IRC log for #oe on 20100920

00:05.37dj-deathwho is using mips64 ? :)
00:06.03dj-deathsame question for sh5 :)
00:12.01khemdj-death: is there sh5
00:12.17khemdj-death: and mips64 I expect octeon and xlr folks
00:12.40khemand if we have sample implementation people who are interested will consider OE
00:13.11khemdj-death: and OE for sh is used by reneras
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00:14.21khemka6sox: hi
00:14.46khemka6sox: I was trying to revive bugzilla
00:15.00khemsomehow I think its apache issue may be
00:15.35ka6soxcould be....
00:15.36khem shows the list of files which it should have executed the CGI scripts
00:16.43ka6soxokay let me look in a few...just got back...kinda dusty and need a shower.
00:18.33khemka6sox: sure how was it btw
00:18.38khemand where did you camp
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00:19.10ka6soxkhem, cachuma lake
00:19.25ka6soxit was very nice...fog came in too early IMHO.
00:19.34ka6soxso the viewing was short but sweet
00:22.46khemka6sox: is it towards solvang ?
00:23.59ka6soxkhem, yep
00:24.05ka6soxnear there
00:25.02ka6soxkhem, I use OE to control my telescope.
00:25.38khemka6sox: I think I have been there IIRC
00:25.50khemduring 2008 summer
00:26.01khemka6sox: control telescope
00:26.38ka6soxyes, it controls the mount and takes the pictures, as well as monitoring weatehr.
00:26.41ka6soxer weather.
00:27.06khemwhat processor is in use in there
00:27.39ka6soxIXP425(X3) is Marvell Kirkwood (single)
00:28.09ka6sox(3 Slugs vs 1 OpenRD client)
00:29.51ka6soxthe slug issue was not enough RAM.
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01:05.55fidencioA very noob question. I build one package using bitbake. Where's the pakcage, after build
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01:46.20grgfidencio[AWAY], have a look in your tmp dir, under "deploy"
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06:39.45grgbitbake -k world failed again. ERROR: fork failed: 12 (Cannot allocate memory)
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06:40.52Unhelpfulinteresting, i see a relocatable class, but nothing appears to use it. looks like it's for shuffling libs around and fixing w/ chrpath. the doesn't fix search paths for other resources, though :/
06:41.04Unhelpfulgrg: you must build more pylons? ;)
06:41.38eFfeM_workgrg: too bad. allocate more swap?
06:41.54grg6gb ram + 2gb swap not enough?
06:42.00eFfeM_workdidn't make too much progress either, our build server is fairly new and seems to have some stability issues
06:42.16eFfeM_workblames Xen
06:42.33eFfeM_workgrg, should be, unless there is a mem leak
06:42.42Unhelpfulgrg: funny, i'm building w/ much less than that, though i'm not building *much*.
06:42.55grgUnhelpful, normal image builds are fine
06:43.41eFfeM_workgrg, is this on a specific recipe? and repeatable ?
06:43.50UnhelpfuleFfeM_work: -k world :)
06:44.04grgi'll have a poke around...
06:44.12eFfeM_workUnhelpful: you live up your name :-) I knew *that*
06:44.32UnhelpfuleFfeM_work: thanks, the jokes i get whenever i'm useful :/
06:44.49eFfeM_workbut the error is given on a task while processing a recipe
06:45.30eFfeM_workit might be something related to a specific recipe
06:46.07Unhelpfulor might just happen whenever it runs out if there's a leak :/
06:46.57eFfeM_workyes, that's why i was asking about reproducability, if it is a specific recipe I could also try a build here (or @home)
06:47.40Unhelpfulor he could try building that recipe, maybe it's not in his normal image builds :)
06:47.42eFfeM_workactually due to the server issues I gave up on world for now (although I might kick it off again at my workstation tomorrow as I'll be away for a few days)
06:48.23grgeFfeM_work, Unhelpful. Its reproducable. recipes/farsight/, do_configure sucks up all the memory rather quickly
06:48.30eFfeM_workbut I am now trying a bitbake -c fetchall world, that already gave one issue, plan to continue with -c patchall (assuming it exists)
06:49.16eFfeM_workgrg, at least that helps to pinpoint the problem
06:49.31grgyeah, it should be fixable knowing the recipe
06:49.46grglooks at the configure script
06:51.38grgits another 4 year old recipe.
06:51.56eFfeM_workyeah, just saw that too
06:52.04eFfeM_worktoo many people just creating a recipe and let it rot
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06:56.43grgeFfeM_work, git rm it?
06:56.57eFfeM_worki suggest moving to obsolete
06:58.46eFfeM_workso maybe retire all this farsight stuff as the project moved on to farsight2 2 years ago
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07:01.02grgeFfeM_work, maybe i should just poke Koen to fix the problem?
07:01.38eFfeM_workyou can try, i didn't know farsight, but seems like something nice
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07:02.54mckoangood morning
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07:23.47mckoanhrw: hi
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07:37.13eFfeM_workhi ericben, hrw, mckoan, all
07:37.48eFfeM_workericben: peeked at your patches, but what I do not understand is why python-modules would depend on python-dev and not on python
07:40.11ericbeneFfeM_work: where does python-modules depends on python-dev ?
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07:40.44eFfeM_workericben: mistyped, it is rdepends (it is in the inc file where I send a patch for)
07:40.59ericbenyes and my patch removes that
07:42.40ericben+ it tunes python-distutils to remove unecessary files and it changes the tools used to generate the
07:43.00eFfeM_workah ok, didn't see the inc file was originally generated
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07:43.40fraxinathmorning guys
07:44.13eFfeM_workericben: patch looks fine with me, but afaik mickey is our python wiz
07:44.19eFfeM_workhi fraxinath
07:46.00fraxinathi got a question... has anybody ever tried creating a recipe for aacskeys? i wonder wether i should try to get a native version of that premake utility to run and adapt those lua scripts for oe, or do all the compiling with oe instead
07:46.24eFfeM_workdoes not have a clue what aacskeys is
07:47.19fraxinathuhm consider it a c++ written tool with premake lua scripts which allow it to compile under windows/visual studio, macosx and linux
07:47.54ericbeneFfeM_work: so can you ack this python patch series ?
07:49.13eFfeM_workericben, looking at them
07:49.36eFfeM_workwrt patch3: we don't want to support static linking (removal of libpython2.6a)
07:51.25eFfeM_workericben & not too sure whether python-modules should depend on python itself
07:52.16ericbeneFfeM_work: for patch3 : yes but it's not a directory where the linker can find the .a and that's installed on the target
07:52.47ericbenfor the depend on python : maybe, I didn't touch to this yet, I just needed to remove the -dev as this was exploding the image size !
07:54.23eFfeM_worki know had the same issue (actually got quite some messages that other -dev packages were not there when creating the image
07:56.06eFfeM_workok, will send ack
08:00.15eFfeM_workericben: acks have been sent
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08:02.27ericbeneFfeM_work: thanks
08:02.47ericbenbtw, can you try a bitbake gs to check it also fails in your configuration ?
08:03.01ericbenI'm finishing a fix for this
08:03.44eFfeM_workactually ideally one would not depend on python-modules but instead depend on only those modules that are really needed
08:03.50eFfeM_workericben: will try to build grg
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08:19.05floriangood morning
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08:25.23eFfeM_workhi florian
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09:09.18fraxinatheFfeM_work, i moved my openembedded work dirs from an arch linux to a ubuntu system and now i get /dream/oe1.6/dm8000/build/tmp/cross/mipsel/libexec/gcc/mipsel-oe-linux/4.4.3/cc1: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
09:09.26fraxinathhow do i fix that?
09:10.20hrwdo rebuild
09:10.40hrwyou changed host system and your host binaries linked to host libraries.
09:11.16fraxinathwhat all do i have to rebuild? all native packages?
09:11.32fraxinathis there a command to do exactly that?
09:11.51hrwone command? no. one line of shell? yes
09:12.18fraxinathhehe sorry that's what i meant
09:12.43hrwcheck tmp/stamps/YOURHOSTARCHDIR/*_do_build and do 'bitbake -cclean + bitbake" on each of them
09:13.05fraxinathokay that's what i thought
09:14.52fraxinathhm there aren't any *build stamps in there
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09:17.03hrwthen other stamps
09:17.15hrwit was a bit of time siince my last OE build
09:19.03fraxinathsure, i used fetch instead
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09:46.00alx_hi all
09:46.16alx_I'm starting studying oe
09:46.22mckoanhi alx_
09:46.44alx_I'm testing oe
09:46.54alx_compiling x86 images
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09:46.59woglindehi mackoan
09:46.59alx_this may sound weird :)
09:47.06alx_hi mckoan
09:47.21woglindehm x86 and amd64 target isnt tested tough
09:47.56alx_well, I may assure that console-image and helloworld-image
09:48.02alx_compile and works :)
09:48.16alx_cannot say the same for x11-image
09:48.25alx_that compiles
09:48.57alx_but on boot I get a lot of "No space left on device" and even waiting a lot... it doesn't come on a working x11 or console login
09:49.15alx_(using ext2 images)
09:50.06alx_that sounded to me like a misconfiguration
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09:50.15alx_but I've no glue on where to start search
09:50.26alx_google didn't help me
09:50.57alx_woglinde, any idea where to search ?
09:52.08woglindealx hm
09:52.26alx_now I'm building xorg-image
09:52.50alx_the problem is that we have a board which is Atom :)
09:53.05mckoanalx_: x86 with x11-image has been broken for ages
09:53.12woglindeyou know the resizefs command?
09:53.24woglindealx make your partition on the atom
09:53.35woglindedd the oe ext2 image on it
09:53.43woglinderun resizefs
09:53.44alx_did it already :)
09:53.46woglindeoff you go
09:53.56woglindehm than I am puzzeld
09:54.26alx_I've an ext2 image of about 2G in size, which 128M are used
09:55.17alx_mckoan, that isn't good :) so x11-image or xorg-image are either broken ? didn't read that they were broken :(
09:57.33alx_what I'm trying to do is an image for  for embedded x86 :)
09:57.57woglindealx yes right
09:58.09woglindebut why the hell the resizefs dont works
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10:02.00alx_woglinde, it works. but when I boot it still says I've no space :)
10:02.28woglindealx hm on which partition?
10:02.36alx_if I mount the image thru loop (it's an ext2 image) I see a lot of free space
10:02.47alx_one single partition
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10:03.22alx_it just says me I've no free space when I boot it
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10:07.23fraxinathhrw: problem persists after having rebuild all native packages
10:09.32hrwfraxinath: all *-cross were part of it?
10:10.46fraxinathhm no the *cross stamps aren't in my host-architecture dir but in my target-architecture dir
10:11.02fraxinathi'll rebuild those too
10:14.31alx_woglinde, well
10:14.35alx_xorg-image works :)
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10:49.01woglindealx what did you change?
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10:56.36alx_woglinde, built xorg-image instead of x11-image
10:57.01alx_I've a python-qt program to run on top of X
10:57.14alx_in the embedded x86 enviroment :)
10:57.42woglindeyeah python-qt is nice
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11:03.16alx_the idea is to have a small distro which starts x and the the python-qt
11:03.25alx_I think this is something others already did
11:03.32alx_but I was unable to find them
11:03.42alx_and I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel
11:05.48woglindehow do you start X?
11:05.58woglindegdm/kdm with autologin?
11:06.02woglindeno windowmanager?
11:06.54alx_that will be next step
11:07.03alx_I'd think no wm
11:07.25alx_because it's a full screen single application
11:07.43woglindebut you can have problems with some focus stuff
11:08.00woglindethats why we used blackbox in the end
11:08.03woglindewith our app
11:08.04alx_now I'm thinking how to solve loss of power
11:08.09woglindewritten in java
11:08.23alx_how do you manage loss of power
11:08.34woglindeloss of power?
11:08.50alx_like ... ops .. i removed the battery
11:09.13woglindehm shouldnt happen in the setup we have
11:09.21alx_that is something that may happens without breaking filesystem :)
11:09.24woglindebut we used ubuntu
11:09.29alx_I see
11:09.34woglindeand dropped it to the bare deps
11:09.40alx_our current solution is on ubuntu
11:10.03woglindebecause we needed to much java deps which arent in oe
11:10.05woglindelike cxf
11:12.23alx_I see
11:12.24alx_got to go
11:12.32alx_appointment in 30 minutes :)
11:12.34alx_see later
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12:44.30Jin^eLDso, ich schaue mal ob ich mit diesem image den test nachstellen kann
12:44.33Jin^eLDoops wrong window
12:44.34Jin^eLDdammit :)
12:44.58Jin^eLDBitchX in split mode in a terminal, and I always forget to switch the view :)
13:00.31CIA-6803Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <> * r7f20d12652 10openembedded.git/recipes/freesmartphone/
13:00.31CIA-68cornucopia: bump SRCREV for proximity sensor support on N900
13:00.31CIA-68Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
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13:14.21mr_nicedo we have any source mirrors where I can upload a source tarball and use it in a recipe, using the debian mirror feels wrong :)
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13:20.03woglindemr_nice why?
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13:23.38mr_nicewoglinde: I don't know if it is ok to generate network traffic to a debian mirror for a non debian distribution. the debian mirrors ofcourse are very reliable
13:28.07ericbenis there a reason for /var/spool being in flash and not in volatile ?
13:28.16ericbenin recipe base-files
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13:29.12woglindeericben better ask on the ml
13:29.29ericbenwoglinde: ok
13:29.48mzsdoes anyone have a working build of util-linux-ng they'd be willing to send me the do_install log from?
13:30.21mzsit's failing for me because of multiple files called (literally) ".8" being installed on the same install command line
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13:31.03mzsalso looksl ike tinderbox is down
13:31.08ericbenmzs: works fine here, do you have the error message ? this seems to be the manpages
13:31.34mzsericben: yeah, i posted on friday ( and it's the setarch / rdev manpage links
13:31.55mzs/home/michael/git/newstix/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/install: will not overwrite just-created `/home/michael/git/newstix/tmp/work/i486-oe-linux/util-linux-ng-2.17-r29.2/image/usr/share/man/man8/.8' with `.8'
13:32.29mzsThe command line it's running is .../tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ctrlaltdel.8 cytune.8 setarch.8 ldattach.8 tunelp.8 rtcwake.8 pivot_root.8 switch_root.8 .8 linux32.8 linux64.8 i386.8 .8 '.../tmp/work/i486-oe-linux/util-linux-ng-2.17-r29.2/image/usr/share/man/man8'
13:32.33ericben/home/ebenard/OEUKREA/tmp_angstrom/sysroots/i686-linux/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ctrlaltdel.8 cytune.8 \
13:32.36ericbensetarch.8 ldattach.8 tunelp.8 rtcwake.8 pivot_root.8 switch_root.8 linux32.8 linux64.8 '/home/ebenard/OE\
13:32.46ericben'I don't have the .8 you have at the end
13:33.04ericbenI'm building for arm
13:33.04mzsYeah. i have a .8 after switch_root and a .8 after linux64
13:33.09woglindemzs tinderbox had someplrobels after the debian update
13:33.20mzswoglinde: cool, thanks
13:33.25ericbenhere .8 avec linux64 but you also have a .8 alone
13:33.30mzsericben: i'm building for i486
13:33.42woglindeargs some problems
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13:36.29mzsericben: I'm using autoconf-native 2.63, automake-native 1.11.1, util-linux-ng 2.17, coreutils-native 8.5
13:36.38mzsand my build host is running make 3.80
13:37.32ericbenmzs: here autoconf-native 2.65, automake-native 1.11.1 and host has make 3.81
13:38.05mzshmm, i wonder if something got tweaked in how make handles blank lines (empty variable expansionss and '\') inside a variable setting
13:40.05mzswow, make 3.80 is 8 years old!
13:42.09woglindemzs yeah
13:43.03mzsi wonder if i can get oe to build & use its own make
13:43.15mzsmake isn't in the default ASSUME_PROVIDED but it doesn't seem to get built
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13:48.10mzsYeah. it's definitely something that changed in make 3.81.
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14:12.20CIA-6803Björn Krombholz <> * r224e984680 10openembedded.git/classes/qt4e.bbclass: (log message trimmed)
14:12.21CIA-68qt4-embedded: avoid circular dependencies for reciped providing qt4-embedded
14:12.21CIA-68* qt4e.bbclass did add a dependency on qt4-embedded for recipes
14:12.21CIA-68providing qt4-embedded. This breaks building of qt4-embedded-gles
14:12.21CIA-68in 2 ways:
14:12.21CIA-681. PREFERRED_PROVIDER_qt4-embedded = qt4-embedded-gles
14:12.22CIA-68adds a circular dependency.
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14:46.34Crofton|workanyone seen this failure in numpy
14:46.36Crofton|work| In file included from /usr/include/features.h:376:0,
14:46.36Crofton|work|                  from /usr/include/limits.h:27,
14:46.36Crofton|work|                  from /workspace/usrp1-e-dev/oe/tmp/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/python2.6/Python.h:19,
14:46.39Crofton|work|                  from numpy/core/blasdot/_dotblas.c:4:
14:46.41Crofton|work| /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory
14:46.43Crofton|work| compilation terminated.
14:46.45Crofton|work| In file included from /usr/include/features.h:376:0,
14:46.47Crofton|work|                  from /usr/include/limits.h:27,
14:46.49Crofton|work|                  from /workspace/usrp1-e-dev/oe/tmp/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/python2.6/Python.h:19,
14:46.52Crofton|work|                  from numpy/core/blasdot/_dotblas.c:4:
14:46.54Crofton|work| /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory
14:46.56Crofton|work| compilation terminated.
14:46.58Crofton|work| error: Command "arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -mthumb-interwork -mno-thumb -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -isystem/workspace/usrp1-e-dev/oe/tmp/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/include -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -frename-registers -O2 -ggdb2 -isystem/workspace/usrp1-e-dev/oe/tmp/sysroots/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/us
14:47.05Crofton|workr/include -fPIC -DNO_ATLAS_INFO=2 -Inumpy/core/blasdot -I/usr/include -Inumpy/core/include -Ibuild/src.linux-x86_64-2.6/numpy/core/include/numpy -Inumpy/core/src/private -Inumpy/core/src -Inumpy/core -Inumpy/core/src/npymath -Inumpy/core/src/multiarray -Inumpy/core/src/umath -Inumpy/core/include -I/workspace/usrp1-e-dev/oe/tmp/sysroots/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/python2.6 -I/workspace/usrp1-e-dev/oe/tmp/sysroots
14:47.10Crofton|work/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/usr/include/python2.6 -Ibuild/src.linux-x86_64-2.6/numpy/core/src/multiarray -Ibuild/src.linux-x86_64-2.6/numpy/core/src/umath -c numpy/core/blasdot/_dotblas.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.6/numpy/core/blasdot/_dotblas.o" failed with exit status 1
14:47.14Crofton|work| FATAL: python build_ext execution
14:47.20Crofton|workis what I meant to say
14:47.21kergoth_I've seen that with natives before, usually when you don't have the 32 bit headers installed on a 64 bit box... seems odd with arm
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14:56.10hrw/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory
14:56.15hrwsounds familiar
14:56.52hrwCrofton|work: your cross compiler was informed to look in /usr/include?
14:58.05Crofton|workI do not think so
14:58.15Crofton|workthis is the python-numpy recipe
14:58.20hrw16:45 < Crofton|work> r/include -fPIC -DNO_ATLAS_INFO=2 -Inumpy/core/blasdot -I/usr/include -Inumpy/core/include
14:58.33hrw-I/usr/include is visible
14:58.58hrwbut OE uses sysrooted gcc...
14:59.48Crofton|workyeah, confusing
14:59.57Crofton|workI fear I need to read the recipe
15:00.08woglindehe crofton
15:00.17woglindefighting with numpy again
15:00.42woglindeieehks -i/usr/include
15:02.34TartarusSo, iirc
15:02.43Tartarussysroot doesn't mangle -I stuff
15:04.14Croftononly does it on one of two machines also
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15:42.34UnhelpfulTartarus: i believe include paths starting w/ '=' will have that replaced w/ sysroot.
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16:01.58TartarusUnhelpful, interesting..
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16:32.34ericbenis there an easy way to overwrite a configuration file from package A by the udpated configuration file from package B ?
16:33.03woglindenormaly you shouldnt do something like that
16:33.32ericbenexample : ppp installs /etc/ppp/chap-secrets, but I want to have a myrtc-fai-pppconf, mygprs-fai-pppconf which will provide /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
16:33.55ericbenmaybe we should always split conf files from packages, so that conf files get easy to override
16:34.49kergoth_why would you do that, when the package manager already understands that conffiles are special?
16:35.10ericbenkergoth_: ok so I missed something
16:35.50kergoth_CONFFILES_<pkg> informs the package manager of configuration files, so it knows not to overwrite the user's changes to them, they're not treated like other files owned by the package
16:36.01kergoth_not sure how that would affect the behavior of a cross package overwrite, but keep tha tin mind
16:36.10ericbeninteresting thanks
16:37.00ericbenother question : when using, should'nt the package arch be MACHINE instead of the CPU arch ?
16:37.18kergoth_using doesn't mean its machine specific
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16:37.22kergoth_you can do anything in an
16:37.37kergoth_do you mean an that resides inside a machine specific filespath?
16:37.43kergoth_thats just one of many places you can put it
16:37.45ericbenif I have 3 overlay for 3 machines , each having a SRC_URI_append_machine
16:37.46kergoth_but yes, that would be nice
16:38.10ericbenwhich provides a config file for example. Actually, each time I build, the armv5 package is overwrittent
16:38.25ericbenso I put PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE}" in to prevent this
16:38.35kergoth_yes, as expected
16:38.53kergoth_the logic in base.bbclass which sets PACKAGE_ARCH automagically doesn't account for overrides, it *only* does it for you in the case wehre you use a file:// file that resides ina machine specific area of filespath
16:38.57kergoth_everything else is always manual
16:39.08ericbenok isn't special, its just another way of setting variables, it doesn't imply machine specific
16:39.23ericbenwhat do you mean by "a machine specific area of filespath" ?
16:39.28ericbenFILEPATH_machine_name ?
16:39.37kergoth_recipes/foo/foo-1.0/<some machine>/
16:39.41kergoth_intead of recipes/foo/foo-1.0/
16:39.43ericbenok thanks
16:40.01ericbenhere is the trick I missed
16:40.09kergoth_any override can be used there, filespath is assembled from 1) FILESPATHBASE, 2) FILESPATHPKG, 3) OVERRIDES, in that order
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16:41.47ericbenok, last thing : for, can I have recipe/package/files/machinename/conffile and nothing in if the recipe in OE's tree also have conffile ?
16:42.53ericbenin fact I added to my local.conf : INHERIT += "amend" and FILEPATHBASE =. "${BBFILE_PATTERN_mycollection}/:"
16:42.59ericbenmaybe this is wrong
16:45.40kergoth_that won't work
16:45.48kergoth_that'll put the root of your collection into the filespath
16:45.54pb_g'day kergoth
16:45.57kergoth_not the recipe/<whatever>/ dir relative to your collection
16:46.43kergoth_you'll need a python snippet in filespathbase to add <collection>/recipes/<basename of FILE_DIRNAME>/ for each collection
16:46.47ericbenkergoth_: ok so in fact for amend, it's better to create on directory which will contains all the amends ?
16:46.52kergoth_see the mailing list archives, someone has done it on multiple occasions
16:46.57kergoth_not sure what you mean
16:47.09kergoth_supplying different config files using FILESPATH doesn't require at all
16:47.12kergoth_they're two independent things
16:48.21ericbenok thanks for these informations, I better understand and will search again the lists archive for more details.
16:48.40kergoth_hey pb_
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17:28.58JDuke128hi , i tried lsusb to find my huwaei e620 modem path but its just giving ID , no path like : "/dev/ttyUSB2"  , how can i get full path of device ? or i need to  mount it ?
17:30.47ericbenok kergoth_ : FILESPATHBASE =. "${@ ':'.join([os.path.join(recipedir, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname( d.getVar('FILE', 1)))) for recipedir in d.getVar('COLLECTIONS', 1).split()])}:" seems to be the magic line
17:31.50ericbennow if I put initscripts/files/mymachine/ I see bitbake initscript uses this file
17:33.07ericbenbut it still builds a armv5 package, not a mymachine package : isn't files/mymachine the correct place to put the file ? or is it because initscripts is using an overide (_arm) to add this file to the package ?
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17:49.14khemericben: why dont you use BBLAYERS
17:49.21khemand BBAPPEND
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18:09.43loadammoI'm trying to figure out the preferred version for a package included in my image, inside the image's recipe -- tried getEnv and that didn't work.. Anyone run into this? Reasoning is I want to tag the OS image not only with the svn of the OS build, but also tag it with the SVN rev of the 'most important package' I'm installing
18:09.53loadammoany help would be greatly appreciated
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18:13.00khemloadammo: recipe specific metadata may not be available globally
18:13.29loadammoHmm, noted.
18:14.17khemloadammo: although you could enquire metadata for the version
18:14.33khemin a python snippet and see if bitbake allows that
18:14.41loadammoahh, good idea
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18:17.03khemloadammo: PV/PR would have given you this info
18:17.08khemand they are recipe specific
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18:18.11loadammoYeah, I got that part sorted no problem.. I just want to make it part of the image recipe without using an intermediary temp file somewhere.. The image has to know what the preferred version is for do_rootfs, I imagine.. so I think it's 'in there'.. Just gotta find it.
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18:19.08khemloadammo: no image knows there is only 1 version built
18:19.20khemparsing phase decides the preferred version
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18:19.28khemI dont know if this info is available globally
18:20.23khemmay be you can define a new global var
18:20.29khemfor your purpose
18:20.36khemas the package is important to you
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18:20.52khemthen use metadata_scm.bbclass to extract the info
18:21.09khemand populate this var when this recipe is built
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18:59.59tasslehoffkhem: I've had some issues with the sdk's I compile. I talked to zecke about it, and I seem to recall him saying you were one of the guys he was going to seek advice with. Does that seem right? Warning: If so, I have a couple of questions :)
19:00.24khemtasslehoff: sure toss the questions
19:02.51tasslehoffkhem: my sdk's have worked well in the past but after a fetch of upstream a month (or two) ago gcc won't launch. it complains about missing, which is a library neither on my Ubuntu 10.04 host, nor in the SDK. It can only be found in my TMPDIR.
19:03.09khemtasslehoff: yes
19:03.23khemthats because we use latest version
19:03.29khemand most distros dont have it yet
19:03.44khemthis so is expected to be on the host
19:04.00tasslehoffkhem: does that mean that a compiled sdk cannot be used on most distros? or is there a way around it?
19:04.05khemtasslehoff: there arw two ways to solve it
19:04.23khem1. package the required .so with the SDK
19:04.35khemi.e. your host systroot
19:04.54khem2. link these into gcc statically
19:04.59khem3. downgrade
19:05.11khemI am in favor or 2
19:05.28khembut that needs some work in gcc
19:05.41khemeasiest would be to downgrade
19:05.54khemmodular would be to package them with SDK
19:06.22tasslehoffkhem: hm. downgrade my entire OE you mean?
19:06.30khemjust mpfr
19:06.39khemsee currently what happens
19:06.59khemyou build the toolchain SDK on a given host and it builds against the libraries that are built by OE
19:07.24khemthen you move the SDK to a different host and it starts to use the libraries provided by host
19:07.28khemthats wrong IMP
19:07.42khembecause you did not target the SDK for that given host
19:08.08khemif possible I would suggest that you package these libraries along with SDK
19:08.31tasslehoffkhem: yeah. it was a mystery to me for a white that the sdk worked only on my computer. until I found out that the gcc had an rpath into the sysroot-directory of the tree where I built it.
19:09.03tasslehoffs/white/while :)
19:09.31khemwe could link these libraries statically into gcc
19:09.36khemthat will make it more portable
19:09.41khembut beef up gcc
19:10.11khemand packing them along with SDK is not a bad idea either
19:10.12tasslehoffkhem: maybe a stupid Q, but why would it not be possible to package those libraries along with the SDK? do you mean a manual packing, or modifying the sdk-recipes to fix it?
19:11.27tasslehoffkhem: I thought about just picking up one compile error at a time, and copy the needed library from sysroot into the lib-folder of my unpacked toolchain.
19:11.57khemyes that could be a way to find
19:12.14tasslehoffI think it was just 2 or 3 the last time I checked.
19:12.38khemtasslehoff: yes libelf, libmpfr libmpc libgmp
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19:12.45khemthese are 4 thats needed
19:12.48khemby gcc
19:12.51khemas of now
19:12.59khemthere may be more that come in future who known
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19:14.26TartarusThe best answer is to make gcc link vs them statically
19:14.46TartarusSince shipping them means relocation gets much harder and you have to use chrpath and mangle them
19:14.53Tartaruswhich isn't overly hard
19:14.57TartarusBut is more work
19:15.02khemTartarus: right
19:15.06khemI am all for it
19:15.12Tartarusand statically linking them is easy
19:15.15khemI could propose a patch
19:15.37khemyes and it will speed up compilation a bit
19:15.54TartarusBuilding and using our own static libs?
19:16.06khemyes if gcc links them statically
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19:16.19khemthe resulting gcc will compile stuff faster I meant
19:16.38Tartarusthat almost sounds like noise, heh
19:17.55tasslehoffkhem: thanks for the answers. I'll do the ship-libs-with-sdk to begin with
19:17.57pb__I doubt you could measure any performance boost from a static linked gcc versus a regular dynamic one.
19:18.22pb__Static linking would be a win in some ways, a loss in others, but all the effects are going to be miniscule on a program like gcc.
19:18.23khempb__: sure
19:18.39khemthats why I said a bit
19:19.03pb__heh.  well, you could equally well argue that it would make it "a bit" slower. :-}
19:19.15khemhaha true
19:19.32TartarusIt's also really easy to do, more importantly
19:19.52pb__yeah, I certainly don't think it's a bad idea
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19:19.59Tartarus+ having --enable-static in mpfr-native
19:20.03Tartarus(and gmp-native)
19:20.11khemso if we have agreement then we could work on linking gcc with mpfr and friends statically
19:20.33pb__khem: sounds like you are too slow :-)
19:20.59pb__Tartarus: looks like a decent plan.  I can't think of any downside to doing that.
19:21.07khemTartarus: do you need that Makefile hackery at all
19:21.16khempb__: indeed
19:21.20Tartaruskhem, uyes
19:21.45khemTartarus: --with-mpfr-lib option and friends
19:21.50khemwill be better IMP
19:21.59TartarusDon't think it worked
19:22.02Tartaruskergoth, recall?
19:22.16khemeven when you gave it a/b/c/libmpfr.a ?
19:23.53Tartaruskhem, give that a whirl I guess :)
19:24.09TartarusI know the above works, but yes, it could be cleaner if --with-mpfr-lib works w/ a full path
19:24.45khemto these libs will also do it
19:25.18TartarusThat didn't
19:25.31TartarusThat'd pick up shared from the host
19:25.32khemhmmm strange so it defaulted to one on the build box ?
19:25.45khemso its hell bent on getting shared
19:26.05TartarusDon't recall for certain if we tried --with-mpfr-lib=a/b/c/libmpfr.a
19:26.14TartarusBut I know we tried just doing static only of our libs
19:26.16Tartarusand it went host
19:26.20khemTartarus: but if I put these libraries in gcc src dir then it links them in statically
19:26.33TartarusYes, we also tried that pat
19:26.38TartarusBut it wasn't as clean to implement
19:27.03Tartarusends up being a pain to patch the gmp/mpfr/etc sources like we do for -native
19:27.55khemI kind of see why dynamic is default
19:28.09Tartarusit's not 1996 anymore, yes ;)
19:28.10khema bug fix in mpfr would otherwise trigger gcc update too
19:29.39khemTartarus: build/install gmp/mpfr yourself and specify --disable-shared to
19:29.40khemboth.  Then use --with-mpfr= to specify using them instead of the system's
19:29.40khemshared versions.
19:29.44khemshould work
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19:30.05khemlemme try that out
19:30.48TartarusI think we just added static libs to mpfr/etc just ot be safe in case of other users
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19:31.32khemTartarus: other host packages you mean ?
19:31.53khemwe dont loose much if they link with static versions do we ?
19:32.37TartarusThey'd be in the picking up host shared lib
19:32.40TartarusWHich isn't desirable
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19:40.32khemTartarus: all in all that patch of yours look on
19:40.58khemTartarus: you may only need to patch Makefile.tpl
19:41.05khemas is generated from that
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19:56.04ericbenhi khem, yes I found this blog page about bblayes & bbappend through google this afternoon, are you the author ?
19:56.12Tartaruskhem: Yeah
19:56.20TartarusWe hit 'em both since other Makefile mangling hit them both
19:56.57khemericben: yes
19:57.14khemTartarus: I am testing your patch with other bits around it
19:57.49ericbenkhem: is the bblayer concept applicable to overlay I already have ?
19:58.05khemericben: should be
19:58.13khemericben: use bitbake master though
19:58.14ericbenseems the answer is yes from what I understand on your page
19:58.19khemI am not sure older bitbake will work
19:58.21ericbenok, I'll try
19:59.45ericbenI still don''t understand everything on how the packages get built for PACKAGE_ARCH=MACHINE or for generic arch
20:07.20fraxinathguys, i've stumbled upon something weird
20:08.03fraxinathgcc-cross-4.4.3-r0.1/gcc-4.4.3/libjava/classpath/configure always sets a GMP_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include after configure task
20:08.10fraxinatheven though i've fixed it in the
20:08.35fraxinathi have no idea where it takes that from and of course it leads to a "cross compile badness" error in compile task
20:08.58fraxinathhas anybody noticed that already?
20:09.10khemfraxinath: hmmm are you on latest master
20:09.31fraxinathno using dreambox-1.6 fork
20:09.51khemthere are fixes in upstream OE
20:10.00fraxinathfor that very issue?
20:11.12fraxinathuhm... master doesn't have 4.4.3 anymore at all ??
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20:12.17khemfraxinath: its 4.4.4
20:12.23khemyou could use it
20:13.25fraxinathooooh not sure what all that would break though
20:13.48fraxinathis there a particular reason why the 4.4.3 recipe was taken out of the repo all the way
20:14.07khemit was moved to 4.4.4
20:14.30khem4.4.4 is bugfix release which will have all 4.4.3+new bug fixes
20:14.48fraxinathah okay only bugfixes, that sounds good
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20:32.04ericbenkergoth_: earlier, you explained me the logic of PACKAGe_ARCH which is automagically set to MACHINE in case we use a file:// which is in a machine specific are of filespath. I'm trying this with initscripts-1.0/mymachine and I always get a armv5te package for initscripts. I've tested to add the filees to the overlay (with correct FILESPATH) or directly in OE's tree and I always get the same result : the file is included in the package, but
20:37.47khemericben: is this recipe machine speicific
20:39.02ericbenkhem: from what I understood, as soon as it gets a file:// in initscripts-1.0/machine/ directory the package becomes machine specific
20:39.38Jay7seems Cisco is hiring embedded developers..
20:39.54khemyou need that
20:40.00khemJay7: yes indeed they are
20:40.12khemJay7: and Cisco uses OE too
20:40.56khemericben: I dont think that it will turn the recipe into machine specific recipe automatically
20:40.58Jay7I've received proposal..
20:41.21khemJay7: r u interested ?
20:41.24Jay7Sr.Software Engineer
20:41.45Jay7I don't like idea of relocation into USA..
20:41.55khemI dont think they care
20:42.01Jay7I like Europe :)
20:42.02khemyou can work whereever you are
20:42.33Jay7I'll ask about this
20:42.55ericbenkhem: in base.bbclass, it tests for is_machine_specific, which is in utils.bbclass and tests if SRC_URI contains machinepath
20:43.40khemericben: ok I see
20:48.19CIA-6803Eric Bénard <> * r907d0ce00d 10openembedded.git/recipes/python/
20:48.19CIA-68python: increase PR
20:48.19CIA-68Signed-off-by: Eric Bénard <>
20:48.19CIA-6803Eric Bénard <> * rbe576ab8af 10openembedded.git/recipes/python/ regenerate the file
20:48.19CIA-68the patch is quite large because packages seems to have been reordered
20:48.20CIA-68in the generator but excepting python-dev everything is still present.
20:48.20CIA-68Signed-off-by: Eric Bénard <>
20:48.21CIA-68Acked-by: Frans Meulenbroeks <>
20:48.21CIA-6803Eric Bénard <> * r22c71d47e4 10openembedded.git/recipes/python/
20:48.22CIA-68python_2.6.5: tune python-distutils
20:48.22CIA-68removing config/libpython2.6.a and distutils/command/win*
20:48.23CIA-68as suggested by cdricjulien.
20:48.24CIA-68Signed-off-by: Eric Bénard <>
20:48.24CIA-68Acked-by: Frans Meulenbroeks <>
20:48.25CIA-6803Eric Bénard <> * re239d07dfc 10openembedded.git/contrib/python/
20:54.24khemericben: hmmm so you are having trouble when using bblayer or in general
20:55.48ericbenactually I'm not using bblayer (not yet). I have a machine overly and used FILESPATHBASE to add files into it (after reading explanations from kergoth_ )
20:56.01ericbenthis seems to work as my file is used to build initscripts
20:56.47ericbenbut initscripts's ipk is always armv5te and not machine specific (which is what seems  to be the case on angstrom :
20:57.33ericbenso as I was not sure of FILESPATHBASE change, I removed it and put my file in oe's tree in recipes/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mymachine/
20:57.38ericbenand the package is still  armv5
20:58.22*** join/#oe pb__ (
20:58.58ericbenwhich means if I build 3 different armv5 machines in the same tree, the initscript package will always be the one of the last machine (and be in deploy/glibc/ipk/armv5te instead of deploy/glibc/ipk/mymachine)
20:59.46ericbenI'm trying a fresh build to see if that works or if this is because on my overlay or my machine orr something else in my current working tree
21:00.33khemericben: it works ok for me to have machine specific recipes e.g. uclibc
21:00.38khemor sysvinit
21:00.40khemworks ok here
21:01.34ericbenhere also ok for sysvinit-inittab, but not for initscripts !
21:02.17ericbenwell sysvinit-inittab is set as MACHINE_ARCH in the recipe so this is expected
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21:30.10yannhi there - anyone to review patches to 2961 ?
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21:32.07yannI have listed my gnugo patch as defered, there is an issue when cross-compiling from 64bit to 32 and vice versa
21:32.19yann(discussing a fix with upstream)
21:32.32khemyann: yes I have
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21:42.46yannkhem: any comment ?
21:43.19khemyann: looks ok to me thougj
21:43.30khemyann: what DISTRO did you try it on
21:59.54khemyann: could you try it with angstrom
22:00.02khemand see if the sizes are fixed
22:00.05khemfor git-native
22:02.34*** join/#oe kgilmer (~kgilmer@
22:11.11fraxinathkhem: gcc-cross_4.4.4 doesn't configure
22:11.39fraxinathaclocal: /dream/oe1.6/dm8000/build/tmp/work/mipsel-oe-linux/gcc-cross-4.4.4-r6.0/gcc-4.4.4/libstdc++-v3/acinclude.m4:2989: file `../config/tls.m4' does not exist
22:12.48khemfraxinath: did u build from scratch
22:13.09fraxinathi built that package
22:13.14*** join/#oe ant_ (
22:14.13fraxinathdo i first need gcc-cross-initial and intermediate?
22:14.25khemyou need to do it
22:14.26fraxinathi'll try
22:14.53khembitbake -c clean gcc-cross gcc-cross-intermediate gcc-cross-initial glibc glibc-initial
22:15.02khemthen bitbake gcc-cross
22:15.21khemassuming you have gcc-4.4.4 as your default gcc-cross provider
22:15.44fraxinathi think 4.4.3 is preferred by something else right now
22:16.22fraxinathif i just do bitbake gcc-cross-initial then it will try building 4.4.3 again
22:16.56fraxinathoh i almost forgot that glibc also depends on it
22:17.02fraxinaththat'll take all night :)
22:17.57khemdepending upong your machine
22:18.14khemsome folks build whole OE distro under 2 hrs here
22:18.46fraxinathconf/distro/opendreambox.conf:PREFERRED_GCC_VERSION ?= "4.4.3"
22:19.06khemadd PREFERRED_GCC_VERSION_local = "4.4.4" in your local.conf
22:19.34fraxinathi'll try changing it in there for right now
22:19.37fraxinathAMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor
22:19.43fraxinathwith 8 gb ram
22:19.51fraxinathbut it's slow as all hell when it comes to bitbake
22:20.09khemfraxinath: your machine is decent
22:21.54ant_we had improvements after the cleaning storm...
22:22.07ant_shame tinderbox is broken
22:22.31ant_iirc console-image in 50 mins from scratch (xeon quad + 8GB)
22:22.53ant_old hw nowaday
22:23.24ant_ImportError: Could not import settings 'tinderbox.settings' (Is it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named oestats.settings
22:23.35loadammoI do console-image in about 20 mins here, 16 cores, 16gb ram
22:23.46fraxinathposer :)
22:23.49loadammoshared with a bunch of folks tho
22:24.04fraxinathokay building 4.4.4 now khem! thanks for the clues
22:24.20loadammo<3 OE
22:25.04khemloadammo: cool
22:25.04fraxinathlol same configure error
22:25.56loadammoHeh, OE is actually the only thing that puts 'real' load on this build machine. Everyone else barely even bothers to use -j
22:26.01ericbenkhem: found the bug which prevent initscript to automagicaly be in machine_arch instead of generic arch
22:26.14khemericben: cool what is it
22:26.18ericbenI'll send a patch to the ml for review
22:26.52ericbenurldata.path is used instead of urldata.localpath in is_machine_specific
22:27.44khemugh thats obvious problem
22:27.47ericbenand urldata.path does'nt contains the full path, so when compared to the expected path to machine filepathpkg it fails
22:28.00khemyes this is due to recent fix in bb
22:28.07ericben4 hours to understand this proble :)
22:28.08khembtw what version of bb are u using
22:28.13ericbenbb : head
22:28.25khemalso try this with 1.8 if you could
22:28.29khemI guess it will break
22:28.47fraxinathkhem any idea about aclocal: /dream/oe1.6/dm8000/build/tmp/work/mipsel-oe-linux/gcc-cross-4.4.4-r6.0/gcc-4.4.4/libstdc++-v3/acinclude.m4:2989: file `../config/tls.m4' does not exist ?
22:29.06ericbenin fact, the problem seem to be introduced by commit : 2b7ea6f52dfa7c6cdbbb426e13efba1b4914e7b9 (I'm not 100% sure but this is where this function was introduced)
22:29.28ericbentrying 1.8.18
22:29.28ant_khem: about this arches, no way to unbind klibc from machine?
22:29.58khemericben: it was the semantic of urldata
22:30.19khemfraxinath: I havent seen this error before
22:30.26*** join/#oe angelox_123 (
22:30.37fraxinathme neither
22:30.59khemfraxinath: are you seeing it on master
22:31.07*** join/#oe joshc_ (
22:31.10khemor did you do selective port into dreambox
22:31.31khemif you are doing selective backport
22:31.36khemtake complete gcc dire
22:31.36fraxinathi checked out the whole 4.4.4 stuff into our repo
22:32.01ericbenkhem: seems to work also with 1.8.18
22:32.09khemericben: perfect
22:32.19fraxinathi'll try it with entire gcc dir
22:32.21khemant_: which arch
22:32.30ericbencleaning the mess I put in class/ to understand it and preparing a patch
22:32.47khemI wish I had a crystal ball
22:32.56ericbenand the hardest thing in the patch : the commit message :)
22:33.49ynezzou yeah
22:40.01khemericben: -m "Fix broken recipe"
22:40.06khemand I will reject it
22:41.29ericbentesting with the overlay and FILEPATHBASE
22:42.53khemericben: ok
22:44.38ericbenfor tindderboox, if there is interest, I can provide one on one of our servers, I've one private oestat already setup, duplicating it is a matter of minutes
22:44.59khemericben: sure
22:45.18ant_khem: i.e. other *libc are armv5te but klibc is c7x0
22:45.24khemericben: if you can help fixing that will be nice too
22:45.39khemant_: same issue with uclibc
22:45.43ant_khem: so is klcc-cross (but the empty package is not created)
22:46.15fraxinathis any of you guys gonna be at CELF in cambridge next month?
22:46.20ericbenkhem: if you want, we can try to setup it from sscratch
22:46.39khemericben: hmm will be loose the logs
22:47.18ericbenno I think we can restore logs after, they are stored in a separated irectory
22:47.39fraxinathkhem: gcc-cross-initial_4.4.4 configures successfully when i overwrite the entire gcc directory from master
22:47.55ant_yes, rename tmp and reate an empty one
22:48.12*** join/#oe Spz0 (
22:48.13ericbenthe major diference is that oe's tinderbox is using mysql and I'm using sqlite here
22:48.35ant_fwiw oe tinderbox is having hard times...
22:48.45khemericben: ok
22:48.58ant_MOD_PYTHON ERROR
22:49.02khemericben: lets try it with sqlite
22:49.08ericbenok that works also in the overlay
22:49.23ericbenkhew, I can send you the doc I wrote for my setup
22:49.55khemericben: ok
22:50.07khemand also how can we restore the logs
22:50.11fraxinathi'll let that continue baking and hope for the best for tomorrow morning :) thanks again and cu
22:50.12khembugzilla is also boked
22:50.22khemfraxinath: bye
22:50.37ericbensqlite will be the 1st step
22:50.55ericbenafter you need to switch back to mysql to restore everything
22:51.29khemericben: is sqlite better performant
22:52.14ant_well, is working, tinderbox not. both on
22:52.37ant_seems just a missing config file
22:52.55khemant_: what do you mean by missing file
22:53.05ant_see here, last line
22:53.05khemits a different set of beast
22:53.38*** join/#oe flo_lap (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
22:53.49ericbenit the server apache or lighttpd ?
22:54.59ericbendo you have the apach conf for ?
22:55.09ericbenis PythonPath properly setup insode ?
22:55.21ericbenand DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ?
22:56.45khemSetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE tinderbox.settings
22:56.54khemPythonPath "['/etc/django-oestats'] + sys.path"
22:57.06ericbenls /etc/django-oestats ?
22:57.11*** join/#oe hufnus_cicq (
22:58.48*** join/#oe andyj ( is in there
23:00.29khemfrom oestats.settings import *
23:00.39khemthats where it chickens out
23:03.22ericbenok ls /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/oestats ?
23:03.47ericbenonly that ?
23:03.59ericbenok python was updated no ?
23:04.05ericbenok ls /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/oestats ?
23:04.06khemit was
23:04.12*** join/#oe grg (
23:04.29khemno 2.5
23:04.50ericbensearch for oestats in /usr/lib
23:05.31khemthats it
23:05.49ericbenand it's empty ?
23:06.27ericbenbackup /etc/django-oestats
23:07.09ericbenthen follow the instructions here to build the .deb @ Running a production server
23:07.12ericbenthen install it
23:07.23ericbenthen recover backup of
23:07.49ericbenin ls  /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/oestats    settings.pyc   templatetags  views.pyc
23:07.49ericbenadmin.pyc  __init__.pyc    models.pyc   public       shortcuts.pyc  urls.pyc
23:07.51ericbenforms.pyc  middleware.pyc  templates
23:07.57ericbenthis is what you should have after that
23:18.48khemericben: PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
23:18.53khemis erroring out
23:19.03khemInvalid command 'PythonHandler', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
23:20.02ericbenis django installed from scratch or from debian's package ?
23:21.42ericbenif not installed :
23:22.39ericbenwhaht says django-admin --version
23:22.43khemericben: ok installed from .dev
23:23.08ericbenok so we are not far
23:23.19ericbenis apache started ?
23:23.52khemsame error
23:24.10ericbenI don't see anything on
23:25.07khemI built a deb of django-oestats
23:25.18khemI built a deb of django-oestats
23:25.29ericbenyou installed it ?
23:25.39ericbenls  /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/oestat show the files ?
23:26.08khemyes its populated
23:26.31ericbendid you restor /etc/django-oestats/tinderbox/ ?
23:26.53khemactually nothing happened to it
23:27.00khemI made a copy though
23:27.11khembefore installing django-oestats
23:27.27ericbencan you send it to mr or pastebin it ?
23:30.31*** join/#oe GarthPS|away (~quassel@
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23:31.27ericbenok the only difference I have here is in TEMMPLATe_DIRS :  /usr/share/pyshared/oestats/templates/
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23:32.06khemericben: why would apache fail
23:33.12ericbenlibapache2-mod-python is installed ?
23:34.19ericbenand what says the log of apache ?
23:34.44khemyes I installed it again
23:35.03ericbenat the top of, after import * I have : FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME=""
23:35.05*** join/#oe playya_ (~playya@unaffiliated/playya)
23:35.13ericbennot sure this is needed for apache, but it was for lighttpd
23:35.53ericbenyou will need to change the myql password now it's on pastebin ;-)
23:36.56ericbencan you send me the config file of apache ?
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