irclog2html for #ol on 20050711

00:27.39TheCollectorTimRikerTX: welcome back home ;)
01:34.46*** join/#ol mtlin (
02:11.55*** join/#ol pmw (
02:25.43*** join/#ol Crofton (
02:46.01*** join/#ol Crofton (
02:47.38*** join/#ol Crofton (
02:55.27*** join/#ol tsowell (
02:59.13*** join/#ol tsowell (
03:04.03*** join/#ol Crofton__|laptop (
03:42.35TimRikerTXTheCollector: thanx. packing up tonight. movers are here mon and tuesday. then I'm back to UT late tues night.
06:30.03*** join/#ol Wingnut ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:39.40*** join/#ol a-atwood ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:41.41*** join/#ol Crofton (
06:42.14*** join/#ol a-atwood (
06:42.14*** join/#ol Crofton (
06:42.14*** mode/#OL [+n] by
06:44.43*** join/#ol a-atwood_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:46.25*** join/#ol gram (graham@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:47.15*** join/#ol TheCollector ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:47.52*** join/#ol gram (graham@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:48.01*** join/#ol mindfunk (
06:48.01*** mode/#OL [+o mindfunk] by ChanServ
07:05.06*** join/#ol mindfunk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:05.06*** join/#ol a-atwood_ (
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07:05.06*** join/#ol TheCollector (
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07:05.07*** join/#ol a-atwood ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:05.07*** mode/#OL [+ooo mindfunk kergoth ChanServ] by
07:05.39*** join/#ol Crofton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:06.32*** join/#ol gram ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:09.16*** join/#ol Crofton_ (
07:54.08*** join/#ol mtlin (
10:23.50*** join/#ol Garf (
10:50.21*** join/#ol eJumbo (~eJumbo@
10:50.36eJumbohas any one worked on usb-gadgets over here.
10:50.58eJumboWingnut: are u there ?
10:55.59*** join/#ol gram (
11:09.45eJumbousing osk as a ethernet gadget. when i connect the device (osk) to host i get the error:
11:10.05eJumbousb 2-1: new full speed USB device using address 9
11:10.08eJumbousb 2-1: device not accepting address 9, error -71
11:56.15*** join/#ol a-atwood_home (
11:57.18eJumboa-atwood_home: have u worked on usb ethernet gadgets
11:58.06a-atwood_homeeJumbo: nope.  I'm actually the CM guy for another grp.  We used to have some members from the OMAP grp.
12:00.08eJumbocant find any one here. facing a problem with usb net on osk.
12:00.27eJumbousing osk as a ethernet gadget. when i connect the device (osk) to host i get the error:
12:00.36eJumbo<eJumbo> usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using address 9 usb 2-1: device not accepting address 9, error -71
12:11.15*** join/#ol a-atwood1home (
12:18.45eJumboa-atwood: u have logged in 4 times !!!
12:45.05*** join/#ol Crofton_|laptop (
12:45.18eJumboHi Crofton|laptop
12:47.06*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
13:04.22*** join/#ol ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
13:04.22*** mode/#OL [+o ChanServ] by
13:04.22*** mode/#OL [-o kergoth`zzz] by ChanServ
13:29.10*** part/#ol eJumbo (~eJumbo@
13:58.11*** mode/#OL [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
14:32.53a-atwoodkergoth: mornin
14:55.43*** join/#ol Crofton|laptop (
15:05.12*** part/#ol a-atwood (
15:05.18*** join/#ol a-atwood (
15:07.59a-atwoodmindfunk: mornin'.  Aint it a looovely morning?
15:08.29jbotMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
15:08.49jbotrumour has it, monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
15:09.13Crofton_I am back
15:09.27Crofton_wrong channel
15:09.35Crofton_must be morning
15:20.58*** join/#ol tsowell (
15:23.52*** join/#ol prpplague^2 (~billybob@
15:25.48mindfunkkergoth: what ya up to these days?
15:34.13mindfunk~quote txn
15:34.27mindfunk~quote scox
15:34.34mindfunkprpplague^2: how are things?
15:35.07prpplague^2mindfunk: ok
15:35.13prpplague^2mindfunk: little stressed today
15:35.19mindfunkaren't we all
15:36.36TheCollectormindfunk: sonja can have this machine now
15:37.04prpplague^2mindfunk: i should have come in and worked this weekend, instead i prograstinated
15:37.13prpplague^2mindfunk: didn't even mow the yard
15:37.23TheCollector~lart sunburn
15:38.18prpplague^2mindfunk: i hate userland coding
15:38.34mindfunkit has it's moments
15:38.52prpplague^2mindfunk: true, but i had doing menus and stuff
15:38.56TheCollectormindfunk: punk
15:39.04prpplague^2mindfunk: especially poorly coded apis
15:39.07mindfunkah... I hate gui coding
15:39.27mindfunkTheCollector: stop harassing me because you hate freedom
15:40.05mindfunkprpplague^2: nod
15:40.09TheCollectordude, I'm harassing you because you don't do your part to support the sunscreen industry, you commie :P
15:40.11*** join/#ol Garf (
15:40.31mindfunkk... take it to #casualti
15:41.20TheCollectorwow, that is slow
15:41.50mindfunkdon't have kids man... they cause mental retardation
15:43.11tsowellit's the other way around :P
15:43.41mindfunkwhat? retardation causes you to have kids?... perhaps
15:44.36tsowellthere's not much truth in it
19:48.30a-atwoodwow.  not much going on today
20:20.46TheCollectora-atwood: except for trinidad getting blown up
20:38.59tsowell~lart IMG
20:39.22TheCollectortsowell: that's not very nice
20:39.31tsowellTheCollector: IMG isn't very nice
20:46.49a-atwoodheh.  haven't been listening to news.
20:50.15*** join/#ol TheCollector (
20:53.07a-atwoodTrinidad, Spain got blown up?
20:56.47TheCollectorno, the city "Port of Spain" in Trinidad had a bomb go off
20:58.19*** join/#ol a-atwood_home (
21:07.26a-atwoodoh.  nothing on the news here about it.
21:08.00tsowellhas Al Qaeda claimed responsibility yet?
23:16.12*** join/#ol Crofton|laptop (
23:48.02a-atwood_homeTheCollector: heh.  parsing error.  was googling and saw Trinidad, port of Spain, and got the geography wrong.  Newspaper there says army is also short of guns.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.