IRC log for #oe on 20210205

00:49.01*** join/#oe yann (~yann@
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07:42.15*** join/#oe rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
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07:54.52*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
07:58.08*** join/#oe vesper11 (
08:15.58*** join/#oe B0ned1ger2 (
08:52.06*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
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12:06.16*** join/#oe mickeyl (~mickeyl@
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12:37.24marexRP: it might be better to move the discussion here
12:37.51marexRP: regarding u-boot, did AUH post any of U-Boot update patches automatically yet ?
12:40.59RPmarex: it tried and failed:,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,u-boot,20,2,0,79700212
12:43.08RPmarex: as the maintainer you should get emails?
12:43.37marexRP: way too many, yeah
12:44.00marexthe AUH again failed to bump also the tools recipe in lockstep
12:44.21RPmarex: well, can someone please help improve it?
12:44.40marexRP: improve what, the overload ?
12:44.54marexRP: or AUH ?
12:44.58RPmarex: the fact it "again failed to bump also the tools recipe in lockstep"
12:45.26marexso AUH
12:45.39marexI was asking kanavin about that for a while, apparently it was difficult to add
12:46.12marexI didnt look into AUH myself, so I cannot answer that
12:46.45RPmarex: we've done our best with it. We welcome help to improve it
12:47.07RPmarex: I agree it isn't perfect, sadly nobody really seems interested in helping fix this kind of thing
12:47.41RPI actually get incredibly frustrated as we've made tools that get 90% there and all I hear are "oh, but X doesn't work"
12:48.46marexRP: I was also tweaking the uboot recipes so AUH could update it, I think we got exactly 90% there too
12:49.09marexRP: would it make you feel any better if I said I will add this onto a long todo ?
12:49.38RPmarex: depends if it ever happens ;-)
12:50.19marexRP: eventually :/
12:56.12*** join/#oe B0ned1ger2 (
13:00.25*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
13:18.02hrw| ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources' - looks like no setuptools
13:18.38hrwpip/wheel/setuptools are pita as venv depends on them or not
13:29.05*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
13:34.52XorAhrw: you should know by now python is a job creation scheme not a language
14:28.54*** join/#oe frsc (
15:07.08*** join/#oe dlan (~dennis@gentoo/developer/dlan)
15:30.53hrwXorA: you summoned python daemon
15:48.20XorAhrw: erk
16:02.41*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
16:47.53Crofton|clouddl9pf: paulbarker I think we need to add a link to the stand chatroom. If I commit some pictures of prior year stands, can you add them to the text?
17:14.58dl9pfjust upload pictures to
17:21.51Crofton|cloudANyone with hugo skills, please help dl9pf  and paulbarker
17:22.25Crofton|cloudAlso, need to make sure I get connected to the stand matrix room
17:22.47Crofton|cloudI am
17:23.12Crofton|cloudXorA: mind if I use the photo of you looking tired at the OE stand?
17:24.49Crofton|cloudhmm what size should I use?
17:30.52frayAnyone working on sudo CVE-2021-3156?  I don't see any references to it in either the security emails or on the mailing list (patches or discussion)
17:33.32dl9pfCrofton|cloud: keep it below 600px I'd say
17:39.09Crofton|cloudbother I went for original
17:43.48XorACrofton|cloud: no pronlem
17:44.10Crofton|cloudI think I skipped it
17:46.36XorACrofton|cloud: fuck I was young then
17:46.50Crofton|cloudAll of us were
17:51.52Crofton|cloudpaulbarker: can you approve me for stand gitlab access
17:54.11smurrayfray: I thought a patch went by on oe-core from WR
17:54.41frayI didn't see it when I searched for CVE-2021-3156.  I did find one for a newer CVE (less important)
17:55.29frayThere is the (master) update from 1.9.5p1 -> 1.9.5p2 which fixes it, but that won't resovle the issue in past releases without a similar uprev
17:56.02fray(gatesgarth is on 1.9.3)
17:58.58smurrayfray:  Anuj has a patch queued for CVE-2021-23239 for gatesgarth, I think, which I believe is actually the same issue as 3156
17:59.29frayOk, the CVE list and Debian doesn't indicate it, but it doesn't surprise me if they are related based on the symptoms
18:00.14frayHowever, the Debian patch for (a slightly older) sudo is broken into 6? different parts.. so I'm not sure 23239 really is the fix
18:00.23smurrayah, okay
18:00.35fray(I've got people asking about this, so I'm trying to gather whatever I need to be able to answer them)
18:02.17smurrayI figured other people were on top of it, since master got fixed right away, whoops
18:03.05smurrayI can try cooking up a backport of the fix(es) for dunfell over the weekend
18:07.34frayI assume the gatesgarth (if patched) would be easier to backport to Dunfell, then Dunfell as a separate patch
18:10.12smurrayright, though it'll take some untangling of 3156 vs 23239
18:10.21*** join/#oe ao2 (
18:10.35frayYup.. and 23240 was listed in the CVE check, but I've not looked there at all
18:13.29smurrayfun ;)
18:40.19kergotharg, -fdebug-prefix-map is being weird.
19:15.03*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:49.11*** join/#oe armpit (
22:31.03Crofton|clouddo we have this covered? 0300 here then :)
22:31.29mruwhat's the point of an internet conference? you can't download beer
22:32.14Crofton|cloudI know
22:32.23mruyou tried?
22:32.29*** join/#oe mattsm (
22:32.30Crofton|cloudWe are strggling to maintain some continuity through these crap times
22:32.56Crofton|cloudI ahve 4 .5L Delirium Tremens and some Reds in the fridge
22:33.29mruI have about 10 bottles from a local brewery
22:33.51Crofton|cloudI think I need to watch this
22:34.31paulbarkerCrofton|cloud: I don't see any merge requests or permission requests on there
22:35.12Crofton|cloudI should have perm requests
22:35.54paulbarkerCrofton|cloud: What's your gitlab username?
22:37.04Crofton|cloudcan you add me and dl9pf
22:37.29paulbarkerdl9pf has access
22:37.35paulbarkerI've just added you as well
22:38.04Crofton|cloudmru: I am trying to stay in theme, even have some Mate
22:38.28Crofton|cloudAlso, I badly miss seeing all of you
22:39.01*** join/#oe mattsm (
22:39.47Crofton|cloudThe number one contribution from teh Yocto Project to OpenEmbedded :
22:40.17Crofton|cloudThis is not likely completely true, but one I hear the most about
22:40.40mrunothing you hear a lot about is true
22:41.06paulbarkerI endorse this talk:
22:41.31Crofton|cloudyou need t get other to endorse it fror you
22:41.38Crofton|cloudI've retweeted right?
22:42.13paulbarkerCrofton|cloud: I have no idea at this stage tbh
22:42.37Crofton|cloudIf you tweeted I retweeted :)
22:42.56Crofton|cloudI am going through the schedule now, trying to build a picture for tomorrw
22:43.04paulbarkerI do need to post again about it tomorrow
22:43.32paulbarkerI'm usually exhausted after FOSDEM but this year it's definitely before
22:43.52paulbarkerThankfully the talk is pre-recorded already
22:44.00Crofton|cloudThis is the tough one for me to miss
22:45.22paulbarkerFOSDEM 2020 was the last good trip I had. Brussels then Ghent, Rotterdam & Delft before going home
22:45.45paulbarkerThen within a few weeks of getting home I'd caught covid and the rest is history
22:59.34Crofton|cloudthos ea re al great places
22:59.52Crofton|cloudWe ahd a gnuradio hackfest in Delft and learned to breathe fire

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