irclog2html for #ol on 20040803

02:18.22*** join/#ol kergoth (
02:18.22*** mode/#OL [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
06:02.23*** join/#ol chillinchillin90 (
14:46.35*** join/#ol prpplague (~dave@
15:44.35*** join/#ol glytch (
15:44.42*** mode/#OL [+v glytch] by ChanServ
15:59.33kergothmorning glytch
16:10.35glytchhi kergoth
16:10.43glytcha bad morning it is
16:10.48glytchwas up till like 5
16:11.22prpplagueglytch: why?
16:11.40glytchreading, then i got bored and made a php mp3 jukebox
16:12.00glytchi put my desktop in a closet without a monitor a few days ago and just started using my laptop with  a wifi card as a terminal to it
16:12.09glytchand wanted something to control music playing on the desktop
16:12.16glytchdidn't like the existing ones
16:12.25glytchso was born
16:12.56glytchselect a letter and it'll show artists that start with that letter.
16:13.02glytchclick a song and it'll queue it up
16:13.07glytchand it'll start playing in my room (:
16:13.35prpplaguewhat? no spoke's beard?
16:14.49glytchbeen listening to a lot of classical lately
16:15.00prpplagueglytch: you'd like spocks beard then
16:16.34prpplagueglytch: nice mix of rock and classic imhp
16:17.20glytchlast night when i finally did get to sleep i posted to url to a few message boards i frequent and told people to queue up a sleeping mix...
16:17.24glytchmistake (:
16:21.42glytchall kinds of stuff you don't want to sleep to started playing
17:06.26*** join/#ol TimRiker (
17:06.26*** mode/#OL [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ