irclog2html for #ol on 20050405

01:09.05pmwDoes anyone know why tftpd refuses to start on finwe?
01:10.18Wingnutit is run through inetd
01:11.16pmwFor some reason the board in your cube times out when trying to fetch the kernel via TFTP.
01:11.56Wingnutthen either the file is not named correctly, or the serverip has changed
01:12.14Wingnutserverip should be finwe's IP, and the bootfile should be whatever your kernel name is
01:12.33Wingnutto determine if the tftp server is running (from finwe):
01:12.36Wingnuttftp localhost
01:12.37pmwDoes the "bootfile" environment variable need to have the path, or is it just the filename in /targets/tftp?
01:12.42Wingnutget <kernel filename>
01:12.47Wingnutjust the filename
01:16.02pmwThe filename is correct, and the serverip is correct.
01:16.35Wingnuttry to get the same file by hand from finwe
01:16.45pmwI did.  (tftp localhost)
01:17.00pmwIt got it into my home directory.
01:17.17pmwAre the mount IP addresses supposed to be dirac?
01:17.47Wingnutnfsserverip should be sheath
01:18.17Wingnutthe nfsroot directory should be /vol/vol3/omapsw_test...
01:18.31pmwYep, it all checks out.
01:19.05Wingnutdoes a different bootfile work?
01:21.06pmwI'll try to paste what's going on.
01:22.06pmwOMAP242x H4 # bootd
01:22.06pmwTFTP from server; our IP address is; sending throu
01:22.06pmwgh gateway
01:22.06pmwFilename 'kernel-H4-24xx-2.6-latest.uImg'.
01:22.06pmwLoad address: 0x80300000
01:22.09pmwLoading: T T T T T T T T T T
01:22.11pmwRetry count exceeded; starting again
01:22.55pmwThen it loops like this until I power off the board.
01:26.42Wingnutis the network cable plugged in?
01:27.15pmwHaha, victory!
01:27.19pmwIt wasn't plugged in.
01:27.37pmwI didn't even think about this, since I was communicating with it "remotely".
01:27.41Wingnuthmm...try plugging in the cable and start again
01:27.46pmwYep, it worked.
01:28.00pmwIt was still retrying as I plugged the cable in, so it instantly worked.
01:28.27Wingnutit's nice to have a packet hose connected to the board, otherwise throughput is limited
01:33.49pmwHave you encountered DHCP issues before?
01:35.03Wingnutwhat DHCP issues?
01:35.37pmw*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 43
01:35.38pmw*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 44
01:35.38pmw*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 46
01:35.38pmw*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 43
01:35.38pmw*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 44
01:35.40pmw*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 46
01:36.04pmwThe first time I booted it, it ran fine.  However, on subsequent board reboots -- regardless of the bootfile -- it does this.
01:37.13pmwAnd because HyperTerminal foregoes such concepts as sequential flow of text in the window, I cannot tell exactly what's going on.  It appears that every time I press Enter, I get another screenful of these errors.
01:38.00gram~lart hyperterminal
01:38.16gram~lart microsoft & who wrote hyperterminal
01:38.16pmwThat's highly insufficient.
01:38.32kergoththats an awfully lame lart.
01:38.45kergoth~bitchslap hyperterminal
01:38.47jbotACTION beats the sh*t out of hyperterminal
01:38.47gram~lart jbot
01:39.45Wingnutpmw: the board should not attempt to get an ip address through dhcp
01:40.06pmwWell, I touched no unauthorized environment variables.
01:40.12Wingnutand the dhcp client is not built into the kernel, so changing bootfiles should not affect DHCP
01:40.37pmwThe `ipaddr` envvar is still set.
01:42.06pmwThere goes; this time it worked.
01:48.57pmwWingnut: What did you do to remove the root password from your root filesystem?
02:09.32grampmw: set root's passwd to '', and his shell to /bin/sh
02:09.35gram~lart pmw
15:20.54*** join/#ol mindfunk (
15:20.54*** mode/#OL [+o mindfunk] by ChanServ
16:43.15*** join/#ol Crofton (
16:53.05mindfunkit's quiet today
17:00.18mindfunk~quote txn
18:10.39mindfunk~quote scoxe
18:11.35*** join/#ol TimRiker (
18:11.35*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:24.57pmwDoes anyone know anything about DART discounts for TI employees?
18:25.31mindfunkpmw: TIers get free dart passes
18:25.41pmwDoes that include contractors?
18:26.05mindfunkpmw: I don't think that applies to you... but, you might be able to social engineer yourself into a sticker
18:26.35mindfunkgo to the receptionist in the lobby and ask for one.
18:26.47pmwI need to find a TIer that does not want a DART pass and is willing to give it to me.
18:27.14mindfunkwell, they kinda watch you put it on your badge.
18:27.26pmwOh. :-/
18:27.35mindfunkI might go to the desk and "leave" my badge in my cube
18:28.08mindfunkproblem is that I already have a pass
18:28.10pmwI shall try my luck with Terrie the receptionist.  She and I have established a rapport already.
18:28.23mindfunkok then
18:33.17mindfunk~topic add
18:33.17*** topic/#OL by jbot -> OMAP-Linux || || Welcome to former #PET residents || news:// <- for TIers || (mindfunk) || (mindfunk) || (mindfunk) || (mindfunk)
18:42.03mindfunkscoxe officially begins the death spiral
18:42.05mindfunka-atwood: ^^
18:42.34mindfunkI still say they won't make it out of 05 in tact
18:42.41mindfunk~pester a-atwood
18:42.44jbota-atwood: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
19:13.49Croftonwhat is DART?
19:19.20mindfunkjbot: DART is Dallas Area Rapid Transit. See
19:19.21jbotmindfunk: okay
19:19.25jbotdart is probably Dallas Area Rapid Transit. See
19:22.06jbotACTION pets crofton with his petty device
19:23.36jbotit has been said that spot is prom's cat
19:55.50a-atwoodmindfunk: unless they can find a major infusion of cash, you are probably right.
19:56.24a-atwoodmindfunk: I don't think mickeysoft will dare get involved, directly.
19:56.31CroftonBill gates will bail them out again
19:58.42a-atwoodheh.  Possibly, but he will have to use a front like he did last time.
19:59.31a-atwoodMS wants to kill linux, so they come out with MS-BSD; initially just a re-packaging of Free-BSD.
20:07.38a-atwoodmindfunk: just kidding!  8)
20:07.51a-atwoodmindfunk: now clean your chair out.
20:07.54mindfunkthere might be an infusion... but, I think that MS would be on thin ice
20:08.48mindfunkwhen sco falls apart, and it will, there are going to be criminal actions (according to ESR)
20:09.19mindfunkMS probably does not want to get invovled in all that because it will reopen the anti-trust scab
20:10.22mindfunkif sco and crew is found guilt of fraud and other crimes, and MS is known to be the only company paying large sums of money for things they don't use...
20:10.39mindfunkthat could explode in their face
20:11.23mindfunkI think bruce perens compared IBM to Kaiser Sose from "the usual suspects"
20:11.56mindfunk"he kills you, your pets, your family, your family's pets, your friends, your friends pets, etc..."
20:13.09a-atwoodmindfunk: aye, IBM holds a grudge well...
20:13.42mindfunkAlthough, MS might be willing to gamble if the republicans stay in the whitehouse, and consequently, the justice dept
20:16.50mindfunk~emulate kaiser soze
20:17.59a-atwoodmindfunk: heh.  they are stupid if they try THAT no matter who is in the white house.  Disney has had pretty good luck buying Senators, tho
20:18.10mindfunkjbot emulate kaiser soze is <action> kills you, your pets, your friends, your friends pets, your family, your family's pets, your pet's friends
20:18.11jbotokay, mindfunk
20:18.14a-atwoodex, Fritz Hollings
20:18.51mindfunka-atwood: sorry, um... pls note that the anti-trust case was quickly settled when asscruft took over the JD
20:19.06mindfunkit is not a secret why
20:19.15mindfunkgates will even indirectly admit that
20:19.48a-atwoodmindfunk: plz note that the case wasn't about the really bad stuff that MS has done, and was just grinding on and on and on.  
20:20.19mindfunkwell... you tell yourself whatever you have to to make yourself feel better
20:21.00mindfunkI'll refer you to Lessig's commentary
21:37.31mindfunk~emulate kaiser soze
21:37.34jbotACTION kills you, your pets, your friends, your friends pets, your family, your family's pets, your pet's friends
21:42.17mindfunkkergoth: you in MN?
21:42.29kergothnah not yet.
21:42.38mindfunkwhen do you leave?
21:44.04kergothwhenever i get off my ass and get packed
21:44.07mindfunkjbot: no emulate kaiser soze is <action> kills you, your pets, your friends, your friends pets, your family, your family's pets, your pet's friends and your pet's family
21:44.08jbotmindfunk: okay
21:44.11kergothbeen enjoying my newfound ability to do nothing
21:44.19mindfunkhehe... always fun
21:44.34kergothi figure reality will  set in any day now
21:44.53mindfunk~lart reality
22:01.05*** join/#ol gram (
22:02.58mindfunkI'm going to start an office pool: When sco will fold
22:04.26mindfunk~emulate sco
22:04.27jbotACTION takes off all its clothing, walks up to a hornets nest and starts kicking it repeatedly, then sits down on the nest.
22:08.50mindfunk~quote scox
22:08.53mindfunk~quote scoxe
22:09.00mindfunk~quote txn
22:15.03mindfunkkergoth: might need some help in a bit, you gonna be around
22:16.01*** join/#ol TheMasterMind1 (~aman@
22:20.40kergothshould be
22:25.43mindfunkk thanks
22:30.24pmwmindfunk: How do I load new benchmarks to run nightly?
22:41.12mindfunkpmw: um... unfortunately, that isn't a short answer
22:42.05mindfunkpmw: brian owns the nightlies now...
22:42.15mindfunkthere are several things that need to be done
22:42.36mindfunkif there is any setup that needs to be done, a script to do that must be written
22:43.09mindfunkthen, a scenario file for tetware needs to be created and added to the tetware tar that is installed every night
22:44.05mindfunkpmw: you are better off talking to brian tomorrow. This will be a good learning exersize
22:44.08mindfunkfor him
22:44.21mindfunkAlso, a lot of the linT code was written by him
22:44.27mindfunknot him
22:44.33mindfunkthe folks in india
22:44.52mindfunkthat is just a disclaimer because some of it is bad bad bad
22:44.59mindfunkI only wrote the driver
22:45.14mindfunk100% of the python and expect code
22:45.27mindfunkthough, the expect code is not too robust
22:45.35mindfunk~pester pmw
22:45.37jbotpmw: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
22:46.25*** join/#ol Crofton (
22:57.49pmwAll right.  Tanks.
23:33.06pmwDoes TI issue webspace?
23:33.42mindfunklike... on the open internet? no... if you mean on the intranet, yeah
23:34.20mindfunks/no/no, not for personal use unless you are a bigwhig
23:34.32mindfunkpmw: what do ya need the space for?
23:35.02pmwI took a screenshot of the error that I am getting (even with MSIE) to make it easier for Tiffany West to resolve it.
23:36.39pmwCan you tell me to what host to upload the junk?

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