irclog2html for #ol on 20051222

03:47.18*** join/#ol Crofton (
06:19.48*** join/#ol jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:19.48*** topic/#ol is OMAP-Linux || || news:// <- for TIers || take casual chatter to #casualti
06:19.48*** mode/#OL [+o jbot] by ChanServ
06:20.04*** join/#ol a-atwood ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:24.04Croftonanyone here work with the monta vista stuff?
16:11.59*** mode/#OL [+o mindfunk] by ChanServ
16:12.51mindfunkCrofton: ??
16:13.04mindfunkCrofton: what are you asking exactly?
16:13.20*** mode/#OL [+e mindunk!*@*] by mindfunk
16:13.28*** mode/#OL [-e tsowell!*@*] by mindfunk
16:13.38*** mode/#OL [+e zezbot!*@*] by mindfunk
16:14.17Croftonhang on
16:14.25mindfunkkristian: just curious, who are you?
16:30.20*** topic/#OL by mindfunk ->
16:32.42mindfunkCrofton: ping
16:33.02mindfunkCrofton: I need an acknowledgement and you are the only person around
16:34.44mindfunkCrofton: so, you know how the bush admin (via gonzalez) was arguing that bush had permission to violate the FISA act because congress had given him "necessary and proper" (er, or some such) permissions to conduct a war?
16:34.58mindfunkI'm not making that up, right?
16:35.59mindfunkCrofton: ping
16:36.34mindfunkread the last paragraph on page 2 of this:
16:36.46mindfunkwhich was written by gonzalez
16:36.56mindfunker... rather, he answered the questions
16:39.47mindfunkI meant the last paragraph on that link
16:39.58mindfunker... page 2 that is
16:41.05mindfunkfor some reason, it is marked as page 115 in the doc
16:41.09mindfunkthough, it is page 2
16:41.20mindfunkI guess it is a subsection of a larger doc
16:42.58*** join/#ol cheeka (
16:43.16cheekadoes usb-wlan work on osk
16:47.01cheekai am trying to get usb-wlan working on osk. i just wanted to know if it works or anyone has tried it before. i am using 2.6 kernel and osk board
16:48.35Croftonback to the monta vista question
16:48.56Croftonhow bad does it suck?
16:49.00mindfunkCrofton: can I at least get  a confirmation of the other thing
16:49.21mindfunkCrofton: well, it sucks a lot in some ways, very little in others
16:49.34Croftonum the other thing? I've been on the phone
16:49.44cheekacrofton: i have seen u in oe group. do u work on osk
16:50.09Croftonbut I haven't tried wlan on usb
16:50.37CroftonIt is likely I will end up doing some work on a Davinci board using monta vista
16:51.13Croftonand I find the mv website annoying :)
16:52.16Croftonmindfunk, criminals always claim they are innocent
16:55.10mindfunktell that to a-atwood
16:55.57CroftonIt is OK to wiretap people will rank up there with I did not have sex with that women
16:56.28Croftonevery new generation has to relearn the lessons learned by the previous generation
16:56.42CroftonDoes Montavista provide kernel 2.6?
16:57.02mindfunkum... in the newer versions, yeah
16:57.11mindfunkdunno what platforms are supported though
16:57.17Croftonparticularly for newer processors
16:57.17*** join/#ol cheekaa (
16:57.28Croftonheh, I am not entirely clear what the platform is
16:57.36mindfunkCrofton: 2430?
16:57.40Croftonother than some form of Davinci processor
16:57.46CroftonI don't know
16:57.59CroftonI do't think so though
16:58.10CroftonI suspect you know a lot :)
16:58.16mindfunkget me the processor name  and I'll find out
16:58.21CroftonThe differences soound marketroid related
16:58.27CroftonI'll let you know
16:58.32mindfunkCrofton: 2.6 will be supported on 2430 and 3430
16:58.55CroftonWe have to get our stuff running on one for some dudes
16:59.17Croftonwell, if the $$ are correct that is
16:59.20mindfunkdudes == al queda??\
16:59.27Croftonheh no
16:59.33cheekaaany experts from ti
16:59.45cheekaai need some help regarding wlan on osk
16:59.50mindfunkppl from TI, I dunno if we are experts
16:59.57mindfunkCrofton has an osk
17:00.03CroftonChanServ, you may be an expert
17:00.10mindfunkcheekaa: ask Crofton about his nokia 770
17:00.11Croftonbut he hasn't tried usb wlan
17:00.22Croftonthat has wireless lan
17:00.41cheekaai know it has connextant wlan
17:00.49Croftonbut not usb?
17:00.49cheekaabut i am trying a usb-wlan
17:01.10Croftoncan you get the usb-wlan running on a normal linux machine OK?
17:02.00CroftonIf I was trying to do that, I would make sure it worked on a "normal" oc
17:02.03Croftoner oc
17:02.06Croftonack PC
17:02.13cheekaayes its working
17:02.20Croftonthen see what was different about behavior on the osk
17:03.45CroftonI have had a USRP working on usb
17:05.59cheekaaok i shall try
18:14.48*** join/#ol Crofton (
22:43.41*** join/#ol Crofton (
23:09.11*** join/#ol TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
23:09.12*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.