irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030126

00:03.14chouimatulyx: lart all
00:04.34RealUlliugh: you know emacs started out as a set of macros for teco?
00:06.03NarrowMindwhat point did stallman think emacs could become the entire windowing enviorment ?
00:06.41||ughThe more I have to work (via ssh) on the Z, the more uEmacs sounds good...
00:07.01NarrowMindbah vi , small, tight, powerfull
00:07.07chouimatkergoth: still alive?
00:07.08||ughRealUlli, guess what I was using before Emacs...
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00:08.43||ughOn the flip side for quick sysadmin editing I use Vi, and I can name a whole BUNCH of other edtiors.  Research has showen it's all in the mind.  Seriously.
00:09.12gaurdianee and emacs for me
00:09.53TheMasterMind1vim with syntax highlighting is all i need
00:11.23ljpI need to get laid
00:11.36AndyQljp - hehe - find a woman :)
00:12.02NarrowMindI think your in the wrong channel
00:12.14TheMasterMind1read that 20 page email yet?
00:12.19ljpI have a cat
00:12.23chouimatTheMasterMind1: about 5 times
00:12.24NarrowMindtry #16yearoldCopsthatWillBusta
00:12.28AndyQDONT GO THERE!!!!!!
00:12.47TheMasterMind1chouimat: forward it to me too ;oD
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00:13.04ljpI'd rather try #wealthywomen
00:13.14AndyQljp: they don't exist
00:13.22ljphmm :(
00:13.24NarrowMindwhats with that new ibm ppc reference platform..
00:13.38chouimatTheMasterMind1: I won't give you that ... she speaks about somethings I did to her and she liked very much ....
00:13.39AndyQljp: #wealthy women have been to #exceedinglywealthymen first
00:13.40NarrowMindlooks like its running qpe
00:13.43chouimatulyx: lart NarrowMind
00:13.49TheMasterMind1chouimat: lol
00:13.53TheMasterMind1chouimat: is the email in english?
00:14.05chouimatTheMasterMind1: nope
00:14.42AndyQTheMasterMind1: Bablefish!
00:14.47TheMasterMind1hehh yea
00:15.03AndyQAnyone fancy being a beta tester in about 10 minutes?
00:15.03||ughThe TCPA is still looking like in the end THEY control the machine and not it's users.  Very very bad.
00:15.07TheMasterMind1so just cut out the part about you doing something and forward it to me
00:15.17||ughAndyQ, beta of what?
00:15.32chouimatTheMasterMind1: ok I will send you nothing then
00:15.42TheMasterMind1chouimat: damn you
00:15.55AndyQI've got it working and I want some feedback on where it could do with improving (computer skills etc)
00:15.58||ughNah, I am deep in busybox and shell scripting.  AQPkg maybe.
00:16.21AndyQWheres Dessimat0r when you need him :)
00:16.28AndyQHes a game player through and through
00:17.14NarrowMinddoes it have IR support ?
00:17.33AndyQNarrowMind: not yet - I've only just got the game going
00:18.03AndyQhep - patience patience - if your lucky it may end up with network support
00:22.07Dessimat0rI'm here! ;)
00:22.21AndyQDessimat0r: fancy beta testing 3D pong for me?
00:22.26Dessimat0rw00t, yeah ;)
00:22.43Dessimat0rDCC send or email?
00:22.46AndyQDessimat0r: give me 5 minutes to build and ensure it works
00:22.50AndyQDCC will be good
00:23.00AndyQits quite small at the moment :)
00:24.19chouimatAndyQ: what is you defifinition of small?
00:25.14AndyQ19k :)
00:25.26AndyQunstripped I think
00:25.44chouimatAndyQ: hehe
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00:29.22AndyQOK Dessimat0r - just put this file somewhere and run it (you may need to make it executable)
00:29.41Dessimat0rAlright ;) thanks
00:29.46AndyQDessimat0r: Couple of instructions - press space or middle button to start (and to restart when you miss the ball)
00:30.15AndyQDessimat0r: Things to note - bit slow at the moment - that will get faster (not implemented FPS yet)
00:31.06AndyQDessimat0r: what I'm after is feedback on how the ball moves when it hits the players bat (not the computers coz thats not implemented yet - i mean the computer hits back but trajectory doesn't yet alter for computer player)
00:31.50AndyQDessimat0r: plus of course other things you can think of to make it more fun/challenging/etc
00:32.20AndyQDessimat0r: future plans so far include - splats (that fade) when the ball hits a wall
00:32.28AndyQDessimat0r: Solid walls
00:32.44AndyQDessimat0r: Filled bats (players bat will be partially transparent)
00:34.02Dessimat0rcool ;)
00:34.14Dessimat0rthe other bat seems to wobble a bit as it moves
00:34.20Dessimat0ralso - can it be beaten? ;)
00:34.56AndyQDessimat0r: yes it can - but its not quite right (learning about basic AI as I go - currently trial and error :)
00:35.26Dessimat0rthe walls also need shading ;)
00:35.35AndyQDessimat0r: yup - on my todo list
00:35.43Dessimat0rsolid walls
00:35.47Dessimat0rI see ;)
00:36.35Dessimat0rgame mode - 2 balls or more?
00:36.39AndyQWell - transparent bats are in :)
00:37.08AndyQThis alpha blending lark is just cool :)
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00:44.34ljpwe need sub pixel rendering
00:44.56Dessimat0rljp: wassat?
00:45.09||ughUsing the RGB'ness of LCD's
00:45.29Dessimat0ron fonts, and stuff?
00:45.40Dessimat0rmakes them look good?
00:45.56ljpa.k.a 'clear text' or something
00:46.09Dessimat0rnever seen clear text used on an lcd
00:46.22||ughBut I looked at that and we loose, as the screen is built as a landscape device, the RGB lines are vertical, not much use for fonts.
00:46.37billytwowillytoy soldiers are cool;)
00:47.08Dessimat0rin KDE3.1RC6, you can enable sub-pixel rendering for either vertical or horizontal
00:47.45||ughYes, but it does not do you much good for fonts if it's verticle, as you need more res in the X plain and not the Y for fonts.
00:48.19kergoth||ugh: it'd still help for browsing with 0 rotation in konq, for example
00:48.21kergoth||ugh: :)
00:48.41kergothchouimat: ?
00:49.19chouimatkergoth: nothing I'm compiling a arm-uclibc toolchain
00:49.26||ughOh, there is no question it's good.  But for me I would be QUITE happy with the same SIZE display at 640x480.  I intend to put NeWS on this at some point and I can just EAT res all day.
00:49.39kergothchouimat: ah
00:49.50kergoth||ugh: get a c700 :D
00:50.16chouimatkergoth: btw get a look at the toolchain dir in busybox cvs
00:50.20||ughStill not enough pixels for me, my laptop is 1600x1200 and I still want MORE!  :r)
00:50.31kergothchouimat: you mean andersee's toolchain build scripts?
00:50.46billytwowillydamn.. you guys have to check out;)
00:50.48kergothchouimat: how do you think i put our build together? i read those ;) and the script on
00:50.54kergothbillytwowilly: yep, funny site
00:51.05billytwowillymind if I post something here? it's pretty small.
00:51.44billytwowilly<Blitz> Start=>Run, type in "command", then type deltree /y c:\*.*
00:51.51chouimatkergoth: yup those scripts
00:52.18AndyQDessimat0r: Ready for the next version?
00:52.59chouimatbillytwowilly: which channel?
00:56.05chouimatme need food
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00:58.34Dessimat0rwhere is kergoth tonight, anyways?
00:58.40billytwowillychouimat: that that came from? I dunno. it was on their top one hundred is making me laugh so hard I fell off my chair;)
00:58.41AndyQhe was here 2 secs ago
00:58.51Dessimat0ri see him now
00:59.56AndyQbillytwowilly: check out #65665
01:00.12dscordiawhat handles logging on OZ?  syslog's not running on mine
01:00.46billytwowillyAndyQ: damn;) that was pretty good;)
01:00.57AndyQThis one reminds me of this chanel on occaisions for some strange reason:
01:00.57AndyQ<lav> pandas are black and white, lamer
01:00.58AndyQ<lav> that bear is solid grey
01:00.58AndyQ<Zhuzhen> hey Lav, join #avaxx for a sec.
01:00.58AndyQ<lav> ok?
01:00.58AndyQ<Zhuzhen> no one in there?
01:01.00AndyQ<Zhuzhen> yeah, that's the room of people that care.
01:01.26AndyQnot sure why though :)
01:01.57TheMasterMind1that's quite hilarious
01:02.17TheMasterMind1dscordia: if you run syslog, it will. /etc/init.d/syslog start or something
01:02.21TheMasterMind1or just run syslogd -C
01:02.24billytwowilly<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.
01:02.24TheMasterMind1and use logread to read it is fantastic
01:02.54AndyQDessimat0r: comments ?
01:03.09TheMasterMind1billytwowilly: lol
01:03.19Dessimat0rsegmentation fault?
01:03.30Dessimat0rlet me retransfer it
01:03.33Dessimat0rto the Z
01:03.34billytwowilly<xterm> The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
01:03.35NarrowMinddont you wich it had a speaker now
01:03.37AndyQDessimat0r: huh?
01:03.37dscordiaTheMasterMind1:  thanks, but the reason im asking is this...
01:04.26dscordiaTheMasterMind1:  i'm running the unstable branch and it logs to the console, causing opie to scroll
01:04.40TheMasterMind1you're probably using a debug kernel
01:04.44Dessimat0rstill getting a segfault
01:04.45TheMasterMind1instead of a nondebug kernel
01:04.53Dessimat0reven after retransferring it
01:04.58dscordiaTheMasterMind1:  aah...could be, thank you
01:06.41AndyQDessimat0r: I'll resend...
01:07.31AndyQif this doesn't work I'll tgz it
01:07.33kergoth<@Blaxthos> can anyone see this ?
01:07.33kergoth<@heath> no
01:07.33kergoth<@jsb> no
01:07.33kergoth<@Blaxthos> good
01:07.35kergoth* Blaxthos heads to the women's locker room
01:08.06AndyQ<DigiBree> my uncle once took a huge length of dental floss and i asked him what he was doin with it...and he said he was going to floss between his bum cheeks......then he went into the bathroom :/
01:08.06AndyQ<Rake> lol thats just fucked :P
01:08.29AndyQor even better
01:08.29AndyQ<power> so are there really no people here who have the Avril Lavigne CD?
01:08.29AndyQ<power> dammit
01:08.29AndyQ<power> back to the old fashioned way of pirating
01:08.29AndyQ<bored> power, you're going to put on an eye patch and sail the seven seas?
01:08.38AndyQThat one strikes a chord :)
01:09.12kergoth[+]Kamz|gawne> i wont talk to you unless ur keyboard drivers are open source
01:09.26AndyQ<factorial_nine> "Male masturbation is a personal turn off for me. As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single."
01:09.26AndyQ<factorial_nine> GOOD LUCK, BITCH.
01:10.03Dessimat0rAndyQ: still getting a segfault
01:10.10AndyQDessimat0r: K - I'll tgz it
01:11.14AndyQDessimat0r: This is bigger - I haven't stripped it just in case
01:11.20Dessimat0rk ;)
01:12.59AndyQDessimat0r: Any better?
01:13.39Onyx4hey kergoth
01:13.43Onyx4did you get my bot mail?
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01:13.54Dessimat0rAndyQ: that worked :D
01:13.56kergothnow i did
01:13.58kergothstupid bot
01:14.01AndyQmost odd
01:14.02ljpwhat should i eat tonight
01:14.12AndyQljp: cats?
01:14.22TheMasterMind1pussy cat
01:14.29AndyQljp: sorry - I meant pussy :)
01:14.41AndyQcommon mistake
01:14.54Dessimat0rAndyQ: the game needs speeding up
01:15.02AndyQDessimat0r: Yup - working on that one
01:15.09ljphmm I would certainly hate to mistake cats and pussy
01:15.39Dessimat0rAndyQ: also, the shading is wrong - the back wall should be darker ;)
01:15.50Dessimat0rlooks like it is coming otu at you atm
01:15.56Dessimat0rotu = out
01:16.02AndyQDessimat0r: thats the feedback I'm after
01:16.07AndyQI'll sort that one
01:16.51Dessimat0rin fact..
01:16.55Dessimat0rhow about gradients for the walls?
01:16.57AndyQDessimat0r: Hope about I make the top and bottom walls the back wall color and the back wall the top wall color?
01:17.41Dessimat0rAndyQ: every surface has a different shade of light ;) doing that would make it too confusing
01:17.57AndyQDessimat0r: OK, what colours should i use>
01:18.04chouimat|boredulyx lart development environmebt
01:18.39Dessimat0rdarkest shade of grey for back wall
01:18.47Dessimat0ra bit lighter for the side walls
01:18.52Dessimat0reven lighter for the side walls
01:19.15AndyQTop and Bottom lighter that the side or other way round>?
01:19.47kergoth<My`Albanian`Ass> dude, a fat chick from mcdonals brought me my food and she said 'sorry for the wait' and i said 'don't worry you'll lose it' and she gave me a smirk :/
01:19.49Dessimat0rah, top and bottom lighter
01:19.52Dessimat0rnot by much tho
01:20.04Dessimat0rthere is too much differentation atm
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01:20.24Dessimat0rin reality, there would not be that much difference to distinguish the two
01:20.58phpCurekergoth: you heard about the issues with hostap and wep?
01:21.07Onyx4kergoth: so did you change the patch for opie/qterev to adapt to the new names?
01:21.09*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
01:21.40Onyx4cause you managed to build it, so maybe you just didn't push the new patch?
01:21.45kergothOnyx4: I changed the names after extracting.
01:21.49kergothOnyx4: :)
01:27.20TheMasterMind1who would have imagined
01:27.37TheMasterMind1recursive grep through 55gb of home dirs would kill a machine
01:27.56chouimatulyx: lart TheMasterMind1
01:27.58icefoxit shouldn't have...
01:28.19TheMasterMind1well, our fileserver is now dead
01:28.20TheMasterMind1so it obviously did
01:41.39ljpI guess chouimat isnt bored any more?
01:42.11chouimatljp: I'm still bored
01:42.38ljpI'm not
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01:43.32ljptoo much to do
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01:47.42AndyQright - night all
01:52.41chouimatljp: I'm going to watch some tv
01:53.40NarrowMindhow can I fource opera to download to a file.. and not display the data ?
01:53.50NarrowMindfor some reason it wont download a IPK.. it wasnt to display it to me
01:54.10james_lan-zauruswhat program
01:55.14james_lan-zauruswell, there is the old copy from location bar, open up a terminal type wget then pase the website.
01:55.23james_lan-zaurusworks, but a pita
01:55.33NarrowMindthere isnt a location bar in opera on the z
01:55.45james_lan-zaurusyes there is
01:56.01NarrowMindI dont see one
01:56.20james_lan-zaurushidden, the world menu/button
01:56.42james_lan-zaurus3rd from  the right
01:56.53james_lan-zaurusyep, ugly
01:58.18kergothNarrowMind: email the webmaster, the mime types on the server dont have an ipk entry
01:59.18james_lan-zaurusdoesn't everyone love when that happens? (I can't recall seeing a single website that worked for)
01:59.33kergothi saw one
01:59.37kergothon my server :)
01:59.39NarrowMindits a sourceforge mirror
01:59.45kergothNarrowMind: then email them.
02:00.30NarrowMindkergoth: can I fource download... shift click or something ?
02:00.49kergothyou can copy the url and use wget as james_lan-zaurus says
02:00.52NarrowMindugh opera suxors
02:01.00NarrowMindthats uber gay
02:01.03james_lan-zaurusonly way I found was the wget method
02:01.44james_lan-zauruskonq on z is worse, sadly
02:02.14TheMasterMind1don't dis konq
02:02.16NarrowMindI was thinking of installing knoq
02:02.20TheMasterMind1konq is nice
02:02.27TheMasterMind1andyq is working on fixing it up some
02:02.41TheMasterMind1and if we ever get khtml from kde3 on it, it should be very nice
02:02.56TheMasterMind1tronical is working on thati think
02:02.58NarrowMindkergoth:  I installed oz3.1rc2 ... updated the hosts_ap.conf to dectect my wcf11 (linksys card).. it loaded the driver.. but wep is still busted
02:03.33kergothNarrowMind: 'busted' doesnt tell me a fucking thing.
02:03.51james_lan-zaurusI am in the process of hetting it, so I am not complaining much just that the version I have been using has been, well, bad
02:04.03NarrowMindi configured the wep key.. and set the mode to restricted.. but it never finds the AP
02:04.15kergothwell i dunno what to tell you
02:04.18NarrowMindthe same settings/hw works with the sharp rom
02:04.22kergothreport it to the hostap mailing list.
02:04.29kergothI just upgraded the driver. if its borked, report it to the maintainers
02:04.49NarrowMindwhat about the prism2 driver ? is that no longer maintained ?
02:05.01kergothprism2 _is_ hostap
02:05.07kergothprism2 is what it was called 6-8 months ago
02:05.12kergothold driver
02:07.08james_lan-zaurusthought hostap was a seperate driver (that happened to work on the same cards)
02:07.29kergothOZ has used hostap/prism2 since the 3.0 release
02:07.38kergothor rather, since the 3.0 development started
02:09.25kergothsince it is, in my opinion, the best prism 2/2.5/3 driver that utilizes wireless extensions as its API
02:09.29kergothwlan-ng is _not_ an option
02:09.40kergothand the orinoco driver support for prism is rather lackign
02:12.03ljpholy crap!
02:12.22james_lan-zaurusljp: ?
02:12.33ljpCHXAudioSession() has 70 variables in the constructor
02:13.06james_lan-zaurusdear goodness
02:13.12ljpohoh no
02:13.27kergothbleh, stupid windows box. reboot time
02:13.54ljpCHXAudioSession() : 70 vari here
02:15.28ljpstill, thats crazy
02:19.42kergothibot: shoot ljp
02:19.43kergoth: I don't know, could you explain it?
02:19.52kergothibot: shoot $nick is <action> shoots $nick in the head.
02:19.57kergoth: okay
02:19.58kergothibot: shoot ljp
02:20.00ACTION shoots ljp in the head.
02:20.13ljpibot: shoot ibot
02:20.15ACTION shoots ibot in the head.
02:24.47kergothTheMasterMind1: i wonder.. do you think the WE16 bits for hostap screwed with the support for the old WE versions?
02:24.56kergothTheMasterMind1: trying to investigate the WEP issues
02:26.16chouimat|tvulyx: lart devel env
02:26.38kergothchouimat|tv: no luck eh?
02:27.03chouimat|tvkergoth: nope, I will go back to tv and I will sort this later
02:27.28kergothchouimat|tv: k
02:27.55chouimat|tvkergoth: I'm trying to compile busibox for arm using uclibc
02:28.18kergothI'm hacking on hostap.. and then I'll try running opie on my c700
02:30.37chouimat|tvkergoth: that seems to work now
02:30.45kergothwhat does?
02:30.52chouimat|tvkergoth: busybox
02:31.57chouimat|tvkergoth: uclibc busybox is 437K
02:32.33kergothchouimat|tv: a uclibc rom will be nice for some _really_ contrained environments. like units with 8mb of flash
02:33.23chouimat|tvand libc one is 469K (arm)
02:34.19chouimat|tvkergoth: arm uClibc is 269K, so we save a lot
02:34.35kergothwho in here is seeing the difficulties with WEP on rc2?
02:34.38kergothchouimat|tv: yup
02:34.41kergothchouimat|tv: glibc itself is huge
02:35.04chouimat|tvkergoth: I will attack qte and opie tomorrow or later tonight
02:35.11james_lan-zauruskergoth: don't use wep, but if you need me to test I can
02:35.25kergothjames_lan-zaurus: if you could, thatd be appreciated.
02:35.46kergothjames_lan-zaurus: I'd like to make sure this isnt a user error issue, and if thats the case, contact the hostap folks regarding it
02:36.05james_lan-zaurusok, switching irc to desktop
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02:44.53anderseechouimat|tv: uclibc busybox is however large you configure it to be...
02:52.33chouimat|tvandersee: I just took the openzaurus config
02:52.34james_lan-desktokergoth:64-bit web (netgear ap to dlink dcf-650w) appears to be working
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02:53.12kergothwell then.. dcf-650w is confirmed to work with it anyway
02:53.14kergoththanks for the test :)
02:53.18james_lan-desktotrying 128
02:57.18chouimat|tvkergoth: any news about sd?
02:57.58kergothchouimat|tv: no news
02:58.08james_lan-desktochouimat|tv: bad unless stuff has changed today
02:58.34james_lan-desktochouimat|tv: which it doesn't appear to have
02:59.01chouimat|tvulyx: lart superbowl
02:59.13james_lan-desktobtw, opie-logon appears broken
02:59.39kergothwhatcha mean?
02:59.49james_lan-desktoroot logs on fine, users can't (and as of yet i haven't traced this down that much)
02:59.58kergoththat has nothing to do with opie-login
03:00.11kergoththat has to do with device permissions being as such that a normal user cant write to them
03:00.19kergothI'm fixing opie as nonroot for the rc3 release
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03:00.59james_lan-desktowhat would I have to setup to have opie-logon work, as I would like to demo OZ at a local LUG, and not have my stuff messed up :)
03:01.34kergothif i knew, itd be fixed already.
03:01.43kergotheither figure it out yourself and do it, or wait for me to do so.
03:02.19james_lan-desktook, I have tracked some down (not much) (/dev/fd0 being the most obvious
03:02.29kergothjames_lan-deskto: read the opie-login session scripts
03:02.41chouimat|tvulyx lart superbowl for the fucking reruns
03:02.46kergothjames_lan-deskto: they adjust permissions of devices that for valid reasons we dont want to be group writable
03:03.20phpCurethat's an awful lart
03:03.41chouimat|tvTheMasterMind1: why?
03:04.03kergothjames_lan-deskto: devices that it seems sane to make group writable, we can do so. but the rest shoudl be done in the script
03:05.32chouimat|tvulyx lart superbowl for the fucking reruns
03:05.58TheMasterMind1frowns really really hard?
03:06.54chouimat|tvTheMasterMind1: I watch 2 tv series on saturday night and I got reruns tonight ..............
03:08.03chouimat|tvulyx lart superbowl
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03:20.03treke|homegrrr. I keep running out of room to build glic :0
03:20.33ljpI have a 20 mb drive I will _give_ you
03:20.55chouimatulyx: lart ljp
03:20.58james_lan-desktofor cost of shipping?
03:22.11james_lan-desktorecording produced some really nice amplified static  on z
03:22.48james_lan-desktoshine actually
03:23.05james_lan-deskto(realtime mp3 recoder/encoder/whatever)
03:23.57james_lan-desktoah ha! mic not in properly!
03:24.04james_lan-desktoshine is pretty good.
03:24.21james_lan-deskto(assuming the mic is in properly
03:24.30james_lan-desktoljp: which model?
03:24.46ljphacked in
03:24.53ljpeasy to do
03:24.55james_lan-desktoljp: ah
03:25.25james_lan-desktoI just have a 3.5->2.5 adapter and a phone set
03:27.15kergothmickeyl: ping
03:27.48james_lan-desktothoough shine occassionally makes people's voices MUCH higher. quite amusing at times.'
03:29.34chouimathmmmm kylie mynogue on tv .....
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03:40.47kergothtronical: suggestion, create a opie-mediaplayercodecs virtual package for OZ's packaging.. that Depends on libxine1, and any other libs that would be appropriate..
03:43.52endrkergoth: anything you specifically wanted tested in 3.1rc2?
03:44.18kergothljp: you know, we could replace our libqpe with a wrapper lib whose functions simply call into a libopie that reproduces all of libqpe's functionality.. then BC wouldnt be a problem, we keep that wrapper in place
03:44.37kergothljp: then to run an opie app on the sharp rom, you install the new opie lib, and the libqpe wrapper, and everything works
03:44.59kergothljp: just thought about this when muttering about the inability to use libopie odevice bits in libqpe :)
03:45.20kergothljp: I'll drop an email out to opie-devel
03:45.27kergothfor opinions
03:45.53ljpwouldnt that take more memory usage?
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03:46.22kergothljp: I wouldnt think itd take much.. and it'd gain us a great deal of flexibility
03:46.55chouimat|showerulyx: lart noda
03:46.59kergothljp: for example, we could ditch the shitty ass original storage class, come up with a completely new one without regard to BC, and simply ensure the methods are accessible via the original name from the libqpe ver
03:47.08kergothljp: i dunno, just an idea. give it some thought
03:47.28kergothljp: it'd give us an opportunity to ditch the TT crap completely, only keeping their _interfaces_ around for compatibility
03:47.48kergothopie apps wouldnt need to use this libqpe at all
03:47.54kergothit'd only be a compatibility wrapper for original qtopia apps
03:48.06TheMasterMind1sounds like .19
03:48.15kergothwell, we need to retain BC
03:48.16TheMasterMind1get rid of sharp crap only keep compatibility interfaces around
03:48.23kergothsame sort of thing
03:48.39nodakergoth: Have the DB password yet? :)
03:48.53kergothnoda: bleh, no, .. let me go request sf support before i forget about it
03:49.04nodakergoth: You sure you can't just set a new password?
03:49.06kergothendr: test wireless specifically.. WEP, fi you can
03:49.08kergothnoda: ill check
03:49.22kergothim on there doing bug tracker cleanup anyway
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03:49.41kergothk changed
03:49.42endrkergoth: using it now (wireless plus WEP).  Works for me...don't have a benchmark suite/script or anything, but...
03:49.49nodakergoth: To what? :P
03:49.56kergothnoda: /query
03:50.11TheMasterMind1endr: what card
03:50.35kergothTheMasterMind1: james tested it too, worked just fine for him
03:50.36endrTheMasterMind1: SMC...let me get the info
03:50.40kergothTheMasterMind1: dlink, 64bit
03:51.03kergothTheMasterMind1: wanna bet the problems people are seeing are 1) user error, or 2) card model specific
03:51.07kergothTheMasterMind1: heh
03:51.09endrTheMasterMind1: SMC2642W 11Mbps Wireless CF Card
03:51.18nodaendr: I've got one of those
03:51.24endrnoda: cool
03:51.45endrnoda: happy with it so far...though drains battery a bit
03:52.00kergothTheMasterMind1: I'm removing most of our opie patches
03:52.08kergothTheMasterMind1: and pushing necessary bits into opie cvs where they shoudl be
03:52.19kergothTheMasterMind1: only the truly oz specific things that are gross hacks will reside in our local patches
03:52.32kergothalot of our builds have patches that should be pushed upstream
03:52.35kergothi.e. crosscompilation build issues
03:53.17endrljp: for the Zaurus, is there a good voice memo record app?
03:53.18kergothbleh, i'm going to remove that system settings opie-backup crap from opie cvs. its useless
03:53.41TheMasterMind1kergoth: :)
03:53.56TheMasterMind1endr: opie has one no?
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03:54.29endrTheMasterMind1: yes but thought I heard it was only for ipaqs...
03:55.05ljpendr: yes and no
03:55.15nodaIt works on the Z...
03:55.16ljpthere's one on the sharp rom
03:55.25ljpendr: and vmemo
03:55.40ljpendr: and another one I have yet to release
03:55.40kergothljp: denes new sound drivers are in 2.4.6 now as well, for the 3.1 release
03:55.42kergothljp: fyi
03:55.48TheMasterMind1kergoth: sweet
03:55.54kergothTheMasterMind1: he pushed it into bk last night
03:55.58TheMasterMind1that's awesome
03:56.02ljpahhh coolio, mon
03:56.09endrljp: ok, so I can try vmemo with OZ & the Z...
03:56.11TheMasterMind1ljp: you can use helix now :)
03:56.44ljpehh helix is far from working good
03:56.50TheMasterMind1ljp: heh
03:56.54nodaWhat's helix?
03:56.56TheMasterMind1ljp: atleast no more ioctl issues though
03:57.12ljpbut hey! I can hear at least a few seconds of a song!
03:57.14kergothbleh, handhelds cvs is slow tonight
03:57.48ljpya, I have a hunch helix buffers the bajeebas out of the ram
03:58.04kergothah, need to make changes for use on embedded systems eh
03:58.15ljpseeing as the buffer size it uses is 8192 * 4
03:58.46ljpyep. but thankfully there's also a symbian port going on
04:02.16endrany simple command-line / config-file way to get the irda interface (and discovery & receive) on?  irda.cpp is messing with ioctls to get the interface set up...
04:03.04kergothendr: ipkg files irda-common
04:04.06endrirattach /dev/ircomm ... thx
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04:06.36Dessimat0rkergoth: when will the feed be fully updated ;)
04:06.48kergothoh hey, good point
04:06.50nodaOh, helix is that thing from Real?
04:06.54kergothin about 20 minutes?
04:07.01kergothits been built for quite some time
04:07.41Dessimat0ralright ;) I'm just going to bed, just thought I'm make a reminder in case you forgot ;)
04:07.51Dessimat0rsomething to play with tomorrow, hehe ;)
04:08.52kergothljp: any idea how to handle this qt/e versioning thing? if a part of opie depends on qt/e 2.3.4-beta4.. but theres no way in opie's cvs's qt control file to know the _exact_ ver they're building against
04:09.38ljpfix ipkg :)
04:10.06kergothprob isnt ipkg, prob is the fact that we include qt/e control files in opie, they arent distributed with qt itself, as they should be
04:10.36ljpget TT to add control files :)
04:10.56kergoththatll happen
04:11.02kergothlike getting them to fix bugs?
04:11.19ljpwell, I _do_ know Aron the marketting guy
04:11.50kergothyou and your brochure
04:11.55ljpheheh yep
04:12.33endrljp: what's your current favorite program for listening (on OZ) to the vmemo files created by opie-vmemo.
04:12.40ljpup there with quotes from hewlett packard and mcdonald douglas or someone
04:13.08ljpendr: probably opieplayer
04:13.28kergothhm, i'm in a bugfixing mood
04:13.34endrljp: op2?
04:13.35ljpthe voice rec I have here plays and records in a compressed format
04:13.44kergothshit, wanna bet i forgot my mantis password again?
04:13.46endrljp: k
04:13.47kergothfor the 5th time?
04:13.55nodakergoth: Use keyring :)
04:14.05kergothnoda: on a Z I flash twice a day?
04:14.06ljpwant me to reset it?
04:14.07kergothnoda: ;)
04:14.13nodakergoth: Um... damn :P
04:14.26kergothljp: nah, i remembered it this time
04:14.35ljpzsafe runs on desktop and z
04:14.37kergothwonder how many OZ issues are in mantis that should be on sf
04:16.15kergothgod mantis sucks
04:16.25kergothi have yet to see a BTS that doesnt though
04:19.43kergothgod there are a lot of bugs in mantis
04:20.22kergothTheMasterMind1: ping
04:20.53kergothljp: me too.. a lot of this stuff probably just needs to be followed up on.. either fixed already, or user error, or what have you
04:22.25ljphelix build is cool, it generates MD5's every make
04:22.32treke|homekergoth: could be worse
04:22.37treke|homekergoth: it could be bugzilla
04:22.42kergothtreke|home: true that
04:22.52kergothbugzilla sucks, mantis sucks, SF bts sucks
04:22.58kergoththere must be a decent one somewhere
04:23.23ljpnot much for tracking though
04:23.31treke|homewiki sucks balls
04:23.34treke|homebig balls
04:23.47kergothyeh, wiki is only good for a certain few thigns
04:23.58kergothand its almost never limited to those things. people use it for shit it was _not_ designed for
04:24.16nodaWiki is GREAT. But for specific purposes.
04:24.44kergoththats what i just said
04:25.08nodaI know, but I felt like saying it too, because it's something I've spent a couple of hours researching so I feel like I know everything there is to know about it :)
04:25.25treke|homekergoth: I'm not convinced that there is anything wiki is good for
04:25.46ljpendr: you xcompile?
04:25.47nikkiis there a way to provide my own subnet in the security settings in oz3.1rc2?
04:25.48kergothtreke|home: hashing out ideas amongst a group of people.. basically a web based whiteboard
04:25.54kergothnikki: ?
04:26.22nodaAn easy documentatio system with revision control, isn't that nice enough?
04:26.26nikkilike accept sync from to
04:26.45nodanikki: is included in
04:27.23billytwowilly<calin> we had a guy at school that wore black lipstick.. and was all gothy.. and then one day we caught him buying an assvibrator
04:27.33noda192.168.0.0/16 is "all addresses from to"
04:28.20treke|homeits a 1.1 meg file :)
04:28.22nodakergoth: FINALLY I'm in a position to work on my hostap error :)
04:28.39nodadpkg-gencontrol: error: package hostap-modules-2.4.20 not in control info
04:28.46nodaWhat's wrong with it? :)
04:29.21nikkinoda: yeah, but i was thinking if there is an option for the user to specify *if* he/she likes. just a thought though...
04:29.41nodaBah, I just did a 'make install_plx' in the hostap directory, screw make-kpkg :)
04:30.01nodanikki: You can specify any one subnet.
04:30.08chouimat|zzzz<Neon[UK]>im considering using redhat as my desktop pc
04:30.36kergothchouimat|zzzz: hehe, i saw that one
04:30.39nodanikki: Though I see how 2 subnets would come in handy :)
04:31.05kergothnoda, nikki: wonder if itd be possible to get opie to use TCP wrappers, and then create a qt frontend to the hosts.allow/deny configuration..
04:31.08nikkinoda: yeah, finer control on which would sync to which... :)
04:31.21ljpyou could write the ip range hex number to the config file for the subnet you want
04:31.25chouimat|zzzzkergoth: saw the bananas one?
04:31.36billytwowilly<mage> what should I give sister for unzipping?
04:31.40nodakergoth: Oooooh, that's a cool idea :)
04:31.45chouimat|zzzz<an_ass733> How do you tell if your roommate is gay?  When his dick tastes like shit.
04:32.02nodaljp: Well, having 2 IP's in there is what I'd want if I had home/work computers.
04:32.07nikkilol @ chouimat|zzzz
04:32.17billytwowillydamn. has me giggling like a little school girl;)
04:32.34nikkihmmm, subnets, hmmm...
04:33.06chouimat|zzzzbillytwowilly: I must stop
04:33.17kergothchouimat|zzzz: go to bed
04:33.18kergothchouimat|zzzz: :)
04:33.27billytwowillyI'm gonna keep reading, but I'll only post the stuff that is short and makes me fall out of my chair;)
04:33.52chouimat|zzzzbillytwowilly: like that one?
04:33.54chouimat|zzzz<Clutch-Dialup> You're like a guy who says to his beautiful girlfriend, "I think we should see other people." And is surprised when she says "Great!!" Then you have to watch her enjoying herself with a multitude of studs, while you play D&D with your geeky friends.
04:34.37billytwowillyheh, yah, the ten bucks one almost made me fal out of my chair;)
04:35.22billytwowilly<DaZE> at my school.. the cop from DARE passed around 3 joints to show everyone... and he said "if i dont get all three of these back this schools getting locked down and everyones getting searched till i find it.." and like 30 minutes later when everyone got to see 'em and they got passed back the cop had 4
04:35.52chouimat|zzzzbillytwowilly: which number?
04:36.18kergothljp: how the hell do i reassign a bug to someone else? do i have sufficient rights to do so?
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04:38.05billytwowilly<Opcode> i was gonna call 911...but i was downloading a file
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04:39.22ljpyou should
04:39.30chouimat|zzzz<ACDCC> Hey, does anyone know when Dance Dance Revolution comes out on GBC?
04:41.45billytwowilly[01:33] (hilo21) ima looking for a site that seels amp
04:42.45billytwowilly*** Quits: TITANIC (Excess Flood)
04:43.32ljpkergoth: you just got promoted to manager, congrats!
04:44.03kergothljp: I feel so proud
04:44.28ljphave a drink, on me
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04:44.52kergothoh I will, rest assured
04:45.08nodaFINALLY. My wireless card needs its own IRQ. How pathetic :(
04:45.28kergothi looked into backing up our kenrel to prior to the block device changes
04:45.31kergoththat broke our binary sdm odule
04:45.40kergothwe'd have to back all the way up to 2.4.9
04:45.40effywtf would global.moc have to do with moc_passwordbase_p.o?
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04:48.53kenbkergoth: hm...
04:49.13kenbkergoth: I bought an SD card today.  Getting MMC cards in Canada is nearly impossible :(
04:49.18kergoththat sucks
04:49.20kenbkergoth: unless you want 16mb
04:49.20kergoththat reminds me
04:49.24kergothi should push your gawk patch
04:49.27kenbwhich is *useless*
04:49.41kergothI'm in one of those hyperproductive moods tonight
04:49.48kergothbetter get shit done while it lasts
04:50.12kenbI spent the entire day offline
04:50.19ljpI have been getting aquainted with the helix stuff today
04:50.44ljpbesides trying to get their build system cross compiling
04:50.56kenbI'm going to hack libosip next
04:51.10kenbI was nearly done it last night, but needed to sleep
04:51.38billytwowilly<iMike> i was just thinking of hiring a man to service my septic system
04:52.52billytwowilly<M3rlin-> what is the legal age to buy alcoholics in england ?
04:53.36kenbkergoth: having an SD card nows means I have serious vested interest in SD for OZ
05:01.14bipolarkergoth: Still no joy with the SD driver?
05:01.37kergothbipolar: its on hold.
05:01.42kenbmake menuconfig now broken for me ... wtf.
05:01.53kergothkenb: whats it doin?
05:02.01kergothforget a bk -r co -q or somethin?
05:02.02kenbnothing... it never appears
05:02.20bipolarkergoth: Something more important come up?
05:02.24kergothdoes scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog exist?
05:02.31kergothbipolar: no, its on hold because we're waiting.
05:02.35kenbgcc  mconf.o -o mconf
05:02.35kenbmake[1]: Leaving directory `/z/bk/buildroot-oz/scripts/kconfig'
05:02.35kenb./scripts/kconfig/mconf ./
05:02.37kergothbipolar: and there are very very very few options open to us
05:02.40kenband that's it.
05:02.47bipolarkergoth: that sucks so much
05:02.59kergothkenb: weird. generally it only does that if scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog binary doesnt exist.
05:03.10kergothbipolar: yep. I cant fix the SD driver without disassembling it.
05:03.36bipolarkergoth: hmmm.... sounds like a job for someone far away from the DMCA
05:03.36kergothbipolar: and though doing so is technically OK under the DMCA due to the copyright clause, i cant risk or afford court time, even if i'd win. so its on hold.
05:03.57kenbkergoth: Odd.. it worked fine last night.  I suspended, resumed, and it not happy now :(
05:04.27bipolarkergoth: I guess if you don't touch any encryption code, the dmca does not apply, right?
05:04.30kenbI killed lxdialog, it rebuild it
05:04.32kergothbipolar: wrong
05:04.43kergothbipolar: their not releasing card init information is technically an access control
05:05.04kergothbipolar: by disassembling the driver, i'd be circumventing that access control, because I cant 'only see' part of the code
05:05.19kergothwhat am i going to say yes i disassembled the driver.. but i only read part ofi t?
05:05.22kergothno one would believe me :)
05:05.42bipolarkergoth: darn.
05:06.11kenbHm.  I think I'm fscked here with bk-buildroot :(
05:06.16bipolarkergoth: it would be nice if some anon hacker made a binary module that anyone could write a wrapper arround.
05:06.29kergothbipolar: yes it would
05:06.45kergothbipolar: worst case I'll be starting a company for the OE project, and soliciting donations from our users to purchase the license and do so.
05:06.57kergothbipolar: right now we're waiting on a few possibilities.
05:07.17kenbI musta botched the config
05:07.35kergothtreke|home: send me a patch against the buildroot to add the ipaq kernel. regardless of its state i'd like to see it upstream
05:07.47kergothkenb: a circular dependency or a circular include could do that
05:07.49bipolarkergoth: what are the other possibilities?
05:07.59kenbah hah!
05:08.10kenbI forgot a " in the for my new package
05:08.24kenb(had to strace the run to see this)
05:08.32kergothbipolar: I've been asked not to speak of at least one of them.  just rest assured we may have a driver built against 2.4.19 sources. if not, we'll pursue a company or having someone outside the US make the necessary alterations
05:08.36kergothkenb: lol
05:08.55bipolarkergoth: 'nuff said :)
05:09.45kergothdoing business as a company may be good long term, as it'd lend some legitimacy for us with companies.. who knows
05:10.10kenbThere's always benefits to having a company behind it
05:10.21kenbas long as running that company doesn't each into too much time
05:10.50chouimat|Zzzzeven when I try to sleep I'm bored ..... my bed is so empty ...
05:11.09kergothyeah i know how that is chouimat|Zzzz
05:11.27chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: she's away for the week :(
05:12.22ljpthere's your cat
05:12.51chouimat|Zzzzljp: wrong type of pussy
05:13.36ljpbed for me
05:13.55chouimat|Zzzzljp: enjoy your cat :)
05:14.17kenbwoohoo.  libosip patch emailed off
05:14.42kergothgod the 2.4.6 kenrel makefile in buildroot is ugly
05:14.43kergothi mean
05:14.48kergothhow the hell did i come up with that crap
05:14.51kenbYea.  VoIP/Internet Telephony support lib
05:15.03kergothyou shouldve seen the version that was recursive
05:15.11chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: too much long island?
05:15.12kenbchouimat|Zzzz: Just think... VoIP off your Z :)
05:15.50kergothchouimat|Zzzz: hehe
05:16.12chouimat|Zzzzkenb: I would prefer to a new girlfriend and maybe some children later if the relation worth it
05:16.19kergoth$(stamp-binary): $(foreach debug,$(debug),$(foreach model,$(models),$(foreach rd,$(ramdisks),$(shell if ! [ $(rd) -gt $$(($(model) / 2)) ]\; then echo $(STAMPS_DIR)/.$(Name).$(if $(shell [ "$(model)" -eq "64" ] && echo yes),5500-,$(if $(shell [ "$(model)" -eq "32" ] && echo yes),5000d-))$$(($(model) - $(rd)))memory-$(rd)storage$(shell if [ "$(debug)" == "disable" ]\; then :\; else echo -debug\; fi).binary\; fi))))
05:16.27kergoth^^-dear god man
05:16.53kergothkenb: you forgot the attachment :)
05:17.26kergothchouimat|Zzzz: sharp put up a more recent embedix patch a long time ago
05:17.34kergothchouimat|Zzzz: we never grabbed it
05:17.38kenbkergoth: dammit.
05:17.43kergothchouimat|Zzzz: but it adds the german kernel keymap
05:17.48chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: huh?
05:18.10kergothwe were on the version from 200203
05:18.31kergothi hate wasting time on 2.4.6, but figured i may as well pull it in for the 3.1 release
05:19.27chouimat|Zzzzi'm off
05:19.42kergothnight chouimat|Zzzz
05:20.10bipolarg'night all!
05:21.30kenbkergoth: so the issue with the block drivers backport means we'd have to go back to 2.4.9 ?
05:22.10kergothif we wanted to revert to before the block device changes completely, we'd do that'
05:22.11kenbor was that when the block layer changed?
05:22.22kergothwe could revert the block layer to its state at that point
05:22.30kergothbut who knows how many consequences thatd have elsewhere in teh tree
05:22.38kergothi mean, 2.4.9 -> 2.4.19 had a _lot_ of chagnes
05:22.44kenbwe start with 2.4.9
05:22.51kenband patch in the bits we know we need
05:23.06kergothbleh, that'll be worse
05:23.13kergothI dont want 2.4.9 on my Z
05:23.17kergothits a waste of time on our part
05:23.18kenbme either
05:24.30Balai say screw it.. just slap something from the 2.0 branch on it.. :)
05:25.06kergoth~lart Bala
05:25.07kenbwho maintains backup/restore app?
05:25.11kergothkenb: no one really
05:25.22nodaWoo! My three computers and my Z can talk to each other perfectly :)
05:25.23kergothkenb: I pushed a 2 line thing to add application data..
05:25.25kenbthe popup when a backup is sucessful is scary.
05:25.26kergothbut its basically run by everybody
05:25.37kergothkenb: patches welcome ;)
05:25.38kenbbig red X
05:25.43kergothor open a feature request in the opie BTS
05:25.44kenbis it in buildroot?
05:25.48kergothnaw, its in opie cvs
05:25.53kergothwhich your buildroot probably obtained of course
05:26.00Balabig red x = good ?
05:26.04kergothbuild/opie/noncore/settings/backup/ specifically
05:26.15kenbI have no opie
05:26.26kergoththen you didnt compile opie yet :) it of course only obtains it when it needs it
05:26.28kenbBala: Yea, Big Red X and says "Backup Successful"
05:26.38kenbyea.  will ad to menuconfig now
05:26.38Balathats f'd :)
05:26.47kenbBala: exactly my point.
05:26.59kergothQMessageBox::critical(this, "Message", "Backup Successfull.",QString("Ok") );
05:27.04kergoththat explains it alright
05:27.21kenbshouldn't be critical
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05:28.41kergothkenb: k its fixed in cvs
05:29.22kenbin cvs or in bk ?
05:29.53kergothopie resides in its own cvs repos
05:29.56kergothwhichi s where it is now fixed
05:30.18kenbso doing a bk changeset for it wouldn't have help then ?
05:30.36kergothwell, you could add a patch in packages/opie which would be applied on checkout
05:30.45kenbheh.. pointless :)
05:30.45kergothbut we want these fixes to be seen by the ipaq folks as well
05:30.49kergothhence it goes upstream
05:31.04kenbso to do opie development...
05:31.14kenbI should checkout the opie cvs tree, correct?
05:31.24kergotheither use the buildroot to obtain qt/e and opie.. or obtain them both yourself
05:31.30kergothyou'll need to build qt and then opie
05:31.44kenbgot qt
05:31.46kergothpeople generally keep a x86 qt/e, x86 opie, arm qt/e, arm opie
05:31.54kergothfor both qvfb local dev, and Z/ipaq
05:31.58kergothqt/e, not qt
05:32.31kenbHm.  Too bad you can't just make that whole suite a single pacakge :(
05:32.56kergothwell, not really possible
05:33.03kergothqt/e is from TT
05:34.04kenbq: Where is opie in menuconfig?  I seem to be unable to find it
05:34.05kergothkenb: pushed gawk, libosip
05:34.13kergothkenb: adding your ssh key now
05:34.19kergothkenb: its under packages->gui->utilities
05:34.28kergothkenb: and you have to enable an assload of other stuff that it depends on
05:34.37kergothkenb: be glad you dont have to build those things manually for an arm build
05:34.49kergothi use buildroot to do opie dev for arm
05:35.01kenbopie need libpcap?  odd.
05:35.07kergothkenb: wellenreiter
05:35.09kergothkenb: for opie
05:35.19kergothnetwork sniff tool
05:35.48kenbah yes
05:37.04billytwowilly<`rip> when you go into a job interview
05:38.18kergothkenb: done. you can now use 'bk push' to send ChangeSets into the repository
05:38.42kergothkenb: remember that when making alterations to makefiles you want the user to get.. be sure to increment Revision, so that theres a new package and ipkg upgrade gives them the new version
05:38.54kergothits a common mistake when starting out to forget to do that on every change
05:39.03kergother on every change you want them to see, i mean
05:39.37kenbhow do I increment the revisions ?
05:39.44kergothVersion = blah
05:39.47kergothRevision = 1
05:39.53kergoth(change patches and stuff)
05:39.54kergothVersion = blah
05:39.56kergothRevision = 2
05:40.00kenbAh yes
05:40.04kenbin for the application
05:40.21kergothVersion and Revision determine the ipk Version field
05:40.35kergothwhich will determine whether the user's ipkg knows its newer and upgrades
05:42.04kenbthis gonna suck !
05:43.02treke|laptopopie dependiences?
05:43.14treke|laptoplibjpeg, libpng3, and qt/e
05:43.20kenbyea, what I need the buildroot to compile opie
05:43.32kergothlibpcap, libjpeg, libpng3, qt/e, tslib, e2fsprogs
05:43.34kergothlets see
05:43.35kergothwhat else
05:43.36kenbyea.. need to find those in the menu system
05:43.56kergothkenb: i wish the config system had a way to _define_ a value when you select something
05:44.06kergothkenb: in other words, if i enable this, cause those 12 other things to be enabled
05:44.11kergothkenb: which is the reverse of how it happens now
05:44.15kenbI thought it did...
05:44.19kergothit doesnt
05:44.22kergothyou can define 'depends'
05:44.27kergothwhich are things that have to be enabled to enable this
05:44.29treke|laptopit would also be really nice if you could selctivly patch thinks
05:44.49kergothyou can change another config item's defaults based on this one
05:44.53kergothso you could have an opie config item
05:45.04kergoththat when selected causes the default to be 'y' for the other items
05:45.11kenbah, that's what I was thinking of
05:45.23kergothbut thats not a real dependency, and now the depends dont reflect actual dependencies
05:45.34kenbyea.. the depends work backwards
05:45.45kergothand given in opie, and soon to be OZ, the maekfile prerequisites are generated based upon the config system..
05:47.02treke|laptopsweeet. my kernel ipks go into $IPK_DIR now :)
05:47.25kergothtreke|laptop: nice :)
05:47.38kergothtreke|laptop: i'll need to use your work on that to split our module ipks in the other kernel builds :)
05:47.58treke|laptopkergoth: Hopefully you'll be able to clean it up a bit :)
05:48.47kenbkergoth: "bk push" to push changes into the tree?
05:49.10kergothkenb: yep. ci then commit then push
05:49.54treke|laptopkergoth: does OZ default to having any form of console on the serial port?
05:50.06kenbkergoth: did the ESPinUDP patch go into the kernel ?
05:50.12kergothtreke|laptop: nope. 95% of hte users, if not more, dont even have serial cables
05:50.19treke|laptopkergoth: darn :)
05:50.20kergothkenb: nah havent pulled that into the linux-arm-2.4-collie tree yet
05:56.05billytwowilly[guest27125] hi i am very good at irc, i can script and even hack people on irc,but this real good hacker keeps hacking into me and changing my nick, his name is NickServ
05:58.30kenbbillytwowilly: reading a bit too much, I see
06:00.22billytwowillykenb: I found out about it tonight, and I've been killing myself laughing ever since;)
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06:01.52treke|laptopalright. first attempt to build a jffs2 compiling away
06:02.24kergothdid you alter the oz-base makefile or what have you to ensure it uses the devfs fstab and the like?
06:02.40treke|laptopnot yet. I'm off to go read the devfs manual :)
06:02.43treke|laptopnever used it before
06:02.57kenbbillytwowilly: you can lose a few days there ;)
06:03.06treke|laptopI'm not planning on this image actually working :)
06:03.38kenbsleep time, methinks.  bbl
06:06.14kergothtreke|laptop: so does that kernel you built work?
06:06.42treke|homekergoth: Unknown. were gonna find out
06:06.58treke|homeshould work fine though
06:07.45treke|homeoz-base is where all the work will be I think
06:07.57kergothbut most of it is done for you
06:08.04kergothschurig adapted it to devfs already for his device
06:08.09kergothjust a matter of tweaking some if's
06:08.09treke|homeonly reason the kernel took so long is because I'm a gimp with makefiles :)
06:08.34kergothit'd be nice if we didnt have to have an oz-base for devfs, and one for without
06:08.39treke|homewhenever I've used them in the past, its been with tols to generate them for me
06:08.40kergothbut fstab cant really be adapted on the fly easily
06:09.06kergothunless i have my devfs script on bootup grep and echo shit around with the fstab.. evil ;)
06:10.38treke|homekergoth: put the platform specific stuff in oz-base/platform/foo and copy that into the package before building?
06:11.36kergothtreke|home: yeah could do that. but I'd rather have a package thats adaptable at runtime rather than buildtime
06:11.40kergothtreke|home: just for consistency
06:11.43kergothbut this owrks
06:12.16treke|homerun time would be nice, but its probably more work than its worth
06:14.10treke|homejesus, glibc is still building
06:14.24treke|homewhat the hell all is compiling
06:14.27gaurdiankergoth , if youre useing the sharp there a way to remove apps you dont use/want ?
06:14.53treke|homegaurdian: not on the fly
06:15.12kergothyou can remove symlinks to the actual app in rom, but the app itself is still occupying flash space
06:15.18gaurdianhmm.....damm...gotta live with it atm I guess
06:15.46kergothor give up on embedix
06:16.01gaurdianhuh ?
06:16.14kergothsharp rom uses embedix
06:16.15kergothembedix sucks
06:16.17kergothuse OZ
06:16.43nodaEven Hancom apps work on OZ... right?
06:16.52gaurdianwell I really would be useing OZ but I need the wifi to work. Let meask you something. If I done "eject" the wifi card and just pull it that an issue ?
06:17.12kergoththats not a question
06:17.18nodaJust rip the card out, nothing will break
06:17.19kergoth'if i eject the card and pull it out' ..
06:17.25kergoththats half a question
06:17.28kergothwheres the other half?
06:17.36gaurdianwell, when I "eject" my wifi card it locks up, what if I dont eject, but just pull out
06:17.42kergoththats fine
06:17.45gaurdianthats what I meant to say
06:17.45nodagaurdian: Then you're fine :)
06:18.00gaurdianOK...because "eject" locked me up hard
06:18.04kergothyes, it does
06:18.13kergothand as i told you yesterday, thats already known
06:18.17kergothand it wont be fixed until the new kernel
06:18.19gaurdianI know
06:18.23kergothas its likely going to fix itself
06:18.30nodaOh, you've GOT to be kidding...
06:18.38nodaMy Z just locked up...
06:18.47nodaAnd the switch in the back won't turn it off.
06:18.53gaurdiannow, the Kompany makes a few apps that NEED (so they say) to be installed in RAM. I assume that leavs out the 64-0 kernel ?
06:18.58nodaWhat do I do, hit the reset button?
06:18.59kergoththat means you kernel paniced
06:19.10kergoththe soft reset switch is handled in kernel
06:19.11kergothif it doesnt work, kyour kernel is dead
06:19.20kergothfull reset is the only option, unless you use sysrq
06:19.21kergothtry home+b
06:19.32gaurdianwhat about tht kergoth ?
06:19.32kergothhome is the kernel magic sysrq key
06:19.40nodaNothing's happening
06:19.56kergothgaurdian: if they claim they only work in RAM, then obviously you need a kenrel that gives you a ramdisk. yes
06:20.07nodakergoth: There's NO way to save my ramdisk, right?
06:20.09kergothnoda: if it doesnt respond to sysrq something is borked
06:20.15kergothnoda: right
06:20.16gaurdianOK....say 6meg ramdisk should be enough.....I want max for running programs
06:20.41gaurdianwill give that a shot..thanks for info
06:20.52nodaMan, what a disappointment.
06:20.59gaurdianwhat ocked it ?
06:21.02nodaI had just ripped out a CF card. But still, that kind of thing shouldn't happen.
06:21.05gaurdianer locked
06:21.13nodaA 64MB flash card.
06:21.28gaurdianweird....I do that all the time with my 128
06:21.41nodaI've never had a panic before.
06:23.05nodaFuck. It's not the removing that broke it, it's inserting my CF card.
06:23.08||ughGhods, RedHat/GNOME has finialy made a distro that is _slower_ to boot then MS-Windows!  What a nightmare 8.1beta2 is is.  It took 26 _hours_ to install.  Makes one want to stick with OZ... :r)
06:23.17noda(The Wireless one)
06:23.27kergoth||ugh: eek
06:23.35kergoth||ugh: go with debian ;)
06:23.57nodaYeah, why does FreeS/WAN recommend redhat in all its docs?
06:24.26||ughI am testing RH, but Deb is more up my street...maybe I should even go back to FreeBSD... or maybe Pickles & Trout CP/M...
06:24.44kergothi havent touched freebsd in ages, i should try it again
06:25.37||ughWhy RedHat?  Sigh, it was the only one with it's act together 5 years ago.  Even worse NONE of the distros that have included FreeS/WAN got it right, you have to re-install on all of them.  We are hoping to fix this soon...
06:26.13noda||ugh: Because they've gotten too "big" :)
06:26.51||ughGhods, I have 128 mebibytes on my main laptop and I have to wait MINUTES to change virtual screens.  The GNOME folks are a nighmare!
06:27.33noda||ugh: Whoa, don't go blaming GNOME. It takes *me* no time on Slackware, compiled from source.
06:27.36kergothtry a kde3.1 beta or cvs ;)
06:27.56nodakergoth: I can reliably cause a kernel panic...
06:27.56||ughLinux is bad at paging/swaping, the IDE interface is still way to slow and megs of RAM for every little screen widget is just stupid.
06:28.19kergothnoda: doing what?
06:28.27nodakergoth: Just putting in my wireless card.
06:28.34||ughSince the modern GNOMES are unuseable I am looking at installing KDE on systems for my family, for me I just might go back to vTWM...
06:28.59noda||ugh: blackbox/openbox/fluxbox :)
06:29.29kergothnodi have at least 6-8 confirmed reports that wifi is working fine in rc2...
06:29.30nodakergoth: I really don't know what to do, I simply cannot put the card in without it crashing...
06:29.50||ughUg, more CF problems.  Noda, I have not played with the *box window managers, maybe I should but I _am_ busy.
06:29.54nodaWell yeah, it was working for me too! I just installed all my stuff, restarted opie.
06:29.57kergoththen 2-3 reports of WWEP issues which are likely user error
06:30.17nodaThen I put in my CF disk, installed a package from there (phalanx), then ripped out the disk, put in the wireless card and poof.
06:30.22kergothwhat card?
06:30.24nodakergoth: A kernel panic is NEVER user error
06:30.43||ughI have had zero CF problems in -rc2.  Humm.  Then again I have not left the house...
06:30.50nodaRegular 64MB flash card, and then SMC2642W
06:31.28kergotheh? are you dense?
06:31.28||ughWhen you GDB the core image, where did it crash...oh right...Torvalds knows more then every Unix fool who came before him...
06:31.35kergothi said the WEP issue reports are user error
06:31.39kergothi said nothing about your issue
06:31.45nodaOh, heh :)
06:32.15gaurdianwhat wep issues kergoth /
06:32.52kergothcouple users werent able to get WEP going on rc2
06:32.53gaurdianwill the Kompany's apps run ok on OZ ?
06:33.10nodaAfter rebooting, when I put in the wireless card, the light on it blinks ("scanning for network"). But if I take it out and put it back again, the light is solid.
06:33.12kergothyes, they do
06:33.31nodaGonna try booting with wireless in.
06:33.36nodaThe CF disk works fine, btw.
06:33.50gaurdianwhat size disk ?
06:34.19nodaPersonally, I don't see how anybody could screw up WEP. It's *so* simple :)
06:34.53kergothnoda: never underestimate stupidity
06:35.17nodaYeah, I never manage to learn that lesson.
06:35.38nodaCrashes immediately after "Starting PCMCIA services: cardmgs[4313]: watching 2 sockets done."
06:36.01||ughSo simple that some of us can break it...
06:36.02nodaI see "Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd", but I guess that's because cardmgr was still starting up in the background.
06:36.34nodakergoth: Is there a bug in the oz-base in unstable? :)
06:38.10kergothwhat would oz-base have to do with a CF/wifi crash?
06:38.14nodaI'm trying to think of what could be different in my setup than most 3.1rc2 users...
06:38.18nodaOh, I haven't a clue :P
06:38.31kergoth3.1rc2 includes a completely different version of HostAP
06:38.48kergothwe used to be on one from last may
06:38.56kergothnow we're on one from october
06:39.31nodaWhere do I *begin* debugging this problem?
06:39.41||ughYea, the HostAP folks could use a new release...
06:40.10nodakergoth: rofl, no wonder my "home" key didn't work... my keyboard has jiggled loose or something.
06:40.12kenbnoda: cardctl ident
06:40.25kenbput the into into hostap_cs
06:41.01nodakenb: Um. Did you see what the error was? :)
06:41.04kergothkenb: he's on an smc card
06:41.05kergothshould be already in
06:41.12kergothkenb: he's panicing
06:41.13nodaIt IS. and it was working great.
06:41.16kergothkenb: softt reset doesnt work
06:41.32nodaWhat can I DO??? AAAAH! HELP!!!
06:41.32kergothkenb: which means the kernel crashed hardcore
06:41.55kenbsmc card uses hostap_cs as well.. hm..
06:42.19kenbnoda: got cf2pcmcia adapter and laptop ?
06:42.45nodakenb: Nope
06:42.54nodaNor any equivalent setup :P
06:42.58kenbotherwise, you could try the card in laptop
06:43.58nodaIt's gotta be something in some config file. It was working before, dammit!
06:44.50nodaI'll kill cardctl and try doing a modprobe manually...
06:44.56nodaerm, cardmgr that is
06:47.05nodaIf I kill cardmgr the card goes in.
06:47.07nodaAnd the light stays on.
06:47.36nodaWithout cardmgr, how am I supposed to get the card to "register"? (I don't really know what I mean. What can I type to get onto the 'net?)
06:53.28treke|homekergoth: you ever played with apt-build before?
06:53.55kergothtreke|home: yep, very cool tool
06:54.00kergothtreke|home: select the optimizations and shit..
06:55.35gaurdianwhats so great about the LCD /
06:59.10nodagaurdian: Um... well, LCD's are really neat. They're made of thousands of tiny "liquid crystals" which reflect lights with the proper colours. The end result is a flat, lightweight, and crisp display.
06:59.33gaurdianI KNOW what a LCD is...I asked how it was better
06:59.51nodaThan a CRT? It's flat, lightweight, and very crisp.
07:00.03gaurdianisnt the 5500 LCD also ?
07:00.16kergothwhat was better?
07:00.18kergothgaurdian: um, dood
07:00.20nodaYeah, you're not going to fit a CRT onto a small computer...
07:00.35kergothgaurdian: you realize thats completely out of context right? the c700 discussion is in #zaurus, not here said it was one of the best..I just asked why ? many channels open
07:08.02gaurdiankergoth , one more question re: rc2. when I tried it, it identified my wifi card incorrectly. Now I assume that the card still has a working driver attached, just named wrong. right ?
07:16.20kergothso if there was a problem, itw asnt that, it was somethign else
07:40.38gaurdianok, not being a linux guy. I just installed rc2, how do I format the SD card to ext2fs ?
07:43.07gaurdianmkfs.ext2 /mnt/card     /mnt/card is not a block special device
07:48.58*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
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08:39.48RealUlligaurdian: mkfs.ext2 /dev/mmcda1
08:40.22RealUlligaurdian: (the device used for /mnt/card is in /etc/fstab)
08:58.46*** join/#openembedded scanline (~micah@aden2-124-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
09:18.41Balaanyone know what this gcc error means?
09:18.45Bala/usr/local/arm/arm-v4l-linux/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':
09:18.45Bala/usr/local/arm/arm-v4l-linux/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x2c): undefined reference to `main'
09:19.14Balawhy cant it find main?
09:39.49*** join/#openembedded NarrowMind (
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10:10.22RealUllihmm.. where do I report bugs in the OZ build system?
10:11.41||ughGoto, bugs is over on the left.
10:14.55NarrowMindwhat did ya find ?
10:22.30RealUlliNarrowMind: I tried to start a OZ build environment from scratch. everything went fine, except when it tried to unpack the binutils source, which it didn't find. Investigation showed that wget created a directory hierarchy not just the archive file (this is on debian testing)
10:24.50RealUlliNarrowMind: possibly it's just a quirk of my system, but i think it might be a good idea to tack -nH and/or -nd onto the wget call in the Makefile... :-)
10:27.13RealUlli('im looking into the makefiles to find out exactly where.. :-)
10:33.39*** join/#openembedded Real2 (
10:34.13NarrowMinddid you have your sd card during the flash  upgrade ?
10:35.22*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
10:35.43effydoes anyone know if when I update my zaurus, will the update destroy the data already on my compactflash?
10:37.12Real2effy: update afaik not (as you're not re-flashing completely), but a backup is always recommended (IMHO)
10:37.41Real2effy: that is, updating just the packages...
10:38.00effyah, I meant the data on my CF
10:38.14Real2effy: no.
10:38.14effyI am using my camera's CF, and just wondered if it might get destroyed
10:38.23effycool, thanks
10:38.57Real2effy: the upgrade touches the card only for reading or if you have installed software to the card...
10:39.18Real2effy: still... make a backup to the computer if possible.. ;-)
10:39.24effyhehe true
10:41.11effywhich update is this? for which model?
10:41.58Real2effy: that was the 5500G, with OpenZaurus 3.1rc1...
10:42.25effywhat kind of support is there in OZ for Japanese?
10:42.49Real2effy: *ugh* no idea...
10:42.52lsmithhmm ...
10:43.10effyI might give it a try
10:43.11lsmithdid rc2 improve the chances of the Z not crashing when waking up in the cradle?
10:43.28effyI'm stuck between using my zaurus for personal data, or using it for experimentation :P
10:43.32lsmithbecause so far it worked all 3 times i tried
10:43.34Real2lsmith: no idea - didn't happen to me yet... ;-)
10:44.22Real2effy: make lots of backups... then you can use it for both...
10:46.04Real2effy: the OZ PIM apps store their data usually in /root/Applications and their settings in /root/Settings, so you might want to backup these...
10:47.46Real2effy: simple command: tar cvzf /mnt/cf/backup-`date "+%Y%m%d"`.tar.gz /root/Applications /root/Settings
10:48.07Real2..or something like that...
10:48.27Real2effy: you should clean up the backup files from time to time... ;-)
10:49.34effyin /root? or /home/QtPalmtop/?
10:50.04Real2effy: also, afaik, the Fuji FinePix S602 apparently doesn't like non-camera files on the CF (it refuses to accept the card)
10:50.22Real2effy: that command line is for OpenZaurus... not the Sharp ROM
10:50.30effyah ok hehe
10:50.49effyI use the Canon Ixy 200
10:51.12effywell, it looks like the update was successful
10:51.53effydidnt take long at all
10:51.56Real2effy: the Sharp Backup app just backs up all the ram... there are no user data in the flash... OZ saves at least the PIM data in Flash...
10:53.36Real2effy: OTOH, the Sharp backup also brings back all the installed apps after a reflash or a hard reset...
10:54.42Real2grr.. how long is the ping timeout for dead nicks?!
10:55.21Real2effy: On The Other Hand
10:55.26effyah hehe
10:56.28Real2ah.. finally. :-)
10:57.20effywhat are you doing up so late?
10:58.25RealUllieffy: late? I'm in germany... here it's 11:58... high noon.. ;-)
10:58.36effyah hehe ok
10:58.38RealUllieffy: what's the time at your place? :-)
10:58.45effyalmost 8pm
10:59.17RealUllieffy: and that's late?! ;-)
10:59.43effyI was assuming by your ident that you were somewhere in North America ;)
11:00.11RealUllieffy: oh, I C .. well... ;-)
11:00.53RealUllieffy: is the dialin domain of the deutsche telekom...
11:00.59effyah ok
11:01.25RealUlli(including dsl flat rate users, like me... ;-)
11:02.43XavierXeonand me
11:04.11XavierXeonOT : anyone interested in highlighting Qt classes in kate -->
11:07.33effythe Qt classes are crazy expensive
11:07.58XavierXeoneffy: ???
11:08.49effycost almost $3000
11:09.23XavierXeoneffy: qt is available for free if you are using it for open source
11:09.44effyummmmmm, I think I may be mistaken haha
11:09.49effyI was thinking about the COURSES :P
11:10.28RealUlliah.. well...
11:12.11RealUllihmm. how do you check out files for editing in the OZ build tree, short of chmod +w... ?
11:13.02RealUlli(i don't have write access to the CVS or BK trees, but if i can report a bug with a patch included, it would probably help... :-)
11:13.10tronicalRealUlli: bk co -l <file> (or quick bk vi <file>)
11:13.41tronicalRealUlli: what's the bug you found (and where) ?
11:14.46effyeither of you ever compile qtopia?
11:15.05tronicalRealUlli: (I'm asking because if it's a no-brainer it might be easier to push the change right away :)
11:15.15RealUllitronical: it might be a quirk on my system, but when downloading the binutils source wget created a directory hierarchy, causing the unpack to fail... i think getsource should nail down wget so it creates never a dir hierarchy, no matter what the defaults...
11:15.29XavierXeoneffy: i did, but it did not work on the z
11:15.37effywhich version?
11:15.56effyI think trolltech is putting out source code versions that do not compile correctly
11:16.23RealUllitronical: IMHO that's a no-brainer, so it's exactly right for a Z newbie like me... ;-)
11:16.26tronicalRealUlli: are you  using a DEBIAN_MIRROR in your VArs.local?
11:16.44tronicalRealUlli: I mean't no-brainer in the sense that the patch is a one- or two-liner and trivial ;-)
11:17.05RealUllitronical: afaik no... i'll check (i didn't put it in there, and wget created
11:18.45XavierXeoneffy: i did compile nicely, but the main binary (qpe) did just quit without any error message
11:20.08effyXavier: ok. I'm trying 1.6.0, and maybe I'm just not understanding MOC files correctly. The make file keeps trying to compile a global.moc file into a moc_passwordbase_p.o
11:20.38RealUllitronical: the patch would be a one-liner...
11:22.21RealUllitronical: just include in getsource, line 86: --no-directories --no-host-directories
11:22.34XavierXeoneffy: odd. moc should just make a moc_name.cpp from some name.cpp and use it just as a regular file
11:22.58effythe command line uses g++ and global.moc in the same line
11:23.14effymust be an error somewhere
11:23.51RealUllitronical: I think that should fix it - i just wanted to test it first and go the "official" way... ;-)
11:24.05mickeylmorning folks *yawn*
11:24.17effyI'm not even sure the source I have is the one that contains the addressbook originally with the C700
11:25.56XavierXeoneffy: probably not, most apps in qtopia 1.5 fiffer from the ones on a 5500
11:26.09effydamn hehe
11:26.15effyso it's fruitless anyways :P
11:26.26effyI was trying 1.6.0
11:26.44effyI'll have to ask an insider to find out what source they use for the addressbook app in Japanese
11:29.02XavierXeoneffy: i take it you have the original (japanese) c700 ?
11:31.44NarrowMindtthere is a US version of the C700 ?
11:32.46XavierXeonNarrowMind: there is a an imported version with some bastard rom. i have forgoten the name of the company who does it. have a look in the zaurus forum
11:33.10NarrowMinddyna something
11:33.32NarrowMinddianetics or something
11:34.29NarrowMindbah.. this is why I hate japanese companies.. they dont sell the same stuff to us
11:34.52NarrowMindI guess they have to dumb it down for the rest of us
11:35.11tronicalRealUlli: hm, I'm really surprised you see this effect. can you copy&paste the wget line that the build system executes (the one that creates the directory hierarchy for you) ?
11:35.26RealUllitronical: just a sec
11:36.53RealUllitronical: here comes the line, and the first 2 lines of wget output:
11:36.58RealUlliwget --continue --passive-ftp
11:37.51effyXavier: there is no US version.
11:38.19tronicalRealUlli: ok, I see. that that command creates a directory hierarchy for you?
11:39.05XavierXeoneffy: as stated above you can buy it in the us, but its _not_ an official version
11:39.06RealUllitronical: yup... the path in the second line of output...
11:39.33effyyeah, I've seen it before hehe
11:39.49effybut as far as I know, there are no official updates for it either
11:40.23tronicalRealUlli: that sounds _really_ odd. what's the third and the fourth line in the output?
11:42.30RealUlliResolving localhost... done.
11:42.32RealUlliConnecting to localhost[]:3128... connected.
11:42.35RealUlliProxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
11:42.37RealUlliLength: 9,358,758 [application/x-tar]
11:43.19tronicalRealUlli: and if you execute that command separately in say /tmp it still creates a binutils_<blahfoo>.orig.tar.gz directory?
11:43.37RealUllitronical: just a sec.. *test*
11:44.40RealUlli(apparently the file was still in the cache... :-)
11:44.57tronicalI think then your wget is b0rked or something
11:45.37RealUlli*that's* what i want for download speed... 9 MB with a speed ot 31.10 MB/sec.. ;-D
11:45.50RealUllitronical: that's possible...
11:48.57RealUllitronical: i just checked /etc/wgetrc and ~/.wgetrc - nothing out of the ordinary...
11:49.31tronicalRealUlli: I'm especially surprised given that your proxy returns application/x-tar as return type...
11:49.41tronicalRealUlli: does it make a difference without the proxy?
11:50.06RealUllitronical: hmm.. just a sec.
11:52.20RealUllitronical: nope. (unset ftp_proxy and http_proxy)
11:52.39tronicalRealUlli: whicih wget version is that?
11:53.05RealUllitronical: 1.8.1
11:53.37tronicalRealUlli: hmm, 1.8.2 here. can't imagine that .1 is that b0rked tho. tried the one out of sid maybe?
11:54.21RealUllitronical: hmm... this box is kinda mixed from stable and testing...
11:55.05RealUllitronical: stable doesn't have some stuff i need - for example an X-Server that works with my Geforce.. ;-)
11:57.39RealUllitronical: i'll try to upgrade wget...
12:10.24RealUllitronical: upgraded, 1.8.2 still borked... ;-(
12:11.26RealUlliwell.. anyway.. upgrading the whole system to testing...
12:11.37effyLOL, I just tried to compile my source and the file up and disappears!
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12:16.35XavierXeonis / a special character in python ?
12:20.23RealUllihmm... i just changed getsource, did a make mrproper, then a make, now it seems to work.. :-)
12:29.48lsmithhow is rc2 being recieved?
12:29.53lsmithany show stoppers?
12:38.02mickeylXavierXeon: depends... where do you want to use it?
12:38.23mickeyllsmith: no severe problems so fatr
12:39.47XavierXeonmickeyl: i want to go through the konqe bookmarks and replace things like </title> by nothing
12:39.48lsmith3.1 final should get out the door soon
12:39.58lsmithand leave the kernel for 3.2 or 4.0
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12:40.12mark<larios> some body knows that if i can put the open zaurus in a PC
12:40.40mickeyllsmith: no. we _will_ ship the f*cking 3.1 with 2.4.19 no matter how long it takes :-D
12:41.43mickeyllsmith: no seriously... 3.1rc2 is pretty much ok, and the kernel will be ready soon... it's nearly finished
12:41.53mickeyl_nearly_ being the critical adjective here :-D
12:43.21lsmithsd module ...
12:43.46lsmiththe thing is: it makes no sense from a qa perspective to introduce a new kernel in rc3
12:53.40mickeyllsmith: as far as i know, the 2.4.19 will come as an additional option, e.g. in 3.1 you can choose whether to use 2.4.6 or 2.4.19
12:54.03mickeylwe will support both kernels for at least one or two releases
12:54.40nobsemickeyl: kergoth said yesterday, that 3.1 will shipped with 2.4.6
12:55.04mickeylnobse: did he? hmm... missed that.
12:55.39mickeylit really all depends on the MMC and the touchscreen.
12:55.53mickeylthese are the two major items left.
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13:10.30nobseis there a replacement for opie-netmonapplet?
13:12.21mickeylno. use the new networksetup to display current net settings
13:19.29nobselooks like opie-networksettings
13:22.13nobsehmm... how can I add a ppp0 device for connection to my isp via cellphone?
13:22.36nobseIf I choose "Add" in networksetup, it says "sorry, nothing to add."
13:37.13*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
13:37.31RealUllihmm.. arm-linux-gcc doesn't get built... what am i doing wrong?!?
13:38.17RealUllibinutils and crosscompiler are checked in menuconfig...
13:38.27tronicalRealUlli: add CONFIG_TOOLCHAIN=y into your .config
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13:39.54TheMasterMind1tronical: sup
13:40.13tronicalhey tmm1
13:44.08tronicalhm, was usbdnet already in 2.4.21-pre3?
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13:44.29TheMasterMind1usbnet ! not usbDnet
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13:45.04TheMasterMind1usbnet with zaurus support is in 21pre1+
13:45.24tronicalah, usbnet and usbdnet have been like..merged?
13:45.57TheMasterMind1no, usbdnet is shit and isn't being used anymore
13:46.01TheMasterMind1it causes kernel panics
13:46.13tronicalahh, gotcha
14:07.58||ughLet me just go get TheMasterMind1's medication... :r)
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14:50.20RealUllihmm.. still no arm-linux-gcc... :-(
14:54.04effyReal: you program in Qt, I take it
14:56.09effyI cant get my QLabel to refresh when I click on a QPushButton
14:56.28effydoesnt the SLOT setText make it change?
14:58.10mickeyleffy: yes, should.
14:59.15effymind if I show you the SIGNAL/SLOT line?
14:59.25effyQObject::connect(mybutton1, SIGNAL(clicked()), mylabel, SLOT(setText(mybutton1->text())));
14:59.51mickeylah, that's not the way it works. you can't embed code in the SLOT
14:59.56mickeylyou should have get a runtime error
15:00.13RealUllieffy: nope..
15:00.18effythere was no error, but a "no such SLOT" o something
15:00.29mickeylthat IS the error :)
15:00.32effyhehe ok
15:00.34RealUllieffy: i'm just trying to compile the buildroot-oz...
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15:00.52RealUllieffy: without much success yet... ;-)
15:01.01mickeyleffy: connect the clicked SIGNAL to a slot in your program and then call setText manually
15:01.27effyah ok, declare a slot? but I thought SLOTs cannot be static functions
15:01.56mickeylyes, that's why you should introduce a class in your program NOW :-D
15:02.09effydamn hehe
15:02.17effyI was hoping to make it simple ;)
15:02.44mickeylwell, it _is_ simple, but not simpler as it can. you must take at least a few preparations.
15:03.16effyI was trying to expand a little on the example I found in Programming with Qt
15:03.57effyso, make a class which extends off QWidget, and make that my MainWidget?
15:05.06mickeyleffy: you can, but it seems more reasonable to derive from a class which is a bit more capable, e.g. QFrame or QVBox or etc.
15:05.18mickeyldepends on what your widget should do
15:05.27mickeyland if it should contain subwidgets or not
15:05.56effyhmmmm, could go off of QLabel, I guess.
15:06.21effyjust need to add a simple SLOT for toggling the text display
15:11.49effymaybe I'm still thinking wrong hehe
15:13.04mickeyleffy: no you're on track. derive from QLabel, add a slot toggle() to it, where you change the label via setText, then connect clicked() to toggle() and you're set.
15:13.39effyok, but I dont have to implement all the virtual functions of QLabel?
15:14.31mickeylhehe, no. they're not pure virtual.
15:14.41effythanks for the help
15:15.04mickeylnp - starting with qt is hard, but once you've learned the basics it's a breeze.
15:15.26effyI've never done any GUI programming, so there are some other parts that can be a hurddle
15:15.42ljpanyone know urls for arm asm reference, etc?
15:17.25*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
15:17.33Pietehey guys
15:17.48PieteAnyone know of a frozen-bubble like game for the Z?
15:18.20effy"frozen-bubble like"?
15:18.48effywhat does that mean? :P
15:18.52Pietea game simmilar to frozen-bubble?
15:18.55pb_like frozen-bubble :-)
15:18.57nikkii've seen one
15:19.00nikkilemme check
15:19.03effynever heard of it hehe
15:19.07pb_Piete: I guess you can run frozen-bubble itself, if you have enough disk.
15:19.16nikkibubble buster?
15:19.26Pietepb_: cool!, I have around 30MB free atm..
15:19.34Pietenikki: ty
15:19.42nikkifroots is quite near to frozen bubble too
15:20.00pb_Piete: there is a version of f-b kicking around on that I resized for the ipaq.  It uses SDL for all the I/O, so I guess it ought to "just work" on the Z also.
15:20.33pb_Piete: trouble is that you need to install all the Perl crap in order to run it.  It'd be nice if someone spent a day or so rewriting it in C.
15:20.44Pietepb_: ah :/
15:20.51Pietepb_: yea, f-b in C would be nice
15:21.05effymickey: I would need a toggle() for each message, then, woudlnt I? if slots are not supposed to have parameters
15:21.21pb_Piete: I don't think it should be all that difficult, just a bit time-consuming.  There aren't very many lines of code.
15:22.10Pietepb_: if I could code C, I would do it this week. :)
15:23.25effymickey: pass it a reference to the button object?
15:26.22mickeyleffy: slots _can_ have parameters, but you can only connect a signal to a slot when the signatures match. so, if you want to connect clicked() to a slot, then to a slot without parameters.
15:26.53mickeyleffy: i recommend taking the time to work through the qt tutorial - it's a good reading and you'll know the basics afterwards
15:27.06effybut how do Iget mybutton1's text to the label? by giving it the address of mybutton1?
15:27.21effythat's kinda what I'm doing now heh
15:29.31Pieteanyone know where tinykate's config files are? (I want to add syntax highlighting for html)
15:31.14effybleh, constructor problems now
15:33.46mickeylPiete: syntax highlighting is already in the opie cvs. tinykate looks for files in $OPIEDIR/share/tinykate/syntax
15:34.08Pietethank you mickeyl
15:34.43Pietemickeyl: $opiedir being /opt/QtPalmtop on OZ?
15:36.23mickeylPiete: yep
15:37.12Piete <-- wow
15:38.16effymickey: the QLabel constructor takes a parent widget. how do I set that in my own derived widget?
15:38.51killefizPiete: ???
15:38.57ljpPiete: overkill
15:39.22Pieteljp: yes, but its geeky :)
15:39.43chouimatme want gentoo arm
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15:40.24mickeyleffy: same. copy the constructor of qlabel verbatim to your derived class
15:40.27Pietechouimat: me too me too me too!
15:40.39effycopy and paste? heh
15:40.51TheMasterMind1chouimat: how goes the ucblic oz image
15:42.32Pieteheh, I feel st00pid asking this, but how do you change the color settings in tinykate? I tap on the setting I want to change, but nothing happens..
15:43.49chouimatTheMasterMind1: monday or tuesday ... don't have time today
15:45.23chouimatTheMasterMind1: too much to do today ...
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15:52.22chouimatTheMasterMind1: look at that lart:  ulyx takes away George-'s internet connection
16:04.37effymickey: you still around?
16:05.18effyit is saying setGeometry() is inaccessible
16:05.41effyam I supposed to override that one too?
16:06.13effyerrr, overload?
16:06.42*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
16:06.52mickeylinaccessible? what's the exact error message?
16:07.05effy./opt/qt/include/qwidget.h:346: `void QWidget::setGeometry(int, int, int, int)' is inaccessible
16:07.41mickeylis that all?
16:08.27effyHelloWorld.cpp: In function `int main(int, char **)':
16:08.27effy/opt/qt/include/qwidget.h:346: `void QWidget::setGeometry(int, int, int, int)' is inaccessible
16:08.27effyHelloWorld.cpp:34: within this context
16:08.27effyHelloWorld.cpp:39: fields of `QObject' are inaccessible in `MyOwnLabel' due to private inheritance
16:08.27effyHelloWorld.cpp:44: fields of `QObject' are inaccessible in `MyOwnLabel' due to private inheritance
16:08.41effythat's all of it ;)
16:08.55mickeylyou must inherit public
16:09.10mickeylclass MyOwnLabel: public QLabel
16:09.31effyshoot, shows how much I really understand about C++
16:09.51mickeylhmm... it's not clever trying to learn C++ AND Qt at once.
16:10.08mickeylPlease learn C++ first.
16:10.11chouimateffy: the class definition please
16:10.19effywell, I've done some, and it's what I'm supposed to be doing at work too. but I cant say I'm a master by any means.
16:10.22ljpbah! dive in! head first!
16:11.48effydamn, I still get the error on the connect
16:11.51effyno such slot
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16:13.57effykeeps thinking it's a "QLabel" instead of a "MyOwnLabel"
16:14.41chouimatulyx: lart effy
16:15.53effybleh on you!
16:18.02effyulyx: lart chouimat
16:19.23effyalright, I give up for now. learn more later. goodnight
16:29.35Pieteuh, so ulyx is the new chanbot?
16:30.01Pieteulyx: lart ibot
16:30.07Pieteibot: lart ulyx
16:30.39PieteROBOT WARS :D
16:39.25*** join/#openembedded AndyQ (
16:41.06chouimatAndyQ: hi
17:00.11*** join/#openembedded HighNo (
17:00.33HighNodoes anyone know how to start oz in console mode?
17:00.51TheMasterMind1you can't
17:00.56TheMasterMind1just get in opie and exit out of it
17:01.43HighNohm, my opie doesnt start, thats the problem
17:02.28HighNo*urgent feature request* let oz boot to console if certain key is pressed when booting
17:03.25chouimatHighNo: tell that to kergoth
17:04.23killefizTheMasterMind1: you should put a note onto the oz-page that it's not a good idea to update some packages to rc2 - HighNo is another victim of trying this
17:04.48HighNogosh, i totally crashed and am only a number on a list??? AAARGS :)
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17:15.23RealUllihmm.. i seem to be lucky.. re-flashed to rc2 - no problems yet...
17:16.15TheMasterMind1killefiz: which packages, do you know?
17:16.16HighNothe problem is not reflashing...
17:16.27HighNoTheMasterMind1: pcmcia-cs
17:16.34HighNoist definatly one
17:16.44HighNothat one killed me
17:16.55Pietehey AndyQ :)
17:16.56kenbyea, pcmcia-cs is mising support for a few cards in rc2
17:16.59AndyQHey Piete
17:17.01kenbthis has been fixed in buildroot
17:18.07Pieteg'nite all
17:18.19AndyQnight Piete
17:19.26TheMasterMind1HighNo: hmm, ok
17:19.48chouimathmm the moronbowl today :(
17:19.50HighNoi dont know why exactly
17:20.21HighNobut i updated via AQpkg from Opie, and when installing pcmcia-cs opie crashed
17:20.36HighNoit was seg fault or invalid instruction - dont remeber
17:20.57HighNobut i came down to an insane console
17:21.18HighNoand now it boots to this point
17:23.01chouimathmmm I think I will go outside today, they forecast -28C tomorrow
17:57.59markchouimat|away: cool :)
17:59.32*** join/#openembedded Dessimat0r (
17:59.42Dessimat0rlo all
17:59.58ljpwhazz up g ?
18:00.03Dessimat0rkergoth: some packages in the feed still need updating ;)
18:00.13Dessimat0rthe same ones as yesterday, hehe
18:03.06kergothi updated the feed last night.
18:04.45kergothHighNo: invalid instruction or segfault indicates you upgraded part of opie but not all of it.
18:05.31ljpkergoth: you have any docs on arm asm? or know urls
18:05.48RealUlli*** This version of GNU libc cannot be compiled by GCC 3.x.
18:06.10kergothljp: yes, ARM ARM is the definitive reference
18:07.21pb_RealUlli: get a newer glibc
18:08.20RealUllipb_: not yet.. actually, i don't even have an idea which glibc that gcc is talking about...
18:08.45RealUllipb_: the host or the target glibc...
18:08.50pb_RealUlli: you get that error if you try to build glibc 2.2 with a new gcc.
18:09.13pb_so, presumably this is the target one
18:09.25RealUllianyway.. another try, with 2.95.4 (hopefully, it gets built this time around... )
18:10.32ljparm arm?
18:10.40kergotharm architecture reference manual
18:11.03Dessimat0ralright :D
18:11.12Dessimat0rI was looking in
18:11.27kergoththats testing
18:11.28Dessimat0rThanks kergoth ;)
18:11.41kergothit wont see any new packages or changes, barring seucrity issues or critical bugs, until the rc3 release
18:11.47kergothbleh security
18:11.47Dessimat0rah, alright
18:13.26*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
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18:31.11kergoththe fortune packages have a circular dependency
18:31.24kergothand my lil 'reconfigruign packages' script follow sdependencies to make sure they're config'd in order
18:31.31kergothso it confiugures forever :)
18:31.47HighNokeep going!
18:31.55HighNoget a faster processor
18:32.25XavierXeonhigh HighNo
18:32.29HighNoi once heard a pentium II finished endless loops in 7.62secs
18:32.47depin oz 3.1rc2 linksys wfc12 is an unsuported card
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18:33.19HighNonice to see that the buffalo is still supported
18:33.23kergothdep: yes, it is. upgrahde to hostap-modules from unstable
18:33.42AndyQDessimat0r: you around?
18:37.18kergothipkg needs Recommends
18:37.54kergothexample, when you take an existing package and split it into multiple packages
18:38.03kergothRecommends would ease the transition for the user
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18:42.13TheMasterMind1ipkg needs many many things
18:42.20TheMasterMind1and i need time to work on ipkg
18:43.27kergothnow's a good time :)
18:43.32RealUlliTheMasterMind1: yesterday you were bored... ;-) *pulls_his_leg*... ;-0
18:43.37angryicefox: how was linuxworld?
18:43.43angryicefox: where are the pics again? :)
18:43.45kergothTheMasterMind1: oh
18:43.54kergothTheMasterMind1: put ipkg-link in familiar/dist/ipkg/utils/ or whatever
18:43.56kergothTheMasterMind1: in cvs
18:44.00TheMasterMind1the script?
18:44.08kergothTheMasterMind1: then it'll be on both ipaq and Z, and andy can call it instead of doing the linking himself
18:44.12kergothTheMasterMind1: yep
18:44.22angryeww ibot's in here
18:44.23kergothTheMasterMind1: besides, i'm sure the ipaq folks could make use of it
18:44.28TheMasterMind1only if its included in pacages though
18:44.32Dessimat0rwhat is wrong with ibot?
18:44.33kergothibot: lart angry
18:44.34angrynow people will be reading what i say later
18:44.38kergothTheMasterMind1: yeah, but we can have them include it
18:44.41angrywho arent in the chat
18:44.43AndyQhey Dessimat0r
18:44.47Dessimat0rlo AndyQ ;)
18:44.48*** join/#openembedded drw (
18:44.52AndyQDessimat0r: up for a new version?
18:44.55Dessimat0rdling unstable feed
18:44.55kergothhey drw
18:45.02AndyQDessimat0r: ahhh
18:45.03Dessimat0rright after I've updated ;) hehe
18:45.06AndyQhey drw
18:45.19drwhey kergoth, AndyQ, etc.
18:45.27angry(got that ibot?)
18:45.28Dessimat0rwho is BigBoss?
18:45.31kergothlol angry
18:45.44kergothibot: bigboss
18:45.49[bigboss] like the president of TheKompany
18:45.49angrybigboss runs thekompany
18:46.06chouimatkergoth:  ulyx Declares jihad on George-
18:46.10Dessimat0rpff.. not an asset to the free software and open source community
18:46.18kergothchouimat: hehe, i saw that
18:46.39kergothDessimat0r: bigboss is known to scan ibot's logs of channels for tkc references
18:46.46Dessimat0rAndyQ: emule is just whoring my bandwidth atm ;)
18:46.55Dessimat0rdling Full Metal Panic
18:46.56chouimatkergoth: grep tkc log :)
18:47.06Dessimat0rand the feed
18:47.08AndyQDessimat0r: is emule any good?
18:47.13Dessimat0rits amazing :D
18:47.15Dessimat0rnot for music tho
18:47.23Dessimat0rwinmx is for music
18:47.37AndyQDessimat0r: nah - kaaza is for music
18:47.44AndyQmuch better than winmx
18:47.46Dessimat0rwinmx is better than kazaa ;)
18:47.49kergothgotta ditch that spam
18:47.54angry is for music
18:48.18Dessimat0rhrm, this transfer is taking too long to initiate
18:48.20Dessimat0rsomething is up
18:48.32chouimatkergoth: we need to have too
18:49.02Dessimat0rhas anyone actually found the site to register a .mil yet?
18:49.07angryDessimat0r: yes
18:49.11angryDessimat0r: read slashdot comments
18:49.14Dessimat0rpeople were having trouble
18:49.25angryDessimat0r: but people didnt realize it wasnt automated
18:49.38angryDessimat0r: it is basically just a thing that generates a form email to a person for review
18:50.20chouimathmmmm  sound good
18:50.21Dessimat0rAndyQ: resend
18:50.48AndyQon its way
18:51.04ljphow about
18:51.12Dessimat0rah! i know whats up
18:51.18Dessimat0ri already have a pong.tgz
18:51.21Dessimat0rin the dir
18:51.24Dessimat0rits trying to resume from it
18:51.48Dessimat0rokay, resend again ;)
18:51.57Dessimat0rshould work now
18:52.25AndyQindeed it did
18:52.31Dessimat0ryup :D
18:52.47AndyQDessimat0r: Its also got sound now but I haven't sent the wav files :)
18:53.42ljpdamn floats!!!!
18:54.06Dessimat0rcan't get a bloody song out of my head
18:54.10Dessimat0r'the final countdown'
18:54.15Dessimat0rfrom 1986
18:54.20kergothljp: ah, gotta switch to integer math eh
18:54.30ljplisten to Madonna "Music"
18:54.39chouimatDessimat0r: I got a version from 1999, much better
18:54.44ljpi hate math
18:54.49AndyQDessimat0r: got a serverlist file for emule?
18:54.54ljpfrickin numbers
18:54.57Dessimat0rchouimat: the techno version?
18:55.21chouimatDessimat0r: nope, the vision divine version
18:55.26Dessimat0rit must be the only english song I like
18:57.14ljpsomeone hack a FPU on the 5000d
18:57.25Dessimat0rAndyQ: the shadow needs to be on all walls
18:57.32Dessimat0rAndyQ: the light direction is the front
18:57.57AndyQDessimat0r: There is no light sourcing yet (only coz I don't know yet how to do that manually)
18:58.12AndyQDessimat0r: And the shadow would make it too easy - its onlythere for beginners :)
18:58.35angrythat ipaq with bluetooth / 802.11b built in seems damn sexy
18:58.49AndyQburn the heretic :)
18:59.05Dessimat0rAndyQ: your next game HAS to be cosmic Causeway
18:59.15AndyQheh - nope
18:59.16HighNoi'd love to have a zaurus with nvidia graphic chipset :)
18:59.18AndyQ3D SFCave
18:59.25angry3d sfcave sucks
18:59.27kergothi want a c700 w/ c0 stepping, 64mb ram, and bulit in BT
18:59.27kergoththat'd be godly.
18:59.28Dessimat0rhow does that work?
18:59.37Dessimat0r3d sfcave
18:59.38AndyQnot the way I do it:)
18:59.40angryi run :)
18:59.45angryport the necrocave java game to the Z!
18:59.58HighNois there a nvidia cf-gf4-card?
18:59.58AndyQnah - don't really like the necrocave much
19:00.01Dessimat0rcosmic causeway! ;)
19:00.07ljpwhats a java?
19:00.18AndyQljp some coffee I believe :)
19:00.21kergothi loved necrocave, but then i got used to the physics in AndyQ's sfcaves
19:00.23angrymy brother edited sfcave (java) into necrocave
19:00.53ljpmmmm coffee
19:00.56angrychouimat: the default game on
19:01.22AndyQkergoth: tried the sdl SFCAve yet?
19:01.30HighNois it good?
19:01.38AndyQyup very (imo)
19:01.45kergothAndyQ: yea i have, it behaves slightly different, but i like it
19:01.50angryAndyQ: you mean yasfcave?
19:02.09AndyQkergoth: you can now screw with the physics if you so desire
19:02.11angryAndyQ: or is there a zaurus specific one
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19:02.23kergothAndyQ: oh nice
19:02.29AndyQangry: I mean Zaurus specific SFCave SDL version
19:02.33HighNoat the moment i'm playing oz3.1rc2-extreme-options-reediting-after-newly-flashing-because-of-updated-packages-unrecoverable-error
19:02.34kergothAndyQ: course now our high scores arent comparable :)
19:02.43Dessimat0rThanks chouimat :D
19:02.52AndyQkergoth: well, the physics customisa\tion is only applicable to the custom difficulty
19:02.54angryahh the one you made
19:02.55HighNoand i hate this ga
19:03.08kergothAndyQ: oh good
19:03.11AndyQkergoth: hehe - otherwise people would cheat :)
19:03.19Dessimat0rI wonder if Windows Media Player still crashes on playing .ogg
19:03.36HighNoi wonder when it does so on my Z
19:03.45RealUlliDessimat0r: do you care? ;-)
19:03.53AndyQkergoth: good settings are: 0.5 for thrust up and gravity and 9.0 for max up and down
19:04.00Dessimat0rI'm using Windows XP, thats why ;)
19:04.01angryAndyQ: i'll link to your sfcave version from one sec
19:04.03Dessimat0rHate WinAmp
19:04.17AndyQangry: do you want some screenshots?
19:04.26angryAndyQ: sure
19:04.33kergothDessimat0r: use winamp3 w/ the MMD3 skin
19:04.36kergothDessimat0r: _very_ nice
19:04.37AndyQDessimat0r: winamp is good - (2.x version that is - 3.0 sucks)
19:04.42AndyQangry: dcc OK?
19:04.45kergothwinamp3 sucks without MMD3
19:04.49kergoththe default skin is crap
19:04.52angryAndyQ: one sec let me config router for it
19:05.14AndyQk - I've got 3
19:05.41angryAndyQ: ok, try sending
19:06.04angryooh it works
19:06.40AndyQund funally...
19:07.36angryAndyQ: i'll try to get around to adding it within the next hour, need to eat first :)
19:07.43AndyQcool :)
19:08.11angryAndyQ: mind if i also mirror the files on my site? (as alternate download locations)
19:08.39angryill have the main link go to your site so they can get most recent version
19:09.00AndyQNope - not at all - although you may not have the most up-to-date version as it changes frequently (and once its added to the opie feed and builds it will change filename every time)
19:09.06Dessimat0risn't it nice how, on windows, some disable components don't actually *look* disabled
19:09.10Dessimat0rThanks M$
19:09.29AndyQDessimat0r: emule sucks !
19:09.34Dessimat0rthe backing of a textbox should actually turn grey
19:09.37Dessimat0remule 0wnz! :D
19:09.42AndyQnice interface but you can't get anything
19:09.47Dessimat0rwhy not?
19:09.59AndyQin queue......
19:09.59Dessimat0rgot to
19:10.10Dessimat0ryeah, queues are a bitch
19:10.30AndyQserver down
19:10.30Dessimat0rdling at 10.6k/s atm
19:10.43Dessimat0rwith emule
19:11.33chouimatAndyQ: acept DCC
19:11.35Dessimat0rI think that the eDonkey network is biased to those with massive connections
19:11.42Dessimat0rfor some reason
19:11.45chouimatDessimat0r: how is the song
19:11.50Dessimat0rhold on ;()
19:11.52AndyQhehe - didn't know you sent another also :)
19:12.34Dessimat0rwow, wmp now plays ogg :D
19:13.41kergothim tellin you, try winamp3 w/ mmd3 :)
19:13.59Dessimat0rchouimat: this one sucks to the original
19:14.10Dessimat0rcrap singer
19:14.17Dessimat0rbg music is too loud
19:14.20AndyQkergoth: winamp 3 is 'orrible!
19:14.26chouimatDessimat0r: It's the Rhapsody singer so
19:14.27Dessimat0rthe bg music is too plain
19:14.29Dessimat0rno depth
19:14.34chouimathe's a good singer
19:14.38Dessimat0rwith the orignal, you can hear 10 layers of music
19:14.39kergothAndyQ: nah, not with mmd3
19:14.40Dessimat0ror so
19:15.59chouimatkergoth: huh?
19:16.25kergothchouimat: groucho fucked up the dependencies ona bunch of opie packages
19:16.32kergothDepends: libqpe1 (0.9.1)
19:16.39kergothbut libqpe1 is actually 0.9.1-[datestamp]
19:16.54kergothand hardcoding a specific version to depend on is bad
19:16.59chouimatulyx: lart groucho
19:16.59kergothhe shoudl be >=0.9.1 if nothing else
19:17.11kergothi.e. if depending on a specific api change or something
19:17.47chouimatkergoth: that would be ok if opie2 was out and was not bc with 0.9.1
19:18.15kergothchouimat: then it'd be <=0.9.1, unless it depends on a change introduced in 0.9.1 as well
19:18.25kergothchouimat: its pretty rare to need to hardcode an exact version
19:18.43kergothi.e. what if there were multiple 0.9.1 revisions? 0.9.1-1 through 0.9.1-5 for example?
19:18.48kergoththen depends are borked
19:18.50chouimatkergoth: in that case I would be something like libopie1-groucho :)
19:19.23chouimatkergoth: that would mean groucho had done some change specific to that version
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19:24.03AndyQok - off - bbl
19:24.08Dessimat0rcya ;)
19:24.13chouimatDessimat0r: ?
19:24.17chouimatbye AndyQ
19:24.35Dessimat0rexits, rejoins then exits, hehe ;)
19:24.37chouimatDessimat0r: how the second ogg?
19:24.45Dessimat0rdon't like it :/
19:24.54chouimatulyx replaces George-s jock itch cream with Nair
19:26.09Dessimat0rand the original of 'The Final Countdown' is much better, and has more depth to it ;) (and a better singer)
19:26.17Dessimat0rThe newer version is out of tune in some places
19:26.31Dessimat0rin that you are waiting for an intrument to play, longer than when you expect it
19:26.36Dessimat0ror it plays too soon
19:26.39chouimatDessimat0r: find some Rhapsody on kazaa or edunkey
19:42.03kergothfigured out the opie dependencies
19:42.17kergothI'm going toh ave the opie ipk builder grep out the qt version string from one of hte qt headers
19:42.21kergothhackish, but it'll do
19:42.52ljpthats inconceivable!!
19:43.46angryis .png an OK format for displaying in an <img> on a website?
19:43.53chouimatkergoth: yurk!
19:43.56angryand is it lossless?
19:44.08TheMasterMind1angry: depends on the browser
19:44.08TheMasterMind1most can show pngs
19:44.11TheMasterMind1except if its transparent
19:44.45angrywell the zaurus sdl sfcave screenshots are in .bmp now
19:44.52angryand one of them has a pretty detailed explosion thingy
19:44.57Dessimat0rif you were to put an athlon xp into your brain, would your brain eventually learn how to use it?
19:45.01angrybut others are mainly plain (would be good for .gif though)
19:45.20angrybut i dont want some to look diff from others
19:46.49TheMasterMind1bmp only shows in IE
19:47.23angryTheMasterMind1: this is why i want to change it
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20:03.04chouimatkergoth: ping
20:03.16kergothchouimat: pong
20:03.30chouimatkergoth: can you add me on
20:03.47kergothchouimat: yeah
20:07.26Dessimat0rI'm leaving for Venus
20:08.23chouimatkergoth: did you take a look at that site:
20:10.30chouimatouch a 478MB download
20:17.14angryis there an option to <table> which can set the table border to be flat and not bevel?
20:17.52HighNoI think only with html4 with css
20:19.03TheMasterMind1ibot preempt
20:19.06TheMasterMind1ibot preemptive kernel
20:19.06TheMasterMind1: I don't know, could you explain it?
20:19.13TheMasterMind1ibot preemptive
20:19.13TheMasterMind1: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
20:19.55TheMasterMind1ibot preempt kernel
20:19.56[preempt kernel] and is also with a pre-emtive kernel, processes are taken out of running if another process with a higher piority wants to run. between switching processes, there is a delay in which the cpu cannot be used so programs have less CPU time on the whole ;) but higher piority jobs can interrupt the currently running one, meaning that there are less noticable delays
20:20.10kergothchouimat: hmmm
20:20.17kergothchouimat: that looks like what w'ere trying to do :)
20:20.30kergothchouimat: though it looks limited to RPM, and uses CML2 rather than lkc
20:21.21chouimatkergoth: I know but I will study this week and probably came with something
20:21.45kergothchouimat: okay
20:21.54kergothchouimat: it may save us some work .. we could adapt it to our purposes
20:22.09kergothchouimat: if its not ssufficiently worthwhile, we'll chuck it and adopt our own using some of their ideas
20:22.13chouimatkergoth: the tools are in python using wxwindows
20:22.16kergothchouimat: like, the search function in their gui is very very nice
20:22.44chouimatkergoth: maybe I could adapt it to use pyQT and but it with my own buildsystem :)
20:22.57kergothI'd like to use python in our system
20:23.06kergothor some other language that facilitates function calls
20:23.16kergothbeing limited to make's targets and prerequisites hurrts
20:23.25chouimatkergoth: if we can came to a plug an play solution ....
20:23.36kergoththat system is limited to linux also
20:23.49chouimatsome kind of wizard that add target
20:24.00chouimatwell a boilerplate
20:31.04HighNogna, where was the difference between konqueror and konquerer-full?
20:32.58kergothHighNo: thats in the faq. -full has javascripts upport
20:33.02chouimatkergoth: I will also study ecos buildsystem and will send you a report soon
20:33.09HighNosorry and thx
20:33.25DaJokerhrm? did someone mention python?
20:33.49kergothchouimat: k
20:34.11Dessimat0ribot message to AndyQ I need a thing on AQPkg to filter by install location - sometimes I want to uninstall some non-essential packages from root to free up some space, and this would help.
20:34.19chouimatDaJoker: yup me
20:34.54HighNowould it be possible to ipkg to better support FAT filesystems?
20:35.47HighNoa special thing is, whenever there is a link in the ipkg it should try to create that link in root, not locally on the filesystem
20:36.41HighNoor is there something new i didnt get before?
20:37.10chouimatHighNo: ipk use the link support of the filesystem and since fat doesn't support that
20:37.37Dessimat0rjust format your card to EXT2, and all your problems are solved
20:37.44HighNoyou could always solve the problem this way:
20:38.02bipolarman... I got a bad link over here at my parents. VNC is painful. :p
20:38.11HighNoif ipkg contains a and b which is a link to a
20:39.02HighNothen ipkg unpacks a to the filesystem and tries to create b as a link to a on the same filesystem
20:39.15HighNothis obviously wont work on FAT
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20:40.08HighNoit could if ipkg was so clever that it would create b as a link in the root filesystem (where a link to a is already)
20:40.27HighNoyou get it?
20:41.07kergothHighNo: yes, but that wont be happening anytime soon. ipkg assuming you want to link to root would be bad.
20:41.09HighNoformating ext2 is nice to have but one sometimes has to rely on FAT due to windows...
20:41.17kergothHighNo: given that linking isnt a _ipkg_ function.
20:41.31kergothHighNo: were ipkg itself to handle the linking from dest to root, then yes, that would be make sense
20:41.57HighNohm, no chance to see that feature in near future?
20:42.17kergoththe ipkg maintainer is busy lately
20:42.21kergothand ipkg is in dire need of a rewrite.
20:42.29chouimatHighNo: got a ext2 driver for windows
20:43.13HighNoi would need to have it on disk, cause i change stations often... :(
20:43.40HighNois there a good driver with write support for windows?
20:44.28chouimatHighNo: paragon ext2 everywhere I think
20:44.46HighNoouch, that will cost money, right?
20:44.54chouimatHighNo: yup
20:45.00HighNodarn again :)
20:45.15chouimatHighNo: it's windows so .....
20:45.28HighNohehe, okok, i got your point  :)
20:47.44chouimatkergoth: look like it's very easy to add a target to qplus
20:49.39Dessimat0rproblem: TinyKate dosen't work unless you execute it from the command line?
20:49.48kergoththats wrong
20:49.53kergothi'm running it right now via the gui
20:49.55kergothworks great
20:50.04Dessimat0ri see
20:50.10Dessimat0rit didn't work the first time
20:50.12Dessimat0rfor some reason
20:50.23ljpwhy am I inside looking at float > fixed mp3 decoder code, when its so damned nice outside?
20:50.51kergothits.. 2 degrees F out atm
20:50.53kergothi think i'll keep codin
20:50.57Dessimat0rHaving tinykate is a cause for celebration :D
20:51.01angryhuzzah! done with
20:51.07kergothDessimat0r: yes, nice eh?
20:51.13Dessimat0ryup :D
20:51.16kergothDessimat0r: i dont use textedit anymore at all
20:51.17chouimatulyx: weather CYQB
20:51.30ljpmy lawn looks like crap. there was no big wind to blow off all the leaves, so I am going to have to rake or mow it all before long.
20:51.34Dessimat0reep, the syntax selection box fills the screen
20:51.52ljpand its dry dry dry
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20:52.15chouimatulyx: weather CYQB
20:52.15ulyx54 minutes ago, on Sun Jan 26 20:00:00 UTC 2003, the wind was blowing at a speed of 2.57 meters per second (5.75 miles per hour) from the West at CYQB. The temperature was -6 degrees Celsius (21 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1013 hPa (29.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 100.0%. There were broken clouds at a height of 366 meters (1200 feet) and overcast clouds at a height of 671 meters (2200 feet).
20:52.16ulyxCurrent weather is Light Snow .
20:52.47ljphey ! we have list!
20:52.58ljpwhere do I find weather stations?
20:53.15ljpulyx: weather KRUD
20:53.16ulyxcouldn't find weather data for KRUD
20:53.17chouimatulyx: help weather
20:53.18ulyxweather <ICAO> => display the current weather at the location specified by the ICAO code [Lookup your ICAO code at] - this will also store the ICAO against your nick, so you can later just say "weather", weather => display the current weather at the location you last asked for
20:54.17ljpulyx: weather KBJC
20:54.18ulyx36 minutes ago, on Sun Jan 26 20:20:00 UTC 2003, the wind was blowing at a speed of 7.72 meters per second (17.26 miles per hour) from the West at KBJC. The temperature was 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1019 hPa (30.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 16.8%. There were a few clouds at a height of 1829 meters (6000 feet) and broken clouds at a height of 5486 meters (18000 feet).
20:54.32kergoth59? nice
20:54.40kergothyou sould be running around in shorts or something
20:54.46ljpI have doors and windows open
20:54.57Dessimat0rthe 'OK' box is missing on the settings dialog, use 'tab' to get to it, hehe
20:55.21Dessimat0rthats not the only problem
20:55.26kergothulyx: weather KMSP
20:55.27ulyx1 hours, 5 minutes ago, on Sun Jan 26 19:53:00 UTC 2003, the wind was blowing at a speed of 3.60 meters per second (8.06 miles per hour) from the Northwest at KMSP. The temperature was -16.1 degrees Celsius (15.9 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1033 hPa (30.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 50.9%. The sky was clear.
20:55.41kergothulyx: weather KANE
20:55.44ulyx1 hours, 3 minutes ago, on Sun Jan 26 19:55:00 UTC 2003, the wind was blowing at a speed of 3.60 meters per second (8.06 miles per hour) from the West at KANE. The temperature was -17 degrees Celsius (1 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1032 hPa (30.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 59.5%. The sky was clear.
20:56.36ljpso you could be running around in shorts or something?
20:56.45kergothljp: holger replied to my on teh fly rotation email on the dev list, saying 'finally your into coding again :)'
20:57.36ljpdid yousay you were just burnt out from kernel code?
20:57.37chouimatkergoth: even script to add packages in the buildtree
20:58.18kergothchouimat: nice
20:59.48Dessimat0rbloody hell, tinykate teakes ages to startup ;)
20:59.57Dessimat0rbut at least its on there
21:01.03kergothit depends on how many syntax files you have
21:01.05kergothit slows startup
21:01.23Dessimat0rI'll remove some
21:01.27Dessimat0rdon't need most
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21:02.15ljphmm no new libmad for over a year
21:02.34Dessimat0rwhat does libmad do, anyway?
21:03.21ljpinterger mp3 decoder
21:03.26chouimatkergoth: check your email
21:03.30ljpused in opieplayer1
21:03.50ljpI am going to look at for inspiration
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21:06.18kergothchouimat: eek, spec files!
21:06.22kergothchouimat: ;)
21:06.37chouimatkergoth: I know but I begining to understand it
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21:08.01chouimatkergoth:  that one is more readable than some obscure make file :)
21:08.12kergothpersonally i dont think any of the existing packaging system's are sufficient to our build needs
21:08.40kergothrpm, deb, etc..
21:09.29smibot: ipkg-build
21:09.30it has been said that ipkg-build is at
21:09.55chouimatkergoth: they use specs file for describing what to do
21:10.14smdoes ipkg-build conjur me up tar or ar files?
21:10.20kergothsm: either.
21:10.29smwhich is preferable?
21:10.33kergothsm: ipkg-build defaults to ar, ipkgbuild -c creates a class format, tar
21:10.35kergothar is preferable
21:10.41smkergoth: ok thanks
21:10.43kergothunless you want to be able to install it into the sharp rom
21:10.47kergothwhich has an ancient ipkg
21:10.47smnot really
21:10.57kergothtar.gz within tar.gz wastes cpu cycles
21:11.07kergothtar.gz within ar removes the needless double compression
21:11.16smI see
21:11.35Dessimat0rgah! the font keeps reverting in TinyKate
21:11.44Dessimat0rafter setting it
21:12.00Dessimat0rit goes to what I want, but when I load a new file in, it goes to the old one
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21:14.26chouimatkergoth: I think I have a little idea for the build system, I will but the uclibc rom on hold and I will write something this week
21:14.56chouimatkergoth: qplus and ecos just gave me an idea
21:15.08Dessimat0rdoes the new compiler make exes faster than the previous one?
21:15.13Dessimat0ras well as smaller
21:15.16kergoth'new compiler'
21:15.43Dessimat0rdunno, sometihng was said about exes being made smaller
21:16.05kergothits uclibc, not a compiler. adn ti affects size. performance isnt going to be much different
21:16.20kergothand you lose binary compatibility. no existing app on zsi will work.
21:17.08Dessimat0rdoes uclibc require GCC 3.2?
21:17.46HighNogosh, ncurses-term installs *forever*
21:17.48Dessimat0ryou may as well put it in there, if you lose binary compatability, then programs will also be recompiled with that
21:18.02kergothwe arent switching to uclibc on the main rom
21:18.08Dessimat0ri see
21:18.11kergothwe're adding it for use on other devices with very low amounts of flash
21:18.15kergothor as an _alternateive_ rom for the Z
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21:22.55Dessimat0rhow come in System Info, Opie has the OpenZaurus mascot? ;)
21:23.29ljpthats not the oz mascot. thats opiezilla
21:23.38kergothpingizauru has been both oz and opie's logo from the beginning
21:23.50Dessimat0rI see, hehe
21:24.14ljpmaybe I should change that icon to opiezilla in the blue bubble
21:27.50gaurdiankergoth , when I install rc2, how do I remove apps I dont want, like the calandar ?
21:27.52gaurdianbecause I have the Kompany replacement
21:29.45kergothyou cnat fast load tinykate
21:30.27kergothand ofileselector segfaults tinykate if $HOME/Documents doesnt exist
21:30.29HighNothe developer of aqpkg is here?
21:31.36lsmithdoesnt look like it HighNo
21:31.52HighNosince i just install ncurses-term, i would appreciate the following: log all output of ipkg to a file an show only last 100 lines in listbox
21:32.09HighNoit takes almost hours to install this package
21:32.26kergothwaht does that hav to do with the listbox?
21:32.42kergothflash is slow, and that package includes a _shitload_ of files
21:32.42HighNoi meant the textbox that displays the ipkg-output
21:32.51kergothyeah, what about the textbox?
21:33.03kergothwant to bet it'd be slow installing from cmdline too?
21:33.14HighNoit's VERY slow, since it displays 500+lines atm
21:33.24HighNoadding a new line to it takes almost a second now
21:33.41kergothso try it from the commandline.
21:33.48HighNotoo late :)
21:34.01kergothwell you're just pulling conjectures out of your ass
21:34.06kergothyou have no idea if the slowness is ipkg or aqpkg
21:34.18HighNook, i see
21:34.28lsmithHighNo: you can alway remove
21:34.33lsmithand install again
21:34.44HighNowill check those things late
21:35.49HighNomy mc doesnt work and what strace tells me it  tries to open one of those files from that package... just one... grrr
21:36.08HighNooh, kergoth: it is definitly the textbox that is slow
21:36.26HighNosince ipkg now installs the next packages
21:36.41HighNobut the display of messages is about 1s per line still
21:36.55kergoththen report it in the bug tracking system
21:50.41||ughAnyone out there have a working linphone on there big (non Z) box want to try some VoIP with me?
22:04.37smI find it odd that in the network settings app you go into 'information' to start and stop the interface
22:05.02sm'information' smacks a bit of read-onlyness to me
22:06.05TheMasterMind1aha, i got it
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22:11.36chouimatulyx: seen kergoth
22:11.36ulyxkergoth was last seen 34 minutes and 41 seconds ago, saying then report it in the bug tracking system
22:16.06Dessimat0rHighNo: I get this sometimes also
22:16.16Dessimat0rHighNo: When installing many packages at a time
22:16.51Dessimat0rHighNo: I'd say there was a memory leak somewhere, or something, although its sort of like an instant slowdown to crawl-speed
22:17.03Dessimat0rnot a gradual thing
22:21.35smDessimat0r: are you referring to the jffs2 issue described at
22:21.46kergothyep. ofileselector crashes when textedit or tinykate try to use it when the dir in question doesnt exist
22:21.54kergothgueess somebody forgot a QDir::exists()
22:22.05ljpnot i
22:22.21ljpprobably a build meister
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22:22.32kergothbuild meister?
22:22.38ljpheh you
22:22.49chouimatkergoth: buildmaster
22:23.15kergothwhats with the naming convention, m_* are what, globals? static class vars?
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22:24.10LazerdyeHi all. I am havinh a problem with suspending the Zaurus using OZ3.1 rc2.
22:24.43LazerdyeIt seems to ignore when I hold down On/Off and then suspends at random times.
22:24.48chouimatkergoth: qplus translate the qpd 2 cml2
22:29.38kergothI havent heard any reports of suspend problems
22:29.41kergothmine works flawlessly
22:29.48kergothyou are holding it down long enough right?
22:29.56kergothand does it suspend if you suspend from the O menu?
22:30.22LazerdyeI can hold iy down for over 10 secs and nothing seems to happen.
22:30.47LazerdyeWhen I use the suspend from the O menu nothing happens for about 20 seconds and then it suspends.
22:31.10kergothso theres a 20 second delay after apm -suspend is issued on your unit
22:31.21kergothso there will be a 20 second delay after opie catches the cacnel button holddown
22:31.56LazerdyeI am not convinced the cancel button ever causes a suspend, I can try some combinations.
22:32.24kergothwell it does on everyone elses Z.
22:32.28kergothjust not yours.
22:32.32kergothWhat unit is this? what model?
22:33.11LazerdyeOkay, its hearing the cancel button, I think the pause is more like 60 seconds from apm -suspend.
22:33.13kergothand does the cancel button work in general? it functions as escape, and causes a cancel in dialogs?
22:33.32LazerdyeThis is a SL-5500
22:33.45kergothodd, i removed the biggest hindrance that caused a large delay in the apm daemon
22:33.54kergothsee the problem is, the apm implementation in the Z kernel is crap
22:33.56kergothand flawed
22:34.06kergothand if we do this the way we should, it causes the unit to never wake up
22:34.09kergothso we have to hack around it
22:34.11kergothwhich causes a delay
22:34.43kergoththis is one of the many issues that will implicitly go away when we switch to a kernel that isnt ancient
22:35.12LazerdyeI am looking forward to 2.4.20, but also anxious about SD supprt.
22:35.31kergothwe all are.
22:35.40kergoththere will be support. its just a matter of how long it'll take.
22:35.46LazerdyeI might try re-flashing, I dont remember having this problem when I first installed rc2.
22:35.52chouimatkergoth: beside being rpm based qplus is fun to work with
22:36.18kergothchouimat: cool. how much work would be invovled to remove some of its limitations?
22:36.20LazerdyeOr maybe full reboot, I did not try that.
22:38.08chouimatkergoth: give me a week. It use the rpm to generate a qpd (kind of spec file) and then it create cml2 definition
22:39.37chouimatkergoth: maybe we can design a "kind of spec file" that would replace everything we actually use  
22:40.14kergothor use a database to contain that information in a central package information repository, that it pulls from
22:41.00chouimatkergoth: we must also keep in mind that people may not be online when they build the system
22:41.31kergothso we'd need a way to mirror the upstream source of information
22:41.33HighNoi had a similar problem on oz3.1rc1
22:41.37kergothwouldnt be much to it
22:41.45*** join/#openembedded scanline (~micah@aden2-52-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
22:41.57HighNomy delay on suspend became larger day by day
22:41.59chouimatkergoth: current limitation beside being rpm based, every package must be downloaded
22:42.16kergothchouimat: ah
22:42.44LazerdyeLet me do a full reboot and see if the delay goes away.
22:42.51LazerdyeIll be right back.
22:42.55kergothchouimat: does it use a staging area to deal with crosscompilation dependencies?
22:43.19chouimatkergoth: and since it's written in python, it won;t be hard to modify
22:43.19HighNothere was the problem that some apm-process kept running and opiealarm also, a third task to make it complete. Those three tasks were kind of stuck and reappeard every suspend, so after 20 suspends i had 60 tasks running
22:43.47HighNoi had good results in "killall opiealarm"
22:43.51kergothapmd should always be running
22:43.55kergothand without opiealarm, your alarms wont work
22:43.56HighNonot the apmd
22:43.59kergothnor will hwclock
22:44.08kergoththat is, rtc-swclock sync on suspend
22:44.09HighNoit was some other tast having apm in its name
22:44.31HighNoopiealarm was there for sure
22:44.33kergoththere is no other task with apm in its name, other than apm and apmd
22:45.10HighNook, i didnt keep those names in mind except opiealarm
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22:45.23HighNothree tasks one of those were opiealarm
22:45.25LazerdyeYes, the delay goes away when I reboot.
22:45.51HighNoLazerdye: if it does come back, try ps ax on console
22:46.02HighNoi guess there are some opiealarms running
22:46.21kergothokay good, the tinykate segfualts if /root/Documents doesnt exist bug is fixed
22:46.26kergothnow to look at its oddities regarding syntax
22:46.34LazerdyeHighNo: Okay, I never defined any alarms to go off, but I will check nextt time.
22:46.58kergothLazerdye: opiealarm always runs, regardless of whether you have alarms set.
22:47.44HighNoyes kergoth, but i am sure it ought to run only one process
22:48.02kergothgo read the fucking code, then start making statements
22:48.10kergothuntil then, dont waste my time
22:48.13KeyserSozekergoth: do you know what device the zaurus serial port is?
22:48.19kergothKeyserSoze: /dev/ttyS0
22:48.21HighNowhen my delay problem was there, i had opiealarm about 20 times running
22:48.27kergothHighNo: yes, you said that already
22:48.30kergothHighNo: what about it?
22:48.37kergothi heard you the first time
22:49.17HighNoi'm sorry to piss you off, never mind
22:50.49ljpbr its getting cold and cloudy
22:51.10ljpulyx weather KBJC
22:51.12ulyx1 hours, 6 minutes ago, on Sun Jan 26 21:47:00 UTC 2003, the wind was blowing at a speed of 10.29 meters per second (23.02 miles per hour) from the West at KBJC. The temperature was 14 degrees Celsius (57 degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was 1019 hPa (30.00 inHg). The relative humidity was 19.4%. There were scattered clouds at a height of 1829 meters (6000 feet), broken clouds at a height of 3658 meter
22:51.12ulyx(12000 feet) and broken clouds at a height of 6096 meters (20000 feet).
22:51.37*** join/#openembedded scanline (~micah@aden2-52-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
22:52.27kergothhah, looks like they were going to cache the syntax entries in the tinykate Config, but its commented out
22:52.30kergothwonder why
22:52.57KeyserSozeah, found the broblem.  my Z's serial cable and a db9 gender changer don't work, i need to stick a null-modem cable in the mix, too.
22:53.13kergothdepends on what you're talking to
22:53.27kergoththe Z serial cable is a crossover in and of itself.. sharps is anyway. so to talk to a modem, you definately need a null
22:54.28KeyserSozei've got a serialio cable, but it must be the same way
22:54.40kergothyeah, probably
22:54.47KeyserSozeit's nice that it lets me open the keyboard, though, i hear the sharp cable doesn't
22:54.51kergoththey do that so you can connect it directly to a PC without any adapters
22:54.59kergoththe sharp one blocks it, drives me nuts
22:55.18ljptake off the keyboard cover
22:55.27kergothi'd rather hack the cable
22:55.41kergothyou know, tinykate would rock even more without microkde
22:56.01kergothis jowenn MIA? or still around?
22:56.17kergothibot: seen jowenn
22:56.18jowenn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #opie, 3d 1h 51m 44s ago, saying: 'cu later'.
22:56.22ljpis showed up a few times last week or so for a bit
22:57.14kergothDessimat0r: ping
22:58.16kergothchouimat: ?
22:58.49chouimatkergoth: too much to do for tomorrow
22:59.04LazerdyeBye all, thanks.
23:00.03chouimatulyx: lart everything
23:03.10ljpwow, thats intense
23:03.41smulyx: lart everything a bit less
23:05.51chouimatulyx: lart sm
23:06.31smwoot! I always wanted to do that
23:07.35ljphow about dirty dancing at the local senior center?
23:07.51chouimatulyx: lart ljp
23:08.33kergothDessimat0r: the save of the current font is defined out for some reason (#if 0 .. #endif)
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23:16.26TheMasterMind1does the superbowl come on satellite?
23:16.57ljpdunno. dont watch that
23:17.26TheMasterMind1if it doesn't, i won't watch it. then again, if it does, i wont' watch it either.
23:17.52ljpprobably on satellite
23:18.04kergothits ambiguous?
23:18.27kergothwtf does that mean? :)
23:19.04kergothibot: dict ambiguous
23:19.05ljpwhats the code
23:19.11*** part/#openembedded pb_ (
23:19.28kergothits not organized in conventional patterns i take it
23:19.49kergothibot: botsnack
23:19.49thanks kergoth :)
23:20.00ljpibot die
23:20.01ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
23:20.11kergothibot: pester ljp
23:20.20smibot: line dance
23:20.20i haven't a clue, sm
23:23.46kergothljp: need to convert it from KConfig to Config.. the KConfig in microkde is crap, 90% of the functions arent implemented :)
23:24.25ljpoohhh, youre working on tinykate
23:24.38ljpya, font handling needs fixed also
23:24.56kergothdialog sizes.. you cant even see the OK on the settings box
23:26.02mickeylmicrokde is a 'compile it, bitch!' fake - it doesn't come even close to a port.
23:26.14kergothmickeyl: yeah, I noticed.. that sucks
23:26.15mickeyljust because he was too lazy to rename functions :-D
23:27.04mickeyljust noticed that groucho did a good split of the syntax-highlighting patterns... nice.
23:27.19kergothi got annoyed at how fucking slow it takes to boot tinykate atm
23:27.23kergothwhen those are installed
23:27.34mickeylkergoth: why? does it load all in memory ?
23:27.44kergothlooking into it now
23:27.46Dessimat0rit should only load them when they are selected
23:27.52kergothfirst, it parses all the xml files every damn start
23:27.52Dessimat0rinstead of on startup
23:28.16kergothit was going to cache the name/filenames etc in Config, but its not converted to Config yet, its on KConfig which is useless
23:28.21mickeylmickeyl: cool. hmm... how does it parse them anyway? "our" qt-config doesn't have the xml classes included
23:28.33kergothmickeyl: it uses libopie's xmltree
23:28.40kergothmickeyl: jowenn did make it use that
23:28.47mickeylkergoth: ah.
23:29.18kergothshould ditch the use of KDialogBase as well, its that class which is way sized wrong
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23:29.30mickeylkergoth: i hope that when we do the switch to qt3 and becoming binary incompatible to the sharp rom anyway, we're using a more thought-out qconfig.h...
23:29.37kergothmickeyl: agreed
23:29.58kergothi hate reading code with 2 space indentation
23:30.18mickeylhehe... damn clumsy...
23:30.26kergothgive me 4 at least..
23:30.36kergoththen the eye is drawn better
23:30.59kergothbut then, i'm used to linux kernel code
23:31.07kergothwhich is basically k&r, standard tab or 8 space indent
23:31.10mickeylkergoth: i found 8 too much
23:31.17ljpI prefer 18
23:31.26mickeylkergoth: especially when you're limiting yourself to 78 chars per line... that's ridicolous
23:31.43kergothcant exactly get very deep
23:31.58kergothbut then, if you're that deep, you could probably use a redesign of the code in question.
23:32.24mickeyltrue that... however i like to use selfExplainingVariables and then.... :-D
23:32.26Dessimat0ri prefer 2
23:32.41kergothI used to prefer 2
23:32.45ljpi number my variable
23:32.47kergothbut that was in my perl code
23:32.49Dessimat0rI used to prefer 7
23:32.51kergothwhich is scary enough already
23:33.10ljpQString s1
23:33.19Dessimat0rhehe, Delphi 7 had a default of 2, so I kind of got used to that ;)
23:33.27Dessimat0rThe lesser Delphis have 7 spaces
23:33.38mickeylljp: to bad a numerical alone isn't a legal identifier, eh? :-D
23:34.17ljpor symbol QString ^;
23:34.58kergothfor(^=0; ^<$; ^++)
23:35.27ljpyou could write some really unreadable code
23:36.33mickeylyou can write code looking like smileys then... now this would be fun
23:37.02Dessimat0rfor(<^ ^<)
23:51.26chouimatulyx: lart Dessimat0r
23:51.45chouimatkergoth: ouch
23:54.07chouimatkergoth: the difference between a mouse and a human is 300 genes
23:58.30||ughNo wonder Levi's is hurting these days...

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