IRC log for #oe on 20210211

00:03.05*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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12:42.13Crofton|cloudJPEW: any chance you are awake?
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14:34.36JPEWCrofton|cloud: I am now
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14:48.18Crofton|cloudSo I ran pyrex and ran into this
14:48.35Crofton|cloudsetpriv: libcap-ng is too old for "all" caps
14:48.45Crofton|cloudso poking around, you build this in the container
14:49.04Crofton|cloudI suspect I need to update that lib and maybe util-linux and rebuild the container
14:49.18Crofton|cloudhow do I convince pyrex to rebuild the container?
14:49.55JPEWCrofton|cloud: Which container are you using (if you don't know, it's the default)?
14:50.15Crofton|cloudpodman on fedora though
14:50.41JPEWCrofton|cloud: That *shouldn't* matter
14:50.49Crofton|cloudof course
14:50.54JPEWYou need a 20.04 container probably?
14:51.00JPEW(the default is 18.04
14:51.14Crofton|cloudprobably default or older :)
14:52.00JPEWCrofton|cloud: You can set the container version in pyrex.ini
14:52.01Crofton|cloudgotta run
14:52.15JPEWWe have all the LTS from 14.04 - 20.04
14:53.15JPEWAck, I can't build new ones as apparently travis says I'm out of credits :(
14:53.52Crofton|cloudback :)
14:54.24Crofton|cloudso I am pulling the prebuilt container
14:54.33JPEWBy default, yes
14:54.51JPEWIf you want to build your own try this:
14:55.43Crofton|cloudI need to go hoe, then I will try this
14:55.57Crofton|cloudif it works, I'll send pull request
14:57.02Crofton|cloudHopefulyl this works, I am having the build old releases on new fedora issue
14:57.17JPEWCrofton|cloud: That's what it's designed to do
14:57.20Crofton|cloudand this happens to me a bunch
14:57.53Crofton|cloudback in a bit
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16:31.31Crofton|cloudJPEW: still getting this message: setpriv: libcap-ng is too old for "all" caps
16:32.26JPEWOh, sorry.... j/s
16:33.35*** join/#oe marex (~marex@
16:39.02JPEWCrofton|cloud: Can you send me your pyrex.ini
16:43.36JPEWCrofton|cloud: Also, FYI if you change things in the pyrex.ini file, you need to exit and reinitialize the build environment. It won't see the changes unless you do that
16:45.48Crofton|cloudwhat do you mean by exit the build env
16:45.54Crofton|cloudI don't think it starts :)
16:46.17JPEWOh, right :)
16:46.41Crofton|cloudthis happens sourcing the init file
16:49.07JPEWThat's bizzare that it's doing that for an 18.04 image....
16:52.29Crofton|cloudI wonder if it is interacting with a recent linux kernel on the F33 machine?
16:52.39Crofton|cloudcaps/setpriv is ont  my strength
16:52.53JPEWCrofton|cloud: Possibly, but that seems less likely
16:53.05JPEWCrofton|cloud: Can you send me your pyrex.ini file?
16:54.19JPEWCrofton|cloud: OOps sorry, I see you did
16:55.09Crofton|cloudEverything breaks for me this week
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16:59.33JPEWtries a build
17:06.17JPEWWell, for one thing I know why your patch doesn't work.... the locally compiled setpriv/libcap-ng only apply to 14.04 (not 18.04)
17:06.39JPEWHmm.... I need to look at how libcap-ng handles all privledges
17:07.52Crofton|cloudmaybe I should switch to 14.04?
17:08.22JPEWYou should choose the image that works with whatever version of OE you are using (the sanity tested distro)
17:12.49Crofton|cloudso change the 18.04 to 14.04?
17:13.15JPEWCrofton|cloud: Ya
17:14.42Crofton|cloudlol this is a good sign
17:14.59JPEWHeh, what version of OE are you trying to build?
17:15.04Crofton|cloudOK, need to try this on checlout that is barfing on python being python3 :)
17:15.15Crofton|cloudsumo I think
17:15.27Crofton|cloudsemi random vendorware
17:16.16Crofton|cloudso I will have something that has oe-core bitbake and a few other layers in a directory
17:16.23Crofton|cloudwill this work?
17:16.36Crofton|cloudI point env vars at oe and bitbake
17:16.36JPEWYa, we build sumo with pyrex. j/s
17:16.53Crofton|cloudbut the added layers, they will make it in?
17:19.18JPEWYes. You have to make sure they are bound into the container. By default it will bind in everything under your init script
17:27.21JPEWUbuntu 18.04 is one of the tested distros for sumo, so I would use that
17:33.26JPEWCrofton|cloud: Ah ha! found it
17:34.38JPEWSo, we do need newer setpriv... need them on the newer distros too
17:41.23Crofton|cloudso how do I make 18.04 work?
17:41.43JPEWj/s and I'll send you a patch to try
17:54.16JPEWCrofton|cloud: You should just be able to `git fetch` and see the change on the branch
17:54.51JPEWI'm still running CI tests locally (takes a while), but it looks OK so far. Hopefully that fixes your problem
17:55.33Crofton|cloudok, going to move to the machine where I need this to work and see what happens
18:11.44JPEWCrofton|cloud: Do you have a github username?
18:12.15Crofton|cloudboring I know
18:19.02Crofton|cloudthis will be fun ./meta-foo ./meta-bar ./pky at same level :)
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19:04.54JPEWCrofton|cloud: Ya, you'll probably want to write a custom init script
19:11.25Crofton|cloudcontainer is still building on the roatting disk
19:11.51JPEWCrofton|cloud: Ya, it takes a while. podman isn't the fastest at building... docker buildkit is *much* better
19:12.22JPEWbuildkit can skip the unused images in the Dockerfile so you only build what you actually need. It also builds in parallel
19:14.24JPEWCrofton|cloud: In our CI jobs we actually build the images in docker, then export them to podman for the podman tests, otherwise the CI jobs take to long
19:16.50RobertBergerJPEW/Crofton: Are there somewhere "for dummy" instructions how to use pyrex?
19:17.10Crofton|cloudthe github readme
19:17.33JPEWRobertBerger: Ya, I tried to make the README pretty comprehensive, but if it needs more help let me know:
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19:40.52tlwoernerJPEW: "For example … commands that run in OE_TERMINAL are all supported since there is no other way to easily run them outside the bitbake environment"
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20:00.46JPEWtlwoerner: Err, not sure what you're pointing out there :)
20:01.41tlwoernerJPEW: that sentence (from the README file at sounds strange
20:02.15tlwoernerit _feels_ like it was about to say "these commands are *NOT* supported…"
20:04.27tlwoerneri'm just wondering if i'm readying that wrong
20:09.41Crofton|cloudJPEW: OK build running. So you need to do something to update the containers so I do not need to build it all the time?
20:11.28JPEWCrofton|cloud: Ya, I'll publish images. It's going to take a little longer since I have to do it manually instead of letting TravisCI do it
20:12.13Crofton|cloudjust needed rough timeframe
20:12.54Crofton|cloudhopefully us talking about it gets a few more people to try it
20:13.01JPEWHopefully :)
20:13.32Crofton|clouddefinitely will help me move off the old build machine and let me update it from Fedora-Ancient
20:21.15JPEWtlwoerner: No, it's correct. Those tools are some of the exceptions that are supposed to still work properly
20:22.10JPEWtlwoerner: Pyrex isn't designed to allow to run e.g. vim inside the container and be a complete development environment
20:22.40kergothi imagine trying to get xterm from inside to show up outside would be a pain in the ass anyway :)
20:23.12JPEWkergoth, tlwoerner: Right. Normally no "interactive" stuff. Those are the exceptions to that rule because you can't really do those any other way
20:23.45tlwoernergreat thanks :-)
20:25.47tlwoerneri know we're all dying from email overload, but would it make sense to create a separate mailing list for event planning? i.e. to gather together the people who would be interested in planning an event without LF?
20:26.54JPEWtlwoerner: I think the oe-members list would be a good place for that?
20:33.19tlwoernerbetween and i don't see one named oe-members
20:33.37tlwoerneris going senile
20:39.43Crofton|cloudum you are looking on the yp page?
20:40.14Crofton|cloudyp members are corporations, oe members are people
20:41.24tlwoerneri'm looking at both the OE and YP mailing list pages
20:42.17Crofton|cloudhmmm, maybe not public
20:42.36JPEWI don't see it listed on
20:43.15Crofton|cloudmight be hiding
21:06.26tlwoernerany other nominations? preferably a list people have heard of? ;-)
21:09.40RobertBerger@tlwoerner: I heard you can buy such lists with names and e-mails from shady places ;)
21:24.41Crofton|cloudJPEW: OK, so it works great, accept it can't fetch from a server I see via vpn
21:25.51Crofton|cloudpossibly because I brought the env up before the vpn
21:39.37JPEWCrofton|cloud: Possibly. It uses the --net=host option in the container so it *should* see all the same networking as the host
21:39.59Crofton|cloudhow do I restart things?
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21:42.46JPEWThe container is transient, so it "restarts" every time you run a command... so it actually shouldn't really need a "restart" just run the next command
21:42.49JPEWWhats the error?
21:49.11Crofton|cloudHost key verification failed.
21:49.47Crofton|cloudbut works from command line
21:50.57Crofton|cloudmight should read fetcher docs
21:51.19*** join/#oe hrw (~hrw@redhat/hrw)
21:51.46JPEWAh, you need to bind in your ssh keys
21:51.57JPEWI should add an example for that
21:54.04JPEWin your pyrex.ini add `${env:HOME}/.ssh` to `run:bind`
21:57.46Crofton|cloudso look slike that?
21:58.48Crofton|cloudI mis being able to know more than a few things at once :)
21:59.53Crofton|cloudsame problem ....
22:00.01Crofton|cloudHow do I get it to read the ini  file?
22:00.35JPEWexit the shell and re-run `. pyrex-init-build-env`
22:01.02JPEWBut, things in the [run] section *shouldn't* need that
22:01.37Crofton|cloudI need to set the vars again
22:02.08JPEWDid you accidently overrwrite the pyrex.ini file?
22:02.22Crofton|cloudno the root path vars
22:11.14*** join/#oe hrww (~hrw@redhat/hrw)
22:18.22JPEWCrofton|cloud: Ok, Pyrex v1.2.0 has just been released, which should have that fix in it
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23:44.06*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Repositories: | Primary Repo Mirrors: | This is not a distro or machine support channel

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