IRC log for #oe on 20091116

00:00.19sakomanRP: ah metacity postinst in woring image is 701 bytes, 212 in new non-working image
00:00.45RPsakoman: Can you pastebin it please?
00:00.47RPhi hrw
00:01.31hrwmwester: I bought Samsung HDD this time instead of seagate - it was cheaper per TB
00:02.20CIA-8003Mike Westerhof <> * r1e7e232522 10openembedded.git/conf/distro/include/ SlugOS: - set preferred provider for util-linux to util-linux-ng.
00:03.14RPsakoman: thanks, let me poke around
00:03.40sakomanRP: good luck!  thanks :-)
00:03.54RPsakoman: looks like something to do with gconf.bbclass
00:04.49sakomanI seem to recall having to tweak that a bit to get the ordering of things right when a recipe had a postinst
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00:06.15RPsakoman: I've spotted one broken class so far :/
00:06.25RPsakoman: but not the cause of this
00:07.08RPsakoman: ah, I know why this has happened. Its my changes too :
00:07.34RPToo many places making assumptions about the packages core :/
00:07.42sakomanAlways happy to help find bugs!
00:13.15CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * r6b591e5079 10openembedded.git/classes/gconf.bbclass:
00:13.15CIA-80gconf: Remove hardcoded PKGDEST directory assumption
00:13.15CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
00:13.19RPsakoman: These two commits should fix that particular problem
00:13.20CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * r97da69ac08 10openembedded.git/classes/gtk-icon-cache.bbclass:
00:13.20CIA-80gtk-icon-cache.bbclass: Remove hardcoded PKGDEST directory assumption
00:13.20CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
00:13.38RPsakoman: ANything using those classes needs to be rebuilt though :/
00:13.55sakomanRP: thanks!  I'll fire up a new clean build
00:14.13sakoman(yet another quad core user here)
00:14.24sakomanShould be done after dinner :-)
00:14.33RPsakoman: I'd wait 5 minutes - there are more to fix
00:14.35hrwheh.. I started new fresh build on friday... not finished yet and new 'lets rebuild' needs to be done
00:15.00hrwsakoman: intel should really send us some mainboard+core quad i7+ram combos
00:15.11sakomanRP: OK, I'll wait a bit
00:15.31sakomanhrw: I'd be happy to accept a couple for testing :-)
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00:15.53mwesterThey would double as a heat source.
00:15.55hrwhahah ;D
00:16.03RPok, just one more, coming now
00:16.17hrwsakoman: my q6600 starts to generate more heat each time
00:16.39mwesterloves his q6600 - rock-solid.
00:16.50CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * r01f6b4999d 10openembedded.git/classes/mime.bbclass:
00:16.50CIA-80mime.bbclass: Remove hardcoded PKGDEST directory assumption
00:16.50CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
00:17.01RPMy 8 core i7 is heating a house atm :/
00:17.04hrwmwester: my is stable now too - after dropping box cooler and putting some monster on it
00:17.18hrwRP: xeon?
00:17.25RPmwester: dual quad core
00:17.56mwesterYikes - I think I saw one of those MB once, an extra digit in the price tag!~
00:18.55hrwERROR: Task do_rm_work_all does not exist for target console-image
00:18.57RPhrw: Coe i7
00:19.01RPCore i7
00:19.15sakomanhrw: I guess not if you have an in your email address
00:19.53hrwRP: dual quadcore means two cpus. and iirc only Xeon family works that way
00:19.54RPThat machine was bought from Dell, nothing special
00:20.21hrwsakoman: I had such one for some time. in middle of having it I lost a way to be able to use it
00:20.30RPSorry, its not dual, its an 8 way single chip
00:20.41hrwRP: quadcore+HT?
00:20.56RPhrw: yes, it will be
00:21.18RPblummin fast which is mainly what I was interested in :)
00:21.35hrwI have buildbot on one dual quadcore xeon machine. works nice
00:21.56hrwRP: yes, i7 is nicely made.
00:22.18mwesterIt requires memory in groups of three, right?
00:22.44hrwmwester: or two - depends on version iirc
00:22.59RPmwester: Pass, I plugged it in and used it as should be evident from my lack of knowledge above :/
00:23.03hrwmwester: s1156<>s1366 thing iirc
00:23.50RPsakoman: let me know how the new image works out. Hopefully it was just this...
00:24.34sakomanI have a feeling that will do it.  The image seems to be ok with console command line access, it is just the gnome stuff that is broken.
00:25.00RPhopes so
00:25.28sakomanRP:  I'll drop you a note confirming it in a few hours :-)  (hows that for positive thinking!)
00:26.49sakomanif that image works, then the changes ought to be in good shape.  gnome image is a monster!
00:27.23sakoman(but actually works surprising well on OMAP3!)
00:31.59mturquettesakoman: thanks for the hint.  exactly what i'm looking for.
00:33.46grgis anyone really attached to the 'show diff when an old config file exists' feature in opkg?
00:34.27sakomanmturquette: what machine will you be building gnome for?
00:34.40grgi think i'd prefer not to prompt at all, but just install the package's config file 'foo' as foo-dist or something like that
00:34.41mturquettesakoman: touchbook
00:34.41mwesterI'd ask that question on an end-user IRC or ML -- such as the #openmoko and #openmoko-cdevel channels. :D
00:35.06sakomanmturquette: ah, I've been meaning to try that
00:35.08mwesterPersonally, i'm ok with a different name.
00:35.54mturquettesakoman: will let you know my impressions after i've built it.  i might wait for the tb patches to go upstream to L-O first.
00:36.28sakomanmturquette: I have some pre-built images that work on beagle & overo, they would likely work on touchbook if you copy over the kernel modules for touchbook
00:37.13RP-> Zzzz
00:37.26sakomanRP: gn -- thanks for the help!
00:37.47hrwsakoman: gnome works, but what to do with it when there is nearly no free mem?
00:37.59mturquettesakoman: thanks!  i will try to check those later on this week, but only time will tell.
00:38.52sakomanhrw: seems to work fine for typical web browsing, email, music playing . . .
00:43.06hrwok, sleep time
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07:21.19recalcati__good morning
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07:51.22mckoangood morning
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08:56.19recalcati__I was able to make tslib depending on override dm365-evm, but I don't understand which is the ipk to be re-installed
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09:01.22recalcati__I'm trying to use usb mouse on arago, but I need to change tslib
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09:06.49recalcati__hrw: hi
09:06.59recalcati__I was able to make tslib depending on override dm365-evm, but I don't understand which is the ipk to be re-installed
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09:07.26XorArecalcati__: I dont understand your question
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09:09.41recalcati__I change the recipe, but I don't understand which is the ipk to be re-installed, it seems libts-dev, but I get Package libts-dev md5sum mismatch. Either the opkg or the package index are .
09:10.07hrwrecalcati__: rm /usr/lib/opkg/lists/* and then install
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09:11.23recalcati__I did package-index
09:13.02hrwbut have also angstrom feeds there?
09:13.14recalcati__now I'm re-compiling all qt, after I'll remember all your helps
09:13.28recalcati__hrw: I'm in arago overlay for TI PSP
09:13.45recalcati__my apache provide the ipk
09:13.55hrwstrange then
09:15.26hrwok, from begining then
09:15.44hrw1. you run 'bitbake package-index' on your devmachine
09:16.02hrw2. you run  'opkg update;opkg install libts-dev' on devboard
09:16.11hrw3. you got md5 mismatch?
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09:22.20CIA-8003Jeremy Lainé <> * r5f13a271b0 10openembedded.git/recipes/linux/linux-2.6.31/boc01/005-091110-isl12024.patch: linux-2.6.31 : fix email for isl12024 driver author
09:27.04florian_kcgood morning
09:27.48recalcati__hrw:  yes, I did exactly that
09:27.50hrwhi florian
09:28.05XorAgrrrrrrrr Im getting more and more annoyed at rday who is earning money from OE but too fscking lazy to help
09:28.25hrwrecalcati__: then no idea what can be broken
09:28.37hrwrecalcati__: rm /usr/lib/opkg/lists/*;opkg update;opkg install libts-dev
09:29.18recalcati__"/usr/lib/opkg/lists/*': No such file or directory "
09:29.19hrwXorA: yep.
09:29.30hrwrecalcati__: so check where opkg stores it
09:29.38florianis back to work... finally
09:29.47Jay7florian: morning :)
09:29.52Jay7florian: I've read your message
09:30.13Jay7florian: what database settings should I pass to wiki?
09:30.15XorAshoulda stayed epically drunk
09:30.36florianJay7: Great - so the plugin works now, I have to set up a database for it only.
09:30.39RPmornng all
09:30.44hrwhi RP
09:30.47florianhey RP
09:31.19Jay7florian: ah.. then I'll just wait some time :)
09:31.30JaMa|Wrkbtw is there someone who is using multiple buildhost and needs to have SRCPVs in sync?
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09:31.42recalcati__hrw:  /usr/lib/opkg/lists is empty
09:32.00JaMa|Wrkas Koen asked in "Re: [oe] SRCPV migration", I'm not sure what is easiest way to do this..
09:32.24XorAJaMa|Wrk: Angstrom
09:32.44XorAJaMa|Wrk: koen and I both do different builds for Angstrom feeds on different machines
09:33.03XorAJaMa|Wrk: the persistant cache can be implmented as xmlrpc
09:33.07JaMa|Wrki guess you can sync bb_persist_data.sqlite3 before building.. but seems a bit error-prone
09:33.07hrwrecalcati__: check where 'opkg update' stores
09:33.13XorAJaMa|Wrk: but my python is useless
09:33.41RPXorA: There is no change from the present with the persist_data cache?
09:33.44hrwJaMa|Wrk: but how I, as a random developer, will sync with them? I do angstrom feed build rarely
09:34.29XorARP: sorry didnt parse that
09:35.08JaMa|WrkI have no idea how to sync it properly, when I'm building image for myself then I'll always use only my feeds
09:35.31recalcati__rm  var/lib/opkg/armv5te   same result
09:35.34JaMa|Wrkand If I would like to start building locally from image installed from other builder I would download hist bb_persist_data.sqlite3 before building locally
09:35.38XorAJaMa|Wrk: the best fix would be to code up some network database capable persisteant methods
09:35.58XorAJaMa|Wrk: which RP told me should be simple the way he designed the code
09:36.13RPXorA: How do ou currently solve that problem?
09:36.23JaMa|WrkXorA: probably.. but then every builder should be able to push his updated revs there
09:36.29XorARP: persistant cache isnt used in any Angstrom package
09:36.50XorAJaMa|Wrk: thats not an issue I think
09:36.55RPXorA: ok, so the move to SRCPV doesn't change anything really...
09:37.17XorARP: well the PV will now change depending on the machine its built on
09:37.36XorARP: where as before it didnt
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09:38.07JaMa|Wrkbefore it did only for packages with AUTOREV, didn't it?
09:38.22XorAJaMa|Wrk: yes
09:38.35XorAwhich Angstrom douesnt use
09:38.58recalcati__hrw:  the opkg verbose is here
09:42.05hrwno idea recalcati__
09:42.37recalcati__ok, after my full recompilation I hope it will be ok
09:43.16recalcati__maybe -c clean of packe-index can help , I will try
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10:09.19florianpb__: I'm slowly catching up with my mail... did you have success with the greylist whilteliat at ltg?
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10:11.59pb__florian: ah, not yet.  it turns out that the greylistd config doesn't currently have provision for a per-domain whitelist and I didn't get around to adding one.
10:12.16pb__if you wanted to do that, that'd be awesome
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10:24.56florianpb__: just found it... "whitelist-hosts" is the magic file and it takes domains as well.
10:25.17pb__florian: oh, does it?  very good
10:25.23pb__when I looked at that before, it seemed just to be for hosts.
10:26.29CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * rd762c75040 10openembedded.git/classes/ (gconf.bbclass gtk-icon-cache.bbclass mime.bbclass):
10:26.29CIA-80gconf/gtk-icon-theme/mime: Really fix PKGDEST references
10:26.29CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
10:27.19florianpb__: I ran into the same before... but I found a hint in a german description and looked at the documentation in the file itself.
10:28.46florianpb__: It supports both simple wildcards and regular expressions.
10:29.02florianso we should have fixed this :)
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10:30.34pb__okay, excellent
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10:47.36XorAwonders what the issue is with guile-native
10:48.10JaMa|Wrkwonders what will happen with SRCPV now :/
10:50.13CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * rbc465d83ad 10openembedded.git/classes/ (31 files):
10:50.13CIA-80classes: Drop a number of unneeded import calls (from Poky)
10:50.13CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
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11:04.14XorAmy build failed I demand that you fix it!!
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11:19.53florianXorA: The issue... might be FC11 :)
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11:21.08XorAflorian: its all OEs fault, Out of Diskspace Error
11:21.53XorAactually 100G of tmp/ directories
11:22.23florianXorA: You are building too many beagleboard-demo-images with Angstrom :)
11:29.15hrwjust 100GB?
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11:47.00recalcati__hrw: I did bitbake -c clean package-index; bitbake package-index;    and now works
11:47.22DJWillisCrofton|work: been seeing that on x86 for a while also (was Ubunutu 8.04, now 9.10). Also see something similar in OPKG (but the resulting images are fine).
11:48.02pb__hi zecke
11:49.44XorACrofton|work: heh thats anew
11:52.12XorAcrap I forgot about the libsdl-mixer breakage
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11:55.33zeckepb__: master!
11:55.42zeckepb__: thanks for the check sum patch
11:56.09zeckeRP: I have managed to build a meta-toolchain for MIPS el... but didn't try to build something with it yet
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12:05.02pb__zecke: yeah, I think this way of doing checksums should be an improvement in general.
12:05.44pb__thanks for your review of the patch.
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12:26.09RPzecke: cool :)
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12:39.16ant_workRP: another minor issue after last-week changes...for some reasons 3 recipes having QA (non -dev containing .so) did build without QA....magically?
12:39.35ant_workwell, recipes were  libpcre, libopieobex0, libgtkstylus. The latter was revisited in the last days and got PR bump, but the other two not yet.
12:41.03hrwRP: can we get legacy staging recipes logged into tmp/legacy-staging.log?
12:41.53ant_workRP: I was ready to fix the packaging of the recipes one by one but now I'm a bit confused..
12:46.48RPant_work: Some QA messages are warnings, some are fatal
12:47.00RPhrw: Yes, we can. Someone just needs to write the patch
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12:47.44ant_workI mean only about that specific QA: -dev packaging
12:49.21ant_workit seems QA stopped after 2009-11-10 afternoon
12:49.42RPant_work: all QA?
12:51.02CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * r9cbd93cd04 10openembedded.git/classes/package.bbclass:
12:51.02CIA-80package.bbclass: Add back import os until further metadata cleanups happen
12:51.02CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
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12:56.13ant_worklibgtkstylus was probably fixed
12:57.05ant_worklibopieobex0 needs just a fix in palmtop.bbclass
12:57.19ant_workbut I still don't see it..
12:57.33ant_workso QA should be present
13:02.14RPant_work: Try my last commit
13:02.25CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * r777b4f6c6b 10openembedded.git/classes/insane.bbclass:
13:02.25CIA-80insane.bbclass: Remove hardcoded path PKGDEST issue
13:02.25CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
13:02.25ant_workRP: remaining QA are only about 'invalid' desktop files. These 3 were the last 'serious'
13:02.29ant_workah, thx
13:02.42ant_workI'll do in a few hours @home
13:03.09zeckeRP: any gift you want from iceland?
13:03.48RPzecke: its ok thanks :)
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13:31.44JaMa|WrkRP: patch for LOCALCOUNT ready.. I'll send to ML for review..
13:36.54tasslehoffI want to load the g_file_storage module on boot. Which recipe/module should I fiddle with?
13:39.41JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: kernel recipe or machine config
13:40.16tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: ok. thanks.
13:40.34JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: you need just module_autoload_g_file_storage = "g_file_storage"
13:41.12tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: and with the arguments/parameters at the end?
13:44.10spaetzwith parameter at the end
13:44.22spaetzmodule_autoload_g_file_storage =  "g_file_storage blah=blub"
13:44.25JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: parameters for modprobe?
13:45.00JaMa|Wrkmodule_conf_g_file_storage = "params"
13:45.17tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: what spaetz said :) "g_file_storage file=/dev/foo removable=1"
13:45.52JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: module_conf_g_file_storage will create /etc/modutils/g_file_storage.conf with "params"
13:46.21tasslehoffah. I didn't see the difference in your lines until now. thanks :)
13:46.38tasslehoffand I can't add this to my local.conf?
13:47.19JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: I guess so..
13:48.05tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: but the '..' means that you don't think it is good practice? :)
13:53.11CIA-8003Marcin Juszkiewicz <> * rd20b32225e 10openembedded.git/recipes/xorg-xserver/ (xserver-xorg-conf/bug/xorg.conf xserver-xorg-conf: added BUG support
13:53.11CIA-8003Marcin Juszkiewicz <> * r740361d57e 10openembedded.git/conf/machine/bug.conf: bug: ship SDIO firmware for WiFi
13:53.12CIA-8003Marcin Juszkiewicz <> * red895c630f 10openembedded.git/MAINTAINERS: MAINTAINERS: added BUG to my devices
13:54.53tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: only reason I have for putting it in local.conf is that I know it stays with me even if the machine or kernel recipes changes.
13:55.01tasslehoffanyway. thanks for the help
13:56.19JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: it depends what you want to accomplish and if it would be usefull for all users of that recipe/machine :)
13:58.06tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: yep. I think the machine.conf is the right place :)
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14:04.39JaMa|WrkRP: isn't ${SRCPV} created as gitr${LOCALCOUNT}+HASH, so with my patch you have constatnt gitr0+? seems working here..
14:05.33JaMa|WrkRP: or you want to preserve count for othere usages somewhere else and modify just FORMAT of ${SRCPV} if you don't want to include LOCALCOUNT?
14:07.37DJWillishrw: how do you find SDIO performance on the BUG with WiFi?
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14:09.51hrwDJWillis: I have builtin ethernet which do 50Mbps so I do not use wifi
14:10.37DJWillishrw: ahhh, I just noticed the commits regarding the SDIO firmware for WiFi on the BUG so wondered what speed was like.
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14:18.37sakomanRP: ping
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14:27.22sakomanRP:  my clean build of gnome didn't work :-(  -- same postinst issue
14:27.50sakomanRP: I see you redid one of the fixes -- I'll try again
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14:36.09tasslehoffif I change my machine.conf, do I have to force a rebuild of something to make it take effect?
14:36.32rsalvetidepends exactly on what you changed
14:36.38tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: ^. I added the module-stuff you gave me, but lsmod shows nothing loaded
14:36.59JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: you need to rebuild kernel you're using
14:37.18tasslehoffah. of course..
14:37.30JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: and kernel-module-g-file-storage should be changed (and containt those 2 files)
14:38.50tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: that last one went over my head :)
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14:47.24tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: what is kernel-module-g-file-storage? I only see it referenced in and which 2 files did you mean?
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14:51.12JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: it should be .ipk file generated from kernel recipe
14:51.21JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: if you have that module enabled in kernel config
14:51.39tasslehoffah. you meant it should be changed after my build?
14:51.46JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: and inside is control.tar.gz and data.tar.gz
14:51.48RPsakoman: yes, I screwed up the patches, sorry :(
14:51.52tasslehoffI thought it was something I had to modify :)
14:52.03JaMa|Wrkand data.tar.gz should contain actuall module and those 2 /etc/modutils/ filed
14:52.42RPJaMa|Wrk: My point was that I'd like the distro to be able to set the localcount for a given package should it wish to
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14:54.11Crofton|work*** glibc detected *** opkg-cl: realloc(): invalid next size: 0x00000000025e6880 ***
14:54.18Crofton|workthis hangs the build
14:54.32JaMa|WrkRP: so no global config entry, but for every package if needed?
14:54.51sakomanRP: no worries, I'm trying again with your new patches
14:54.56Crofton|workJaMa|Wrk, it seems like this is too make it easier for people using OE to develop SW?
14:56.07RPJaMa|Wrk: Basically bitbake should just check a variable like LOCALCOUNT_OVERRIDE and use that if its set
14:56.13sakomanCrofton|work: I find that I get opkg-cl errors simialr to that on my gnome image -- just after the image is created, so I've never spent too much energy tracking down why
14:56.44RPJaMa|Wrk: We can let the distro worry about setting it  (BB_LOCALCOUNT_pn-somepackage = "12") ?
14:57.00sakomanthe build doesn't hang in my case, though it feels like it.  If I just wait it completes sometimes with another similar error or two.
14:57.05Crofton|workalso the do_rootfs log shows: opkg: Cannot create directory `/var/lib/opkg': Permission denied
14:57.20RPI was seeing those messages, I don't know why :/
14:57.24sakomanCrofton|work: that message has been there for ges
14:57.31RPI think its an opkg problem though
14:57.31Crofton|workthis looks like it is trying to write in to the building machine var
14:58.10JaMa|WrkRP: Ah I see your point but is it really needed? (will someone use it that way?) I hoped that with gitr0+Hash for ALL SRCPV recipes will make Koen happy and thats all
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15:01.06JaMa|WrkRP: or we can change that localcount increment configurable option (default 1, 0 for angstrom) and then he can set 12 for somepackage with sqlite and it will stay 12 forever
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15:01.20sakomanRP: a quick test rebuild of metacity shows that it now has a good postinst!
15:01.43sakomanRP: I'll fire off a new clean build now
15:04.17RPJaMa|Wrk: Setting 12 with sqlite is not what is required
15:05.22JaMa|WrkI mean if he or someone else really wants
15:10.30tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: I put the lines you suggested in beagleboard.conf, cleaned and built the kernel, but data.tar.gz only contains the module (and it is not loaded)
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15:14.00JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: do you have updated
15:14.53JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: it was fixed in 2c09164fd4c11832865f18b72f46266b7abffbc7
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15:20.57tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: ah. that's just a couple of days ago :)
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15:26.12JaMa|Wrktasslehoff: and it was broken by 29c7d3351f43678c6e93b707b301832009f64b31 also just few days before fix..
15:26.43tasslehoffJaMa|Wrk: thanks again :)
15:35.25mwesteris quite happy; the SlugOS image boots (from flash at least) just fine on real hardware, after all the OE changes recently. ;)
15:36.08mwesterWoo!  And the package feeds built in their entirety, without any failures or restarts.
15:36.24mwesterQuick! Tag that point on the dev branch! :D
15:38.34RPmwester: cool :)
15:38.44RPmwester: You sound surprised? ;-)
15:39.56mwesterhehe!  I've ignored the SlugOS autobuilder for the most part, since early this summer -- I'm really surprised that it took so little effort to make it all work over the past months.  Nice job by everyone to keep .dev working so well.
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15:47.59tilaridsHi!. I am trying to build oe (angstrom distribution) and have some build problems:  and (that's the log)
15:48.17tilaridsIs this a known problem?
15:53.37montamerhi how can i use external toolchain in OE??
15:53.58montameri tried to add the following line in local.conf
15:54.00montamer"TARGET_PREFIX = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
15:54.01montamerASSUME_PROVIDED += "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc virtual/libc""
15:54.28montamerbut OE seems to build the cross compiler again
16:05.06B_LizzardIs MACHINE_FEATURES a free-for-all?
16:08.07gnutoomontamer, there was a thread in the mailing list about that recently
16:08.27gnutoomontamer, so the best option is to find this thread
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16:40.43B_LizzardWhat is more correct to put in a machine conf file:
16:41.37B_LizzardPREFERRED_PROVIDER_xserver = "xserver-kdrive" or PREFFERED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ="xserver-kdrive"
16:42.35B_LizzardDoes xserver and virtual/xserver have any difference?
16:42.36pb__neither of those is really correct
16:42.46pb__anything that starts "PREFFERED" is pretty much a dead loss
16:43.04pb__it needs to be PREFERRED_PROVIDER, with that number of Fs and that number of Rs, to have any useful effect at all
16:43.12pb__and, afaik, only virtual/xserver is used as a virtual
16:43.29pb__so, I think "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver" is probably the magic combination
16:43.36B_LizzardWith one F?
16:43.43B_LizzardAnd two Rs?
16:43.55pb__well, four if you count the Rs in "PROVIDER" :-}
16:43.56pb__but, yes
16:44.04B_LizzardThanks, dude. ;D
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17:01.30pb__florian: heh, I see you spoke to Nils about those cpu modules
17:02.18florianpb__: heh yes, I remebered the fact we forgot them when I saw Nils at the office :-}
17:03.01sakomanRP: after the pull this morning my kernel build fails!
17:03.29pb__florian: yeah, that was dumb of me.  oh well.
17:03.47florianwas not much better
17:04.35sakomanRP: I think this might be related to your kernel.bbclass changes
17:04.37Jay7florian: morning again ;)
17:05.06florianJay7: hehe... yes right, the database...
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17:07.13RPsakoman: alsmost certainly :(
17:09.46CjNr12hi, is there a way to generate an initramfs and a rootfs in the same build process, or do I have to create a different task for the initramfs, build it, then build the rootfs?
17:10.11RPsakoman: fix pushed (I hope)
17:10.17CIA-8003Richard Purdie <> * r2eb99471ec 10openembedded.git/classes/kernel.bbclass:
17:10.17CIA-80kernel.bbclass: Revert import os removal for now
17:10.17CIA-80Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
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17:15.25tilaridsAnyone? I can't udnerstand gcc-cross-initial-4.2.4-r5 can't be built on my system. Error: Log:
17:16.25tilaridsWhy the makefile is missing "install" target? I don't think it is correct at all
17:21.03florianJay7: done
17:21.33Jay7florian: thank you! I will check a bit later
17:22.01florianJay7: yw
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17:29.23RPHmm, my script foo is weak today. How do I make sed remove each and every -L option on a line? :/
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17:32.52pb__RP: sed 's/-L//g'?
17:33.35sakomanRP: linux  built now :-)  thanks
17:33.59pb__or did you mean that you want it to swallow -L plus its following argument?  obviously that would require a slightly more complex regex although the idea is the same.
17:34.17RPpb__: I guess I need to be more specific - its a .la file and I want to remove any -Lfoo options from the dependency_libs = line :/
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17:34.45RPpb__: yes, its the complex bit that is evading me. Or the regexp isn't running and I have a bigger problem :/
17:36.37pb__RP: remember that sed uses basic regex syntax by default, you need "sed -E" to enable the extended things.
17:36.43pb__that's what usually catches me out, heh
17:37.25pb__sed -E 's/-L([^ ]+|( +[^ ]+))//g' seems to do the job for me.  give that a go and see if it does what you need.
17:38.53pb__if you're confident that it will always be "-Lfoo" and not "-L foo" then you can omit the bit after the |
17:44.52RPpb__: Thanks, I need to do this on a specific line which complicates things but you've given me some further things to think about :)
17:45.43RPpb__: sed claims it doesn't have a -E option here btw
17:46.11pb__what sed is this?
17:46.40RPpb__: GNU sed 4.1.5
17:47.20pb__ah, I have 4.2.1
17:47.24pb__does "sed -r" work for you?
17:47.49RPpb__: That gives different interesting errors :}
17:47.54pb__failing that you can obviously convert the regexp to basic form, it just means adding about a hundred backslashes :-}
17:48.51pb__or use awk, which (iirc) always uses extended regexps
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17:51.14RPpb__: I think I should have gone for awk. I always end up lost in backslashes :/
17:51.23RPmwester: python? :)
17:51.37mwesterWell, yeah, I suppose... :D
18:05.21pb__RP: hm, weird, sed -r does work fine for me.  what errors were you getting?
18:05.28pb__fwiw, the equivalent backslashed one appears to be:
18:05.38pb__sed 's/-L\([^ ]\+\|\( \+[^ ]\+\)\)//g'
18:05.53RPpb__: no, it didn't like my own expression :)
18:05.59pb__RP: ah, heh
18:06.04RPpb__: I have something ugly that works now :)
18:06.10pb__jolly good
18:06.21RPis trying to clean up more of gcc (and convert to the new staging world order)
18:06.47RPThis is a challenge for cross packages
18:06.58RP(which also contain things that become target packages)
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18:08.23pb__yeah, that whole thing is a bit unsatisfactory
18:08.34pb__it's quite tempting to just unbundle the libs and make them be built by a separate recipe
18:09.01RPpb__: I wondered about that, it'd be a lot nicer. I probably have it working now of course
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18:09.14RPand cleaner than it was, at least to me
18:09.20RP-> food
18:09.28pb__bon appetit
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18:35.32pb__mickey|sofa: good evening
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18:37.51vasyapupkinjust tried to compile OE
18:38.03vasyapupkinand discovered that it takes about 18G !
18:38.22vasyapupkinactually it wanted more, but I ran out of disk space
18:38.48vasyapupkinhow much disk space this so called embedded distro needs ? for build I mean
18:39.17vasyapupkinconsiders to buy a new HDD in order to compile OE
18:40.58mickey|sofagreetings pb__
18:41.33mickey|sofaRP: what about the bbextends roadmap?
18:41.39mickey|sofabbclassextends, that is
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18:51.42rsalvetivasyapupkin: yep, quite a lot, generally when I build mamona it takes around 20-25G
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18:54.15vasyapupkinrsalveti: it's a bit insane, don't you think ?
18:54.35vasyapupkinmy good old uClinux distro needs less than 1G
18:55.47rsalvetivasyapupkin: yeah, but because with oe you end up building a lot of things
18:56.10rsalvetisource + compiled objects + installed binaries + metadata
18:56.12rsalvetiand so on
19:01.21RPmickey|sofa: What about it?
19:02.36mickey|sofaRP: when is it going to be in?
19:02.52mickey|sofaor is it already?
19:03.28RPmickey|sofa: We can start using it, its in
19:03.51mickey|sofaah, awesome, that's what i was asking for
19:03.55RPmickey|sofa: We've not converted many recipes yet
19:04.04mickey|sofa*nod* i want to have a go at some,
19:04.22RPmickey|sofa: Have a go, if you have a problem let me know
19:04.50RPmickey|sofa: There could be some subtle fixes in class/conf files that I've missed
19:05.00RPbut I should recognise those :)
19:05.07vasyapupkinrsalveti: maybe... still, I feel that 20GB build size for a console image is too much.
19:05.16vasyapupkintoo much space for bugs, etc...
19:05.32vasyapupkinI wish they went with uClinux
19:05.42vasyapupkinbeagleboard guys. I mean
19:06.42RPvasyapupkin: The reason is we have debug symbols enabled
19:06.47Jay7vasyapupkin: 20Gb taken by sources, toolchain, staging libraries and headers, resulting packages and, finally, rootfs images
19:07.08RPvasyapupkin: That makes things large but when things break it helps a lot
19:07.29Jay7if you just want to compile hello_world.c for arm, seems you are just needed any arm toolchain
19:07.50Jay7OE is more than just toolchain
19:08.28vasyapupkinI know, I know. Still, I felt much more comfortable with uClinux when I could actually understand each and every step of the build process
19:09.40vasyapupkinI don't need "just hello world", I need "just" a simple embedded linux distro for beagleboard
19:09.51vasyapupkinapparently I'm stuck with OE
19:10.02Jay7take one from narcissus :)
19:11.54vasyapupkinnot good enough, I want to be able to modify the sources
19:12.14vasyapupkinthat's what real embedded distro is all about
19:12.31vasyapupkinI have to be able to modify all sources easily, kernel, bootloader, libc, everything
19:12.33Jay7well... then use OE and build one
19:12.46vasyapupkincompiles OE in the background
19:13.16Jay7btw, there was manual in russian somewhere on
19:13.31vasyapupkinI have a few hours to kill till OE build process finishes, so I'm hanging around here complaining about OE
19:13.34Jay7norguthar is translating it slowly
19:14.26vasyapupkinyou mean there is some mysterious way to compile OE in 15 minutes described in russian version of the manual :) ?
19:14.38Jay7vasyapupkin: hehe :)
19:14.55Jay7just for your knowledge :)
19:15.05vasyapupkinI will keep it in mind :)
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19:19.26mickey|sofai think we should silence the 'NOTE: Unpacking'
19:19.45mickey|sofait's the only non-task related note we still show
19:20.18Jay7florian: is wiki ready? :)
19:21.21Jay7florian: btw, delete ML zaurus-test please :)
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19:22.35florianJay7: oh yes right
19:22.39florianJay7: done
19:22.48Jay7last problem is dns :)
19:22.57Jay7but it is not critical
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19:24.15Jay7florian: can userbase of wiki be in sync with main fusion forge userbase?
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19:24.28Jay7just to skip one registration
19:25.02florianJay7: I hope so... in fact I don't know if the plugin does this trick already.
19:25.37RPmickey|sofa: I totally disagree with all this "note silencing" thing
19:25.47RPmickey|sofa: Why didn't we just change the default log level?
19:26.03mickey|sofaRP: isn't that what we did?
19:26.09RPmickey|sofa: "note" was always about giving an indication of progress
19:26.20RPmickey|sofa: no, every note appears to have been turned into a debug
19:26.34mickey|sofamust confess i was not aware of that
19:26.44RPis not happy about that :/
19:28.48Jay7florian: seems no.. I can't login with my FF's account
19:30.04florianJay7: we should check some other site using FF if it is meant to work :)
19:30.19Jay7did you know any?
19:36.49mickey|sofaRP: at some point of time we could go over those notes again, put them back into the level we think is appropriate and silence the default level instead
19:37.21kergoththinks there are a lot of notes which supply useless information,, stuff the user is never going to care about, in general.. all the output everywhere should be audited
19:38.13mwesteragrees; OE seems to oppose the *nix principle that silence is goodness.
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19:42.33kergothit could be useful to provide a generic "progress" / update mechanism to indicate that, yes, we're still doing something (for tasks to use)
19:44.42Croftonwell, it is nice to see that things are moving along :)
19:45.23kergoththat's why i was thinking about a generic progress indication method.. for when you want to let the user know that we're doing things, but the information you have isn't particularly useful to them
19:45.38kergothshould see about pushing the commit that makes bb.msg use the logging module under the hood
19:46.24kergothOT: cars suck.  just replaced the battery in mine, the battery cost $150
19:46.38pb__wow, that must be quite some battery
19:46.50mwesterThe nice thing about a "generic" progress mechanism is that a wrapper tool can use that as well -- e.g. a GUI interface might use that to animate a progress indicator.
19:47.04kergothmwester: yeah, exactly
19:47.05mwesterkergoth must have a BMW or something like that!
19:47.21kergothit's a chrysler crossfire, but sadly almost everything under the hood is mercedes parts
19:47.23mwesterpaid $75 for his last battery, in his Saturn.
19:47.25kergothso pretty close to that, yes
19:47.39mwesterCrossfire is a really nice vehicle :)
19:47.54kergothits fun... at times i wish i had a back seat, though
19:47.56mwesterSaturn was basic transport, and nothing more.
19:48.55pb__yah, I just had to sell my two-seater
19:49.05pb__rather a sad day.
19:50.13mwesterpb__,  minivan now?
19:50.16pb__bought an audi a3 instead which, as it turns out, I never get to drive because my wife uses it.  doh.
19:50.55RPis having the usual fun with winter in a 37 year old car
19:51.07pb__so, not quite a minivan yet. :-}
19:51.45RPpb__: yet :)
19:51.45pb__RP: heh, apparently I am supposed to be buying my wife an MGA to replace her car now.
19:51.53Croftonthe minvan was great fun, you could load it up with stuff and go on road trips!
19:52.22kergothdriving the 2 seater in a minnesota winter was pretty amusing.  i backed out of the driveway one day, and never got any further than that.  thankfully, i had an olympic weight set to throw in the trunk :)
19:52.28RPpb__: I've heard tales of my Dad's various MGAs. My Mum knows how to put the spark plugs in the oven from one to get it going...
19:52.53RPhopes spark plug design has improved in the intervening years
19:54.04pb__yeah, I think spark plugs are better nowdays.  also, you can get aftermarket electronic ignition which helps quite a bit.
19:54.37RPpb__: Points aren't that bad if you set them up right
19:54.45Croftonknows RP is crazy now
19:54.49RPpb__: The MGB's downfall is twin 6V batteries so twice as many terminals to corrode
19:54.57mwesterthe plug wires were problematic on the older vehicles as well -- I recall drying many sets of plug wires in Canadian winters...
19:55.12pb__kergoth: heh, I had that problem a few years ago when it snowed here.  had to drive my brother to telford to meet his girlfriend, who turned out to live at the bottom of a valley.  getting down there was fine, if a little bit exciting at times, but getting back up again was virtually impossible.
19:55.24RPmwester: I have silicon leads (which are a different set of problems)
19:55.48pb__had to have his girlfriend's dad sit on the lid of the trunk to provide enough weight on the rear wheels
19:56.02RPpb__, kergoth: Try snow on a motorcycle. It means you'll never complain about the car again :)
19:56.09mwesterpb__,  did you also have to reverse up the hill?
19:56.15RPOf course I now have the ideal motorcycle for this :)
19:57.09mwesterOf course, many of us can work from home now, so not so many troubles in bad weather anymore. :)
19:57.20RPmwester: there is that too
19:57.37RPmwester: the sad thing is I kind of miss the crazy bits...
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19:58.45RPThe MGB has van tyres running at low pressures on it. All bets are off when it rains, let alone snows
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20:38.11kristofferAny good mips toolchain versions?
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20:49.03qspgood evening, how do you do when you are compiling the same kernel several times with slight changes on .config?
20:49.25qspi'm using bitbake linux-rp -c menuconfig, and then bitbake linux-rp
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20:49.48qspbut after compiling the first time, it wont ever compile again, unless i do a -c clean... is there another way?
20:58.46kergothbitbake never runs tasks it has already run, generally.  you can use -f to override
20:58.56kergothbitbake -c compile -f linux-rp; bitbake linux-rp
20:58.59kergothor what have you
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21:11.33qspkergoth, thank you! :-) i need the -f switch then. i used the previous process i mentioned before for this compilation already, but next one will be easier with -f. :-)
21:12.59CIA-8003Mike Westerhof <> * r10e531444f 10openembedded.git/recipes/owfs/
21:12.59CIA-80owfs: disable swig to prevent doomed attempt to build a perl module.
21:12.59CIA-80Signed-off-by: Dirk Opfer <>
21:16.41CIA-8003Mike Westerhof <> * r3d48522d84 10openembedded.git/recipes/meta/ SlugOS: add owfs to the package feeds
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21:44.12B_LizzardHi, I'm trying to get the Omnia touchscreen to work properly with X... I'm having some issues
21:44.53B_LizzardWhenever I press something it returns 3 or more screentaps
21:45.21B_LizzardBasically, it thinks I'm pressing down on the mouse key or something
21:45.31B_LizzardNo such issues in OPIE or ts_test
21:45.55B_LizzardI've tried playing around with ReportDelay and UntouchDelay, but nothing...
21:46.58B_LizzardIs there any way I can have X not to auto-repeat the screentaps like that?
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22:02.29RPSometimes the state of the metadata makes me want to cry :/
22:02.47RPupdate-rc.d - installs into native and target in one go :/
22:02.55RPnow I can see why but... :/
22:03.02DJWillisB_Lizzard: EVDEV or TSLib for the X driver? And what sort of event flooding are you seeing.
22:03.25DJWillisRP: lots of things in life have that effect on people ;-)
22:03.32DJWillisB_Lizzard: version?
22:03.37B_LizzardUnder X, whenever I press a button it reports multiple keypresses
22:03.39B_LizzardWait a sec...
22:04.12B_LizzardAnd xf86-input-tslib version 0.0.6
22:04.14DJWillisB_Lizzard: that is the X TSLib driver, not TSLib its self that I am interested in, 0.5 or 0.6?
22:04.21DJWillisAhhh, okies
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22:05.03B_LizzardIt basically seems like autorepeat has no delay
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22:07.58DJWillisB_Lizzard: try something like I have seen that before and used to carry that patch (a colleague of mine knocked it up) on the 0.0.5 xf86-input-tslib in the my OpenPandora overlay to fix a similar issue I see on that touchscreen (not sure that 0.0.6 shows the issue for me however).
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22:08.33B_LizzardThanks a lot, dude.
22:08.42B_LizzardI'll apply the patch and try it out.
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22:09.46DJWillisB_Lizzard: use something like SRC_URI_append_omap3-pandora = "file://dont_flood_events.diff;patch=1" so you don't upset other users of the recipe, if you find it fixes things let me know as that would be 2 platforms that seem to exhibit the snag.
22:10.11tilarids_is there anyone who knows about building angstrom with external toolchain?
22:11.00DJWillistilarids_: done it a long time ago. Don't recall it was that hard to do.
22:13.19tilarids_DJWillis, can you help me with some links or manuals? I'm new to OE and angstrom and can't build it in usual way, so I am looking for the other ways.
22:13.50tilarids_I've tried to use user-manual, but it tries to build gcc-cross anyway
22:14.15DJWillistilarids_: any reason you can't build it in the normal way?
22:15.03tilarids_DJWillis, it says that '/home/sergey/dev/OE/openembedded/recipes/gcc/' failed .
22:15.11tilarids_And in logs I can see only make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
22:16.15tilarids_I was asking for help in #angstrom and #oe recently, with no respond
22:16.55DJWillistilarids_: that sort of implies something is borked, I am not sure an external toolchain is the way to get up and running ;-). So you have done a bitbake -cclean gcc-cross-initial && bitbake gcc-cross-initial ? Are you on .dev or stable?
22:18.46tilarids_DJWillis, I'm on stable/2009 branch. I was trying to make bitbake base-image ; bitbake console-image ; bitbake x11-image (as said in angstrom build manual)
22:18.58tilarids_will give a try to  bitbake -cclean gcc-cross-initial && bitbake gcc-cross-initial  now, thanks
22:20.06DJWillistilarids_: and of course the usual git pull ;-)
22:20.52DJWillistilarids_: -cclean and then a rebuild can be a good check just to get rid of guff sometimes, esp. if you run into the odd timing issues that sometimes crop up.
22:25.04tilarids_DJWillis, hmm, as I can see that helped! Thank you very much! btw, bitbake -cclean world should clean all the packages, right?
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22:26.17DJWillistilarids_: if your going down that road you may as well blow away your tmp folder ;-), world is not really the keyword of the novice, lots of time and a fair bit of pain (esp. if you ever use it on the .dev tree).
22:27.20DJWillistilarids_: assuming your keeping your source downloads out of your build tmp of course, if you blow away your sources that's going to add a lot to the next build ;).
22:29.49tilarids_DJWillis, thanks a lot!
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22:50.27B_LizzardDJWillis: The patch doesn't seem to change anything.
22:50.48B_LizzardI was thinking of some kind of delay between the first keypress and the subsequent ones
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23:14.32B_LizzardDoes openmoko-image depend on a non-existant package?
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