irclog2html for #ol on 20050614

00:59.24*** join/#ol Crofton|laptop (
05:05.57*** join/#ol mindfunk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:05.57*** mode/#OL [+o mindfunk] by
06:06.37*** join/#ol TheCollector (
10:43.34*** join/#ol a-atwood_home (
10:50.25*** join/#ol brejc8 (
10:50.27*** part/#ol brejc8 (
11:41.30*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
13:14.29*** join/#ol pmw (~pwhite@
13:27.43*** join/#ol Alexliu (
13:28.05*** part/#ol Alexliu (
14:21.58*** join/#ol Crofton|laptop (
15:12.20*** join/#ol tsowell (
15:30.58pmwTheCollector || gram: coming in today?
15:40.31TheCollectorpmw: no
15:54.48grammaybe late.
15:54.55gramas in after 10.
15:57.59TheCollectorwell, that's pretty obvious, as it's almost 11
16:00.26TheCollectoryou're seriously thinking about coming in after 10PM?
16:00.52TheCollectorthat's sick
16:01.01grami've done it before.
16:01.11TheCollectorand just work all night?
16:01.13grama few weeks ago i stayed until 2
16:01.20gramnot all night... probably 3-4 hours
17:27.32*** join/#ol TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
17:27.32*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:47.48TimRikerTheCollector: tye is still holding that sandia rack waiting for a good home.
17:48.04TimRikerhe has 3 more racks in various sizes if anyone is interested.
17:53.06gramback to work?
18:41.29TimRikerany forest lane folks coming over for ice cream? or is there a 75th party over there too?
18:58.57pmwIce cream??
18:59.19pmwI'm intrigued, sir, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
19:00.39pmwBTW, I didn't know that Sonia was a TI employee; I thought she was one of us.
19:01.01tsowellshe just finished orientation
19:01.14pmwWas she hired for our team?
19:08.10TheCollectorTimRiker: yeah, I missed my opportunity this morning to get it; Hopefully I'll be able to reschedule for later this week
19:15.27tsowellmindfunk: ?
19:24.20mindfunktsowell: what?
19:24.35mindfunktsowell: hurry... the baby is stirring
19:25.46tsowellmindfunk: where are you?
19:26.06mindfunktsowell: home... why?
19:26.16tsowellmindfunk: just wondering
19:26.30tsowellmindfunk: do you like your new baby?
19:26.41Wingnutcan you send it back if you don't like it?
19:26.47mindfunktsowell: yeah...
19:26.55tsowellmindfunk: cool.  is it cute?
19:29.39mindfunktsowell: yeah... she's cute
19:29.46tsowellmindfunk: what's her name?
19:29.52mindfunkall babies kinda look alike though
19:30.00mindfunkmaya (magic in hindi)
19:30.06pmwOoh, good name.
19:30.15pmwMaya in "Just Shoot Me!" was hot.
19:30.28*** kick/#OL [pmw!] by mindfunk (mindfunk)
19:30.40tsowellmindfunk: that's a pretty name
19:30.47*** join/#ol pmw (~pwhite@
19:30.50Croftonall babies are hideous, except to their parents :)
19:30.58Croftonthey get better though
19:34.00TimRikerpmw: oh. there was ice cream between PCN and PCS but they are cleaning up now.
19:34.29a-atwoodTimRiker: aye.  I managed to ignore it for health reasons.
19:34.47*** topic/#OL by TimRiker -> OMAP-Linux || || news:// <- for TIers || <tsowell> mindfunk: do you like your new baby? <Wingnut> can you send it back if you don't like it? <mindfunk> tsowell: yeah...
19:41.15Croftonheh, you can sell new babies for good money
19:41.43Croftonbut the price drops rapidly over the first few months and becomes negative until they are 18
19:41.50tsowellI'd rather sell organs.  already have more than I need
20:04.06TheCollectortsowell: but babies are a renewable resource
20:09.22tsowellTheCollector: yeah, but I'd have to find someone who wanted to make babies with me
20:10.19pmwtsowell: The hardest find is bootstrapping yourself.  Once you produce a female, you can cycle to the beginning.
20:10.50tsowellpshah, I don't have time to take care of breeding populations
20:10.57tsowellI'll just sell livers.  I can make tons of those
20:11.04pmwOnce of the advantages of living in Texas is that it *is* "the south".
20:11.32TheCollectorpmw: fsck that, it's the west
20:11.38pmwAlternately, find a market for starfish.
20:11.50TheCollectordon't compare me w/ some redneck from missouri
20:11.59prpplaguehehe, yea well, if you have an iq over 85 in north and east texas, your chances of finding a woman are slim to none
20:12.29pmwNotice: we have a Linux ITR team board observer.
20:12.37pmw...who just left.
20:13.20pmwNever mind; I seem to have confused the simple minds.
20:13.32pmwNot you, prpplague.
20:13.34TheCollectorprpplague: integration, testing & release
20:13.51prpplagueTheCollector: ahh
20:14.06pmw...yeah, that.  I was referring to tsowell.
20:15.20prpplaguepmw: hehe, i'm famliar with some of the operations there, but i didn't recognize that acronym
20:18.16tsowellyeah, we usually call it IT&R
20:18.27tsowellbut that most have been too long for pmw to remember
20:21.02TheCollectoranyone have one they want to part with?
20:21.33tsowelloh that reminds me.. I need to get my Nomad unborrowed
20:21.38tsowellthat thing rocks
20:27.02*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
20:38.04*** join/#ol prpplague^2 (~billybob@
20:48.59gramit's a eunuch
20:51.12TheCollector~lart TestQuest
20:51.41prpplague^2anyone have experience using gpios for a 8x8 keypad matrix?
20:54.12tsowelltheoretical experience
20:54.22tsowellwith a 4x4 matrix
20:54.46prpplague^2tsowell: hmm, theoretical?
20:56.12*** join/#ol richardw (
20:56.25*** mode/#OL [+v richardw] by ChanServ
20:57.26prpplaguerichardw: hey hey boss man
20:57.27tsowellprpplague: yeah, meaning I've thought about using gpios for a 4x4 matrix
20:57.32richardwAnyone know a of a good example for compiling a relocatable section of C code.  I want to write a bit of code in C, and relocate it to SRAM.
20:57.43richardwprpplague: hi'a.  how goes things.
20:57.48prpplaguerichardw: not too bad
20:57.48gramrelocatable? as in relative addressing?
20:57.56richardwgram: yes
20:58.06gramrichardw: -fPIC?
20:58.13gramthough how that works varies from arch to arch
20:58.20richardwyou need more than that...
20:58.26gramwhat do you mean?
20:58.39prpplagueiirc you might look some sections blob, seems like it has some code
20:59.07richardwi've cheated in u-boot before by careful use a switch statment and your dead, use an if statment things are ok.
20:59.37richardwthe end goal is to relocate all code and global data references, then do a stack switch so I can use locals.
20:59.44gramwouldn't -fPIC and some code to set the base register in asm work?
21:00.02gramwill the address in sram always vary?
21:00.11richardw-fpic -FPIC, maybe I've been reading the man pages but I'm not completely sure its enough.
21:00.46richardwthere is a nice xillinx ap note which shows you how to define special sections in your linker map, and then how to manually copy...
21:01.17richardwI've have examples and know how to copy and write safe assembly sequences....
21:01.51richardwI am tired of hand coding a pile of assembly, and think its about time to try and use the compiler.
21:02.47gramwhat do you mean by relocateable?
21:03.29richardwgram: I mean, I'll compile a .o into the kernel, and at init time of my module, I will copy the code into SRAM, then fill in some function pointers so I can call it.
21:03.46richardwThere is do dynamic linker loader to help me out.
21:03.46gramthe address in sram is constant?
21:04.24richardwperhaps more position dependent...
21:04.35richardwor it can be.
21:06.04richardwseems to be the nicest bit for ppc.
21:07.30gramwhat arch do you need it for?
21:08.17gramwill the example they have work? with assembly changed of course?
21:09.20richardwI think it may, though it uses -mrelocatable-lib for a compiler option, and i've only found references for that in PPC land.
21:10.19gramthe man page seems sparse on the details as to how that works
21:10.51richardwyea, thats why I thought i'd ask...
21:11.25richardwi think i can probably create some code given a specific version of the compiler which does what i want, but i'd rather it not be breaking every time an update comes out.
21:11.51richardwassembly, while tedious is very controllable...but a pain to extend.
21:12.59richardwi suppose i should just compile with -fpic and -fPIC and see the differneces.
21:13.14richardwone is susposed to try and generate a shorter offset table...
21:13.43grami thought they used addressing relative to an address in a base register (%ebx on x86)
21:14.26richardwprobably, the mans around these seem to say for arm r9 or rsomething can be used to store you global pointer.
21:14.42richardw... if you code simply enough, the data just gets coded in as pc relative loads.
21:14.50TimRiker - what some people do in their spare time.
21:17.44richardwTimRiker: what is that...some guy singing?
21:18.23TimRikerjust another thing hoping around the net. like the badger badger and all your base stuff.
21:18.35TimRikerer hopping.. not hoping.
21:19.28richardwprpplague: what coutry are you in now?  seems like the one in the news these days...
21:20.22prpplaguerichardw: i'm in barbados, the one in the news is aruba
21:21.10richardwah, both islands... is it close :)  (lazy to look).
21:27.26prpplaguerichardw: close is relative
21:27.32prpplaguerichardw: its about 300 miles
21:28.22richardwprpplague: both in caribbean anyway. isn't the equator starting to get bit close? seems like it might get a bit steamy there.  South still, by ? 500mi, must be warmer than tx, ... or does the water keep it all temperate..
21:29.12prpplaguerichardw: it stays around 88F but the humidity is high
22:10.45*** join/#ol jbot (
22:10.45*** topic/#ol is OMAP-Linux || || news:// <- for TIers || <tsowell> mindfunk: do you like your new baby? <Wingnut> can you send it back if you don't like it? <mindfunk> tsowell: yeah...
22:10.45*** mode/#OL [+o jbot] by ChanServ
22:12.55jbotTue Jun 14 22:12:55 2005
22:15.18TimRiker300 miles is very close from a texas perspective. ;-)
22:18.50TheCollector300 miles? bah, that's just the drive from Houston to Dallas
22:47.14*** join/#ol Crofton|laptop (
22:54.56*** join/#ol a-atwood1home (
23:36.50grampmw: still there?
23:37.26gramWingnut: what testing needs to be done for the live cd?
23:38.13Wingnut2.4 touchpad and keypad
23:38.20Wingnutand run through the demo scripts
23:39.40WingnutI'll send them to you in just a min
23:46.13Wingnutyou can also find the environments on the underbox, that may be an easier way of testing (either VNC in or use my desk)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.