irclog2html for #opencombat on 20050310

02:20.29*** join/#opencombat bryjen (~bryjen@2002:45a6:8281:0:0:0:0:1)
04:10.51*** join/#opencombat guu (
05:01.06*** join/#opencombat creeperz (
06:10.02*** join/#opencombat creeperz (
07:16.37*** join/#opencombat JeffM2501 (
07:16.37*** mode/#opencombat [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
11:30.01*** join/#opencombat creeperz (
11:31.57*** join/#opencombat m0nkey_poo (
11:33.57*** join/#opencombat Jacks_Colon (
11:35.47*** join/#opencombat Jacks_Colon (
11:42.47*** join/#opencombat creeperz (
13:56.20*** join/#opencombat Grumbler (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
17:00.20*** join/#opencombat JeffM2501 (
17:00.21*** mode/#opencombat [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
17:08.46JeffM2501how are you today?
17:09.58orchidI'm ok
17:10.12orchiddo you use an ssh key on sf?
17:10.22JeffM2501never was able to get them to work
17:10.33JeffM2501I've never had keys work anywhere
17:10.41orchidlearner set one up for me last night, but now I cant commit anything
17:11.01orchidcvs [server aborted]: "commit" requires write access to the repository
17:11.05JeffM2501I know they take some time to propigate
17:11.21orchidit committed the Changelog only
17:11.42orchidmaybe the changelog has less restrictive perms?
17:11.51JeffM2501it's allor none
17:12.09JeffM2501if you pull your key on your side, will it revert to password?
17:12.29orchidhmm I can try
17:12.36orchidworks fine
17:12.48orchidbzgirl@sc8-pr-shell1 bzgirl $ pwd
17:13.20orchidbut maybe thats a different server than the cvs on?
17:13.31JeffM2501yeah it could be
17:13.44JeffM2501in fact I am sure they are difrent systems
17:14.12Grumblerorchid, before you actually commit, dont suppose you could change the name from /mute to something else...... there is a -mute and there might be confusion
17:14.13JeffM2501and I was just saying try it to see if it's the key or not
17:14.57orchidGrumbler: hmm, -mute is an option to play without sound?
17:16.11*** join/#opencombat newbie_dont (
17:16.19Grumbleryep, i was thinking of the noobs....and well me.
17:16.53*** part/#opencombat newbie_dont (
17:17.34JeffM2501what did you add?
17:17.44orchidhmm, its not that hard to change but its in alot of files, also I thought of /quiet but people would spell it wriong in a hurry, quiet, queit quit :)
17:17.57orchidI added a TALK perm
17:18.05orchidand an /mute /unmute command
17:18.23orchidyou can now run a server with no talking at all :)
17:18.28JeffM2501you may want to make it CHAT for the perm
17:18.37JeffM2501if voice com is ever added talk could mean soething difrent
17:30.06*** join/#opencombat bryjen (~bryjen@
17:46.07Grumbleris that this happy song   or another...
17:51.11JeffM2501wonder girl by poplab
17:52.48Grumblerwonder girl by poplab.......i am just so out of the loop
17:58.08Grumblerthe dude on the website looks like the news guy from SNL
18:08.39JeffM2501and that's a bad thing?
18:08.59Grumblerjust what popped into my head
18:38.24*** join/#opencombat amathis (
18:38.29amathisJeffM2501: how goes g3d?
18:38.51JeffM2501time is not on my side
18:40.04amathisI just got the sudden urge of making a replica of the SGC
18:40.11amathisthat you can walk through
18:40.32JeffM2501umm ok
18:40.40JeffM2501do it in radeant
18:40.59JeffM2501quake3 map editor
18:41.12amathisI want to make a stargate Game actually
18:41.15amathisthat would be pretty cool
19:08.39JeffM2501most of the FPS engines could do it
19:24.30amathiswhat engine would you recommend/
19:24.53JeffM2501hard to say
19:24.56JeffM2501free or non free?
19:25.08amathisI don't know the first thing about games
19:25.12JeffM2501you do
19:25.20JeffM2501you don't know the 5th thing
19:25.24JeffM2501but you know the first
19:25.49JeffM2501there are even engines with tehre own scripting langs
19:25.52JeffM2501no programing
19:30.19JeffM2501simplest would be like a quake mod
19:38.19amathisI want to make an open sourced game
19:38.32amathisI have all these great ideas
19:38.36amathisI just cannot fulfill them
19:38.49JeffM2501quake is open sourced
19:38.51JeffM2501so is quake 2
19:40.54amathisif I could get fscking g3d working on this machine I would use it
19:42.12amathiswhich is better
19:42.16amathisogre, or cs?
19:43.13JeffM2501the are difrenet
19:43.20JeffM2501CS is a complete game system
19:43.29JeffM2501ogre is a 3d engine framework
19:43.41JeffM2501g3d isn't a full engine
19:43.57JeffM2501it's more of an openGL/SDL wraper with some nice framework stuff
19:44.06JeffM2501you'd build an engine on top of it
19:45.11JeffM2501what type of lib you pick is based on how much code you want to do
19:45.35amathislet's say I am new to game making
19:45.35JeffM2501do you want to build your own low level network, sound, and 3d scenegraph code?
19:45.41amathisand limited programming
19:46.03amathisand it could make a game like quake?
19:46.25JeffM2501if you just moded the quake2 system
19:46.33JeffM2501you'd provide a lib that just defined how the game worked
19:46.42JeffM2501you'd be reusing the entire quake world engine
19:46.44JeffM2501the network
19:46.47JeffM2501the sound
19:46.49JeffM2501the input
19:46.50JeffM2501all that
19:46.58JeffM2501you'd just say how stuff behaved
19:47.02JeffM2501and what it looked like.
19:47.03amathiswhere can you get quake 2 source?
19:47.15JeffM2501ibot google quake2 source
19:47.39JeffM2501there are even versions of the engine that have enhanced features.
19:48.48*** join/#opencombat guu (
19:49.48amathisI don't Urban Terror
19:49.59amathisUrban Terror, have you heard of it?
19:50.01JeffM2501that's for quake3
19:50.10amathisit is free right?
19:50.14amathisor do you have to have quake3?
19:50.17JeffM2501it's a free mod for q3
19:50.20JeffM2501you have to have q3
19:50.27JeffM2501q3 shoudl be open sourced soon
19:51.37JeffM2501UT is just a set of maps, scripts, models, and a DLL that tells q3 what to do
20:50.46amathisJeffM2501: how can I check if float a; is infact a number?
20:50.58amathisand not a letter or something
20:51.19amathisis_numeric() :P
20:51.31amathisI know that is a php function
20:51.50JeffM2501if it's a float
20:51.54JeffM2501it's ALLWAYS a number
20:51.59JeffM2501it can't be a letter
20:52.07JeffM2501C is a typed language
20:52.44JeffM2501floats are allways floating point numbers
20:52.48JeffM2501ints are always integers
20:52.52JeffM2501strings are text
20:53.25amathisno I mean..
20:53.31amathishow can I tell if a variable is set
20:53.36amathisit actually IS something?
20:53.36JeffM2501set it
20:53.46JeffM2501variables are ALLWAYS something
20:53.54JeffM2501init them at creation
20:53.58JeffM2501float a = 0;
20:54.13JeffM2501C++ does not auto init, so variables are created with garbage in them
20:54.21JeffM2501you are responsible for initing them
20:54.33JeffM2501this is why you often init to a standard default value
20:54.41JeffM2501or 0
20:54.45JeffM2501or NULL
20:55.03JeffM2501the language itself dosn't know if you set it or not
20:55.10JeffM2501what are you doing?
20:56.46amathisjsut messing around with stuff :)
20:57.08JeffM2501basicly you should know if it's inited or not by your program design
20:57.20JeffM2501the language dosn't have an tools to help deal with slopy design
20:57.24JeffM2501since all those tools take time.
21:09.52amathisif you get something like negative three halves
21:10.06amathisshould it display it as a decimal?
21:10.08amathisor what?
21:10.18amathisit isn't
21:10.18JeffM2501well depends how you display it
21:10.21JeffM2501and what you store it in
21:10.25JeffM2501what are you storing it in?
21:10.26amathisa float
21:10.27JeffM2501a float?
21:10.31JeffM2501how are you seting it?
21:10.41JeffM2501float a = -1.5;
21:10.51amathisnot exactly
21:10.55amathisit is a formula
21:11.02JeffM2501how are you seting the float?
21:11.23amathisfloat xIntercept1 = (-1*(b) + sqrt((b*b)-4*(a)*(c))) / 2*(a);
21:11.33JeffM2501those are inits
21:11.37JeffM2501that your deviding by
21:11.44JeffM2501not 2
21:12.01JeffM25011/3 is an int division and will return 0
21:12.12JeffM25011.0/3.0 is a float division and will return 0.333333333
21:12.25JeffM2501it's how the compiler knows how to do the math operator
21:12.31JeffM2501same for multiplicaiton
21:12.43JeffM2501tho it dosn't usualy jack the result
21:13.03JeffM2501what is a b and c?
21:13.05JeffM2501more floats?
21:13.22JeffM2501then your constants need .0f after them
21:13.29JeffM2501or just .0 if your doing doubles
21:13.36JeffM2501for math work you probably want doubles
21:13.37JeffM2501not floats
21:13.41JeffM2501more percision
21:13.58amathisI am doing that though
21:14.53amathisit still returns a whole number
21:14.55amathisfor some reason
21:15.03amathis-6 when it should return - 3/2
21:15.18JeffM2501then it's order of ops
21:15.32JeffM2501if that is your exact code up there
21:15.35JeffM2501it won't work
21:15.37amathisit returned fine last time
21:15.41amathismaybe it was a coincedence
21:16.19amathis(-1.0*(b) + sqrt((b*b)-4.0*(a)*(c))) / 2.0*(a)
21:16.26amathishow should that be to give you the quadratic equation
21:16.55JeffM2501I'd break  it up
21:17.00JeffM2501into sub variables
21:17.04JeffM2501makes it easyer to debug
21:17.40amathisI don't see anything wrong with it
21:17.47amathisit gave fine answers first few times
21:20.15JeffM2501then step on thru
21:21.46amathisthere is nothing wrong with the formula
21:23.45JeffM2501probalby not
21:23.56JeffM2501but untill you know what the input and output is for each section
21:24.02JeffM2501everything you do is a guess
21:24.05JeffM2501step on thru
21:24.21JeffM2501verify that what you think is going in is going in, and that the computations are don in the same order
21:24.33JeffM2501you got some extra whacky praens
21:24.40JeffM2501(a) dosn't do anything
21:24.51amathisdoes guu do spellchecking?
21:24.55amathisguu: spell symetry
21:24.56guuamathis: are you 11?
21:25.10amathisdo you know how to spell symetry?
21:25.19JeffM2501ibot spell symetry
21:53.00amathisis there an easy way to figure out the greatest of 4 or 5 numbers?
21:54.38amathissay I have data
21:54.43amathisof ordered pairs
21:54.50amathisof a quadratic on a parabla
21:54.57amathisx | y
21:55.06amathis3 | 0
21:55.13amathis2 | 0
21:55.20amathis0 | 4
21:55.29amathis2 | 6
21:55.41amathisthose are the two x intercepts, the y intercept, and the vertex
21:55.45amathis(in that order)
21:55.58amathishow can I tell what the greatest value of X is, and the greatest value of y there
21:56.10amathisso I can set the max of my loop for figuring out ordered pairs
22:00.48JeffM2501sort them
22:01.05JeffM2501simplest is to stick em in a set
22:01.09JeffM2501and that'll sort on insert
22:01.24JeffM2501or put em in a vecot and sort em
22:01.30JeffM2501or do your own sort
22:02.17JeffM2501you set some pair to an aribirarialy SUPER low value
22:02.26JeffM2501then go thru the pairs
22:02.38JeffM2501testing each to see if it's biger then the temp pair
22:02.45JeffM2501if it's biger then set the temp to it
22:02.49JeffM2501if it's smaller just move on
22:03.00JeffM2501when your done the temp will have the bigest
22:25.24*** join/#opencombat creeperz (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.