IRC log for #oe on 20210208

00:53.18*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
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07:37.51mckoangood morning
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10:14.28dv_is there an up-to-date recommended template for bitbake recipes, or perhaps a "best practices" document on how to write recipes correctly? i am referring to details like SRCREVs before / after SRC_URIs, tabs or spaces inside multiline strings, what metadata (descriptions, summary, ...) to always incldue etc.
11:02.26hrwWrote few words about this year FOSDEM:
11:22.18*** join/#oe Net147_ (~Net147@unaffiliated/net147)
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14:59.46dv_if I have a recipe called , and inside the recipe, I want to programmatically get the major & minor version ("0" and "3" in this example), is this possible?
15:00.02mruanything is possible
15:00.33dv_well .. how?
15:00.59mruin which context?
15:01.52dv_I want it in the recipe
15:02.06dv_SOMEVAR = "ABC-${MAJORVERSION}-${MINORVERSION}" for example
15:02.31dv_right now I have to manually edit that if the version changes because in this example it would be hardcoded to SOMEVAR = "ABC-0-3"
15:04.41JPEWdv_: You can use anon python to get it: MAJORVERSION = "${@d.getVar('PV').split('.')[0]}"
15:04.51smurrayheh, beat me to it
15:05.13mruyeah, that's my first thought as well
15:05.38mrudon't know if there's some helper function already made for such things
15:05.59dv_right, that was something I was thinking of too, I was just wondering if yocto has something specific for this
15:06.02dv_alright, thanks
15:06.06smurray"git grep PV | grep @" in oe-core shows some use of a oe.utils.trim_version function
15:06.36dv_ah good find
15:42.37*** join/#oe eFfeM (
15:49.23*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
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21:58.53armpitwhere did winter go?
23:04.49*** join/#oe bradfa (sid297668@gateway/web/

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