IRC log for #oe on 20130726

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01:33.08johny_can we give preferred provider fro .so files also?
01:38.28johny_if two modules generates the the .so with same name, then is there any way to give PREFERRED PROVIDER for that so file?
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07:34.37suihkulokkiwhat's the polite time to wait for layer maintainer to respond to patch before ping?
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08:00.52bluelightningmorning all
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08:05.44tsjsiebI was used to change kernel configurations with 'bitbake virtual/kernel -c devshell' and than make menuconfig
08:06.27tsjsiebbut these days it seems that the configure tasks isn't done yet when I do -c devshell, so I have to do manually a -c configure before it
08:06.45tsjsiebIs something recently changed that causes this?
08:07.22tsjsieb(recently als in this year / since a dylan ? )
08:09.54bluelightningtsjsieb: you're better off using -c menuconfig I think
08:12.03mckoangood morning
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08:40.31conditionzerohi, after we updated bitbake from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 bitbake will not build anymore and throws a python error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'
08:41.32conditionzerothe error trace is about a page long and begins with:   File "/var/wfailla/tplino-core/bitbake/lib/bb/", line 1354, in RunQueueExecuteTasks.execute():    
08:44.10bluelightningndec: hi, btw I have a patch to add the sanity check you were suggesting:
08:46.35tsjsiebbluelightning: if I use that, than after configuring I can manually copy the .config file to my own layer (and use it as defconfig)
08:47.10bluelightningtsjsieb: right, you can do that with -c menuconfig
08:49.09tsjsieband If I want to make an adjusmtent to a source file and create a patch, I used to use devshell for that aswell and than directly create an uImage from the devshell to test it
08:52.09liveforeverxHi, all! This is a trace for conditionzero problem:
08:52.53liveforeverxIs this chat the right place to ask a question about this?
08:53.42bluelightningliveforeverx: certainly, I was just checking the code to see if I could see the offending rfind call
08:54.31ndecbluelightning: thanks! i had started something too.. but i didn't know about bb.utils.which() ;-)
08:55.09ndecbluelightning: i think we might want to remove 'and it is a security issue'. of course it is, but from bitbake/OE perspective we don't really care, no?
08:56.14bluelightningndec: I thought about that... I'm trying to convey why this is a bad idea, rather than just being a requirement of our system
08:56.42ndecbluelightning: sure... but there are many other good advices that we can give to people too ;-)
08:56.58ndecthe real problem with setuid in our case, is that it breaks the build.
08:59.10bluelightningndec: well, if you feel strongly about not having it I can remove it
09:00.52bluelightningndec: I just think as an industry we shouldn't turn a blind eye to such egregious behaviour ;)
09:02.17ndecbluelightning: hehe. i don't mind it that much, in fact. thanks for making the patch. any chance you can have it in dylan too?
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09:03.15bluelightningndec: should be able to backport it yep
09:03.24ndecok. hx.
09:16.36bluelightningliveforeverx: conditionzero: hmm... the traceback is unhelpful and looking at the instances of rfind we have, I can't see one that could throw that error...
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09:22.19bluelightningconditionzero: can you perhaps give me some more information that might help reproducing it?
09:23.29conditionzerobluelightning: thx for looking in to that, i will ask the guy who updated bitbake what he did maybe he knows more, he will be here in about 1 houre maybe a bit later, one other question. We have installed pserv server for our build systems. We are able to start a bitbake-prserv server on a specific port with  a specific file and can get bitbake to communicate to that server. BUT  AUTOINC and "${AUTOREV}" do not increase any numb
09:23.29conditionzeroer even thogh we  committed and pushed things to a repo. The only time this is  working is when you change the recipe from AUTOINC to "${AUTOREV}". Can anyone help us to configure AUTOINC or AUTOREV ?
09:24.23bluelightningconditionzero: AUTOINC is just a placeholder we put into the value of SRCPV before packaging time, it shouldn't be anywhere in variable values / other configuration
09:24.54bluelightningconditionzero: if you want the recipe to rebuild properly when you update the repository, you must use SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"
09:26.21conditionzerook, i will try that, but the initial tests were not promising yesterday
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09:34.24conditionzerobluelightning, is it necessary to do a cleanall so autorev works ?
09:34.38bluelightningconditionzero: should not be necessary no
09:34.57conditionzerobluelightning, then it is not working
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09:36.12bluelightningconditionzero: would you be able to pastebin your recipe?
09:42.00ndecbluelightning: btw, i don't know if you use 'Reported-by' tag in OE, but if you do, feel free to use Reported-by Nicolas Dechesne <>.
09:42.45bluelightningndec: ok I'll include that in the commit message, thanks
09:43.11bluelightningliveforeverx: ok, I'll try to set up an environment to reproduce that this afternoon
09:43.52liveforeverxbluelightning: Thanks
09:50.46conditionzerobluelightning, thx
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10:50.58pb_morning all
10:53.17bluelightninghi pb_
10:57.59pb_hi bluelightning
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11:12.38lpapphi, the topic was modified in #yocto already, so you can take a look at the sample, but according to the freenode guidelines "If you're publishing logs on an ongoing basis, your channel topic should reflect that fact. Be sure to provide a way for users to make comments without logging,", a note would be nice in the topic about public logging.
11:15.28bluelightningof those who are around these days only XorA and kergoth can change the channel topic
11:16.25*** part/#oe lpapp (~lpapp@kde/lpapp)
11:16.51XorAI can, wow
11:17.04XorAwell if someone of board wants to tell me a new one I shall change it
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11:47.04conditionzerobluelightning, i have an update , i have changed the recipe to  SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"
11:47.52conditionzerobluelightning, and PV = "AUTOINC", now it works when i preform a -c cleanall
11:50.54liveforeverx1bluelightning: updated
11:55.07pb_heh, did lpapp really join this channel just to complain about the topic?
11:55.29pb_those kde guys, good grief.
11:57.50ant_workpb_: heh few words
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12:02.44pb_hi likewise
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12:03.20pb_hi ant_work
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12:13.55bluelightningconditionzero: PV = "AUTOINC" isn't necessary though, AFAIK there's nothing that would be looking for AUTOINC in the value
12:14.13bluelightningpb_: hey, I use kde :p
12:16.14bluelightningliveforeverx1: conditionzero: oh, I didn't notice... you were apparently missing PV = "x.y+git${SRCPV}" in your original recipe
12:16.42ant_workbluelightning: any bug for KDE upstream to complain with someone in particular?
12:17.07ant_workpb_: ^^ :p
12:17.16bluelightningant_work: sorry, what do you mean?
12:18.03ant_workit shouldn't be terribly difficult to write a long list, thinking of it...
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12:33.07liveforeverx1bluelightning: Thanks! Its working now
12:33.17bluelightningliveforeverx1: OK, great
12:33.37bluelightningperhaps we should be validating that people are setting the right variables for this...
12:33.47bluelightningthe trick would be doing it in a way that doesn't hurt flexibility
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13:36.49ndechi. when desiging our own distro, is it common practice to add 'features' in DISTRO_FEATURES? or is DISTRO_FEATURE only meant to contain OE features, not custom one? same question for IMAGE_FEATURE?
13:37.08ndecbasically, we need a mechanism to define our features, and it's not clear to me what's the best way to do that.
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13:46.56conditionzerobluelightning, how do i change the order of the values in the ${SRCPV} variable
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13:48.27bluelightningndec: I think it's perfectly acceptable to define your own DISTRO_FEATURES if that helps you; if they might be of value to others it would be worth trying to standardise for everyone though
13:49.01ndecbluelightning: these are in fact features very specific to our distro.
13:49.10bluelightningconditionzero: can you explain why you want to do that? the incrementing number is at the start so that the values compare correctly
13:49.36ndecbluelightning: in fact i am not sure if these 'features' are DISTRO feature or IMAGE feature ;-) they are features, for sure...
13:50.12ndecour product is made of several devices. a mix of client, server, and a few related things.
13:50.25bluelightningndec: do they affect the compilation/contents of other recipes or just what items/configuration ends up in the image?
13:50.33ndecthe same components are included in each 'product' but with different features/config.
13:50.48ndeccompilation is affected.
13:51.15bluelightningok, it's DISTRO_FEATURES (or PACKAGECONFIG if it's on a per-recipe basis) in that case
13:51.43bluelightningbut that does mean you effectively need to have different distro configs
13:51.53ndecgood info. so IMAGE_FEATURE is only meant to decide which package are pulled or not, but they aren't supposed to impact compilation, right?
13:52.12bluelightningndec: right
13:52.25ndecyou mean 2 DISTRO?
13:52.45ndecah yes, because DISTRO_FEATURES are set in the distro .conf...
13:52.52bluelightningndec: IMAGE_FEATURES can also determine what post-processing is done on the image (e.g. debug-tweaks determines whether the root user has a blank password or not)
13:53.00bluelightningndec: indeed
13:53.49ndecok, so no need to create MYDISTRO_FEATURE variables, i just 'extend' the existing DISTRO_FEATURE. that i wasn't sure.
13:55.17bluelightningndec: the only alternative without having that is separate recipes/packages that can be installed expressing the different configurations; or, turning it into a runtime configuration option (as we did with dropbear's "allow blank root password" option)
13:55.44bluelightningdepends on the exact situation of course
13:56.06ndecwe really need different 'images', it can't be runtime, but i will look at what was done for dropbear
13:56.38ndecand we can't split packages, because the same package (sometimes) are pulled into the 2 product, but with different compilation/configuration
13:57.34ndecalso bluelightning, about PACKAGECONFIG, is it possible to 'set' a package PACKAGECONFIG outside of the package itself, like in the distro conf? or is that not recommended.
13:58.11bluelightningndec: that's definitely supported and common; you just need to to PACKAGECONFIG_pn-recipename = "..."
13:58.15ndeciow, when a package offers 2 PACKAGECONFIG, where do i set which one i want?
13:58.24ndecah. in the distro?
13:58.29bluelightningndec: yes
13:58.33ndecgood. thx.
13:58.50ndeci need to keep a copy of that conversation ;-) thanks.
13:59.56ant_workndec, smthg sounds odd
13:59.58ant_work<ndec> and we can't split packages, because the same package (sometimes) are pulled into the 2 product, but with different compilation/configuration
14:00.20ant_workaren't those packages machine-specific?
14:00.51ndecit's really different 'sotf' config.
14:01.26ndeclet's say you have Gstreamer in both, but one will act as 'server', the other as 'client'. so you might want different configuration.
14:01.37ndeci just made up this example.
14:02.24ndecin fact, even for the kernel we want different configuration. though it's the same underlying machine, one device is 'headless', the other one has a display.
14:03.24conditionzerobluelightning, because we want it to be tag+r1.0+arch - after git changes -> tag+r1.1+arch ... but now it is 0+tag+r1.0+arch -after git changes -> 1+tag+r1.0+arch
14:05.06bluelightningconditionzero: when you say tag do you mean the tag name or the hash?
14:05.24conditionzerobluelightning, the tag name
14:05.31bluelightningndec: ok it kind of does sound like a different distro config
14:06.23bluelightningconditionzero: how is the tag name getting in there at the moment?
14:08.04conditionzerobluelightning, it looks like this /sandbox-dev_0.1+r2.0+d201603aa8ba7c51ab6910faf26022a178856977-r2.0_i586.ipk but should look like this /sandbox-dev_0.1+r2.0+d201603aa8ba7c51ab6910faf26022a178856977_i586.ipk
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14:09.39ant_workndec: for a similar case we made machine.specific the couple of packages with different config options for video size
14:10.15ndecso 'fake' machine?
14:10.27ant_workno, many of them
14:10.37ant_workthe problem is the with package management
14:11.07ant_workthe first build will build foo-distro.xy.ipk with the config of that machine and following bitbake will not build it
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14:11.23ndecwe don't use package managment, but i see the problem.
14:11.35ant_worksame name for different binaries...
14:11.47ant_workdifferent checksums...
14:12.06ant_workso you get foo-distro-machine_x.y.ipk
14:12.40ant_workbtw the same happens automatically if you have a .bbappend in your layer sitting in a mcahine specific subdir
14:15.01ant_workwell, bad example here... PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" is in themainrecipe...
14:15.27bluelightningconditionzero: the number at the start is coming from SRCPV whereas the one at the end is from PR
14:16.40bluelightningconditionzero: I don't know that we currently support what you're trying to do, but I think we'd take patches to enable it
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14:19.45ant_workndec: ah and well, in case of linux-yocto, there are interesting bindings to do between MACHINE_FEATURES and KERNEL_FEATURES
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14:20.20ndecwe aren't there yet... we aren't using linux-yocto yet.
14:20.29ndecbut we might want to move to that at some point.
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14:25.30ant_workndec: if it is 3.8 it's just matter of copying over the old defconfig and the patches
14:30.41ndecant_work: hehe... you probably don't want to know which version it is ;-)
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14:31.20ant_workhm.. I started with the very first 2.6.3x Yocto ;)
14:31.26ndecant_work: there is a '3' in the version, but not at the beginning!
14:31.59bluelightningndec: I just hope it's not in the middle ;)
14:32.36ant_workndec: you would surely see it swallow your defconfig :p
14:33.08ant_workthere are amazing kernel tools
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14:35.45ant_workndec: when I configured it the tool was not yet available but now it is expected that you can just supply the output of -c savedefconfig
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16:04.25Croftonbluelightning, I am going to propose theat OE hand out medals
16:06.00bluelightningCrofton: if we had a regular OEDEM we could have a ceremony and everything :)
16:08.13XorAmythical OEDEM
16:08.14ndecone team member reported that 'mate-terminal' is not supported in lib/oe/ is that on purpose, or would you take a patch for it? (we have the patch already)
16:08.46XorAndec: mate-terminal = gnome-terminal so I guess we should support it
16:08.56bluelightningndec: I think we'd take it yep
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16:10.06bluelightningXorA: I'd love for it to happen, it's just it's kind of hard to get everyone in the same place... I guess it sort of happens informally at ELCE and FOSDEM at least on the European side (and somehow Crofton manages to convince his cat it's OK to spend money on the airfaire)
16:10.37ndecbluelightning: ok. will send.
16:10.38XorAI assume the AGM will be at ELCE
16:10.57XorAwould be the first I would ever make :_D
16:11.05bluelightningXorA: I've not heard that it's been decided but it usually is
16:11.18Croftonyes, that is convenient
16:11.36XorACrofton: dont forget the announment time this year ;-)
16:11.49XorAzecke: must be getting bored of reminding
16:11.57CroftonWe have talked about it
16:12.10CroftonI'm on holiday, when I get back I need to make sue stuff gets announced
16:13.54XorAhas turned into a right busybody
16:14.05XorACrofton: anyway apparently out channel topics are not freenode compliant
16:14.26broonieThey don't have the requisite "All hail freenode"?
16:14.37bluelightningah foo, I meant to forward fray's announcement for the public TSC meeting
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16:15.07CroftonXorA, what?
16:16.38XorA<lpapp> hi, the topic was modified in #yocto already, so you can take a look at the sample, but according to the freenode guidelines "If you're publishing logs on an ongoing basis, your channel topic should reflect that fact. Be sure to provide a way for users to make comments without logging,", a note would be nice in the topic about public logging.
16:16.39XorA<lpapp> ""
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16:21.43XorAthats it job done, can go back to worrying about running amiga games on C64
16:24.31zeckeXorA: what did I forget? I thought mickey didn't send the papers?
16:24.57XorAzecke: I was pointing out you generally remind the board to do the AGM
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16:34.12bluelightningTSC / working group announcement sent
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20:45.00mr_sciencethis has to be the worst document system ever...
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21:40.47pb_which document system is that?
21:42.10mr_sciencenot sure if it's about doc management, since all i see is the "training" interface
21:42.38pb_"The General Atomics MQ-1 Predator is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)"
21:42.45pb_it does sound like that would suck as a document system
21:43.27mr_sciencethey use it to shove training docs at people and track that they've "signed off" on them...
21:43.58mr_scienceit's truly a POS, and i don't mean point-of-sale systemmm
21:44.30mr_scienceokay, time to go blow off a little steam...
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