IRC log for #oe on 20180925

00:15.23*** join/#oe Aethenelle (Elite19980@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-kinfrcpchfkwwgsl)
02:31.51*** join/#oe infobot (ibot@
02:31.51*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Repositories: | Primary Repo Mirrors: | This is not a distro or machine support channel
04:19.53*** join/#oe baali (~baali@
05:10.11*** join/#oe AndersD (
05:19.30*** join/#oe AndersD (
05:52.09*** join/#oe rob_w (~bob@unaffiliated/rob-w/x-1112029)
06:02.05*** join/#oe yegorich (
06:05.23*** join/#oe ao2 (
06:13.56*** join/#oe frsc (~frsc@2003:a:e7a:6200:246c:2a8b:f45a:a33d)
06:22.44*** join/#oe halstead (
06:36.15wak-workI'm trying to figure out where to put a new recipe for a package i'd like to add, is there a guide for determining where that should go?
06:37.06wak-workit's a c++ header only library used by packages in our downstream distro, but our maintainers would like it upstreamed since it could be used commonly
07:08.26*** join/#oe Jybz (~jibz@2a02:8071:9289:5900:4a51:b7ff:fe84:99e6)
07:22.13*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
07:23.14*** join/#oe mario-goulart (
07:33.19*** join/#oe tnovotny (~tnovotny@
07:36.35*** join/#oe leon-anavi (~Leon@
08:13.37ndechi.. am i right to believe that adding 'LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST = "commercial_${PN}"' in a global conf file would enable all recipes with commercial license, without having to specify them one by one?
08:30.22ant_workkhem, did you get #154944 and #154945 for the QA?
08:31.41ant_workhm, seems so
08:33.06ant_workstrange because I tested it on qemuarm
08:34.15*** join/#oe jhofstee (
08:52.30ant_workkhem, the error-log is dated 24/09/18, I bet you did pull the two fixes afterwards
09:05.14*** join/#oe rburton (
11:03.38*** join/#oe bluelightning (~paul@pdpc/supporter/professional/bluelightning)
11:32.40*** join/#oe stefan_schmidt (
11:33.15*** join/#oe tprrt (~tprrt@
12:59.50*** join/#oe AndersD (
13:01.35*** join/#oe AndersD_ (
14:12.32*** join/#oe thaytan (
14:16.46*** join/#oe ntl (
14:39.05*** join/#oe cpriouzeau (~cpriouzea@
15:39.40khemyes your patches are in testin
15:46.48*** join/#oe baali (~baali@
15:47.49ant_workkhem, ok then, hope all builds fine
15:53.12*** join/#oe stephano (stephano@nat/intel/x-jraqltqmtjyluvik)
16:17.10khemit doesnt
16:32.29ant_workvery strange...I removed the offending files from packaging...will verify later at home
16:32.33ant_worksorry for the noise
18:10.57*** join/#oe ao2 (
18:50.28*** join/#oe tprrt (
19:30.05*** join/#oe florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
19:46.21*** join/#oe ant_home (
20:10.47*** join/#oe bluelightning (~paul@pdpc/supporter/professional/bluelightning)
20:14.13ant_homekhem, I have spotted a new bug when building w/out security flags
20:14.18ant_homepatch comin
20:15.06ant_homestill, I don't see the QA about klibc utils
20:26.14*** join/#oe armpit (
20:37.52ant_homekhem, if you have a better way to check we have included pls replace that hack
20:39.22ant_homehell...I love #ifdef
21:34.18*** join/#oe dqx (~dqx@unaffiliated/dqx)
21:49.05*** join/#oe georgem_home (uid210681@gateway/web/
23:09.42*** join/#oe tprrt (
23:41.22*** join/#oe JaMa (~martin@

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