IRC log for #oe on 20120404

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10:01.39CIA-7903Steffen Sledz <> * rb50fde72d5 10openembedded.git/recipes/docbook-utils/ (docbook-utils-0.6.14/re.patch (log message trimmed)
10:01.39CIA-79docbook-utils-native: fix syntax problem in
10:01.39CIA-79Fix runtime error occurred e.g. with docbook-to-man calls:
10:01.39CIA-79grep: character class syntax is [[:space:]], not [:space:]
10:01.39CIA-79jw: There is no frontend called "/docbook/utils-0.6.14/frontends/docbook".
10:01.40CIA-79See also:
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10:24.08enscis it expected that 'bitbake -S m4-native' reports a lot of mismatched basehashes?
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21:26.14DJWillisDaft question (I hope) but not something I have encountered before, what is the cleanest way to append a class in oe-core (a'la bbappend)? I need to add a custom kernel mkimage step and I really don't want it touching anything outside of the boards own BSP layer. I can think of a few ways to do it but I guess it is not that uncommon a problem so there must be a prefered way.
21:28.41khemadd the class in your layer
21:30.36DJWilliskhem: that was one of the options but copying over the whole class seemed somewhat 'crude' ;)
21:33.09frayfigure out why you need to append to it..  are you adding functionality that is missing and generally useful?  then it should be patched and sent upstream..  are you using it as a starting point and then adding custom functionality?  If so, I believe you can add your new class (in your layer) and include / inherit / require the old one..
21:33.23fray(or simply copy and modify as necessary)..
21:34.03fray(I agree it's not optimal..  but that was an implementation decision made when layers and bbappend were introduced..  if you think you have a reason to do it, be sure to ask on the oe-core list...)
21:35.30DJWillisfrey: this is a simple BSP layer for the RaspberryPi and that needs a 32k blob (closed source of course) pre-pended to the kernel uImage to boot it :o, not something that is exactly generic and just itching to upstream ;).
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21:37.01khemu just might need to add a class which does the custom stuff and calls the regular functionality from class on OE-core
21:37.11frayyup.. what khem said..
21:37.20DJWillisfrey: just requiring the class was my plan but it was not playing nice unless I copied the existing class into the layer but that may well be me screwing up again. I'll work with what I can get going.
21:37.25fraythat is the best way.. create a new class kernel-pi.bbclass and have it use the the stuff from the main kernel class
21:38.00frayit might be a simple way to reference the class in any layer, but I don't know it off hand..  ask on the mailing list (bitbake-devel or oe-core) and they should be able to help make it possible..
21:38.09frayif it doesn't already work, I'd consider it an excellent enhancement
21:38.31fraygoes on a quick 1 days vacation.. back on Friday!
21:38.32khemjust inherit
21:38.38DJWillisYep, that was my plan, I guess I should not need to copy over kernel.bbclass? I'll look into it as it sounds like that is the cleanest way to do it so should be beaten into working ;-)
21:38.39khemfray: enjoy
21:39.07frayya, inherit is what I was thinking
21:39.12fraythanx, later
21:39.26DJWilliskhem: fray: thanks guys, just the pointers I needs.
21:39.29khemfray: you pinged me yesterdys
21:39.36DJWillisfrey: enjoy the break
21:39.41khemis the ping still valid ?:)
21:39.43fraykhem, just to point you to the "armv5e" patch I sent up
21:40.00khemoh i did not have chance
21:40.01fraycheck the oe-core list for it..  basically gcc support -march=armv5e, but gas doesn't..  causing a problem..
21:40.13fraythe same happens with the epsomethingsomethingsomething
21:40.24khemoh atmv5e yea
21:40.24frayalso (as you probably know) the MIPS64 tunings don't yet work..
21:40.38frayand finally sh3 is broken, gcc is looking for a patch that doesn't exist
21:40.43fray(that was the whole ping)  ;)
21:40.44khemyeh mips64 is in my interest
21:40.51khemi might be workin on it soon
21:41.12khemoh thanks for the info
21:41.19khemi will try it out
21:41.20fraythe armv5e/ ep... and sh3 were the three things that I think are more immediate..
21:41.26khemhow did you test sh3
21:41.34frayI only checked if it would compile..
21:41.41fraythere was a previous tuning.. I brought it into the enw world..
21:41.42khemhmm ok
21:41.45frayI created a dummy qemush3
21:41.51khemi see
21:42.09khemi always think that we shoud have some unsupported qemu machnes
21:42.09frayI built all 122 tunings using that method....
21:42.20kheme.f. qemumips64 and qemush3
21:42.22frayI have no idea if qemu even support sh.. ;)  if it does.. sure!
21:42.34khemi made it work in classic oe
21:42.38fraycool, I'd like another architecutre, even if its an old one
21:42.49frayliked the dreamcast ;)
21:42.50khemsparc is a possibility
21:42.57khemtoo since qemu supports that
21:43.11fraywell I'm likely going to introduce a patch that kills off sparc though.. it can;t work as currently implemented and nobody has complained..
21:43.18khemthats fine
21:43.22frayI only did sh3/4 because someone mentioned they were having problems with it
21:43.32khemi was more thinking getting mips64 and sh3/sh4
21:43.40khemas a unsupported qemumachines
21:43.41frayya.. much more useful then sparc
21:43.49khemor second class citizens
21:44.09frayI -really- want mips64 myself..  since that will let us finally play with tri-arch (on non ia)
21:44.29frayok, I really have to go now.. later!
22:12.44bluelightningDJWillis: could the custom stuff not be done within the kernel recipe rather than in kernel.bbclass?
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