irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030205

00:00.12Soopamankergoth, do you have a cvs mirror for your opie bk source?
00:00.17trekeas much as I hate /opt, it's probably the better choice for compatibility with the Z and other devices
00:00.20kergothSoopaman: no. and we will not.
00:00.34Soopamanany reason ?
00:00.34kergothSoopaman: i trie dto maintain one, but its an absolute bitch to put it mildly
00:00.43kergothits, its not maintainable
00:00.50kergothto keep the trees synced takes hours every few days
00:00.58kergothjust use a snapshot
00:01.02kergothif you cant or wont use bk
00:01.06kergothibot: oz snapshots
00:01.06kergoth: I give up, what is it?
00:01.09kergothibot: oz snapshot
00:01.10[oz snapshot] or updated every 4 hours by Navi or this is a snapshot of the bk oz buildroot tree use it to compile your own OZ if you don't want to use BK
00:01.15kergothibot: oz snapshots is <reply> see oz snapshot
00:01.15kergoth: okay
00:01.41Soopamani would love an entire application source snapshot to start building
00:01.54kergothi dont understand the statement
00:02.01kergothwe dont keep upstream sources in bk
00:02.23kergothwe'll be mirroring them on local servers when we rewrite the buildsystem, but that'll be a while
00:02.36Soopamanto compile the environment (the actual programs
00:02.50trekeSoopaman: it downloads what you need when you need it
00:02.52kergothi still dont understand
00:03.05kergothit downloads sources, patches them, compiles them, packages them, and if you want, builds an image
00:03.05*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
00:04.37Soopamanoh, so it will download the sources automagically?
00:04.56kergoththat buildroot is all you need to build all of OZ
00:05.04kergothincluding libc, opie, ssh, et cetera
00:06.09Soopamanlet me switch to my nix side
00:06.55kergothwoot, fixed another make -j failure
00:06.59kergothchugging away again
00:07.33ljpthats crazy!
00:07.42trekeare any of your fixes in the repository?
00:07.47chouimatwoooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! it's works
00:08.03kergothtreke: not yet, I havent pushed the dependency generation
00:08.12kergothtreke: making sur eit doesnt explode horribly first :)
00:09.27Soopamanthis is TOOOOOOOOO funny
00:09.30kergothSoopaman: ?
00:09.44Soopamanare you cdn or american
00:10.08trekeSoopaman: Are you american or moron?
00:10.13kergothchouimat and noda are cdn
00:10.22Soopamanyou gotta see this show called "Just for laughs"
00:10.46Soopamani'm almost crying over here it's soo funny
00:10.54trekeI'm so very happy for you
00:11.02Soopamanthanks you jerk
00:11.49chouimatkergoth: Soopaman sound like ebonic
00:11.51TheMasterMind1Soopaman: what channel etc?
00:11.53trekeyou are welcome
00:11.55*** join/#openembedded DaJoker (
00:13.39mickeylkergoth: hmm... by the way... it would be fine if the new buildsystem could also feature x86 as the target language.. :-D so we could automate building an opie sdk, for instance.
00:13.54kergothyou could do that easily with the existing system
00:13.56SoopamanTheMasterMind1, tvs, #50 over here
00:14.03kergoththe goal is any target arch, any build arch, any target OS, any build OS
00:14.06kergothwithin reason
00:14.16ljpmy cat is licking my fingers while I try to type
00:14.17Soopamanthe french chan
00:14.40trekeah. french
00:14.46trekethat explains much
00:14.53mickeylhmm... would be interesting to try it out... maybe on weekend
00:15.19kergothmickeyl: yeah, course it doesnt generate packages in a form you'd be using on the desktop, but the new one could
00:15.54Soopamanthis guy dressed up as a police officer convinces drivers down a one-way to turn around, then he pulls them over, and gives them a ticket
00:16.10Soopamanand the drivers try to explain themselves...
00:16.30trekeyup. fremcj
00:17.00Soopamani should rip it for you guys
00:17.05Soopamanc'est fantastique!
00:17.51kergothtreke: dependency autogeneration is in
00:18.06chouimatSoopaman: tqs?
00:18.31Soopamanit has "TVA" watermarked in the corner of this chan
00:18.42chouimatSoopaman: ok I have it here
00:19.11Soopamanwhat are you seeing?
00:19.25chouimatSoopaman: a muslim woman
00:19.44kergothtreke: let me know if explodes :)
00:19.57chouimatulyx: lart tv
00:20.24kergothtreke: ignore the 'unable to locate path' messages, those were for debugging the depends generation
00:21.19ljpdepends..  like the old people diapers?
00:21.37trekekergoth: I will, this is from almost a fresh build. It had been going for 10 minutes
00:21.58trekeljp: depends suck, I prefer Oops I Crapped My Pant's
00:22.54Soopamanthis stuff is classic
00:23.04kergothulyx: lart Soopaman
00:23.51ljpawwww. my cat brought in a twig!
00:25.33TheMasterMind1ljp: how nice
00:26.03kergothTheMasterMind1: havent you learned anythign from us yet? you're supposed to be more of a smartass
00:26.28chouimatwho was that saoooooopaman
00:27.03ljpKlark Ckent
00:27.14anderseekergoth: how hard is it to add more ram and/or flash to a zaurus 5000d?
00:27.28kergothandersee: I dont believe anyone has done it to date, so hard enough ;)
00:27.34chouimatandersee: no one tried it
00:27.54trekeTheMasterMind1: We're waiting
00:28.18anderseeAnyone post screenshots of the internals somewhere, or do I need to crack mine open to check it?
00:28.39kergothandersee: they're available, pester Tim when he's around
00:28.45kergothandersee: I dont recall the url off the top of my head
00:28.45TheMasterMind1treke: heh
00:28.51kergothljp: you  mirrored them on, right?
00:28.54kergothljp: the Z internals pics?
00:29.15kergothTheMasterMind1: yeah, you definately need to hang around us smartasses more
00:30.05chouimatTheMasterMind1: it's easy ... you use your twig with her pussy
00:30.13TheMasterMind1how to become like kergoth in 24 hours
00:30.21TheMasterMind1chouimat: lol
00:30.32kergothstep 1) remember, always, that people are stupid
00:31.03TheMasterMind1idiots guide to kergothisms
00:31.17TheMasterMind1ibot emulate kergoth
00:31.18ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
00:31.18kergothstep 2) politeness is pointless
00:31.28kenbK's law.  In any sufficently large group, most are idiots.
00:32.05chouimatno In any sufficently large group, they are all idots but me
00:32.20TheMasterMind1chouimat: and in small groups?
00:32.30chouimatTheMasterMind1: the same
00:32.30kergothstep 3) become bitter and cynical
00:33.28kenbI'm guessing Tim's done alot of hacking on ibot?
00:33.39kergothyeah, afaik he's on the blootbot project
00:33.48kergothwhy do you ask?
00:33.51kenbthere haven't been updates in a year on the project, it seems.
00:34.01kenbI need to run one for another #chan here
00:34.05kergothon blootbot? infobot was maintained even less
00:34.35kergothmy build exploded
00:34.38kergothoh, thats the old MTD bug
00:34.55trekepolitness isnt pointless
00:35.18trekesometimes initial politeness helps to emphasize the stupidity of the user
00:35.28kergothgood point
00:37.10kergothI always put a user code in my support cases
00:37.20kergothits two bits
00:37.26kergoththere asshole, and stupid
00:37.27kenbFU ?
00:37.30kergoth00, 01, 10, 11
00:37.42kergothI can tolerate a stupid nice guy, or a smart asshole
00:37.46kergothbut never a stupid asshole
00:38.05kergothand I have yet to meet a smart nice customer, I dont think they eixst
00:38.07TheMasterMind1ibot needs a quote system
00:38.08TheMasterMind1: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
00:38.34kergoththe code warns other techs
00:38.38kergoth"oh shit, he's a 11"
00:39.22kergothnew yorker customers are the best
00:39.26kergothyou can yell at them
00:39.30kergothand they expect it, so its fine
00:39.44kergoth"listen, just shut up and type what i telll you to type"
00:40.25*** join/#openembedded SoopaMATRIX (
00:40.34kergothulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:40.46SoopaMATRIXI am the matrix
00:41.00kergothno, you're an 11
00:41.00chouimatulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:41.02chouimatulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:41.03*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
00:41.06chouimatulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:41.11chouimatulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:41.12chouimatulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:41.47chouimatulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
00:41.52*** kick/#openembedded [SoopaMATRIX!] by kergoth (/me real kicks SoopaMATRIX in a single motion!)
00:41.53ulyxkergoth: I hate you :(
00:42.08*** join/#openembedded SoopaMATRIX (
00:42.14SoopaMATRIXdid i do that?
00:42.19kergoth18:42 -!- SoopaMATRIX was kicked from #openembedded by kergoth [/me real kicks
00:42.34SoopaMATRIXi thought i hit the wrong key over here
00:42.36*** mode/#openembedded [+o chouimat] by ChanServ
00:42.46*** kick/#openembedded [SoopaMATRIX!] by chouimat (chouimat)
00:42.46ulyxchouimat: die!
00:42.52*** join/#openembedded SoopaMATRIX (
00:42.57TheMasterMind1ulyx bitches when we kick?
00:42.58ulyxwho knows?
00:43.07kergothibot: lart ulyx
00:43.11*** mode/#openembedded [-v ulyx] by TheMasterMind1
00:43.11chouimatTheMasterMind1: yup
00:43.15trekeulyx go sit on a bug snack
00:43.21chouimatulyx lart ulyx
00:43.27TheMasterMind1that's so bad.
00:45.01SoopaMATRIXdo i just doa "make" after i am done configging oz?
00:45.14kergothmake menuconfig; make
00:45.17kenbibot: slashdot
00:46.09chouimatulyx: freshmeat
00:46.10ulyxFast Light WRITER 0.0.14 | A small WYSIWYG word processor.
00:48.53chouimatkergoth: I just learned that my isp tolerate 15GB of download per months ...(i have 6GB limit on my contract)
00:50.01trekeanyone come up with a working replacement for workaround.patch?
00:50.31trekealthough, I guess the real question is, what is it for :)
00:55.14chouimattreke: wait for kergoth`bbl return
00:55.23chouimatulyx fortune homer
00:55.24ulyxWoo Hoo!  Good news everybody!  Because I endangered lives, we can fly   anywhere we want!    -- Homer Simpson     Fear of Flying
00:56.18trekebut I want an answer now! now! now!
00:56.28SoopaMATRIXany reason why OZ compiles for arm when i told it to do x86?
00:56.36chouimatulyx fortune homer
00:56.37ulyxHe gets it from your side of the family, you know.  No monsters on my  side.    -- Homer Simpson     Treehouse of Horror II
00:56.55mickeylbasically without the workaround, your Z won't come up again after suspend. and to the 2nd part, I'm afraid noone had time to take care of it yet.
00:57.59chouimatulyx fortune chalkboard
01:06.50SoopaMATRIXalot of hot girls on this all female fear factor ;)
01:07.53chouimat|tvulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
01:08.10SoopaMATRIXwtf is with all this lart'ing?
01:08.27SoopaMATRIXdo you guys not enjoy hot ladies?
01:08.27SoopaMATRIXnd compiling OZ?
01:09.33trekewe do
01:09.37trekewe just dont like you
01:09.55SoopaMATRIX'cause i know not who you are
01:09.59SoopaMATRIXand care not to ask
01:11.18chouimat|tvulyx: lart SoopaMATRIX
01:16.39ljpbash: df: command not found
01:22.07kenboebot: search google for freeswan cisco pix
01:25.04chouimat|tvulyx  search google for freeswan cisco pix
01:25.05ulyxgoogle for freeswan cisco pix:
01:26.41kenbI was in wrong channel...
01:26.57kenbtrying to digup how ibot does "emulate" since I can't see it in blootbot CVS
01:27.14trekeibot emulate?
01:27.15treke: I give up, what is it?
01:27.18kenbibot: emulate kergoth
01:27.18ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
01:27.20SoopaMATRIXkergo, are you around/
01:27.27kenbibot: emulate treke
01:27.27kenb: i haven't a clue
01:27.30trekeibot literal emulate kergoth
01:27.30emulate kergoth is <action> mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
01:27.47SoopaMATRIXMakefile:14: /root/Desktop/buildroot-exported/output/kernel-version: No such file or directory make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/root/Desktop/buildroot-exported/output/kernel-version'.  Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/buildroot-exporte
01:27.49kenbit's not real.
01:27.57kenbtr: thanks
01:28.00trekeno its not real. its a program
01:28.05SoopaMATRIXwhere can i trace this error to?
01:28.10trekethe real kergoth iws much meaner
01:28.17kenbI meant the emulate command.. it's not real.  just another factoid
01:28.27trekeSoopaMATRIX: you havent built a kernel yet from the looks of it
01:28.56SoopaMATRIXtreke, nope, do i build a kernel and then place it into there or something?
01:29.16trekeno, the kernel build puts it in there
01:30.04SoopaMATRIXso how do i pull that?
01:31.16chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat  is <action> ibot rlart
01:31.17chouimat|tv: okay
01:31.24chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat
01:31.25ACTION ibot rlart
01:31.44chouimat|tvibot no emulate chouimat  is <action> rlart
01:31.44chouimat|tv: okay
01:31.48chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat
01:31.49ACTION rlart
01:32.12chouimat|tvibot no emulate chouimat  is <reply> ibot rlart
01:32.12okay, chouimat|tv
01:32.17chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat
01:32.18ibot rlart
01:32.49chouimat|tvibot no emulate chouimat  is <reply> ulyx lart someone
01:32.50okay, chouimat|tv
01:32.52chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat
01:32.53ulyx lart someone
01:36.18SoopaMATRIXtreke, i am trying to build a kernel for a non-zaurus device
01:36.39SoopaMATRIXso i am assuming that I have to build the kernel from scratch
01:37.10chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat
01:37.11ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
01:37.23chouimat|tvibot emulate chouimat
01:37.24ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
01:38.43mr_woodyulyx: roulette
01:38.43ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
01:38.50mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
01:38.51ulyxroulette stats: 36 games completed, 162 shots fired at 18 players. Luckiest: Laze (87.5% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: Laze (75.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: chouimat (13). Most deaths: mr_woody (11).
01:38.54chouimat|tvkenb: emulate kergoth
01:39.06chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:39.06ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
01:39.10mr_woodyulyx: roulette
01:39.11ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
01:39.16chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:39.17ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
01:39.19mr_woodyulyx: roulette
01:39.19ulyxmr_woody: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
01:39.26mr_woodychouimat|tv: your turn
01:39.27chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:39.27ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
01:39.37mr_woodyanyway sometimes it can be 6/6 click
01:39.38chouimat|tvulyx lart mr_woody
01:39.48chouimat|tvulyx roulette stats
01:39.49mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
01:39.49ulyxroulette stats: 37 games completed, 167 shots fired at 19 players. Luckiest: Laze (87.5% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: Laze (75.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: chouimat (13). Most deaths: mr_woody (11).
01:40.09chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:40.09ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
01:40.15mr_woodyulyx: roulette
01:40.16ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
01:40.18chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:40.18ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
01:40.20mr_woodyulyx: roulette
01:40.21ulyxmr_woody: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
01:40.28chouimat|tvulyx roulette stats
01:40.28ulyxroulette stats: 38 games completed, 171 shots fired at 19 players. Luckiest: Laze (87.5% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: Laze (75.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: chouimat (13). Most deaths: mr_woody (12).
01:40.32chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:40.32ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
01:42.19chouimat|tvulyx fortune SP
01:42.20ulyxHmmmmm, let's see. Well, first of all, you fuck pigs.    Oh yeah!
01:42.36chouimat|tvulyx fortune SP
01:42.36ulyxHey Satan, didja hear the news? A war just broke out up on earth.    Meet Saddam Hussein, my new partner in evil.
01:43.36chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:43.37ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
01:43.38chouimat|tvulyx roulette
01:43.38ulyxchouimat|tv: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
01:43.41chouimat|tvulyx fortune SP
01:43.41ulyxDon't kick the baby.
01:46.06chouimat|tvulyx fortune SP
01:46.07ulyxWe have to see this movie, dude!
01:48.08kenbchouimat|tv: what sort of bot is ulyx ?
01:48.18kenbah.. ruby bot...
01:49.40chouimat|tvibot: emulate chouimat
01:49.45ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
01:51.25chouimat|tvhmmmmm nice subject for this spam: get an instant fuck free
01:51.42kenbibot: emulate chouimat is <action> runs useless ibot commands for hours at a time
01:51.42...but emulate chouimat is already something else...
01:51.59chouimat|tvulyx lart kenb
01:52.07kenbibot: literak emulate chouimat is <action> runs useless ibot commands for hours at a time
01:52.08okay, kenb
01:52.13kenbibot: literal emulate chouimat is <action> runs useless ibot commands for hours at a time
01:52.14kenb: okay
01:52.24kenbmeh.  that didn't work as planned ;)
01:52.32chouimat|tvibot: emulate chouimat
01:52.33ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
01:53.13kenbI figured it out now.  neat trick
01:53.41*** join/#openembedded nikki (~nikki@
01:54.32chouimat|tvkenb: huh?
01:55.27kenbusing 1 bot to trigger the other one
01:55.55chouimat|tvkenb: hehe
01:57.26chouimat|tvewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww American Idol ..
02:05.43*** join/#openembedded SoopaKDE (
02:06.37SoopaKDEhello, how do i find out if  OZ built properly/completely?
02:08.30chouimat|tvulyx lart soopa*
02:08.50ljpulyx lart chouimat
02:09.39*** topic/#openembedded by ljp -> OpenEmbedded - | The get lart'd by Chouimat channel
02:10.20*** topic/#openembedded by chouimat|tv -> OpenEmbedded - | The don't ask silly questions because you will get larted
02:11.05*** topic/#openembedded by chouimat|tv -> OpenEmbedded - | Don't ask silly questions because you will get larted
02:11.20SoopaKDEthanx chou
02:11.35SoopaKDEbut the faq doesn't cover this
02:11.50*** topic/#openembedded by ljp -> OpenEmbedded - | Don't ask silly questions because you will get larted | send questions to /home/kergoth/dev/null
02:12.06chouimat|tvSoopaKDE: does your zaurus boot?
02:14.00chouimat|tvulyx fortune bofh-excuses
02:14.25chouimat|tvulyx fortune SP
02:14.35ulyxBOFH Excuse #25:    Decreasing electron flux
02:14.35ulyxBo bo bah bah.
02:14.52chouimat|tvulyx fortune bofh-excuses
02:14.52ulyxBOFH Excuse #298:    Not enough interrupts
02:15.43SoopaKDEchou, i am trying to build OZ for a non zaurus machine
02:16.14SoopaKDEbut i don't even know if the "make" worked/completed properly (unless a good build just ends)
02:16.24chouimat|tvSoopaKDE: you're on your own then
02:16.56SoopaKDEok, well how do i ensure the build worked properly then?
02:17.04SoopaKDEor even adding a custom kernel
02:17.47chouimat|tvSoopaKDE: your non zaurus machine work with your build
02:19.53SoopaKDEchou, can you rephrase that last comment
02:20.16kenbSoopaKDE: what are you biilding OZ for?
02:21.15kenbYou can tell if it's working by checking buildroot/output
02:22.26SoopaKDEken, i am trying to build OZ for my internet appliance
02:23.06kenbk... in output/ you'll have zImage-* files
02:23.11kenban initrd file..
02:23.16kenband a directory of ipkg's
02:23.23kenband the rootfs of course
02:25.25SoopaKDELaptopia:~/Desktop/buildroot-exported/output# ls ipks oz-base_3.1-rc2-2_arm.ipk Laptopia:~/Desktop/buildroot-exported/output# ls images Laptopia:~/Desktop/buildroot-exported/output# ls staging bin  include  lib Laptopia:~/Desktop/buildroot-exported/output
02:25.28SoopaKDEis what i see
02:25.37kenbyou have no files.
02:25.41SoopaKDEso only one package
02:25.45kenbso your builds all failed.
02:25.53kenbdoes "make" work?
02:25.56SoopaKDEi doubt i even have the source for it
02:26.06SoopaKDEthe other apps that is
02:26.36SoopaKDEmake completes without an error message
02:26.47kenbdid you enable stuff in make menuconfig ?
02:27.23kenblike the kernel, and everything related?
02:28.12SoopaKDEbut there were no real options for anything
02:28.29kenbYou need to enable some of a basic options before the rest become available.
02:29.03chouimat|tvulxy lart someone
02:29.18kenbhm.  damn builtroot is busted
02:30.05*** join/#openembedded caffeine^ (~caffeine^
02:30.32chouimat|tvulyx lart someone
02:30.42*** join/#openembedded metal-grid (
02:31.07kenbkergoth`bbl: ping
02:34.06chouimat|tvulyx lart videotron
02:35.08kenbibot: oz buildroot
02:35.13i heard oz bk is bk clone buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/openzaurus .config; make oldconfig; make or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you don't want to use bk
02:36.28*** join/#openembedded DaJoker (
02:45.16kenbchouimat|tv: I wonder if OZ would work as-is on the webpal
02:47.30treke|homeshoot. forgot to start my build in screen
02:47.32chouimat|tvkenb: I don't see why not ... and with a HDD that would made a nice little computer ...
02:48.11kenbbuiltroot for OZ is fscked.
02:48.21kenbI just rm -rf'd buildroot-oz
02:48.24kenband started fresh...
02:48.34kenbsuspend.S: Assembler messages:
02:48.34kenbsuspend.S:62: Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET_IMM) not fixed up
02:48.34kenbsuspend.S:344: Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET_IMM) not fixed up
02:48.36chouimat|tvkenb: that happend sometime
02:48.40kenbduring the kernel build.
02:49.46*** join/#openembedded Fatbum (
02:52.18chouimat|tvibot: emulate chouimat
02:52.18ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
02:53.03chouimat|tvulyx lart someone
02:53.11*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (~timr@
02:55.38chouimat|tvulyx lart someone
02:56.31chouimat|tvulyx: lart kergoth`bbl
02:56.40chouimat|tvulyx: lart kergoth`bbl for not being here
02:58.44ljpmaybe he's sick of you guys! :)
03:01.28*** join/#openembedded angry (
03:03.02Fatbumany1 use tinyx on the zaurus 5500?
03:04.12TimRikerFatbum: someone has, I think it's in OZ now, but I have not.
03:04.26TimRikerI've seen it on the 5000 but that was quite some time ago.
03:05.44scanlineprpplague was the one who packaged it for OZ
03:05.56Fatbumoh cool
03:05.59Fatbumim talking to him now
03:09.46kergoth`bblkenb:that error indicates you need to distclean your kernel tree
03:09.51kergoth`bblkenb: _or_ you're attempting to build the kernel with gcc3
03:09.55kergoth`bblkenb: which isnt going to happen.
03:10.05Fatbumkergoth`bbl have you used fluxbox with tinyx?
03:10.07kergoth`bblit was a known bug in old kernel trees
03:10.13kergoth`bblFatbum: I've never used X on my Z
03:10.23kergoth`bblyet anyway
03:10.26kergoth`bbltoo much other shit to do
03:10.44kergoth`bblyo, I've got one of those killer adrenaline rushes going on, I need to do somethign
03:11.44kenbkergoth`bbl: whyfore is buildroot busteD?
03:12.04kenbi rm -rf's mu buildroot
03:12.04kergoth`bblI just told you, those kernel errors are 1) gcc3, or 2) your kernel tree needs a distclean
03:12.12kenbdid a fresh bk clone.. new config, etc..
03:12.13kergoth`bbllook up^
03:12.28kenbkergoth`bbl: I haven't changed *anything*
03:12.34kergoth`bbldoesnt matter. those errors indicate you need a distclean o fthe kernel tree
03:12.37*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
03:12.38kergoth`bblits a _random_ behaviof
03:12.40kergoth`bblits a bug in the old kernels
03:12.44kergoth`bblgo search LKML
03:12.46chouimathi kergoth`bbl
03:12.49kergoth`bblmake -C build/linux distclean
03:12.52kergoth`bblta da
03:13.03chouimatkergoth`bbl btw clark asked lana on a date
03:13.06kergoth`bblchouimat: i know!
03:13.12kergoth`bblchouimat: my jaw hit the floor
03:13.20SoopaKDEkerg, would you be able to help me out for a quick second/
03:13.23kergoth`bblchouimat: then he screwed it up and didnt tell her the truth about him at the end :/
03:13.30kergoth`bblchouimat: if he had told her she wouldve forgiven him
03:13.35kergoth`bbltreke|home: smallville
03:13.37kergoth`bbltreke|home: tv
03:13.40kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: with what?
03:13.44treke|homekergoth`bbl: ah
03:13.46chouimatkergoth`bbl: poor clark
03:13.56SoopaKDEkergoth, converting the OZ to open architechtures
03:14.03kergoth`bbl'open architectures'?
03:14.13kergoth`bblfirst, that oz buildroot is going away in favor of a new system
03:14.14SoopaKDEerr other architectures
03:14.15kergoth`bblso dont get too fond of it
03:14.25chouimatkergoth`bbl ibot have a new emulate command
03:14.27kergoth`bblbut it does the job for now
03:14.32SoopaKDEheh, i'm not fond of the existing ones, because i can't even get it done
03:14.41kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: so whats the issue?
03:14.45chouimatibot emulate chouimat
03:14.46ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
03:14.46kergoth`bbladd a new target arch
03:14.59*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (~timr@
03:15.00kergoth`bbledit the toplevel Vars.make to accomidate the new arch
03:15.04SoopaKDEkergoth, i don't know if it is building anything properly
03:15.15kergoth`bblwhats there to know?
03:15.19kergoth`bblif it didnt error, its working
03:16.14chouimatulyx lart SoopaKDE for asking silly questions
03:16.22*** join/#openembedded Davv (
03:16.30chouimatulyx fortune SP
03:16.31kergoth`bblkenb: its only needed randomly
03:16.34SoopaKDEkergoth, it doesn't build any packages
03:16.35chouimatulyx fortune SP
03:16.35ulyxWhat would Brian Botano do?
03:16.35*** join/#openembedded dep (
03:16.38kergoth`bblkenb: it could occur in the middle of a build
03:16.40kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: so whats it do?
03:16.44chouimatulyx lart SoopaKDE for asking silly questions
03:16.45kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: throw me a fucking bone here
03:16.46kenbkergoth`bbl: Hm.  It hit both my buildroot's tonight
03:16.47kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: I'm not psychic
03:16.51kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: what _is_ it doing?
03:16.52kenbsuspend.S: Assembler messages:
03:16.53kenbsuspend.S:62: Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET_IMM) not fixed up
03:16.53kenbsuspend.S:344: Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET_IMM) not fixed up
03:16.56chouimatulyx fortune SP
03:16.57ulyxOh my god, you killed Kenny    You bastard.
03:16.58kenbthat didn't work...
03:17.03kenbso no sense adding it anyways.
03:17.03kergoth`bblagain, its random, and not always at the beginning
03:17.10kergoth`bblthen you're building with gcc3.
03:17.12SoopaKDEsorry, just got off the phone
03:17.14kergoth`bblmine build flawlessly
03:17.18kergoth`bblfreshly cloned trees
03:17.23kergoth`bblbut let me fire another one up
03:17.25kergoth`bblI've got 13 here
03:17.25kenbI did a fresh clone.
03:17.33kenbI rm -rf /z/bk/*
03:17.36chouimatulyx fortune bofh-excuses
03:17.37ulyxBOFH Excuse #440:    Cache miss - please take better aim next time
03:17.38kenband then bk cloned it in
03:17.49kergoth`bbltreke|home: whatd they do this time? ;)
03:17.53SoopaKDEalrite, i grabbed the buildkit snapshot, untarred, made xconfig, then ran "make"
03:17.54kenbkergoth`bbl: arm-linux-gcc != gcc3
03:17.59treke|homexome decoded not to compile :p
03:18.01kenbunless someone changed it on me.. it's 2.95.3
03:18.10kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: 1) its not a buildkit
03:18.12kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: but go on
03:18.37kergoth`bblhey everybody, I've got $20 on user error.. any takers?
03:18.48kergoth`bblfor soopa's problem anyway, not ken's
03:19.05chouimatkergoth`bbl code 18 :)
03:19.07kergoth`bblcome on, I'm broke over here
03:19.19treke|homeI'll give you 20 turkish lira
03:19.21ljpwhat about _my_ problem?!?
03:19.27kergoth`bblljp: nobody can help with your problem
03:19.55chouimatibot emulate chouimat
03:19.59ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
03:21.20SoopaKDEit ran through everything without error, but only the ozbase..ipk package was built
03:21.32kenbyou need to select all the packages
03:21.34kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: then you didnt set a sane config
03:21.37kenbIn the packages submenu
03:21.40kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: cp def-configs/openzaurus .config; make oldconfig; make
03:21.45kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: _guaranteed_ that works.
03:22.51kergoth`bblkenb: clone's underway
03:22.56kenbkergoth`bbl: i think I found my problem.
03:23.08chouimatkergoth`bbl stop being a bofh
03:23.08kenbI needed to have arm-linux-gcc in $PATH before running make
03:23.11kergoth`bblmy last clone was this morning, but i changed shit since then
03:23.13DavvIn OZrc2 is there a way to break out of the bootup scripts so opie does not run?  I get a buss error and my screen gets botched when OPIE tries to load.
03:23.19SoopaKDEok.. lemme try
03:23.19kergoth`bblDavv: nope
03:23.24kergoth`bblDavv: boot menu isnt due for inclusion until 3.1 final
03:23.28Davvkergoth: k.. thanx
03:23.32kenbkergoth`bbl: I (mistakenly) assumed that Vars would set PATH properly.
03:23.42kergoth`bblkenb: it is supposed to, based on your crosscompiler path
03:23.52kergoth`bblis your path wrong in .config?
03:23.54kenbwell, then it failed for some reason.
03:24.04depDavv: you may still be able to ssh to the z and fix the problem
03:24.11kergoth`bbland gccver needs to be 2.95.3 if /usr/local/arm/2.95.3 is the path
03:24.12kenblemme double check
03:24.40kenbkergoth`bbl: where in .config is the cross compile path?
03:24.40Davvdep: yep.. I'll try that as a last resort.  :)
03:24.59kergoth`bblvi .. /CROSS<cr>
03:25.25depDavv: if you can get logged in to it, then ipkg update and ipkg upgrade might fix it
03:25.34kergoth`bbland GCCVER?
03:25.46kenb# ls  /usr/local/arm
03:25.46kenb2.95.3  stamps
03:25.54kergoth`bblGCCVER, in the .config
03:25.56kergoth`bblis it 2.95.3?
03:26.08Davvdep: yeah.. I'll have to tinker with that idea.  Can't do by wireless.. since that needs manual tweaking to get started.  And IP over USB isn't going to happen (today.. at least).
03:26.51kergoth`bblwireless shouldnt require any tweaking..
03:27.01kergoth`bblkenb: my clean build is running to verify
03:27.10kergoth`bblwith my PATH not containing /usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin
03:27.17kergoth`bblbuilding ipkg-x86 atm
03:27.42Davvkergoth: just my settings for wireless need tweaking.. eg (I didn't configure it properly through the GUI.. I usually just do it from a command shell.
03:28.12kenbkergoth`bbl: I'm confirming a suspicion
03:28.26kergoth`bblmy kernel is extracting, takes a bit, this drive is slow
03:28.40kenbWhen I made it work, i pointed it to the /opt/Embedix toolchain
03:28.49kenb(ie: $PATH)
03:29.03kenbso I'm manually pointing it to /usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin now
03:29.05kergoth`bblah, so it coudl be something with the /usr/local/arm toolchain
03:29.14kenbwill know in a few seconds
03:29.41kenbI need to get this on a faster machine
03:30.09kergoth`bblwell, its running arm-linux-gcc
03:30.13kergoth`bbldespite its not being in my path
03:30.15kenbit did that for me too
03:30.20kergoth`bblso the PATH set is correct.
03:30.26kergoth`bblbuild's running
03:30.41kergoth`bblwell, then we know the buildroot did properly set the path.
03:30.44kenbarm-linux-gcc -D__ASSEMBLY__ -D__KERNEL__ -I/z/bk/buildroot-oz/build/linux/include -mapcs-32 -march=armv4 -mno-fpu   -c -o suspend.o suspend.S
03:30.45kenbsuspend.S: Assembler messages:
03:30.45kenbsuspend.S:62: Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET_IMM) not fixed up
03:30.45kenbsuspend.S:344: Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET_IMM) not fixed up
03:30.45kenbmake[2]: *** [suspend.o] Error 1
03:30.48kergoth`bblit doesnt like your /usr/local/arm toolchain
03:30.54kenbit's a problem with the 2.95.3 toolchain.
03:31.04kenbit builds for quite awhile
03:31.05kergoth`bblwe'll see what happens on mine, its chugging away now
03:31.10kenbbombs out at the end :(
03:31.11treke|homedownload a new coupy of the toolchain
03:31.13kergoth`bblyeah, suspend is a way down the line
03:31.17treke|homeI built a kernel earlier
03:31.26kergoth`bblI build c700's kernel, i havent tried 2.4.6 in a while
03:31.41treke|homeoh yeah, this was .18
03:31.49kenbtre: If I use lineo's /opt/Embedix chain, it works fine...
03:32.01kergoth`bblyeah, and th epoint is it may be _your_ /usr/local/arm toolchain thats hosed
03:32.06kergoth`bblwe'll see in a moment
03:32.14kenbthat's possible
03:32.38kergoth`bblno its not the pixies, its the gnomes
03:32.45kergoth`bblthe little bastards used to eat my MTD devices
03:33.05*** join/#openembedded crow (
03:33.11ljpits the trolls
03:33.16treke|homedamn trolls
03:33.26kenb~lart trolls
03:33.37kergoth`bblibot should check if its plural
03:33.37kergoth`bbl: have you tried ?
03:33.38treke|homeulyx, praise kergoth`bbl
03:33.43kergoth`bbland make it 'them' instead of 'him'
03:33.49*** join/#openembedded dancl (
03:34.06kenbor at least not assume it's a male
03:34.29kergoth`bblor jsut make it 'em
03:34.34kergoth`bbldrools on 'em
03:34.38kergoth`bblthat'd fit no matter what
03:34.39kenbthat works too
03:34.41danclAre there any CF/Wireless issues with OZ3.1rc2?
03:34.53kergoth`bbldancl: for linksys cards you need to upgrade to hostap-modules from unstable
03:34.58kergoth`bbldancl: as noted on the mailing lists on numerous occasions
03:35.01kenbdancl: possibly.  depends on what card you have.
03:35.02danclkergoth - I've done that.
03:35.07kergoth`bbldancl: beyond that, monitor mode / kismet isnt working
03:35.11kergoth`bbldancl: then you did so but didnt reboot.,
03:35.13danclIt's detecting the card down, but I can't get an ip addy.
03:35.23kergoth`bblah, well its confirmed to work
03:35.25kergoth`bbliwconfig wlan0
03:35.27kergoth`bblifconfig -a
03:35.33kergoth`bblconfirm iwconfig reflects the proper information
03:35.44dancludhcp returns SIOCGIFINDEX failed!: No such device
03:35.55kergoth`bbldancl: then its not associated with your AP
03:36.04kergoth`bblagain, check iwconfig
03:36.37dancliwconfig says if found my ap
03:36.46kergoth`bblthe key is correct?
03:36.49kergoth`bblit shows the MAC address?
03:36.52kergoth`bblmode is Managed?
03:37.02kergoth`bblit shows _sane_ values for signal strength?
03:37.04kenbkergoth`bbl: hows yer build ?
03:37.08kergoth`bblkenb: still going
03:37.10kergoth`bblslow box
03:37.13dancl-40 dBm
03:37.14kergoth`bblSMP p2 450
03:37.17kergoth`bblbut i'm not running make -j
03:37.20kergoth`bbldancl: thats not sane.
03:37.33kergoth`bbldancl: it hasnt associated. run dmesg and check for messages from the hostap driver
03:37.43kenbkergoth`bbl: hm.. and I was bitching about a p3/1130
03:37.57kergoth`bblthats my database server at work, nobody uses it but me
03:38.07kergoth`bblthis box is a athlon tbird 1ghz, but its my gaming machine, and it runs win2k
03:38.09danclI reloaded /etc/init.d/networking
03:38.19kergoth`bblkenb: kernel build 1 is complete
03:38.20danclseemed to do the trick (perh a suspend issue)
03:38.24kergoth`bblkenb: its building the next memory combination now
03:38.33danclThanks for the help.
03:38.46kergoth`bbli'd redownload your toolchain from
03:39.01kergoth`bbldancl: no problem, if nothing else i hope you now have some tools to use in debugging if you ever run into problems again
03:39.14danclSuch as?
03:39.22danclRight nevermind.
03:39.23kergoth`bbliwconfig, dmesg, ifconfig
03:39.36danclI knew all but iwconfig.
03:39.41danclTat's for wireless?
03:39.46kergoth`bblfrom wireless-tools
03:39.57crowkergoth`bbl: Would you be willing to make a tar file of OZ's root file system available for download for future releases?
03:40.04kergoth`bblcrow: yep, its in the plans
03:40.12crowcool, for rc3?
03:40.21*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
03:40.25kergoth`bblyeah, though it wont be on the download page directly unless noda adds it in time
03:40.40kenbkergoth`bbl: okay, replacing toolchain
03:40.54danclIs there a place with more verbose descriptions for the software on the feeds?
03:40.55chouimatkergoth`bbl: finished with the logs?
03:41.03*** mode/#openembedded [+o chouimat] by ChanServ
03:41.08kergoth`bbldancl: not really, if you want to submit proper descriptions let me know and i'll add them to packages
03:41.20kergoth`bblchouimat: naw, just about but havent messed with it since i was at work
03:41.23kergoth`bblchouimat: ill throw it on the wiki as is
03:43.38treke|homekergoth`bbl: what does the workaround patch for apmd do?
03:43.45kergoth`bbltreke|home: long story
03:43.49kergoth`bblif you run apm -s
03:43.51kergoth`bblwith apmd running
03:43.54kergoth`bblyour Z never wakes back up
03:44.02kergoth`bblso what we do is
03:44.10kergoth`bblcatch a signal in apmd, becaues it turns out if _apmd_ does it, it works
03:44.17kergoth`bblso apm is just a script that signals apmd to suspend
03:44.29kergoth`bblwhich is why people report a delay.. it hits apmd's event loop
03:44.34kergoth`bbland it suspends on the next pass
03:44.38kergoth`bblits a gross hack
03:44.42kergoth`bblfor a problem inthe apm implementation
03:44.46kergoth`bblwhich i dont want to bother digging into
03:45.53SoopaKDEdamn stupid thing errorer
03:46.08treke|homekergoth`bbl: that  anything that would be fixed in 2.4.19?
03:46.36kergoth`bbltreke|home: hopefully
03:46.47kergoth`bbltreke|home: jamey and sandman were working on a port of the x86 apm implementation to arm as well
03:46.54kergoth`bbltreke|home: i want to utilize that when it comes to fruition
03:46.55kenbkergoth`bbl: any progress on SD/MMC stuff ?
03:46.57kergoth`bblwhich we know will work
03:47.02kergoth`bblkenb: go read the news page
03:47.02treke|homekergoth`bbl: read the news
03:47.06danclDoes anyone know the cause of the quirk where the sandsik mmc unmounts on suspend?
03:47.13kergoth`bblkenb: the big obvious part where i say "dont pester me about sd until post-3.1 final"
03:47.25kergoth`bblulyx: lart kenb
03:47.40danclIs it a hardware issue or a kernel thing?
03:47.52kergoth`bbldancl: I've never heard of that behavior.
03:48.01kergoth`bbldancl: either way its in closed source apps we have no control over
03:48.08kergoth`bbldancl: sharp's sd daemon and module
03:48.16kenbkergoth`bbl: you appear to have been correct on the arm toolchain corruption.
03:48.21kergoth`bblit _could_ be a bug in /etc/sdcontrol, but i doubt it
03:48.32kenbkergoth`bbl: if you're at OLS this year, I will buy you many drinks.
03:48.51kergoth`bblkenb: Afaict either prpplague or jasonnj are looking to drag my ass up there
03:49.02treke|homewhere is OLS?
03:49.06kergoth`bbltreke|home: canada
03:49.07kergoth`bblibot: ols
03:49.08well, ols is Ottawa Linux Symposium or
03:49.12treke|homefuck that
03:49.20kergoth`bbltreke|home: all the linux kenrel hackers are there
03:49.25kergoth`bbltreke|home: its not marketing bullshit
03:49.30treke|homedammit. this movie is subtitled. cant watch it and work on oz
03:50.40chouimathuh? 325CAD ...
03:51.13danclkergoth: Thanks. Some mmc cards (of course it's the cheap sandsik cards) dissapear after a suspend (you have to eject and re-insert them). It's a problem with the stock rom (and if there's a closed source bit that would probably explain it)
03:51.29kergoth`bbldancl: sharp's sd support has always sucked
03:51.34kergoth`bbldancl: its had timing issues from the beginning
03:51.48danclIt's a shame.
03:52.03*** join/#openembedded BiGBiGYLLaMa (
03:56.06chouimatulyx: lart clark for being such an asshole
03:56.21*** join/#openembedded CrazyGogo (
03:56.38chouimatulyx: lart clark for being such an asshole
03:58.46chouimatulyx: lart clark kent
03:59.27kergoth`bblulyx: fortune SP
03:59.28ulyxWhat would Brian Botano do?
03:59.52kergoth`bblchouimat: i cant believe he didnt see that she was nearly as hurt by his telling cloey the truth as by kissing her? all he had to do was tell her
03:59.53chouimatulyx fortune dune
03:59.53ulyxThis Fremen religious adaptation, then, is the source of what we now  recognize as "The Pillars of the Universe," whose Qizara Tafwid are among us  all with signs and proofs and prophecy. They bring us the Arrakeen mystical  fusion whose profound beauty is typified by the stirring music built on the  old forms, but stamped with the new awakening. Who has not heard and been  deeply moved by "The Old Man's Hymn"?  
03:59.53ulyxI drove my feet through a desert     Whose mirage fluttered like a host.     Voracious for glory, greedy for danger,     I roamed the horizons of al-Kulab,     Watching time level mountains     In its search and its hunger for me.     And I saw the sparrows swiftly approach,     Bolder than the onrushing wolf.     They spread in the tree of my youth.    I heard the flock in my branches     And was caught on their
03:59.54ulyxbeaks and claws!      -- from "Arrakis Awakening" by the Princess Irulan
04:00.26chouimatkergoth`bbl: I know ... ok Babylon5 on tv back later
04:00.30kergoth`bblchouimat: later
04:01.11chouimathmmm I need a video stabilizer
04:01.12*** join/#openembedded crow (
04:01.21kergoth`bblcrow: wb
04:01.41crowthanks, got knocked off
04:05.34kergoth`bbladrenaline rush wore off
04:05.43kergoth`bblnow im not gonna get the house clean
04:05.44kergoth`bblah well
04:06.03*** join/#openembedded mrwoody (
04:06.10treke|homeits for the best
04:06.14kergoth`bbli know, i 'll wait and clean it sunday!
04:06.23kergoth`bblthats what i said last week
04:06.25treke|hometell one of your lazy ass roomates to do it
04:06.33kergoth`bbli have one, and he's a trucker
04:06.39treke|homemaybe not
04:06.39kergoth`bblhe's only here 2 days every 2 weeks
04:06.42kergoth`bblso he aint here
04:06.48kergoth`bblits sweet though, i get rent
04:06.49kergoth`bbland he's never here
04:06.56treke|homehmmm, if he pays his rent ontime thats a damn good deal
04:13.17treke|homesweet. it worked this time
04:15.06SoopaKDEkergoth, is there a way to build my own kernel (not the 2.4.6 one that seems to be set for arm)?
04:15.23kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: add one.
04:15.26kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: read docs/
04:15.31treke|homeSoopaKDE: add it to the
04:15.45treke|homethe docs are relativily self explanitory
04:16.24mrwoodyulyx: roulette
04:16.24ulyxmrwoody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
04:16.41treke|homemost of my problems were with figuring out the Makefile, not witht he config :)
04:17.02kergoth`bblthe config system is pretty easy
04:21.33treke|homekergoth`bbl: how would you go about trying to detect a file system on a partition? or should I just make that a manual step for the nvrd module?
04:21.58kergoth`bblhmm, elaborate
04:24.29treke|homekergoth`bbl: NVRD doesnt provide a file system for your ram disk, just the device. You have to create an ext3/reiser/vfat/whatever fs on top of it. I'm trying to think of a way to reliably detect if the partition is not there and create it in an init script
04:24.37treke|homebut now that I think of it, i dont think it can be done reliably
04:24.39kenbmeh.  damn buildroot apmd patch errors.
04:24.46SoopaKDEmake[2]: Entering directory `/root/Desktop/buildroot-exported/packages/kernel-2.4.19' File /root/Desktop/buildroot-exported/sources/bk:// does not exist make[2]: *** [/root/Desktop/buildroot-exported/stamps/.kernel-
04:25.04SoopaKDEwhy does it all of a sudden revert back to bk?
04:25.14kergoth`bbltreke|home: attempt to mount the device directly, if that fails, attempt to mount the first partition, if that fails, create new
04:25.19kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: dont build 2.4.19.
04:25.22kergoth`bblSoopaKDE: it will not build
04:25.30treke|homesince a user may have decided to use a different file system type than I chose
04:25.42treke|homekergoth`bbl: No partitions, just a device.
04:25.59treke|homeyou get /dev/nvrd/0 and you make your file system there.
04:25.59kergoth`bbldont choose
04:26.01kergoth`bbllet mount autodetect
04:26.10kergoth`bblif mount fails, mkfs
04:26.46kenbkergoth`bbl: there a fix for the apmd patch not applying anymore?
04:26.54kergoth`bblkenb: yeah, treke just sent it to me
04:27.07kergoth`bbltreke|home: we will need a /etc/filesystems
04:27.12kergoth`bbltreke|home: did they add that in familiar yet?
04:27.14treke|homeI dont know if it will suspend correctly on the Z, but it works here
04:27.18kergoth`bbltreke|home: it sets the fs's to try, and in what order
04:27.28kergoth`bbltreke|home: without that, it wont modprobe the various filesystem modules to try them
04:27.31treke|homekergoth`bbl: let me check, I have a familiar filesystem around :)
04:27.57treke|homenope, none in 0.6
04:28.32kergoth`bblit was discussed a while back
04:28.38kergoth`bblwe'll add one, since you have fielsystems as modules
04:29.05kergoth`bbltreke|home: its of the same format as /proc/filesystems
04:29.11kergoth`bbltreke|home: single filesystem per line, they're tried in order
04:29.26mrwoodyulyx: roulette
04:29.27ulyxmrwoody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
04:30.01*** join/#openembedded Oste (
04:30.03treke|homeso if its the same format as /proc/filesystems.... why the hell doesnt mount use that :)
04:30.32kergoth`bbltreke|home: it does,.
04:30.44kergoth`bbltreke|home: and /proc/filesystmes odesnt contain filesystems for which their modules arentl oaded.
04:30.47kergoth`bbltreke|home: :)
04:30.56treke|homemakes sense
04:34.29kergothtired of typing the whole thing?
04:34.56treke|homenah, just think it would be better to append the mem line to the current args as opposed to overwriting it
04:35.39treke|homewith nvrd you typically add a line to /boot/params
04:36.01treke|homewhich the bootldr reads
04:36.20kergothhmm, but isnt nvrd a module?
04:36.27kergothoh, for mem=
04:37.52treke|homehmmm. might have to work out a couple of things first. Since you need to pass in the amount of memory a couple places :)
04:37.54*** join/#openembedded badalex (
04:38.00kergothfor the Z i'd probably have to try to dd the zImage out of its mtd partition, manually hack the params in the zImage ala rdev, then dd it back
04:38.29badalexkergoth: lol @ silly questions /dev/null
04:38.36treke|homeat least I just need to coerce some text files :)
04:39.53kergothbadalex: #zaurus is fun sometimes
05:00.13*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
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05:07.11Davvgeesh.. took me 22 minutes to flash to OZ3rc2 again... took 5 or less the first time.
05:08.07DavvI wonder why it varies.... same hardware.... hmmm
05:30.22*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (~timr@
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05:38.31chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: any news about the locomo docs?
05:38.49effy-kunkergoth, yeah, what's up with them? ;)
05:39.25kergothhavent heard anything from spencer confirming the receipt of the nda
05:40.01effy-kunI thought you said you had ;)
05:40.06effy-kunI havent heard a peep from him
05:40.10chouimat|Zzzzi'm off
05:41.08effy-kunyou out?
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07:45.45schurigbye, bye, dear PicoBot :-(
07:56.48Twiunhiya schurig
08:31.58schurigTwiun: hiya!
08:40.28Twiun<-- reading the ioccc entries
08:40.42Twiunspeech synth in 2k... not bad :)
08:46.56schurigTwiun: in 2 kB?  Where?
08:48.38schurigTwiun: so, the speech synth was in IOCCC 2001?
08:48.55Twiunyeah, it's only for a small subset of (speech) though :)
08:48.57Twiun9 phonemes
08:49.35Twiunand sampling at 4kHz means it's not going to be easily understandable...
08:49.54TwiunHowever, 2k is a bit extreme... I'd be happy with 50k ;)
08:51.37schurigone should write a gzip2 compressor that compresses c and c++ code using the preprozessor ...
08:53.08Twiunit's quite possible there's something like that in the older contests
08:55.45||ughReading the old winners is quite the education, makes you want to program in something REALLY differt at times!
08:57.14Twiunworst times is when you think you've found company code that looks like an entry
09:01.47||ughMaybe it's when someone you think is on top of things defends things that might as well be entrys...  
09:10.47tronicalschurig: are you familiar with the new dependency generation stuff kergoth pushed?
09:19.52*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
09:23.15tronicalschurig: nevemrind :)
09:24.39schurigtronical: no, not
09:25.25schurigtronical: he just said yesterday evening that packages/Makefile will be generated from the information
09:27.07tronicalyes, and in an attempt to fix the toolchain build I was trying to figure out how to do implicit dependencies. but I already found an example of usage in the 2.5 kernel tree :)
09:31.08*** join/#openembedded schurig|work (
09:33.45tronicalschurig: hrnm, not fully getting there tho. got a second for a kconfig question? :)
09:33.54schurigtronical: yes
09:35.30tronicalschurig: I'm trying to make gcc-3.2 depend on gcc-3.2-initial. I added a gcc-3.2-initial/ with a config GCC_3.2-INITIAL \n bool \n default y and made GCC-3.2 depend on GCC-3.2-INITIAL on gcc-3.2/ . but for some reason it does not set CONFIG_GCC-3.2-INITIAL at all in .config when I select CONFIG_GCC-3.2 :(
09:36.29schurigtronical: I would NOT make gcc-3.2-initial be visible in the config system. No one uses initial, it's just an intermediary step to get what we want.
09:37.12tronicalschurig: yes, I don't want it visible in the config the user sees, but it I think I need it as implicit config variable in .config
09:37.38schurigtronical: everything in the files is visible, as far as I know.
09:37.42tronicalschurig: hrm, and gcc 3.2 is not shown as option in the menu anymore because it depends on the -initial ;(
09:38.16tronicalschurig: somehow the kernel can do it as well (like with CONFIG_CMPXCHG, which is not visible in the menu either)
09:38.24schurigso, how did you then select CONFIG_GCC-3.2?
09:38.45tronicalI just realize I cannot select it because it depends on the -INITIAL which has no text and is therefore not selectable ;(
09:39.15schurigtronical: because you wrote earlier that you selected it ...         is this CMPXCHG thingy from 2.4 or 2.5 kernel?
09:39.32tronicalschurig: (yeah, I selected it before I made the config changes, thought they would persist :)
09:39.54tronicalschurig: it's actually in both. in 2.4 it's implemented using shell commands and define_bool, in 2.5 it's done the way I tried it now
09:40.00schurigtronical: yes, after changing it's helpful to "make oldconfig" to see what happens in the .config file ...
09:40.08tronicalschurig: but it looks like in 2.5 it works because in the default config there is CMPXCHG=y ;(
09:40.45tronicallooks like a def-configs/toolchain-3.2 is in order
09:41.17schurigtronical: I'm not too well into 2.5 to give you a sane answer ...
09:41.40tronicalI'll poke around and bug kergoth when he wakes up :)
09:43.58schurigtronical: I think you should not do this with tweaking the kconfig system, just reunite gcc-3.2 and gcc-3.2-initial. The -initial package isn't a package anyway, it's some kind of artificial stuff. I guess one can as well make this into one package, thats way cleaner.
09:44.27tronicalschurig: problem is that there is an intermediate build step between -initial and -final, glibc...
09:44.55tronicalschurig: is there a way to enable two CONFIG_FOO's in one item?
09:45.10schurigtronical: but even this is glibc-initial. As far as I know, once you have gcc-3.2-final, you have to make your glibc again, do you?
09:45.41tronicalcurrently it's all in one, like the glibc is built only once
09:45.50schurigtronical: No, there's no way. If there would be a way, we would have virtual targets
09:46.03tronical(although I never tried building a toolchain and oz in one run, I usually have two trees and build a toolchain in one only :)
09:46.08tronicalahh, bummer
10:12.05mickeylmmh... buildroot doesn't build installing `./depcomp' `CFLAGS' is a user variable, you should not override it; use `AM_CFLAGS' instead.
10:12.26mickeylreplace/ required file `replace/malloc.c' not found
10:12.26mickeylmake[2]: *** [/usr/local/projects/openzaurus/stamps/.ipkg-x86.binary] Fehler 1
10:12.29mickeylany ideas?
10:14.20tronicalmickeyl: either install automake 1.4 or edit build/ipkg-x86/C/ and remove the AC_MALLOC (or the like) macro call
10:15.20mickeyltronical: ah, yeah, i updated automake yesterday to build gideon *sigh*
10:15.47mickeyltronical: is it safe to remove AC_MALLOC ?
10:15.54tronicalmickeyl: yes, I believe so.
10:16.16tronical(or was it AC_FUNC_MALLOC?)
10:16.43tronicalmickeyl: IIRC it's just to toggle a stub in case there is no malloc on the system (eh? no malloc? what is that? :)
10:16.53mickeyltronical: hehe, ok.
10:17.02mickeyltronical: an unrelated question for the kde insider :)
10:17.15mickeyltronical: what is all the virtual_hook stuff for I see in every kde class?
10:17.55tronicalmickeyl: it's a (more or less evil) hack to allow adding pseudo-virtual methods in a binary compatible manner
10:18.16tronicalmickeyl: problem is that it's not particularly beautiful in the usage (re-implementation)
10:19.29mickeyltronical: ah, i see. i guess i can leave this out for the opie classes then.
10:24.02schurigI have a build problem:
10:24.04schuriggcc -o make_hash -I/usr/src/ramses/oz/build/ncurses-5.3.20021109.orig/include -I/usr/src/ramses/oz/build/ncurses-5.3.20021109.orig/ncurses -DMAIN_PROGRAM ./tinfo/comp_hash.c -L/usr/src/ramses/oz/output/staging/arm-linux/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/src/ramses/oz/output/staging/arm-linux/lib
10:24.09schurig/usr/src/ramses/oz/output/staging/arm-linux/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
10:24.19schurigso, what does this tell us?
10:24.54mickeylschurig: this tells us that you also must catch up with the enhanced staging dir which caused me _lots_ of work
10:26.12schurigmickeyl: can you elaborate?
10:26.52mickeylschurig: sounds like there is a mix of arm and i86 libraries
10:27.11mickeylschurig: in your path
10:27.52mickeyli had to adapt lots of things, because i86 binaries moved from $(STAGING_DIR) to $(STAGING_DIR)/$(BUILD_SYS)
10:28.04schurigmaybe not in my path ...   it calls gcc, but there is the -Wl,-rpath-link that points to some arm-lib. Maybe someone did add a global LD_FLAGS or so ..
10:28.23mickeylmight be...
10:36.45schurigfound it, HOSTLDFLAGS was set to LDFLAGS
10:47.36schurigmickeyl: fix has been bk push'ed
10:48.49mickeylschurig: ok - hope it doesn't break something else.
10:52.31schurigmickeyl: does readline compile on your system?  Here it breaks during configure, the test for mbstate_t claims that it can not run on a cross-compiling system
10:55.36mickeyllast time i build it worked fine.
10:55.58mickeylmaybe the patch didn't apply?
10:56.02schurigchecking for mbstate_t... configure: error: cannot run test program while cross compiling
10:56.08schurigis the error
10:56.25mickeylhmm... i'll try soon here
10:57.29schurigmickeyl: Hmm, it looks like the patch did indeed not apply
10:58.01mickeylschurig: builds fine here
10:58.23mickeylsomething wrong with your buildsystem?
11:03.16schurigmickeyl: looks like an error in scripts/patcher
11:21.49mickeyld'oh! qt-embedded-2.3.4-beta5 has been released
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13:26.43Lazeulyx: roulette
13:26.43ulyxLaze: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
13:29.33supermattulyx: roulette
13:29.33ulyxsupermatt: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
13:29.49supermattulyx: roulette
13:29.50ulyxsupermatt: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
13:29.58kenbmy Z has opt'd not to boot anymore.
13:32.33kenbwrong window..
13:34.12*** join/#openembedded DaJoker (
13:34.38schurigthe openoffice fonts don't build, the URL for the source is wrong
14:49.25*** join/#openembedded nagROM (
14:51.03nagROMdoes anyone know of a very small form factor computer that i could use to aquire data from temperature and humidity sensors then make adjustments based on the data?
14:51.43nagROMit would only need to read 8 sensors then control 8 pieces of hardware.
14:54.25nagROMand obviously it doesn't need too much power but i would like it to be able to handle a simple database and webserver that can store all the information and output it as a graph or something.
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15:31.25icefoxAnyone know of a tool that will simply eat up a chunk of memory
15:31.26icefox(that can't be swapped) to test smaller memory configurations?
15:34.37pb_can't you just boot with mem=8M or something?
15:40.12icefoxhey :-D
15:40.18icefoxhmm wonder how you would do that on the z....
15:41.47schurigicefox: either from the boatloader on the command line
15:41.55schurig... or you recompile a kernel with your own commandline
15:42.18schurigbut then you could also write a linux kernel module that just does request some memory
15:52.36*** join/#openembedded mickeyl (
16:01.59chouimatulyx: fortune
16:01.59supermattulyx: lart chouimat
16:02.00ulyxMissionary Position:  The missionary on top.
16:02.23chouimatulyx: lart supermatt
16:03.32schurigulyx: lart yourself
16:03.44schurigchouimat: moin!
16:07.31schurigchouimat: so, what's up?
16:10.18icefoxOfftopic: Unicron Photos!
16:14.17chouimatschurig: pas grand chose
16:14.47schurigchouimat: je ne parle francaise
16:14.52schurig(or however one writes that)
16:14.58*** join/#openembedded ljp_work (
16:15.04chouimatschurig: hehe, nothing
16:17.41epromon aurait cru :)
16:18.12schurigvoulez vou couchez avec ...
16:20.01schurigeprom: why do you say everything twice?
16:20.53epromit's arrive, when i stress behind my keyboard :)
16:21.20chouimatulyx eprom
16:21.31chouimatulyx lart eprom
16:24.44chouimatkenb: ping
16:28.00chouimatulyx: fortune homer
16:28.01ulyxOhh, my son doesn't stand a chance!  The whole world has gone gay!    -- Homer Simpson     Homer's Phobia
16:29.55mr_woodyulyx: roulette
16:29.55ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
16:30.19chouimatulyx: fortune homer
16:30.20ulyxOh, I always wanted to be a teamster.  So lazy and surly.    -- Homer Simpson     Radioactive Man
16:30.31chouimatulyx: fortune hitchhiker
16:30.33ulyx"`You ARE Zaphod Beeblebrox?'  `Yeah,' said Zaphod, `but don't shout it out or they'll all   want one.'  `THE Zaphod Beeblebrox?'  `No, just A Zaphod Bebblebrox, didn't you hear I come in   six packs?'  `But sir,' it squealed, `I just heard on the sub-ether   radio report. It said you were dead...'  `Yeah, that's right, I just haven't stopped moving yet.'"    - Zaphod and the Guide's receptionist.
16:31.29*** join/#openembedded JasonNJ (
16:31.52chouimathey JasonNJ
16:32.01chouimathi ljp_work
16:34.47chouimathmmmm Folgers Classic Roast Coffee (1KG) 3.47$ ... me think I will go buy 4 of them
16:41.01schurighehe, kergoth will soon join, he is already writing e-mails ... :-)
16:43.31supermattgoogling for zaurus feed doesnt even feature the openzaurus ones afaict
16:45.28chouimatschurig: hehe
16:45.52chouimatulyx fortune
16:45.53ulyxKill a commie for Christ!
16:45.58chouimatulyx fortune homer
16:45.59ulyxDid you hear that, Marge?  She called me a baboon!  The stupidest,  ugliest, smelliest ape of them all!    -- Homer Simpson     Lisa's Substitute
16:46.55schurigI wish ulyx would NOT know about roulette, lart and fortune. So there would be more zaurus-specific stuff here. Unfortunately people don't /msg ulyx ...
16:47.23schurig(hey, don't see that tooooooo hard, it's just that I see "oh, new text on the channel", switch to it and then ... it's nothing that really matters)
16:48.06chouimathehe someone did a psychological  studie of George W. Bush and Homer Simpsons ... the conclusions are Homer would do a better president
16:50.44*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
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16:52.20chouimathey noda
16:55.42*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
17:03.34*** join/#openembedded treke|laptop (
17:06.53chouimatibot: webpal
17:06.57webpal is, like, a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!, or schematics are available from:
17:15.41supermatt is a bit out of date (#openzaurus)
17:15.55supermattand too
17:17.47nodaWhee! Finally, I've gotten off my ass and found a gtk2 version of vim! :)
17:19.04nodaHrm, I think that means that I don't use any more gtk1 apps... oh, maybe grip.
17:19.35schurigwhat's grip?
17:19.51trekecd ripping software
17:19.58nodaIt's sweet :)
17:20.25schurigcd ripping from the Zaurus,cool :-)
17:20.44nodaHuh? I'm not talking about my Z, this is entirely OT :P
17:21.08nodaThough that's a good idea... hrm, is there a CD player that hooks up to cf? :P
17:21.24trekenoda: Probably
17:21.39nodaWell... whatever. Let's see how hard it is to convert to gtk2 :)
17:22.09trekecuz the toolkit is purty
17:22.26RealUllinoda: yes.
17:22.34ljp_workgtk? is purty?!?
17:23.09RealUllinoda: get a cf->pcmcia adaptor, a pcmcia scsi controller and an external scsi cdrom drive... ;-))
17:23.58nodaOoh fun
17:25.01*** join/#openembedded carsten (
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17:27.30nobseIs it possible to lock the z when its on and opie is running?
17:27.49trekenobse: install opie-security
17:28.51nobsetreke: There I can only defina a passcode, which I need to enter when I resume the Zaurus.
17:29.24trekethen suspend the ipaq :)
17:30.09trekeer zaurus
17:30.24nobseHeh... that's not what I want. :)
17:36.17chouimatulyx fortune SP
17:36.18ulyxI want this V-Chip out of me! It has stunted my vocabulary.
17:36.22*** join/#openembedded JasonNJ (
17:37.04chouimathi JasonNJ
17:39.10mr_woodyulyx: roulette
17:39.10ulyxmr_woody: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
17:39.59chouimatulyx: roulette
17:39.59chouimat[12:39:08] <ulyx> mr_woody: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
17:39.59ulyxchouimat: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
17:40.25chouimatmr_woody: your turn :)
17:42.53chouimatulyx roulette
17:42.54ulyxchouimat: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
17:48.09Twiunhi guys
18:14.19mickeylchouimat: i bet he is trying to get work done and doesn't want to be interrupted on irc :)
18:20.46*** join/#openembedded andersee (
18:21.01icefoxibot seen kergoth
18:21.01kergoth <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 12h 41m 33s ago, saying: 'brb'.
18:21.28icefoxhehe real quick
18:40.45*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
18:47.26mr_woodyulyx: roulette
18:47.27ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
18:47.35mr_woodychouimat: your turn
18:47.38mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
18:47.39ulyxroulette stats: 41 games completed, 184 shots fired at 21 players. Luckiest: numatrix (82.6% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: numatrix (73.3%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: chouimat (13). Most deaths: mr_woody (12).
18:48.59chouimatulyx roulette
18:49.00ulyxchouimat: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
18:49.31mr_woodyulyx: roulette
18:49.31ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
18:50.20chouimatulyx roulette
18:50.21ulyxchouimat: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
18:50.40mr_woodyulyx: roulette
18:50.41ulyxmr_woody: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
18:50.47mr_woodyulyx: roulette
18:50.48ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
18:50.50chouimatulyx roulette
18:50.51ulyxchouimat: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
18:50.53mr_woodyulyx: roulette
18:50.54ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
18:50.54chouimatulyx roulette  stats
18:50.55ulyxroulette stats: 43 games completed, 191 shots fired at 21 players. Luckiest: chouimat (82.8% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: numatrix (73.3%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: chouimat (15). Most deaths: mr_woody (14).
18:51.13chouimatulyx roulette
18:51.13ulyxchouimat: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
18:57.00JasonNJulyx roulette
18:57.01ulyxJasonNJ: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
18:57.13icefoxHey JasonNJ: what is your home e-mail?
18:57.16icefoxibot JasonNJ
18:57.20JasonNJ used to run the Zaurus Developer Program and now runs
18:58.18icefoxibot benmeyer
18:58.19i guess benmeyer is the guy that works at Sharp with Jason and runs the zauruszone feed and howtos
18:58.29icefoxibot forget benmeyer
18:58.29i forgot benmeyer, icefox
18:58.33icefoxibot benmeyer
18:58.33i haven't a clue, icefox
18:58.39icefoxibot benmeyer is icefox
18:58.40okay, icefox
18:58.44icefoxibot icefox
18:58.44somebody said icefox was a kde/qte developer who works for Sharp and does developer support for the Zaurus, or known as benmeyer
18:58.53icefoxibot benmeyer
18:58.53rumour has it, benmeyer is icefox
19:00.16mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:00.17ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:00.53icefoxulyx: roulette
19:00.54ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:00.59icefoxulyx: roulette
19:01.00ulyxicefox: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:01.06icefoxulyx: roulette
19:01.07ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:03.12mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:03.13ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:04.31icefoxulyx: roulette
19:04.32ulyxicefox: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
19:04.50chouimatulyx roulette stats
19:04.51ulyxroulette stats: 45 games completed, 199 shots fired at 23 players. Luckiest: chouimat (83.3% clicks). Unluckiest: Neo|Work,treke|home (66.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: numatrix (73.3%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: chouimat (16). Most deaths: mr_woody (14).
19:05.09chouimatulyx fortune
19:05.10ulyxIf you can believe ten impossible things before breakfast, then you  should join    THE CHURCH OF COUNTERFACTUAL BELIEF    The Church of Counterfactual Belief has been set up to cater to all who  don't allow demonstrable truth to get in the way of their beliefs.  In  addition to creation science and the flatness of the earth, the  following beliefs have been certified by Pope Duane as Church dogma:        --
19:05.10ulyxThat there is a hole in the Earth at the North Pole from which          UFOs come.      --  That pi equals precisely 3.000.      --  That sex can be enjoyed only by blacks and homosexuals.      --  That Billy Joe Wilson (Hoopla, Miss.) has successfully squared          the circle.      --  That Harry Truman is still president, and doing a fine job.      --  That pi equals precisely 22/7.    Several other
19:05.10ulyximportant counterfactual beliefs are presently being  studied, including Reaganomics, A.I., and that the moon landings were  done in a Hollywood special effects studio.  These will be the subject  of a forthcoming Papal Bull ...
19:11.07*** join/#openembedded tronical (
19:23.30mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:23.31ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
19:23.50nofpuulyx: roulette
19:23.50ulyxnofpu: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:24.04mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:24.04ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
19:24.09mr_woodyi am lucky today
19:24.14nofpusure are
19:24.23mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:24.23ulyxmr_woody: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:24.32nofpuulyx: roulette
19:24.32ulyxnofpu: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:24.35mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:24.35ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
19:24.48mr_woodyokie.. better stop
19:30.17RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:30.18ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:30.24RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:30.25ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:30.27RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:30.27ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:30.30RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:30.30ulyxRealUlli: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:30.32RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:30.33ulyxRealUlli: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
19:30.41icefoxulyx: roulette
19:30.42ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
19:30.52icefoxulyx: roulette
19:30.52ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:30.59RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:31.00ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:31.02icefoxulyx: roulette
19:31.03ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:31.18icefoxulyx: roulette
19:31.19ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
19:31.25RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:31.26ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
19:31.35RealUlliwhoops. ;-)
19:32.55icefoxulyx: roulette
19:32.56ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:33.01RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:33.02ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:33.04icefoxulyx: roulette
19:33.04ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:33.07RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:33.07ulyxRealUlli: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:33.09icefoxulyx: roulette
19:33.09ulyxicefox: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:33.19RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:33.20ulyxRealUlli: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:33.23icefoxulyx: roulette
19:33.24ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:33.27RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:33.28ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:33.33icefoxulyx: roulette
19:33.33ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
19:33.48RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:33.49ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:34.27RealUlliulyx revive icefox
19:34.32icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.33ulyxicefox: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
19:34.36icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.37ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:34.39mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:34.39ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:34.40RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:34.41ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
19:34.42icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.42ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:34.45mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:34.45ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:34.47RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:34.47icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.47ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:34.48ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
19:34.50icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.50ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:34.51mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:34.51ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:34.54mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:34.55ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:34.55RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:34.55ulyxRealUlli: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:34.56icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.56ulyxicefox: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:34.57icefoxulyx: roulette
19:34.58ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:35.00RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:35.00mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.00ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:35.00icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.02ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
19:35.05mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.06ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:35.07RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:35.08ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:35.08icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.09mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.10ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:35.11icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.12ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:35.14ulyxmr_woody: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
19:35.18ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:35.18RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:35.18icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.20ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:35.22ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
19:35.23mr_woody4 was mine
19:35.24RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:35.26mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.26ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:35.26icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.28ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:35.30ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:35.33mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.33ulyxmr_woody: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:35.39RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:35.40icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.40ulyxRealUlli: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
19:35.40ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
19:35.42icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.42ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:35.44icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.44ulyxicefox: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:35.46mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.46ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:35.49icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.49mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
19:35.49ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:35.50ulyxroulette stats: 63 games completed, 260 shots fired at 24 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: icefox (65.5% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: mr_woody (17). Most deaths: mr_woody (19).
19:35.53mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:35.54ulyxmr_woody: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:35.55icefoxulyx: roulette
19:35.56ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:36.03icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.04ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:36.06mr_woodymost wins and most deaths hmm
19:36.08mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:36.09ulyxmr_woody: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:36.12RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:36.12ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:36.16mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:36.17ulyxmr_woody: chamber 4 of 6 => *BANG*
19:36.19icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.19ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:36.20RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:36.21ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:36.21icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.21ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:36.22mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:36.23ulyxmr_woody: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:36.23icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.25ulyxicefox: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
19:36.28mr_woodyulyx: roulette stats
19:36.28icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.28ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:36.29ulyxroulette stats: 66 games completed, 272 shots fired at 24 players. Luckiest: nofpu (100.0% clicks). Unluckiest: icefox (65.7% clicks). Highest survival rate: nofpu (100.0%). Lowest survival rate: Neo|Work (0.0%). Most wins: mr_woody (19). Most deaths: mr_woody (20).
19:36.29RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:36.30ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:36.33mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:36.34ulyxmr_woody: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:36.34icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.35ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:36.37mr_woodyulyx: roulette
19:36.37ulyxmr_woody: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:36.38icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.39ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:36.41RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:36.42icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.42ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => *BANG*
19:36.46RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:36.46ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:36.47icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.48ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:36.50ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:36.55icefoxulyx: roulette
19:36.56ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:37.13icefoxulyx: roulette
19:37.14ulyxicefox: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:37.27nofpuroulette mayhem
19:37.35icefoxoh ok
19:37.37icefoxulyx: roulette
19:37.38ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:37.39RealUlliulyx: reload
19:37.47RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:37.47ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:37.50RealUlliulyx: reload
19:37.50icefoxulyx: roulette
19:37.51ulyxicefox: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
19:37.54nofpuulyx: roulette
19:37.55ulyxnofpu: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:37.55icefoxulyx: roulette
19:37.56ulyxicefox: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:37.56RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:37.57ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:37.57icefoxulyx: roulette
19:37.58ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:38.00icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.00ulyxicefox: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:38.01RealUlliulyx: reload
19:38.03icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.04ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:38.07icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.08ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:38.10nofpuulyx: roulette
19:38.10ulyxnofpu: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:38.15RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:38.16ulyxRealUlli: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
19:38.18icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.18ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:38.27RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:38.27ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:38.29icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.29ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:38.32icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.32nofpuulyx: roulette
19:38.33ulyxicefox: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
19:38.33ulyxnofpu: chamber 5 of 6 => +click+
19:38.35icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.35ulyxicefox: chamber 6 of 6 => *BANG*
19:38.38RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:38.39ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:38.41icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.42ulyxicefox: chamber 2 of 6 => *BANG*
19:38.45RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:38.46nofpuulyx: roulette
19:38.46ulyxRealUlli: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:38.46ulyxnofpu: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:38.47icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.48ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => *BANG*
19:38.50icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.50ulyxicefox: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
19:38.51RealUlliulyx: roulette
19:38.51ulyxRealUlli: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
19:38.56icefoxulyx: roulette
19:38.57ulyxicefox: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
19:39.02*** kick/#openembedded [icefox!] by kenb (enuff already...)
19:39.02*** join/#openembedded icefox (
19:39.03ulyxkenb: I'm offended!
19:39.21icefoxok guess I should get back to real work
19:41.46RealUlliicefox: btw.. what are you doing for work? :-)
19:41.57icefoxI work for Sharp
19:42.18RealUlliicefox: hm :-) doing Z devel? :-)
19:42.20*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
19:42.22*** join/#openembedded noda (
19:42.23nofputhen mend the SD driver ;)
19:42.32icefoxkinda zdev, zsupport you name it
19:42.33RealUllire noda
19:42.55icefoxnofpu: don't have access to any source because I work with outsiders
19:43.09Neo|Workdammit ulyx! Stop saying my name! AIGH!
19:43.29nofpuicefox: pity
19:44.31*** join/#openembedded schurig|home (
19:45.38schurig|homeit's dead silent here when kergoth isn't there :-)
19:45.51RealUllischurig|home: that's an illusion. ;-)
19:45.58*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
19:46.02trekewhere is kergoth anyway?
19:46.22RealUllischurig|home: you joined shortly after our russian-roulette match.,.. ;-)
19:46.34*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
19:49.21*** join/#openembedded icefox (
19:49.45schurig|homemickeyl: wouldn't be sip+pyqt for OZ a new challenge for you?  :-)
19:50.56*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
19:52.22kenbI'd build an ipsec.o module against your production kernel src tree...
19:55.12*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
19:55.54chouimat|awayibot emulate kergoth
19:55.55ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
19:56.18icefoxibot emulate chouimat
19:56.18ulyx lart SoopaMATRIX
19:56.21nodaibot emulate noda
19:56.22noda: I don't know, could you explain it?
19:56.27*** join/#openembedded pb_ (
19:56.53icefoxI wonder if ibot would ever emulate someone telling ibot to do something
19:56.59icefoxwhich would cause ibot to....
19:57.04nodaTry it! :)
19:57.12chouimat|awayicefox: won't work
19:57.38*** join/#openembedded benmeyer2 (
19:57.45benmeyer2ibot emulate benmeyer2
19:57.46benmeyer2: are you using Windows?
19:57.56icefoxibot emulate benmeyer2
19:57.57icefox: i don't know
19:58.20*** part/#openembedded benmeyer2 (
19:58.28icefoxguess I already used that name
19:58.49*** join/#openembedded benmeyer0 (
19:58.55benmeyer0ibot emulate benmeyer0
19:58.55benmeyer0: I give up, what is it?
19:59.15icefoxibot emulate benmeyer0
19:59.15icefox: i haven't a clue
20:00.00kenbibot: emulate kergoth
20:00.01ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
20:02.10kenbmcp: subscribe to instead
20:02.14kenbwrong window.,
20:02.20trekeulyx, lart chouimat|away's neighbors
20:04.26schurig|homeibot: emulate schurig
20:04.27bugger all, i dunno, schurig|home
20:05.41chouimat|awaytreke: they have a 6GB/months quota and I thnik they will get a very nice >500$ bill this month :)
20:06.20chouimat|awaynoda: btw videotron tolerate up to 15GB
20:06.30nodachouimat|away: Before charging extra, you mean?
20:06.35chouimat|awaynoda: yup
20:06.39nodaSeems odd I've never gone above 6GB, now that you mention it
20:06.51chouimat|awaynoda: me too
20:07.08nodaWhat annoys *me* is that they block port 80 incoming.
20:07.18nodaUsed a shitty excuse about Code Red, too.
20:07.57chouimat|awaynoda: and I verified my contact and nowhere they speak about the limits ... so legally that clause is null
20:08.08nodachouimat|away: Really? Hey, neat :)
20:08.17nodaThey do mention no web/email/etc servers though :(
20:08.27*** join/#openembedded midway (
20:08.52chouimat|awaynoda: but are you willing to figth them in court?
20:08.58nodaNope :P
20:09.39nodatreke: Too small? What's yours?
20:09.54chouimat|awaynoda: they also called me because I had a daemon running on port 22:)
20:09.56trekenoda: yeah, too small :)
20:10.19nodachouimat|away: You're KIDDING...
20:10.27chouimat|awaynoda: nope
20:10.34nodaThat's just INSANE.
20:11.01chouimat|awaynoda: they scanner my box and they reported me the open ports ....
20:11.36chouimat|awayso I can fix those security risk and they didn't understand why port 139 was close
20:11.37nodachouimat|away: But port 22... I mean, I'm sure at least 1% of their customers use port 22...
20:12.31trekewhat is port 139>
20:12.56chouimat|awaywhen I tell them I was using Linux/FreeBSD on that box, they told me that they didn't supported those os ... and they will check if I break the contract ...
20:12.58nodaNetbios -- where 1/2 of all Windows vulns lie
20:13.05nodachouimat|away: ROFL
20:13.30nodachouimat|away: Once I called them up because I had no cable.... I hadn't had it all month, I was just pestering them. The guy told me to reboot the computer the cable modem was attached to...
20:13.30trekenoda: I'm happily here int he land of no limits and no upstream bandwidth :)
20:13.40nodatreke: Heh
20:13.51nodaSo I told him, "No, I don't need to."
20:14.04chouimat|awaynoda: regulart technicians are on strike so the one who call are managers :)
20:14.10nodaAnd he said, "Ask anybody else, they'll tell you the same thing." I say, "No, I've called about 7 times in the past two weeks an dyou're the first one to ask me this."
20:14.16nodachouimat|away: Hehehe, yeah
20:14.41chouimat|awaynoda and ?
20:14.42nodaAnd then I said, "Look, if it makes you feel any better, I'll unplug the network cable from the cable modem. That way it won't know if the computer's on or off!"
20:14.55nodaHe wouldn't go along with that. So I asked if I could speak with his supervisor...
20:14.58nodaHe said no :P
20:15.16trekenoda: what you do then is ask for the billing department because you want to cancel your account
20:15.19nodaHe wouldn't forward me to another technician either.
20:15.32nodatreke: Heh, that's what he *wants* though. And there's really no competitor around here.
20:15.33trekethat usually gets me to a supervisor really quick
20:15.46nodatreke: These guys are scabs. They don't give a damn :)
20:15.47chouimat|awaynoda: they teach windows here in schools so don't be suprised
20:16.07trekeonce they tried calling my bluff, so I canceled :p
20:16.11nodachouimat|away: Ugh, don't tell me about Windows. I've got to do an assignment using Microsoft Excel... I'm installing plex86 so I can install Windows :)
20:16.52chouimat|awaynoda: bochs 2.0
20:17.00nodachouimat|away: Does that do WinXP?
20:17.01chouimat|awaynoda: or vmware
20:17.20nodachouimat|away: Apparently plex86 is faster than bochs, and is made to be directly compared to vmware. And it's GPL.
20:17.53chouimat|awaynoda: didn't try plex86 for a long time
20:18.11nodachouimat|away: Why not... was it bad?
20:18.16trekeplex86 is supposed to be a gpl version of vmware
20:18.34trekeits an, ambitious project
20:19.07chouimat|awaynoda: try the first cvs version :)
20:19.18nodaThe first CVS version?
20:20.13chouimat|awaynoda: long time ago
20:20.25nodaWill it run Windows?
20:20.32trekeprobably not
20:23.33trekeI think it can run dos
20:23.38trekeand it has booted linux
20:24.24chouimat|awaynoda: just get vmware for now
20:24.33nodaI't rather *try* this first...
20:24.52trekenoda: It really isnt worth trying
20:25.00trekethere is a snowballs chance in hell that it will run XP
20:25.17nodaWell, win2k would be enough
20:25.39trekeI doubt 2k would run either
20:27.30nodaHrm, win98 will...
20:30.18chouimat|awaylol someone asked if it possible to run mac os x under vmware
20:30.35trekeyou can try it, but its a bit of wasted effort for the time being
20:31.09trekeplex86 looks like its just going to be merged into bochs
20:32.15trekelooks like Kevin lawton is back from the dead
20:39.24nodaBah, got plex86 running, its docs show what OS's run... nothing past Win95 :(
20:42.58icefoxbah rarely do I find a site that Konq can't handle anymore
20:43.36*** join/#openembedded mark (
20:43.49nodaYeah, I'm looking forward to Apple's enhancements to KHTML, definitely...
20:44.40*** join/#openembedded Krinkle (~jgiles@
20:44.56icefoxA big plus.  A bunch of Apple guys working on nothing but improving khtml?  what isn't good about that
20:45.09icefoxnow just move to qt3 and we can upgrade konq/e
20:45.18nodaHehehe, yeah!
20:45.34*** join/#openembedded kergoth (
20:45.34*** mode/#openembedded [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
20:45.42trekekergoth: you ok?
20:46.02kergothyea, why?
20:46.08trekeicefox: and say f* off to commercial apps?
20:46.20trekekergoth: not normal for you to be signing on from home at this hour :)
20:46.37kergothnot home
20:46.40kergothat work
20:46.45kergothjust been doin real work most of the day
20:48.04schurig|homekergoth: is earning something for his living ...
20:48.22schurig|homedoes he yell so often?
20:48.26kergothtreke: i wish :)
20:48.58schurig|homekergoth: by the way: I broke the ipkg-build -o root -g root ...   it used some old ipkg-build in my path that did not support this switches. Now it always uses STAGING_BINDIR :-)
20:49.20kergothwithout those the perms in the tarballs are hosed if building as a user :)
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20:51.06icefox<spelling out like a kid>reAal wOrkkk</spelling out like a kid>  Whats that?
20:52.30nodaWhoa, vmware killed my mouse...
20:52.52kergothschurig|home: we should have it putting STAGING_BINDIR as the first item in the path
20:52.59kergothschurig|home: to avoid such issues :)
20:57.34chouimat|awayhuh? kergoth is back????
20:58.38chouimat|boredulyx fortune
20:58.39ulyxBack in the good ole days in Texas, when stagecoaches and the like was  popular, there were three people in a stagecoach one day: a true red-  blooded born-and-raised Texas gentleman, a tenderfoot city-slicker from  back East, and a beautiful and well-endowed Texas lady.  The city-  slicker kept eyeing the lady, and finally he leaned forward and said,  "Lady, I'll give you $10 for a blow job."  The Texas
20:58.39ulyxgentleman looked  appalled, pulled out his pistol, and killed the city-slicker on the  spot.  The lady gasped and said, "Thank you, suh, for defendin' mah  honor!"  Whereupon the Texan holstered his gun and said, "Your honor,  hell!  No tenderfoot is gonna raise the price of women in Texas!"
20:59.22*** join/#openembedded Onyx4 (
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21:00.18chouimat|boredkergoth: ping
21:01.28icefoxwhat regexp would you use to find the 7 digit number in this string:  2  P333T               3.5   4455484   PS:OK Fans:OK Mode:Layer2
21:02.12chouimat|boredicefox: awk '{print $4'} :)
21:03.02chouimat|boredulyx fortune
21:03.02ulyx"What the hell are you getting so upset about?  I thought you  didn't believe in God."  "I don't," she sobbed, bursting violently into tears, "but the  God I don't believe in is a good God, a just God, a merciful God.  He's  not the mean and stupid God you make Him out to be."  -- Joseph Heller, "Catch-22"
21:05.54*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
21:14.08cbokdo you folks know if there is a memory leak in the today application?
21:25.18icefoxat least in the past there was
21:25.32cboki think there is..
21:27.01*** join/#openembedded CmdrChalupa (
21:27.19CmdrChalupaso people have had luck installing this onto an ipaq too?
21:31.27CmdrChalupaI mean, what's the procedure for installing this on an ipaq?
21:32.44trekeload an openembedded for ipaq image onto the ipaq. watch it somewhat work
21:33.03trekebest if done using compact flash
21:33.37trekeA regular openzaurus image will not work
21:35.12CmdrChalupaah different is the opie on oz from the opie on familiar?  (so would it make more sense for me to use familiar as base and then use oz for the opie feed?)
21:35.55trekehows does opie differ?
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21:36.48trekeopie on oz is compiled for the zaurus, opie for familiar is compiled for the ipaq. The opie for openembedded/ipaq is almost compatible, except for opie-login
21:42.22CmdrChalupatreke:  is the version of the opie stuff roughly the same?
21:43.11trekethey are snapshots of whatever day they are built. how similar they are depends on how much work was done during the interim of the two builds
21:43.29schurig|hometreke: when you get opie from cvs, then do an   rgrep -r QT_QWS_IPAQ to find the ipaq specific sections, QT_QWS_SHARP and QT_QWS_EBX for Zaurus specific stuff
21:44.20trekeschurig|home: I know that
21:44.51schurig|hometreke: I thought you asked about the differences "how does opie differ?"  ?!?!?
21:45.04trekeCmdrChalupa: chalupa asked
21:46.14CmdrChalupatreke:  I don't see an oz image for the ipaq, which is why I was wondering
21:46.17CmdrChalupaI see a mention of it
21:46.39trekeCmdrChalupa: The images are still unstable, which is why they arent up for download
21:46.56trekei can give you a link for it if you want to test. It's only been verified to work on a 3850 though
21:47.14CmdrChalupatreke:  that would be cool
21:49.32CmdrChalupaokay, I guess I should ask greg what kinds of failures he's been seeing with it?
21:52.19chouimat|boredhmm how fast is USPS ?
21:52.45trekeI'm greg
21:53.12CmdrChalupaso how major of a failure have you had with it?
21:53.12trekeapm in that particular image doesnt work, but I have fixed package in the feed
22:05.05chouimat|boredhey kergy boy
22:07.42chouimat|boredkergoth: did you finish the logs?
22:12.22kergothchouimat|bored: no time, busybusybusy
22:12.31kergothchouimat|bored: lemme throw it up on the wiki quick and you guys can hack at it
22:13.54chouimat|boredkergoth: lemme guess every thing go bad at your job
22:14.03kergothyeah, its one of those days
22:14.08kergothits a Monday
22:18.50kergothchouimat|bored: its on the wiki
22:18.55kergothchouimat|bored: if you have time, fix it up
22:20.32kergothchouimat|bored: i included the parts of the log that I was going to merge into the info
22:20.45kergothill put the full log up as well
22:21.22kergothibot: seen effy-kun
22:21.23effy-kun <~none@> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 16h 35m 5s ago, saying: 'bummer'.
22:21.25kergothibot: seen effy
22:21.25effy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 6d 10h 4m 46s ago, saying: 'I'm not sure I understand this emit stuff well heh'.
22:22.09trekeCmdrChalupa: I should be back soon. doing real woork
22:22.22kergothtreke: getting new testers eh? :)
22:25.18kergoth/tmp/ccUzyCDM.s: Assembler messages:
22:25.18kergoth/tmp/ccUzyCDM.s:13: Error: bad instruction `ldfd f0,[sp],#8'
22:25.18kergoth/tmp/ccUzyCDM.s:14: Error: bad instruction `stfd f0,[sp,#-8]!'
22:25.18kergoth/tmp/ccUzyCDM.s:20: Error: bad instruction `ldfd f0,[sp],#8'
22:27.11pb_those look like OK instructions to me, albeit floating point ones.  Are you building with vfp disabled?
22:27.11kergothldfd, sounds like ldm, is that a armv5 only instruction?
22:27.17kergothah, fp
22:27.25pb_er, fpa not vfp.
22:27.52JasonNJsup homies.
22:28.37kergoth/usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/distcc  arm-linux-gcc ../sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/s_copysign.c -c -O2 -Wa,-mxscale -Wall -Winline -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -fexpensive-optimizations -fpermissive -mapcs-32 -march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm1100  -fomit-frame-pointer   -Wno-uninitialized -D__NO_MATH_INLINES -D__LIBC_INTERNAL_MATH_INLINES -DNO_LONG_DOUBLE -D_Mlong_double_=double -I../include -I.  -I.. -I../libio  -I../sysdeps/arm/elf
22:28.37chouimat|boredulyx fortune homer
22:28.38ulyxI'm used to seeing people promoted ahead of me -- friends, co-workers,   Tibor.  I never thought it'd be my own wife.    -- Homer Simpson     Marge Gets A Job
22:28.46kergoththats one _hell_ of a compile line
22:28.52pb_kergoth: ah, -Wa,-mxscale will be suppressing fpa opcodes.
22:30.00kergothwhat is the appropriate optimizations for xscale using gcc2.95? or does it not support armv5?
22:30.23pb_it doesn't support either armv5 or xscale, so tuning for strongarm is the best you can do.
22:31.12chouimat|boreddamn! I'm so bored
22:31.20kergothchouimat|bored: go finish the buildsystem wiki for me
22:31.36pb_incidentally, the armv5 instructions make almost zero difference.  The biggest factor in xscale performance is instruction scheduling, so with gcc 3.2 you can do -march=armv4 -mtune=xscale and get code that will run pretty much as fast as it would with -mcpu=xscale, but will still work on strongarm to boot.
22:31.46chouimat|boredkergoth: /me hates wiki
22:31.57kergothchouimat|bored: me too, but this is th eonly thing wiki is good for
22:32.07kergothpb_: ah, i see
22:32.15kergothpb_: cool
22:32.16chouimat|boredkergoth: wiki are good for something :)
22:32.23kergothchouimat|bored: yes, only one thing :)
22:34.15chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.17chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.20chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.22chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.25chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.27chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.29chouimat|boredulyx lart videotron cable
22:34.45chouimat|boredhmmmm i feel a little better
22:34.49kergothpb_: what do you think about omitting the frame pointer? that screws with debugging ability, right?
22:35.05chouimat|boredulyx fortune bofh-excuses
22:35.06ulyxBOFH Excuse #402:    Secretary sent chain letter to all 5000 employees.
22:37.18chouimat|boredHomer Simpsons for president in 2008
22:37.28kergothulyx: fortune SP
22:37.29ulyxIt's easy, Mmmkay!
22:37.31kergothulyx: fortune SP
22:37.33ulyxAlec, do you know what sucks about being a Baldwin?    No, what?    Nothing!
22:37.36kergothulyx: fortune SP
22:37.37ulyxWe must rid ourselves of anything Canadian.
22:37.42chouimat|boredulyx fortune bofh-excuses
22:37.43ulyxBOFH Excuse #212:    Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.
22:37.54chouimat|boredulyx fortune
22:37.55ulyx"Do you cheat on your wife?" asked the psychiatrist.  "Who else?" answered the patient.
22:38.45trekeCmdrChalupa: you still here?
22:41.50kergothtreke: hey, did make -j3 complete?
22:41.55*** join/#openembedded drw (
22:41.59kergothhey drw
22:42.31trekekergoth: I didnt finish on -j3. It worked until op2 died, I ended up disabling it in my build
22:42.41trekealthough opie was last to be built
22:42.45kergothah, so we havent determined whether it dies or not
22:42.51kergoththats good, means the deps were good up until then
22:42.53kergothwhich is pretty far
22:43.07trekeI dont think anything was left after opie
22:43.35kergothgiven the way it follows depends, probably not
22:43.37kergothso thats cool
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22:44.51trekeI guess he isnt :)
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22:48.01kergothibot: pester angry
22:48.04angry: Are we there yet?  .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
22:48.35angryibot lart me
22:49.58trekehmmm, maybe I'll use -j3 on my gcc3 build
22:51.20chouimat|boredulyx lart angry
22:51.29angryi like ibot better
22:51.35angryOOH GnOME 2.2!!!!
22:51.45chouimat|boredangry: tell that to Dessimat0r
22:51.51kergothulyx: lart ulyx
22:53.29trekekergoth: you had a chance to test that apm patch?
22:54.36kergothnah,m havent had a chance
22:54.41kergothbusy as hell today at work
22:55.08trekeevery one of digis devices die today? :)
22:55.12kergothI need to finish the b500/c700 base images, and add Zoom support to qt/e
22:55.22kergothhah, naw, just had some complex problem reproducctions to setup
22:55.26kergoththe first one took 4 hours of setup
22:55.53kergothyep, fun stuff
22:57.23chouimat|boredkergoth: can be worst. I'm trying for 4 weeks to reproduces a bugs for one of my customers and I have borrowed one of their standard computer (which i supposed to be buggy) and I can't reproduces it ... I'm tired to be yell at
22:57.39kergothchouimat|bored: jeeze
22:57.42kergoththat sucks
22:58.53chouimat|boredI tried with 12 differents computer to log on their vpn box and it's works without problems but they can't and when they can the connection drop after 15-45 minutes
22:59.26pb_kergoth: I use -fomit-frame-pointer for everything I build.
22:59.54pb_kergoth: it does screw debuggability (though there is no good reason why it needs to; it's just that gdb is crap) but I find I can usually live with that.
23:00.03kergothpb_: gotcha
23:00.56kergothI just realized I have no idea what the frame pointer is actually. /me googles
23:01.37trekeits important
23:01.41TheMasterMind1kergoth DOESN'T know everything?!?!
23:01.45kergothwell obviously
23:01.48kergoth(to both treke and tmm1)
23:01.52TheMasterMind1lookie here,;sum?login=kofc
23:01.57TheMasterMind1insane amount of unique hits we're getting
23:02.00pb_it's just a register (r10 usually) which is kept pointing to the stack frame for the current function.  There are two bad effects from it - firstly you lose a register, and secondly you have to actually create a proper stack frame for it to point at even if you have no use for one.
23:02.21TheMasterMind1but helps for debugging no?
23:02.33kergothah! I always wondered what gcc's 'fp' register was
23:02.41kergothI usually revert to 'std' naming
23:03.46*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (~timr@
23:04.00kergothTimRiker: hey tim
23:04.25TheMasterMind1JasonNJ: around?
23:04.31pb_kergoth: ah, heh, yes, that's the one.  Actually, come to think of it, it's usually r11 not r10.  r10 is the pic register, or the stack limit in olde worlde code.
23:04.35TheMasterMind1kergoth: how goes the c700
23:04.52kergothTheMasterMind1: image boots, but hangs at init, I think I've got a hosed arm binary
23:05.03kergothTheMasterMind1: going to copy and test a few things oon the skiffs to figure out whats b0rked
23:05.17kergothpb_: ah okay, thanks again for the info, I appreciate it
23:05.38TimRikeryou got updated source for the c700 kernel, yes? is it the kernel crash that's failing?
23:05.47kergothTheMasterMind1: we still need a 640x480 pingizauru + openzaurus
23:06.09kergothTimRiker: naw, its not crashing in kernel,it spawns init, init enters runlevel 2, never spawns the rcS scripts
23:06.24kergothTimRiker: thank god the c700 uses the same serial pinouts on its sharp i/o connecotr
23:07.05TimRikercan you set init=/bin/sh in the kernel config and at least get a shell?
23:07.27kergothgood question, maybe its my busybox binary thats borked
23:07.27TimRikerthen you can test scripts etc. and "exec /sbin/init" when you think it will work. ;-)
23:07.34kergoththey fixed the init=/bin/sh busybox spawn bug right?
23:07.45kergothi seem to recall robert/sandman doing it
23:07.48TimRikerno bug that I'm aware of.
23:07.59kergothTimRiker: it used to dump a list of the available commands when you did that
23:08.04kergothyou had to do /bin/sh sh to make it work
23:08.13TimRikerif you have console set to /dev/console then there is no terminal control. that's just the spec on /dev/console.
23:08.15kergothbecause kernel sets argv[0] to 'init' regardless of your init=
23:08.42kergothso they had to make it spawn the shell on /bin/busybox init if busybox init isnt enabled
23:08.46TimRikerif ash is compiled in but the sh alias is not then that's what you'll get.
23:08.56TimRikerI use init=/bin/sh on the tux all the time. works fine.
23:08.58kergothsh alias is.
23:09.44*** part/#openembedded schurig|home (
23:10.24kergothTimRiker: the kernel sets argv[0] on the init spawn to 'init', not sh.
23:10.38kergothTimRiker: maybe russ patched the tux kernel otherwise?
23:12.36kergothchouimat|bored: ?
23:12.55chouimat|boredforgot the garbagges yesterday
23:13.00kergothme oto
23:13.04kergothi forgot it today tho
23:13.07kergoththis morning
23:13.28trekehmmm, do I need to do anything besides just srtating a build with gcc3 in the path?
23:13.40kergothtreke: buildroot sets PATH implicitly
23:13.54trekethen I'm doing a gcc2.95 build :)
23:13.55chouimat|boredkergoth: wait.... they had changed the day... I'm ok it's tomorrow ...
23:13.56kergothtreke: change USERGCCVER to 3.2 in your .config, and it'll add /usr/local/arm/3.2 to your PATH
23:13.59kergothtreke: right
23:14.04TimRikerhmm. not that I recall.
23:14.11kergothTimRiker: weird
23:14.16TimRikermaybe it's a glib vs uclibc issue?
23:14.43kergothcould be.. but i dont see how thatd affect it, last i checked calling busybox with a argv[0] of init will spawn init ;)
23:14.57TheMasterMind1kergoth: hmm, 640x480 one eh
23:15.17TheMasterMind1kergoth: the same framebuffer deal as i did for .19?
23:15.19TheMasterMind1at the top
23:15.32TimRikerwell I'm out of town so I can't test it at the moment. maybe there is a difference between a compiled in command line vs the blob arguments.
23:15.42kergothTheMasterMind1: no, full screen for the collie boot logo displayer
23:15.43TimRikercould be any of the above.
23:15.50TheMasterMind1kergoth: ah k
23:15.52kergothTimRiker: yeah, no biggie, just found it curious :)
23:16.10pb_yeah.  Robert said he fixed that a while back, if I remember right.
23:16.10TimRikeryou could replace /sbin/init with a shell script and then put init someplace else like /init
23:16.19kergothpb_: cool, thought so
23:16.27kergothTimRiker: *cough*HACK*cough*
23:16.45TimRiker;-) /me does not mind hacking if it works. ;-)
23:16.48kergothtrue that
23:17.15trekehehe, he did work at lineo after all :)
23:17.23TimRikerspecially when working with broken bootloaders like the zaurus loader.
23:17.35TimRikertreke: hey, watch it with that. ;-)
23:17.57kergothTimRiker: hey, hav eyou _seen_ the code in the embedix patches? ;)
23:18.02trekeTimRiker: Break your NDA and release SD specs and all will be forgiven
23:18.26TimRikeryes, I made all the same comments you have most likely. just that lineo japan ignores them all.
23:18.50TimRiker"oops, you mean I left that code in?" ;-)
23:18.51TheMasterMind1lol treke
23:19.40trekeI'm sensing a pattern with the japanese
23:19.46TimRikeryou think?
23:19.55chouimat|boredulyx lart tv for still talking about columbia
23:20.02TimRiker"open source" what's that?
23:20.27treke"It compiles, it's done. It runs, it's perfect"
23:20.55chouimat|boredtreke: it's not japanese, it's MFC way of thing
23:28.34trekeweee. bombed out
23:29.53trekehmmm, C compile cannot create executables. That isnt a good sign :)
23:32.31trekelooks like konq
23:34.03TheMasterMind1tronical: wake up
23:35.05TheMasterMind1tronical: heh, whats up
23:35.15TheMasterMind1tronical: treke is having issues with konq :)
23:35.19TheMasterMind1i didn't think you'd actually show up
23:35.42tronicalI think if his c compiler can't create executable then it's b0rked ;-)
23:35.51TheMasterMind1tronical: btw, whats the status on khtml3 for konq/e
23:35.56mickeyltronical: by the way, $$STAGING_DIR/usr/lib now should be $$STAGING_LIBDIR in konqe makefile
23:36.59mickeylalso some other paths which should be adjusted for enhanced staging dir scheme
23:38.11tronicalTheMasterMind1: up updates, we're all still this crappy qt2 :-(
23:38.47trekehmmm, this is the exact same error someone was getting last night
23:38.51tronicalmickeyl: oh, I haven't been able to do builds lately (uni keeps my busy) . if you see a fix please feel free to push. will try myself to build oz this weekend
23:38.55trekeand he had a borked toolchain
23:39.11tronicalwhich reminds me I need a new toolchain, and for that I need help from kergoth to fix the b0rked toolchain build
23:39.13tronicalkergoth: there?
23:39.44mickeyltronical: will do. by the way, the last update from harlekin broke opiemediaplayer2. we should update libxine accordingly, because one API changed
23:39.55mickeyl(OZ only)
23:40.49trekekergoth: I suspect kenb was using gcc3.2
23:41.10tronicalmickeyl: ohh. ok. will talk to Dilb then. he once advised against using libxine snapshots, so we switched to using a snapshot from his, kind of a dilb-approved one, as we use a big patchset from him :)
23:41.40trekekergoth: You said that you cant build a kernel with 3.2, is there a way to tell buildroot to use 2.95 for the kernel?
23:41.41kergothtreke: why? I've done a gcc3 build before.
23:41.49kergoth1) select 2.95.3
23:41.54mickeylhmm... i guess updating my automake to 1.6 was not a good idea... one more error... can someone help?
23:41.57kergoth2) make SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-2.4.18-h3600 warning: AC_ARG_PROGRAM was called before AC_CANONICAL_TARGET required file `./depcomp' not found
23:42.00kergoth3) select 3.2
23:42.03kergoth4) make
23:42.08kergothtreke: whats up?
23:42.11kergothtronical: whats up?
23:42.12mickeylwhat is this .depcomp?
23:42.27kergothheh, no idea
23:43.08kergothmickeyl: feel free, we'll want to add them as target/host tools anyway to build ipks of them
23:43.22tronicalkergoth: the dependency generation from the's broke the toolchain build. I need some hints from you how to solve the following problem :)
23:43.52kergothtronical: ah, the kernel headers arent being extracted prior to the glibc build?
23:43.56tronicalkergoth: as you remember the right build order is gcc-3.2-initial, kernel-headers, then gcc-3.2
23:44.12kergoths/kernel-headers/kernel-headers, glibc/
23:44.23*** join/#openembedded Dessimat0r (
23:44.28Dessimat0rlo all
23:44.34kergothperhaps we should have the glibc build pull a set of known good headers, say off, prior to the build
23:44.40kergothrather than using the ones from our actual kernel build
23:45.03trekekergoth: Is not using gcc on the kernel arm specific? Seemed to be working on my desktop
23:45.11tronicalkergoth: I have trouble to enforce that build order just from the one CONFIG_GCC-3.2 variable. I'd need to specify that dependency in kconfig dependencies and (bigger problem) enable things like CONFIG-GCC-3.2-INITIAL if CONFIG_GCC-3.2 is set (like an implicit variable somehow)
23:45.24kergothtreke: gcc3 for kernel builds _will_ break things
23:45.40trekehmmm. interesting. /me rebuilds his laptops kernel tonight
23:45.58trekemust have just gotten lucky
23:46.00kergothtronical: config GCC-3.2-INITIAL .. depends GCC-3.2 .. default y
23:46.28kergothno, that'll cause them to build in reverse order
23:46.50kergothconfig GCC-3.2-INITIAL
23:47.04kergothconfig GCC-3.2
23:47.46tronicalI tried that :} but it didn't set GCC-3.2-INITIAL in .config then :}
23:47.49kergothif that doesnt work, we'll need to do some juggling
23:47.52tronicallike, I wasn't able to see GCC-3.2 at all
23:47.56kergothusing default y if GCC-3.2?
23:48.00kergothwhat order in the
23:48.16mickeylDAMN... newer automake needs -a to generate depcomp... older do it without -a. stuff like this is why i hate the auto-tools :((
23:48.29kergothconfig GCC_3.2-BASE
23:48.37tronicalmickeyl: don't swear, depcomp is a good thing :)
23:49.16tronicalkergoth: ahh! gotcha. you're a genius! :) will try that
23:49.31kergoththen we split out the user selectable piece from that which influences depends
23:49.34mickeyltronical: well, if depcomp is so cool (i believe it is), why do they stop to generate it automatically... *sigh*...
23:49.49kergothtronical: i had to figure this out for opie, opie uses kconfig w/ autogen'd depends :)
23:50.08kergothtronical: same issue for things like networksetup and opie-mail that have multiple subdirs and libs, but which dont use the subdirs qmake/tmake config
23:50.21tronicalmickeyl: -a is --add-missing. this is really something you have to call only once in your source tree
23:50.21kergothI should document this somewhere
23:50.36kergothwell add -a, it wont hurt anything
23:53.34mickeylwill autogen -a also produce this?
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23:55.56kergothmickeyl: is just a shell script included in some build trees. i tend to avoid calling them explicitly, because they call 'automake' directly rather than our $(AUTOMAKE)
23:56.08kergothmickeyl: which b0rks builds on boxes we need distro specific bits for
23:56.17kergothmickeyl: take a look at the ipkg build for example
23:56.45mickeylkergoth: ok, then calling the autostuff by hand is safer.
23:56.55kergoththen we can use our vars, and specify the opts
23:57.09kergothwe arent relying on their scripts to retain sanity, which is good policy
23:57.18mickeylwhat is this? aclocal, automake and autoconf in this order?
23:57.23kergothread ipkg
23:57.25kergothand some other builds
23:57.32kergothit has the commands to run and th eorder in which to run them
23:57.40kergothwhat are you working on, out of curiosity?
23:58.33mickeyli did some fixes for the libsdl* packages. no idea if someone else is maintaining them, but they broke after the enhanced staging dir. now i fixed them, but after upgrading my automake, they won't build anymore because of this missing -a
23:59.12kergothahh, gotcha
23:59.23kergothonyx4 maintains them, but please do fix them, he wont mind
23:59.30mickeylhehe :)

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