IRC log for #oe on 20210325

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09:10.25mortWhy doesn't the SDK include static libraries by default? Doesn't an SDK without the necessary static libraries kind of defeat the point?
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10:35.02LetoThe2ndmort: nope, it doesn't defeat the point.
10:36.36mrudepends on which point
10:39.29LetoThe2ndmru: hey, mort is talking about THE dare you question it.
10:39.40mruthere are many points
10:39.47mruask any hedgehog
10:40.30LetoThe2ndbut... but..... THE POINT!
10:40.50mortwait isn't the point of an SDK that you can use it to cross compile software for the target
10:41.12LetoThe2ndmort: it is one of the primary use cases for sure.
10:41.49mortso if there's a static library which is necessary to cross compile your software for the target, that static library should probably be in the SDK right
10:41.52mruLetoThe2nd: there are no less than 8 points in that statement, 9 if you count the one in the exclamation mark
10:42.11mortI don't see how static libraries are different from dynamic libraries in principle here
10:42.50mruan argument can be made for including static libs
10:43.02mrubut not including them doesn't mean the sdk is useless
10:43.08LetoThe2ndmort: you have to realize that you are talking about the specific use case of "needing static libraries". this is not the default at the moment.
10:43.12mru(well, any more so than SDKs are in general)
10:43.35LetoThe2ndit might be debated of course, but its certainly not "without static libs an SDK is useless"
10:43.51mortLetoThe2nd: can you explain why a shared library should be included but why a static one shouldn't
10:44.15mortthe SDK is effectively useless when some of the core libraries which are needed to work with the target is a static library
10:44.46mrushouldn't != isn't
10:44.48LetoThe2ndmort: can you explain why you are nagging me over a default value decision that you can easily adjust to you liking with about 20 keystrokes in a configuratio nfile?
10:45.06mortI am trying to understand the reasoning
10:45.15mortyou're not trying to explain the reasoning
10:45.35LetoThe2ndmort: you are defining your use case that includes that one magic static library as the default. it doesn't apply to the rest of use. i live happily without static libs.
10:45.41LetoThe2ndthat is the explanation.
10:45.44mruif it helps put your mind at ease, just pretend they flipped a coin over what the default would be
10:46.11LetoThe2ndso if you willingly decide to use static libs, then that decision also includes the duty to adjust the sdk as needed.
10:46.23mortbut what's the essential difference between static and shared libraries which makes it such that including all shared objects is a reasonable default and excluding all static libraries is a reasonable default
10:46.38LetoThe2ndmru: well i would argue that it is more "usual-distro" like, but the coin flip makes sense too.
10:46.47mrumort: it works for 99.98% of users
10:46.58LetoThe2ndmru: ++
10:46.58mortthat's not an answer though
10:47.05LetoThe2ndit is.
10:47.09mruand yet it's the truth
10:47.29mrulook, you're _special_
10:48.07LetoThe2ndmort: feel free to write a sob story mail to oe-architecture where you go *****ich about feeling neglected because the standard use case doesn't work for you. hooray, you add to diversity! you're one of the 0.2%!
10:48.23LetoThe2ndshould have lunch.
10:48.24mortif I was trying to formulate what an SDK is for, I would've said that it's a collection of libraries, headers and toolchains useful for compiling software for the target
10:48.38mortI don't understand where the difference between static and shared libraries comes in
10:49.00mortLetoThe2nd: I'm trying to understand something, I'm not bitching about anything
10:49.15mortthis "community" is super unwelcoming apparently, fuck you all
10:49.51LetoThe2ndi admit i don't want to f*** all.
10:50.08mortI'm not doing something wrong by trying to understand why something is as it is, and your implication that I am "nagging" because I'm asking for why something is the way it is, is actually horrible
10:50.20mortthis is how people learn about your project, right?
10:51.01morthere's what I think is happening: You don't know the answer, but you're a really insecure always online person who's afraid to admit it, so you blame me for asking
10:51.17mortfuck you
10:51.22LetoThe2ndno. we have both made the point that there was a decision that obviously suits the majority of users. so its a sensible default. as any other use case can be covered by adjusting documented settings, i really don't get the porblem.
10:51.35LetoThe2ndmort: please watch your language.
10:51.39mortno, fuck you
10:51.54LetoThe2ndi see. thank you.
10:53.12mortwe both know, I hope, that "it happens to work the way it is now" is in no way an explanation for the reasoning which went into the choice to make it the way it is
10:53.47mortit might totally be that there is no such reason, that someone just literally flipped a coin, but I assume there is a reason, that someone thought about this for at least a second when deciding what goes into an SDK
10:54.35mortLetoThe2nd: you really shouldn't go around saying that anyone who asks a question you don't know the answer to is "bitching" or "nagging" about anything
10:56.47mortI'm just going to take your word for it though, that the openembedded project doesn't actually consider its choices when deciding how these systems work, that all choices are just made on a whim
10:56.53mruthe reason has been explained to you
10:56.57mortno it hasn't
10:57.03mruit's not our problem that you refuse to accept the explanation
10:57.21mortit has been explained to me that the way it's now happens to work for most people, that's not an explanation for why the choice was made in the first place
10:58.13mruput it this way then: the reason for the default setting is that it works for most people
10:58.49mortunless you're going to claim that when designing the SDK part of the feature, someone actively went out and gathered statistics about how many people it would impact to include static libraries, and concluded that not enough people are impacted by the lack of static libraries for them to be worth whatever cost they have, you're wrong
10:59.26mruthe only claim I'm making that you are being silly
10:59.57mruin the time you've been bitching here, you could have built the damn sdk with whatever options you want
11:00.02mortno, you're making the claim that the choice was made to exclude static libraries because the person who made that decision knew that not including static libraries wouldn't affect many people
11:00.18mortI have built the SDK with the options I want, I'm just trying to understand
11:00.58mruI wasn't there when the default were set, so I can't say for sure what whoever did it was thinking
11:01.06mortthe answer "I don't know why that choice was made" would be 100% acceptable, but that's not what you're doing, you're claiming that the choice was made because the person who made the choice knew that not including static libraries would impact few people
11:01.39mrubased on my own experience, I can say that static libraries are rarely required
11:01.59mruit's reasonable to assume that the person setting that default value had similar experiences
11:02.48mruany reasonable person with typical experience in the field would likely make the same choice
11:03.29mruthere's nothing more to it
11:03.34mruthere is no sinister plot
11:03.44mortwho said anything about sinister
11:04.17mrunobody, I just wanted to make that clear
11:04.34mruand to be perfectly clear: there is no plot at all, sinister or otherwise
11:05.01mruif a lot of people complained about the default, it would probably be changed
11:05.10mruwhy don't you start a petition?
11:06.01mortit's just surprising to me because if I was making the decision, my thought process would've been something like this: The SDK is likely to be used to compile the packages in the distro for local development; if some packages in the distro depend on other packages which only provide static libraries, those packages will probably depend on those
11:06.01mortstatic libraries; therefore, if there are packages which only provide static libraries, the SDK will probably be used in a way which depends on those static libraries
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11:06.28mortwhat would be valuable is to know which step in that chain of reasoning is incorrect, because that might imply that I'm using the SDK feature incorrectly
11:06.36mortthat's why I asked for the reasoning in the first place
11:06.42mruwhich package provides only static libraries?
11:06.51mortsome of my own libraries
11:07.09mruwell, the person choosing the defaults couldn't possibly have known that, now could he?
11:07.12mortthere are reasons, I won't go into them here but they basically boil down to "Google code is messy"
11:07.46mruI'm not disputing your reasons
11:08.01mortthe person choosing the defaults would know that static libraries exist, and make a choice about whether to include static libraries or not, and they would have known that the static libraries may be needed to compile the packages which depend on those static libraries
11:08.40mruare there any static-only packages in the OE tree?
11:08.47mortexcluding static libraries kind of implies that the SDK is not meant to be used to compile the software which the distribution includes
11:08.53mortI don't know, probably not
11:09.07mruI don't know of any either
11:09.42mruwhich means not including them _by default_ is a reasonable choice
11:10.16mortonly if we assume that breaking distros which depend on staitc-only libraries by default is a reasonable choice
11:10.37mruif you're creating such a distro, it's your job to change the default
11:10.47mortwhich it might be, but it seems like a weird choice since including the static (or at least static-only) libraries doesn't seem to have a big cost
11:11.42mruwhy don't you run git blame and find out who set the default, then go and harrass them?
11:13.01mortthis wasn't meant to be harassment, it _was meant_ to be a very simple question ("why was this done this way?") with two possible outcomes; "I don't know" (possibly "I don't know but I think X") or an actual reason from someone who knows either the history or the assumptions which went into the choices involved
11:13.47mortbut asking that question is apparently nagging and bitching
11:14.12mortLetoThe2nd: I'm curious how including static libraries would "defeat the point" though
11:14.13mruyou were given a simple answer: it works for the vast majority of cases, the rest can easily change it
11:14.28mruyou chose not to accept that explanation, demaning a "better" one
11:14.35mortthat implies that there's a very very good reason why it is the way it is, that making the other choice would make the SDK less useful somehow
11:14.38mortand I want to know why
11:15.12mortmru: "it happens to work" isn't a reason for why the decision was made that way, yes
11:15.33mruthat's not what I said
11:16.22mortLetoThe2nd's answer that including static libraries would defeat the point of an SDK implies that there's a good underlying reason which is broader than "excluding static libraries doesn't affect that many people"
11:16.35mortI want that reason
11:16.49mruhe didn't say that
11:17.19mortsorry, you're right, I misread that part.
11:17.57mrufor most people, the static libs would be nothing but waste of space
11:18.29mortsure, that's a reasonable explanation
11:18.33mruif you need them, you can easily enable them
11:19.08mortbut asking the question in the first place is wrong, right, because we wouldn't want people to learn things about this project would we now
11:19.42mortthem naggers bitching about wanting to know things about this project
11:21.11mrudo you think being rude is a good way of getting answers?
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11:21.43mortno, I'm not trying to get answers anymore
11:21.57mortbeside, the one you just provided is pretty reasonable
11:23.37mortI was already nagging after the 4th message so being nice wouldn't have been a better way I presume
11:24.02mortdon't pretend _I'm_ the one who started out as rude here
11:24.17mruthere's no need to pretend
11:24.33mortI'm glad we agree
11:24.55mruI mean, pretending is for things that aren't true
11:25.05RPmort: a) please do watch your language. b) static libs were disabled by default in OE a few years ago as they're old fashioned and not used by a majority of users
11:25.49RPmort: they take up a lot of space, take time to build and package and if nobody is using them, there is little point enabling by default. They've been disabled for several years, we get few complains. You can also choose to enable them, they should still work fine
11:26.18mortthat's all very reasonable
11:26.19RPmort: there is a tiny subset of static libs that are still built and included for libgcc/libc pieces are those are actively used
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