IRC log for #oe on 20210515

01:20.21*** join/#oe Emantor (
02:02.57*** join/#oe hpsy (~hpsy@
03:03.57*** join/#oe infobot (
03:03.57*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Repositories: | Primary Repo Mirrors: | This is not a distro or machine support channel
03:05.22*** join/#oe sakoman (
03:40.07*** join/#oe davidlt (
06:37.28*** join/#oe ao2 (
08:27.01*** join/#oe vmeson (
08:37.49*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
09:51.19*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
10:36.06*** join/#oe RobertBerger (
10:55.58*** join/#oe eFfeM (
11:05.34*** join/#oe mickeyl (
11:08.44mickeyl~praise RP for the LED trigger infrastructure. One of my favo
11:08.44infobotAll hail RP for the LED trigger infrastructure. One of my favo!
12:50.43florianhi mickeyl, nice to see you are still there :-)
12:52.48mickeylflorian: heya! How are things. Yeah, "Unkraut vergeht nicht"… although being pretty much swallowed by Apple ecosystems these days, I'm doing some linux work again for an appliance I'm prototyping.
12:53.06mickeylIt's not running OE yet… but let's see.
12:54.46florianmickeyl: Exactly... so I feel lucky - still Linux and OE and no Apple ecosystem. :-)
12:55.19mickeylAnd I just used the LED infrastructure again and remembered when RP did that for the Zaurus almost 20 years ago
13:01.38mickeylflorian: so, KC still up and running in business?
13:04.06florianmickeyl: Yep... moved to a real office a few years ago. Much of empty space currently since most of us work from home currently.
13:09.12RPmickeyl: hi! its nice those survive and are still useful! :)
13:21.24*** join/#oe noresult (~noresult@unaffiliated/noresult)
15:02.34mickeylRP: Indeed. I'm prototyping a Linux-based OBD2 CANbus adapter and wanted to have some LED activity showing when there's traffic on the bus. And see… a) SocketCAN is an a netdev and b) there's a netdev trigger. A bunch of commands and all is setup without me having to do anything more. That's what I love w/ Linux.
15:03.31mickeylThings are so often done in a general and reusable way.
15:03.57mickeylOn Apple, where I spend most of my time, there is no such infrastructure, for neither CAN nor LEDs.
15:04.23mickeylSo you have to fiddle with user-space drivers, which sucks a bit.
15:27.44RPmickeyl: neat that it was that simple, like it :) I've managed to stay away from the apple world...
15:31.05RobertBergerRP, mickeyl: no fruits ? apples, oranges, lemons,...
15:41.00*** join/#oe sakoman (
17:38.56*** join/#oe argonautx (
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18:53.18*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
19:46.36*** join/#oe hrw (~hrw@redhat/hrw)
19:51.50*** join/#oe argonautx (
19:55.41*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
21:23.31*** join/#oe infobot (
21:23.31*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Repositories: | Primary Repo Mirrors: | This is not a distro or machine support channel

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