IRC log for #oe on 20210406

01:34.53*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
02:02.09*** join/#oe snowkidimd (
02:51.24*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:cb2:3225:c999:3d47)
03:12.00*** join/#oe davidlt (
04:38.22*** join/#oe snowkidimd (
05:41.42*** join/#oe AndersD (
05:44.54*** join/#oe AndersD_ (
05:58.39*** join/#oe LetoThe2nd (uid453638@gateway/web/
06:00.55*** join/#oe rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
06:19.33*** join/#oe snowkidimd (
06:24.47*** join/#oe frsc (
06:26.20*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
06:39.35mckoangood morning
06:53.23*** join/#oe Leatherface (
06:58.09*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
07:11.30*** join/#oe ao2 (
07:27.59*** join/#oe tnovotny (
07:33.25*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
07:43.04*** join/#oe dev1990 (
08:57.35*** join/#oe dlan (~dennis@gentoo/developer/dlan)
09:18.31*** join/#oe luneff (~yury@
09:33.10*** join/#oe creich_ (
09:47.43*** join/#oe snowkidimd (
10:49.47*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:cb2:3225:c999:3d47)
11:13.09*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
12:10.31*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
12:25.47*** join/#oe berton (
12:42.41*** join/#oe creich_ (
13:00.45*** join/#oe creich (
13:59.28*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
15:02.27*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:79a1:3ad2:977a:4b2d)
15:13.12*** join/#oe sgw1 (
18:07.16*** join/#oe ao2 (
18:23.40*** join/#oe moto-timo (~ttorling@fsf/member/moto-timo)
19:23.37*** join/#oe vmeson (
19:51.50*** join/#oe marka (
20:01.27*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
22:53.12*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
23:07.14*** join/#oe khem (khemmatrix@gateway/shell/
23:08.03khemJaMa: whats is your distro config that you test ? I see you sending patches for no X11
23:08.21khemare you building just with wayland ? or EGL alone
23:24.43*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.