IRC log for #oe on 20091127

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06:35.10CIA-8003Thomas Zimmermann <> * rf7d4b310b5 10openembedded.git/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
06:35.10CIA-80babiloo: new recipe
06:35.10CIA-80Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
06:40.43CIA-8003Benjamin Schieder <> * rb0005a48b5 10openembedded.git/recipes/fltk/
06:40.43CIA-80add package fltkcocktailbar
06:40.43CIA-80Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
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06:46.35CIA-8003Klaus Kurzmann <> * r5be7660163 10openembedded.git/recipes/tasks/
06:46.35CIA-80task-shr-feed: add fltkcocktailbar and babiloo-efl
06:46.35CIA-80Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
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08:01.07Hasse__Hi there. I get an ERROR with gcc-cross-4.3.3-r9.1: Please help! :)
08:09.21Hasse__Anyone here...?
08:09.49DJWillisHasse__: looks like the error is in libobjc? Are you building with ObjectiveC support?
08:10.29Hasse__DJWillis: ehmm... guess not...?
08:10.51Hasse__DJWillis: what option would do that?
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08:12.07DJWillisHasse__: it may be there by default, just wanted to check it was nothing you had done to the recipe.
08:13.10Hasse__DJWillis: I don't see why I would need that - we use C++ only :)
08:13.25DJWillisHasse__: I assume you have tried bitbake -cclean gcc-cross-4.3.3 && bitbake  gcc-cross-4.3.3?
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08:18.55CIA-8003Graeme Gregory <> * r71e2c5d143 10openembedded.git/recipes/gcc/ ( gcc-4.3.3/arm-gcc-objective.patch): : replace objc patch with undamaged one from gcc-patches
08:18.55CIA-80There is a one hunk peice of damage in the patch originally committed, as
08:18.55CIA-80compared to the patch posted on gcc-patches. Replacing with the original
08:18.55CIA-80patch enables platforms like arm oabi to compile again.
08:19.35XorA|gonesuspects he pushed that fix at just the right time
08:20.20XorA|goneHasse__: that bug is fixed
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08:22.15Hasse__DJWillis, XorA|gone: Oki thanks, I'll investigate my system for branch updates etc.
08:22.32XorA|goneHasse__: I pushed the fix only 1 minute ago
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08:22.58Hasse__XorA|gone: :D .. ah, okay - it sounded like days ago ;)
08:23.09DJWillisXorA|gone: ahhh, well timed push
08:23.39Hasse__XorA|gone: double thanksThen;
08:23.42XorA|goneDJWillis: I found the bu yesterday afternoon, but needed to locate/test a fix
08:23.58XorA|goneDJWillis: it seems wherever koen got that patch did a manual merge and fscked it up
08:25.00DJWillisXorA|gone: Doh!, always the way
08:25.44XorA|gonenew patch also has original email header so its properly acknowledged
08:30.02*** join/#oe mnabil_ (n=mnabil@
08:40.06HeinervdmI've a problem with do_fetch. it fails to download this SRC_URI = ""
08:40.58HeinervdmIt's because of .zip or because the filename after downlowding is: download.php? ?
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08:59.05XorA|goneHeinervdm: it doesnt handle when http servers rename files
09:06.02HeinervdmXorA|gone: can i workaround this somehow?
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09:08.59Heinervdmok, found a way to work around. tried to download with that filename and that works
09:09.19XorA|goneI was going to say find somewhere that doesnt have the file renaming
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09:29.57the-collarhello all together
09:31.29the-collari am a newbie and i have a general question to openembedded
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09:33.43the-collaryesterday i was installing and configuring openembedded and bitbake. After i had done so, i followed the Getting Startet. I tried to execute the command bitbake nano. It starts do work and running the tasks.
09:34.34the-collarbut at the command "NOTE: Running task 293 of 435 (ID: 7, /home/The_Collar/oe/openembedded/recipes/glibc/, do_compile)" it works and works and works  all over the night
09:36.50the-collarand now it works nearly 24hours but it does not go on! How much time will it take in general to execute a complet bitbake nano comand?
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09:39.38doragasuwhat's your CPU? how much RAM do you have?
09:39.41mckoangood morning
09:39.51doragasubuilding glibc is slow
09:40.00the-collari use a pentium 4 (3ghz) with 512mb RAM
09:41.18doragasuthe first time you run bitbake <anything>, it takes a lot of time because it needs to build the toolchain. Maybe you are a bit low on RAM. I think maybe it's normal for it to take more than 24 hours
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09:42.13doragasuI use a Pentium D with 1 GB RAM and I can't remember exactly how much time did I need, but I think it was between 12 and 18 hours
09:42.24doragasuto bitbake nano
09:42.28the-collarok! If it's normal then I will let it work
09:43.34the-collarI only wonder about the long time it takes and I supposed my pc has a problem
09:45.13the-collarthanks for the answer! I will let it work, if necessary all over the weekend - then it should be finished!
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09:56.10woglindehi heinervdm
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10:11.25ant_workquestion about kernel_do_stage()  in kernel.bbclass: I'd need to add "include/mtd". Nobody else ever needed mtd headers?
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10:11.45ant_workwe ended up staging own copy in the recipe :/
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10:30.59sghWhat is the difference between mesa/mesa-dri/mesa-xlib ?
10:34.17pb_mesa-dri is Mesa with the dri backend enabled
10:34.23pb_mesa-xlib is Mesa with the xlib backend enabled
10:34.29pb_mesa itself is, as far as I can tell, historical cruft
10:36.47CIA-8003Klaus Kurzmann <> * r7b2a48f169 10openembedded.git/recipes/shr/
10:36.47CIA-80phoneuid: conform with the recent changes in upstreams Makefiles
10:36.47CIA-80Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
10:45.35CIA-8003Thomas Zimmermann <> * r6372f6f812 10openembedded.git/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
10:45.35CIA-80openttd: add version 0.7.4-RC1 and sound and graphic files from
10:45.35CIA-80* Can't reuse .inc because openttd won't build with --target configure option
10:45.35CIA-80* Sounds and Graphics from are GPL and CC licensed files to replace the
10:45.36CIA-80propertarie files needed by this game
10:45.38CIA-80Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
10:53.57*** part/#oe xjqian1 (
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11:02.39RPmorning all
11:02.43pb_hi rp
11:02.59RPant_work: mtd headers are added by mtdutils iirc
11:04.45florianhi RP
11:06.33florianhi hrw
11:06.45RPhi hrw
11:08.10kristofferGetting a new bug now, where it fails to find the md5 files :( is this fixed upstreams or totally new?
11:08.25kristofferNOTE: Task failed: Unknown fetch Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/1TB/openembedded/sources/vim-7.0.tar.bz2.md5'
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11:32.21woglindere hi
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11:44.38rvfoMay anyone help me with a simple doubt? If I will use a 2.6.29 kernel version, do i need the "wifi" flag in the machine features? This doubt is because i get a conflict with madwifi and this kernel version
11:46.23florianrvfo: What kind of conflict?
11:49.28rvfoflorian: when bitbake tried to compile madwifi, I get a configure error, in the log was written to set PCI modules in the .config, and I set the flag "pci" in the MACHINE_FEATURES
11:57.49florianrvfo: sounds like a bug, can you paste the error somewhere?
11:58.23rvfoflorian: just a minute i will look for
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12:03.56rvfoforian: i lost the pastebin link, i will to compile again and post, thanks for attention
12:14.35ant_workRP: yes, it seems mtd-abi.h and mtd-user.h appear staged by mtd-utils. I'll have to DEPEND on them.
12:15.03ant_workbut finally, why not staging in kernel.bbclass?
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12:56.35ant_workRP: I see now nandlogical already depends from mtd-utils. Probably the issue was just with the klibc static version and some -nostdinc flags...
12:57.07ant_workyes it was like that
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13:12.02CIA-8003Klaus Kurzmann <> * rd6aa55b485 10openembedded.git/recipes/shr/
13:12.02CIA-80phonefsod: conform with latest autotools configuration changes in upstream
13:12.02CIA-80Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
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13:18.43mrmokuhmm... whom has one to beg pardon for when one added a branch by accident :c
13:35.25Crofton|workmrmoku, I think mickey|zzZZzz can delete branches
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13:37.24broonieIn his sleep!
13:45.52mrmokuCrofton|work: ok, thanks :)
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14:14.41CIA-8003Sebastian Spaeth <> * r5b7e82c4c2 10openembedded.git/recipes/bootchart-lite/
14:14.41CIA-80bootchart-lite: Use mkdir rather than install in postinst.
14:14.41CIA-80* install is part of coreutils which might not be installed.
14:14.41CIA-80* As this is a -lite image it might not make sense to pull in coreutils just to create a dir.
14:14.41CIA-80Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
14:14.46CIA-8003Sebastian Spaeth <> * rafe9a3e394 10openembedded.git/: Merge branch '' of ssh+git:// into
14:14.47CIA-8003Sebastian Spaeth <> * rea07ac9bb2 10openembedded.git/recipes/openmoko-3rdparty/
14:14.50CIA-80babiloo-efl: add tar-based recipe in addion to _bzr variant.
14:14.52CIA-80Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
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14:18.32CIA-8003Sebastian Spaeth <> * r3310e71744 10openembedded.git/recipes/openmoko-3rdparty/
14:18.32CIA-80babiloo-efl: don't prefer _bzr version over releases
14:18.32CIA-80Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
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14:35.25sakoman__good morning
14:36.18sakoman__I'm getting a build failure for python-pygobject on my x86_64 machine:
14:36.58sakoman__works fine on my other non-64 bit machines
14:37.04sakoman__any ideas?
14:37.32Crofton|workhmm, missing header files
14:39.37sakoman__Crofton|work: well, it thinks so.  but they are actually there
14:39.55Crofton|workit built on my few day old checkout
14:40.05Crofton|workhas the bb file changed altely?
14:40.29sakoman__hmmm . . . seems that on 32 bit machines it generates a -I for the glib-2.0 include directory but does not on 64 bit machines
14:40.58sakoman__so perhaps packageconfig for glib-2.0 is broken on 64 bit
14:42.32sakoman__gm rsalveti
14:43.06sakoman__Crofton|work: I don't see any suspicious recent changes
14:43.48sakoman__Crofton|work: I ran into this last night, was too tired to deal with it.  So I tried a clean build while I slept.  Same issue :-(
14:47.54Crofton|workI'll poke and see if I ahve the same issue
14:47.56sakoman__Crofton|work: well forget the glib-2.0 pc theory.  the pc files are identical on 32 and 64 bit
14:48.32sakoman__so it must be something in the config process for python-pygobject
14:49.23sakoman__cause the failing command on 64 bit is clearly missing the -I for glib-2.0
14:50.34Crofton|workmine is rebuild gcc-cross atm
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14:51.20XorACrofton|work: sorry
14:52.13XorACrofton|work: I wont be around much tonight and tomorrow, prod eV members to vote :-)
14:53.23broonieHey, let people exercise their democratic right to apathy!
14:54.20Crofton|workwell, I don't think we get hung up on quorum issues
14:54.36XorAApathy was not an option on the ballot :-D
14:55.36CIA-8003Sebastian Spaeth <> * red569d68e0 10openembedded.git/recipes/tasks/
14:55.36CIA-80task-shr-feed: add babiloo-efl, remove hermining.
14:55.36CIA-80* Also sort some entries alphabetically. This list is a mess.
14:55.36CIA-80Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
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14:58.49sakoman__Crofton|work: I suspect your build will work
14:59.11sakoman__the error happens in the girepository subdirectory build
15:00.08sakoman__and OE repo currently doesn't have a gobject-introspection recipe
15:00.19sakoman__so you will never enter that subdirectory
15:00.49sakoman__I've added that recipe so I am taking a path that hasn't typcally been taken before
15:01.11sakoman__so I guess I'm on my own :-(
15:06.45sakoman__Interesting, it generates GLIB_CFLAGS properly, but just doesn't include them in the INCLUDES definition
15:06.59sakoman__so perhaps a bit of sed magic . . .
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15:13.06recalcatigood morning
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15:39.56*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Bugtracker: | Repository: or (http and git ro mirror) | This is not a distro or machine support channel | ADMIN STATUS: OK
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15:44.45CIA-1003Sebastian Spaeth <> * ra5e4a8b36a 10openembedded.git/recipes/openmoko-3rdparty/
15:44.45CIA-10babiloo: upstream changed SRC_URI
15:44.45CIA-10Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
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15:56.23recalcatiI have an important question about sending e-mail containing patches using the company e-mail
15:57.56recalcatimy fantastique e-mail server doens't send perfectly the body
15:58.12Crofton|workthat is bad ,,,,'
15:58.16recalcatisome ">" or other character can be changed
15:58.27recalcatiany suggestion?
15:58.33Crofton|workbest thing to do is send them to yourself and see if you can apply them
15:58.37recalcatiI'm getting crazy to explain them
15:58.53recalcatiI did it, and patches don't apply
15:59.10pb_maybe you can get yourself a gmail account and send them from there.
15:59.37recalcatipb_: it is an idea, but we want company visibility of our work
16:00.12pb_I'm not quite sure what you mean by "company visibility".
16:00.51recalcatipb_: we work on pxa270 to improve a product and we want to contribute offically to kernel
16:01.12recalcatithen we'll work on davinci , .... so on
16:01.59pb_if this is the kernel, then I imagine the upstream h4x0rz would rather that you publish your changes in a git tree anyway.
16:02.13pb_so you might be better off doing that rather than worrying about making applyable patches.
16:02.41recalcatiWe have a person good to write and send patches
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16:04.37brooniepb_: Upstream kernel wants patches via e-mail.
16:04.49broonierecalcati: Traditional approach is to use a webmail account (eg, gmail)
16:05.02broonierecalcati: Or other third party SMTP server to send patches.
16:05.03XorAwhat good is an MTA that trashes all emails?
16:05.24broonierecalcati: eg, at Wolfson we have a separate domain which bypasses Exchange for all public Linxu work.
16:05.25pb_ah, good idea, you could check the dns blacklists to find an open relay and then use that.
16:05.39XorAyou can register your company on GHS and send as though you were sending from company email server
16:05.43brooniepb_: and promptly get blacklisted :)
16:06.10XorAGoogle Hosted Services doesnt have to be your only MTA but it can be one of them
16:06.48Crofton|workrecalcati, use .com address on signoff
16:07.07broonieNote also that you can set the e-mail address for patches that get applied separately to the sending user so you can do things like send from a personal account with the patch author set to be an account on the fucked server.
16:07.23Crofton|workthat will persist in the log entries long after the email address the patch came from
16:07.49broonieCrofton|work: git records teh patch author and in the kernel we're fairly careful to apply patches properly.
16:08.04broonieCrofton|work: So you need to get *both* right.
16:08.36broonieCrofton|work: but "From: blah" as teh first line of the log body allows sending patches with an author different to the sender.
16:09.52recalcatiThanks, it seems the betst solution is the "at Wolfson we have a separate domain which bypasses Exchange for all public Linxu work."
16:10.28broonieThat's the ideal; folks like Marvell do use the GMail approach which does also work effectively.
16:10.58recalcatibut marvell doesn't appear inside the commit message
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16:12.53recalcatibroonie: "Note also that you can set the e-mail address for patches that get applied separately to the sending user so you can do things like send from a personal account with the patch author set to be an account on the fucked server"   what does it mean?  can explain me the sintax ?
16:13.07broonie16:08 < broonie> Crofton|work: but "From: blah" as teh first line of the log  body allows sending patches with an author different to the  sender.
16:13.16brooniegit format-patch will DTRT for you.
16:15.25recalcatibroonie: but, it is correct way to do it? can I have problems?
16:15.45broonieYes, that's perfectly normal - standard tools like git am work with it.
16:16.00broonieIf you want to test stuff I'd suggest mailing it to yourself and trying to apply with git am.
16:16.01recalcatibroonie: thx
16:16.17broonieIf the resulting log looks OK everything is working as expected.
16:17.53recalcatibroonie: I'll do it using my private account, but, anyway, I have to register myself to kernel to obtain a machine number. I'll do it with my company e-mail and than if with it I'll not able to send patches, I'll use a private one with "From: myself_private_account"
16:31.44recalcatithx to all
16:32.35recalcatibye bye
16:36.05cdbot2* * OE Bug 5344 has been created by tdomhan(AT)
16:36.07cdbot2* * missing checksums for  v2.6.14-gitcurrent.patch and full.patch
16:36.09cdbot2* *
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17:06.15DJWillisIs there an easy way to tell (in a bb) if an arch is ARM and ideally if it's ARMv5>? Just cleaning up a bb that can make use of a lot of ARM opt. code patches if you can be sure of the arch at build time.
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18:10.17CIA-1003Liam Girdwood <> * r0e0de60f44 10openembedded.git/ (8 files in 3 dirs):
18:10.17CIA-10pulseaudio: add version 0.9.21
18:10.17CIA-10Signed-off-by: Liam Girdwood <>
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18:30.57XorAeV members remember to vote!
18:32.46Crofton|workvote early, vote often!
18:33.13XorAdont let the eV fail in a pile of apathy!
18:35.39mwesterCrofton|work -- you sound like a Chicago citizen!
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20:04.04DJWillisAny objections to give SDL a bit of TLC and update to 1.2.14 and also enable FB and X11 while I am at it rather than lots of seperate SDL's (also, setup TSLIB support while I am at it).
20:10.53*** join/#oe brolin (
20:14.55pb___DJWillis: you probably ought to use your new DISTRO_FEATURES skills to make directfb, x11 and tslib conditional :-)
20:14.55pb___other than that it sounds like a fine idea to me
20:18.40DJWillispb___: that's just what I have in mind ;), the X11 bit I am unsure of but the rest is getting there. 1.2.14 is just test building now but I can't see why half the patches are needed anymore.
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20:31.38Martin-Bgehe gleich zum essen
20:32.05Martin-Bda lohnt sich nichts mehr anzufangen :-)
20:32.26Martin-Bund du ?
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20:40.34DJWillispb___: (or others) is ok considered ok to move a package from a platform arch (i.e. ARMv7) to a machine arch? It just strikes me that is the RIGHT way to sort libSDL and build the touchscreen support based on the machine features.
20:42.04pb_DJWillis: most of the features in question are going to be distro ones, not machine ones.  If there are any DISTROs that want to split it per machine then yes, making the libsdl package be machine specific would be an ok solution for those DISTROs.
20:42.20pb_but, in the general case, it is not very desirable to make it machine specific.
20:42.59DJWillispb_: snag is 'touchscreen' is machine level, hmmm, not sure the best way to cleanly do this, may just stick my head in the sand and claim it never happened ;-)
20:43.27pb_DJWillis: are there any DISTROs which need both a touchscreen-enabled and a non touchscreen enabled libsdl?
20:44.48gnutoohi, does someone use mpi with boost
20:45.00DJWillispb_: I can't think of any, the current setup with it off by default is not great to be honest. Maybe just turn it on and let people shout, it can't go wrong without it but it then has to drag in tslib.
20:45.02gnutooI guess not
20:45.17gnutoobut maybe with a cluster of sheevaplug?
20:45.35gnutooor high-end power5 architecture
20:45.47pb_DJWillis: if enabling touchscreen support doesn't break anything then I would expect most heterogenous DISTROs can just turn it on and accept that they will get a useless copy of tslib installed on non touchscreen machines.
20:45.51pb_tslib isn't very big, after all
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20:46.20pb_and, if any such heterogenous DISTROs have a problem with that, they can do the work to make touchscreen support be per-MACHINE for them. :-}
20:46.31DJWillispb_: very true
20:46.41gnutooindeed it's a machine feature
20:46.46gnutoomoreover some machine use evdev
20:46.50gnutoosome other have tslib
20:47.09gnutoosome don't have touchscreen at all and have restricted space
20:47.38DJWillisgnutoo: hmm, yep, but if space is that tight are they going to carry SDL ;-) but good point on tslib/evdev. Hmmm
20:49.58gnutoolol I didn't read the beginning
20:52.03DJWillisgnutoo: anything you want to chip in? Trying to work out the easiest way for me to get 1.2.14 in OE ;)
20:52.40gnutooI'll try wesnoth
20:52.50gnutoonot yet
20:53.01gnutooI'll add options if I needed them for wesnoth
20:54.13gnutoocan I disable mpi with boost?
20:54.23gnutooor is there an mpi lib in oe
20:54.33gnutoofind + grep don't find anything
20:54.39gnutooonly compile patches
20:56.17roliveiraflorian: How are you? I talked with you earlier today, about a conflict with the flag "wifi" and the kernel version, only now i can repeat the error, may you help me?
20:56.53florianroliveira: yes sure, i'll try
20:57.28roliveiraflorian: the complete error is here:
20:59.42roliveiraflorian: i set the flag pci in the MACHINE_FEATURE, but it didn't solve
21:03.06florianroliveira: I see... it looks like PCI is turned off in the kernel configuration.
21:04.56gnutooindeed it checks for kenrel config...
21:05.41roliveiraflorian: I thought that to, maybe, would I set this manually? And another strange thing, in the distro conf I set kernel version equal = 2.6.29 and this error refers to 2.6.25 version
21:06.45roliveiraflorian: gntoo: Is it possible to do automatically?
21:07.51gnutooroliveira, there are several ways to do it:
21:08.12gnutoo*change the .config with make ARCH=arm menuconfig,save,copy back into the defconfig in the oe tree
21:08.32gnutoo*use a menuconfig task(I don't remember the exact name of the task)
21:09.08gnutoo*look if the kernel recipe checks for the pci machine feature,if not implement that and >> to the config
21:09.44gnutoobut can't you use ath5k that is FLOSS?
21:11.41floriangnutoo: he is building for i486 :)
21:12.03roliveiragnutoo: i just put in MACHINE_FEATURES ".. pci.. " and the kernel version = 2.6.29 and executed the command "bitbake task-base"
21:12.16roliveiragnutoo: and this happened
21:12.49roliveiragnutoo: yes I have an old geode NSC
21:12.56florianroliveira: you don't do this. usually you have a kernel recipe that supports your device and comes with a defconfig file that matches the needs of your device.
21:13.21florianroliveira: which kernel does it build actually?
21:13.21gnutooso remove the ARCH=arm,sorry for the error
21:15.32roliveiraflorian: I set to the 2.6.29 and in the error is wrote 2.6.25. The problem is that I need a newer version than 2.6.25, because I need to use a camera, and I read that old version than 2.6.28 doesn't support this
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21:26.18florianroliveira: this means you bild the wrong kernel anyway. do you build for a device that was in oe already of for something you added?
21:32.23roliveirayes, i was trying to build one device with a newer kernel version, because I need the drivers to video capture and I only found this way to do that. Because my hardware have a webcam, nowaday I'm using a simple debian distro with kernel 2.6.28, but I'm needing space in the hardware
21:35.21roliveiraflorian: and this is the reason to use OE and another things, I didn't know OE before yesterday and I liked
21:36.23florianroliveira: ok right, you need to make sure the newer kernel is set to be compatible to your device and comes with a matching defconfig
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21:38.24roliveiraflorian: I'll look for this, if It isn't compatible I will write the .config, thanks so much
21:38.57florianroliveira: that's quite easy. look at the older kernel bb file and see how it is done. the defconfig you might be able to copy from the old kernel. this goes to the subdir $new-kernel-$version/$machine/
21:39.41roliveiraflorian: thanks a lot, i will do that
21:39.53florianroliveira: otherwise the old gernel gets picked because no new one is available.
21:39.58florianroliveira: yw
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21:49.19gnutoocan I disable MPI in boost 1.40 ?
21:49.40gnutooor where can I find an mpi lib in oe tree....I didn't find one
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22:05.48woglindehm what a mess
22:05.59woglindewebkit-gtk needs over 6 gig to build
22:07.08florian... and a lot of cpu cycles
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22:11.00Crofton|workDon't forget to vote guys
22:12.15woglindeseems I am on private or so
22:12.20woglindeargs not
22:12.24woglindewhere to vote?
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22:13.58woglindejo ant
22:14.19*** topic/#oe by pb___ -> OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Bugtracker: | Repository: or (http and git ro mirror) | This is not a distro or machine support channel | ADMIN STATUS: OK | e.V members: remember to vote early and often
22:14.19florianCrofton|work: oh right
22:14.55ant__hey EU devs
22:15.07pb___woglinde: see the oe-members list, xora sent out a ballot
22:15.09ant__amys still digesting...
22:15.43woglindeyeah seems I have to subscribe
22:16.11florianhrm... didn't we subscribe all members?
22:17.03Crofton|workflorian, better check against the member list on the website
22:17.07woglindeseems I am no
22:17.36florianCrofton|work: Yes I'm working on this already...
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22:18.40woglindehi spaetz
22:20.07ant__RP: ping?
22:20.43ant__RP: about that mtd headers, it happens that compiling with klcc only mtd.h is in the path
22:22.26ant__so it's just matter of adding -I${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr/include/mtd
22:23.17ant__seems bettaer than adding own copy of the same headers :/
22:23.42ant__still don't understand why mtd-utils are deploying these same headers, though...
22:24.25ant__these are sanitized kernel headers, which imho should be staged in kernel.bbclass and not by mtd-utils
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22:24.30ant__just my 2cents
22:26.16ant__probably I'm missing something...
22:49.14florianCrofton|work: done
22:57.49woglindethanks florian
22:58.16florianwoglinde: yw
23:30.58woglindethats what I wanted latley for the kernel
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23:57.54*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | Web: | Bugtracker: | Repository: or (http and git ro mirror) | This is not a distro or machine support channel | ADMIN STATUS: OK | e.V members: remember to vote early and often

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