irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030207

00:00.15scanlinewritten in Verilog, using a 16x16 LED grid as output, and capacitive proximity sensors for input :)
00:00.22dscordiaTheMasterMind1:  it would be a good way for dell to show support for linux
00:00.26scanlineThe one true pong game with no moving parts
00:01.39TheMasterMind1dscordia: yep
00:01.56TheMasterMind1scanline: nice
00:06.00*** join/#openembedded prpplague (
00:06.03scanlineI'll post pictures and such when it's done :)
00:13.11trekehmmm. buildroot doesnt recommend diif-foo.gz
00:13.55kergothdont store patches in buildroot compressed, if thats what you mean
00:14.05kergothcause otherwise the revision control system cant track changes to it
00:14.08trekenope, it should be wgetting it
00:14.28kergothtake a look at scripts/getsource
00:14.32trekeI am
00:14.58prpplaguekergoth: weren't you working on a new buildroot based on a debian build structure?
00:15.11kergothyeah, we're working on a new buildroot
00:15.15kergothfor the open embedded project
00:15.26kergothwe had the first brainstorming session on it the other day
00:15.44prpplaguegreat, i need to get something together for the hackkit soon
00:15.53prpplaguekergoth: i started on the docs last night
00:16.09kergothchouimat|away: when you get a chance, update the wiki to clean up the rest of the directly pasted irc log bits
00:16.28kergothprpplague:'s wiki has the page on the buildsystem, not much there yet
00:16.32kergothprpplague: ah cool
00:17.28kergoth(netsilicon-gdb) step
00:17.28kergothCannot access memory at address 0x55752b22
00:17.38kergothwho the fuck jumped me out to 0x55752b22?
00:18.06prpplaguei still have some stuff i need to ship to you, i'm gonna try to that out monday
00:18.57trekei did
00:19.05kergothtreke: fucker
00:19.09kergothprpplague: cool
00:22.09trekehmmm getsource should be recognising this
00:23.34trekeoops. trailing '.' :)
00:24.16ljpfuk fuk fuk
00:27.11trekeulyx, fortune SP
00:27.12ulyxThat movie gets better every time I see it.
00:28.16prpplagueulyx: which one?
00:28.53kergothulyx: fortune SP
00:28.54ulyxDude! That movie was fucking sweet!
00:28.58kergothulyx: fortune SP
00:28.59ulyxWhat would Brian Botano do?
00:29.03kergothulyx: fortune drugs
00:29.03ulyxThere are more old drunkards than old doctors.
00:30.38kergothulyx: fortune drugs
00:30.38ulyxRecipe for a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster:  (1) Take the juice from one bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit  (2) Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of  Santraginus V  (Oh, those Santraginean fish!)  (3) Allow 3 cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the  mixture (properly iced or the benzine is lost.)  (4) Allow four liters of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it.  (5) Over the back of a silver
00:30.39ulyxspoon, float a measure of  Qualactin Hypermint extract.  (6) Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger.  Watch it dissolve.  (7) Sprinkle Zamphuor.  (8) Add an olive.  (9) Drink... but... very carefully...
00:36.49kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:36.50ulyxTo our sweethearts and wives.  May they never meet.  -- 19th century toast
00:37.07kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:37.07ulyxBasically my wife was immature.  I'd be at home in the bath and she'd  come in and sink my boats.  -- Woody Allen
00:37.15kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:37.16ulyxWoman's advice has little value, but he who won't take it is a fool.  -- Cervantes
00:37.26kergothheh. truee that
00:37.28ljpfuk fuk fuk
00:37.33kergothljp: ?
00:37.37ljpfuk fuk fuk
00:37.39kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:37.39ulyxYouth had been a habit of hers so long that she could not part with it.
00:37.50ljpI gicve up
00:37.53kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:37.54ulyxThere is no realizable power that man cannot, in time, fashion the tools  to attain, nor any power so secure that the naked ape will not abuse it.  So it is written in the genetic cards -- only physics and war hold him in  check.  And also the wife who wants him home by five, of course.  -- Encyclopadia Apocryphia, 1990 ed.
00:37.56kergothgive up what?
00:38.09ljpanything everything
00:38.14ljpit aint worth it
00:38.15kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:38.16ulyxSome men are so macho they'll get you pregnant just to kill a rabbit.  -- Maureen Murphy
00:38.29kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:38.29ulyxNo modern woman with a grain of sense ever sends little notes to an  unmarried man -- not until she is married, anyway.  -- Arthur Binstead
00:39.14trekehmmm. this patch doesn seem o work :)
00:40.06ljpdrunk.. I need a good drunk
00:40.31kergothljp: i hear there are lots on the street downtown. go get one
00:41.24kergothulyx: fortune homer
00:41.25ulyxWe live in a society of laws.  Why do you think I took you to all those  "Police Academy" movies?  For fun?  Well, I didn't hear anybody laughin',  did you?    -- Homer Simpson     Marge Be Not Proud
00:43.03ljpI need _me_ a good drunk
00:43.06kergothulyx: fortune SP
00:43.07ulyxFuck dude, I want to be just like Terrance and Philip!
00:43.12kergothulyx: fortune SP
00:43.13ulyxHey, don't call me fat you fucking Jew!
00:47.57*** join/#openembedded angry (
00:52.31trekeulyx: you cant use the f word
00:52.34Cloudchaserthat bot's a little on the ...obnoxious side
00:52.39Neo|WorkI swear that JasonNJ has a bot that logs in and says something like 'sup' or 'blah'. :))
00:52.48treke<ulyx> What Jew?
00:54.18kergothulyx: fortune SP
00:54.19ulyxWell Philip, I hope you've learned something throughg this whole experience.    I have Terrance. I've learned that you are a boner biting dick fart fuck  face.
00:54.57Cloudchasernot sure i see the charm in that bot
00:55.09kergothfortune! its the only reason to keep it around
00:55.11trekeCloudchaser: The fortunes database rocks
00:55.13kergothits larts are too vulgar
00:55.17kergothulyx: fortune
00:55.18ulyxI'm going to Iowa for an award.  Then I'm appearing at Carnegie Hall,  it's sold out.  Then I'm sailing to France to be honored by the French  government -- I'd give it all up for one erection.  -- Groucho Marx
00:55.29Cloudchaserits fortunes aren't too nice either
00:55.40kergothits from the general fortune database.
00:55.44kergothwhich has nothing to do with ulyx.
00:55.53trekefortune sp
00:55.53kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:55.53ulyxDo you think your mother and I should have lived comfortably so long  together if ever we had been married?
00:56.07kergothulyx: fortune men-women
00:56.08ulyxBoys are beyond the range of anybody's sure understanding, at least  when they are between the ages of 18 months and 90 years.  -- James Thurber
00:56.33*** topic/#openembedded by ljp -> OpenEmbedded - welcome to the Spam channel
00:56.37trekekergoth: do you know who maintains the pxa patches for the kernel?
00:56.38Neo|Workbah, male humans are so much more logical and understandable then women
00:56.47kergothtreke: nicolas pitre
00:56.48Neo|Workthey have absolutely no logical sense of things. :)
00:56.56Cloudchaserthats a good one ljp
00:57.05trekekergoth: thanks
00:57.21trekeI guess this is the official patch then :)
00:57.48*** topic/#openembedded by kergoth -> OpenEmbedded - Where bots are abused 'round the clock | _dont_ ask kergoth about sd/mmc support | Women are hyperthreaded.
00:57.57Neo|Workso what does, btw, open embedded give over other non-Zaurii distributions with OPIE?
00:58.20kergothI dont understand the question
00:58.26trekeNeo|Work: a working opie distribution
00:58.34trekeat least on the ipaq side
01:13.52*** topic/#openembedded by ljp -> OpenEmbedded - Where bots are abused 'round the clock | please ask kergoth about sd/mmc support | Women are hyperthreaded.
01:26.15*** join/#openembedded effy-kun (~none@
01:26.47effy-kunwomen are hyper-threaded, eh?
01:26.59*** join/#openembedded nikki (nikki@
02:18.33tyranozaurus:/  still can't get my wcf12 to work in 3.1rc2
02:19.35tyranozauruswhere are the mailing list archives?
02:25.50*** join/#openembedded DaJoker (
03:03.11*** join/#openembedded BiGBiGYLLaMa (
03:32.35*** join/#openembedded Sugar (~neotron@
03:36.25*** join/#openembedded noda (
03:36.45nodaOoh, I like the topic -- reverse psychology?
03:41.23*** join/#openembedded NeoTron (
03:41.38NeoTronguess I need to change my channel list somewhat
03:43.47*** join/#openembedded effy-kun (~none@
03:54.00ljpibot: kill me
03:54.01ACTION slits ljp's throat
03:58.03effy-kungood one
03:58.19effy-kunI thought the PDF viewer came on the CD with the Zaurus
03:58.39ljpwhats a zaurus?
03:59.07*** join/#openembedded CrazyGogo (
03:59.18ljpaaawww.. effy does not want to play
04:03.00*** join/#openembedded killefiz_ (
04:33.35*** join/#openembedded dep (
05:18.15*** join/#openembedded xyle (~xyle@
05:18.41xylehello, anyone here who can help me on some assembly programming?
06:19.31*** part/#openembedded xyle (~xyle@
06:19.37*** join/#openembedded angry (
06:26.32*** join/#openembedded andersee (
06:28.30TheMasterMind1how do i do a diff between two dirs
06:39.12anderseediff -urN <dir1> <dir2>
06:48.08*** join/#openembedded angry ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:49.02*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
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06:49.12*** join/#openembedded Sugar (~neotron@
06:49.57*** join/#openembedded Bala (
07:01.27*** join/#openembedded angry ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:01.28*** join/#openembedded vexation ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:01.53*** join/#openembedded Sugar (~neotron@
07:04.20*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
07:47.56chouimat|ZzzzBala: nothing just back alone from a bar ...
08:00.14*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
08:28.05*** join/#openembedded tronical (
08:37.33*** join/#openembedded effy-kun (~none@
09:00.59||ughWe need a late night channel for when the Europe/EasternUS are snoring and us Pacific Rim folks are awake!
09:19.08*** join/#openembedded pb_ (
09:20.59*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
10:17.33*** join/#openembedded Laze^zzz (
11:02.09*** join/#openembedded chri (~chatzilla@
11:28.48*** join/#openembedded troffasky (
12:42.31*** join/#openembedded ljp (
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14:04.41*** join/#openembedded DaJoker (
14:15.02*** join/#openembedded bisho (~bisho@
14:35.24*** join/#openembedded Freddie (
14:35.27Freddiehello everyone
14:35.41Freddiesomeone is having fun with the topic
14:36.08tronicalthat's for sure :)
14:36.13Freddieheh, yeah
14:36.24Freddiethe crappy thing is
14:36.28Freddiea newbie could join this channel
14:36.30Freddieread the topic
14:36.32Freddieand ask him
14:36.38Freddiewhich isn't good for either of them
14:36.51Freddiesomeone with permission to do so should remove that from the topic in my opinion
14:37.00Freddiebut then
14:37.02Freddiewho am I?
14:37.15tronicalit doesn't look +t'ed, so you should be able to, maybe?
14:37.20*** topic/#openembedded by tronical -> OpenEmbedded - Where bots are abused 'round the clock | please don't ask kergoth about sd/mmc support | Women are hyperthreaded.
14:37.43FreddieI guess I just assumed I wouldn't have permission to change it
14:37.57Freddie(often I see bots on channels that will change it back if you change it)
14:40.43troffaskyanyone got a Nokia 3310?
14:40.57troffaskyI ask because it has a really neat text entry system
14:41.10troffaskythat would be cool to have on a handheld computer
14:42.03troffaskyyou've got the whole alphabet available with 13 keys, and it uses a dictionary to predict what you want to type
14:43.01lsmithiirc opie has that already
14:45.26troffaskyit's not *quite* the same
15:02.09*** join/#openembedded nikki (nikki@
15:14.32ciaolinuxulyx: fortune homer
15:14.32ulyxIt could be one of these chemicals here that makes him so smart.  Lisa,  maybe you should try some of this.    -- Homer Simpson     Bart the Genius
15:18.28*** join/#openembedded mickeyl (
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17:00.06*** join/#openembedded ciaolinux (~ciaolinux@MSTU83.CIMS.NYU.EDU)
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17:38.47kergothhey MSpin
17:38.53MSpinheya kergoth
17:39.22MSpindo you know how those linksys routers do their authentication?  they must give you cookie after login
17:41.25trekeMSpin: isnt it plain old http authentication?
17:44.44MSpinyeah, but what do they do after that?
17:45.12trekedunno. read the apache source :)
17:46.45MSpinthe http auth stuff gets passed to the other end in http headers.  I'm just wondering what cookie the linksys box gives you back.  maybe just a hash of the password?
17:47.21*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
17:48.40trekeMSpin: dont think its uses cookies
17:51.00trekeMSpin: I'm pretty sure it's just stuff in the headers
18:08.44DaJokerkergoth: cheer up.. it's friday
18:18.20*** join/#openembedded mark (
18:21.06Neo|WorkJasonNJ: Man, I need to update ibot
18:21.24Neo|Workibot: be JasonNJ
18:22.01tronicalibot: be ibot
18:22.02tronical: i haven't a clue
18:22.07tronicalbleh :)
18:22.52markibot: take away my cold
18:22.52mark: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
18:25.21*** join/#openembedded ljp_work (
18:27.39kergothhey jason, ljp, mark
18:27.41kergothulyx: fortune SP
18:27.42ulyxSo guys, does it make you nervous to be in America? There are a lot of  organizations that want you arrested for destroying children.    Oh they'd have to find us first.    You're right... NOW!
18:27.57kergothulyx: fortune homer
18:27.57ulyxI may just quit my job at the plant to become a full-time stock market  guy.    -- Homer Simpson     Burns Verkaufen Der Kraftwerke
18:29.32*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
18:33.34kergothulyx: fortune
18:33.35ulyxQ:  How many right-to-lifers does it take to change a light bulb?  A:  Two.  One to screw it in and one to say that light started when the      screwing began.
18:35.47*** join/#openembedded icefox (
18:38.15XavierXeonstrange fortune
18:38.57kergothulyx: fortune work
18:38.57ulyxXXVI:  If a sufficient number of management layers are superimposed on each  other, it can be assured that disaster is not left to chance.  XXVII:  Rank does not intimidate hardware.  Neither does the lack of rank.  XXVIII:  It is better to be the reorganizer than the reorganizee.  XXIX:  Executives who do not produce successful results hold on to their  jobs only about five years.  Those who produce
18:38.58ulyxeffective results  hang on about half a decade.  XXX:  By the time the people asking the questions are ready for the answers,  the people doing the work have lost track of the questions.  -- Norman Augustine
18:39.50kergothulyx: fortune work
18:39.51ulyxHideously disfigured by an ancient Indian curse?    WE CAN HELP!    Call (511) 338-0959 for an immediate appointment.
18:42.30kergothulyx: fortune SP
18:42.31ulyxAw, ma! He's not even my real brother, he's adopted.
18:42.41kergothKick the baby!
18:42.51trekedont kick the baby
18:43.29kergothI'm juggling 5 projects at work alone, 2 of which are extremely high priority important customer issues
18:43.35kergothI'm bored
18:44.35leviAlas, high priority doesn't make things any more fun/interesting.
18:44.52trekegenerally its the opposite
18:45.07XavierXeonfor my boss everything is high priority
18:45.10kergoththis one is interesting, i get to play with an ARM dev board
18:45.16kergothbut it runs NET+OS, which i dont much like
18:45.31kergothand I cant do anything more until i get email responses from various people,.. so sitting here waiting
18:46.32trekein situations like that, there is only one thing to do
18:46.41trekeulyx: fortune
18:46.41ulyx"Don't let your mouth write no check that your tail can't cash."  -- Bo Diddley
18:47.04*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
18:50.04icefoxHey acording to ZUC the speed of light is the same as Warp 10
18:50.07*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
18:50.14icefoxBut that is wrong
18:50.37icefoxwarp 1 is the speed of light and wark 10 is so fast that you are everywhere
18:51.15icefoxiuc is an interesting app
18:51.30trekezuc is wrong in a lot of ways :)
18:51.55trekeat some point it would let you do interesting things like convert from feet to pounds
18:51.59trekeor something
18:52.56*** join/#openembedded dscordia_ (
18:52.57trekebut it's the app for you if you ever want to know how tall you are in pesos
18:54.12icefoxyah but if he can't get the warp converstion right how do you know that the pesos is right?
18:54.23kergothulyx: lart icefox
18:54.41trekethat is the sound of the joke going right over kergoth's head
18:54.44icefoxulyx: rulette
18:55.12icefoxI do think that there should be a conversion application, that one is just a little rusty
18:55.14kergothulyx: fortune
18:55.15ulyxWell, see, Joyce, there we were, trapped in the elevator.  Now, I had  my tennis racquet and the goldfish; she was holding the Crisco.  Surely  you can imagine how one thing naturally led to another!
18:56.03kergothulyx: fortune
18:56.03ulyxFloppy now, hard later.
18:56.07kergothulyx: fortune
18:56.07ulyx"A woman is like a dresser ... some man always goin' through her  drawers."  -- Blind Lemon Pledge
18:56.32kergothulyx: fortune work
18:56.33ulyxXXI:  It's easy to get a loan unless you need it.  XXII:  If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stock,  not selling advice.  XXIII:  Any task can be completed in only one-third more time than is  currently estimated.  XXIV:  The only thing more costly than stretching the schedule of an  established project is accelerating it, which is itself the most  costly action known to man.
18:56.33ulyxXXV:  A revised schedule is to business what a new season is to an athlete  or a new canvas to an artist.  -- Norman Augustine
18:57.01kergothulyx: fortune work
18:57.01ulyxMen take only their needs into consideration -- never their abilities.  -- Napoleon Bonaparte
18:57.16kergothulyx: fortune work
18:57.16ulyxI cannot draw a cart, nor eat dried oats; If it be man's work I will do it.
18:57.35kergothulyx: fortune work
18:57.35ulyxThe opossum is a very sophisticated animal.  It doesn't even get up  until 5 or 6 PM.
18:58.49icefoxbits & bytest
18:59.09icefoxI can't tell you how many times I forget which one is 1024 and which one is 1000
19:00.23kergothulyx: fortune work
19:00.24ulyx"But don't you worry, its for a cause -- feeding global corporations' paws."
19:03.34icefoxMan if we could even _worry_ about stuff like that
19:03.38SoopaImpostertesting = sid?
19:03.56tronicaltesting == sarge; sid == unstable
19:04.38*** join/#openembedded RealUlli (
19:06.00chouimatulyx kergoth
19:06.08chouimatulyx fortune
19:06.09ulyxA remarkable race are the Persians;  They have such peculiar diversions.  They make love the whole day  In the usual way  And save up the nights for perversions.
19:10.07bipolarulyx: that was funny
19:10.09markoh, hi kergoth :)
19:11.23*** join/#openembedded ljp_work (
19:11.24chouimatulyx fortune
19:11.25ulyxTo a Real Woman, every ejaculation is premature.
19:11.47*** join/#openembedded elkay (
19:11.54chouimathi all
19:12.24Twiunhey Choux
19:14.03kergothulyx: fortune
19:14.04ulyx"Not only is God dead, but just try to find a plumber on weekends."  -- Woody Allen
19:15.01kergothulyx: fortune
19:15.01ulyxA nymph hits you and steals your virginity.
19:15.37chouimatljp: nice
19:16.11chouimatulyx fortune
19:16.12ulyxA widow who fancied a man some  Was diddled three times in a hansome.  When she clamored for more  Her young man became sore  And exclaimed "My name's Simpson not Samson."
19:16.47kergothulyx: fortune
19:16.48ulyxQ:  How many right-to-lifers does it take to change a light bulb?  A:  Two.  One to screw it in and one to say that light started when the      screwing began.
19:16.50kergothulyx: fortune
19:16.50ulyxConservative, n.:  One who admires radicals centuries after they're dead.  -- Leo C. Rosten
19:16.57kergothulyx: fortune
19:16.58ulyxQ:  Why does Helen Keller masturbate with one hand?  A:  So she can moan with the other!
19:18.33chouimatulyx fortune
19:18.34ulyxAnxiety, n.:  The first time you can't do it a second time.    Panic, n.:  The second time you can't do it the first time.
19:19.37kergothask away.
19:20.34elkayBoth MaxMame and zmame print out "Loading of image 'MaximizeButton' is not ideal (either it doesn't exist or an extension was specified)" and then segfault.  Is there something I can do about that?
19:20.49kergothyou can debug it so we know why its segfaulting
19:21.01kergothgdb maxmame ... run .. b00m .. bt
19:21.35chouimatulyx weather
19:21.35ulyx31 minutes ago, on Fri Feb 07 19:00:00 UTC 2003, the wind was calm at CYQB. The temperature was -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1011 hPa (29.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 72.4%. There were scattered clouds at a height of 579 meters (1900 feet) and broken clouds at a height of 6096 meters (20000 feet).
19:21.36elkaySure thing.  Just wanted to make sure it wasn't already known.
19:21.45kergothI havent heard of the beahvior personally
19:21.53kergothand lorddavon didnt mention it (he maintains maxmame)
19:22.00kergothwhat sdl libs are you using?
19:24.15kergothwhat feed? testing?
19:27.07kergothokay, so use gdb if you would.
19:27.08elkayOops, will I need to have installed the debug image?  All I get out of gdb is 0x0003eca8 in strcpy ()
19:27.23kergoth'all i get out of gdb' doing what?
19:27.59elkaySorry, I wasn't clear there.  "gdb ./MaxMame" followed by "run", and "bt" when it dies:
19:28.05elkay#0  0x0003eca8 in strcpy ()
19:28.10elkay#1  0x000245c4 in strcpy ()
19:28.18elkayAnd that's it.
19:28.40kergothand it says received SIGSEGV when it crashes?
19:28.55kergothsegfault on strcpy, it must've been passed a NULL Or something
19:31.23elkayInterestingly, those are the only two programs that do this. Though they may be the only SDL programs I've got so far.
19:31.40kergothtry prboom, or try the sdl libs in unstable
19:33.09elkayMaxMame just seg faults before it does anything, no matter what options I give it.  Whereas with zmame I can run it with -help and such, and it only segfaults after doing all of its startup, loading the roms, etc.  Its backtrace is also different:
19:33.16elkay#0  0x405b34dc in fread () from /lib/
19:36.01elkayI see that MaximizeButton message a lot if I start programs from a command prompt.  Even running addressbook.  Do you know where it's coming from?  Maybe I installed something and overwrote an important file.
19:36.16kergothits harmless
19:36.26elkayOh, ok.
19:42.28chouimatneeed coooooffffffffeeeeeeee
19:46.18elkayHm.  FWIW, prboom works fine.
19:50.56*** join/#openembedded thMachine (
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19:52.09thMachineis there any word on the next release of oz?
19:53.07kergothIt'll be released when I have time to finish it.
19:53.18thMachinefair enough
19:53.43chouimatkergoth: the right answer is "One day but not today"
19:53.44elkayUpgrading libsdl doesn't seem to have fixed it either.  Oh well, it's not all that important.
19:54.03elkayEverything else seems to work great, except for that wlan control panel issue.
19:59.53elkayAre there often problems with the unstable feed, or is it relatively safe to use?
20:00.25elkay(And I'm guessing that if I wanted to do that, I could do an ipkg upgrade to get there?)
20:03.23chouimatulyx fortune homer
20:03.23ulyxUnlike most of you, I am not a nut.    -- Homer Simpson     Homer's Odyssey
20:03.48elkayWhee, closing early.
20:06.36trekekergoth: the gcc build works just fine
20:06.57chouimatulyx fortune homer
20:06.57ulyxSorry, Mr. Burns, but I don't go in for these backdoor shenanigans.  Sure I'm flattered, maybe even a little curious, but the answer is no!    -- Homer Simpson     Last Exit to Springfield
20:07.38chouimatulyx fortune homer
20:07.38ulyxAll right.  His story checks out.    -- Homer Simpson, checking in the encyclopedia    under "Bush, George"     Two Bad Neighbors
20:07.40trekeEverything I tried building built
20:08.02trekeobviously gcc2 built apps didnt work :)
20:08.32trekekergoth: maybe we should go the debian route and append c102 to the end of gcc3 built apps
20:10.01tronicalchouimat: C++ ABI version
20:31.21ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:31.22ulyxciaolinux: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
20:31.33*** join/#openembedded teferi (
20:31.49ciaolinuxulyx: roulette stats
20:31.50ulyxroulette stats: 92 games completed, 378 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: mr_woody (20). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:31.51teferianyone feel like giving me a hand getting Opera to run on OZ 3? I've gotten the opera ipk installed and generated, and I know I need to gank some libraries from the Sharp ROM (I read the FAQ), but the forum post linked to from that specific FAQ appears to be on a forum that's quite down...
20:32.09teferis/(installed) and (generated)/$2 and $1/;
20:32.42JasonNJulyx: roulette
20:32.42ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
20:32.50Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:32.50ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
20:33.03Neo|Workwhat is it with me and roulette. :P
20:33.03JasonNJulyx roulette
20:33.04ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:33.06Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:33.06ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:33.08JasonNJulyx roulette
20:33.08ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
20:33.11JasonNJulyx roulette
20:33.11ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
20:33.21JasonNJteferi: zauruszone is dead
20:33.27teferiI've noticed.
20:33.43teferiWhich is unfortunate, because I can't find aforementioned list of libraries that need to be copied anywhere else.
20:33.45Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:33.46ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
20:33.55Neo|Workok, I'm not improving my stats here!
20:33.56Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:33.56ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:34.09chouimatulyx roulette
20:34.09ulyxchouimat: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:34.14JasonNJI am hoping the posts can be migrated to the new sharp forum, we have all of them, but as I am now no longer at sharp, I'm not in the loop anymore.
20:34.21teferiI see.
20:35.02chouimatBob can you go sleep in another place than on my keyboard!
20:35.11JasonNJulyx roulette
20:35.11ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
20:35.14JasonNJulyx roulette
20:35.15ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
20:35.22JasonNJulyx roulette
20:35.22ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
20:35.34Neo|Workok, no way I'm doing that again!
20:35.43trekeulyx roulette
20:35.43ulyxtreke: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
20:35.43JasonNJneither am i
20:35.49chouimatulyx roulette stats
20:35.50ulyxroulette stats: 96 games completed, 391 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work (60.0% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work,treke|home (16.7%). Most wins: mr_woody (20). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:35.53ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:35.54ulyxciaolinux: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
20:35.56trekeulyx roulette
20:35.56ulyxtreke: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:35.58Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:35.58ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:36.00ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:36.00ulyxciaolinux: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.03trekeulyx roulette
20:36.03ulyxtreke: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:36.04Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:36.05ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.06chouimatulyx roulette stats chouimat
20:36.06ulyxchouimat has played 24 games, won 17 and lost 5. chouimat pulled the trigger 31 times and found the chamber empty on 26 occasions.
20:36.06ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:36.08ulyxciaolinux: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:36.10trekeulyx roulette
20:36.10ulyxtreke: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:36.12Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:36.12ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.16Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:36.16ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:36.20trekeulyx roulette
20:36.20ulyxtreke: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.21ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:36.22ulyxciaolinux: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:36.22chouimatulyx roulette stats Neo|Work
20:36.22ulyxNeo|Work has played 10 games, won 3 and lost 6. Neo|Work pulled the trigger 14 times and found the chamber empty on 8 occasions.
20:36.24trekeulyx roulette
20:36.25ulyxtreke: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:36.25Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:36.27ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
20:36.29ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:36.29ulyxciaolinux: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.31trekeulyx roulette
20:36.32JasonNJneither am i
20:36.33ulyxtreke: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.33Neo|Workulyx roulette stats
20:36.34JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.36JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.36ciaolinuxulyx: roulette stats
20:36.37JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.37ulyxroulette stats: 103 games completed, 407 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work (60.0% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: treke|home (16.7%). Most wins: mr_woody (20). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:36.37JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.38chouimatulyx roulette stats ciaolinux
20:36.38JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.41ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:36.41JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.43JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.43ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.43Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:36.45JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.47ulyxroulette stats: 104 games completed, 409 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work (60.0% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: treke|home (16.7%). Most wins: mr_woody (20). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:36.47JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.50ciaolinuxulyx: roulette stats
20:36.51ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
20:36.51JasonNJulyx roulette
20:36.54trekeulyx roulette
20:36.54ciaolinuxulyx: roulette
20:36.55ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:36.57ulyxciaolinux has played 11 games, won 5 and lost 6. ciaolinux pulled the trigger 18 times and found the chamber empty on 12 occasions.
20:36.57chouimatulyx roulette stats JasonNJ
20:37.00ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:37.02ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
20:37.03JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.04ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
20:37.04JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.06ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
20:37.06JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.06Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:37.07JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.08JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.16JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.16*** join/#openembedded ulyx (
20:37.18JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.18ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
20:37.20JasonNJulyx roulette
20:37.20ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
20:37.32mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats mr_woody
20:37.32trekeulyx roulette
20:37.32ulyxtreke: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:37.33ulyxmr_woody has played 40 games, won 20 and lost 20. mr_woody pulled the trigger 69 times and found the chamber empty on 49 occasions.
20:37.39chouimatulyx roulette stats JasonNJ
20:37.39ulyxJasonNJ has played 11 games, won 4 and lost 7. JasonNJ pulled the trigger 31 times and found the chamber empty on 24 occasions.
20:37.40mr_woodyulyx: roulette
20:37.40ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:37.42trekeulyx roulette stats treke
20:37.42ulyxtreke has played 13 games, won 7 and lost 5. treke pulled the trigger 14 times and found the chamber empty on 9 occasions.
20:37.49trekeulyx roulette
20:37.49ulyxtreke: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
20:37.55chouimatulyx roulette
20:37.55ulyxchouimat: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
20:37.59chouimatulyx roulette stats chouimat
20:38.00ulyxchouimat has played 25 games, won 17 and lost 6. chouimat pulled the trigger 32 times and found the chamber empty on 26 occasions.
20:38.07Neo|Workulyx roulette status
20:38.08ulyxincorrect usage: roulette => play russian roulette - starts a new game if one isn't already running. One round in a six chambered gun. Take turns to say roulette to the bot, until somebody dies. roulette reload => force the gun to reload, roulette stats => show stats from all games, roulette stats <player> => show stats for <player>, roulette clearstats => clear stats (config level auth required)
20:38.09Neo|Workulyx roulette stats
20:38.11ulyxroulette stats: 111 games completed, 438 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work (64.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: treke|home (16.7%). Most wins: mr_woody (21). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:38.16Neo|Workdammit, I'm still on there
20:38.18mr_woodyulyx: roulette
20:38.18ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:38.20trekeulyx roulette
20:38.21ulyxtreke: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
20:38.22Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:38.23ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
20:38.25trekeulyx roulette
20:38.26ulyxtreke: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:38.30chouimatulyx roulette stats icefox
20:38.30ulyxicefox has played 40 games, won 13 and lost 27. icefox pulled the trigger 83 times and found the chamber empty on 56 occasions.
20:38.30mr_woodyulyx: roulette
20:38.31ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:38.37mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
20:38.38ulyxroulette stats: 113 games completed, 443 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work (61.1% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: treke|home (16.7%). Most wins: mr_woody (22). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:38.40chouimatulyx roulette
20:38.40ulyxchouimat: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
20:38.45mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
20:38.46ulyxroulette stats: 114 games completed, 444 shots fired at 26 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work (61.1% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: treke|home (16.7%). Most wins: mr_woody (23). Most deaths: icefox (27).
20:38.49mr_woodyulyx: roulette
20:38.50ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:38.57Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:38.57ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:38.59trekecyberlo: then you cant play it :)
20:39.00mr_woodyulyx: roulette
20:39.00ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
20:39.01trekeulyx roulette
20:39.01ulyxtreke: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
20:39.02Neo|Workulyx roulette
20:39.02ulyxNeo|Work: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
20:39.05mr_woodyulyx: roulette
20:39.06ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
20:39.19chouimatulyx: fortune homer
20:39.20ulyxAll right, I have thought this through.  I will send Bart the money to   fly home, then I will murder him.    -- Homer Simpson     Bart on the Road
20:39.32chouimatulyx: fortune
20:39.32ulyxIf clear thinking created sparks, we could safely store dynamite in  James Watt's office.  -- Wayne Shannon, KRON-TV
20:39.48JasonNJulyx: fortune trek
20:39.49ulyx/usr/share/games/fortune/trek-o: No such file or directory
20:39.56JasonNJulyx: fortune SP
20:39.57ulyxFallen one, I am Satan. I am your god now!    There is no escape.    Now feel the delightful pain.
20:40.32chouimatulyx: fortune hitchhicker
20:40.32ulyx/usr/share/games/fortune/hitchhicker-o: No such file or directory
20:40.45Neo|Workit has only offensive fortunes ?
20:40.47chouimatulyx: fortune startrek
20:40.48ulyxWe have found all life forms in the galaxy are capable of superior  development.  -- Kirk, "The Gamesters of Triskelion", stardate 3211.7
20:48.35chouimatulyx: fortune startrek
20:48.35ulyxTo live is always desirable.  -- Eleen the Capellan, "Friday's Child", stardate 3498.9
20:50.58*** join/#openembedded Freddie (
20:51.03Freddiehello everyone
20:51.18Freddieanyone know if kergoth is going to craft another news status for the OZ page soon?  :))
20:51.50trekemaybe when there is something new to report
20:52.01FreddieI was just going by this:
20:52.13FreddieOpenZaurus 3.1rc3 release within 5-7 days, including bugfixes, Opie running as a nonroot user, a password for the root user, and a Samba server setup by default for convience.
20:52.18Freddieno biggie
20:52.20Freddiewas just curious
20:52.36kergothyes, we call that a rough estimate
20:52.44kergothI've been busy with non-OZ things
20:52.46kergothaka real life
20:52.54kergothperhaps you've heard of it ;)
20:52.59Freddiekergoth: I sincerely hope everything is going ok in your real life
20:53.21Freddieand yes, I know everything about rough estimates
20:55.50Freddieanything you guys could use help with?
20:56.22*** join/#openembedded Dilb_d-9 (
20:56.33trekeI could use a new ipaq
20:56.42Dilb_d-9tronical: around ?
20:57.18*** part/#openembedded Dilb_d-9 (
20:57.21tronicalDilb_d-9: a bit :)
21:01.24*** join/#openembedded Harlekin (
21:01.31Harlekinhi *
21:01.34Harlekinibot: seen microdim
21:01.39microdim <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 24d 1h 28m 15s ago, saying: 'what is the diff between "konq - snapshot" and  "konq - snapshot - full"'.
21:06.50trekekergoth: What would be your opinion of an 11 meg patch in buildroot?
21:07.12kergothwhat is it?
21:07.35kergothoh just add tag support to getsources will you :)
21:08.01kergothjust copy what is done for date=
21:08.15trekeYeah I did. And somehow I did it wrong :)
21:08.52trekeits been a year or so since I last wrote any perl
21:09.01trekeI think I screwed up on scoping somewhere
21:09.27trekebest case I'm probably stuck here til midnight
21:12.23*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
21:21.54*** join/#openembedded TeaX (
21:24.04*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
21:27.09*** join/#openembedded bipolar (~bflong@
21:34.01||ughkergoth, we should try for a group buy of the Sandisk combo 802.11b/FLASH_memory cards and then go for an SD'less release of your shiney new kernel.  What thinks?
21:36.33kenbI'm in.
21:39.25chouimathi kenb
21:39.55*** join/#openembedded jeb` (
21:40.52kenbhi chou - get yer webpal?
21:40.57kenbI got my cf2ide adapters today
21:42.20chouimatkenb: not yet
21:47.42*** join/#openembedded gaurdian (
21:51.42Freddieanyone know if maxmame works with oz 3.0 now?
21:53.14kergoth3.0 isnt being worked on
21:53.15kergothits dead
21:53.22kergothmaxmame i hear segfautls in 3.1rc2
21:53.27kergothneeds looking into
21:53.33kergothI'll talk to lorddavon when he logs on
21:53.39kergoth(hes the maxmame maintainer)
21:53.51Freddieit isn't like it is a huge priority in the grand scheme of things
21:53.54FreddieI was just curious
21:53.59*** join/#openembedded noda (
21:55.05chouimathmmm to much beers last night ...
21:55.21chouimatkenb: I have a cf2ide adapter
21:55.22kergothyo noda
21:55.30chouimatulyx fortune
21:55.30ulyxQ:  If Tarzan was Jewish, and Jane was a princess, what would Cheetah      be?  A:  A fur coat.
21:55.40nodakergoth: Moo :)
21:55.55nodakergoth: I'm giving GNOME 2.2 a serious consideration as a replacement to openbox :)
21:56.08noda(it's so purdy :P)
21:56.14kergothbah, kde 3.1 is purdy too :)
21:56.17lsmithenlightment "foreva"!
21:56.39nodaYeah, but the difference is simplicity. The other day I was using konqueror, I right-clicked and... well... big mistake. A menu fills the entire screen, etc, etc.
21:56.47chouimatI'm looking to install gnustep on another box
21:57.04nodaI mean seriously, this desktop is SO simple. And gconf is nice :)
21:57.27chouimatnoda: it's your opinion
21:57.35nodachouimat: Yeah, it is.
21:57.52chouimatnoda: I hate it :)
21:57.53nodaI really think GNOME and KDE cater to different audiences.
21:58.03nodachouimat: Have you tried 2.2? Even simpler than evah! :)
21:58.13kergothbah, I'll stick to fluxbox
21:58.18kergothi love the window tabs
21:58.18lsmithgnome 2.2 seems to be going the novice route
21:58.24chouimatnoda: try this one :
21:58.25nodaI probably will too, but I like this :)
21:58.30nodachouimat: It's so UGLY though :P
21:58.43||ughGNOME-2.2, simple enough for a Bush to use, and about as useful.
21:58.59nodalsmith: Yep, which is a pretty good idea. Consider: KDE tries to do what Microsoft does, but put in more options - more confusion.
21:59.18lsmithyeah KDE needs some human interface guys
21:59.26lsmithbut their framework rocks
21:59.30nodaAnd what you end up with is...well... you right-click on an audio file and can't even figure out how to delete it :)
21:59.33nodaAgreed :)
21:59.52lsmiththe cpu industry must love them though :-)
22:00.10nodaWell, gnome isn't exactly cpu-friendly, if compared to anything besides kde :)
22:00.11||ughSo, if I (can) arrange a buy of CF/FLASH/802.11b cards and we can then just ignore the SD, what do folks think?  Temp. solution, yea.  Still how many folks would go in on it to get the new kernel going on their Zs?
22:00.27Neo|WorkThis made me think of kergoth:
22:00.38kergoth||ugh: its a possibility. again I wont be looking into a decision on it until post-3.1
22:01.02FreddieHugh, I don't understand what you are suggesting
22:01.05nodaArrange a buy of CF cards? I don't understand
22:01.16lsmithwell i think alot of people use sd/mmc cards to extend their z's ram
22:01.34Neo|Work isn't bad either. :P
22:01.50chouimatNeo|Work: read today's one
22:01.50lsmithkergoth: err .. correct :-)
22:01.59FreddieI use SD so that my CF is free for other things
22:02.10lsmithwell i have ext2 on my sd
22:02.15lsmithand keep fat on my cf card
22:02.17Freddieis he talking about the combo flash/802.11 CF cards?
22:02.19nodaOh, another HUGE reason I don't use KDE is the lack of truly configurable keybindings :P
22:02.39||ughThere are new cards comming out that are BOTH FLASH memory AND a 802.11b in a single CF card.  Thus us 5500 user would NOT need a SD card at all for average usage.
22:02.50nodaOh, that's tempting...
22:02.58nodaOn the other hand, that would eat more power than a regular flash card.
22:02.58Freddiewouldn't help me
22:03.12nodaAnd we'd have to lug our Z's around with a big lump on 'em.
22:03.13FreddieI use the CF to look at digital camera pics on cf cards
22:03.19Freddieusing apps that are installed to SD
22:03.22||ughDepends if we can turn the WiFi off when we don't want it.
22:03.27Freddiebut you are right, it would help some people
22:03.27Neo|Workchouimat: just did - I just finished reading a few months worth
22:03.42nodaIt would help some people, but just can't replace SD -- we need two expansion slots :(
22:03.43Freddiebesides, I spent a LOT more money on a low power wifi CF card
22:04.05FreddieI am certain that this combo card will use more power than my current card
22:04.31teferiwell, isn't that nice. opera crashes.
22:04.32||ughIt looks like the exact same card as the NetGear, so it's a middle of the road power user.
22:04.51Freddiemy low power card eats my battery alive as it is
22:05.18teferiI guess I'll just go back to konqueror
22:06.07chouimat  <--- huh?
22:06.47gaurdianHow do you tell how much power a wifi card there a website with that info ?
22:08.38trekeusually in the specs for the card
22:08.42trekecheck your manual or the box
22:08.46trekeor the products website
22:08.55chouimatgaurdian: simple look at your battery life with the card :)
22:09.24teferi-full is even a bit smaller than -snapshot
22:09.30kenbgaurdian: someone did a comparison
22:09.32gaurdianwell I was looking for more of a comparison as to how mine does compared to others really
22:09.35treketeferi: features
22:09.36kenbI remember that page...
22:09.38kenblemme go fid it
22:09.40teferilike what?
22:09.52treketeferi: ssl support, javascript. dont remember what else
22:10.08killefizchouimat: strange - i don't want to see anyone pulling their zaurus to calculate my gcs in an emergeny
22:10.12trekefull should be larger
22:10.46teferi...ah, it is.
22:11.00kenbibot: 802.11b comparison is at
22:11.00kenb: okay
22:11.19chouimatkillefiz: it's as usefull as the contraction calculator :)
22:11.38killefizchouimat: there is a contraction calculator?
22:11.51chouimatkillefiz: yup
22:11.59killefizchouimat: ahh - expecting
22:12.06killefizveryy useful
22:12.45chouimatkillefiz: hehe ... what useful apps we need?
22:13.05*** join/#openembedded carsten (
22:13.07carstentach tach
22:13.42chouimatkillefiz: any interess in a gaydar for the zaurus?
22:14.02trekegaydar would rock
22:14.04Harlekinchouimat: a real good mailer is needed
22:14.04killefizchouimat: what is a gaydar?
22:14.24chouimatkillefiz: a little palm app
22:14.52chouimatHarlekin: I was talking about very usefull apps :)
22:16.06chouimatkenb: huh?
22:29.58||ughkenb, that page was nothing but useless pageporn, I get white.  Why bother even telling your worst friends about such fools?
22:30.28chouimat||ugh: I got nothing
22:31.42||ughI define 'pageporn' as use of java, javascript, flash and shockwave for titilation rather then information.  Oh no, I did not TM all that PROPERTY of big corps!
22:37.10chouimat||ugh: ok i installed flash and that page is useless
22:37.10ulyxcan do!
22:37.23chouimatulyx: ||ugh?
22:37.23ulyxyou best check yo'self
22:37.49chouimat||ugh: I think you nick cause problem with my bot
22:41.27*** join/#openembedded Dessimat0r (
22:41.32Dessimat0rlo all
22:42.15*** join/#openembedded andersee (
22:42.32Dessimat0rlo all
22:42.50Dessimat0rjust using a console client while KDE compiles
22:43.07Dessimat0rcan you see this? ;)
22:43.23nodaNope :)
22:44.04kergothtreke: added tag support
22:44.18Dessimat0rcan you see this? (without the '/say' prefix
22:44.37*** join/#openembedded caffeine^ (~caffeine^
22:44.49*** join/#openembedded caffeine^ (~caffeine^
22:45.00Dessimat0rbloody hell, the KDE compile just failed
22:45.12Dessimat0rwhile making 'kde-base'
22:45.49Dessimat0rI've got my bloody CPU and memory underclocked and a fan blowing into the PC! ;)
22:47.16Dessimat0rwould enabling the L2 cache ECC check help prevent compilation errors?
22:47.42trekewhy is open source licensing so fricken hard :)
22:47.46kergothdefine 'compilation errors'
22:47.54Dessimat0rsegmentation faults
22:47.55chouimattreke: because
22:48.04kergothDessimat0r: in what?
22:48.07kergothtreke: bk pull
22:48.09nodasegmentation fault? Uh... gcc segfaults?
22:48.34nodaWow, that could be a hardware problem...
22:48.37Dessimat0runderclocking seems to have helped prevent it happening so much
22:48.54Dessimat0rbut it still occurs, like just now... *bangs pc*
22:53.45Dessimat0rhrm, seeems that there was a permission denied error with writing to /root/.kde, or something
22:53.56Dessimat0rcreate .kde, and gave it chmod of 777
22:58.16nodaDessimat0r: Um. root?
22:58.24nodaKDE and root should be as far away from one another as possible :)
22:58.52*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
22:58.56nodaTheMasterMind1: Moo
22:59.28TheMasterMind1long time no see
22:59.30TheMasterMind1kergoth: around?
22:59.32TheMasterMind1kergoth: whats that wget command you always tlel people ot use
22:59.41nodartfm :)
22:59.51*** part/#openembedded TeaX (
23:00.33Dessimat0rnoda: KDE isn't installed atm, its compling ;)
23:00.43nodaDessimat0r: You compile stuff as root?
23:01.00Dessimat0rwell.. yeah
23:01.16nodaDessimat0r: Some day you'll learn the error of your ways, and it'll involve a complete reinstallation :P
23:01.38Dessimat0rcan emerge cope with being another user?
23:01.53nodaIt must be able to.
23:02.01nodaAfter all, geeks use that distro :P
23:02.44Dessimat0rI'm using ircII atm, as my client
23:02.56Dessimat0rits... disconcerting
23:03.51kergothTheMasterMind1: wget -m -r -np
23:04.23kergothircii? ew, use bitchx or irssi.. or even epic for gods sake
23:04.36Dessimat0rit is epic, epic is a mod of ircII
23:05.05kergothi know it is
23:05.12kergothhalf the existing irc clients are based on ircii :)
23:05.17nodakergoth hangs out on IRC all day, I think he'd know these things :)
23:05.18Dessimat0raha ;)
23:05.40kergothulyx: lart noda
23:05.57trekenot gonna let ulyx have all the fun
23:06.04kergothnever look like you're asking to get beaten up in this channel
23:06.08kergothwe're violent bastards, we'll do it
23:06.24nodaWow, you can't see much with 40x24...
23:06.27Dessimat0rwe live in gangland, come near us and die :P
23:06.50trekeulyx roulette
23:06.50ulyxtreke: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
23:06.54Dessimat0rjiggin' it up me homiez
23:07.31nodaWow, my processor is 102% in use (according to this gnome panel applet)
23:08.21kergothi just got an email from guylhem aznar
23:08.38kergothmr idiodic opie article with little basis in fact
23:08.56chouimatkergoth: and?
23:09.15Dessimat0rgive us some extracts, kergoth ;)
23:09.29kergothasking for the xscale optimization flags, busybox and ipkg for c700, and asking my opinion on some ideas to improve the syncing situation
23:10.15Dessimat0rIf we held Trolltech to raandson, they might build us a better syncing tool
23:10.15chouimatkergoth: better syncing apps
23:10.43trekeDessimat0r: no
23:10.44Dessimat0rhow the hell do you spell ranson
23:10.51trekeDessimat0r: We dont want to force trolltech to write more apps
23:11.00Dessimat0rthats a point.
23:11.03kergothwe definately dont want trolltech writing apps
23:11.07trekeDessimat0r: Maybe if we held troll tech ransom they'd stop writing them :)
23:11.11kergoththey need to stick to qt/e maintainance
23:11.24kergothand leave qtopia in the hands of the opie devs
23:11.38trekethey make a wonderful toolkit... but their apps all suck
23:11.51kergothwell, libqpe blows goats too
23:12.05nodaThat'd be very neat, if they actually depended on the open-source community for their code to succeed...
23:12.06kergothlibqte is nice tho :)
23:12.15trekekergoth: maybe they should just close trolltech australia
23:12.18kergothtreke: hehe
23:12.22nodaGuess they wouldn't be able to do that though, since they need to be able to license binaries.
23:12.30trekeand kill everyone who works there
23:12.35kergothnoda: the lib could be lgpl.
23:12.36Dessimat0rThe Australian code is upside-down?
23:12.48kergothnoda: but i see your point.. they'd lose money
23:12.55kergothnoda: so they should just focus on the lib then, fuck the apps
23:13.10nodaBut they need that embedded environment or they have nothing to offer :)
23:13.20kergoththe lib is what they offer
23:13.24kergoththey can include the opie apps.
23:13.29nodaNo company is going to BUY the library, only to have to get the apps with GPL.
23:13.33kergoththey just cant licenset he opie app source for users alterations
23:13.43kergothso the company has to release changes to the opie apps
23:13.45kergothbig deal
23:13.49trekenoda: they do it with the kernel
23:13.56nodaOh, I guess :)
23:14.13nodaWell I dunno, I've never been quite clear on why companies buy any licenses when there are gpl versions available :P
23:14.17kergoththe lib is what they're paying for. being able to tweak the apps without releasing is just a small extra bit.
23:14.28kergoththe lib is gpl.
23:14.32trekenoda: Because it's easier to pay the developers to fix bugs than to have to do it yourself
23:14.35kergothyou cant link commercial closed source apps against a gpl library.
23:14.42kergoththerefore they _must_ pay for libqpe.
23:14.54nodakergoth: Um. You sure?
23:15.00trekenoda: yes
23:15.12kergothyou cannot llink a closed source app against a gpl library without gpl infecting the app
23:15.21kergothand you'd then be in violation of the GPL for not releasing the source to the app.
23:15.27trekenoda: nope
23:15.32kergothnope. they cant. not legally.
23:15.34trekenoda: crossover is lgpl
23:15.41kergothGPL is infectious. LGPL is not.
23:15.42nodaOh, I get it, they use the lgpl ones like glibc...
23:15.53trekenoda: last i checked, the source was on their website
23:16.12Dessimat0rman, the GPL is complicated
23:16.21chouimatDessimat0r: yup
23:16.25trekethat and codeweavers gives wine whatever code they want to take :)
23:16.27kergothits not _that_ complecated.
23:16.31nodatreke: Crossover plugin and crossover office? No, they're closed.
23:16.39trekenoda: Last I checked they are open.
23:16.42kergothits a simple license with some ambiguities and some far reachign consequences.
23:16.55nodaThey ARE? Hell, I didn't know that :)
23:17.03trekeI'm looking for the source right now
23:17.21kergothtreke: test that tag= support when you get a chance
23:18.08trekeI will. doing the work thing right now :)
23:18.38kergothah yeah
23:18.40Dessimat0rI think that gcc may have segfaulted before due to the the fact I was building EPIC4 as well as kdebase at the same time
23:18.41trekeactually doing the licensing thing right now :)
23:18.42kergothme too, but out of calls
23:19.47treketrying to figure out what has to be gpl and what has to be lgpl, and what we can do what we want with :)
23:20.30Neo|Workman, 'icc' kicks ass in performance
23:21.41Neo|Worksome artificial benchmarks of Pike, on P4, shows 8-29%  increase in performance
23:21.49Dessimat0ryeah, but I have an AMD processor, will it still work?
23:21.57Neo|Worknon-P4 has some losses but in general is better
23:22.20Dessimat0rI'm compliling with many optimisation flags
23:22.39Dessimat0r-O3 -fomit-frame-pointers, many others
23:22.58Neo|Workof course I'm sure you know that "many others" usually are included in -OX
23:23.08Neo|Workmeaning, -march might help
23:23.38Neo|Workone nice thing with icc is that it can compile processor specific code for multiple cpu's including 386 fallback in the same binary, automatically
23:24.24Dessimat0rBut how much bloat does that add onto a binary?
23:24.31Neo|WorkI don't know how that extra choice makes, runtime  
23:24.35Neo|Worknot a heck of a whole lot
23:24.40Neo|Worksince most code is shared
23:24.47Dessimat0rI see
23:25.40Neo|Workwell, significant I guess
23:25.56Neo|Work1502864  (gcc) 2166940 icc
23:26.05Neo|Work30% roughtly
23:26.25Neo|Workbut binary size differs otherwise too, so it might not at all be that specific optimization
23:26.37Neo|Workalso, this is a pure C program - in C++ icc is apparently much better
23:26.55Neo|WorkC++ on P4 is where it shines. :P
23:27.03Neo|Workbut alas, no benchmarks on that
23:27.15Dessimat0rHas AMD ever made a C compiler?
23:27.31Neo|Worknot afaik
23:27.39Dessimat0rah, they should ;)
23:27.51kergothno they shouldnt
23:28.00kergoththey should have a couple people work on the gcc project
23:28.06kergoththen they'd get a good rep in the community as well
23:28.11Dessimat0ryeah, a better idea
23:28.27Neo|Worklooks like gcc is getting some new cool stuff though
23:28.33Neo|Worknew C++ parser and precompiled headers
23:28.39Neo|Workwhich will be in 3.4 I think
23:28.45Dessimat0rcool ;)
23:28.49chouimatNeo|Work: and new frontend too
23:28.54kergoth3.2.2 is out, right?
23:29.19kergothshould rebuild our 3.2 toolchain on the site once simon cleans up the build failure
23:29.54Neo|Workwhich reminds me, I never did get that gcc 3.2 build env so I can make 3.2 / opie binaries of games. :P
23:30.02trekeneo just needs to rebuild his apps with 3.2 and i can say bye bye gcc 2 :)
23:30.27Dessimat0rYou know Tony Blair's wife? She came to our college today ;)
23:30.31kergothNeo|Work: i have the gcc3 toolchain, just not the x86/sharp opie sdk, figured i'd teach the opie buildsystem to produce an sdk instead
23:30.51Neo|WorkI don't need x86 really, just arm
23:30.57chouimatkergoth: good idea :)
23:31.04Neo|Workbut I get what you mean
23:31.12kergothchouimat: its just about ready to roll, but harlekin wanted me to hold off on it for a couple weeks
23:31.45Neo|Workwonder why mhy apt-get downloads from keep stalling
23:31.50Dessimat0rHow do you increase the resolution of the linux console?
23:31.52chouimatkergoth: just send my the diff I will patch my buildsystem here
23:32.08kergothDessimat0r: vga= on the kernel commandline, or use a vga console on FB
23:32.16Dessimat0rah, thanks ker ;)
23:32.29kergothchouimat: opie already has 'make install', but each of the .pro files need altering to put the files in the right places
23:32.46Dessimat0rvga=1280x1024 ?
23:32.55kergothgo rtfm
23:32.59kergothDocumentation/ in the kernel tree
23:33.06chouimatDessimat0r: /usr/src/linux/Documentations/fb
23:33.11kergothyeah, that
23:33.17kergothyou cna either use fb, or a vga text console
23:33.19kergotheither way
23:33.30Dessimat0rthanks ;)
23:34.53Neo|Workman, wish I had a dollar
23:35.21*** join/#openembedded carsten (
23:38.31Dessimat0rhrm, it just segfaulted on scrnsave.cpp
23:39.02Dessimat0rI'm off to see if i can tweak my bios for stability any more
23:40.43Neo|Workbe over already!!!
23:41.12Neo|Workperhaps I should take an early friday
23:41.19kergothi'm stuck here for another hour & 20 mins
23:41.36Neo|WorkI should be here for another time period along those lines
23:41.41chouimatdamn! my head hurt
23:42.38ljpfeel any better?
23:42.39Neo|Worki just don't WANT to
23:43.04chouimatljp: just drank too much last night
23:43.58ljpdrink a bloody mary
23:43.59chouimatljp: about 45$
23:44.36kergothI'm out of tequila, sour mix, brandy & cognac, and scotch
23:45.11chouimatneed to go to the grocery, need food
23:45.13kergothno kidding, i hate spending money on alcohol
23:45.22kergothyeah me too
23:45.22ljpI need to teach my cat how to clean the house, cook for me, and make me drinks
23:46.00chouimat|awayljp: tried that with mine and his coffee is undrinkable
23:46.27kergothulyx: fortune
23:46.28ulyxChampagne don't make me lazy.  Cocaine don't drive me crazy.  Ain't nobody's business but my own.  -- Taj Mahal
23:46.29ljpuse Folger's eh?
23:46.35kergothulyx: fortune
23:46.36ulyxOur [softball] team usually puts the other woman at second base, where  the maximum possible number of males can get there on short notice to  help out in case of emergency.  As far as I can tell, our second  basewoman is a pretty good baseball player, better than I am, anyway,  but there's no way to know for sure because if the ball gets anywhere  near her, a male comes barging over from, say, right field, to
23:46.36ulyxdeal  with it.  She's been on the team for three seasons now, but the males  still don't trust her.  They know, deep in their souls, that if she had  to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she  probably would elect to save the infant's life, without ever  considering whether there were men on base.  -- Dave Barry, "Sports is a Drag"
23:46.57chouimat|awayljp: just bought 4 kg of folger's yesterday
23:47.11ljpoh man, I hate that crap
23:47.19ljpget the good stuff
23:47.52kergothulyx: fortune
23:47.53ulyxAn egg has the shortest sex-life of all: it gets laid once; it gets  eaten once.  It also has to come in a box with 11 others, and the only  person who will sit on its face is its mother.
23:47.58kergothulyx: fortune
23:47.59ulyxIf the American dream is for Americans only, it will remain our dream  and never be our destiny.  -- Ren'e de Visme Williamson
23:48.05chouimat|awayljp: it's better than the chien d'or we have here .... and I'm tired of maxwell house ... so I won't buy coffee for the next for months
23:48.34chouimat|awayulyx fortune homer
23:48.34ulyxThere are perfectly good answers to those questions, but they'll have  to wait for another night.    -- Homer Simpson     Homers Barbershop Quartet
23:48.40chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:48.41ulyx"Dear Mr. Seldes:  I cannot remember the exact wording of the statement  to which you allude; but what I meant was that ... a man who calls  himself a 100% American and is proud of it, is generally 150% an idiot  politically.  But the designations may be good business for war  veterans.  Having bled for their country in 1861 and 1918, they have  bled it all they could consequently.  And why not?"  -- George
23:48.41ulyxSeldes, "The Great Quotations"
23:48.57kergothulyx: fortune
23:48.57ulyxIf Reagan is the answer, it must have been a VERY silly question.
23:48.59ljpI cant drink that canned stuff. not the good kind of beans
23:49.04kergothulyx: fortune
23:49.05ulyxRepublicans tend to keep their shades drawn, although there is seldom  any reason why they should.  Democrats ought to, but don't.
23:49.09ljptoo acidic
23:49.57chouimat|awayljp: i used to buy coffee beans but the place closed so
23:50.05chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:50.05ulyxStatisticians do it with 95% confidence.
23:50.09chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:50.09ulyx"I've had one child.  My husband wants to have another.  I'd like to  watch him have another."
23:50.14chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:50.15ulyxAll a hacker needs is a tight PUSHJ, a loose pair of UUOs, and a warm  place to shift.
23:50.25chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:50.26ulyx"White House carpenters have reworked the master bedroom, remodeling it  so that Ronnie can sleep with his head in the hall.  That way, by the  time he wakes up, somebody will have already shined his hair."
23:50.36Neo|Workulyx shut up
23:50.45kergothulyx: pester Neo|Work
23:50.57chouimat|awayulyx lart Neo|Work
23:51.06kergothibot: pester Neo|Work
23:51.07Neo|Work: Are we there yet?  .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
23:51.25Neo|Workulyx needs to die die die
23:51.26Neo|Workand die
23:51.34kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:51.35ulyxYou bet your fucking ass it was!
23:51.52chouimat|awaykergoth: I will add pester to ulyx, just need to hack lart
23:51.57chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:51.58ulyxA nymph hits you and steals your virginity.
23:52.18chouimat|awayulyx fortune
23:52.18ulyx"Tom Hayden is the kind of politician who gives opportunism a bad  name."  -- Gore Vidal
23:52.28chouimat|awayulyx fortune chalkboard
23:53.39chouimat|awayulyx fortune chalkboard
23:53.39ulyxI WILL NOT CARVE GODS  I WILL NOT CARVE GODS  I WILL NOT CARVE GODS  I WILL NOT CARVE GODS    Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 8F11
23:53.57trekeulyx fortune SP
23:53.57ulyxSuck my balls!
23:54.11chouimat|awayulyx fortune SP
23:54.12ulyxSuck my balls!
23:54.18chouimat|awayulyx no
23:54.24chouimat|awayulyx fortune SP
23:54.24ulyxDude! That movie was fucking sweet!
23:54.50kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:54.51ulyxBlame Canada!
23:54.53kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:54.53ulyxYou're a fucking faggot, dude.
23:54.55kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:54.55ulyxAw, ma! He's not even my real brother, he's adopted.
23:55.00chouimat|awayulyx fortune homer
23:55.00ulyxI saw weird stuff in that place last night.  Weird, strange, sick,  twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff.  And I want in.    -- Homer Simpson     Homer the Great
23:55.09kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:55.09ulyxYou'd fuck your uncle!
23:55.10chouimat|awayulyx fortune hitchiker
23:55.11ulyx/usr/share/games/fortune/hitchiker-o: No such file or directory
23:55.13kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:55.13ulyxYou shitfaced cockmaster.
23:55.16chouimat|awayulyx fortune hitchhiker
23:55.16ulyx"...[Arthur] leapt to his feet like an author hearing the   phone ring..."     - Who says that the character of Arthur isn't   autobiographical?
23:55.30chouimat|awayulyx fortune hitchhiker
23:55.31ulyx"`What's been happening here?' he demanded.  `Oh just the nicest things, sir, just the nicest things.   can I sit on your lap please?'"  "`Colin, I am going to abandon you to your fate.'  `I'm so happy.'"  "`It will be very, very nasty for you, and that's just too   bad. Got it?'  `I gurgle with pleasure.'"    - Ford and Colin the robot.
23:55.58chouimat|awayulyx fortune ascii-art
23:55.59ulyxSANTA IS BRINGING GOOD WISHES FROM ALL THE  MICRO ARTISTS GANG!  MAY 1988 BE A HAPPY YEAR!           \__\_ :. ___/  ..\  /--   :.______ :  .:*  :  . _ .:  :..  .  :   . .  :    ()_ .:    ((     \. :./(__ :._O_)________:______,____:____/  *\_o  ====((    \: (****) (***) :. ...: .. .  ()_______/\\ __-'   \____((   \ ()oo()_/ /.:  :  ..________/_____ll   -/.: ..   (      ((  \(())))__/   .  ..  \\.: ..(  
23:55.59ulyx)  ll (  l_.:  (       / (( \__*__)___:___ :  : ))   .) /--------\ \ \  (      /    ((_____________) .. //  . / / /..:: .  )_)_\   (____/_____________________\__// :  /_/_/  :..  :/_/ \_\   /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/    /_/_/
23:56.16kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:56.17ulyxFuck my ass and call me a bitch!
23:56.19kergothulyx: fortune SP
23:56.20ulyxDude! That movie was fucking sweet!
23:56.21Neo|Workfor crying out loud!
23:56.28*** part/#openembedded Neo|Work (~neotron@
23:56.45kergothwe scared off neo with fortune
23:57.51chouimat|awayulyx fortune bofh-excuses
23:57.51ulyxBOFH Excuse #423:    It's not RFC-822 compliant.
23:57.57kergothulyx: fortune hitchhiker
23:57.58ulyx"What are you talking about? "  "Never mind, eat the fruit. "  "You know, this place almost looks like the Garden of Eden.   "  "Eat the fruit. "  "Sounds quite like it too. "
23:58.07chouimat|awayulyx rfc 822?
23:58.07ulyxrfc 822 is Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages. D. Crocker. Aug-13-1982. (Format: TXT=109200 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0733) (Updated by RFC1123, RFC1138, RFC1148, RFC1327) (Also STD0011) (Status: STANDARD)
23:58.19chouimat|awayulyx fortune bofh-excuses
23:58.20ulyxBOFH Excuse #140:    LBNC (luser brain not connected)
23:58.39chouimat|awayulyx fortune bofh-excuses
23:58.39ulyxBOFH Excuse #253:    We've run out of licenses
23:59.02kergothLBNC, i like that
23:59.20kergothulyx: fortune hitchhiker
23:59.21ulyx"Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that   anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely   by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the   final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.  "The argument goes something like this: `I refuse to prove   that I exist,' says God, `for proof denies faith, and   without faith I am nothing.'  "`But,' says Man, `The Babel fish
23:59.21ulyxis a dead giveaway, isn't   it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you   exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't.   QED.'
23:59.33chouimat|awaykergoth: why neo|work left?
23:59.43kergothchouimat|away: i think he got tired of fortune
23:59.50chouimat|awayulyx fortune bofh-excuses
23:59.50ulyxBOFH Excuse #354:    Chewing gum on /dev/sd3c

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.