IRC log for #oe on 20110320

00:53.27CIA-503Alex Bennee <> 07master * r5a7ffa8778 10openembedded.git/recipes/valgrind/ (4 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
00:53.28CIA-5valgrind: update to 3.6.1
00:53.28CIA-5I took the opportunity to move the common stuff for building Valgrind
00:53.28CIA-5into a common I also removed the fix-link-tool.patch
00:53.28CIA-5which was breaking the build. I'm not sure what the patch was trying
00:53.28CIA-5to achieve.
00:53.28CIA-5Signed-off-by: Alex Bennee <>
00:53.30CIA-503Khem Raj <> 07master * r08f214deb9 10openembedded.git/recipes/autoconf/ (
00:53.30CIA-5autoconf213: Fix build failure due to missing
00:53.30CIA-5We share between autoconf 2.13 and 2.6x
00:53.31CIA-5and 2.13 does not have so we make it conditional
00:53.31CIA-5We define do_configure to just run configure
00:53.32CIA-5Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <>
00:53.40CIA-503Paul Menzel <> 07master * r4fd09dddd0 10openembedded.git/recipes/avahi/ (log message trimmed)
00:53.40CIA-5mango-lassi: `touch config.rpath` to fix ` required file `./config.rpath' not found`
00:53.40CIA-5Task configure fails with the following error message.
00:53.40CIA-5Build Configuration:
00:53.41CIA-5BB_VERSION = "1.12.0"
00:53.41CIA-5METADATA_BRANCH = "<unknown>"
00:53.42CIA-5METADATA_REVISION = "b1fbaf6"
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01:47.54moonchildhey guys, is anyone around?
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01:53.25moonchildhey julian
02:02.35vadmiumnobody is around
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02:02.50vadmiumit would seem
02:03.14moonchildhey, guys
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04:40.23otavioIt seems linux .38 is not building the modules packages?
04:48.14otavioit built now.
04:48.23otaviomy fault as it seems
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13:40.54moonchildhey guys, if someone is around, I have some questions about bitbake
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13:42.08moonchildwhat I'm trying to do is get a small project up & running using bitbake to drive the build
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13:43.53moonchildI'm trying to do so without oe's configuration, and am finding little to no documentation on how to set something up
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16:16.15GNUtoo|bug20hi, I've that in bug20.conf:
16:16.17GNUtoo|bug20PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-omap-hah"
16:16.28GNUtoo|bug20I'd like to change it from local.conf
16:16.33GNUtoo|bug20without touching bug20.conf
16:16.37GNUtoo|bug20what's the best way to do that
16:16.44GNUtoo|bug20adding that to local.conf didn't work:
16:16.58GNUtoo|bug20PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-bug20-linaro"
16:16.59GNUtoo|bug20MACHINE_KERNEL_PR = "r96"
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18:32.10Jay7someone is trying to cleanup bugzilla?
18:32.30Jay7have received notification about old gpe-today bug
18:33.00Jay7phdeswer: ping?
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18:38.41eFfeMGNUtoo|bug20: add _local, e.g.  PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_local = "linux-bug20-linaro"
18:38.53GNUtoo|bug20ah ok
18:38.53eFfeMthat might help, not 100% sure if it also works for virtuals
18:38.55GNUtoo|bug20thanks a lot
18:39.08GNUtoo|bug20local also for the machine PR?
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19:51.05eFfeMGNUtoo|bug20: didn't see your last Q wrt PR, not really an idea on that one, I'd say: experiment!
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20:11.41GNUtoo|bug20it seem to work
20:11.47GNUtoo|bug20and to download the newer kenrel
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21:08.43eFfeMGNUtoo|bug20: cool
21:11.46GNUtoo|bug20ah I had to do that tough
21:12.01GNUtoo|bug20bitbake -c clean linux-omap-hah
21:12.11GNUtoo|bug20in order to be able to make an image
21:12.16GNUtoo|bug20thanks a lot for the help
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21:44.37moonchildhey guys
21:44.54moonchildI'm looking for some info on bitbake
21:48.56woglindegood nite
21:49.53mwester-laptopmoonchild: wrong time of week
21:50.28moonchildmwester-laptop: is this room usually busier during business hours?
21:50.56*** part/#oe pepermint (
21:51.00Jay7bitbake mailing list may be useful for you
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21:51.02mwester-laptopWeekdays, usually during EU business hours and EU evenings.
21:51.52mwester-laptopI think there are many hobbyists on the channel, but apparently they have lives outside of OE on weekends... I don't understand how this is ;)
21:52.43moonchildwhat I'm looking for is a small example project that uses bitbake, without all of the OE infrastructure
21:54.06moonchildI really don't know what uses bitbake besides OE
21:54.09mwester-laptopWell, this channel is devoted to OE, but since AFAIK there is no #bb channel, I expect its the most likely place to find the BB devs, if they are in fact on IRC at all.  Like Jay7 said, try the BB ML instead - -probably would work better for you.
21:54.15Jay7moonchild: looking for this on OE channel is wrong idea then :)
21:54.56moonchildas mwester-laptop said, I'm not sure that there *is* a better place to ask though :)
21:55.06Jay7bb ML should be
21:56.00moonchildwhat I'm thinking of doing is dropping scripts from the LFS book into a bitbake framework
21:56.10moonchild(linux from scratch)
21:56.18Jay7moonchild: what is profit?
21:56.43moonchildhowever, I'm not seeing a lot of documentation that isn't centered around OE
21:57.15Jay7if you don't needed cross-compilation then bitbake isn't better choice because of lack of docs
21:57.35Jay7makefiles may be better choice there
21:57.47moonchildthat might be the case
21:58.13Jay7e.g. like openwrt/pkgsrc/ports are doing
21:58.38moonchildI just started looking at bitbake the other night, and really haven't had much of a chance to look at what it does yet
21:59.13Jay7bitbake is task scheduler and executor mostly
21:59.26Jay7inspired by emerge
21:59.47moonchildhaving looked at the manual though, it seems that I could very easily run XSLTProc on the LFS book to extract the commands into a set of recipes
22:00.11moonchildJay7: that's why it looks kinda interesting to me
22:00.35Jay7yeah, but documentation is limited
22:00.46Jay7so.. you should read code and ask developers
22:01.02moonchildthat's on the to-do list
22:01.18eFfeMmwester-laptop: are you still needing sheevaplug defconfig changes ?
22:01.51moonchildI was just hoping that someone here might be able to point me in the direction of something that could help me get to a proof-of-concept stage
22:02.22Jay7well.. time to reboot gateway
22:02.46moonchildI'll check a few times this week and ask around, but thanks for answering my questions
22:04.49eFfeMok, need to call it a day, need to get up early tomorrow
22:04.58eFfeMmwester-laptop: if you need changes, please drop me an email
22:04.59eFfeMnite all
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