irclog2html for #ol on 20050518

10:21.25*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
10:53.09*** join/#ol prpplague (~billybob@
13:54.49prpplaguemorning all
15:03.14mindfunkGvzEvxre: ping
15:03.36mindfunkWingnut: is brian over there?
15:03.59mindfunkWingnut: I lost my mobile... it might be in his truck
15:04.12mindfunkthe last time I remember using it was at sonic
15:06.09gramno, he's not here.
15:19.25mindfunkgram: what is his non-work email addy?
15:24.54mindfunkso... my phone is in his truck
15:25.12mindfunkthat is actually upsetting... was looking forward to getting a new phone
15:25.50Croftoncall the phone and see if he answers
15:26.12mindfunkno... I had the service terminated, since I thought I left it at sonic
15:41.53a-atwoodmindfunk: I think if you had the service terminated, you will be getting an new phone anyway
15:42.03a-atwoodmindfunk: I don't think they can re-activate them.
15:47.19*** join/#ol tsowell (
15:50.28mindfunka-atwood: yeah, they can...
15:50.38mindfunka-atwood: there are 2 things they can do
15:51.04mindfunkterminate service (akin to what they do when you don't pay your bill)
15:51.20mindfunkand blowout the sim card from remote
15:51.35mindfunkin both cases, they can easily restore service
15:52.22a-atwoodhmm.  I had a # transferred to another phone, and they couldn't xfer it back to the original when we realized I couldn't have a camera phone over here
15:53.17mindfunka-atwood: if "overhere" == TI, TI changed it's policy on camera phones
15:53.22mindfunkit allows them
15:53.33a-atwoodmindfunk: shit
15:53.55mindfunkthey send out a notice saying camera phones were ok but they would change their minds "if it became a problem"
15:53.58a-atwoodthe one i changed it to really, REALLY sucks
15:54.23mindfunkthere might be some detail, eg This doesn't apply to contractors, that I don't know
15:55.13mindfunkalso, they should be able to xfer your phone number to ANY phone on ANY service
15:55.39mindfunkif they tell you they can't, they are full of shit
15:55.59mindfunkI'd xfer the number to a new company all-together
15:55.59a-atwoodthat's pretty much what I thought.  I wasn't dealing with them, my wife was
16:17.08mindfunkWingnut && tsowell && gram: lunch?
16:17.18gramok... where at?
16:19.25mindfunkgram: is there a veggie friendly burger place that is close?
16:19.44mindfunkis there a close one?
16:19.47gramthat's one i can think of off the top of my head...
16:19.50gramhow far is that?
16:20.02grami thought it was in plano
16:20.17mindfunkthat is not really close, but it would do I guess
16:21.01mindfunkWingnut && tsowell: ideas?
16:21.17mindfunkdid brian give up on irc or something?
16:21.24gramhis host is down.
16:21.50grami 0wnz0R3d it
16:22.04mindfunkthat r0x0rz
16:23.30gramthere is one on frankford as well.
16:24.09mindfunkfrankford and what? frankford goes all the way to 35
16:24.15gramnear 75
16:24.23gramoh... wait, nevermind.
16:24.26gramnear the tollway
16:24.29mindfunkthat seems oddly close to the other one
16:25.24*** join/#ol TheCollector (
16:33.09mindfunkgram: ok... yall come over here
16:38.19mindfunk~pester gram
16:38.20jbotgram: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see
16:39.53mindfunkWingnut: ping
16:39.55mindfunktsowell: ping
16:40.39*** join/#ol TimRiker (
16:40.39*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:08.57prpplagueTimRiker: hey timmy
17:09.15prpplagueTimRiker: erikm doesn't have any patches for the PET bootloader stuff
17:17.46*** join/#ol TimRiker (
17:17.46*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:20.29prpplagueTimRiker: re
17:28.41TimRikerprpplague: k. not that it ever got released anyway. still, too bad he never got em. I don't know where to find em now.
17:29.27prpplaguebummer, there was someone on lak asking for other bootloaders for omap
17:35.22prpplagueTimRiker: did you see someone did a mod similiar to the one i've been testing for the zipit -
18:24.13mindfunkTheCollector: nightlies fail again... yeehaw
18:24.48TheCollectorthe nightlies suck... I wish we couls just nuke 'em
18:25.24mindfunkTimRiker: you going to OLS?
18:26.21mindfunkTheCollector: actually, the new system, when it works, will be better
18:27.53mindfunkTheCollector: it treats LTP as a single suite, so that mess is still there
18:28.39TheCollectorwell, I'm sure it will still be a welcome improvement
18:44.01mindfunk~pester TimRiker
18:44.02jbotTimRiker: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see
19:05.54mindfunkanyone know if I can get to /data/* via windows share?
19:06.08mindfunkthe "other samba" that is
19:06.45mindfunkWingnut: ^^
19:07.29mindfunkgram: ^^
19:07.34TheCollectormindfunk: no idea
19:09.09gramumm... tsowell might know something about that... for /data/omapsw_test at least
19:09.09TheCollectormindfunk: I dont see sheath in windows networking
19:09.09grami believe keither shares it
19:15.16mindfunkhrm... path?
19:15.39tsowellto what?
19:16.03mindfunkso... I don't see the /data/* on littlebit ...
19:21.16mindfunk~pester tsowell
19:21.17jbottsowell: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see
19:28.21tsowellroot of //littlebit  is /data
19:28.27tsowellyou should see omapsw_*
19:33.02mindfunkdon't see any of that
19:33.22mindfunkanywho, I finally got your minutes checked in
19:33.34mindfunkmy CC on windows is futzed
19:35.39TimRikermindfunk: I am going to OLS. course I don't know where I'll be flying from, but ah well. ;-)
19:47.57TheCollectormindfunk: you know what might cause LTP to not be able to create directories on the NFS mounted rootfs?
19:55.55CroftonLooks like my USRP will talk to my OSK
19:57.32mindfunkTheCollector: permissions
19:58.21mindfunkTheCollector: btw, I found a really weird bug in ash, er, I think
19:58.45TheCollectorI'll add it to my reasons to not use ash ;)
19:59.47mindfunkchown too
20:00.11tsowellchown on the board
20:00.29mindfunkTheCollector: yeah, if you att the pty tests to the runltp script, ash doesn't like
20:01.01tsowellis that a problem with the script or the shell?
20:01.37mindfunkbasically, inserting that string give a parse error
20:02.00mindfunkI didn't diag it or anything, but that is what it seemed like
20:14.51TimRikeranyone drop by salvage today? I didn't. it closes in 15 minutes.
20:15.47prpplagueTimRiker: are you changing your last name to sanford?
20:16.08TimRikerperhaps. me and my son.
20:17.00TheCollectorTimRiker: if you don't mind me asking, why?
20:17.01WingnutTimRiker: I talked to George Martin over here today about getting you a job in OMAP Linux devel
20:17.17Wingnuthis response was promissing, you'll probably get a call from him soon
20:18.12prpplagueif any cares, there is still a code maintaince and entry level embedded linux dev postion available at aml
20:18.26prpplagueif you are interested, send a resume to
20:19.28tsowelldoes it require a degree?
20:19.30gramwhere is the office located?
20:20.15prpplaguetsowell: nope, in euless
20:20.37prpplaguetsowell: just a good feel for cvs and some basic programming skills
20:20.52tsowellpart time or full time?
20:21.13gramdo you know what it pays?
20:21.19prpplaguetsowell: its kind of an entry level
20:21.43prpplaguei can't say with any certainty, but i suspect it will be in the 36-48k range
20:22.01TimRikerWingnut: cool. I'm eager to talk to anyone about it. (ie: I'm eager to get outta here, and have other leads outside TI)
20:48.55WingnutI told him that, he said they need someone with your skillset
20:49.45WingnutI've also talked to Bob Tyson, the lead on one of the HW projects I'm working on.  He said he'd consider you if the reqs open up
20:59.41TimRikerWingnut: I dropped him a brief email.
20:59.57TimRiker(him == george martin)
21:10.33a-atwoodheaded for the casa.  will probably log in from there.
21:17.40mindfunkTheCollector: ACK!!! kill ltp and restart it if you did not already remove the setguid tests
21:17.50mindfunkthe ones that hang, that is
21:18.10TheCollector~lart setguid03
21:18.13tsowellall setguid tests must hang
21:19.27mindfunk~lart tsowell
21:20.58mindfunkTheCollector: I mentioned that you need to take a look at the framebuffer tests right?
21:21.32mindfunkyes... did yesterday
21:21.39mindfunkwhen you were pretending to be Wingnut
21:21.46TheCollectork, mebbe you did
21:22.23TheCollectori wouldnt want to act like _that_ guy...
21:22.47mindfunkwell, you might not have wanted to, but you were
21:46.10mindfunk~wedgie TheCollector
21:46.11jbotACTION hangs TheCollector from the flag pole by his underwear
21:46.24TheCollector~whalebomb mindfunk
21:46.25jbotACTION throws an explosive whale at mindfunk and hides
21:46.35mindfunk~whaleblock mindfunk
21:46.36jbotACTION shields mindfunk with a freakishly huger whale named ollywag
21:46.47TheCollector~whaleslap mindfunk
21:46.48jbotACTION slaps mindfunk upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
21:46.53mindfunk~whaleblock mindfunk
21:46.54jbotACTION shields mindfunk with a freakishly huger whale named ollywag
21:47.12TheCollectoryou cant use that twice in a row...
21:47.17TheCollector~lart mindfunk
21:47.26mindfunkyes I can
21:47.32mindfunk~rlart TheCollector
21:47.45mindfunk~lart TheCollector
21:47.53tsowell~lart mindfunk
21:48.02TheCollector~kill mindfunk
21:48.03jbotACTION shoots a charged pseudograviton gun at mindfunk
21:48.25mindfunk~kick TheCollector
21:48.26jbotbugger off sod!
21:48.38TheCollectordang, you're still alive...
21:49.18mindfunk~ban TheCollector
21:49.21tsowell~kill -9 mindfunk
21:49.22jbotACTION shoots a super-inverse fluxproton gun at -9 mindfunk
21:49.35mindfunk~insult tsowell
21:49.39mindfunk~insult TheCollector
21:50.30tsowell~kill -9 `ps -C mindfunk -o pid=`
21:50.31jbotACTION shoots a excited pseudophoton gun at -9 `ps -C mindfunk -o pid=`
21:50.55tsowell~lart TimRiker
21:51.03tsowell~insult mindfunk
21:52.01mindfunkok... lets not forget the real enemy
21:52.06mindfunk~lart testquest
21:52.09TheCollectorTQ? MS?
21:52.27mindfunkboth... MS should by TQ
21:52.45tsowellMS touched my penguin :\
21:54.00tsowellif you fall asleep I'll kill it.  then I'll delete the logs
21:54.06mindfunkTheCollector: well, as long as you don't bill for the time....
21:54.38TheCollector~lart coca-cola
21:55.00TheCollectorthats what you get for failing to give me enough caffene
21:55.17tsowellno, that's what you get for failing to purchase enough caffeine
21:55.52TheCollectoractually, there's plenty of caffene in the bottle of no-doz I have in the cabinet above me
21:56.09mindfunkjust say no man
21:56.30TheCollectordrugs are bad, mmmkay...
21:57.21tsowelldrugs are only bad sometimes
21:59.29mindfunklike breakfast
21:59.45jbotfrom memory, beer is ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!
21:59.47tsowelland old milk
22:00.00jbothmm... tron is a cheesy Disney movie, and a game where you ride lightcycles around
22:00.16mindfunkjbot: no, beer is not just for breakfast anymore
22:00.17jbotokay, mindfunk
22:00.26jboti guess beer is not just for breakfast anymore
22:00.45tsowelljbot: no, your mom guesses beer is not just for breakfast anymore
22:00.46jbottsowell: okay
22:00.59tsowellshoot, I just abused it didn't I?
22:01.00jboti heard beer is not just for breakfast anymore
22:01.22tsowellhm, so how do I teach jbot quotes?
22:01.36tsowell~your mom guesses beer
22:01.37jbotsomebody said your mom guesses beer was not just for breakfast anymore
22:02.01mindfunk~forget your mom guesses beer
22:02.01jbotmindfunk: i forgot your mom guesses beer
22:03.00gram~literal beer
22:03.01jbot"beer" is "not just for breakfast anymore"
22:03.24tsowellmindfunk: how does one teach multiple responses?
22:03.42mindfunkWingnut: how did muthu get our runtime key?!?
22:04.43mindfunkjbot: no beer is not just for breakfast anymore || ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!
22:04.44jbotokay, mindfunk
22:04.51jbotmethinks beer is not just for breakfast anymore
22:05.17gramjbot doesn't want to say it again
22:05.24mindfunkyou broke JBOT!!!!
22:05.28tsowelljbot: quote tsowell1 is test
22:05.40tsowelloh yeah.  quote is for stock quotes
22:05.41gramno... he told me that he just said that 7 seconds ago.
22:05.45tsowellI was thinking emulate!
22:05.49mindfunk~quote txn
22:05.52tsowelljbot: emulate tsowell1 is test
22:05.53jbottsowell: okay
22:06.01tsowelljbot: emulate tsowell1 tsowell2 is test2
22:06.02jbottsowell: okay
22:06.06tsowell~emulate tsowell1
22:06.07jbothmm... emulate tsowell1 is test
22:06.11mindfunktsowell: tried that already
22:06.13tsowell~emulate tsowell1 tsowell2
22:06.14jbotfrom memory, emulate tsowell1 tsowell2 is test2
22:06.21tsowell~forget tsowell1
22:06.21jboti didn't have anything called 'tsowell1' to forget, tsowell
22:06.29tsowell~forget emulate tsowell1
22:06.29jbottsowell: i forgot emulate tsowell1
22:06.31tsowell~forget emulate tsowell1 tsowell2
22:06.31jbottsowell: i forgot emulate tsowell1 tsowell2
22:06.47jbotrumour has it, beer is ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!
22:07.21jbothmm... testquest is a pretend gui test tool for embedded devices. In reality, it is a user frustration tool. Testquest is also the company that makes the previously mentioned user frustration tool..  See also
22:08.19jbotsomebody said harvest was a web-based document search system, or something passed off as a release management tool from computer associates but in reality is a huge steaming pile ... oh yeah, it's expensive and requires lots of expensive hardware
22:09.43jbotbeer is probably ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!
22:09.53tsowellhow does <reply> work?
22:10.01mindfunk~emulate nash
22:10.47mindfunk~literal emulate testquest
22:10.48jbot"emulate testquest" is "<reply> no, I won't run your tests! You changed fonts! Who do you think I am?!? || <reply> obviously, you are too stupid to write a function definition, so fill out this form, then I'll crash || <reply> it's 2058 and you are late to the party || <action> joins al queda, or || <reply> you need to support me, on the board that I built, for ...
22:10.59tsowell~emulate testquest
22:11.00jbotyou need to support me, on the board that I built, for you, that doesn't work, and I don't know how to use
22:11.16TheCollectorhow fitting...
22:11.35mindfunk~emulate ash
22:11.36jbotGood? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.
22:11.47mindfunk~emulate ash
22:11.48jbotthis is my BOOMSTICK
22:12.30mindfunk~emulate ash
22:12.31jbotHoney, you got real ugly.
22:12.43tsowell~emulate the dude
22:12.45mindfunk~emulate ash
22:12.46jbotHoney, you got real ugly.
22:13.15mindfunkjbot: emulate the dude is <reply> that's just like.... you're opinion... man
22:13.16jbotmindfunk: okay
22:14.39tsowell~emulate the dude
22:14.40jbotthe dude abides
22:14.40mindfunkjbot: no emulate the dude is <reply> that's just like.... you're opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!!
22:14.41jbotmindfunk: okay
22:14.56mindfunkshould be jbot abides
22:15.07mindfunkjbot: no emulate the dude is <reply> that's just like.... you're opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!! || <action> abides
22:15.10jbotokay, mindfunk
22:15.18mindfunk~emulate the dude
22:15.21jbotthat's just like.... you're opinion... man
22:15.31mindfunk~emulate the dude
22:15.32jbotf%$#in facist!!!!
22:15.46mindfunk~emulate the dude
22:15.47jbotf%$#in facist!!!!
22:15.58tsowell~emulate the dude
22:16.00jbotACTION abides
22:16.20mindfunkjbot: no emulate the dude is <reply> that's just like.... you're opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!! || <action> abides || <reply> I'm sorry, I wasn't listening, could you repeat that
22:16.21jbotokay, mindfunk
22:16.24mindfunk~emulate the dude
22:16.25jbotACTION abides
22:16.44mindfunkjbot: no emulate the dude is <reply> that's just like.... you're opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!! || <action> abides || <reply> I'm sorry, I wasn't listening, could you repeat that?
22:16.46jbotmindfunk: okay
22:16.51mindfunk~emulate the dude
22:16.52jbotthat's just like.... you're opinion... man
22:17.24tsowell~emulate the dude
22:17.25jbotJackie Treehorn treats objects like women!
22:17.46mindfunk~literal emulate the dude
22:17.47jbot"emulate the dude" is "<reply> you human paraquat! || <reply> jbot abides || <reply> that's just like... your opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!! || <action> abides || <reply> Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women! || <reply> I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.  could you repeat that?"
22:20.34tsowellthis is our concern, dude.  this is our concern
22:24.55tsowellhm, I want to go home
22:28.01TheCollectormindfunk: can I steal the 2.05 from your cube for a bit?
22:29.39TheCollector~pester mindfunk
22:29.40jbotmindfunk: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?  see
22:35.53mindfunkwhat is it now?!?
22:36.06mindfunkno... it's running tests
22:36.11TheCollectorok, nevermind
22:36.53mindfunkyou know, for the most part, you can telnet into the board running ltp, and run other tests by hand right?
22:37.32TheCollectoriqbal wanted to use a 2.05
22:37.43mindfunk~emulate ash
22:37.44jbotright now, you are the ruler of jack and s*it... and jack left town
22:37.52mindfunk~emulate mindfunk
22:38.00mindfunk~emulate tsowell
22:38.05mindfunk~emulate TheCollector
22:38.09mindfunk~emulate TimRiker
22:38.10jbotACTION sits hacking on blootbot, bzflag, tuxscreen, eLinux, and many other projects and mutters "Patches Welcome!"
22:39.44mindfunkjbot: emulate mindfunk is <action> mutters something about crappy, yet expensive windows software causing him pain then slams his head on the desk
22:39.45jbotokay, mindfunk
22:39.54mindfunk~emulate mindfunk
22:39.55jbotACTION mutters something about crappy, yet expensive windows software causing him pain then slams his head on the desk
22:40.20mindfunkjbot: no emulate mindfunk is <action> mutters something about crappy, yet expensive windows software causing him pain then slams his head on his desk
22:40.21jbotmindfunk: okay
22:41.16mindfunk~literal emulate the dude
22:41.17jbot"emulate the dude" is "<reply> you human paraquat! || <reply> jbot abides || <reply> that's just like... your opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!! || <action> abides || <reply> Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women! || <reply> I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.  could you repeat that? || <reply> you mean coitus?"
22:41.28tsowell~emulate mindfunk
22:41.29jbot~whaleslap mindfunk
22:41.38tsowellbah.  jbot doesn't listen to himself
22:41.59*** join/#ol kumi (
22:42.17mindfunkjbot: no emulate the dude is "<reply> you human paraquat! ||  <reply> that's just like... your opinion... man || <reply> f%$#in facist!!!! || <action> abides || <reply> Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women! || <reply> I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.  could you repeat that? || <reply> you mean coitus?
22:42.19jbotokay, mindfunk
22:42.26mindfunkjbot: no emulate mindfunk is <action> mutters something about crappy, yet expensive windows software causing him pain then slams his head on his desk
22:42.27jbotokay, mindfunk
22:42.58tsowell~emulate the dude
22:42.59jbotJackie Treehorn treats objects like women!
22:43.51*** join/#ol richardw (
22:45.22richardwTimRiker: so i'm getting a few responces to OLS... however, RMK isn't attending this year...
22:48.47mindfunk~emulate jbot
22:49.23richardwmindfunk: so ya going :)
22:50.10mindfunkrichardw: bill is asking james
22:58.48TimRikerrichardw: interesting. Know why?
22:59.02TimRikereep. headed home.
23:07.35richardwprpplague: how is the island...
23:34.10prpplaguedoh, sorry i missed him

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.