irclog2html for #ol on 20050805

03:32.26*** join/#ol Wingnut ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:49.10*** join/#ol Crofton (
03:49.10*** join/#ol xjdjsqw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:30.52*** join/#ol kergoth ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:30.52*** join/#ol pmw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:30.52*** mode/#OL [-o kergoth] by ChanServ
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08:11.42*** join/#ol Crofton (
08:11.42*** join/#ol xjdjsqw ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:02.09*** join/#ol Garf (
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13:17.13*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
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14:28.53*** join/#ol a-atwood1 (
14:49.21*** join/#ol Garf (
15:05.47*** join/#ol tom_ (
16:08.32*** join/#ol TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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17:53.20a-atwood1wow.  quiet today
18:03.46mindfunka-atwood1: I have to wonder though... if things go the way that is suggested in the lamlaw posting, the unix assets will be sold to the highest bidder... or given to a debtor
18:04.28mindfunkif the "assets" are given to novell or in a "settlement" to ibm, then it is at least over
18:04.31mindfunkfor good
18:05.06mindfunkalthough, mcbride and crew should be strung through the ringer for fraud and libel... and that could still happen
18:06.47mindfunksco could "sell" the rights to unix to... gasp... microslop for some ungodly amount
18:07.13mindfunkbut, I'm sure the anti-trust movement would at least slow that process down
18:13.47mindfunk~quote sco
18:13.50mindfunk~quote ibm
18:13.55mindfunk~quote txn
18:14.06mindfunk~quote scox
19:09.54Croftoneverytime it goes up, the short guys buy to avoid losing money
19:10.22Croftonso if it shows signs of going up, there is buy demand, lots of it
20:51.20*** join/#ol Crofton (
21:09.18*** join/#ol the_Thor (
21:09.48*** part/#ol the_Thor (
21:33.38mindfunkprpplague: what island do you live on again?
21:33.49mindfunkprpplague: is there a good coloc service there?
21:39.08prpplaguemindfunk: barbados
21:39.14prpplaguemindfunk: could not say
21:43.16mindfunkprpplague: don't you have a fat data pipe on the cheap?
21:51.26mindfunkprpplague: can you coloc a machine for me?
22:20.13prpplaguemindfunk: uh why?
22:20.21prpplaguemindfunk: and how are you gonna get it here?
22:21.22mindfunkprpplague: I can ship it... or bring it
22:21.33mindfunkprpplague: you know what freenet is?
22:34.49prpplaguemindfunk: if you ship/bring it here you will have to pay duities on it
22:40.18mindfunkhrm... if you have a server already running, and don't mind me having an account on it, I can ship you an hd

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.