IRC log for #oe on 20210519

00:33.36marexfray: any news on meta-xilinx-standalone ?
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18:51.58felix_instI am struggling a bit with why a config fragment I made does not seem to get applied. I see the fragment pop up in build/tmp/work/plat-linux/.. along with other applied fragments. For whatever reason, though, the one I added is not reflected in .config - why would that be?
19:10.38zeddiiwhat's your kernel provider / kernel recipe. step 1) does it inherit kernel-yocto ? or include ?
19:14.26felix_instthis is with a linux-xlnx kernel - checking on the includes
19:21.49felix_instit includes
19:22.32zeddiiso that's good.  fragments are never ignored or not applied, but that doesn't mean their settings always make it into the .config
19:23.02zeddiiif there's a missing dependency, or another option in the kernel selects/clears a CONFIG, what's in your fragment won't be in the final .config
19:23.24zeddiiI have audit tools for the latest releases that can help explain that, but not for the releases that Xilinx supports.
19:23.41felix_instyes, I am having trouble seeing layer priorities because I need to work through petalinux
19:24.26felix_instfor the option I want, I also tried enabling all required settings in the same fragment to make sure
19:25.10felix_instis the fact that I see the cfg file in the build tree enough of an indication that I didn't mess up the recipe?
19:25.28zeddiiyou would get a fetcher error if the .cfg wasn't picked up.
19:25.36felix_instbecause that part seemed simple - and I can at least start looking elsewhere if I can cross that one off the list
19:26.10zeddiitry doing a menuconfig on the kernel via bitbake, and search up the option you are trying to set.
19:26.18zeddiithe dependencies and selcted implications will be listed there.
19:26.41felix_instthat's what I did - should be fine
19:27.05felix_instI do get an info saying that ../linux-xlnx/oe-local-files/devtool-fragment.cfg would be removed
19:27.11felix_instany idea what that is all about?
19:28.12felix_instand that file doesn't exist - sorry if this is a xilinx specific question
19:28.46felix_instoh nvm, that's from config not build
19:29.55felix_instbuild seems to have no related messages other that it is compiling from an external source tree
19:32.12felix_instand in that tree's config I have the prerequisites set, but not the option I am trying to enable
19:33.15zeddiihmm. is it using externalsrc ?
19:33.35zeddiiif so, the config steps were inhibited for that in the past.
19:33.39felix_insthow do I check on that? sorry, utterly new to all of this
19:36.08zeddiiwhat's the exact message about the external src tree you are seeing ?
19:37.19felix_instNOTE: linux-xlnx: compiling from external source tree /home/user/components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx
19:38.22felix_insti see a "inherit externalsrc" in a kernel .bbappend - so that means it *is* using externalsrc I assume
19:39.51zeddiilet me see if I can raise someone else to comment ... fray you around ?
19:40.21felix_instawesome, i appreciate the help!
19:40.35zeddiiwhat's the xilinx release ? if I map it to the base yocto release, we can peek to see if that was before or after the configuration step was inhibited.
19:40.59felix_instis there some section in the documentation i should read? i went through config fragements getting me to this point ;)
19:41.17felix_instxilinx 2020.1
19:42.25felix_instoh i see - shouldn't I be able to get my option turned on with a defconfig I make?
19:42.52felix_insti was just trying to do it in a custom layer to leave the base config untouched if at all possible
19:43.20zeddiipossibly, but it goes through the same process as a fragment, and defconfig will overlay any base stuff completely.
19:43.55felix_insthmm, I do have fragments in other layers as well, though - wouldn't those have the same issue?
19:44.33felix_instlet me check if all of those option apply properly
19:44.56zeddiii don't know how the petalinux build is structured, if you can find the work-shared/$MACHINE/kernel-source directory, there are logs, etc, to check.
19:48.16felix_insti see debug messages searching for the .cfg file - but nothing that looks like a warning or error
19:49.56zeddiiwhich file exactly did you check ?
19:50.17felix_insti grepped all of them in the oe-logs folder
19:51.34zeddiinot sure if anything specific would be in there, this is internal to config merge process, it isn't dumped to what bitbake/oe would pick up.
19:51.51zeddiithere's a ".kernel-meta" subdirectory under the kernel-source directory that would have more info.
19:52.08felix_insti am also looking at merge_config_build.log now - but don't see my setting in there
19:52.30felix_instyeah that's the file you are talking about I think
19:53.21zeddiithen, the kernel recipes may be clobbering the SRC_URI or something else. bitbake would have errored if it wasnt found at that level.
19:53.30felix_instare bsp.cfg and user.cfg somehow special?
19:53.32zeddiiand the merge never "ignores" a file.
19:53.52zeddiisomething is injecting them from the petalinux side of things
19:53.59zeddiibut they aren't special outside of that.
19:54.10felix_instbut are they somehow not subject to the inhibit you mentioned earlier?
19:54.19felix_instor declared exempt or something?
19:54.37felix_instI am wondering if I can append those .cfg files - that's why I am asking
19:54.44felix_instinstead of making a new fragment
19:54.55zeddiiif you can find them, then probably.
19:55.06zeddiiand no, either the configuration tasks run, or they don't
19:55.22zeddiiand it does sound like they are running, so they've made sure the task is running with their externalsrc setup.
19:55.27felix_instthey do in some cases, not in others ;)
19:57.00felix_instthat file shows a whole bunch of conflicts, though. but those problems are all in the xilinx/avnet setup. that's scary
19:58.24zeddiiconflics/overrides are fun, just the way things work. to both be standalone and/or additive.
19:59.16felix_instthis one is avnet overriding xlnx - but I am using the exact versions for which the contraption was developed
19:59.40felix_instso I am a bit surprised these things didn't get ironed out in development - or am i missing something here?
20:00.15zeddiiI don't understand the setup and petalinux, so I can't say.
20:00.16felix_instscrew it, I will do the config manually and add a note for now...
20:00.51felix_instI am also a bit overwhelmed figuring that out
20:01.25zeddiiif you are in that .kernel-meta directory in the kernel source dir.
20:01.32zeddiithere's also a file 'config.queue'
20:01.41zeddiisee if your fragment is listed in there.
20:01.54felix_insti see config.baseline and
20:02.00marexreads about scc and cringes ...
20:02.21zeddiihas no shits to give
20:02.27zeddiifelix_inst: those are different files.
20:02.28marexfelix_inst: you dont happen to have two fragments named exactly the same , or named differently but in the same kmeta directory , included in the build ?
20:02.43marexzeddii: I am not gonna complain about meta-xilinx this time :-)
20:02.45marexI promise
20:02.55felix_instmarex, they have different names
20:03.16zeddiiconfig.baseline and are not files from the standard OE/yocto components
20:03.17marexOK, it was one thing which I ran into and which was caused me a great deal of pain
20:03.30zeddiithey must be petalinux junkers
20:03.48zeddiiwhat's the path of the directory that you are finding them ?
20:04.06zeddiidoesn't mind some meta-xilinx or petalinux shade. it's all good fun.
20:05.25zeddiiand then .kernel-meta ?
20:06.41felix_insthang on, found a config.queue
20:06.49zeddiiand there's a config.queue file there ? are they listed in that ? I think they may be commiting some other crime. Another thing you can do is a: bitbake -e linux-xlnx and see what the SRC_URI contains.
20:06.56felix_instconfigs//./axisfifo.cfg # non-hardware
20:07.01felix_instmine is listed in there
20:07.19zeddiiok. so it will be applied, but other things can still impact the final.confg
20:07.40zeddiiwhat comes after it in the file ? those can still turn things off, etc, after that fragment.
20:08.30felix_instoh i see, so those are the configs I gotta work through and make sure my setting stays active?
20:08.48zeddiithe queue is merged in that order, last one through the gate "wins"
20:08.49felix_instand bottom is highest prio?
20:09.07zeddiiso if you are unlucky something is impacting the option you are trying to change.
20:09.58zeddiithere are some ways to bounce up the priority of yours via the KERNEL_FEATURES variable, but I'd have to know the version to get the incantation right.
20:10.30zeddiibut somewhere in the kernel recipe chain, the SRC_URI being appended to bring those in.
20:10.33felix_instoh so that is to bump up prio of part of a layer but not all of the layer?
20:10.48marexzeddii: is there some more detailed documentation for the inner workings of SCC ?
20:10.54zeddiithese don't really follow that, it's just SRC_URI ordered.
20:10.59marexit seems it is not just me struggling with the tool
20:11.30zeddiiwe had it documented about 8 years ago, but they chucked all those in the bin for simpler docs.
20:11.39zeddiibut scc isn't in play here.
20:12.03zeddiifor the most part anyway.
20:13.21felix_insti grepped for CONFIG_XIL_AXIS_FIFO in all .cfg files and no other ones contain that
20:13.28felix_instso I don't think anything else overwrites
20:13.43felix_instam i not looking for the final config in the right spot?
20:14.00zeddiithat's the kernel build dir, which i'm not sure what they set it to.
20:14.19felix_instbuild/tmp/work/uz3eg_iocc-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.4+git999-r0/linux-xlnx-5.4+git999/.config:4551:# CONFIG_XIL_AXIS_FIFO is not set
20:14.35felix_instbuild/tmp/work-shared/uz3eg-iocc/kernel-build-artifacts/.config:4550:# CONFIG_XIL_AXIS_FIFO is not set
20:14.53felix_instthese are the two .config files with the setting I care about - and it's disabled in either one
20:14.57zeddiiyep. that's the one. so something is still missing to turn it on or something else is unselecting it.
20:15.07zeddiiwhat's the Kconfig block look like for it ?
20:15.13zeddiii.e. the source code.
20:16.25felix_instnot much there - and OF is enabled in the final config it seems
20:17.02zeddiiyah. I can't imagine it is off.
20:17.48zeddiiand that's in the externasrc tree ? or is it an out of tree module ?
20:19.13felix_instthe source is in the external tree
20:19.48zeddiithat matters in the sense that even if dependencies are on, the Kconfig may not be reachable. i.e. some other surrounding menu option is disabled.
20:19.55felix_instand the in that tree is a synlink to one of the two config files that i just mentioned
20:20.06felix_instthe first one
20:20.17felix_instso that's how they connect I suppose
20:20.29zeddiiin my linux-yocto 5.10, the driver appears to be in staging, same for the petalinux tree ?
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20:20.48felix_instmine is 5.4
20:21.14zeddiistaging isn't always available, so it maybe just not reachable. unless you've enabled it, or you know that other staging drivers are on and working.
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20:21.37felix_instothers are enabled, yes
20:21.45zeddiiall of those Kconfig's are protected by "if STAGING"
20:22.00felix_inststaging is enabled as well
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20:25.15zeddiican you pastebin the merge_config_build.log file ?
20:26.55zeddiiand your fragment was called what (again, I can't find it in the history).
20:28.41felix_instand here is linux-xlnx_%.bbappend
20:29.03zeddiiam I overlooking it in that log, I don't see it.  but I had to allow ads on pastebin, so it is twitching ads and giving me headache :D
20:29.18felix_instno, it is not in that file
20:29.34felix_instbut it is in config.queue
20:30.00zeddiiyah. so then they are doing something else wierd with the merge_config call. I wonder if they've gone and circumvented the standard one.
20:30.10zeddiiif it ain't in that file, you'll never get it on.
20:30.40felix_instah ok, that's a good hint then
20:31.00felix_insti'll see how the things in merge_config end up there
20:31.02zeddiiif you look at the bitbake logs, there should be a log from do_kernel_configme
20:31.24zeddiiif that isn't there, they may have done their own.
20:31.35zeddiibut then again, the log file is there ..
20:32.59felix_insti see the buildstate, but no log file
20:34.45zeddiiwhat bitbake logs are in the temp/ ?
20:34.57zeddiijust trying to make sure we are looking at the right thing .
20:35.04felix_instwould that be in components/yocto/workspace/sources/linux-xlnx/oe-logs?
20:36.25zeddiinot sure. that's a petalinux thing, the yocto one is somewhere like:
20:36.53felix_instis there a file that you know must be there? than I can at least confirm we're looking at the same folder
20:37.13zeddiiit's full of* and*
20:38.03felix_instok, found the folder
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20:39.07felix_instlog.do_kernel_link_images  /  log.do_kernel_metadata  /  log.do_kernel_version_sanity_check          are the kernel ones
20:39.57zeddiihah. what are they up to ....
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21:53.27felix_instdeleting the linux-xlnx:do_kernel_configme entry in locked-sigs didn't do the trick either
21:56.21felix_insti don't think the avnet fragment take effect either
21:57.15felix_instbuild/tmp/work/uz3eg_iocc-xilinx-linux/linux-xlnx/5.4+git999-r0/linux-xlnx-5.4+git999$ cat .config | grep -i usb_acm
21:57.15felix_inst# CONFIG_USB_ACM is not set
21:57.44felix_insti'll check if i set this up in a weird way somehow
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22:49.14tlwoernerjust spent an enjoyable hour or so looking over the slides that have been submitted for next week's summit
22:49.37tlwoerner*cough* get your slides in! *cough*
22:58.14dl9pftlwoerner:  when are the trainer login details sent out?
23:00.15tlwoernerdl9pf: David was sending them out today, but be lives in PST. i'll check with him
23:00.22tlwoernerhalstead: are the trainer accounts setup?
23:01.48halsteadtlwoerner, Waiting on dreyna to finish his setup.
23:02.24tlwoernerhalstead: okay, thanks for the update :-)
23:02.29halsteaddl9pf, tlwoerner If I'm reading the schedule correctly he expects me to have accounts ready for trainers some time tomorrow.
23:03.19tlwoernerhalstead: dl9pf: ah okay, maybe i'm confusing David's "having my stuff ready" vs "having trainer account ready"
23:03.27tlwoernerthanks :-)
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23:04.21Jin^eLDtlwoerner: thanks for adding the wiki entry
23:13.47tlwoernerJin^eLD: no worries, the project is glad for the entry!
23:14.15tlwoernerRP: your email inspired Jin^eLD  to make an entry to
23:14.35Jin^eLDheh, you make it sound like I was the only one who reacted? :P
23:16.01Jin^eLDstill need to ask the current company that I am working at, so I'll probably have one more soon

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