IRC log for #oe on 20210427

00:55.47*** join/#oe mattsm (
03:15.28*** join/#oe davidlt (
03:46.43*** join/#oe mrnuke (
05:34.06*** join/#oe AndersD (
05:35.31*** join/#oe vmeson (
05:40.30*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
05:41.33*** join/#oe AndersD_ (
05:58.15*** join/#oe rob_w (~rob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
06:11.40*** join/#oe LetoThe2nd (uid453638@gateway/web/
06:25.19mckoangood morning
06:30.39*** join/#oe frsc (
06:32.42*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
06:58.38*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
07:09.10*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
07:19.21*** join/#oe Herdinger (
07:23.12HerdingerHi, it seems that bitbake does not track addition or removal of files for directory dependencies in SRC_URI. Is there any way to force this?
07:32.30*** join/#oe ao2 (
08:42.05LetoThe2ndHerdinger: you mean, you add a directory to SRC_URI, change something IN the directory and it is not being caught up? well yes, thats intended behaviour at the moment. reason: how would you reproducibly evaluate the metadata if globbing external files is required?
08:42.32LetoThe2ndHerdinger: for development puposes, you can resort to EXTERNAL_SRC respectively devtool modify.
08:49.12hrwHerdinger: bump PR?
08:51.57*** join/#oe davidlt (
09:15.05*** join/#oe tnovotny (
09:40.33HerdingerLetoThe2nd: Question, if I add a glob to the SRC_URI like test/* then the files hashes get collected once at recipe parse time and don't change until I change the bb file right?
09:42.33HerdingerLetoThe2nd: I'm developing a class that copies files from a specific directory in the workdir and wanted things to be convenient for class users.
09:43.33LetoThe2ndHerdinger: nope, i don't think that it works that way. i might be mistaken, but IIRC globbing in SRC_URI is just not supported.
09:44.10LetoThe2ndHerdinger: it is not the files' hashes that are collected, it is the hash of the variable SRC_URI content.
09:45.57HerdingerLetoThe2nd: That makes sense. But don't the globs also get expanded into actual filehashes on build invocation
09:46.19HerdingerLetoThe2nd; In that case my usecase would work if the ** operatator would be supported...
09:54.26LetoThe2ndHerdinger: i don't remember the details, but there were reasons why the operator is not supported on SRC_URI
11:24.57*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
11:47.22*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
12:17.31*** join/#oe berton (~user@2804:14d:4085:87f7:49db:6480:6adb:a468)
13:34.23*** join/#oe vmeson (
13:41.44*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
13:59.42*** join/#oe sakoman (
14:13.08*** join/#oe hpsy (~hpsy@
14:25.20*** join/#oe sakoman (
14:36.13*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
14:51.32*** join/#oe argonautx (
18:57.47*** join/#oe mrnuke (
19:35.57*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
19:37.01*** join/#oe ao2 (
21:19.33*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:39ec:8994:a513:9932)
22:57.57*** join/#oe hrw (~hrw@redhat/hrw)
23:14.15*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
23:33.33*** join/#oe hrw (~hrw@redhat/hrw)
23:44.17*** join/#oe vmeson (

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