IRC log for #oe on 20210329

00:00.24marexCrofton|cloud: this is nuts
00:00.39marexCrofton|cloud: cd /usr/src/kernel/ ; sed -i "/CONFIG_CPU_32v7[^M]/ cc.*@-march=armv7-a@" arch/arm/Makefile ; make scripts prepare
00:01.06marexCrofton|cloud: because otherwise it picks the wrong -march=armv5t on the device instead ... why oh why
00:06.53Crofton|cloudIt is Sunday night and we aren't working
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06:39.04mckoangood morning
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18:21.45felix_instHi, I am looking to get some training with board bringup, u-boot and kernel configuration for Xilinx FPGA boards. Ideally this would be 1 on 1 sessions via zoom. Does anybody have recommendations for who can offer these services? Thanks!
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20:03.39Crofton|cloudfelix_inst: tough job :)
20:16.52felix_instCrofton|cloud, that's why I stopped asking individual questions and am now just looking for a teacher instead ;)
20:23.36felix_instAny hint will be appreciated. Somebody has to create board support with recent kernels, right? It seems like most stuff I can find is 2017/2018...
20:25.13Crofton|cloudhmm, no fray
20:25.55Crofton|cloudfelix_inst: I spend a lot of time swearing at Xilnx
20:31.16felix_insthehe, I would try a non-Xilinx version - but that doesn't exist afaik
20:31.25Crofton|cloudpeople make them
20:32.05felix_instI am open to that, stuff just needs to work. Every open solution I saw thus far still uses xlnx-xyz
20:32.52felix_instThe answer might just be to do training with Xilinx instead...
20:33.23Crofton|cloudWHat boards are you working with?
20:34.54Crofton|cloudkicks zeddii
20:35.11felix_instRight now it's a UltraZed-EG. But ZCU something typically
20:36.49felix_instThe UltraZed is tricky because it seems to have less support than the average xlnx board
20:38.27Crofton|cloudthe party party people tend to use peta linux, but this is just duct tape on top of meta-xilnx
20:41.43smurrayCrofton|cloud: fray's on #yocto, I think
20:59.53felix_instCrofton|cloud, do you know if one can somehow book some time with one of the Xilinx Engineers?
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