irclog2html for #ol on 20040824

02:00.08TimRikerkergoth: yep. not listed on the mail page at sd, but available if you search for it.
02:00.14jbotmethinks osk is the OMAP5912 Starter Kit, a $299 development board with 32/32, serial, ethernet, usb host/client, CF, jtag, and expansion connectors available from, or
02:12.04TimRikerzwelch: signup and update the wiki page with info you build. note that attachments are also supported.
02:13.05TimRikerI'd use or one of the others I run, but SF python if old and so moinmoin registration is broken. I don't think oe's wiki supports attachments.
02:13.26TimRikerand I'd prefer a wiki that requires registration as there is a lot of wiki spamming going on lately.
02:13.41TimRikeryes to which?
02:14.02zwelch|worki finally gave up that fight and took down a couple of wikis until i can add registration to them
02:15.08zwelch|worki was just about to link to the elinux wiki from my resources page to
02:15.24zwelch|worki suppose your (now second to) last statement kinda obviates that need, eh?
02:17.23TimRikersimilar info is in the celinux wiki
02:18.56TimRikerlink to the celinux one instead.
02:45.42zwelch|workk, added a link to our pages
02:47.08kergothhm, i'll pester the guy working on the new oe site to switch us to moinmoin
02:47.20TimRikerzwelch: make a home page for yourself too. ;-)
02:47.52TimRikerkergoth: mediawiki is another good choice. it's the wikipedia one.
02:48.26kergothah cool
02:48.47kergothits looking like the new oe site will use the plone content management system on top of zope.  will be interesting to see how it turns out
02:49.16zwelch|worknow if only i could make myself not hate python... ;)
02:51.28TimRikerI dislike the default coloring, I suppose I could change it now....
03:02.56jacquesouch - the OSK kernel tarball is like 146MB
03:05.14zwelch|workTimRiker: okay, now i have a home page too ;)
03:19.49TimRikerzwelch: I just changed the css to not be brown links. good? bad? indifferent?
03:20.33TimRikerI also removed all the hard-coded font settings. uses browser defaults now. some folks will hate that and some folks will like it.
03:21.24TimRikerjacques: yeah, if you DL it, tell us why. ;-) I have not yet. perhaps it is compiled already?
03:22.29jacquesTimRiker, downloading now - will take about 25 minutes here :-D
03:23.40jacques(only 100kB/s to the office)
03:30.02zwelch|workTimRiker: did the fonts just get smaller, or did my eyes just get worse?
03:30.56TimRikerzwelch: I changed the hardcoded font face. I did not change the size.. hmm... I may have reduced the navbar font by one point.
03:31.24TimRikeryep... reverted the navbar to 10pt
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03:40.18TimRikerzwelch: better?