irclog2html for #ol on 20050201

00:39.48*** join/#ol prpplague^2 (
00:39.53prpplague^2anyone awake?
00:40.17prpplague^2for any of you in the dfw area, i'm starting to sell of my stuff
00:40.47prpplague^2got a nice couch and love seat, washer and dry, 3 tv's
00:41.00prpplague^2got a pc with lcd and printer/scanner unit
00:41.06prpplague^2and lots of misc electonics
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02:25.27TimRikerprpplague: so when are we getting together for lunch?
03:04.22prpplagueTimRiker: hehe
03:04.33prpplagueTimRiker: after i get donna and the critters gone
03:04.48prpplagueTimRiker: been going through my stuff
03:05.04prpplagueTimRiker: i have to part with someof  my electronics :(
03:52.57TimRikerI can imagine. setup a booth at first saturday. ;-)
03:55.33prpplagueTimRiker: haven't been there in years
03:56.23Wingnutprpplague: I'm sure the UTD Linux Users Group would probably help take some of the computers off your hands...
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14:38.32prpplaguea-atwood: morning
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15:33.55prpplagueho ho hum
15:34.12prpplaguegot a nice pc for sale if anyone is interested
15:34.14mindfunkhave you put in notice yet?
15:34.19prpplaguenot yet
15:34.27mindfunkwhat are the specs
15:34.27prpplaguenot till around the end of march
15:34.33mindfunkah... right
15:35.29prpplague1.6celeron, 256mb ram, nic, pvr-250, dvd writer, cd writer, 80gb hd, epson scaner/printer combo, 17" lcd , keyboard+mouse
15:35.51mindfunkhow much?
15:36.05mindfunkyou build it yourself?
15:37.27prpplagueyea, about 18 months ago
15:37.37prpplaguewas thinking $400.00
15:44.33a-atwoodprpplague: sound like a good deal.  But I have 3 computers stacked in my office hallway I don't have room for now.....
15:44.53prpplaguewell if you know anyone let me know
15:45.17prpplaguei need to get rid of it soon as i will have nowhere to put it
15:47.46prpplaguea-atwood: oh and if you know any linux coders looking for a job, let me know
15:49.35prpplaguea-atwood: yea, well, this job really needs a CM
15:49.39mindfunkprpplague: I'll think about it and let ya know...
15:49.53prpplaguea-atwood: i've been trying to clean up, but CM isn't really my specialty
15:50.06prpplaguemindfunk: about the job or the pc?
15:50.39mindfunkprpplague: well, I was talking about the pc... but ... yeah... I'd be interested in the job too
15:50.56prpplaguemindfunk: oh ok
15:51.18prpplaguei have a bunch of electronics
15:51.34mindfunkyeah... I'm interested...
15:51.36prpplaguei guess i'll give them away as long as i'm sure who gets them will use them
15:51.47prpplaguei have three tv's
15:51.52mindfunkyou should set up a table at 1st sat...
15:51.59prpplaguetwo large ones and one small one
15:52.11mindfunkhm... hd?
15:52.12prpplaguenot really enough to make it worth while to do that
15:52.39prpplaguei think one is 24" and the other 27"
15:52.42prpplaguecheap models
15:52.55prpplaguealso have a couch and love seat
15:53.09prpplaguelots of misc furniture
15:53.13mindfunknah... don't really need the tv's
15:53.57mindfunkI don't need furniture atm...
15:54.21prpplaguewell if you know anyone, gotta get it all sold asap
16:00.24mindfunk~dict devoid
16:09.43prpplaguemindfunk / a-atwood would be a lot easier to sell this stuff if i knew ppl here, hehe
16:10.27prpplaguea-atwood: you might think about sending me a resume, i think a person with CM experience is probably needed more than a coder right now
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16:15.09loki1228mindfunk: 'morning
16:15.11prpplagueloki1228: complete estate sale going on, need anything?
16:15.28loki1228prpplague: only if it's for free ;)
16:15.44prpplaguehehe, nope not free
16:15.56prpplagueexcpet maybe some electronics hardware
16:16.08loki1228like what?
16:17.00prpplaguesome ic's, caps, resistors, lcd panels, misc keyboard/keypads, power supplies, power cords
16:17.03prpplaguestuff like that
16:17.14mindfunkloki1228: mebbe on friday, the linux-ptr team cap make a trip to prpplague's house...
16:17.20mindfunkprpplague: ^^
16:17.26mindfunkWingnut: ^^
16:17.49mindfunkthat the group where most of the scavengers work
16:18.04prpplagueoh, at TI
16:18.09loki1228mindfunk: sounds good, I bet Wingnut wouldnt have a problem taking a lot of that stuff off of prpplague's hands
16:18.23mindfunkright.... tsowell as well
16:18.44mindfunkthis will have to be after work...
16:18.54mindfunkprpplague: you live in euless, right?
16:19.09prpplaguemindfunk: naw, watauga
16:19.46mindfunkis friday ok? if so, what time?
16:20.30prpplaguemindfunk: uh, let me check the schedule of things this evening
16:21.07prpplaguemindfunk: i have the parts in some of those tall plastic drawer boxes, you want those too?
16:21.25mindfunkum... storage is always good
16:28.24prpplaguemindfunk: i'll go through the stuff, and get it organized for the stuff i want to get rid of
16:28.40prpplagueargh, i have ECN meetings all afternoon
16:34.06prpplaguea-atwood: hehe, i could use some time with a professional CM to learn some tricks
16:39.12Wingnutdefinately interested
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16:42.30a-atwoodprpplague: will do.  I don't have a copy here.
16:47.29prpplaguea-atwood: np, you can email it to me when you get a chance
17:05.20a-atwoodprpplague: uh, what is your address?
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17:06.08prpplaguea-atwood: email or physical?
17:07.10a-atwoodprpplague: email
17:07.26prpplagueglytch: yo!
17:07.52prpplagueglytch: complete estate sale going on, need anything?
17:11.12glytchprpplague:  what are you selling?
17:11.17glytchlaptops ? (:
17:11.52prpplague1.6celeron, 256mb ram, nic, pvr-250, dvd writer, cd writer, 80gb hd, epson scaner/printer combo, 17" lcd , keyboard+mouse
17:12.18prpplagueall components linux compatible
17:12.26glytchno laptops?
17:12.33prpplaguesorry no
17:12.39mindfunkprpplague: what brand is the lcd?
17:12.40glytchthat the only computer?
17:12.44mindfunkglytch: lunch/
17:12.47mindfunkglytch: lunch?
17:12.55prpplaguemindfunk: nec iirc
17:13.04mindfunkhow old?
17:13.05glytchprpplague:  what's the resolution?
17:13.09prpplaguemindfunk: lcd, keyboard, and mouse are black
17:13.13glytchmindfunk: stfu, he asked me about the lcd first (:
17:13.19glytchalong with that computer up there
17:14.00mindfunkglytch: I asked him about the machine earlier...
17:14.01prpplagueglytch: don't recal the specs but its pretty good, i run at 1024x768
17:14.24glytchhow much for that whole package?
17:14.34mindfunkglytch: I though you had an lcd...
17:14.35glytchanyone know of a visual studio > makefile tool ?
17:14.43glytchmindfunk: my dad has it now
17:14.46prpplagueglytch: $400.00
17:15.12glytchprpplague:  are you in dallas?
17:15.22mindfunkmakefile tool? the older versions of VS used some form of MS-make
17:16.25mindfunkglytch: whataya wanna do for lunch
17:16.27mindfunka-atwood: ^^
17:17.31prpplagueglytch: watauga
17:17.41mindfunk~pester glytch
17:17.43jbotglytch: Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
17:17.55glytchim asking people here mindfunk
17:20.20glytchprpplague: you should have laptops for sale
17:21.25*** part/#ol glytch (
17:22.06prpplaguehehe, gotta sell what i got, hehe
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17:23.52glytchmindfunk:  we're deciding where to go
17:24.13mindfunkglytch: well descide then...
17:24.21mindfunkglytch: is a-atwood with you?
17:24.29prpplaguegltch: hehe, gotta sell what i got, hehe
17:24.29glytchjim got acid reflux
17:24.38glytchprpplague:  moving?
17:24.47prpplagueglytch: uh yea, hehe, to barbados
17:25.36mindfunkglytch: tell jim I can get him free protonix aciphex, and nexium if he has crappy/no insurance
17:25.59mindfunkfor the reflux....
17:26.24prpplagueglytch: furniture, tv's, beds, kitchen stuff
17:26.34mindfunkprpplague: children?
17:26.41prpplaguemindfunk: hehe
17:26.46glytchmindfunk: you want to buy another one?
17:27.06mindfunkwas wondering what the going prices are
17:27.07prpplaguemindfunk: sorry, i'm upside down on them, never get the amount of money back i already have invested in them
17:27.56mindfunkI have a friend, a co-op at hp, whose father sends him bills for the cost of raising him
17:28.11mindfunkor so he claims
17:28.44glytchthat's halarious
17:29.00mindfunkwhere are we going to eat?
17:29.42glytchwating for jim to finish showing this woman the crapintoshes
17:30.32mindfunkdude... macs are nice... pc's are shit hardware... if macs are crap, it's only because apple started integrating pc hw....
17:31.01glytchif you spend the same money for pc hardware you'd get nice pc hardware (:
17:31.22mindfunkthat's only resently....
17:31.30mindfunklike, the last 2 years...
17:31.41glytchwell.. that's now so..
17:31.53mindfunkand the G5s will kick the crap out anything intel has to offer...
17:32.10glytchi don't have any proof for or against that argument.
17:32.27mindfunkum... check ALL of the performace benchmarks....
17:32.36glytchi'd have to have two machines of the same price. one g5, another ...amd64 or something and see how it is for what i do
17:32.45glytchplus. mac os x has no maximize button
17:33.01glytchand it's window manager isn't aware that the doc exists most of the time
17:33.03mindfunkyou don't have to run macos....
17:33.19mindfunk...just like you don't have to run windows
17:33.31glytchand those g5's don't matter either.
17:33.32mindfunkand macos kicks the crap out of windows
17:33.35glytchthey don't have them in the laptops
17:33.38glytchi want a laptop I thought the high end titaniums had them...
17:34.19mindfunkthey will be there soon... the same delay with intel hw
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17:34.53glytchyou can already get the fastest intel/amd procs for the laptops
17:34.55mindfunkglytch: fyi, TIers get an apple discount
17:34.57glytcheven pci express
17:35.13glytchmindfunk: mac os x's font rendering sucks ass
17:35.16mindfunkglytch: that isn't try...
17:35.26glytchlists don't jump to when you push a key...
17:35.40mindfunkglytch: again, you don't have to run macos... compare hw to hw, and sw to sw
17:35.59glytchi am
17:36.02glytchfreetype rocks (:
17:36.02mindfunkagain, macos kicks the shit out of windows
17:36.46glytchyou even get less ports on a mac laptop compared to any other of comparable price
17:37.08mindfunkI'm hungry...
17:37.14mindfunkwhere are we eating?
17:37.43mindfunkis it jim galu that has acid reflux? or the other jim?
17:37.53glytchwhat was the medicine you could get?
17:38.08mindfunkhe has insurance, so he can get his own meds... ;)
17:38.22mindfunknexium, protonix, and aciphex
17:38.38mindfunk... I can get anything that is specific to that problem
17:38.51glytchhe's trying to avoid the medicine
17:39.31mindfunkhe is a tier, so he has insurance. I try to safe the free meds for the people that don't and are poor
17:39.48glytchway more machine for the same price of a powerbook
17:40.58glytcheven totally maxed out it's more for less
17:41.09mindfunkglytch: arg... where are we eating!?!?!?
17:43.04glytchmindfunk:  i don't know ):
17:43.18mindfunkhow about... carmines?
17:43.21kergoth_this week is just one presentation/meeting after another
17:43.49glytchi don't like those days
17:44.29glytchmindfunk: subway?
17:54.21mindfunkglytch: not the subway on forrest lane...
17:54.32glytchit'll be a minute for us
17:54.39mindfunkhow about schotsky's (sp?)
17:54.44glytchand we're just running to subway and back so... no real use in trying to coordinate it
17:54.53glytchunless you really want to say hi at subway
17:54.54mindfunkok then...
17:55.08mindfunkno... we'll just do it another time
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19:50.38mindfunkTimRiker: ping
19:59.58Croftonanyone build 2.6 kernel from bitkeeper?
20:04.25mindfunkTimRiker: btw, we are going to "port" bzflag to the h4...
20:04.44mindfunkTimRiker: it is most likely going to be the 3d demo app
20:30.32TimRikermindfunk: sweet!
20:30.50TimRikerwhen do I get one to test out?
20:36.47mindfunkTimRiker: prolly in a few weeks
20:38.00mindfunk~quote scox
20:38.12mindfunk~quote ibm
20:39.03mindfunk~quote txn
20:39.25mindfunkTimRiker: you are prolly getting tired of me... who do I need to bug about ats again?
20:39.48mindfunkTimRiker: do you have access to an h4 board?
20:45.57Crofton~quote RHAT
20:46.26Croftonthats nutz
20:49.06Croftona bot that can check stock prices
20:49.11Crofton~quote GE
20:55.05mindfunkTI's quality policy: don't get caught
20:55.25mindfunkjbot does a lot of things you wouldn't expect...
20:55.48mindfunkthe mozwebtools bot looks in the bugzilla db...
21:18.25Croftonok I can build 2.6 from bitkeeper
21:18.37kergothfood coma
21:26.39TimRikermindfunk: no h4. got osk's and an h2
21:26.50TimRikeroh, and 1510 innovators
21:27.12TimRikerCrofton: that's just the tip of the iceberg.
21:27.25mindfunkI'll let you know when the port is working
21:27.39Croftonwhat? building from bk?
21:27.40TimRikerjbot: change 22345.34 EUR to USD
21:27.48mindfunkyou can come by and see it
21:28.05TimRikermindfunk: cool.
21:28.22mindfunkwon't be for a while yet, though
21:28.32mindfunk~lart testquest
21:28.37CroftonI sure wish dollars weren't tunring into monoply money ....
21:29.28mindfunkCrofton: that's good for trade actually... if it falls more, it will help slow the job hemorrage... er hopefully
21:29.40mindfunk~spell hemorage
21:29.42jbotpossible spellings for hemorage: hemorrhage hermitage homage mirage homepage homager hemorrhaged hemorrhages
21:29.54TimRiker~convert 120 kilometers/hour to miles/hour
21:30.03TimRiker~convert 120 kilometers/hour to inches/second
21:30.19Croftontrue, but when the chinese let their currency float vs the dollar, things will et weird
21:30.20TimRiker~convert 120 kilometers/hour to parsecs/millenium
21:30.50Crofton~convert 120 kilometers/hour to furlongs/fortnight
21:31.04TimRiker~convert 120 kilometers/hour to parsecs/millennium
21:31.16TimRikerhelps if I spell it right...
21:31.23TimRiker~spell millenium
21:31.24jbotpossible spellings for millenium: millennium millenniums millennium's millennial mullein selenium Mullen milling minim
21:31.31mindfunkCrofton: that form of weirdness would be good... iirc the chinese currency is undervalues
21:32.44mindfunkit would rise against the dollar... making chinese goods more expensive... decreasing the desire for companies to use chinese labor...
21:32.52CroftonI think I asked before, but anyone know a way to write DSP code for OMAP
21:33.10Croftonwithout extensive wallet opening
21:36.32TimRikerCrofton: the OSK includes commandline DSP compilers and example code.
21:36.39jboti heard osk is the OMAP5912 Starter Kit, a $299 development board with 32/32, serial, ethernet, usb host/client, CF, jtag, and expansion connectors available from or, or
21:36.59CroftonI guess I need to lok at the CD
21:37.17CroftonWe immediately bailed on 2.4 kernel and made our own
21:37.27Croftonare they linux or widders compilers?
21:37.28TimRiker2.4 or 2.6?
21:37.46TimRikerthe command line compiler and tools is linux only.
21:37.57TimRikerneed to buy CCS to get the windows tools.
21:37.59Croftonfor the DSP also?
21:38.38Croftonah cool
21:39.10TimRikergcc is there for arm/linux and the CCS compilers for dsp as linux binaries.
21:39.17Croftonwe are trying to get the SCA running on the OMAP (some bloatware for software radio)
21:39.35Croftonyeah I grabbed the cross compiler from
21:40.19CroftonOnce we get it going, and figure out how to cut code sizes, we should have an interesting demo of something
21:40.46TimRikerI'll have uclibc images up soon. I've been updating the tux stuff.
21:41.13TimRikerkernel+jffs2 root including modules, usb. etc should be less than 2M of flash.
21:41.40Croftondo you know how to mount CF on 2.6? from list traffic there may be a problem
21:41.55TimRikernot tried yet, nope.
21:42.18Croftonwe are running root over NFS for now
21:43.03TimRikerdebian-arm over nfs is nice for development.
21:43.26CroftonI am hopeful we can put large shared libs on CF
21:43.51Croftoninteresting thought
21:44.09TimRikerwriteable CF is a Bad Thing in the field.
21:44.22TimRikernot power-fail safe.
21:44.34Croftonwell, we are academics
21:45.00Croftonif it was something we sold for money, we would have professionals doing the work :)
21:45.11kergothTimRiker: out of curiosity, do you know how well mmc handles power fail situations?
21:45.14TimRikera rich uboot with tftp kernel and nfs debian root is real nice for development.
21:45.48TimRikerkergoth: same issues. one fail during a write can hose the entire card.
21:45.58kergoththats unfortunate
21:46.14TimRikernote that both are file in read-only mode.
21:46.30Croftondoes it wreck the card, or just the filesystem?
21:46.37TimRikerso if you only mount rw for infrequent config changes, you are likely ok.
21:46.58TimRikerCrofton: sometimes the fs, sometimes the whole card.

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