irclog2html for #ol on 20060918

08:14.55*** join/#ol ladis (
16:01.12*** join/#ol mindfunk (i=mindfunk@nat/ti/x-fe1f509f1555f8f4)
16:12.41mindfunkhow is everyone today?
16:12.57mindfunkWingnut: Will is in town until wednesday afternoon
16:14.08Croftonfucking lovely
16:17.32*** join/#ol prpplague (n=billybob@
16:18.31Croftonprpplague, congrats on the visa
16:56.22prpplagueCrofton: thanks
16:56.27prpplagueCrofton: it was a nightmare
16:56.30prpplagueCrofton: almost done
16:56.35prpplagueCrofton: now gotta get moved
17:02.37*** mode/#ol [+v prpplague] by ChanServ
17:06.03*** join/#ol Crofton_|laptop (
17:37.53*** join/#ol a-atwood (i=xf009976@nat/ti/x-657c9a0fa05f72b6)
19:31.27*** join/#ol mindfunk_ (
19:33.31*** join/#ol mindfunk_ (
19:34.11*** join/#ol mindfunk (
19:35.23mindfunksomeone made #python invite only
19:35.33mindfunk~pester Wingnut
19:35.37jbotWingnut: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see
21:58.53*** join/#ol mindfunk (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.