IRC log for #oe on 20210121

00:23.36*** join/#oe yegorich1 (
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07:40.26*** join/#oe LetoThe2nd (uid453638@gateway/web/
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08:09.44*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
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08:54.25*** join/#oe clementp[m] (cperonmatr@gateway/shell/
08:57.52clementp[m]Hi All, i have a working gRPC 1.34.1 (tested crosscompilation aarch64 and SDK on x86_64). I would to know if someone is using gRPC here?
09:01.35*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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13:41.13*** join/#oe mckoan (~marco@unaffiliated/mckoan)
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14:40.09mrnukeHi. I am looking for a way to access var flags from bash code, as opposed to d.getVarFlags() from python code
14:40.40mrnukeFor example, I'm trying to set something like DEVICETREE_OVERLAYS[frobnob] = "bootargs frob-can2 soc-crypto"
14:41.44mrnukeand then for each devicetree loop through the DEVICETREE_OVERLAYS[$devicetree]
14:42.23*** join/#oe mauz555 (~mauz555@2a01:e0a:994:7ed0:2d71:f071:976:a0ed)
14:45.12mruwhy not just do it in python?
14:47.25mrnukemru: I would need to call back into bash functions to do useful work with said variables. Writing things in python is the backup plan
14:47.47mruyou could use "${@' '.join(d.getVarFlags('VAR'))}" to get a list of the flags
14:48.01mruor something like that
14:48.39mrugetting the values from shell code might not be so easy
14:49.24mruhopefully someone will come along and correct me soon
14:49.56mrumeanwhile you can be thankful it isn't java and xml
14:50.08mrnukeTrue that!
14:50.48mrnukeI've found teh combination of pythin and shell to be quite useful and easy to work with, despite some confusion as to what's what
14:54.12mrnukeSo, ${@' '.join(d.getVarFlags('VAR'))} gives me a string of keys(e.g "frobnob gezuntheit"). However, given the key from shell code, I don't know how to get the values
14:55.37mrnukealthough It's very tempting to convert everything to python and treat things as a dictionary
15:06.39*** join/#oe yann (~yann@
15:15.55mrnukeWell, I'm having issues with python too. With shell code, I can break things down into functions that take arguments. But I can't seem to be able to do that from a recipe
15:16.26mrupython has functions too
15:18.35mrnukeI tried 'python somefunc() {}', as well as 'python () {def somefunc(): }', but when I try to call  ${@somefunc()} i'm getting that 'somefunc' is not defined
15:22.59mrujust use normal python syntax
15:23.10mrudef foo(bar):
15:23.40mruthe special syntax is only for anonymous python code and task functions
15:24.42*** join/#oe frsc (
15:27.25*** join/#oe clementp[m] (cperonmatr@gateway/shell/
15:28.10mrnukeTHings are simplerthan I thought. Thank you!
15:33.34*** join/#oe stefan-schmidt[m (stefan-sch@gateway/shell/
15:36.08*** join/#oe ericch (
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19:11.17*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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19:33.31Crofton|cloudarmpit: if I add a rescipe to meta-oe, should that commit add it to the world build?
20:06.43smurrayCrofton|cloud: khem has been asking for that now, yes
20:07.02smurrayCrofton|cloud: so perhaps add to the appropriate packagegroup
20:10.58Crofton|cloudyeah, thanks. I think I've figured it out
21:00.36*** join/#oe ant__ (
21:56.54*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
21:59.18*** join/#oe denix (
23:11.52armpitCrofton|cloud, world build yes.. not to an image so adding it to the appropriate packagegroup would be helpful
23:13.03Crofton|cloudit si yet anoeht cpp binding for zeromq, so will add next to it
23:14.15armpitkhems been more consistent in expecting new packages being added to the package groups
23:15.07armpitworld builds don't catch everything like packaging related issues
23:17.06Crofton|cloudI should check if their are tests :)
23:17.14Crofton|cloudtrying to learn ptest also
23:17.29armpitthat is good in general

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