IRC log for #oe on 20210206

00:10.10zeddiiIs it just me, or does the FOSDEM site seem better than the LF event ones ?
00:47.46*** join/#oe dqx (~dqx@unaffiliated/dqx)
00:50.54*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
02:23.43*** join/#oe armpit (
02:24.14*** join/#oe Emantor (
05:54.47*** join/#oe davidlt (
06:04.53*** join/#oe noresult (~noresult@unaffiliated/noresult)
06:24.08*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:c5c4:f80e:4f44:b02e)
07:45.07*** join/#oe nslu2-log (
07:52.25*** join/#oe LocutusOfBorg (~locutusof@ubuntu/member/locutusofborg)
08:28.17*** join/#oe Leatherface (
08:35.09*** join/#oe vesper11 (
08:44.32*** join/#oe eFfeM (
09:15.19paulbarkerYou should be able to join the FOSDEM OpenEmbedded Stand chat at!
09:17.02*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
09:19.19*** join/#oe RobertBerger (
09:24.34*** join/#oe Net147 (~Net147@unaffiliated/net147)
09:44.14*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
10:48.24*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
12:17.14*** join/#oe davidlt (
12:52.37*** join/#oe noresult_ (~noresult@unaffiliated/noresult)
13:07.44zeddii@paulbarker did your talk already happen ? I swear I saw it on a schedule yesterday, but can't find it now
13:08.52zeddiisees it. sunday
13:46.21Crofton|cloudzeddii: I agree
13:46.40Crofton|cloudand they basically built it on top of matrix and haven't been able to stress test
13:46.55zeddiiholding up well for me.
13:47.04zeddiiI like it much, much more than the LF crapper
13:47.36Crofton|cloudThere are rough points and I suspect the matrix core devs are not sleeping
13:48.01zeddiiI haven't run into anything yet, but I can imagine the pain!
13:48.40zeddiiI just like the integrated video + room, and the 4 that I have up at once are easy to switch between.
13:49.17Crofton|cloudJust need to make sure you connect to rooms early
13:49.33zeddiiaha. so like the real thing :D
13:53.10Crofton|cloudwaiting to get setup for legal room
13:53.46zeddiiahah. another one I didn't notice.
13:58.33*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
13:58.59Crofton|cloudI am curious what tack Deb takes. From my pov eu is culturally better at open source, but apparently at the biz level US is "better"
15:01.24Crofton|cloudzeddii: zynqmp vcu video driver talk now
15:05.37Crofton|cloudspeaker says nice things about Xilnx
15:25.14*** join/#oe ao2 (
15:33.52*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
16:00.43Crofton|cloudCompplaince panel with a couple of OE/Yocto people
16:00.50Crofton|cloudPidge and Davide Ricci
16:00.54zeddiilegal ?
16:00.58zeddiiyah, just joined
16:01.11Crofton|cloudNeed to tell Mark
16:01.45Crofton|cloudMark herm, heckl all teh ex Wind River
16:01.51zeddiicloses the distribution devroom tab
16:02.07Crofton|cloudlol, nice job handing pidges name
16:02.14zeddiihad to go do a delivery pickup. missed the past hour
16:06.24zeddiiI should troll davide, is this panel live ?  or is it canned ?
16:07.37Crofton|cloudPretty sure it is live
16:07.46Crofton|cloudhas some Xilnx content
16:14.07zeddiiponders a FOSDEM t-shirt
16:17.17*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
16:17.31zeddii13 eu for shipping. urk.
16:21.10Crofton|cloudorgainze a bulk buy for the .ca people like @tlwoerner
16:22.09Crofton|cloud@paulbarker I plugged your talk in the Legal devroom during their compliance panel
16:31.53Crofton|cloud@paulbarker Request from Bkuhn: I hope you'll talk primarily about “scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable” , which is the main thing that people get wrong in embedded systems compliance.
16:33.30zeddiiis trying to distract davide via signal messages. and it might have worked.
16:38.03Crofton|cloudhonorary troll
16:59.24smurrayzeddii: pounds, not euros, so more, actually
16:59.55zeddiiright. double urk.
19:00.26*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:19.45*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
20:37.03*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
21:45.56*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
22:29.02*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
22:36.41Crofton|cloud@paulbarker back?
22:46.17*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@

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