IRC log for #oe on 20100729

07:00.27*** join/#oe ibot (
07:00.27*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Bugtracker: and for compile issues | Repository: and as ro mirror | This is not a distro or machine support channel
07:00.33woglindeporcoesphino whats up?
07:00.44porcoesphinowrong channel
07:00.50porcoesphinostill, you might have some ideas
07:01.09porcoesphinoI've altered to include ssl support
07:01.16porcoesphinoworks fine locally but not remotely
07:01.25woglindesorry I will touch mysql only again when I get pid well for the pain
07:01.29porcoesphinoI can connect without ssl remotely
07:01.50porcoesphinofair enough
07:01.56woglindeenable remote access
07:02.02porcoesphinobut any ideas for debugging why remote wont work?
07:02.08woglindecheck lsof -i
07:02.10mrmoku`woglinde: hi, there was some way to turn off thumb mode for one recipe only?
07:02.19porcoesphinoI can connect to the database without ssl remotely...
07:02.38woglindeto see which ports are open
07:02.38woglindemrmoku grep for INSTRUCTION in the recipes
07:02.42porcoesphinosorry... "check lsof -i"? file or command?
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07:03.06mrmokuwoglinde: k, thanks
07:03.09porcoesphinogood point..
07:03.09woglindelsof -i
07:03.09woglindewho made you unix admin?
07:03.09woglindeor use good old netstat
07:03.10CIA-8103Roman I Khimov <> * r86cd1c3033 10openembedded.git/recipes/at/ (8 files in 2 dirs):
07:03.11CIA-81at: add version 3.1.12
07:03.11CIA-81Thanks to Buildroot guys for patches.
07:03.11CIA-81Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
07:04.27porcoesphinoI'm a coder, I know shit about networking :(
07:05.02woglindeeven as coder you should knowabout networking
07:05.08woglindeotherwise you are coding shit
07:05.19woglindewith no understandings
07:05.22porcoesphinodepends what you're coding
07:05.46porcoesphinoand I'm learning, just still learning the tools
07:05.54CIA-8103Roman I Khimov <> * ra8f765e41e 10openembedded.git/recipes/iproute2/
07:05.54CIA-81iproute2 2.6.34: install tc
07:05.54CIA-81Wasn't installed for some reason.
07:05.55CIA-81Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
07:06.17*** join/#oe ranjith (~ranjith@
07:06.28woglindehe learn postgres and sqlite
07:06.35mrmokuwoglinde: ok, with ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET = "arm"
07:06.45mrmokumpfr builds again for armv4t
07:07.09IgorKgood evening
07:07.11CIA-8103Roman I Khimov <> * r6adaccf006 10openembedded.git/recipes/dropbear/ ( dropbear/init):
07:07.11CIA-81dropbear: use pidfile for daemon start/stop/restart
07:07.11CIA-81Old init script killed all dropbear processes when doing stop/restart
07:07.11CIA-81including open SSH sessions which is very annoying.
07:07.11CIA-81Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
07:07.24woglindemrmoku yes thats what I thought yesterday evening
07:08.00IgorKwhere should I put "IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE" variable? putting it in the local.conf does not make any differences....
07:08.48IgorKI use it this way "IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE_ext2 = 1024000", but this value is not used anywhere
07:09.13CIA-8103Roman I Khimov <> * r9475bf23d1 10openembedded.git/recipes/perl/ (
07:09.13CIA-81perl 5.10.1: add perl-module-utf8-heavy dependency
07:09.13CIA-81Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
07:09.26woglindeigork in the machinefile
07:09.38porcoesphinowoglinde: want to point me to some docs on ports, ssl and mysql or am I on the wrong track there?
07:09.59woglindeyes google for it
07:10.16woglindethere should be plenty stuff how to enable it
07:10.22porcoesphinofair point :P
07:10.29IgorKin the openembedded/conf/machines/<machine_type>, right?
07:10.49woglindelsof -i shows you on which port and ips mysql runs
07:11.00woglindeif the ssl port is only on localhost
07:11.21woglindeigork exactly
07:12.06woglindeokay I have to leace the train
07:12.07porcoesphinoyeah, lsof doesn't appear to be installed on the beagle. is there an equivilant flag for netstat?
07:12.11woglindetill later maybe
07:12.26woglindeopkg install lsof
07:12.33woglindenetstat -na
07:12.49porcoesphinodammit >_<
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07:19.49CIA-8103Klaus Kurzmann <> * r6ff7435ae8 10openembedded.git/recipes/mpfr/ set ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET to arm for armv4t
07:19.49CIA-81Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
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07:34.56eFfeM_workhi hrw, all
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08:15.06zubis it legal to use bash variable mangling in a recipe? e.g. ${docdir#${prefix}} ?
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08:22.01XorAzub: no
08:22.16XorAzub: recipes should run on dash and other posix compiant shells as well
08:22.22zubhm, ok
08:22.36zubthen I need to do that in a block of python code
08:22.57XorAyou can use the $@{} to insert chunks of python
08:23.01*** join/#oe mickey|office (
08:23.14zubgood tip, thx
08:23.29XorAI may have got the exact syntax for that wrong, please check
08:23.42XorAI can never remeber if its $@{ or ${@
08:23.47zubok :)
08:24.03zub./opie-reader/         soso="${so#${S}/opiedir/plugins/reader/}"
08:24.16zub(I was grepping meanwhile)
08:25.29zubaltogether 3 recipes use bash variable mangling
08:26.00XorABUILD_OS := "${@os.uname()[0].lower()}"
08:26.29XorAbah, thats annoying
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08:41.38CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * r9043bdf8e8 10openembedded.git/contrib/angstrom/ angstrom fix rootfs name
08:41.49CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * r2d8b413001 10openembedded.git/recipes/xorg-driver/ xf86-video-v4l2: add git version
08:46.18XorAhehe thats gonna drive people crazy :-)
08:46.27XorAwhy is my ubuntu called Angstrom
08:53.08eFfeM_work(10:22:04 AM) XorA: zub: recipes should run on dash and other posix compiant shells as well
08:53.09eFfeM_workclasses/sanity.bbclass:    messages = messages + "Using dash as /bin/sh causes various subtle build problems, please use bash instead.\n"
08:53.29eFfeM_workseems there is still some work to do then
08:54.04XorAeFfeM_work: dont be obtuse, thats a whole different issue
08:54.37XorAOE should run on dash, we cant say the same for software we build, for example gnome which doesnt
08:55.13XorAalthough ubuntu may have kicked their ass over that issue now
08:55.30eFfeM_workhmm, I always itnerpreted the message in sanity.bbclass as: do not build OE with /bin/sh set to dash
08:55.57XorAOE itself should have zero bashisms, any that exist are bugs
09:00.16XorAthere was a day in history where one brave soul fixed all the bashisms to the point x11-image built perfectly on dash
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09:02.21hrwthen new ver of gtk+ arrived and ruined it
09:04.10eFfeM_workactually perhaps OE should build it's own shell and depend on that (bash-native or so), we also use our own make instead of trying to support all makes that are around, so why not do the same for sh ?
09:04.46XorAbecasue /bin/sh is built into the scripts
09:05.03XorArunning OE as root would go horribly wrong
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09:06.41eFfeM_workwhat about a chroot-ed env ? (and running OE as root is a bad thing to do anyway)
09:06.55eFfeM_workis off to a meeting back later
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09:29.40Jay7eFfeM_work: to call chroot() you should be root
09:31.10mckoangood morning
09:34.37ant_workJay7: fun with the new devices?
09:35.00Jay7ant_work: a bit :)
09:35.21Jay7and a lot of work
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09:35.29Jay7and too hot again :(
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09:37.04XorAJay7: does that mean box reached you?
09:37.38Jay7XorA: your box is still in NL..
09:37.52Jay7but I have received Ben NanoNote and Efika MX
09:39.15*** part/#oe GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
09:39.28Jay7XorA: btw, can I ask sometimes your advices related to ELC-E travel?
09:40.03XorAJay7: you can, pb_ lives actually in the town with the venue though
09:40.25Jay7ah, thanks :)
09:40.34XorAunfortuneately someone booked UDS the same week so I might have to go there instead
09:40.49Jay7yeah.. I've seen this
09:41.42hrwJay7: check OEDEM/2009 wiki page ;D
09:42.13XorAhrw: did they announce venue for UDS yet?
09:42.40hrwwhich makes me angry as I have to pass though whole us visa crap to get to uds
09:42.45XorAsomewhere nearer civilisation
09:42.51XorAI hope needs visas for USA?
09:43.39hrwheh... I would like to get 1€ each time when someone asks that question
09:43.52hrwyes, we do and that suxx
09:44.09Jay7have agreed with hrw about suxx
09:44.41XorAyeah that does suck, even the visa waiver sucks ass
09:44.56XorAhave to fill in my details in 3 different systems to get visa waiver
09:46.33Jay7need visa almost to all countries :
09:47.08hrwJay7: Polish visa too?
09:47.28XorAso far Ive avoided going anywhere needing visa
09:47.42Jay7hrw: seems yes
09:47.49soltysvisa sux ;)
09:48.38hrwXorA: I visited Turkey but it was just a matter of 15$ or 10€ at airport
09:48.40Jay7that is another reason to relocate into EU :)
09:49.39hrwJay7: and change nationality?
09:50.01Jay7hrw: yep
09:50.26Jay7I see no good future here
09:50.46XorAbut obviously you have to choose your EU country carefully :-)
09:52.19Jay7XorA: true :)
10:21.55*** join/#oe porcoesphino (~porcoesph@
10:26.31CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * r0391d04b77 10openembedded.git/recipes/xmms/ xmms: bump PR
10:26.32CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * rd981b11b1c 10openembedded.git/recipes/scummvm/ scummvm: bump PR
10:26.33CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * r67d66df55b 10openembedded.git/recipes/sox/ sox: bump PR
10:26.35CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * r4e00989ccf 10openembedded.git/recipes/gnome/ gnome-media: bump PR
10:26.40CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * rbf282e09e0 10openembedded.git/recipes/musicpd/ mpd: bump PR
10:27.33ant_workit seems gitserver is up and running
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11:13.17eFfeM_workanyone ever saw the issue that flash_lock would give 'Could not lock MTD device' (and it's unlock counterpart). I can erase the partition without problem and I can also write to it; but I would want to lock it afterwards to avoid accidental destruction
11:31.48pb_are you sure your flash actually supports locking?
11:32.40eFfeM_workpb_ i think so, u-boot supports it (but will recheck) guess it has to do with driver and kernel config
11:32.52pb_that error message basically just means that ioctl(MTDLOCK) failed, which might be for any number of reasons but, most likely, means that either your flash isn't lockable or the driver doesn't know how to do it.
11:33.24eFfeM_worki guess the latter (was peeking into the driver src)
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11:43.25eFfeM_workhm, interesting observation, protect in u-boot works (no error) after that erase of the protected area also gives no error, but read back of the area still gives the original data (which is what I expected), if I boot into linux after having the memory protected in u-boot, flash_erase also does not report an error, but the original data remains there
11:43.34*** part/#oe jkridner1 (~a0321898@nat/ti/x-aqvfjoxjwavhjyqj)
11:46.13eFfeM_worki had expected some verification that the erase is successful
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11:47.13pb_that sounds like another driver bug, most likely
11:49.11eFfeM_workpeeking into the unlock thing first apparently the low level chip driver is not registering lock and unlock functions
11:49.21eFfeM_workbut haven't foudn that low leve driver for my chip yet
11:52.38pb_you should be able to tell from the dmesg output at bootup what driver it is using.
11:52.41pb_what sort of chip is it?
11:53.34eFfeM_workSpansion nor flash, type S29GL01GP
11:53.45eFfeM_workon powerpc
11:55.35pb_I think those are cfi of some sort.
11:56.27eFfeM_worknot exactly sure any more where it lives, but I'll find it
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12:02.49eFfeM_workpb_: drivers/mtd/maps/physmap_of.c (thanks to my good old friend grep)
12:04.59pb_eFfeM_work: that's just the mapping, not the actual driver.  you should be using something in chips/, probably one of the cfi_cmdset_xx.c files
12:05.52eFfeM_worktnx, will check
12:06.34*** join/#oe aloisiojr (~aloisio@
12:07.05eFfeM_workpb_ yeah I have there: built-in.o  cfi_cmdset_0002.o  cfi_probe.o  cfi_util.ochipreg.o  gen_probe.o
12:10.42CIA-8103Klaus Kurzmann <> * r77f69004cf 10openembedded.git/recipes/mpfr/ (
12:10.42CIA-81mpfr: move ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET to
12:10.42CIA-81Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
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12:15.05ranjithi tried flashing the kernel linux2.6.32 into my openmoko
12:15.10ant_workpb_: this mpfr thing would need your help ;)
12:15.12ranjithbut it returns error
12:15.58ranjiththe error is vfs: cannot open root device "<NULL> or unknown-block(0,0)
12:16.23ranjithPlease append a correct "root=" boot option
12:16.39eFfeM_workranjith: give a root= argument on your boot cmd line
12:16.54eFfeM_work(as u-boot bootargs)
12:17.14ranjithin the error message its also shown that
12:17.30ranjiththe available partitions are mtdblock0 and mtdblock1
12:17.41ranjithbut my rootfs is in the 6th block
12:17.49eFfeM_workranjith: and perhaps when asking questions better hang around in the channel (saw a few questions from you from 3 am GMT or so, but then the channel is not too crowded)
12:18.13eFfeM_workranjith: use mtdparts to specify your partitions on the cmd line or compile them in
12:18.46ranjithi checked the mtdparts and it also shows that the rootfs is in the 6th partition
12:19.09eFfeM_workyes but apparently the kernel does not know (or your root= is not good)
12:19.10eFfeM_workyou need
12:19.14ranjithand by default the root is /dev/mtdblock6
12:19.38eFfeM_workis there a /dev/mtdblock6 ?
12:19.38ranjithits already there as root=/dev/mtdblock6
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12:19.48ranjithyes there are 6 partitions
12:20.04eFfeM_workand does the kernel in the log show that 6 partitions in the table
12:20.20eFfeM_workah, if there are 6 partitions then it probably is /dev/mtdblock5, numbering starts at 0
12:20.24ranjithi dint get that..
12:20.38ranjiththe numbering starts at 0
12:20.51ranjithi have also tried giving it as /dev/mtdblock5
12:21.00ranjithbut that too din't work
12:21.03eFfeM_workfirst partition is /dev/mtdblock0, 2nd is mtdblock1 etc so partition 6 is mtdblock5
12:21.34eFfeM_workguess then the root= is not good or not parsed
12:21.37ranjithi had also tried that .. ie giving root=/dev/mtdblock5 .. buat that too dint work
12:21.56ranjithso is there any way to solve it
12:22.23eFfeM_workthe NULL or (0,0) seem to indicate it is not parsed or not known otherwise it would say something like (92,5) or somethign like that
12:22.29eFfeM_workI'm making up the 92,5 number
12:22.53eFfeM_workofc it can be solved, but I'm not too sure how
12:23.33ranjithis it safe to re-flash the u-boot or use Qi instead?
12:23.56eFfeM_workdoes not know what Qi is
12:24.06eFfeM_workand reflashing u-boot always has some risk in it
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12:24.34ranjithcan i do it safely
12:24.38ant_worktried root=/dev/mtdbloc6 rootfstype=jffs2
12:24.58ranjithant_work: yes i ahve tried it
12:25.08ant_workwhich board is it?
12:25.19ranjithneo freerunner
12:26.01ranjitheFfeM_work: ie is there any document or guideline through which will help for a safe flashing of the u-boot or Qi
12:26.04mckoanranjith: please pastebin your boot log
12:26.12ibot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:26.22ant_workdo you have jffs2 compiled in kernel?
12:26.24eFfeM_workranjith: no idea, but agree with mckoan
12:26.41eFfeM_workant_work: if the fs type is wrong you'll get a different msg
12:26.56eFfeM_worklet's examine the log first
12:27.52xranbyeFfeM_work: "Qi" upstream
12:27.57ant_workranjith: you could quickly compile /recipes/kexecboot. This scans /proc/partitions and so we'll see where the problem is
12:28.06ant_workcould run it as binary, no flashing
12:28.39ant_workwe grab the 'mtdparts' passed by the kernel, though
12:28.45ant_workthis must be correct
12:28.58eFfeM_workxranby: thanks for the info, i'm not really into the handheld and openmoko stuff etc, I normally use u-boot
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12:32.41xranbyeFfeM_work: sorry for the google link it seems dead, this project page on gittorious are more alive
12:33.13ranjithI shall get the boot log in 5 minutes
12:33.33ranjithi have flashed another kernel now to see the bootargs for that..
12:33.40xranbyeFfeM_work: i have used Qi on a freerunner and its a quite magical experience..  the bootloaded automatically checks any available sd card for a kernel to boot and if it finds one then it loads it and starts up the system..
12:33.42ranjithi shall be back soon
12:34.13xranbyeFfeM_work: if it dont find any sd card then Qi starts the system from the internal flash
12:34.14eFfeM_workxranby: not sure if it fits my hw, I am on an embedded ppc board
12:39.28xranbyeFfeM_work: if you want to be able to simply switch kernel on your ppc board without having to fiddle with the bootloader then Qi are a quite good solution.   i dont think Qi are limited to only boot from sd cards/fralsh..
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12:49.16ranjithhi all i got it working
12:49.30ranjithant_work: its working now
12:49.46ranjithi made some changes in the uboot command line from this page
12:50.08ranjithwhat was wrong that i was confused with the instructions provided in the wikipage.
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12:50.31ranjithi have made some changes in the page as per the instructions i used to make the kernel working
12:51.34eFfeM_workranjith: great you got it working and thanks for updating the doc
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13:04.10marcompiledoes oe keep a cache of my .bb recipe? im changing my recipe but its still trying to apply a path
13:12.36eFfeM_workmarcompile: no cache for that, but did you bump PR or do a bitbake -cclean of the recipe?
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13:17.53marcompileI now deleted the .patch file and it worked
13:20.20eFfeM_workdeleting the patch file should not be needed if the file is removed from teh recipe
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13:27.03marcompileeFfeM_work, I am making an asterisk 1.6 non beta recipe
13:28.16zubwhat's the difference between python () { and python __anonymous () { ?
13:38.53marcompileI still don't get the versioning of packages in oe
13:39.26marcompileI made a but when I "bitbake julius" it builds the 4.1.2 (the old one)
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13:40.41marcompileI still can build with bitbake -b ./
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13:49.06zubmarcompile: maybe this helps
13:50.04marcompilezub thank you very much
13:50.51zubcan I ask for (p)review of ?
13:51.06zubI yet have to test that on the target, but seems to compile ok
13:51.27zubI mainly want to know if the variable stripping thing is done ok, or if there are better ways
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14:08.03CIA-8103Koen Kooi <> * r962d52ae83 10openembedded.git/recipes/x-load/ signgp: convert to BBCLASSEXTEND
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14:11.35pb_ant_work: which mpfr thing is that?
14:11.39pb_kergoth: good morning
14:17.38ant_workpb_: was mpfr: move ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET to
14:18.06ant_workI didn't follow but must be the usual thumb breakage
14:18.39ant_workfor armv4t
14:19.22warflyr im having issues resolving that error; i can execute ipkg-make-index manually with those arguements and it works fine...
14:20.53warflyrim guessing an ipk doesnt have a control.tar.gz; though even adding prints to the py i wasnt able to identify which ipk is causing the issue
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14:32.30hrwant_work: in Ubuntu I think mpfr 2.4.2 is built as thumb
14:33.16ant_workhopefully is not a side-efffect of CROSS works
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14:38.19pb_ant_work: if you have a pointer to the original issue then I can certainly have a look at it
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14:40.15ant_work[20100728 20:40:59] <nschle85>   selected processor does not support `umull r6,r3,r2,r1'
14:41.12ant_workbuilding shr-unstable image it seems
14:47.06ant_workhrw: mpfr-3.0.0
14:48.45hrwant_work: ah. ubuntu is at 2.4.2 now
14:49.04ant_workwill stumble in it ;)
14:50.41ant_workpb_: fwiw I yet have toexperience the benefits of thumbs on old limited devices like Zaurus
14:51.11ant_workbut the wind blows that direction...
14:53.16ant_workhrw: strange the hack was moved in the inc, thus for older versions too
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15:15.03mrmokupb_: I added that arm to mpfr, because thumb does not build for armv4t
15:16.38mrmokuant_work: I moved it then to the inc, because older version of mpfr did not build either with thumb mode
15:17.29ant_workwhich images do require mpfr?
15:17.34warflyrrebuilding zlib-native and python-native solved the problem; tarfile.ReadError: file could not be opened successfully (
15:18.26ant_workI think it is not built for console-iamge nor for x11-image
15:18.50pb_mrmoku: can you not fix mpfr to build in thumb mode?  that's usually fairly trivial to arrange.
15:18.53woglindebuilds it
15:19.22mrmokupb_: I would need more instructions on how to do that :)
15:19.32ant_workdid his job ;)
15:19.40woglindeokay I have to leave
15:19.47mrmokuant_work, woglinde: mpfr is a dep of gcc, no?
15:19.57woglindehm yes
15:20.09pb_mrmoku: those umull instructions are probably coming from some inline asm statement.  usually there is a C fallback anyway, so disabling the eleet asm for thumb is often an adequate solution.
15:20.12woglindetill lter
15:20.34pb_that's often as easy as finding the "#ifdef __arm__" that guards the macro in question, and changing it to "#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__thumb__)"
15:20.49mrmokupb_: ok, will take a look at the code
15:21.17pb_alternatively, if it's just one source file that has the problem, you can arrange for (just) that one to be built in arm mode
15:21.25pb_see glib, for example, which does that for some of the gatomic bits
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15:55.32mrmokupb_: heh
15:55.33mrmoku#if 1 || defined (__arm_m__)/* `M' series has widening multiply support */
15:55.33mrmoku#define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \ __asm__ ("umull %0,%1,%2,%3" : "=&r" (xl), "=&r" (xh) : "r" (a), "r" (b))
15:58.18XorAok, is there a way in git of finding files no matter what branch they are in?
15:59.02XorAor from cgit finding out what branches a file exists one
15:59.28kergothI think you'd have to write a short shell script for it
15:59.34Jay7ssh & grep :)
15:59.40Jay7of find
15:59.48kergoththat's not going to help
15:59.55kergothunless you have a checkout of every branch
16:00.03kergothi expect what you really want is git for-each-ref
16:00.09Jay7I mean ssh to git server :)
16:00.16XorAoh wait, I see it, its in the URL
16:00.16kergothi know
16:00.21kergothand grep will still be useless there
16:01.56XorAmrmoku: awesome dude, exactly what I needed :-)
16:02.34mrmokuyw :)
16:02.46kergothcute, I forgot log can show commits from all branches.  I think i like for-each-ref + ls-tree better, if you don't need the history, though, as per the comments on the ls-tree answer
16:02.57mrmokuI just googled for 'git find file in all branches' :P
16:05.24pb_mrmoku: heh, right, that is a bit sad.  try sticking an "!defined(__thumb__) && ..." at the start of that condition and see if the situation improves.
16:06.47pb_mrmoku: fwiw, that asm is fairly useless nowadays in any case, since gcc is at least tolerably good at figuring out for itself when umull would be a win.  you might find that even just changing it to "if 0" is fine :-}
16:08.04denixhas anyone seen relocatable.bbclass throwing exception on Popen() while executing chrpath with "File not found"? the file is indeed there and running chrpath manually works... any ideas?
16:08.29pb_(and gcc also knows that, in armv6 and higher, you can have overlapping registers in a umull which will also give you better code sometimes.)
16:09.39mrmokupb_: I removed the one... and get a whole bunch more asm errors in the same file :/
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16:11.39mrmokupb_: probably the 1 is there, because the alternative code path is broken anyway
16:12.51pb_could be.  what are the other errors?
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16:13.40mrmokumoment... reproducing :)
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16:17.02pb_mrmoku: oh, right.  you need to wrap the rest of that mess in #if !defined(__thumb__) as well.
16:17.29pb_probably best to find the outer "#if defined(__arm__)" and add the thumb guard there.
16:17.46pb_basically, all the inline asm bits will be inappropriate in thumb mode
16:18.09mrmokuok, trying
16:18.35CIA-103Roman I Khimov <> * reb6293b2f6 10openembedded.git/recipes/squid/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
16:18.35CIA-1squid: remove -native recipes
16:18.36CIA-1They were only used for cf_gen compilation which is unnecessary with a little patch
16:18.36CIA-1for squid build system.
16:18.36CIA-1Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
16:20.21mrmokupb_: yeah, that works
16:21.43CIA-103Roman I Khimov <> * rfdde749316 10openembedded.git/recipes/squid/ (
16:21.43CIA-1squid: remove SQUID_MAJOR, determine SRC_URI path from PV
16:21.43CIA-1Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
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16:25.31ant_workkudos to both
16:26.42mrmokuant_work: nah, kudos to pb_... I just did what he told me to do :)
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16:28.05dan2003hi, have built console image for tx25 and flashed but its hanging in boot immediatly after  * Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon
16:28.06dan2003[ ok ]
16:28.06dan2003, and then saying: INIT: Id "S" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
16:31.51warflyrmaybe there is a loop in your rcS somewhere?
16:31.57mrmokupb_: what about older versions of mpfr?
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16:34.40pb_mrmoku: I imagine the same patch will apply to them verbatim.  mpfr-longlong.h doesn't change often.
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16:35.20pb_any that don't patch, I would be happy enough for you to either delete or ignore.  personally I don't care which but I guess others will have an opinion :-}
16:36.28mrmokupb_: ok, thanks
16:37.16mrmokuwill try some older ones after dinner then
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16:43.14mrmokupb_: heh, just discovered there already is a patch for it... long-long-thumb.patch. Just not used and is doing exactly the same :P
16:43.57mrmokuanyway... dinner now
16:45.40pb_anybody got any good laptop recommendations?  I think I need a new one.
16:46.17pb_my old x61s was looking a bit worn-out, and I think my daughter might have finally killed it this morning by pouring an entire mug of coffee into the keyboard.
16:47.21stefan_schmidtpb_: I got mself an X200s but I'm not so impressed by it.
16:47.40pb_ah, funnily enough I was just looking at the x201 spec on the web
16:47.42stefan_schmidtpb_: Given my T20 and T40p before the hardware feels more like Lenovo then like IBM ;)
16:47.58stefan_schmidtpb_: shoragan got one recently and he seems to be happy
16:48.43pb_yeah, I've heard several people say that they noticed the lenovo ones sucking compared to how ibm used to make them.
16:48.53stefan_schmidtpb_: on mine and the one froma friend we already had to change the display, the display cable, thinkpad stickers has been falling off and now BT is dead on mine
16:49.09pb_but, my x61s was post-lenovo and I never had any real trouble with it.
16:49.09stefan_schmidtcould be "monday" machines but I felt better with my machines before
16:49.41stefan_schmidtpb_: well, the x6x series was still designed by IBM and perhaps also QA'ed :)
16:50.07stefan_schmidtlenovo was doing the production for years already, but IBM had the hand on design, AQ etc
16:50.10pb_yeah, true. :-}
16:50.12stefan_schmidtThat makes a difference
16:50.22pb_anybody have any suggestions for non-thinkpads that are worth looking at?
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16:50.45stefan_schmidtBut I don't have a real alternative though. Thinkpads still are one of the best ootb experience with Linux
16:51.03hollisbI'm happy with a Dell 4300. nice metal construction, good keyboard layout, all the special buttons work in Linux without hacking
16:51.27pb_stefan_schmidt: yeah, exactly.  it's a shame that the newer thinkpads seem not as good as the old ones, but as far as I can tell they are still the best option out there.
16:52.04pb_hollisb: thanks, I'll take a look
16:52.17stefan_schmidtpb_: As long as you stay with the T or X series you should be quite ok imho
16:52.29stefan_schmidtpb_: but avoid the consumer series :)
16:52.31broonieYeah, the Dells work really well out of the box - I've got a 4300 and an M1330 which have both been very straightforward.
16:52.58CIA-103Denys Dmytriyenko <> * rb1a73fa466 10openembedded.git/recipes/liboil/ (5 files):
16:52.58CIA-1liboil: change the license to liboil
16:52.58CIA-1Legally, it is more correct to call the mix of licenses (like used by liboil)
16:52.58CIA-1with the application-specific name, rather than a generic "various".
16:52.58CIA-1Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <>
16:54.00pb_stefan_schmidt: yeah, I have always had X-series myself.  we have a bunch of T-series lying around the office and they always feel like they have been built from depleted uranium or something.
16:54.24stefan_schmidtpb_: heh
16:54.59stefan_schmidtpb_: I'm still pondering with myself about a Macbookpro after the x200. I like the hardware. And it would be linux only anyway :)
16:55.14stefan_schmidtStill not sure if I like to feed my money into apple
16:55.30stefan_schmidtbut my machine should hold another year hopefully
16:57.19CIA-103Denys Dmytriyenko <> * rd8a6e4a9f6 10openembedded.git/recipes/meta/
16:57.19CIA-1external-toolchain-csl: fix the license for -dev packages
16:57.19CIA-1Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <>
16:57.59khemstefan_schmidt: if you want lnx on it they why Macbook pro
16:58.12khemits just expensive piece of hardware
16:58.41khemI have used on but felt its not worth the money
16:59.01pb_yeah, I have been tempted by macbooks on and off.  my last apple machine was an ibook back in 2003 or thereabouts, haven't really used one seriously since then.
17:00.10khempb_: I still use it on and off but not for serious stuff
17:00.21khemmultimedia pictures
17:00.23khemthats it
17:02.15stefan_schmidtkhem: well, for my x200s I also paid 1600€
17:02.27stefan_schmidtkhem: MBP would be about the same for the 13" I wanted
17:02.42stefan_schmidtkhem: But I would really miss my touchstick :(
17:03.32khemstefan_schmidt: In my experience I could buy a lot better hardware with same amount of money I would spend on a MBP
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17:04.10cmkinnei want to build binaries for arm/android what is the bset way to do this?
17:04.11khemif you dont mind the coolness factor then its expensive
17:04.12stefan_schmidtkhem: Maybe I just don't have a good overview on the actual notebook market, but most of the big players are not what I want
17:04.19cmkinneis there a distro for android in oe?
17:05.57Tartaruscmkinne: No, but someone posted patches a while back
17:06.09cmkinnedo you nkow where i acn find those?
17:06.14TartarusDidn't look and see if it got all of the hard cases tho
17:06.23cmkinnei want to get ssh and busybox on my android emulator
17:06.24Tartaruscmkinne, other than googling it, no
17:06.34stefan_schmidtkhem: I would be lying if it would not be a small percentage of coolness factor as well. ;)
17:06.44Tartarusemulator?  no need for ssh, adb should be good enough for that :)
17:06.48stefan_schmidtkhem: I have to evaluate the market shortly before buying a new anyway
17:06.49Tartarusbusybox is another question
17:07.08khemstefan_schmidt: yes do that
17:07.11stefan_schmidtI would to get a dual core cortex A9 notebook :)
17:07.21khemheh not a bad idea
17:07.29stefan_schmidtnot sure if this is realistic in ~1 year
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17:22.43mrmoku|dinnerpb_: me too switched to a Dell after being disappointed by the last thinkpad
17:23.33mrmoku|dinnerstefan_schmidt: that's the good thing with dell notebooks... they too have a trackpoint :)
17:24.57stefan_schmidtmrmoku|dinner: yeah, I know. But I'm not really happy with what they offer. Need to check before buying
17:25.06stefan_schmidtBut its pb_ who is looking not me :)
17:25.29CIA-103Roman I Khimov <> * r0b89ca3d10 10openembedded.git/recipes/squid/ ( squid/squid.init):
17:25.29CIA-1squid: fix missing /etc/squid.conf message from init
17:25.29CIA-1Like this:
17:25.29CIA-1/etc/init.d/squid: line 18: /etc/squid.conf: No such file or directory
17:25.29CIA-1We actually have squid config in /etc/squid/squid.conf
17:25.29CIA-1Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
17:25.30CIA-103Roman I Khimov <> * rdc009cff04 10openembedded.git/recipes/squid/ (7 files in 2 dirs):
17:25.30CIA-1squid: add version 3.1.4
17:25.31CIA-1Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
17:25.31CIA-103Roman I Khimov <> * r7e76202b53 10openembedded.git/recipes/squid/ ( squid/squid.init):
17:25.32CIA-1squid: fix obsolete "-D" cli option warning for squid version 3
17:25.32CIA-1Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
17:25.50mrmokustefan_schmidt: yeah, but you commented about missing it :)
17:26.12stefan_schmidtmrmoku: heh, correct
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17:29.50mrmokupb_: just to be sure, because the other patch was added to all archs... it is needed for armv4t only, right?
17:32.46CIA-103Roman I Khimov <> * r6425b4db03 10openembedded.git/recipes/ (barnyard/ snort/ (log message trimmed)
17:32.46CIA-1barnyard/snort: switch to Gentoo mirrors for SRC_URI changed source URLs to
17:32.46CIA-1alike that redirect somewhere to Amazon S3 with parameters added to the link that
17:32.46CIA-1makes wget save files like "snort-version.tar.gz?lots-of-gibberish" which breaks
17:32.47CIA-1build. Workaround that.
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17:53.56CIA-103Klaus Kurzmann <> * r53126bb60b 10openembedded.git/recipes/mpfr/ ( use existing long-long-thumb.patch instead of arm mode for armv4t
17:53.57CIA-1Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
17:55.31CIA-103Koen Kooi <> * ra3b093595a 10openembedded.git/recipes/xmms/ xmms-tremor: bump PR
17:58.11andyjwhat is the best way to add xserver/gnome to a distro like angstrom?  I thought it would come with the x11 build but doesn't seem to be there
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18:03.22andyjnm feel like an idiot booted wrong kernel...
18:05.07CIA-103Koen Kooi <> * rad2db9ff3d 10openembedded.git/recipes/musicpd/ mpd: add 0.15.12
18:08.38CIA-103Koen Kooi <> * r005408184b 10openembedded.git/recipes/linux/ multi-kernel: fix race condition Graeme reported by depending on mkimage
18:10.58CIA-103Denys Dmytriyenko <> * r0f7a7ef4c3 10openembedded.git/recipes/x-load/
18:10.58CIA-1signgp: set license to BSD
18:10.58CIA-1Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <>
18:13.52*** join/#oe Angelox_123 (
18:14.05Angelox_123I Have errors here
18:14.12Angelox_123can anyone help ?
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18:16.31blindvtAngelox_123, no chance if you don't paste all required info to some paste thing like, no
18:17.10Angelox_123wait..its of QT Compile...this channel can help ????
18:19.26Angelox_123{standard input}: Assembler messages:
18:19.26Angelox_123{standard input}:165: Error: immediate expression expected -- `wstrw wcgr0,[r5,r0,asl#2]'
18:19.27Angelox_123gmake: *** [.obj/release-shared-emb-arm/qscriptengine.o] Error 1
18:19.45Angelox_123ON COMMAND
18:19.50Angelox_123_SNAP -DQT_NO_QWS_MACH64 -DQT_NO_QWS_VOODOO3 -DQT_NO_QWS_MATROX -DQT_NO_QWS_SHADOWFB -DQT_NO_QWS_REPEATER -DQT_NO_QWS_KBD_SL5000 -DQT_NO_QWS_KBD_USB -DQT_NO_QWS_KBD_YOPY -DQT_NO_QWS_KBD_VR41 -DQT_NO_QWS_MOUSE_BUS -DQT_NO_QWS_MOUSE_LINUXTP -DQT_NO_QWS_MOUSE_VR41 -DQT_NO_QWS_MOUSE_YOPY -I/root/qt-estress/qt-embedded-free-3.3.5/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++ -I. -I3rdparty/freetype/src -I3rdparty/freetype/include -I3rdparty/freetype/builds/uni
18:19.55Angelox_123x -I3rdparty/freetype2/include -I3rdparty/libpng -I3rdparty/zlib -I../include -I.moc/release-shared-emb-arm/ -o .obj/release-shared-emb-arm/qscriptengine.o kernel/qscriptengine.cpp
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18:30.42marcompilehow do I create the Packages, Packages.gz and the files necessary to make mu /stuff/tmp/deploy/glibc/ipk a repository exported through http ?
18:31.27blindvtmarcompile, dunno, but i'd search for feed
18:33.18enscAngelox_123: forget iwmmxt; it's broken both in kernel and in recent gccs
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18:34.25marcompileBlindMan, kk, thanks
18:34.45marcompileBlindMan, mt, sorry
18:43.02BlindManmarcompile: you mean blindvt ;)
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18:49.34blindvtBlindMan, hi (and gimme five ;)
18:54.35BlindManhi there *wave+
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19:00.20marcompileany workaround to the error: "cannot find -ltinfo" when compiling alsamixer on F13 ?
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19:26.44dan2003what does a kernel command line root arg with hex value mean? i.e. root=1f01. I have a karo tx25 and this is the default root= arg for booting there supplied kernel.
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19:38.46CIA-103Chase Maupin <[]> * rd90020bab7 10openembedded.git/recipes/x-load/ (files/signGP.c
19:38.47CIA-1signGP: add BSD header and copyright
19:38.47CIA-1* Add the BSD header to the signGP.c file with copyright year 2010.
19:38.47CIA-1* Bump PR
19:38.47CIA-1Signed-off-by: Chase Maupin <>
19:38.47CIA-1Signed-off-by: Denys Dmytriyenko <>
19:40.57blindvtdan2003, it just specifies the filesystem, so 001 is e.g. /dev/ram0 if memory serves me right
19:41.21dan2003yeah sorry, found out it specifies major, minor dev node
19:43.03dan2003my rootfs is missing a dev node ttymxc0 (207,16) which i think is what os preventing it from booting - just trying to make a new jffs2 with it added in to see if it is the cause.
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19:55.24CIA-103Roman Khimov <> * r3fe37352fc 10openembedded.git/recipes/base-files/ (7 files in 7 dirs):
19:55.25CIA-1base-files: profile: don't set TZ if /etc/TZ is present
19:55.25CIA-1uClibc-based systems can have system-wide TZ in /etc/TZ, thus we shouldn't
19:55.25CIA-1set TZ variable if it is present.
19:55.25CIA-1Signed-off-by: Roman I Khimov <>
19:55.25CIA-1Acked-by: Khem Raj <>
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20:17.38dan2003does avahi-daemon worg with normal dhcp servers or not? on my zaurus (runign angstrom) i had to make a hack script that runs udhcpc -i wlan0 to get it on the lan automatically at boot. Now this tx25 running openembedded says its started avahi-daemon but it never gets an ip from my dns server
20:20.52warflyrdan2003 i just starting trying to identify where the dhcp is called during the networking init script; currently it tries to launch dhclient but with the wrong arguements
20:23.11dan2003warflyr, The serial console on my board never comes up. the last text i see is the bit about starting avahi-daemon followd by a msg form init every 5 mins to do with the serial console not working - so i have no way to get in as the lan is not working either :(
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20:25.31dan2003im wondering if this is related..
20:25.32dan2003Starting udev/etc/rcS.d/S03udev: line 50: can't create /tmp/uname: Read-only file system
20:25.32dan2003touch: /tmp/uname: Read-only file system
20:25.32dan2003Remounting root file system..
20:25.50warflyrdan2003 setting a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces prior to booting may help you out... did you add your serial console to the init tab?
20:26.28warflyrecho "S:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 ttyS2" >> /etc/inittab
20:26.30warflyrsomething like that
20:26.35dan2003yup - bu the device node was missing - i added it but still sint working (has a funny name ttymxc0)
20:27.52dan2003only way i have to make the changes is to edit the rootfs on the pc, make a new .jffs2, and flash it , which is somewhat tedious
20:27.53warflyrwhat machine?
20:28.19dan2003karo tx25, (which is basically just a  freescale mx257)
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20:30.55warflyrwell, set static IP addresses in interfaces then try to boot; make sure you have ssh daemon installed; if you get lucky, you should be able to ssh in
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20:33.50dan2003yeah - will do that - ui can see dropbear starting just prior to avahi so thats promising
20:37.40dan2003hasnt made any difference :(
20:38.10warflyrcant ping it?
20:39.37dan2003might remove avahi form the startup
20:39.41warflyrany activity lights on the board?
20:40.03warflyryeah i was gonna suggest that, avahi is pretty heavy for embedded systems
20:40.04dan2003afraid not -  but it works fine with karo's own image
20:40.43warflyrmaybe try karos kernel/uboot with your rootfs?
20:41.32dan2003proab have problems with modules?
20:41.41dan2003guess could copy them into my rootfs
20:43.12warflyryeah, use the corresponding modules
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20:59.51CIA-103Klaus Kurzmann <> * r84c25f7573 10openembedded.git/recipes/freesmartphone/ bump SRCREV
20:59.51CIA-1Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
20:59.56CIA-103Klaus Kurzmann <> * rdcc69927a2 10openembedded.git/recipes/freesmartphone/ bump FSO_CORNUCOPIA_SRCREV
20:59.56CIA-1Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
20:59.56CIA-103Klaus Kurzmann <> * r1fb667cb41 10openembedded.git/recipes/freesmartphone/ bump SRCREV
20:59.56CIA-1Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
21:02.33*** join/#oe hansdampf (~moritz@
21:16.24GNUtoo|laptophi I've that:  ./ undefined reference to `_PyParser_Grammar'
21:16.37GNUtoo|laptopthe fix is so old and was pushed
21:16.43GNUtoo|laptopbut I've still that
21:16.50GNUtoo|laptopmachine htcdream
21:16.52GNUtoo|laptopdistro shr
21:16.58GNUtoo|laptopbitbake shr-image
21:30.03*** join/#oe mrc3_ (~mrc3@nat/ti/x-osdoqfanigngjspi)
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21:43.22CIA-103Andrea Adami <> * r0ff60623c2 10openembedded.git/recipes/kexecboot/
21:43.22CIA-1kexecboot: remove dependency on losetup
21:43.22CIA-1* Support for loopmount still to be defined.
21:43.22CIA-1* While we could easily mount a loopimage and kexec the included
21:43.22CIA-1* kernel and initrd, it would be duty of the init of the loopimage
21:43.23CIA-1* to know about rootfs and rest of filesystem.
21:43.24CIA-1* Problem is we don't know that init in advance.
21:43.24CIA-103Andrea Adami <> * rd45a784c09 10openembedded.git/recipes/kexecboot/
21:43.25CIA-1kexecboot_git: bump to f0f9069a40f7dcf21da9d0b59f36e768a073d0c9
21:43.25CIA-1* new fbmenu layout
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22:23.57zubetrunko: did you progress with testing the cmake?
22:26.06zubetrunko: I just tested on an om-gta02. Tested basic c, c++ compilation. Tested also FindPkgConfig (=cmake can find the shipped modules)
22:26.42zubetrunko: but tested only search for non-existend pkgconfig lingrary; but as the include was found + pkgconfig called that would probably also work
22:26.54zub~ overall result seems to be: cmake works
22:27.46zubbut as the include was found ... I mean: as cmake found FindPkgConfig module
22:28.29zubalso ccmake works :)
22:29.49*** join/#oe mrc3_ (~mrc3@nat/ti/x-kxpmiwttiqrkqmxc)
22:39.45warflyrif im using bbclassextend=native; how can i have a different configure option on the native package? (or only patch the target build)
22:39.47etrunkozub: just did very basic test too
22:39.59etrunkobut indeed it works
22:56.27Tartaruswarflyr: Yes, there's the virtclass-native override
23:01.07warflyrTartarus, thanks
23:01.50CIA-103Andrea Adami <> * r78cc524b1b 10openembedded.git/conf/machine/ (akita.conf include/ spitz.conf): Set PREFERRED_PROVIDER for udev-compat to udev-compat141 here
23:01.50CIA-1* extend support to c7x0 and poodle
23:02.02CIA-103Andrea Adami <> * r6293399a67 10openembedded.git/recipes/udev/ (
23:02.02CIA-1udev: add support for udev-compat for c7x0 and poodle
23:02.02CIA-1* following spitz + akita
23:02.02CIA-1* fixed RDEPENDS of .154
23:04.41warflyrhmm, bitbake still having issues finding the package... just sits at NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
23:09.14warflyris there something wrong with using the name 'unixodbc-native'... bitbake had this same issue with using both (inherit native) and the bbclassextend=native method o.0; id at least expect it to find the package and throw an error...
23:12.15*** join/#oe raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
23:13.11ant_Tartarus: have you commited your patches for packaged-staging?
23:15.51ant_seems so
23:26.16*** join/#oe EiNSTeiN_ (~einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
23:27.08Tartarusant_: yes, aside from perl-native and guile-native (still need to write that up, bah), it's good enough for pstaging to be 1.0 I think
23:27.15Tartarusit's there, it works, it could be improved
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