irclog2html for #ol on 20050401

00:03.35mindfunkloki1228: are you done with the h4?
00:16.06mindfunk~pester loki1228
00:16.09jbotloki1228: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
02:28.05mindfunkkergoth: ping
03:02.55Wingnutboard acting up?
03:04.45grammindfunk: are you using the underbox?
03:04.59mindfunkis the underbox fixed?
03:05.25mindfunkso... things that were working before, don't now... inexplicably
03:05.29gramyes, thanks to Wingnut.
03:05.38mindfunkwhat was the prob?
03:06.05gramumm... windows & testquest if i had to guess.
03:06.14grambut that is my answer to "what was wrong" no matter what.
03:06.29Wingnutmostly windows this time
03:06.44gramwell, testquest couldn't have made things better.
03:06.54mindfunkso, the keypad driver is filtering non-keypad key presses (eg '=') which, one could believe it is supposed to... but the problem is it was not doing this before
03:07.28mindfunkWingnut: j/c what was the issue
03:08.16mindfunkgram: when is your demo?
03:08.57grammindfunk: monday at 4
03:10.03mindfunkare you at work?
03:10.38gramyes, me and pmw.
03:10.46mindfunkso am I
03:11.07gramoh. i thought you were vnced in.
03:11.20gramwe should have a party or something.
03:11.36gramit would be awesome.
03:11.45mindfunkgot too much to do
03:12.00grami was only kidding... i've got work as well.
03:13.26mindfunkI know... just complaining really
03:13.38gramwhat've you got to do?
03:13.44Wingnutone of the windows services was taking all the processor time
03:13.50mindfunkfix what worked last week
03:14.01gramwhy did it break?
03:14.05mindfunkWingnut: which one?
03:14.16mindfunkthat is what I need to figure out
03:14.35Wingnutsvchost, the general purpose catchall networking daemon
03:15.09mindfunkWingnut: also a CPU catchall, I suppose
03:15.22mindfunkwhy was that using CPU?
03:15.37mindfunkI don't want to know
03:15.45Wingnuthehe...if I knew that, I would have fixed it ;)
04:34.53*** join/#ol loki1228 (
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15:15.50mindfunk~quote txn
15:33.47mindfunk~quote txn
15:33.57a-atwood~quote sbl
15:34.15a-atwood~quote slb
15:34.57mindfunktoday is the day that the shares in the TI employee stock purchase program become available
15:35.52a-atwood~quote bls
15:36.17a-atwoodwow.  scared myself there for a second.
15:36.41mindfunk?? what are you looking for?
15:37.06a-atwoodbls.  and typed sbl first.
15:37.35a-atwoodwhich was half the share price
15:37.46mindfunkand slb
15:38.24a-atwoodis kergoth in transit to MN?
15:38.50mindfunkI dunno... someone (possibly him) said something about another week
15:39.10a-atwoodwell, he said he turned his badge in Wed.
15:39.18mindfunkthe 'zzz' implies he'll be back soon
15:39.20a-atwoodlot of folks cleared out yesterday.
15:39.43mindfunkcleared out? I know prpplague did... who else?"
15:39.55a-atwoodRon Recsnic is gone.  and Mike Towery from the Unix grp.
15:40.14a-atwoodWintrill left last friday
15:40.32mindfunkWas this attrition or downsizing?
15:40.43mindfunkexcuse me... rightsizing
15:40.55a-atwoodwell, attrition.  end of quarter contract expirations
15:41.10a-atwoodred badges getting REAL thin on the ground here.
15:41.15mindfunkactually, more times than not, that is downsizing
15:41.49mindfunkhave you asked about getting a blue one?
15:41.53a-atwoodah, but if they never really worked for you, it's not a layoff, right?  
15:42.03a-atwoodyep.  mucho stalling
15:42.14mindfunkyeah, but that is just verbage...
15:43.16mindfunkactually, one of the CMs over here, well, is no longer here... There is a hiring freeze though
15:52.21*** join/#ol tsowell (
15:55.24mindfunk~quote txn
15:55.38a-atwood~quote LU
15:55.58a-atwood~quote SCOXE
15:56.17a-atwoodwhy won't this thing DIE?!?!
15:56.45a-atwoodgee, what movie was that quote from?
15:56.47mindfunka-atwood: patience...
15:57.10a-atwoodnot terminator.... hmm..
15:57.35a-atwoodthe thing?  nah.  
15:57.54a-atwood"why won't this thing die?"
15:58.09mindfunk~google "why won't this thing die?"
15:59.20tsowellI bet this is some kind of sick april fool's joke, and it isn't even from a movie
15:59.58a-atwoodLMAO.  yeah, yahoo should be listing SCOXE at likd 103.55.  
15:59.58gramyou missed the freenode "jokes" last night.
16:01.09a-atwooddare ya to get on #debian and shout that SCOXE has hit $100/shr
16:02.00mindfunkno one would believe that though
16:02.37mindfunksay there is an article on groklaw that says IBM settled for an undisclosed sum
16:02.49tsowellTXN has hit $100/shr!!
16:09.20mindfunka-atwood: is the quote from MIB?
16:17.23*** join/#ol Crofton_ (
16:35.18mindfunkkergoth`zzz: ping
16:38.53*** join/#ol loki1228 (
16:55.01a-atwoodmindfunk: hmm, might be...  i just got the wierdest deja vu when I typed it.
16:59.06Crofton_Any of you guys know if there is an irc channel where TI DSP guys hang out?
16:59.27a-atwoodCrofton_: they told us not to tell you....
17:00.04Crofton_One of the guys here got an expensive dsp board
17:21.25mindfunkWingnut: lunch?
17:21.29mindfunktsowell: ^^
17:21.43mindfunktsowell: climb inside my belly
17:24.15mindfunk~pester tsowell
17:24.17jbottsowell: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
17:26.20tsowellMike is busy with Keith atm
17:26.50mindfunkare they gonna be a while?
17:26.55tsowellnot sure
17:27.07tsowellshould I interrupt them?
17:32.34mindfunkif they are not discussing something more important that lunch
17:33.43tsowellsounds like they're almost finished
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19:42.24WingnutGvzEvxre: The location for the presentation is the Gemini Room in the Student union.  A link to a map of campus is posted on the wiki at
19:58.41Wingnutmindfunk: you might be able to find that variable supplay at
20:25.08mindfunkkergoth: apparently, steve cannot find your keypad driver... are you sure it is in the previously mentioned task branch?
20:26.41mindfunkWingnut: thx
20:28.08mindfunkWingnut: you got a model number for the one you lent me?
20:29.17Wingnutits probably HY1503D now that I think about it
20:32.54Wingnutit's on page 13 of their recent catalog
20:39.09mindfunkWingnut: do you mean the PWR1166? I don't see any reference to HY* on page 13
20:39.34Wingnutmindfunk: correct
20:47.15TimRikerwhere can one park for the meeting? ie: lot K is next to the SU, but I don't know if I can park there.
20:49.03WingnutIf you stop at the guard shack and pick up a tag, you can park in lots A-D, H-J
20:49.48Wingnutbeing after hours and not a student, you can probably park in J without too much risk of a ticket.  Even if they did ticket you, you aren't a student so wouldn't be at risk of not graduating
20:50.11Wingnutvisitor parking (white) is in lot I
21:11.38TimRikermight me good into to add to the wiki page. ;-)
21:31.28pmwWingnut || mindfunk || tsowell: ping
21:34.10pmwIt feels like "The Langoliers": I show up and notice that there's no one around (not even Bill nor Mark), but Brian's computer was not yet on the screensaver, leading me to believe that everyone disappeared just a few minutes before I arrived.
22:09.27mindfunk~quote txn
22:12.02mindfunkstill a 53% gain I guess
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22:37.56mindfunkWingnut || mindfunk || tsowell || gram: did someone mess with the ssh setup on finwe?
22:38.01mindfunkpmw: ^^?
22:38.20mindfunk~pester gram
22:38.23jbotgram: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
22:51.17mindfunkah... for some reason, finwe is now setting my DISPLAY var incorrectly
22:51.30mindfunkor something....
23:05.11mindfunktsowell: ping
23:05.24tsowellmindfunk: pong
23:05.41mindfunktsowell: come here for a sec
23:05.50pmwmindfunk: Not that I know of.  (re: SSH)
23:07.18mindfunkpmw: ok... something tells me that someone changed something globally to make X work with exceed or something
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23:29.45mindfunktsowell: / on finwe is full...
23:29.55mindfunkeverybody free some space please
23:29.59mindfunkpmw: ^^
23:43.06pmwkergoth: Do you know the path to the kernel which has the "task_er16534" branch?
23:52.04mindfunkkergoth: is the keypad driver there?
23:54.24mindfunkkergoth: what was your a-id?
23:55.15kergothpretty sure its there.  a0868066
23:55.36mindfunkaccording to steve/keith, it is not
23:56.45mindfunkkergoth: j/c what are the file names for the keypad driver... keypad.c? ;)
23:56.46kergoththen its in patch form on my old desktop that nishant now has, in /home/kergoth/code/projects/2.4_kernel-arm11/patches/
23:56.57kergothits like omap24xx-keypad or something.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.