IRC log for #oe on 20210215

00:47.15*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
00:50.36*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
01:14.59*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
01:17.36*** join/#oe dev1990 (
03:25.19*** join/#oe darknighte (sid214177@pdpc/supporter/professional/darknighte)
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04:30.18*** join/#oe davidlt (
04:58.21*** join/#oe roxell (sid330443@gateway/web/
05:49.21*** join/#oe escanor (uid387784@gateway/web/
06:29.30*** join/#oe AndersD (
06:37.12*** join/#oe AndersD_ (
07:19.40*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
07:25.15*** join/#oe rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
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08:04.51*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
08:07.10*** join/#oe ao2 (
08:09.13*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
08:41.17*** join/#oe LetoThe2nd (uid453638@gateway/web/
09:06.31*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
09:09.50*** join/#oe Net147 (~Net147@unaffiliated/net147)
09:13.59*** join/#oe frsc (
09:19.48*** join/#oe cengiz_io (~cengiz_io@
09:19.59*** join/#oe noresult (~noresult@unaffiliated/noresult)
09:20.58*** join/#oe dustinm` (
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10:59.19*** join/#oe davidlt (
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12:21.18*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
12:35.14dv_in what cases would I prefer to use PN over BPN? it seems to me that BPN is the one I want in >90% of all cases
12:36.44dv_in other words, roughly speaking, when would FILES_lib${PN} be preferred over FILES_lib${BPN} ?
13:05.01*** join/#oe frsc (
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13:35.10*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
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14:48.22*** join/#oe bandito_embedded (a5e14d9c@
14:50.35bandito_embeddedHi everyone, I'm new to yocto and I have an issue. I'm trying to build a simple raspberrypi image. When I try "bitbake core-image-sato", I have the error : ParseError ... Could not inherit classes/python3targetconfig.bbclass.
14:50.36bandito_embeddedI wasn't able to locate the file indicated. Can anyone help me figure things out, pls ?
15:36.43LetoThe2ndbandito_embedded: we've already read you over in #yocto
15:58.12*** join/#oe B0ned1ger2 (
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18:17.07*** join/#oe bandito_embedded (a5e14d9c@
19:27.09*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
19:49.05*** join/#oe LetoThe2nd (uid453638@gateway/web/
20:30.38*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:49.24*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:93c:d121:547f:3124)
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21:40.57*** join/#oe armpit (
22:14.39*** join/#oe bradfa (sid297668@gateway/web/
22:30.32*** join/#oe adelcast (
22:44.39*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
22:50.23*** join/#oe adelcast (
23:13.03*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
23:13.33*** join/#oe JaMa (
23:43.33*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
23:48.04*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.