IRC log for #oe on 20110930

00:16.37*** join/#oe hollisb (~hollisb@
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01:12.53msmhow does one do an RDEPENDS for /bin/sh?
01:13.10msmdo I need to say bash? or really I just want busybox there as well
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03:53.12ZoxcNOTE: Package libgles-omap3 skipping QA tests: ['True']
03:53.12ZoxcERROR: QA Issue: non -dev/-dbg/-nativesdk package contains symlink .so
03:53.20Zoxcwouldn't skipping QA avoid that error?
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06:29.17mckoangood morning
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07:48.43ant_workJaMa: :)
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07:49.07JaMait's without xserver-common change.. but that could be applied later..
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07:57.52ant_workJaMa: I've found conflicting examples for x11-common/etc/X11/Xserver
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08:02.31ant_work(talking about handheld)
08:07.17Zoxcdo_package_qa() {} <- nice solution
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08:44.14JaMais git down?
08:44.21JaMassh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
08:46.18JaMaka6sox: ^
08:46.43davidltJaMa: could be, just tried git pull ant it stuck
08:48.56davidltI am having problems with Bitbake 1.12.0 and providers, here is full details:
08:49.41davidltI have included mkfs-ubifs to my image and there are two providers, so I get this message: NOTE: consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match mkfs-ubifs
08:49.56davidltSo, I added PREFERRED_PROVIDER_mkfs-ubifs = "mtd-utils"
08:50.05JaMadavidlt: this doesn't work for _runtime_ providers
08:50.08davidltBut Bitbake never checks it
08:50.58davidltJaMa: So what would be the right way to get rid of that Bitbake message?
08:51.02JaMayes it's more strict with this warning now
08:51.16JaMadavidlt: set right PACKAGES in mtd-utils-tests
08:51.29JaMaso it doesn't include mkfs-ubifs
08:51.57davidltIt doesn't sounds like a nice hack
08:52.08davidlte.g. vim-syntax has 3 providers
08:52.08JaMaor change RPROVIDES if it's caused by RPROVIDES
08:52.32JaMamtd-utils-tests producing mkfs-ubifs sounds like a bug :)
08:52.58JaMaso it's not nice hack, but proper fix :)
08:54.23davidltmtd-utils-tests requires mtd-utils, that's why it provides mkfs-ubifs
08:55.52JaMathen refactor common parts to and keep mkfs-ubifs only where it should be
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10:56.52imranCan anybody tell me why a count is being prepended to the revision returned by sortable_revision method (gets called from get_srcrev) in fetch2/ in bitbake?
10:57.55imranActually it I am facing a problem that multiple u-boot recipes when get parsed this count gets incremented for each of them and if cache gets invalidated and we try to clean u-boot or rebuild after clean then the u-boot dir in work dir gets different names each time due to this count being incremented for each u-boot recipe being parsed
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11:03.28JaMaimran: to get upgradable path for target packages
11:03.53JaMaimran: as different git hash is not always "higher" version
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11:36.34slapinHi, all!
11:37.13slapincpufrequtils is not fetching. Are there some git repositories mirrors?
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11:54.03kobeI have a distro/image based on the Angrstrom distro. I can see that the syslogd process is running, but there's no logfile under /var/log. What should I do to get this working?
11:58.26imranJaMa: thanks for replying, the problem is if you e.g. 1) build u-boot  2) invalidate cache by just changing some conf file and undoing the change 3) build u-boot again and it will actually run all the tasks again and create a new u-boot directory in WORKDIR with just this count different in its name than the previous u-boot dir
11:59.46imranJaMa: it happens when we have multiple u-boot recipes each with different SRCREV value
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12:17.36JaMaimran: I know about this issue.. you need to get rid of one of them
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12:50.27imranJaMa: you mean the only solution is to avoid having multiple recipes of u-boot?
12:52.08JaMaor use different branch in git (different key in persistence cache)
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13:25.44imranJaMa: thanks
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16:31.46*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Bugtracker: and for compile issues | Repository: and as ro mirror | This is not a distro or machine support channel
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18:28.57kergothJaMa: ping
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18:54.50JaMakergoth: sorry gtg, but feel free to pm me or send e-mail
18:56.58kergothJaMa: no worries, sorry for the delay, will do
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19:30.04kergothI hate scm conversions.
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19:45.45khemkergoth: heh
19:45.54khemkergoth: what are you trying ?
19:46.14khemconverted a SVN -> git lately
19:46.33khemguess what SVN co was 7G in size
19:46.45khemand git clone is 5.4G
19:46.54khemsvn co time was 31min
19:47.03khemgit clone is 6 mins
19:47.03kergothyeah one of those. svn layout changes in the history are causing headaches, plus trying to split up repos by subdirectory, which is a pain when files are copied or moved between them, or subdirs are renamed, or...
19:47.08kergothkhem: hah
19:47.36khemI threw away the svn metadata
19:47.46khemjust the commit history
19:48.01khemsvn is lesser crap than cvs
19:48.24khemI dug up the commiter Ids and emails from ldap
19:48.31khemit looks pretty sexy now
19:48.49khemconversion ran for 1 week :)
19:49.20khemI can give you the python script I wrote to dump authorsfile
19:49.34khemit may not map to what you have
19:49.37khembut its something
19:49.47kergothwhat's always a pain is that I always feel like I could do more to improve it, but have to stop at some point due to time constraints, and after its out, you can't really screw with it anymore
19:49.52kergothe.g. adding grafts for manual merges
19:50.34khemthere are restrictions
19:50.34kergothdealt with that doing bitbake & oe. course those were even worse due to the old metadata from previous scm conversions in the commit messages
19:50.43kergoth<3 filter-branch
19:51.11khemone of these days I might put hands on a repo which is 39G
19:51.17khemwith all branch history
19:51.26khemI dont think git is for such huge repos
19:53.30khemhmmm so I guess now HP should be next in line for oracle's hostile takeovers
19:53.38khemsince its in pretty bad shape
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20:03.45msmdoes oe have gerrit setup?
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20:06.27kergothas far as i know, anyway
20:06.30khemmsm: no but I am contemplating
20:06.36msmk, just reading comments on the list
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20:06.39khemmsm: yocto has plans too
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.