irclog2html for #ol on 20050820

08:47.12*** join/#ol TheCollector (
08:47.20*** join/#ol Wingnut (
08:47.28*** join/#ol gram (
11:48.55*** join/#ol TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
11:48.55*** mode/#ol [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
12:56.36*** join/#ol eJumbo (n=eJumbo@
12:56.52eJumbohas anyone ported mpd to oe
12:57.03eJumbosorry ported mpd to omap5912
12:58.30eJumboi am facing some errors : please see
13:45.33*** part/#ol eJumbo (n=eJumbo@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.