irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030309

00:00.17treke|ho1emaybe I'll try it.
00:01.01pb_even a tiny difference is enough to spook patch out, particularly if it's dealing with a single big hunk.
00:01.17treke|ho1eyeah it was all one big hunk
00:02.13pb_often with that kind of thing you can get better results by applying the patches in the other order.  ie, take the Torvalds sched.c, apply the O(1) patch, then apply the handhelds delta on top.
00:02.43treke|ho1epb_: yup. I found the preempt wouldnt apply cleanly if it went first, but if it went last it would :)
00:04.00pb_right, yeah.
00:05.01treke|ho1eno difference.
00:05.34treke|ho1eah. the patch is against a prerelease 2.4.19
00:05.54pb_ah, that would do it.
00:06.25treke|ho1eoh well. not too big a concern. Just something I thought I'd distract myself with
00:06.51pb_yeah.  I don't really think the O(1) patch is going to do anything very exciting on an ipaq anyway.
00:07.21treke|ho1eI didnt think so either. Looked like the benefit was on machines with more active processes
00:08.20pb_Yup.  I think it's intended to reduce the amount of time you spend in the scheduler if you routinely have hundreds of runnable processes.  On an ipaq, you tend to have just one or two, and even the dumbest scheduler should be able to deal with them fairly quickly.
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00:32.18Freddieyou know
00:32.36Freddiefocus follows mouse makes gui's infinitely less tedious
00:36.21TwiunThat's a matter of taste I suppose. I'm quite happy clicking on things to give them focus
00:36.46TwiunYikes! du -sk /opt/buildroot-oz --> 1741536k
00:43.21Freddiekindof amazing considering it targets 32MB devices. . .
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00:58.06Twiunanyway, can't seem to fix my bk repo, guess I'll just have to get a clean one... but tomorrow.
01:07.37treke|ho1eTwiun[Zzzzz]: hehe, I know the feeling. I fucked my tree also :)
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01:37.28treke|homeis someone pushing?
01:39.27treke|homepushing a changeset into the bkbts tree
01:42.19treke|homebleh. debian updated apmd yet again
01:45.05mickeylthe race has been started again...
01:45.29mickeylwe really need mirrors
01:45.41treke|homeeven worse. it looks like the patches broke again :)
01:48.21treke|homeold patch mirrored at
01:49.10treke|homefrankly I think if we're gonna track debian for anything we ought to track stable
01:49.12_Psychokergoth anything new for my little baby ?
01:50.33mickeyltreke; are u doing a fresh image?
01:50.42treke|home2.4.19 based
01:50.47mickeyltreke|home: cool.
01:52.34treke|homehrm. at a glance, it doesnt seem like apmd should be breaking
01:57.55treke|homemickeyl: you use bluetooth?
01:59.18mickeyltreke: no, i have a 3650
01:59.44mickeylI'm a wlan guy :)
01:59.57mickeyli have the pcmcia sleeve
02:07.41mickeylthe new 54xx is slick... wlan built in... mmh...
02:08.28treke|homemight be my next pda
02:10.00mickeylas a programmer, I like my Z better because of the built-in keyboard - but the 54xx fits my user needs even better than the Z
02:11.40treke|homethe 700 keyboard appeals to me
02:11.54treke|homeI could never get excited about the 5500 keyboard
02:13.49mickeylwell... excited I'm not - but if something goes wrong, I feel pretty handicapped on my ipaq where as on the Z i can type and repair stuff on the command line. however, the 700 keyboard seems to be really good. i wonder when and how the europe aquivalent hits the market
02:16.27treke|homedayeah that would be nice
02:16.51treke|homemost of the times I've felt limited by not having a keyboard has been when someone assumes that everyone has a certain key :)
02:20.05_Psychoi really like my 700 keyboard
02:20.12_Psychobut i never tried at 5500, cant compare
02:21.08treke|homepersonally I far prefer handwriting when it doesnt suck :)
02:21.36_Psychoi doesnt use my stylus a lots with a keyboard
02:21.38mickeylyeah, knights and mooview no longer rely on tmake... a few more packages and we can rm this package
02:21.38_Psychono need of it ;)
02:22.07_Psychocant wait for opie to work on my 700 thought
02:23.19treke|homeone day I'll get xstroke working :)
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02:35.41treke|homehrm. dependincies are all f*ckd up
02:40.08treke|homegrrr. who has the repository locked?
02:41.23treke|homehehe ~/buildroot was parented to itself :)
02:44.03mickeylhmm... right. dependencies are broken...
02:44.13mickeylautomatic dependency generation, that is
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02:44.27treke|homegoing to be a long night :)
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02:45.35ljpthats inconceivable!
02:45.37mickeylwell... not for me... just fixing a few packages kergoth broke by tmake -> qmake... getting rid of tmake is a good thing to reduce maintainance work
02:45.48treke|homeljp: you keep using that word
02:46.16ljpI do know what it means, though
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03:18.34treke|homeoh well. I'm on opie, so I have to be getting close
03:20.02treke|homewhat broke dependency generation?
03:30.20mickeylactually it's not broken... its a feature... kergoth recently added that you can do a make SUBDIRS=xxx without having xxx to be enabled in the .config. but the dependencies are only picked up for stuff which _is_ enabled in the .config - hence my false claim.
03:31.11treke|homemickeyl: except it is broken for me
03:31.26mickeylhmm... example?
03:31.31treke|homemickeyl: just running make doesnt work. I have to make many fo the package by hand
03:31.48treke|homeit tried building konqe and failed
03:31.53mickeylstrange. everything ok with your system clock?
03:32.01treke|homeso I tried buildint qt/e which needed libjpg
03:32.08treke|homemickeyl: this was a fresh build.
03:32.28mickeylhmm... strange. it really works here, so i assume its a local problem.
03:32.35treke|homehrm. odd
03:32.48treke|homemaybe I'll do a new fresh build once I get everything pused
03:33.08mickeylyep. also you should sanity check the generated depends file - maybe this gives more info to the prob.
03:33.20mickeylabout even
03:39.04mickeyl04:40... caffeine has been processed... time to go to bed...
03:39.09mickeylnight all
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05:19.41*** join/#openembedded JasonNJ (
05:19.54treke|homeevening jason
05:20.19JasonNJkergoth is out eh?
05:20.30JasonNJbreaking up with his chick?
05:20.44TheMasterMind1kergoth has a chick/
05:20.51treke|homeTheMasterMind1: not for long
05:20.55JasonNJTMM: he has, for about a month
05:21.04TheMasterMind1oh really
05:21.13*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
05:21.17JasonNJyeah but he doesnt dig her
05:21.18TheMasterMind1why's he breaking up with her
05:21.30JasonNJapparently, she calls him too much
05:21.35JasonNJhe doesnt like that
05:21.43JasonNJI tried to explain to him ALL women are like that
05:21.57treke|homenot the mute ones
05:22.15JasonNJhmm. Is that an argument for dating mute women?
05:22.24JasonNJor deaf ones
05:22.34JasonNJsome deaf chicks are hot
05:22.52JasonNJproblem is, they sound weird when they DO talk to you
05:23.10kergoth`bblnah i finally figured it out. she isnt very intelligent or witty, is too clingy and doesnt have shit for self esteem, and something about her scent clashes with me.
05:23.14JasonNJand in intimate situations I bet they sound REALLY weird
05:23.27JasonNJhahaha he's back
05:23.34kergoth`bblI cant isolate it, but its some weird way in which the scent from cigarettes combines with her natural scent.. it drives me insane
05:23.43kergoth`bblsaw tears of the sun, pretty good movie
05:23.45JasonNJdo you smoke?
05:24.08JasonNJdid you ditch her yet?
05:24.24kergoth`bblnope. I dont mind smokers usually, or the smell pure.. but it combined in some weird way with some other scents with her that disturbs me
05:24.43JasonNJher pootie is nasty?
05:24.55kenbnot pootie... cooter!
05:25.08JasonNJstinky clam
05:25.18kergoth`bblits her in general. I mean, you can pick up on a woman's scent from a few feet away..
05:25.30JasonNJyeah you either like it or you dont
05:25.45kergoth`bblright. thats the big thing thats been bothering me, and i didnt even realize it
05:26.15JasonNJcant you just tell her to use a different soap?
05:26.44JasonNJhell my future wife told me to ditch my aftershave
05:26.48JasonNJthat was an easy change
05:27.18JasonNJor is it her natural scent that you say is bad
05:27.39JasonNJcause if its her scent during sex, forget about it, you cant freakin fix that
05:27.57kergoth`bblyep, its her natural scent. buh-bye
05:28.12JasonNJmaybe its the food she eats?
05:28.23JasonNJI mean you can fix that with say, herbal supplements and stuff
05:28.35kergoth`bbl"Hey, what do you eat usually? cause theres this smell.."
05:28.38JasonNJthis is like that sienfeld episode
05:28.53JasonNJwhere jerry keeps ditching chicks for weird reasons
05:30.15JasonNJdiet really does affect your scent though
05:30.16JasonNJbig time
05:30.30JasonNJI cut down on my meat intake and I started to smell less nasty
05:30.52kergoth`bblyeah. some of that shit can affect your complexion too
05:30.55JasonNJJapanese think americans smell like to much meat
05:31.05JasonNJso do chinese
05:31.12JasonNJthey think we smell like barbarians
05:31.26JasonNJcourse the japanese smell nasty too
05:31.32JasonNJlike cigarettes big time
05:31.34JasonNJso we even out
05:31.42JasonNJjapanese smell like cigarettes and coffee
05:31.46JasonNJits nasty
05:31.53JasonNJhalf the guys at Sharp smell like that
05:32.01JasonNJand they smoke so much they have ashes all over their shirts
05:32.55JasonNJNot ONCE have I seen a japanese guy actually drink tea
05:33.06JasonNJthey always go for the black coffee
05:33.40JasonNJmy boss saw me drinking green tea once, he thought it was weird
05:33.49kergoth`bblmm green tea
05:33.55JasonNJI explained to him I -like- tea and I have a whole collection of it at home
05:34.09JasonNJthey are not like the chinese when it comes to tea
05:34.21JasonNJthey only drink it when eating traditional japanese meals
05:34.26JasonNJand for ceremonial purposes
05:34.39JasonNJthey are hardcore coffee freaks
05:35.26JasonNJso are you ditching her tomorrow?
05:35.28kergoth`bbli like the taste of coffee, but straight up black coffee feels thin. like in the vast spectrum of taste this is one little spike in the middle somewhere. no depth.
05:35.36JasonNJgonna do it over the phone or in person
05:35.55JasonNJI like espresso
05:35.58kergoth`bblheh, probably over the phone
05:36.02JasonNJbut not straight up black
05:36.06kergoth`bblyeah, same here
05:36.06JasonNJkergoth: you pussy
05:36.30JasonNJI have to drink my coffee with artificial coffee creamer
05:36.36JasonNJI am major dairy intolerant
05:36.45JasonNJas in allergic
05:36.58JasonNJto both casein and lactose
05:36.59kergoth`bbli used to drink lots of milk and shit, but after stopping for a while I started becoming laxtose intolerant
05:37.01JasonNJit majorly blows
05:37.03kergoth`bblor something
05:37.21JasonNJkergoth: are you pushing 30?
05:37.24kergoth`bblmy dad calmly explains. dood, you do realize thats for infants right? thats why your system doesnt like it. I'm like, oh shit, thats pretty obvious eh?
05:37.30kergoth`bblaha, no, try 22
05:37.41JasonNJreally I didnt know you were that young
05:37.45JasonNJben's age
05:38.09*** mode/#openembedded [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
05:38.17JasonNJok then DEFINITELY dump the check
05:38.20JasonNJer chick
05:38.35JasonNJI thought you were older
05:38.43JasonNJwhen you are older you gotta be less picky!
05:39.14JasonNJben is a lunatic, I cant beleive he married at 21
05:39.30JasonNJjen is a really nice girl though, I hope they make it
05:39.40kergothI almost did, actually
05:39.53kergothmy best friend is getting married in 2 months
05:39.56JasonNJoh you got burned on your last one?
05:40.39kergothcomplecated. was wth her for 3 years. she was pregnant, we had an abortion, all sorts of drama tied up with her
05:40.44kergothwe broke up and got back together so many times
05:41.09kergothshe was my _first_ dood. was with a bunch of chicks during the various breakups though
05:41.43JasonNJfuck man, youre damaged goods
05:41.59kergothshe was my first, and cheated on me with her ex- within 3 months of going out
05:42.09kergothI, being this fool, gave her another shot
05:42.36JasonNJwell, ditch this stinky broad and try again
05:42.42kergothyeah, planning on it
05:42.44kergothtook me a while to recover
05:42.56kergothi mean, your first cheats on you within months, talk about a blow to the old self esteem, you know?
05:43.31JasonNJuse a dating service man
05:43.37JasonNJone of these web sites
05:43.46JasonNJsee a dozen chicks in 2 weeks
05:43.57kergothheh, i've thought about it.  I've tried the bar/club scene and shit, but its just one night stands and shit. I'm sick of that.
05:44.15JasonNJinternet is great for this stuff if you find the right site
05:44.22JasonNJI met my wife on Prodigy
05:44.32kergothheh, really?
05:44.34JasonNJthey had an AWESOME personals/dating service
05:44.41JasonNJyeah going back to 94
05:44.51JasonNJits defunct now of course
05:45.04JasonNJI dated like 2 dozen chicks over a summer
05:45.28JasonNJit was a pretty advanced service for its time
05:46.47JasonNJour parents thought it was weird at first
05:46.48kergothyou thought i was around 30? shit man, if I'm still in tech support at 30, somebody needs to bitchslap me
05:46.52JasonNJi mean it was pre internet
05:47.10JasonNJwell I figured you were around 25 or 26
05:47.20kergothtreke|home: yeah, me too. that, and aol and compuserv
05:47.36treke|homeand the old netcom web browser
05:47.40JasonNJnowadays though internet dating is very, very common
05:47.44kergothnetcom. hah
05:48.05treke|homekergoth: my first real isp :)
05:48.08kergothi had forgotten about netcom
05:48.22JasonNJI had compuserve
05:48.25JasonNJbut never AOL
05:48.37JasonNJmy first net provider was a local college
05:48.51JasonNJnon PPP
05:48.54JasonNJtelnet shit
05:49.07JasonNJthen I found a local guy with a T1
05:49.25JasonNJmosaic on windows
05:49.39JasonNJman thats going back
05:50.57JasonNJI remember when that mosaic "whats new" page was like the only way to find new sites
05:51.47JasonNJI admit I dont much search for new sites anymore
05:57.31NeoTronor something
05:57.40NeoTronDragon Bane 2 is really driving me nutters. :P
05:57.55treke|homethat'll teach you to port palm software
05:58.18NeoTronfuck dude, I only asked to port it because it had a PocketPC port
05:58.24NeoTronlittle did I know it sucked ass major big time
05:58.46NeoTronmind you, partially due the PalmOS legacy (it's compatible with the palmos data files and crap)
05:58.52treke|homekergoth: this look familiar?
05:59.03treke|homemkfs.jffs2: Skipping '/home/ggilbert/oe/buildroot-greg/output/rootfs/bin/tinylogin': does not exist!
05:59.07treke|homemkfs.jffs2: /home/ggilbert/oe/buildroot-greg/output/rootfs/bin/mount: file type does not match specified type!
05:59.23NeoTronperhaps that'll help
06:38.18NeoTronyay, it works. :P
06:51.48*** join/#openembedded asys3 (
07:00.08NeoTrondefinite progress
07:15.35asys3anybody has any news about oz ? the last update on oz page was on 18.02 - I think is stopped actually ?
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07:24.33d_lowanyone around to help a noob with learning some stuff about embedded linux?
07:28.39d_lowok well ill try back later
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08:32.33HCldoes anybody happen to know a texteditor that can edit really big files
08:32.49HCljust for linux, not the zaurus in particular
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12:04.32gruemelmonsterkergoth: physicaly present?
12:06.26TwiunI'd assume he's most likely still asleep :)
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12:13.15gruemelmonsterseems so...;)
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12:17.36Twiungrrr, clean buildroot, but the libjpeg build is borked
12:17.51Twiuntries to use x86 ld to link libs
12:21.00TwiunHah! fooled the buildroot into using an older build
12:24.20Twiunseems to be another frigging libtool problem
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13:06.43mickeylTwiun: kergoth broke libtool again. Use rev. 1.31
13:09.53mickeylHCI: kate is nice
13:11.28mickeylTaxi spielen is annoying.
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13:24.44carstenmickeyl: yo, Oma zum Krankenhaus bringen. Ihr Bruder (94) liegt da. Grippe
13:30.22mickeylwith age 94, the flu is not fun
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13:34.19carstenmickeyl: jupp
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13:56.27mickeyl<asys3> [08:14] anybody has any news about oz ? the last update on oz page was on 18.02 - I think is stopped actually ?
13:56.42mickeylasys3: hold your breath. rc3 release soon.
13:57.35mickeylif you want to see if there's progress, there's always
13:57.50mickeylmaybe a bit too verbose for you, though :-D
13:59.07carsten to be precise
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14:46.48Dessimat0rlo all
14:49.04Dessimat0rI think I need to completly re-install Gentoo
14:49.19Dessimat0rstuff is messing up
14:49.30nodaThat's such a Windows thing to say :)
14:49.55Dessimat0ri.e. emerge sync no longer works correctly, some packages refuse to be merged
14:50.06Dessimat0ri can't compile the development kernel...
14:50.15Dessimat0rother people can compile it fine! why not me?
14:50.18nodaFix it!
14:50.47Dessimat0rsomeone compiled a development kernel for me, but it fucks up during boot
14:50.57Dessimat0rtons of stuff that loads gets segfaults
14:51.00Dessimat0rand you can't log in
15:13.20endrsorry if this is an FAQ by now, but if's website down?
15:14.28nadavlooks like is down
15:14.29nadavso yes
15:16.19endrjust when I need to ipkg upgrade
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16:20.50nadavg'morning jason
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16:31.31JasonNJhey kergoth, seen yet?
16:38.56kenbi drive past thier head office 5 days a week
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16:54.04JasonNJjust checked it out, cool site
16:54.12JasonNJif I was single I would definitely use it
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17:36.50endranybody having problems with google?
17:37.09endrtry a search
17:37.16endr"Server Erro"
17:37.19endr"Server Error"
17:38.02endraha they failed over / fixed it / something
17:38.40endrbah it's broken again#
17:41.08_PsychoServer Error
17:41.25nofpuI think the world is ending
17:42.53endrit's all over
17:42.57endrgoogle is down
17:44.12endrwhat's that site that is the reverse google again?
17:44.49endrhehe:  "Your search - mp3 - did not match any documents."
17:44.53endrit's truly all over
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18:25.01Twiunclonebot attack in #c
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18:44.59DiamondAlmic check 1-2-1-2
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18:52.15caffeine^in the FAQ it says "cp def-configs/openzaurus .config ", if i don't have a openzaurus file to cp to .config did I do something wrong?
18:53.08mickeyl|bblcaffeine^: FAQ has to be updated. cp def-configs/collie-opie (or so) ...
18:53.31caffeine^thank you...just wanted to check before i did a make
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19:23.36treke|homeibot, seen kergoth?
19:23.36kergoth is currently on #opie (21h 14m 41s) #picogui (21h 14m 41s) #tuxscreen (21h 14m 41s) #zaurus (21h 14m 41s) #elinux (21h 14m 41s) #openembedded (21h 14m 41s) (21h 14m 41s) #openzaurus (21h 14m 41s).  Has said a total of 128 messages.  Is idling for 9m 49s
19:23.47treke|homehrmm, still sleeping
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20:16.03treke|homehrm. bluez-sdl is teh suck
20:17.30treke|homethe configure script completly breaks just be benefit of being cross compiled.
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20:26.38treke|homeah shiite. gcc is generating invalid asm :)
20:32.43Balatreke|home: it does that just to improve your hand optimization skills. :)
20:33.25treke|homeBala: yup. it also means I'm fucked when it comes to getting bluez to compile :)
20:35.38carstenanyone willing to test my new highscorestuff?
20:37.41treke|homehrm. clean and rebuild fixed it
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20:41.33endris opie-irdaapplet broken in the 3.1rc2 unstable feed?
20:41.47endrit seems to depend on libopieobex1
20:42.01endrwhen I see only libopieobex and libopenobex1
20:42.03endrin the feed
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21:37.47umopapisdnkergoth: Ping!
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22:57.30mashiker : are u there ?
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23:16.57treke|homehe TheMasterMind1
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23:33.57*** join/#openembedded caffeine^ (
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23:52.52treke|homecoool. bluez-pan went pretty quickly

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.