IRC log for #oe on 20181027

00:22.38*** join/#oe infobot (ibot@
00:22.38*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Repositories: | Primary Repo Mirrors: | This is not a distro or machine support channel
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07:06.01ankitmy recipe has cmake based components and it is looking for clang-4.0, which not able to find. I cloned meta-clang which has clang-7. I tired modifying CMakeLists.txt to add clang-7.0, but same issue. it gives CLANG not found.
07:06.11ankitif(NOT DEFINED CLANG) 158     find_program(CLANG NAMES clang-4.0) 159     if("${CLANG}" STREQUAL "CLANG-NOTFOUND" ) 160         message(FATAL_ERROR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}: clang-4.0 not found") 161     endif() endif()
07:06.29ankitany suggestion.
07:58.08ant_homekhem, gm
07:59.21ant_homedoing experiments I have aded TOOLCHAIN = "clang" to kernel-selftest
07:59.42ant_homesupposing then to use llvm-tools
08:00.13ant_homebut now libcxx fails even to configure on qemuarm
08:01.33ant_homeefined reference to `__atomic_load_4'
08:01.40ant_homeatomic again
08:02.36ant_homeoh, and scary msg like
08:02.38ant_home| -- Warning: Did not find file Compiler/-ASM
08:02.58ant_homeI'll rebuild for scratch, something seems broken
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14:54.55khemankit: your recipe seems to hard bind to clang4 I think you should take a look into its cmakefiles sometimes packages have hard dependencies on version specific APIs
14:55.51khemant_home: yes, libcxx might need to link with libatomic for armv5
14:57.22khemant_home: I think for kernel self-test we should probably ask user to install clang+llvm on his build host and then add HOSTTOOLS += "clang llc" in local.conf
14:58.06khemanother option is to just limit the kernel-selftest recipe to just x86/x86_64 for now
14:58.23khemI dont see it working reliably on non-x86 arches
15:38.58ankit@khem, I modified and cmakefiles to consider clang 7 as well as clang 4 and above but still same issue.
15:40.00khemit must be having errors in CMakeErrors.txt file
15:40.30khemif its still looking for clang-4.0 then you havent really fixed it
15:40.41khemmaybe you can just drop the version string
15:40.51khemjust let it look for clang
15:41.10ankitlet me check that, but it works fine on Ubutu distro.
15:41.35khemwhat clang version do you have on ubuntu
15:41.40ankitis there a way I can export CLANG path in recipe
15:42.03ankitubuntu has clang-4.0
15:42.31khemyes and the package is expecting same so it will work
15:42.52khemthis seems its written in non portable way
15:43.02khemso you need to break those assumptions
15:44.54ankitThere is CLANG var define in cmakefile. if var is not define, it will look for clang different version in syspath... So just thinking, export of CLANG var should help.
15:46.03khemwhat should it point to
15:46.11khemit is lookin for sources of clang ?
15:46.15khemor for binaries
15:46.39khemyou can set EXTRA_OECMAKE = "-DCLANG=clang" in recipe
15:47.22ankitThanks, let me check. :)
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19:45.35ant_homekhem, I'd just add PACKAGECONFIG_remove_arm = "bpf"
19:45.51ant_homedunno runtime, though
19:46.27ant_home(I have hard time imaging the 32 bit kernel (or JIT?) swallowing the bpf 64bit objects
19:46.55ant_homebuilds is fixed, if you think I'll send the patch
20:26.20ant_homelot of compiler warnings btw
20:59.46ant_homewell, only two recipes failing in world build for qemuarm now
21:00.06ant_homeandroid-tools seems to be JaMa's matter
21:00.44ant_homeso there is 'just' the little ecipes-qt/qt5/  to fix
21:01.16ant_homemaybe tomorrow
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