IRC log for #oe on 20210503

02:40.16*** join/#oe davidlt (
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05:57.21*** join/#oe JaMa (
06:01.21*** join/#oe rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
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06:40.28*** join/#oe LetoThe2nd (uid453638@gateway/web/
06:48.05mckoangood morning
06:59.08*** join/#oe ao2 (
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13:08.39*** join/#oe caiortp (
13:43.28JPEWdenix: I think there already are 20.04 images?
13:45.34JPEWdenix: We don't really have plans for other distros besides ubuntu; the idea is to use a sanity tested distro in the container and Ubuntu seems to be one of the best fits. Is there some specific reason you would want something else?
13:45.37*** join/#oe vmeson (
13:59.09*** join/#oe ColdKeyboard (~ColdKeybo@unaffiliated/coldkeyboard)
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15:01.24denixJPEW: ok, "podman search garminpyrex" does show 20.04... I didn't see it earlier for some reason. Does pyrex default to 18.04 now?
15:13.32JPEWdenix: Yes, it's defaulting to 18.04
15:13.45JPEWI should update it now that 20.04 is valid
15:18.11denixJPEW: during last happy hour (btw, we missed you!) we were discussing containers and the fact that people are moving from docker to podman. I recently started using podmad on my new builder...
15:20.42denixJPEW: so, my new builder has ~2x faster CPU, ~3x faster disk IO and yet, it builds OE ~3x slower in a container than the old bare-metal builder - is that expected? I'd imagine a VM would even be faster...
15:23.43JPEWdenix: Podman can have pretty slow I/O
15:23.54JPEWdenix: I would be curious if you see the same with docker
15:25.20denixJPEW: yeah, I was guessing the same and was wondering if there's a way to fine tune it...
15:26.37JPEWdenix: Possibly. IIRC the problem is how it deals with --bind mounts... it might be emulating them with FUSE
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15:28.11denixJPEW: I believe it does - it installed fuse, actually it replaced standard ubuntu fuse with its own from podman repo
15:29.35smurraythat seems odd vs just using mount binding?
15:30.05JPEWdenix: Ya. I know it uses fuse-overlayfs for the main root file system in the container. That's probably slow, but ideally most of the file I/O is in the bind mounted workdir volume. I'm not sure how it deals with the bind mount
15:30.40JPEWsmurray: Right; I'm not sure if it can actually do a bind mount. It's a little tricky because it's rootless
15:31.24JPEWWhich is why the comparison to docker would be helpful since I *know* docker does the bind mount
15:34.06smurrayJPEW: ah, I'd figured there'd still be root involved in there somewhere
15:35.53denixsmurray: you can "sudo podman" if you want (don't know if it'd change from fuse to bind then) but normally it's daemonless and rootless
15:38.51denixit is one of the selling points though - anyone can run podman and don't need root or a daemon and it's more secure, as compromised user account won't gain root
15:39.50smurrayI knew it was daemon-less, hadn't realized rootless was fully supported and not involving hackery
15:47.26JaMawas using unprivileged LXC few years ago (before docker became so popular) and the performance was close to bare-metal
15:54.18denixJaMa: interesting. do you know what it was using on the backend?
15:56.05JaMafrom my notes it looks like just bind (but don't know how it was implemented internally) lxc.mount.entry = /mnt/mirror mnt/mirror none bind,create=dir
15:57.06JaMa was what I was reading back then
15:58.41JaMait was building images with dizzy in less than 2 hours :)
15:58.58JaMagood old days
16:06.52denixheh :)
16:44.49*** join/#oe caiortp (
17:08.12*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
17:28.58denixJPEW, smurray: came across this -
17:30.53JPEWdenix: Ya
17:31.51JPEWI had to stop using podman because of the fd limit (although pyrex will automatically bump up the limit to the max hardlimit before running podman)
17:33.16JPEWAlthough sufficiently new fuse-overlayfs will do this also:
17:34.29denixyeah, I haven't had fd limit issue
17:34.53denixbut it is still slow and that post kind of explains the reasons
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20:39.31*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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22:56.34*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@

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