I built are working great on my zaurus. Can I upload them somehow or do you want to pull them down from the existing feed?
16:01.30kergotheasily check the changes in, and build a changeset of them
16:01.42mallumkergoth: ok I'll give it ago
16:01.44kergothbipolar: you upgraded to it? what did you have to do to get it to work?
16:02.01kergothbipolar: just -force-overwrite?
16:02.04||ughkergoth, I _might_ be able to be an early testor later today again if that is useful.  I will be at the hotel though and my only link to the net a T3...  :r)
16:02.10bipolarkergoth: no, I used my initrd. I did not run an upgrade.
16:02.15mallumkergoth: these images I made with 3.2 are total poop. init seems to be segv'ing :(
16:02.32bipolarkergoth: my fs got fudged trying to upgrade.
16:02.35kergothbipolar: then oz-base, sysvinit, busybox, tinylogin, modutils, ipkg new versions cant be put into the feed.
16:02.43kergothbipolar: until its been confirmed that they dont hose a Z
16:03.02kergothI can add you tot he SF project so you have unstable write access
16:03.05bipolarkergoth: it wasn't the packages, it was garbage collection.
16:03.23bipolarkergoth: I'll need to find more guinipigs... :)
16:03.24kergothbipolar: i realize that. that doesnt prove that those packages wont have hosed it in and of themselves though.
16:04.09bipolaranyone using unstable that wants to be a guinipig? :-)
16:04.26kergothhehe. now you sound like me. I rarely test stuff myself
16:04.39mallumkergoth: can I just tarball up my packages/xfree86 directory and put it on http for you ?
16:04.51kergothmallum: hehe. that works, until you get the hang of bk ;)
16:05.06mallumkergoth: I dont have ancient tcl/tk installed so citool wont run :(
16:05.48kergothmallum: ah
16:06.02kergothyou can always bk ci packages/blah/filename, bk add packages/blah/newfile, bk commit
16:06.07kergothbut web is probably easier for now
16:07.14||ughkergoth, question, if -rc3 is this week, I guess it does not have the next gen OPIE that is supposed to show up on the 16?
16:07.26mallumkergoth: yeah I'll read the docks - proimise :-)
16:07.42kergoththe cebit opie is just opie from cvs, with minor alterations if any
16:08.54||ughGood, let me bug kenb on this over on the #freeswan channel.
16:11.40||ughGeneral question, has anyone tried to get the RATOC USB host CF adaptor working on Z OpenEmbedded? (If you read that just right it's like a bad WWII flick...)
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16:14.05kergoth||ugh: not to my knowledge.
16:14.28icefoxyou guys got the sd doc right?
16:14.54trekeeveryone and their mother has a copy now :)
16:14.56icefoxI had to kill the thread just to be safe
16:15.04icefoxsense Sharp is a SD member
16:15.07bipolardamn... the kpacman ipk still does not include a funtional schema...
16:15.31trekenow that it's out there in the wild :)
16:16.43||ughI smell a Wumpus!
16:20.33mallumkergoth: its big cos it contains a load of png cursors, which cant be easily generated via a x-compile. people would need 4.3 installed locally to do it otherwise
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16:22.47kergothmallum: k
16:23.15Twiunhi guys
16:23.24kergothhey Twiun
16:23.31Twiunwhat's cookin'?
16:23.40kergothnada, buildroot madness as always
16:23.48kergothpushing huge changesets that touch half the files in the tree
16:23.55kergothcleanup, mostly
16:24.08Twiuncool... I'd best do a pull then :)
16:24.13kergoththis always happens when i'm approaching a release though
16:24.20kergothironing out little kinks
16:26.25Twiunthat's understandable, I do the same with with my code, cleaning up and documenting things
16:27.03Twiungets interesting when things no longer work after the cleaning up exercies
16:27.14kergothhere's hoping nothing explodes :)
16:27.47TwiunI hope not, might get a contract and they're thinking of using OZ
16:31.07Twiunnot that I have the skill to do anything with them
16:31.25||ughAh, the RATOC CF/USB host does not get released till next week, but as least it's soon.
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16:32.08||ughSo this SD doc, is it for the 5000/5500 or the 5600 or just SD doc in general?
16:32.32kergothits in general
16:33.08||ughHumm, now maybe we can figure out if a system _can_ be secure with one of these in it.  Very _very_ imporant that...
16:33.32treke||ugh: the drm stuff wasnt included, from the snippets I read
16:35.28HCltons, tons and TONS of linking errors when cross compiling -.-
16:36.09kergothtreke: what manufacturer has a ti-4200 thats dual head?
16:36.21trekekergoth: They all are as far as I know
16:36.39trekekergoth: the DVI output
16:36.50kergothah, could get a dvi->vga adapter
16:37.04kergoththat work?
16:37.30trekeshould work fine. I dont think anyone actually puts two vga ports on the geforce 4s
16:37.44trekethe downside is that it handles things similar to xinerama
16:39.27kergothhm, pricewatch has brands of that unit i've never heard of for $108
16:39.31kergothpretty cheap
16:40.01trekewhat brands?
16:40.04ljp_wwhy waste a monitor on a box that already has one.
16:40.18kergothI need more desktop space for more simultanious displays of Eterms!
16:40.19ljp_wget another box
16:40.35treke~lart ljp_w
16:40.35kergothi only own one box
16:40.39kergothbut i own two monitors
16:40.44ljp_wyou get 2 monitors and more processors
16:40.55kergothwell i dont count my firewalls and shit. only one real box for coding and shit
16:41.07kergothdood, my firewall whups that's ass
16:41.30kergoth~lart ljp_w
16:41.44ljp_wthat firewalls a waste of cycles
16:41.45kergothI should put distcc on the magnia
16:41.55ljp_wthere ya go
16:41.58kergothbut i cant
16:42.00kergothcause its down
16:42.11kergothand i dont own a stupid laptop ide -> normal ide adapter
16:42.17ljp_wwell, rub it real hard, it'll get back up
16:42.54kergothhey now
16:43.08treke<kergoth> my firewall needs pills
16:44.18ljp_wmy firewall has a modem at one end now :(
16:44.50HClany idea why i would have an insane amount of undefined references
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16:52.47kergoth.. two turntables and a microphone ..
16:53.08ljp_wthat was a good drum break...
16:53.23kergothi love beck's old stuff
16:53.33ljp_wbeck rocks
16:54.07HClnow what..
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17:01.35bipolarkergoth: I've tested upgrading from unstable to my feed. It was slow but it worked, I think. I had to reboot in the middle of it. I sent an email to the OZ users list asking for some more testers before we upload.
17:02.26kergothbipolar: k
17:02.34kergoththere were so many changes recently..
17:02.48bipolaryeah... I stated that in the email.
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17:03.02bipolarkergoth: no harm in being extra careful
17:03.04bipolarnoda: yo
17:03.41bipolarnoda: what app do you use to make svg's?
17:04.05kergothhm, /me grabs the mozilla svg support
17:04.12nodabipolar: Someone used Adobe Illustrator, since the logo zip package had an AI file in it. I went through and got rid of all the Adobe cruft by hand.
17:04.38nodaAnd I re-grouped stuff and put in meaningful id's in the groups.
17:04.48mallumbipolar: sodipodi is really nice for SVG's
17:05.01nodamallum: Yeah, but it can't read AI files I don't think
17:05.10bipolarnoda: ahh... I was thinking maybe sodipodi
17:05.11nodaI needed to convert. I don't think sodipodi does that yet.
17:05.17bipolarmallum: hehe
17:06.13bipolarnoda: sodipodi opens that logo fine.
17:07.10nodabipolar: Yes, but I meant CONVERSION. I didn't start off with a blank sheet. I know sodipodi opens it, I made it valid SVG :P
17:07.43bipolarnoda: I'm confused... conversion to/from what?
17:07.46kergothhm, i need a phoenix build w/ freetype and svg support
17:07.54nodabipolar: From the original logo
17:08.12nodakergoth: Same here, I view mine with the bonobo component in Nautilus right now.
17:08.41nodaFrickin' thing puts a black background instead of transparent :)
17:09.16kergothdont have konq or nautilus installed :)
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17:09.30nodaWell, as a bonobo widget anything can use it... whatever :)
17:09.50bipolarnoda: you mean that this image was not created as a svg, but as some kind of bitmap? If I'm acting stupid, just tell me to STFU
17:10.33nodabipolar: I don't know how it was created, but it's only available in a bunch of different formats, such as .EPS, .AI, .PSD... I had to make a .svg :)
17:10.41noda(because I'm a w3 freak)
17:10.43mallumnoda: do you know of a ps -> svg converter ? thats what I really need
17:10.45bipolarnoda: ahh!
17:10.53nodamallum: Dunno, maybe Adobe Illustrator.
17:11.01nodaBut it puts lots of ugly cruft in the svg file :)
17:11.11bipolarsvg is awesome.
17:12.19bipolardoes adobe have an illustrator demo? ;)
17:12.28nodaHrm, I think I might be able to simplify and make the svg more accurate if I understand the spec well enough :)
17:12.54nodabipolar: You do know that'll never happen, right? (though maybe an input filter)
17:15.28nodaOoh ooh ooh!
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17:15.44bipolarnoda: yeah... I know.... :(
17:16.01kergothtreke: are you using any virtual config items in bluez?
17:16.17kergothtreke: i.e. items that dont translate to a packages/blah .. like the KERNEL and LIBC config items
17:16.51kergothjust a possibile reason the deps are having issues
17:18.41mallumkergoth: I just did a bk pull and busybox is playing up :(
17:19.03mallumkergoth: Im getting a ./scripts/config/conf: ./scripts/config/conf: cannot execute binary file
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17:30.29nodaw00t! I've "decoded" one of the paths Illustrator wrote, so now I can rewrite it :)
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17:32.48chouimatwb kergoth
17:33.28kergothback on 2.4.20-ck4 so i can use my damn cf reader
17:34.03kergothbleh, local joint sells laptop 2.5" -> normal ide adapters for fucking $12
17:34.08kergothwhat a ripoff, compgeeks has em for $4
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17:34.46ccampawwith 10 in shipping
17:34.49kergothcourse given my magnia has my mp3 collection, and a 566 celeron i could be distcc'ing onto, i'm tempted to buy it locally anyway
17:34.52kergothgood point
17:34.55chouimatkergoth: I'm hacking a pogresql and sqlite layer for subversion
17:35.22kergothchouimat: eh, if you work on subversion code, you could lose your single free use bitkeeper license.
17:35.26kergothchouimat: read the terms
17:35.38kergothin which case you'd have to use the snapshots :)
17:35.49chouimatkergoth: i know it's for my internal use :)
17:36.28chouimatkergoth: bitkeeper licence is stupid IMHO
17:36.59kergothwell, i dont much like it, but i see why they do it
17:38.00chouimatkergoth: me too but larry is quite pissed off about bitbucket in lkml
17:38.05mallumkergoth: stupid glib barfs thinking its being x-compiled when its not
17:38.21kergothmallum: glib2 for x86? or glib2? or glib?
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17:40.06mallumkergoth: glib 1.2 via pkgconfig for build system
17:40.20hardwireI am new here
17:40.25hardwirecan somebody direct me to the bathroom
17:40.46hardwiredanke danke
17:40.54kergothmallum: umn
17:40.55hardwireso gimme more infos on ooold openembedded
17:41.04kergothmallum: there is no seperate glib 1.2 build for the build system
17:41.09hardwireopenzaurus just poood all over the place for making an x86 distro
17:41.19kergothhardwire: well, we need detail about that pooo
17:41.44hardwirewhere shall the poo be sent?
17:41.56kergothibot: kergoth
17:42.00i guess kergoth is at, or that openzaurus guy
17:42.24hardwire^ ^
17:42.29hardwireits a dog!
17:42.31mallumkergoth: yeah I dont know whats going on, it seems to be trying to build glib1.2 via pkgconfig - but I though pkgconfig didn't have any deps
17:42.50kergothmallum: ohh, pkgconfig's local copy of glib?
17:42.55kergothmallum: i almost forgot about that
17:43.21kergothhm, wonder if we really should be setting --target=$(SYS) on the pkgconfig build
17:43.24kergothprobably not.
17:43.38kergothlibtool we have to, as it hardcodes CC and associated paths in the binary (stupid POS)
17:43.50kergothmallum: try removing the --target=$(SYS) from the configure line
17:44.30mallumkergoth: I think target is 386 whilst this machine is 686, but that should make any difference :(
17:44.48hardwirethe poo detail is out for delivery
17:44.52kergothmallum: doesnt matter
17:45.08kergothshouldnt, anyway
17:45.25kergothmallum: email me the build log
17:48.13mallumkergoth: okie will do
17:49.21HClwhere does OZ store its list with packages on unstable and testing etc servers
17:49.41nodaWOO! I understand something! :)
17:49.55nodaJust made the "oe" logo path much simpler :)
17:50.04nodaThe orange of the 'e' that is. I'll do the others :)
17:50.48nodaSweetness :)
17:51.31kergothhardwire: fixing, now.
17:51.49HClnm, found it
17:51.57hardwirecause I am hoping to put OpenZaurus/Embedded into my balloon computer
17:52.01nodaDone :)
17:52.35nodasvg rocks!
17:52.38nodaAh well, class time.
17:53.09nodakergoth: Hey, do you think JasonNJ could get the font that's being used for the logo? :)
17:53.15noda...or would that be illegal...
17:53.21nodaAh well, will ask later. Am quite late :)
17:53.32trekekergoth: I do depend on libc6
17:54.21kergothtreke: not anymore you dont :) that wouldnt cause it though. i'll look into it later
17:56.08Twiunkergoth: out of curiosity, can all aspects of the Z's apm be controlled from messing with /proc ?
17:56.46mallumkergoth: check your mail
17:56.47kergothTwiun: its nothing Z specific. apm is apm. i dont know what about apm can be manipulated via proc.
17:58.20Twiunkergoth: right, so the apm executable is pretty much the only non-programmatic way of interacting with that in linux?
18:00.55icefoxRead the first paragraph
18:02.21icefox^ from the same page
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18:04.28mallumkergoth: if I remove that --cachefile switch from configure it works
18:05.00mallumkergoth: but I dont know how that gets there, its not in the packages Makefile
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18:05.29kergothmallum: hm
18:06.38kergothhardwire: bk pull; make
18:06.58hardwirethat was not outloud
18:07.18hardwirekergoth how do I unedit some files?
18:07.22kergothbk unedit filename
18:07.27hardwirefucking ah
18:07.43kergothhardwire: added a makefile function for installing the config.cache based on the CROSS var
18:07.49kergothhardwire: so it wont be installing ARM results anymore :)
18:08.04kergothfixed the hardcoded CC ref for zlib1g and sqlite
18:08.08kergothpython is mickeyl's forte
18:08.33hardwirewhat about making _arm_ipks
18:08.42hardwirelots of those are hard coded
18:11.24kergothpushing that fix now
18:11.34kergothjust needed the ipk build to use $(ARCH) for the ipk Architecture filed
18:11.46trekenew computer time :)
18:11.46kergothoh shit
18:11.48kergoththat reminds me
18:11.53kergothI havent done my taxes this year yet!
18:12.32hardwiretaxes are for commies
18:12.47kergoth~fishslap hardwire
18:12.48ACTION slaps hardwire up side the head with a wet fish.
18:13.37trekedual Athlon MP 2600s. mmmmh
18:14.30kergothbastards and your 'having money'
18:16.42hardwirekergoth what say ye about the staging install of python/Makefile
18:16.45kergothhardwire: bk pull
18:16.48trekeonly because I forgot I had it :)
18:16.50kergothI say we wait for mickeyl
18:16.56kergothdisable python for now
18:17.05hardwireI needs that python for my nutrients!
18:17.07kergothmickeyl|away: ping
18:17.32kergothdood, the sun is in the buildroot?
18:17.44hardwireI added it
18:17.48trekemake SUBDIRS=packages/life
18:18.22kergothhm, should upgrade to 0.9.7 openssl
18:18.40kergothfuck it, that'll wait till final
18:18.56mallumkergoth: I just did a fresh checkout ... now I getting even wierder errors from pkgconfig :(
18:19.11hardwireI keep running it as sudo
18:19.26kergothsudo? nooooo
18:19.26mallumkergoth: checking host system type... ./config.guess: line 879: ./dummy-4415: cannot execute binary file
18:19.26mallum./config.guess: line 1240: ./dummy-4415: cannot execute binary file
18:19.26mallum./config.guess: unable to guess system type
18:19.29kergothno sudo, no fakeroot
18:19.37kergothbuildroot need not pretend to be root
18:19.41hardwireI know
18:19.41bipolarkergoth: I've got one completely sucsessful upgrade to my feed, and one nondiscript failure. :\
18:19.51kergothbipolar: yeah i saw that
18:19.53hardwirebut its too late now!
18:20.09kergothhardwire: chown -R hardwire.users *; chmod ug=rwX *;
18:20.12kergothhardwire: heh!
18:23.10hardwirewhen doez OZ get its name changed?
18:23.13Twiunurgh. Pricing and estimating contracts is boring
18:23.42Twiunanyone used the/an OSGi framework before?
18:23.49kergothhardwire: never, technically.
18:24.17hardwirewhen does OE fork off?
18:24.39kergothOE exists right now
18:24.56kergothWe're pulling OE logos into our images and site asap
18:25.02hardwiremake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hardwire/src/buildroot-oz/build/uClibc-0.9.18'
18:25.02hardwire/bin/sh: line 1: arm-linux-gcc: command not found
18:25.11kergothhardwire: uclibc doenst build.
18:25.15kergothhardwire: for any arch, yet
18:25.24kergothfeel free to fix it
18:25.34mallumkergoth: is oz copying in this config.cache from somewhere ?
18:25.42kergothtechnically the current buildroot is the current incarnation of the OE infrastructure
18:25.49kergothmallum: only if package/sblah/Makefile calls $(installcache)
18:25.59kergothmallum: and only then, if ARCH=$(BUILDARCH)
18:26.06kergother, only if ARCH=arm
18:26.07kergothi mean
18:26.25hardwirehow do I disable uClib
18:26.28kergothhardwire: it isnt the default.
18:26.39kergothhardwire: i think you need to bk pull.
18:26.43hardwireI did that
18:26.46hardwireI have a fresh clone dude
18:26.51hardwirelike 5 minutes stale
18:26.53kergothrm .config
18:26.58JasonNJsup hardwire
18:27.00hardwire( ) none  
18:27.03kergothrm .config.
18:27.05hardwire(X) micro libc edition
18:27.08kergothrm .config.
18:27.08hardwirewelcome to my choices
18:27.13hardwirehi JasonNJ
18:27.23mallumkergoth: no, its not there, I wonder wtf is going on :(
18:27.35Twiunhey Jason
18:28.00JasonNJman that new Sony looks a hell of a lot like a Z
18:28.16mallumkergoth: did my log make any sense ?
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18:29.25james_lankergoth: nice title
18:30.03hardwirekergoth: I only have the option to use micro libc stuffins
18:30.12hardwireas soon as I go to none.. of course most all packages are not available
18:30.21hardwireshould glib be in here anywhere?
18:30.33JasonNJthe only thing that sucks about these sony units is they are way anemic, memory wise
18:30.38james_lankergoth isn't on, noticed that right after I hit enter
18:30.47james_lanwhich sony units?
18:30.59JasonNJthe new batch of clie's
18:31.05JasonNJall these new Palm OS 5 units
18:31.07hardwirejames_lan: kergoth isn't on?
18:31.12james_lanNV70X ro whatever
18:32.19james_lanoops, not as mod, used to seing him there (my ID is now 10T)
18:33.09kergothhardwire: you dont see glibc because KERNEL isnt defined. KERNEL isnt defined because you're supplying it a .config with it not defined.
18:33.12james_lanI was looking at a "Handheld computing" magazine of some sort, and everything it was talking about, I either had on my Z or could do on my Z
18:33.19kergothhardwire: once _again_, rm .config.
18:33.23kergothhardwire: and go enable a kernel
18:33.24hardwirefucking woo
18:33.29hardwireonce again.. I can't enable an x86 kernel
18:33.32TheMasterMind1kergoth: sup
18:33.42kergothI already told you, it wouldnt work without adding an x86 kernel
18:33.48kergothwe already had this fucking conversation
18:33.53hardwireno we didn't
18:33.59hardwireand if we did.. I wasn't looking ;)
18:34.03kergothYou werent looking.
18:34.14kergothglibc will not build without a set of kernel headers to obtain
18:34.18hardwireso there is no way to make an x86 OZ system now
18:34.19kergotheither add explicit native build handling
18:34.23kergothor add a x86 kernel
18:34.41*** topic/#openembedded by chouimat|away -> OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less! (tm) | ||| CAUTION: kergoth is in BOFH mode today
18:34.43kergothas i told you in #zaurus, its ready to roll once you add a x86 kernel.
18:34.53hardwireI don't remember this conversation
18:34.55hardwireso give me a break for a bit
18:35.14chouimat|awayhardwire: I think he's in BOFH mode
18:35.27hardwirechouimat|away: its all good
18:35.27kergothchouimat|away: when am I not?
18:35.31james_lanI was wondering, if the package management system was decided/being worked on, as I have been busy as of late, and the wiki just seems to have ideas.
18:35.40kergothjames_lan: jamey and others are working on ipkg.
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18:35.58chouimat|awaykergoth: ok I must get my self ready for the boring afternoon
18:36.06JasonNJhardwire: as long as you arent stinky, Kergoth might enjoy it
18:36.25james_lanknow of any documentation on what they are doing?
18:36.47LazeWhere does the new rc3 mount the SD cards or does it need something special to make it work?
18:36.58hardwirekergoth: adding x86 headers would be done how?
18:37.09hardwireI am totally not familiar with the process of how this buildsystem works still
18:37.15chouimat|awaykergoth: just finished ready the toshiba doc : BORING
18:37.29hardwireI usually just want one thing ;) and every time I want that one thing I need to learn the buildsystem all over again
18:37.41bipolarLaze: first, it's not really rc3.... 2nd, make sure the sd module got loaded. theres a bug there.
18:38.01kergothadd a kernel-x86, either to actually obtain and build a kernel, or to yank the kernel headers from /usr/include when CROSS is NULL
18:38.13kergothhardwire: vi docs/*
18:39.08hardwireaugh.. useless.. oz is hard to implement if you are not interested in developing it
18:39.11james_lanhmmm, can't get to or (they down or my connection people just being PITAs, again?)
18:39.31kergothhardwire: only if you're working outside of its existing capability
18:39.35kergothhardwire: which you are, as i said earlier
18:39.40TheMasterMind1works for me
18:39.48hardwireso lemme anybody interested in helping?
18:39.57hardwireI got my plate full right now as do most of you
18:40.23james_lanpita, now it works
18:40.46Lazebipolar: How do i check if its running, whats the task/module name?
18:40.58kergothI do not have the time to add x86 build support at the moment, I'm working to get rc3 out the door
18:41.11hardwireanybody else?
18:41.12kergothLaze: sharp_mmcsd_m or something
18:41.22bipolarLaze: lsmod | grep sharp_mmcsd_m
18:42.02bipolarkergoth: is /etc/init.d/sd supposed to load that module?
18:42.07kergothhmm, so sd isnt starting, the lack of messages is confusing people, what else
18:42.11kergothbipolar: yes.
18:42.17kergothiirc anyway
18:43.01bipolarkergoth: ok. the script does not load it but otherwise seems to work....
18:43.03Lazebipolar/kergoth: like the "lack" of output on boot, just make a "Please wait..."
18:43.15kergothLaze: doing so is more complex than you think.
18:43.53bipolar# ./sd start
18:43.53bipolarStart SD services:modprobe: Nothing to load ???
18:43.54bipolarSpecify at least a module or a wildcard like \*
18:44.04kergothprobably a typo or something
18:44.06bipolarah ah
18:44.12bipolarkergoth: found it!
18:44.14kergothyep, typo
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18:44.17kergothmodule vs sd_module
18:44.23bipolarkergoth: yep :)
18:44.38TheMasterMind1this is rc3 prerelease?
18:44.50kergothTheMasterMind1: yeah
18:44.55kergothbipolar: i'm flashing an image i just built now
18:45.06kergothbipolar: minus opie, to focus on the base issues
18:45.11bipolarkergoth: ok, cool
18:45.44kergothbipolar: bk pull; make SUBDIRS=packages/sdmmc clean; make
18:45.53Lazesdmgr - made the SD work on my SL-5500
18:47.23kergothI'll add a please wait message as the first item in rcS
18:47.45kergothecho "Please wait: booting..." > /dev/tty0
18:48.01TheMasterMind1is it really slow booting now or something?
18:48.09kergothbut boot messages are gone
18:48.14TheMasterMind1hmm ok
18:48.14kergothI fixed sysvinit's misbehavior
18:48.25kergothif you use a debug kernel
18:48.29kergothyou'll see the boot messagese
18:48.32hardwireI like how the packages file definition redundancy flew away
18:48.33hardwirethats nice
18:48.47kergothpackages file definition redundancy?
18:49.22TheMasterMind1hardwire: anything new with gct?
18:49.35hardwireworking on the graphical import filter
18:49.41hardwirekergoth.. I dunno how to splain
18:50.03TheMasterMind1kergoth: i think he's talking about packages/Makefile
18:51.38hardwireanyhoot.. added a 2.4.20 x86 kernel
18:52.33TheMasterMind1who was working on oe-webpal
18:52.48kergothreconfiguring packages didnt happen
18:52.51kergothTheMasterMind1: kenb
18:53.24hardwirecan select kernel
18:53.29hardwirestill lack ability to select libc6
18:53.49kergothi think busybox sed is b0rked
18:53.52bipolarquick fix for SD issue: cd /etc/init.d; mv sd sd.old; sed s/SD_MODULE/MODULE/ ./sd.old > sd; chmod +x sd
18:54.01kergothhardwire: bk vi packages/kernel-common/
18:54.09kergothhardwire: add your new kernel to the depends of KERNEL
18:54.23kergothhardwire: KERNEL is like a virtual package, only for the config system
18:56.04hardwirethe defconfig in kernel-2.4.20/ should work right
18:56.11kergothbipolar: what busybox version is in those images of yours?
18:56.14hardwireit won't pull the config from packages/kernel/ right?
18:56.30kergothit does what you tell it to do
18:56.33kergothin your makefile
18:56.35kergoththats it
18:56.52bipolarkergoth: let me see....
18:57.29hardwirekergoth.. so packages/kernel/ isn't even a wrapper?  you have to change that for like SH4 or dragonball as well?
18:57.47kergothhardwire: there is no kernel template. right now they're all independent makefiles.
18:57.56kergothhardwire: needless duplication, yes.
18:58.03hardwirethats what I needed to know
18:58.14hardwireso when you are testing out 2.4.19 or whatever you change this file around
18:58.33hardwireand it should basically match the 2.4.29/ + the kernel_debug part
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18:58.42kergoths/this file/packages\/packages-2.4.19\/Makefile/;
18:59.54hardwirefutz.. now I have two kernel options in menuconfig.. of the same thing
19:00.07bipolarBusyBox v0.61.pre (2003.03.13-05:12+0000)
19:00.57james_lansee you later, tired of ansering A+ questions from a CS major (I'm an anthro major)
19:02.20kergothbipolar: hm, I'm getting a sed syntax error in Reconfiguring packages
19:02.26hardwireoh augh
19:02.34hardwirejust move kernel-2.4.20 to kernel
19:03.20kergothhardwire: eh? no. create packages/kernel-2.4.20. edit it appropriately. (both and Makefile). edit kernel-common/ to add KERNEL-2.4.20. edit packages/ to add the source of packages/kernel-2.4.20/ to the config system
19:03.31kergoththen make menuconfig, select the new kernel
19:03.49hardwireI did that
19:04.22hardwireconfig KERNEL-2.4.20
19:04.23hardwireconfig KERNEL_DEBUG
19:04.23kergothbipolar: you're absolutely certain pcmcia and opie and stuff starts in those images?
19:04.42kergothoh, you're editing it in place instead of adding a new one?
19:04.50kergothhere, do this
19:04.51kergothits easier
19:04.53hardwireoh fuck
19:04.58kergothcopy packages/kernel-c700/* instead of packages/kernel/*
19:04.59kergothits cleaner
19:05.00hardwireno no
19:05.02hardwireI was mistaken
19:05.24kergothbipolar: busybox sed hates me
19:06.23anderseekergoth: mjn3 is looking at it now
19:06.44kergothi'm backrev'ing to a known good versioni to confirm that it is indeed busybox sed
19:06.48kergothand not something completely unrelated :)
19:07.35hardwirethere we go
19:10.22kergothandersee: nevermind, my problem :)
19:11.31bipolarkergoth: are there any more fixes before I build new packages?
19:12.27kergothbipolar: almost certainly. let me hack a bit here
19:12.36bipolarkergoth: Ok :)
19:14.22hardwirehey kergoth: seems it want to go directly from ipkg building to glibc
19:14.22kergothokay, added a please wait banner
19:14.26hardwireno kernel inbetween..
19:14.36kergothhardwire: ah, add youer new kernel to pkg.conf
19:14.46kergothhardwire: *cough*as documented in docs/DEVEL*cough*
19:16.11kergothbipolar: okay, sd problem should be fixed, packages problem should be fixed, please wait banner added..
19:16.19kergothbipolar: add timezones and shit to the image, and remove opie-login.
19:16.29kergothbipolar: pushing my fixes now
19:16.49bipolarok... I'll take this opertunity to restart X for KDE upgrades... :)
19:17.23hardwirewith some people directions are like wet spaghetti..
19:17.32hardwireyou can throw them on the ceiling and they will stick
19:17.38hardwireI am just a limp unsticky noodle ;(
19:18.19ccampnyone ever used nessus in here?
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19:19.36kergothbipolar: bk pull and wipe & rebuild oz-base
19:21.32TheMasterMind1whats a good def-config i can use
19:21.35TheMasterMind1fairly recent
19:21.44kergothcollie-opie assuming a collie target and you want opie
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19:23.32JasonNJkergoth: you guys are gonna build an RC3 today?
19:25.17kergothJasonNJ: thats the plan.
19:26.01kergothany volunteers to work the logos?
19:26.08DaJokerwork the logos?
19:26.23Lazekergoth: your so cool.. I will be very interested in working with the logos..
19:26.28JasonNJwith a 2.4.19 kernel?
19:26.33kergothwe need a small OE logo for sysinfo, a tweaked logo for the opie launcher background, and a boot logo with OpenZaurus script + powered_by_OE logo
19:26.33JasonNJI didnt know you guys finished it
19:26.42kergoth2.4.19 is pretty much done minus sdmmc
19:26.45kergothbut that wont be in this release
19:26.54kergothit needs more testing amongst people other than the devs
19:27.12victorvdlkergoth: TS fixed in 2.4.19?
19:27.28kergothvictorvdl: 90% certain, havent had a chance to flash and test
19:27.32kergothworking on the rc3 atm
19:27.40LazeKergoth: Sizes and depth on the logos?
19:27.51victorvdlkergoth: If it won't fry my Z, I'll test. Where can I grab it?
19:28.05kergothLaze: dunno off the top of my head. you can look at the existing opie logos as a base
19:28.19kergothhardwire: bootup logo is what, 240x320, but what colors?
19:28.21JasonNJkergoth: the logos I gave you arent the correct resoluiton?
19:28.35kergothJasonNJ: they're fine
19:28.51kergothjust need someone to make them appropriate for use
19:28.54hardwirekergoth: dunno ask scanline since he dithered it
19:28.56JasonNJyeah, cause she gave us a ton of different resolutions and formats
19:29.00kergothhardwire: oh, what font is OpenZaurus?
19:29.05kergothhardwire: from our original bootlogo?
19:29.09kergoththat script
19:29.12kergothscanline: you around?
19:29.25hardwirethat is 16 bit
19:29.25JasonNJthe new logo should look pretty nice booting
19:29.26scanlineit's 5-6-5 16-bit color
19:29.34hardwirewhere is the new logo?
19:29.48kergothhold, let me upload them to
19:29.52scanlineI actually used picogui to dither it, since it was handy and supports dithering to pretty much anything :)
19:30.09bipolarkergoth: should I be building dhcpcd or dhclient or does busybox have something like that built in?
19:30.34kergothbipolar: busybox includes udhcpc.
19:30.37kergothbipolar: as i said on the ML
19:30.58victorvdlkergoth: Is there somewhere I could grab 2.4.19 from?
19:31.04kergothvictorvdl: not handy
19:31.04hardwireI am not sure what font it is
19:31.10hardwirebut in the mean time you can scale off of this one
19:31.11kergothhardwire: hrm
19:31.13hardwirejust mask iot
19:31.19kergothLaze: you paying attention here? :)
19:31.39kergothincludes noda's initial SVG as well
19:31.43scanlinethe color scheme on that logo is a bit... evil
19:31.47Lazekergoth: got it..
19:31.59kergothscanline: take a look at ken's..
19:31.59JasonNJscanline: we went though a lot of choices
19:32.10scanlinekergoth: which one is that?
19:32.24kergothscanline: what do you think of that?
19:32.26JasonNJscanline: its a striking design and very unique
19:32.48scanlinekergoth: better, but still makes me think of something that runs in DOS with 16 colors, rather than a new exciting program
19:32.56scanlinethe design's alright, but I hate the colors :)
19:33.03*** join/#openembedded noda (
19:33.13JasonNJscanline: logos have to be simple and recognizeable
19:33.18JasonNJotherwise, theres little value to a logo
19:33.28scanlinebut you need to control what it's recognizable as
19:33.28nodaJasonNJ: Ooh, just the person I wanted to talk to! :)
19:33.30kergothwe dont want a lot of complexity
19:33.36chouimathi noda
19:33.41kergothtwo colors or similar is clean, recognizable
19:33.41scanlineI'm not saying you should make it more complex, just that the colors are evil
19:33.51kergothwell show me some better versions
19:33.55JasonNJscanline: we went through a lot of iterations
19:33.57chouimatscanline: green and orange?
19:33.58nodaJasonNJ: Is there any chance of my getting the font for the OE logo? I'm doing an SVG format, I think there's a way to embed the font in there. It'd be much simpler than putting in all the vector paths.
19:33.59kergothI'm open to discussion on the color scheme
19:34.11scanlineIMHO it's hard to do anything interesting with two solid colors
19:34.29scanlinethey have to be very bold and annoying to be visible, and then you've got a bold and annoying logo
19:34.39scanlinemaybe put a black border around the edge, and use some softer colors
19:34.40JasonNJout of all those choices we thought 13 was the most distinctive
19:34.50kergothbleh, blue+red .. ick
19:35.08JasonNJwe also have to be sure that the colors we chose are not used by other companies doing similar products
19:35.15kergothnoda: fyi, your svg from earlier is in the OE_files tarball on, feel free to update it
19:35.27JasonNJand that they stand out on various mediums, not just video
19:35.28kergothbipolar: bk pull, wipe and rebuild oz-base again
19:35.32Neo|Workthis might give you some needed comical relief:
19:35.34chouimatI definitly prefer 8
19:35.34nodakergoth: Will do that, I'm rewriting the paths to use ellipses instead of bezier curves :)
19:35.43kergothnoda: ah, cool
19:35.48nodaMore precise :)
19:35.58JasonNJthe thing is that logo designs and company branding is a very time consuming and expensive process.
19:36.02JasonNJwhat we have is good to start.
19:36.22hardwireI can help with redoing logos..
19:36.24hardwireif you want it
19:36.26JasonNJhiring a branding/marketing team to come up with better logos is going to be a big deal
19:36.32nodaI'm not sure about the colours, but I think the logo is BEAUTIFUL.
19:36.36hardwireits just fucking pingi is a bitch to retrace
19:36.41kergothI like the OE logo. its color scheme I'm open on
19:36.45JasonNJhardwire: this logo was designed by a former designer at Apple
19:36.51LazeDoes anyone have a good front picture of the Zaurus?
19:36.53kergothit needs to be bold, and striking. youthful.
19:37.00hardwireJasonNJ: whom might that be?
19:37.03JasonNJthe colors I am not married to, but the design is very, very distinctive
19:37.03kergothclean, clear lines
19:37.16nodalol, we all agree the fish is cool :)
19:37.18JasonNJHardwire: Fredlet Golden
19:37.26nodaHey, what about gradients?
19:37.28JasonNJshe's done a lot of artwork for me in the past
19:37.29hardwireoh I thought it might be someone in here
19:37.37JasonNJshe was also a designer at macromedia
19:37.44hardwirenice :)
19:37.50JasonNJshe's good at coming up with clean, efficient designs
19:37.50hardwireit is kidna odd however
19:38.04JasonNJyeah, but its recognizable
19:38.06hardwiremight just be the colors fucking with me
19:38.12JasonNJthink about the Red Hat and Apple logos
19:38.25hardwiremind if I play a bit?
19:38.30JasonNJand the palm logos
19:38.45JasonNJhardwire: grab the source files, you can change them
19:38.56hardwireI was just gonna gimp some protos
19:39.04JasonNJand then think about linux companies with SHITTY logos
19:39.06chouimatI like 8 more than the green/orange cartoon color
19:39.22JasonNJI mean, is Lineo's logo distinctive? Or bluecat? or lynuxworks?
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19:39.51JasonNJchou: 8 is too light
19:39.56JasonNJdoesnt show up well
19:40.00JasonNJ13 does show up very well
19:40.00nodaJasonNJ: I can't remember any of them off the top of my head ;)
19:40.06scanlinelight is better than something that melts your retina
19:40.07chouimatJasonNJ: maybe with black contour line
19:40.23chouimatscanline: agreed
19:40.37hardwirekergoth; the font is not on this machine ;(
19:40.50hardwireprobably on the machine that crashed with my drawings of pingi
19:40.58nodaWow... I didn't realize the "e" circle is an ellipse and not a circle...
19:41.10kergothhardwire: ahh
19:41.21scanlinetry using #7884C9 and #C8CC57.. it's still not good, but IMHO it's better
19:41.22noda...oh, that's because it is a circle :)
19:41.49scanlinebut I think a black border would do it the most good
19:41.56scanlineemphasize the shape, because it's good
19:42.35scanline#8 with a less eye-peeling red and some black borders would be neat
19:43.03hardwireI would have gone more into graphics arts as a career.. but around here atleast the prereq is you have to be a complete prick..
19:43.12hardwirethat ain't me y0.
19:43.27hardwirethat and it helps to know how to spell
19:43.29JasonNJjust remember this has to be reproduced on stationary, business cards, large signs, tee shirts, as well as onscreen
19:43.42hardwireI like the new pg logo
19:43.50hardwireits a little too pastel.. but digable
19:44.14hardwireJasonNJ: prototypes don't need to go onto shirts :)
19:44.38kergothhardwire: I think his point is, we need to throw out prototypes that cant go on shirts.
19:44.52hardwirekergoth: I know the point.. but yeah
19:44.54kergothbipolar: hey fun, my Z doesnt boot anymore
19:45.29chouimat :)
19:45.54JasonNJgood god
19:46.06chouimatwas just playing with gimp
19:46.09scanlinehmm... it's bad, but hard to say whether it can be worse than the original ;)
19:46.19kergothits worse.
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19:47.04victorvdlmuch worse.
19:47.14scanlineit looks worse, but my eyeballs don't ache as much
19:47.59JasonNJscanline: the current logo looks awesome on LCD
19:48.12JasonNJif you have a shitty monitor, it could very well look like crap
19:48.14JasonNJyes 13
19:48.37scanlineI have a pretty decent monitor... and doesn't it go against your logo-for-anywhere mandate that it would look bad on cheapo monitors?
19:49.08JasonNJwe know it looks good on the Zaurus itself
19:49.12JasonNJand in print
19:49.18scanlinefor some values of good
19:49.32JasonNJso fucking come up with a better one
19:50.13JasonNJplenty of companies go thru half a dozen revisions of a logo in its first few years of operation
19:50.24kergothi've taken a liking to kenb's colors. still bold, youthful, but less eye strain
19:50.26JasonNJapple has gone though at least 4, microsoft at least 5
19:50.27scanlineI might try later. At the moment I have homework to do
19:51.28kergothchouimat: you are a sick fuck, you know that?
19:51.45chouimatkergoth: hehe
19:52.14JasonNJwe need high contrast colors and we have to be within the limitations of what you can do in print
19:52.28kergothgoddamnit OZ, boot!
19:53.03JasonNJkergoth: does the 5600 or C700 boot yet?
19:53.15kergothJasonNJ: my c700 is running OZ right now
19:53.23kergothJasonNJ: even opie, but the keyboard support isnt done yet
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19:53.56chouimatkergoth: ok I won't touch the logo anymore ... but I don't want the green/orange thing (those color make me sick)
19:54.19scanlinekergoth: I'll take a crack at a new logo tonight after my numerical computing homework and my midterm...
19:54.23kergothscanline: cool, thanks
19:54.32kergothin the meantime, i'll hack on improvements for rc3
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19:54.58JasonNJscanline: dont change the design
19:55.02JasonNJwe DO like the design
19:55.12scanlineI'll play around with it
19:55.28scanlineI like the design, but there are some variations I'd like to try
19:55.31mewyni got a question for anyone who is using a 2.5 kernel
19:55.39kergothask away
19:55.49mewynwhat modutils you using?
19:55.59kergothuh, you want module-init-tools, not modutils
19:56.04kergothsudo apt-get install module-init-tools
19:56.12kergoththe way modules work in 2.5 is completely different
19:56.28mewynis that package backwards compatable with 2.4?
19:56.32mewynthat's what i thought
19:56.44kergothyes, you dont lose the ability to work with 2.4
19:56.55chouimatkergoth: that interview and the fact my ex-wife want to see me tonight is downing me a lot
19:57.06kergothchouimat: heh, cant blame ya there..
19:57.15mewynkergoth: you don't happen to have a source url, i didn't do debian :)
19:58.41nodaJasonNJ: Do you know if there's any way for us to get the font the OE logo uses? :)
20:01.04*** join/#openembedded DiamondAL (
20:01.28LazeKergoth: Just modelled it in 3dStdMax - and it looks great and nice easy shapes to work with..
20:02.14kergothhehe. thats cool. we dont need 3d yet, but good to know
20:02.20kergothbleh, brb, food
20:08.55nodaWoo! Defined the logo colours in CSS -- now they're damned easy to change :)
20:10.40JasonNJLaze: the crescent shapes are unique
20:11.02nodaMan, it'd be sweet if SVG were more popular... I could embed the SVG into the XHTML and make it follow the stylesheet :)
20:11.08nodaJasonNJ: So, do you know what the font is? :)
20:11.16JasonNJask fredlet
20:11.22chouimat|awaylater guys
20:11.25nodaJasonNJ: email? :)
20:12.30nodaJasonNJ: Thanks :)
20:14.58nodammm... the SVG I've done has beautiful, legible ellipses. Whee, SVG rocks! :)
20:15.21kergothnoda: nice
20:15.32kergothTHIS, is my BOOMSTICK!
20:15.53mewynbbiab... i hope :)
20:16.47yeiazelnoda: do you have some URL to show that ?
20:17.06yeiazelis SVG supported by IE by default ?
20:17.16nodayeiazel: No, it's not. But there's a plugin...
20:17.46yeiazel... why does galeon display the source code !?
20:17.47icefoxWhat editor are you using to make the svg icon?
20:17.50nodaI don't know where to get the plugin, search for "svg implementations" and follow the first link
20:17.53nodaicefox: vim
20:17.57nodaicefox: The only true editor :)
20:17.59icefoxah ok
20:18.06*** join/#openembedded umopapisdn (
20:18.07yeiazelnoda: IE was not for me, just to know :)
20:18.11yeiazelnoda: vim rocks
20:18.12nodayeiazel: Oh, phew :)
20:18.23Twiunnoda: Adobe makes a plugin
20:18.26nodaThough the original conversion was done by Illustrator. The fonts have lots of icky curve data.
20:18.44nodaAdobe's svg output was hideous :)
20:18.59nodaThe ellipses were bezier curves :)
20:19.15JasonNJviewer doesnt seem to work in ie
20:19.34TwiunJasonNJ: I've got the adobe plugin+ie5.5, works great
20:19.45yeiazeldo I need some plugin/lib to make gecko support svg ?
20:19.46Twiunhaven't tried noda's svg file in it yet though
20:19.52nodayeiazel: You need it compiled with svg support
20:20.33yeiazeland why isn't the fucking debian package compiled with svg support ?
20:20.38yeiazelthat really sucks
20:20.38nodaActually, it's not actually following spec now, some lines are longer than 256 chars.
20:20.49nodayeiazel: Open it in sodipodi or nautilus or konqueror
20:21.05yeiazelI have none of them :)
20:21.08Twiunscanline: sodipodi doesn't support animated svg stuff
20:21.21scanlineoh god, no animated E
20:21.23nodayeiazel: apt-get install sodipodi
20:21.26scanlineerr, no animated OE logos :P
20:21.28nodalol, no animation!
20:21.34nodaThough... hrm, it COULD be pretty neat...
20:21.38yeiazelnoda: that's what I'm doing :)
20:23.20*** join/#openembedded Dessimat0r (
20:23.22yeiazelnot so bad...
20:23.24Dessimat0rlo all
20:23.29nodaDessimat0r: Moo
20:23.31Dessimat0rBOFH mode?
20:24.28Dessimat0rArgh, can't fucking install Gentoo at all atm, using the RC3 liveCD
20:25.23Dessimat0rits so messed up, I've been trying for 3 days straight to install it, it keeps losing the path to, or something
20:25.46Dessimat0rthen portage dosen't work, and that makes you essentially buggered
20:25.51JasonNJI've tried 2 viewers and they dont work
20:26.06JasonNJthe adobe one doesnt seem to like ie 6
20:26.28nodaJasonNJ: Weird, I'll run it through validator.
20:26.51LazeKergoth: Should the please wait be on the boot logo?
20:27.34nodaDamn, validator doesn't validate svg :(
20:28.29Dessimat0rw00t, an update to openzaurus
20:29.37JasonNJnoda, did you just yank the file?
20:29.58nodaJasonNJ: Um... maybe by mistake. Yeah, I think I did, meant to copy. Oh well..
20:30.05nodaNew url:
20:30.31JasonNJlol. mozilla with SVG extensions errors out too
20:30.36*** join/#openembedded mewyn (
20:30.49scanlinemozilla's SVG support is buggy
20:30.50mewynit's running
20:30.54JasonNJoh wait
20:31.06nodaBah, sodipodi can't handle stylesheets :(
20:31.21mewynscanline: how buggy?
20:31.51Twiunnoda: what mimetype is your server throwing out?
20:31.52scanlinemewyn: in my version at least (gentoo ebuild) there are bugs in the rasterization that usually either produce garbage or segfault
20:31.53JasonNJdamn mozilla is just showing the actual code
20:32.00nodaTwiun: text/plain
20:32.08nodaThat could be the problem...
20:32.13Twiunno kidding :)
20:32.19mewynand i wanted to try using SVG for my webmail scripts
20:32.19nodaWhat SHOULD it be? :)
20:32.20Twiunyou want image/svg+xml
20:32.25nodaOkay :)
20:32.39Neo|Worksvg+xml? wtf? :P
20:32.47Twiunnoda: I'm trying the xsmiles browser, spiffy
20:32.53Dessimat0rIf only I could get Gentoo up and running again... However, it appears to be impossible :/
20:33.00TwiunNeo|Work: straight from Adobe's faq
20:33.32Neo|WorkTwiun: I didn't question the validity, just found it funny that they used + rather than more standard -
20:33.39nodaTwiun: Refresh.
20:33.52Twiunnoda: still text/plain
20:33.56nodaErm. Maybe I have to restart the server :)
20:34.02Twiunthat'd help too :)
20:34.24nodaTry again? I think it's still text/plain
20:34.38scanlinejust segfaulted my galeon, so the content type was right
20:34.59Twiunhehe, still loading
20:35.37Twiunbrowser's not happy
20:35.50scanlineshows up ok in IE with the SVG plugin
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20:36.20JasonNJah, now it works
20:36.23mewynACPI isn't telling me battery status
20:36.38nodaGreat :)
20:37.08Twiuntook it 33s!??!
20:37.30nodaWow, weird. It's not even 6k
20:37.36nodaActually, gzipped it's 1200 bytes
20:37.43Twiunyou must be doing some weird shit :)
20:37.48JasonNJso that will allow you to manipulate the colors?
20:37.49nodaNone. Well, I do use CSS :)
20:37.58nodaJasonNJ: Watch this...
20:38.12TwiunJasonNJ: you can even script it to some extent with the css
20:38.51nodaYep, one character difference from before :)
20:40.37nodaI sure hope this font is free... it'd be kind of a pain if it weren't.
20:43.19*** join/#openembedded billytwowilly (
20:48.43trekewhat font?
20:48.52nodatreke: The one used in the logo
20:48.54trekeif its reasonably priced I'm willing to buy it
20:49.16nodatreke: But I'd rather it were free so we could use it for other things too... without any fear...
20:49.28trekewhat is the font?
20:49.35nodaI don't know. I've sent an email to the designer.
20:50.17nodaIf it's not free, what can we do... well, I can convert the glyphs for "openembedded" to an svg font, but I'd be missing the rest of the characters :P
20:50.28nodaAnd I don't know if it'd be legal or not to do even that :)
20:59.57nodaThat's pretty sweet :)
21:00.25trekehardwire: needs more breasts
21:00.33hardwireI do not.. I have plenty
21:00.48chouimathow to blow a job interview ... get there in jeans
21:00.57hardwirechouimat: or get in their jeans ;)
21:01.21chouimathardwire: my suit pants are too small
21:01.25kenbthe E looks like a Euro.
21:01.37hardwireEurostyle Extended
21:02.35trekechouimat: thought that said "how to blow job interview"
21:02.46nodachouimat: Oh, did you see
21:02.54chouimattreke: pervert
21:02.57nodachouimat: 1260 bytes gzipped (3)
21:03.12trekechouimat: that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me
21:04.11chouimatdon't work
21:07.30nodachouimat: Get an SVG viewer :)
21:08.17hardwireapt-get install display
21:08.27nodaimagemagick does svg?
21:08.41hardwireeven AA's it
21:10.11chouimatnoda: not now I need to get out soon ... my ex-wife want to see me and I don't know the FUCKING reason
21:10.22nodachouimat: Ooh, interesting!
21:10.33hardwireemphisis on the FUCKING?
21:10.49Dessimat0rperhaps she wants to kill you - do you hate eachother?
21:11.01chouimathardwire: didn't see her in 2 years so
21:11.24hardwirelistening to radio head and watching libc6 compile is quite interesting
21:11.26*** join/#openembedded caffeine (
21:11.32chouimathardwire: maybe she want to give me back my things she left with
21:11.38JasonNJchou: you got any kids?
21:11.42hardwirelike all of your goddamn money!
21:11.45hardwireI dunno
21:11.46chouimatJasonNJ: nope
21:11.52Dessimat0rdon't you just love the amount of compiler warnings that stream past? ;)
21:12.16chouimatJasonNJ: but some days I wish I got one ....
21:12.43*** join/#openembedded kergoth (
21:12.46Neo|Workchouimat: they are quite easy to make, but the order time is a drag
21:13.08chouimatNeo|Work: haha
21:13.22chouimatok ... now I need to lose about 20 lbs
21:14.02trekeNeo|Work: try asking your wife how easy they were to make :)
21:14.05chouimatkergoth: huh?
21:16.09chouimattreke: did you know that some people want to move the father's day 9 month before the mother's day?
21:17.12nodakergoth: Could you please give the openzaurus group access to OE_files.tgz?
21:17.36noda...and make it sticky :)
21:18.20chouimat|awayok I have to go ... if I want to drink some beers before she get there
21:18.54bipolarkergoth: bluez packages are broken in buildroot, ie. they won't build. I assume you already know. :)
21:19.04kergothbipolar: dont tell me, tell treke.
21:19.11nodakergoth: Um, or delete it, that works too :)
21:19.13kergothbipolar: i dont maintain every package in the buildroot.
21:19.24kergothnoda: its in openembedded's htdocs now.
21:19.28Dessimat0rit lives! its alive! ITS ALIVE!
21:19.30bipolarkergoth: ok... I'll nag treke
21:19.31chouimat|awaynoda: pensait tu vraiment que j'allais la rencontrer a jeun?
21:19.35nodakergoth: Oh :)
21:19.36bipolar~nag treke
21:19.57bipolaribot: wake up!
21:19.58i don't know, bipolar
21:20.02kergoth~pester treke
21:20.07treke: Are we there yet?  .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
21:20.24trekebipolar: what doesnt build?
21:20.59nodaThere we go, new OE_files.tgz is up :)
21:21.13bipolartreke: the bluez packages. I'm in the middle of building rc3 packages right now, so I can't give you exact errors.
21:21.26trekebipolar: you have to build bluez-sdp first
21:21.28chouimat|awaylater guys
21:21.38trekefor somereason the deps arent being followed. I'm trying to figure it out
21:21.43bipolartreke: yeah... but that won't build.
21:21.57bipolartreke: Unless you mean outside of the buildroot....
21:22.04trekeno inside the buildroot
21:22.45bipolartreke: Ok, I tried that. It can't find headers and libs. I'll give you exact errors as soon as this build is done...
21:23.20trekebasically. bluez-libs, bluez-sdp, bluez-utils, bluez-pan
21:23.42nodaHrm, font is not free...
21:23.48trekebipolar: btw,  wouldnt bother putting them in the feed until someone with a z gets working kernel modules
21:23.51trekenoda: what font is it
21:24.04nodatreke: "Liquorstore"
21:24.15nodaI just don't know about the licensing, that's all...
21:24.19trekewho makes it
21:25.21trekeits only 50 bucks
21:25.33nodaI want to know if I can just use the svg vectors though...
21:25.38chouimat|awaynoda: liquorstore is nice bar in Quebec City
21:25.53nodachouimat|away: Heh, didn't know :)
21:27.13billytwowillyhardwire: that looks really nice.
21:28.23hardwireare you guys at all interested in this logo?
21:30.45nodahardwire: You're a damned fast designer. Or did you come up with this before today :)
21:31.15hardwirejust did it today
21:31.30nodaWow :)
21:31.31hardwireneeded a break today ;p
21:32.25hardwireanybody need a logo?
21:32.37hardwireI don't imagine any of my personal work is gonna get done today
21:32.38kergothhardwire: lookin good.. I couldnt see that color scheme fit for use on a business card or something, but its nice
21:33.03hardwireit can be of a higher contrast
21:33.08hardwireits designed to be on paper
21:33.14hardwireno color ink needed
21:45.06scanlinewhose idea was it to have an OE business card? :)
21:45.15hardwirethast sosrta what I am wondering
21:45.51hardwireI could really use a sara lee pound cake ATM
21:47.11nodaMmmm, me too!
21:47.45scanlineSara Lee Pound Cake is so dense that each pound of it weighs over 10,000 pounds!
21:47.49hardwireuntil its just one big ball of compressed cake stuffins
21:48.59icefoxSir Kergoth?
21:50.05icefoxhardwire: nice logo, but you have to ditch the background (as you probably already know) simply for it to work everywhere.
21:50.19hardwirework everywhere?
21:50.29hardwireif you wan't business cards think less SVG more EPS/AI
21:50.31icefoxi.e. on a green background
21:50.40hardwireare they gonna be green business cards?
21:50.50icefoxnever mind
21:51.11nodahardwire: SVG can do everything EPS can do...
21:51.11scanlineI'm still of the opinion that the shape is the logo, and the coloring/shading should be chosen to fit the medium
21:51.25hardwirenoda: sorry.. that was a rip on the tools not the format
21:51.40nodahardwire: Heh, np
21:52.10nodaI'm of the opinion the fishy logo is really nice, very simple and as JasonNJ was saying, it kinda sticks in the mind.
21:52.15hardwireanyhoot.. /me heads off to showerville..
21:52.39hardwirenoda: the fishy logo is nice.. I think its too chunky however
21:52.41hardwireoh well
21:52.45hardwiremore later!
21:55.15bipolarwho maintains kismet in the buildroot?
21:55.33bipolaroh... thats probbly someone in opie, isn't it....
21:59.02trekebipolar: got the errr?
21:59.23bipolartreke: not done yet... sorry. Almost though.
21:59.33trekeno prob
21:59.49trekeI just thought of it, been busy woking :)
22:07.12*** join/#openembedded ljp_work (
22:08.51kergothibot: bofh
22:08.51it has been said that bofh is at
22:13.07Dessimat0rWonder how long it takes for a busienss card shaped CD-ROM to shatter in the client's drive?
22:14.08kenbdepends if it's a mac or not.
22:14.18kenbthey don't work in most macs.
22:14.33kenbI spent a day last week removing one from an iMac.
22:15.25kenbthankfully, the user has left the company.
22:15.35kenband I know where they went, so I can avoid it.
22:16.57nodakergoth: ping
22:18.42*** join/#openembedded Bowser (
22:18.50BowserLo ppl
22:19.20BowserHi treke
22:23.17ljp_workI think I feel like working on code tonight.
22:24.03ljp_workmight check out warmi's zsurface
22:24.50hardwiremake[3]: Leaving directory `/home/hardwire/src/buildroot-oz/build/glibc-2.2.4/malloc'
22:24.56hardwirememusagestat.c:36: gd.h: No such file or directory
22:24.56hardwirememusagestat.c:37: gdfontl.h: No such file or directory
22:24.56hardwirememusagestat.c:38: gdfonts.h: No such file or directory
22:25.02hardwirewhy does glibc need libgd ?
22:26.01bipolarhmmm..... I seem to be missing:
22:27.37bipolarkergoth: does that file have anything important in it?
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22:31.17ljp_workmaybe they'll rename caviar to salmon eggs
22:31.42ljp_workmust... code... more...
22:33.03ljp_workyeee haaa! git yer snail and salmon eggs..
22:33.39NetNut404_workanyone here sync their Z with MS outlook?
22:33.53ljp_worknope. whats outlook?
22:34.23kenbI do.
22:34.55ljp_workand it works?
23:00.43Dessimat0rI've fucked up my Zaurus, trying to install the latest unstable ;)
23:00.47JasonNJhardwire: your logo looks like the quake logo
23:01.30JasonNJits fine for a computer game company
23:01.41JasonNJnot really what we had envisioned
23:01.53bipolarQuick note: Feed at has been updated with what should become OZ 3.1-rc3. Have Fun!
23:02.27hardwireJasonNJ: it looks like the quake logo?  interesting
23:02.33hardwireeh.. I guess it does
23:02.36Dessimat0rc00 ;)
23:02.43hardwireso you are making OpenEmbedded a company eh?
23:03.23JasonNJthats the end objective, yes
23:03.28hardwirewho's backing you.. Puffy?
23:03.47Dessimat0rOpenEmbedded : Its in us all
23:03.49JasonNJactually, thats what I am working on.
23:04.04hardwireok.. I have more logo ideas
23:04.18hardwirebut if its for a company I will probably let you get some pro to do it
23:05.26Dessimat0rw00t! are those images on your site for RC3? (
23:05.38Dessimat0rVery handy, since I need to reflash
23:07.40*** join/#openembedded Speedy2 (
23:07.56Speedy2ust wondering, I think I located a decently large source of *new* SL5500s for ~360. Is that attractive to anyone?
23:07.57JasonNJI guess I should drag my 5500 out of storage
23:08.03Speedy2Hey Jason.
23:08.14kergothalright back
23:08.27kergothJasonNJ: hehe, saw hardwire's logo eh?
23:08.38JasonNJwe cant have a busy logo
23:08.42*** join/#openembedded drw (
23:08.50Dessimat0rThat rules out my logos then ;)
23:08.52kergothJasonNJ: oh i agree.
23:10.00Twiunright... I'm off, g'night guys :)
23:10.06kergothnight Twiun
23:10.20TwiunSpeedy2: interesting price, but can't afford anything atm anyway :(
23:10.43hardwire <- something along those lines doesn't strike you as cool either?
23:11.14*** join/#openembedded TMM1 (
23:11.31Dessimat0rhow about an O with a 'euro' type E iniside it?
23:11.33yeiazel0 EUR ? coool OE is free :)
23:11.41yeiazeloops :)
23:12.06kergothhardwire: well even the previous logo was 'cool', but whether its appropriate is something else entirely
23:12.23kergothI think theres too much overlap
23:12.28hardwireI know.. trying to go along with something that looks nice.. and isn't just plain.. fishy
23:12.43kergothyo TMM1
23:12.45Dessimat0rwhat you need is a picture of someone's head, with the text 'openembedded' inside their eye
23:12.49hardwireso far I have not seen any good responses on the fish logo
23:12.54hardwireso I thought I would try something
23:13.50hardwireoverlap.. yeh.. its also called proto
23:13.57hardwirethe premise of this design does not work for you apparently
23:13.57Speedy2treke: What's in your "new box" ?
23:14.17trekeSpeedy2: dual athlon mp 2400s. 512mb ram. gf4
23:14.23Speedy2treke: Which MB?
23:14.25Speedy2Tyan or MSI?
23:14.36Speedy2With broken USB or fixed?
23:14.42Speedy2How'd you find it?
23:14.56trekeordered through a local place
23:15.00Speedy2(Err, that is, how do you like your system)
23:15.15trekeah, it hasnt arrived yet. Just drooling on the receipt :)
23:15.21Speedy2Ah :)
23:16.06trekeSpeedy2: I've got one of the Tyans with the fixed Usb at work. Nice and stable
23:16.20hardwireOZ hates x86
23:16.31trekehardwire: doesnt everyone?
23:17.55Dessimat0rEven x86 processors aren't x86 compliant anymore, they morph the code on entry and output into another format (correct, right?)
23:18.45Speedy2treke: My system is a Tyan w/o fixed USB. Of course stable though
23:18.55Speedy2Dessimat0r: They're all basically RISC processors with CISC front-ends.
23:19.10Dessimat0rthought it was something like that
23:19.22Speedy2Basically, x86 and CISC suck rocks.
23:21.07Dessimat0rman, it would be rather cool if we had a display on the Zaurus, showing the percentage of flashing completedness ;)
23:21.20Dessimat0rand errors that arise, for whatever reason was all planned
23:21.32JasonNJyeah I am flashing bipolar's image at the moment
23:21.50Dessimat0rmine is flashed ;)
23:21.55Dessimat0rbooting now
23:22.32JasonNJheh mine is booting as well
23:22.49*** join/#openembedded peptm (~pep@
23:22.50Dessimat0rthere appears to be no bootup text whatsoever
23:22.59kergoththat woudl be the verbosity situation
23:23.02Dessimat0ryup ;)
23:23.06kergoththe silence makes it cleaner, but its too damn silent
23:23.10kergothI added a please wait deal
23:23.16kergothbut reconfiguring packages should still display
23:23.22kergothand the ramdisk handler still needs user input
23:23.32JasonNJhmm logo came up
23:23.38JasonNJcursor is just blinking away
23:23.46Dessimat0rkergoth: how about a Gentoo style startup?     Starting <service> ...            [OK]
23:23.49JasonNJno kernel messages
23:23.59kergothDessimat0r: proper bootup messages in a standard format is on the TODO
23:24.09Speedy2Just wondering, anyone here interested in buying a Nikon CoolPix 5700? I want to sell mine.
23:24.17JasonNJspeedy: how come
23:24.43Speedy2Umm, I'm not going to be taking pictures for a while anymore and I don't want it just sitting doing nothing.
23:24.51Speedy2(err, subtract that "anymore")
23:24.54JasonNJcause its an awesome camera
23:24.56Dessimat0rhmm.. how long does it normally take for bootup?
23:25.00Speedy2JasonNJ: You have one?
23:25.02Dessimat0rwell, how long is it meant to
23:25.07Dessimat0rits been sittign here for a minuite
23:25.08JasonNJyeah, I use mine all the time
23:25.14JasonNJyeah mine is not booting
23:25.22JasonNJdessimator: you have just a blinking cursor?
23:25.25kergothtalk to bipolar
23:25.27JasonNJwith the oz logo
23:25.30Dessimat0runderneath the bootup logo
23:25.32JasonNJsame here
23:25.36Speedy2JasonNJ: You should outside or inside?
23:25.53JasonNJI shoot both
23:25.57JasonNJbut a lot of inside work
23:25.58JasonNJwithout flash
23:26.14JasonNJyou have to make sure if you are shooting inside to set the camera right
23:26.20JasonNJthe defaults are not good for closeups
23:26.30JasonNJgotta change focusing mode and a whole lot of other crap
23:26.32Speedy2I just use macro mode. Works well
23:26.58Speedy2What other options do you change?
23:27.11Speedy2Gotta make sure lighting is good...
23:27.14Dessimat0rmacro mode is brilliant ;)
23:27.28JasonNJI changed the exposure bracketing
23:27.32JasonNJfew other minor tweaks
23:27.45JasonNJthe main problem with the camera is it is TOO complicated
23:27.55Speedy2I don't really think so
23:27.57Dessimat0rmine has an Auto mode
23:27.57JasonNJnot a good beginners camera
23:28.07Speedy2Yeah, not the best beginners' camera
23:28.16Speedy2But once you understand what does what, it's nice to have the features
23:28.22JasonNJthe camera is so big that if you are not careful with lighting and stuff you get a lot of camera shake
23:28.23Speedy2I usually shoot shutter priority
23:28.29Speedy2(to avoid shake issues)
23:28.38JasonNJdessimator: mine is definitely not booting.
23:28.41Speedy2You find it big? Have you ever used an SLR?
23:28.52JasonNJyeah, my last camera was a EOS-1
23:28.57JasonNJits big for a digital cam
23:29.16Dessimat0rI tried resetting mine ;)
23:29.22Speedy2For the 5MP class, it's about the same sized as the Minolta D7i/D7hi
23:29.22Dessimat0rjust in case it was a first boot thing
23:29.24JasonNJyeah I hard reset mine too
23:29.26JasonNJno go
23:29.38Speedy2When you shoot indoors, how do you handle lighting?
23:29.45Dessimat0rI have a flash
23:29.46Dessimat0rno problem
23:29.58JasonNJi havent booted this 5500 in 8 weeks, I'm gonna try with a sharp rom
23:29.59Speedy2I hate using flash, it screws the color balance all up.
23:30.09JasonNJI dont use a flash, I use spot lights
23:30.22JasonNJI do a lot of food photography
23:30.29Speedy2Oh? Why so?
23:30.33JasonNJand a lot of times I just use natural light
23:30.37Speedy2Wife is a chef or something?
23:31.26Dessimat0rshit, i have business studies homework
23:31.42Speedy2JasonNJ: So, like what's your involvement with them?
23:32.17Speedy2Do you normally shoot P,S,A, or M ?
23:32.19JasonNJI own it.
23:32.31JasonNJI normally shoot A
23:32.52JasonNJand I slew the apeture as needed
23:33.06JasonNJI normally open it all the way up
23:33.10Speedy2You like adjusting depth of field?
23:33.23JasonNJon closeups its not that critical
23:33.37Speedy2Well, macro mode basically opens it up
23:33.46Speedy2It takes brilliant macros
23:33.50JasonNJflower mode
23:33.52Speedy2Yeah :)
23:34.00Speedy2I shot a shit load of flowers, they all look gorgeous
23:34.00JasonNJlook at the gallery
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23:34.04JasonNJI took all of those
23:34.51troffaskyhey I've got a 5700 too
23:35.11troffaskyand a shit load of pictures of flowers
23:35.14Speedy2Heh :)
23:35.19kergothokay, util-linux fdisk bus errors
23:35.19Speedy2They make great subjects
23:35.25kergothshould we try busybox fdisk again?
23:35.25Speedy2With macro mode and a nice flower, YOU NEVER GO WRONG
23:35.35hardwirenice nuggets
23:36.01troffaskyyeah, it got too easy and I got bored
23:36.01Speedy2Jason: You shoot the Saigon stuff with built-in flash?
23:36.16JasonNJallthough a lot of them I did no flash
23:36.30JasonNJI also tweaked a lot of the pics in paint shop
23:36.40Speedy2Oh? What'dya do?
23:36.48Speedy2(My policy is to get it right on the camera or trash the picture)
23:36.58JasonNJwell, I take several exposures
23:37.03JasonNJwith and without flash
23:37.12Speedy2Do you bracket a lot?
23:37.19JasonNJand then I tweak the brightness and contrast in paintshop
23:37.25JasonNJalso scale the pics
23:37.30JasonNJand bring down colors
23:37.32JasonNJfor use on the web
23:37.53Speedy2I tried a D1x the other day. Man it was nice.
23:39.02Speedy2Anyway, if anyones interested in a very well taken care of CP5700, let me know
23:39.40Speedy2JasonNJ: Ever play around with a digital SLR?
23:40.30JasonNJmy partner in egullet has a D1
23:40.40Speedy2How do you like it?
23:40.41JasonNJI also used to work for canon
23:40.43JasonNJway back
23:40.51JasonNJthe d1 is a serious camera
23:40.59JasonNJbut its overkill for web work
23:41.13JasonNJactually the 5700 is probably overkill
23:41.15Speedy2It's basically a digital version of the F5, if you've used that.
23:41.24Speedy2Well, the 8x zoom is the most important
23:41.34Speedy2No other non-digital SLR has that kind of optical zoom
23:41.45JasonNJthats why I chose it
23:41.52JasonNJalthough the DIMAGE is supposed to be pretty serious
23:41.55Speedy2When I shoot, I use 1600x1200, not 2560x1920, because of space limited
23:42.01Speedy2It has serious noise problems
23:42.11Speedy2Even at ISO/ASA 100
23:42.17Speedy2I spent weeks reading forums and such
23:42.38Speedy2A lot of people were pissed off at how much noise, even in good lighting conditions
23:43.01Speedy2The 7Hi which is the latest (I think) didn't fix any of the 7i's noise problems either (though they added some OTHER features)
23:43.16JasonNJthe 5700 has worked out pretty good so far
23:43.27JasonNJit does focus a bit slow
23:43.39JasonNJand certain patterns cause it to go wonky
23:43.50JasonNJits not easy to lock focus
23:43.54JasonNJescpecially on closeups
23:44.20JasonNJbut thats endemic to a lot of digi cams I think
23:45.32Speedy2Yeah...they're using a digital focusing scheme instead of an optical
23:45.47troffaskythe 5700 doesn't have focus assist light
23:46.09Speedy2You can switch it to manual focus
23:46.13troffaskyit uses contrast detect
23:46.35Speedy2I shoot mostly outdoors, so I haven't had too many issues with that
23:46.52JasonNJman this 5500 is whacked
23:46.56Speedy2Battery life could be better, though I have an extra EN-EL1
23:47.00troffaskyI've found it piss-poor for indoor stuff
23:47.03JasonNJthe screen is having weird refresh problems
23:47.13Speedy2Which lasts me through both my 128MB CF cards
23:47.19Speedy2JasonNJ: I'll take it off your hands...
23:49.01JasonNJgonna have to see if sharp will get me a new one
23:49.21Speedy2It's the only 5500 you have?
23:50.06Speedy2Anyway, BBL
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23:58.55Neo|WorkJasonNJ: sharp still talks to you? :P
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