IRC log for #oe on 20210122

00:40.14*** join/#oe B0ned1ger2 (
00:56.13*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
01:13.32*** join/#oe mru (
01:31.45*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
02:34.52*** join/#oe creich (
02:40.25*** join/#oe B0ned1ger (
02:46.16*** join/#oe creich (
03:40.32*** join/#oe B0ned1ger2 (
04:26.16*** join/#oe davidlt (
06:35.41*** join/#oe AndersD (
07:11.26*** join/#oe eFfeM (
07:49.19*** join/#oe noresult (~noresult@unaffiliated/noresult)
07:54.54*** join/#oe marka (
08:10.17*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
08:19.31*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
08:24.50*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
08:26.52*** join/#oe yann (~yann@
08:57.49*** join/#oe ant__ (
09:13.18*** join/#oe ao2 (
09:15.04*** join/#oe clementp[m] (cperonmatr@gateway/shell/
09:15.04*** join/#oe fray (
09:15.04*** join/#oe shoragan (~shoragan@debian/developer/shoragan)
10:06.14*** join/#oe clementp[m] (cperonmatr@gateway/shell/
10:12.08*** join/#oe stefan-schmidt[m (stefan-sch@gateway/shell/
12:08.46mortIs there a way to figure out why bitbake builds a particular package for an image?L
12:09.55mortI tried to show the dependency graph with -g, but that's so huge (`bitbake -g <package>` produces 8700 lines of graphviz dot file) that I don't have the hardware necessary to make a readable graph out of it
12:10.49mrugrep the output for the package you're interested in
12:11.22mruor do it the rude way, delete/block the offending package and see what it complains about
12:11.41morthaha, that would work
12:12.44morta "print the part of the graph which results in this package being included" command would be useful though
12:13.06mrumaybe there is one and I haven't found it
12:38.02*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
12:41.26*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
13:00.51rburtonsounds like you want oe-depends-dot
13:01.02rburtonbut i'm a fan of just blacklisting the recipe and seeing what breaks :)
13:51.25*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
14:13.57*** join/#oe moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@
15:08.02*** join/#oe LocutusOfBorg (~locutusof@ubuntu/member/locutusofborg)
15:57.25armpitlooks like oe is getting soft
15:58.44*** join/#oe zeddii (
16:39.37*** join/#oe LocutusOfBorg (~locutusof@ubuntu/member/locutusofborg)
18:07.47*** join/#oe yegorich2 (
18:18.14*** join/#oe rcw (~rcwoolley@
18:21.18*** join/#oe armpit (~armpit@2601:202:4180:a5c0:fc83:eef5:e2c3:341a)
19:58.00*** join/#oe zeddii (
20:12.46*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:36.01*** join/#oe zeddii (
22:34.05*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
23:04.01*** join/#oe Leatherface (

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