IRC log for #oe on 20210104

00:34.54*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
02:34.27*** join/#oe sakoman (
04:54.48*** join/#oe davidlt (
06:33.55*** join/#oe tprrt (~tprrt@
06:53.04*** join/#oe AndersD (
06:56.47*** join/#oe tprrt (~tprrt@
06:59.23*** part/#oe tprrt (~tprrt@
07:42.05*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
07:49.11*** join/#oe noresult (~noresult@unaffiliated/noresult)
08:12.20*** join/#oe tprrt_ (
08:21.57*** join/#oe tprrt (~tprrt@
08:23.40*** join/#oe tprrt (
08:26.24*** join/#oe ant__ (
08:31.30*** join/#oe ao2 (
08:32.11mckoangood morning
08:52.03*** join/#oe yann (~yann@
09:02.55*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
09:05.49*** join/#oe zeddii (
09:10.35*** join/#oe creich (
10:14.47*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
11:08.18*** join/#oe eFfeM (
11:39.13*** join/#oe davidlt (
11:51.46marexRP: hi, any comment on this one ?
11:58.53RPmarex: they're in master-next, they test ok, just waiting for a moment to do some final review
11:59.20marexRP: ah, nice, thank you
12:03.54RPmarex: btw, any thoughts on this: :/
12:04.51marexRP: I saw that patch two days ago
12:09.15marexRP: I take it the same problem does not happen with Linux, right ? In which case, there might already be a bugfix in Linux, since that's where the script came from
12:14.28RPmarex: I'm not 100% sure, I think the issue was with the older git version fallback code
12:14.53*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
12:21.27marexRP: if you have a test case, then you can try picking 548b8b5168c9 from Linux , it applies to U-Boot just fine, that's the only difference in the setlocalversion script between U-Boot 2021.01-rc4 and linux-next
12:21.46marexRP: if that doesn't solve it, then Linux should be affected too I think
12:22.00marexbut I agree it is unlikely 548b8b5168c9 would have an impact
12:28.05RPmarex: I doubt that patch will make a difference. This could also explain some mystery kernel version issues over the years
13:00.59*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
13:22.36*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
14:06.46*** join/#oe sakoman (
14:13.43*** join/#oe JPEW (~JPEW@2605:a601:ac3d:c100:e3e8:d9:3a56:e27d)
14:29.52*** join/#oe ericch (
14:50.44*** join/#oe vmeson (
16:01.38*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
16:58.24*** join/#oe rsalveti (uid117878@gateway/web/
17:43.19*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
17:44.49*** join/#oe sakoman (
18:04.09*** join/#oe ao2 (
20:15.21*** join/#oe vmeson (
20:29.26*** join/#oe sgw (
21:05.17*** join/#oe tgoodwin (
23:09.15*** join/#oe florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)

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