IRC log for #oe on 20210118

00:22.43*** join/#oe sakoman (
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01:34.01*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
02:10.22*** join/#oe JPEW_ (~JPEW@2605:a601:ac3d:c100:4f37:550:d1b1:6f01)
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04:59.17m4ti'm working with an ancient poky tree circa 2010 (squeezebox radio). i've got it building with a significantly newer codesourcery arm toolchain ("external-csl-toolchain") (2014) than the one it originally used (2010), but on some extra packages i'm building i've run into them detecting syscalls that the ancient kernel (2.6.26) doesn't support.
04:59.47m4tis there a way to "hide" those syscalls (recvmmsg in this case, from chrony) without just patching out the configure script on affected packages?
04:59.55m4tis this whole thing awful? :D
05:01.01m4tfwiw, it all works, except chrony bugs out and per strace it just sits at 100% cpu trying to run recvmmsg and getting ENOSYS back. it's simple enough to patch the configure, just wondering if there's a better way to approach this.
05:17.29*** join/#oe davidlt (
06:37.29*** join/#oe AndersD (
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06:51.33hrwcheck which kernel headers were used and patch to use ancient ones in case it tries to use modern ones
06:54.31*** join/#oe rob_w (~rob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
07:07.58*** join/#oe LocutusOfBorg (~locutusof@ubuntu/member/locutusofborg)
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08:01.23*** join/#oe ao2 (
08:03.59mckoangood morning
08:12.06*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
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08:41.24*** join/#oe florian__ (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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12:17.48mruis there any point sending a small patch (version bump) for meta-oe zeus branch?
12:18.01mruif so, where should it be sent?
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12:59.29*** join/#oe RobertBerger (
13:03.08*** join/#oe rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
13:17.18paulbarkermru: says it's not yet EOL ("Community" maintainership) so go ahead
13:17.39paulbarkerYou can send to the same mailing list as normal for meta-oe, just add "[zeus]" to the patch subject
13:17.53mruand which is the normal list?
13:21.00*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
13:21.19mrutoo obvious
13:23.39mruno list, just armin?
13:43.47*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
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13:51.31marexmru: the matching layer list + CC the maintainer (Armin)
13:52.21marexmru: says
14:00.39*** join/#oe stefan-schmidt[m (stefan-sch@gateway/shell/
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14:32.44smurraypaulbarker mru: I'm pretty sure the wiki page is out of date and zeus is no longer maintained.
14:33.43mrushow me a wiki that isn't out of date
14:38.20marexsmurray: isnt zeus community maintained ?
14:38.51mruisn't that just a euphemism for unmaintained?
14:38.52marexalso, Xilinx still uses zeus as the state-of-the-art for their meta-xilinx* layers
14:39.17smurraymarex: afaik maintenance stopped when gatesgarth released
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14:39.26smurraymarex: no changes since Sept
14:39.39paulbarkermarex: suggests Xilinx are a little more up to dat
14:39.45paulbarker*up to date
14:40.07marexpaulbarker: suggests that nope
14:40.35marexpaulbarker: thats the official release which you MUST use if you want to get any support from Xilinx
14:40.41mruwe'll be moving on from zeus in a bit, but for now we're stuck with some python2 dependencies
14:40.50marexalso, enjoy the Blue Monday
14:40.50paulbarkermarex: Damn. That's disappointing
14:41.07marexpaulbarker: dont get me started on xilinx, I beg you
14:41.15smurrayNXP are the same, stuck on zeus
14:41.28marexsmurray: dont get me started on nxp I beg you
14:42.28marexsmurray: with NXP, it simply makes sense to ignore the layers and build your own with mainline + a couple of backports
14:46.58smurraymarex: meta-freescale works well enough for AGL with some minor tweaking, but I definitely agree wrt e.g. meta-imx
14:47.35marexsmurray: which SoC is used in there ?
14:49.05marexthat outdated fork of poky, meta-qt5 etc in github/xilinx with custom patches grown into git history just breaks my heart
14:49.17smurraymarex: i.mx6q, i.mx8mq
14:49.28marexsmurray: those should be usable with mainline + etnaviv
14:49.46marexsmurray: the blob GPU driver is awful
14:50.09*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
14:50.23smurraymarex: we've had this discussion many times, AGL is on dunfell, and I am not in a position to just build my own BSP for it
14:50.49smurraymarex: we're defaulting to etnaviv on the i.mx8mq
14:51.11marexsmurray: yeah
14:54.08marexsmurray: its a real pity the display pipeline / pgc stuff on mx8m is so broken and NXP is blocking any attempts at fixing it
14:54.33marexand also the amount of upstreaming from NXP seems to have decreased a lot
15:07.47smurraymarex: it's definitely not a great sign
15:20.31*** join/#oe ericch (
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15:39.24marexsmurray: no
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17:57.23*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Repositories: | Primary Repo Mirrors: | This is not a distro or machine support channel
18:05.02*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
18:39.54*** join/#oe BlastuR (~magnus@unaffiliated/blastur)
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20:28.47*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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22:24.16*** join/#oe sakoman (~steve@
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22:41.19*** join/#oe adelcast (

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