IRC log for #oe on 20150610

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08:21.15pompomJuiceanyone wish to comment on the following:
08:21.47pompomJuiceAm I confused or is this a serious invasion of privacy?
08:22.42pompomJuiceIs that why it is called connman? It cons you.
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08:38.55bluelightningpompomJuice: AIUI the intention is to have a known good site it can connect to, not for snooping; if you're concerned you can always patch it to connect somewhere else
08:39.22pompomJuiceaah ok
08:39.32pompomJuiceHow do you know it'sa safe
09:01.59bluelightningI honestly don't, and I don't know the details, but it sounds like it's only around from a short time
09:02.54bluelightningyou could ask for an explanation of why it's been implemented that way if you're still bothered by it
09:09.32bluelightningmorning all btw
09:14.31pompomJuiceok then, good to hear expert advice. Just wanna make sure I understand the landscape.
09:18.40bluelightningI wouldn't consider myself an expert on connman by any means, although I have written a UI for it (which is probably broken by now, sigh...)
09:25.38pompomJuicei find that connman works fairly brilliantly
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09:34.22pompomJuiceI am having huge issues controlling my oe:layer's version control.
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09:35.12pompomJuiceI have a layer wide revision variable that needs to be set so that respected recipies can feed of that REV and check out the correct code.
09:36.31pompomJuiceI thought I could achieve this by adding a "require" inside my meta-foo/conf/distro/foo.conf that contains that REV... but every time I change that REV it triggers a full rebuild.
09:36.40pompomJuiceOr I suspect so
09:36.52pompomJuicebut I cannot tell, from log info or docs what triggers the full rebuild.
09:37.24pompomJuiceevery time I want to make a small change I have to wait three hours for the result. What am i doing wrong?
09:38.45pompomJuiceThe way it used to work is that respected recipies would "include" which contained the REV... changing REV like so would not trigger a full build.
09:38.53pompomJuiceWhat is the correct way to achieve this?
09:40.31bluelightningpompomJuice: when you say it triggers a "full rebuild", what is the first thing that starts rebuilding?
09:40.37pompomJuiceI went from -> (working) recipy: include -> (full rebuild) OE_BASE/conf/local.conf -> (suspected full rebuild again!) meta-foo/conf/distro/foo.conf
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09:41.24bluelightningok, that definitely should not happen, something strange is going on
09:41.29bluelightningwhat are you setting in that inc file?
09:42.09pompomJuiceSRCREV = "30333"
09:42.17bluelightningok, there's your problem
09:42.31bluelightningat that level, that will apply to *every* recipe
09:42.42bluelightningthat's not what you want
09:42.51pompomJuiceis SRCREV a keyword?
09:43.13bluelightningabsolutely yes, the scm fetchers (git, svn, etc.) use it to determine which revision to fetch
09:43.15pompomJuiceshould I make it TMPREV and then inside the recipies do a "SRCREV = ${TMPREV}"?
09:43.35bluelightningand it's a dependency of do_fetch thus all fetch tasks are being retriggered, hence rebuild
09:43.49pompomJuiceit all makes sense noe
09:44.13bluelightningwell, if I were you I'd pick a more specific name relating to whatever makes sense for the recipes that are using it (your company name, name of sw vendor, ...)
09:44.24pompomJuicethat would make more sense
09:44.27bluelightningbut ultimately it just has to not be SRCREV that you set in the inc file
09:44.45nrossithinks POMPOMREV might work ;)
09:44.50pompomJuicethat SRCREV target's a custom fetcher that we wrote for accurev (a VCS system for big corporates)
09:45.02pompomJuicewrite that down!
09:46.10pompomJuicethanks bluelightning
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09:47.09bluelightningpompomJuice: FYI a slightly different approach to this, still using a common inc file at the config level, is to do SRCREV_pn-recipename1 = "..."  SRCREV_pn-recipename2 = "..." etc
09:47.37pompomJuicei was too lazy, those were there.
09:47.38bluelightningthe minor advantage is you don't have to modify every recipe to use the custom var
09:47.47bluelightningbut swings and roundabouts you might say
09:48.02pompomJuicethats the stratigy I am going to make
09:48.15nrossifor reference meta-yocto does something similar for tracking:
09:48.25pompomJuiceit gives better control over the respective recipy behaviour from one file.
09:48.28pompomJuiceI like it
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12:57.07JaMabluelightning: ^
12:58.07bluelightninghmm, I think there have been some problems updating, I will see what I can do to force an update
12:58.30bluelightningI'll admit I am not keeping as close an eye on the emails coming from the update script as I used to
12:59.48nrossibluelightning: speaking of the layer index, how does one get perms on a specifc layer? i've been meaning to update the meta-xilinx maintainer details.
13:00.30bluelightningnrossi: basically you get perms automatically if you create an account and your email matches one of the maintainers of the layer
13:00.39bluelightningif needed I can add you as a maintainer
13:01.47nrossibluelightning: that makes sense since i have perms on the meta-parallella entry. Would you be able to update the email address on the meta-xilinx maintainer to (the xilinx email is invalid now)
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13:31.08Crofton|workany comments on the patches I sent about removing distcc and oprofile from the package groups?
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14:14.23bluelightningnrossi: ok, done
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14:43.13consmithI seem to be misunderstanding something about stamps. I deleted the stamp files for a certain recipe and re-baked that recipe, but no new stamps were created. In fact, there are no stamps newer than two weeks ago in my stamps directory. I tried deleting all the sstate files related to the recipe and re-baking again, but still no stamps. When are stamps created?
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14:54.10bluelightningconsmith: stamps are created when the corresponding task executes (or its setscene equivalent)
14:55.26consmithbluelightning: so if a task runs, a stamp should be created and located in the stamps directory after the task completes? I can't seem to get that behavior
14:55.56bluelightningthat is definitely expected yes
14:56.23bluelightningif a stamp isn't created then either you aren't looking in the right place or the task isn't actually running
15:00.06consmithI'm pretty sure the task is running because the output from bitbake indicates it, and the sstate cache files are recreated. But no stamp. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place, although there are definitely (old) stamps here. What's the easiest way to determine what the stamp directory variable is set to?
15:01.44bluelightningbitbake -e | grep ^STAMPS_DIR= will show the main stamps directory
15:02.03bluelightningbitbake -e yourrecipe | grep ^STAMP= should give a partial template for the stamp file name
15:03.01consmithyep just found it. I'm in the wrong directory (facepalm). Thanks for the help
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15:10.05consmithis bitbake smart enough to recognize when a task doesn't do any meaningful work? I copy-pasted the install code for a simple recipe into a custom task and added it to the task list, but bitbake said nothing needed to be rerun
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15:31.55sdh11Crofton|work: Mine keeps failing on kernel configs.
15:33.09sdh11I tried the jetson-tk1-l4t machine with the fido branch.
15:33.27Crofton|workliekly it need stuff from master
15:33.32Crofton|workis my guess
15:34.07Crofton|workcheckout the master branch of the layers
15:35.43sdh11ok. ill give that a shot
15:51.45bluelightningconsmith: when you say you added it to the task list, what did you do exactly?
15:53.09consmithbluelightning: the task was called do_test, so I added the line "addtask test after do_install"
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16:13.02otavioI am using OE-Core and meta-oe ... I am receiving
16:14.00otavioit seems bitbake is not liking the 'require' in the layer.conf
16:14.04otaviois it known?
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16:29.12realBigfootDoes anyone know if there is an easy way to list installed packages and licenses ?
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16:31.58bluelightning_otavio: what's on the line before?
16:32.40bluelightningrealBigfoot: there is a license manifest under tmp/deploy/licenses/<image>
16:33.02realBigfootbluelightning, thank you!
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16:59.39sdh11Crofton|work: No luck. I did 'repo init' to use master and i've tried both jetson-tk1 and jetson-tk1-l4t for machines
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17:01.25sdh11the first fails with 'no configuration fragments found' and the second fails with 'no rule to make tegra12_defconfig'
17:02.05sdh11tegra12_defconfig does exist, but I'm not sure where it's being called.
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17:16.54Crofton|worksdh11, I didn't mean use repo
17:31.04Crofton|workThis seems new
17:32.41Crofton|workcan investigate in a bit
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18:07.55otavio# Override security flags                                                                                                              
18:07.58otaviorequire conf/distro/include/                                                                                
18:08.01otaviotwo lines
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