IRC log for #oe on 20210125

00:17.51*** join/#oe dagmcr (sid323878@gateway/web/
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08:46.41hrwCrofton|cloud: thanks for link
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15:29.28frayI need a clue, I've got a recipe that depends on gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, which itself has a bbappend that changes based on some configurations.  But I've determined that my recipe doesn't matter what the config is, as long as it exists.  I'm trying to understand if I should be using SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS or SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_RECIPES_ABISAFE, when the config changes in gstreamer, it causes my recipe to rebuild and I don't want that
15:32.20frayI'm guessing it's the former, but I'm not sure
15:36.43*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:5442:4b7c:f358:5471)
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15:52.02*** join/#oe weather (a02efc49@
15:52.16*** part/#oe weather (a02efc49@
15:53.44clementp[m]Hi, is the patchwork tool down ?*
15:53.50clementp[m]seems latest patches aren't listend
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17:00.30*** join/#oe weather (a02efc49@
17:11.05weatherHi, I want to share a patch for pseudo and don't know how to do so. Which mailing list should I use? And is it normal to send first a patch for pseudo and let it go naturally into openembedded via a recipe update, or instead a send patch for the recipe and let it go upstream into pseudo by someone else? Thanks
17:12.28*** join/#oe sakoman (
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17:53.30paulbarkerCrofton|cloud: I set up a couple of repos for the stand website content and emailed the stands mailbox, no reply yet
17:53.55Crofton|cloudI'll try and clone them
17:54.04paulbarkerCrofton|cloud: Looks like they added it and never replied to me:
17:54.29paulbarkerSee for our content + static files
17:54.30Crofton|cloudcan we update?
17:55.36paulbarkerI hope that their top-level stands repo follows new commits to the individual content & static files repos
17:55.36paulbarkerI asked that in the email but no reply as I say
17:55.44paulbarkerThey're probably swamped
17:57.22paulbarkerAnd I am as well
17:57.22*** join/#oe sakoman (
17:57.22paulbarkerI'll take another look at it briefly this weekend but that's it
17:57.22paulbarkerIn my email to the list I asked for someone else to step up and take the lead on this
17:57.22paulbarkerIf that doesn't happen I'll throw together a paragraph or two of text and call it good enough
18:10.29Crofton|cloudHaving a place holder helps
18:11.02Crofton|cloudclearly they should be using submodules :)
18:13.58halsteadclementp[m], Yes patch processing has been routinely timing out. I can try re-processing missed email.
18:15.42smurrayCrofton|cloud: actually, the more typical approach would be if they wrote their own tool to nest the repositories
18:17.42clementp[m]halstead: thanks :)
18:18.38Crofton|cloudSo any downside to enabling the ptest distro feature? Besides having the extra packages built?
18:19.28*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
18:27.33paulbarkerCrofton|cloud: They are using submodules
18:27.55Crofton|cloudah good :)
18:28.05Crofton|cloudI was just making wild speculation
18:28.08paulbarkerMy wonder is whether they update the submodule revisions automatically or if I need to send them another email or pull request every time we push to our repos
18:28.40Crofton|cloudI'll keep my eyes open
18:31.08*** join/#oe sakoman (
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22:47.37*** join/#oe hrw (~hrw@redhat/hrw)
23:16.36*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)

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