irclog2html for #ol on 20050708

00:18.34*** join/#ol TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
00:18.34*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
07:46.25*** join/#ol jbot (
07:46.25*** topic/#ol is OMAP-Linux || || news:// <- for TIers || take casual chatter to #casualti
07:46.25*** mode/#OL [+o jbot] by ChanServ
13:02.59*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
14:59.04*** join/#ol tsowell (
16:50.03*** join/#ol TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
16:50.03*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:47.16*** join/#ol tsowell (
18:56.20TheCollectorit's quiet... too quiet...
18:57.38pmwThe skies are too serene, and the air is heavy with tension.
18:58.29TheCollectora tumbleweed rolls by, kicking up a small trail of dust...
18:58.42pmwPerhaps sensing the heaviness, the town appears deserted.
18:58.48prpplagueheard you had some rough weather yesterday in dfw
18:59.14TheCollectorprpplague: yeah, it was pretty dark in the morning
18:59.14tsowellso, the most wonderful time of the year?
18:59.17tsowellfor masochists?
18:59.20pmwIt looked very intimidating, but only little rain fell in my areas.
19:00.05TheCollectorprpplague: business trip?
19:00.40prpplagueTheCollector: yea, gotta come in a file my taxes, make an appearance at the office, and buy a few electronics items to take back
19:01.00TheCollectorwhat goodies are you gonna pick up?
19:01.55prpplaguesome video games, some movies, probably a couple of those cheapie dvd players
19:02.14prpplagueTheCollector: hehe, basically a quick stop at BigLots hehe
19:02.38prpplagueTheCollector: we really don't have anything like dollar stores and discount places here
19:03.26prpplagueTheCollector: gotta get my taxes filled too
19:03.35TheCollectorany Wal*Marts there?
19:03.47prpplagueTheCollector: hehe no
19:04.07TheCollectorcool - bet the merchants appreciate that
19:04.20prpplagueiirc there are no wal-marts anywhere in the caribbean or bahamas
19:05.02prpplaguei can do without wal-mart, its dollar general that i need
19:06.01prpplagueTheCollector: taxes when you are married to a foreign national are a beoych
19:06.21TheCollectorprpplague: I don't want to think about how bad that must be
19:06.39prpplagueTheCollector: hopefully this will be the last year
19:07.09prpplagueTheCollector: either A) my wife gets a visa, or B) i give up my citizenship
19:07.23TheCollectorprpplague: hope it works out
19:07.33prpplagueme too
19:07.43TheCollectorwhat's the tax structure there like?
19:08.26prpplagueTheCollector: everything is based on duties and VAT, no income or property taxes
19:09.03TheCollectorso domestic goods are pretty cheap while imports are kinda pricey?
19:09.10prpplagueTheCollector: right
19:09.13TheCollectoror is it well-balanced?
19:09.58prpplagueTheCollector: its too fold, it makes money from the more expensive imports, but it also pushes the island to be self-sufficient
19:12.36TheCollectorthats pretty cool
19:13.25TheCollectorI imagine that domestic goods are primarily agricultural?
19:15.49TheCollectorwhat a slacker...
19:16.08prpplagueTheCollector: no we have a full range of products
19:16.25prpplagueTheCollector: the island is about 75% self sufficient
19:17.25pmwHow does this island benefit Omap Linux?
19:19.15prpplaguepmw: hehe, it doesn't this is off topic, other than there are about 25 or so embedded developers on the island
19:19.59prpplaguepmw: iirc one of the developers is working with the .gov on tsnumai detectors based on omap
20:11.33*** join/#ol prpplague^2 (~billybob@
20:44.57*** join/#ol pmw_work (
20:58.10mindfunkTimRiker: um... jbot is having issues...
20:58.11TimRikerjbot: 1+1
20:58.11jbotsomebody said 1+1 was 3 for large values of 1
20:58.11TimRikerjbot chaninfo
20:58.11jbotI'm on 59 channels: #/15, #aegis/8, #asterisk/280, #asterisk-doc/13, #botpark/17, #brlcad/12, #byumug/5, #bzflag/58, #bzleague/13, #casualti/11, #classiccmp/23, #debian/788, #debian-bots/20, #debian-br/74, #debian-france/20, #debianppc/53, #devlounge/7, #dub/7, #elinux/40, #elive/10, #familiar/28, #fossfund/3, #gllug/26, #gnu-kbsd/16, #gpe/46,, ...
20:58.11jboti've cached 2472 users, 1921 unique users, distributed over 59 channels.
20:58.11mindfunkTimRiker: um... looks like he is just slow... purl started responding
20:58.20TimRikersheesh. guess so.
21:12.25a-atwood_afk~emulate CVS
21:12.25jbothere is the tree, minus half the changes the last guy made
21:17.54a-atwood_afksee y'all Monday
21:17.59jbot[monday] when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
21:43.40pmwDo we use Virtio for any development?
21:43.52pmwAnd what about OMX?
21:48.46tsowellpmw: yeah
23:03.28mindfunk~pester Wingnut
23:03.28jbotWingnut: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.