IRC log for #oe on 20210507

00:10.59JaMamrnuke: I guess you're using gcc-11 on host, you might need to backport newer elfutils from master or just add the -Wno-error for this issue
00:16.43JaMamrnuke: see;a=commit;h=c505ddf9b1965ede67295943154bf6a0295eab52
01:49.13*** join/#oe RobertBerger (
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06:57.36mckoangood morning
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14:09.30marexhey, so I have a metalayer which defines two distros, e.g. foodistro and bardistro and one MACHINE quuxboard
14:10.25marexif I do DISTRO=foodistro MACHINE=quuxboard bitbake core-image-base ; DISTRO=bardistro MACHINE=quuxboard bitbake core-image-base , I will get different toolchain tripplet for those two builds , so not much is reused in the build, right ?
14:10.42marexis there something I can do to improve it, considering those distros are almost identical ?
14:11.18marexlike, one doesnt contain graphics support , the other does , or somesuch detail differs
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15:29.08ndechey... what's the right attitude when hitting is that typically a build infra error, or something bad/racy in a recipe? it happens in our CI, not locally. not sure where to start.
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20:10.05RobertBerger@marex: I tend to believe what you say as well. different distro -> different toolchain tripplet -> not reusable, but if you look at the existing images in yocto doc you will see that this is not how it is usually done.
20:10.41RobertBerger@marex: same machine, same distro, different image is what's typically use and hence lots of stuff can be reused via SSTATE
21:38.02*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)

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